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《世界农药》 CAS 2020年第2期20-20,共1页
虽然对植物叶际和根际的微生物群(包括所有微生物,主要是细菌和真菌)的研究很重要,但法国国家农业科学研究院(INRA)的科学家认为应该更多地关注作物残茬的微生物群。作物残茬作为一个重要的微生物生态系统,对作物健康和生产都有积极/消... 虽然对植物叶际和根际的微生物群(包括所有微生物,主要是细菌和真菌)的研究很重要,但法国国家农业科学研究院(INRA)的科学家认为应该更多地关注作物残茬的微生物群。作物残茬作为一个重要的微生物生态系统,对作物健康和生产都有积极/消极影响。作物残茬是植物病害的滋生地,但也明显有助于农业系统的稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 作物残茬 有益微 植物病害 态系统 物群 生防剂 细菌和真菌 根际
生防菌剂田间试验示范 被引量:4
作者 雷丽萍 李天飞 +2 位作者 余清 夏振远 杨跃华 《云南农业科技》 1999年第3期16-19,共4页
田间试验、示范结果表明生防剂IPC、VC能提高烟株鲜根重;统计分析表明,IPC、VC能显著降低烟株的根结百分率、根坏死百分率和病级(005水平显著),对烟草根结线虫病有显著的防治效果,达到增产、增值和提高经济效益的... 田间试验、示范结果表明生防剂IPC、VC能提高烟株鲜根重;统计分析表明,IPC、VC能显著降低烟株的根结百分率、根坏死百分率和病级(005水平显著),对烟草根结线虫病有显著的防治效果,达到增产、增值和提高经济效益的目的。调查表明VC的防效优于IPC的防效;生防剂对根结线虫病有多年的防治作用,而化学杀线剂必须年年增施。 展开更多
关键词 生防剂 烟草根结线虫
作者 张志刚 王开梅 +2 位作者 吴兆圆 万中义 方伟 《湖北农业科学》 2023年第12期78-84,199,共8页
以灰霉病菌(Botrytis cinerea)、胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeobosporioides)、番茄枯萎病菌(Fusarium oxysporum)、西瓜猝倒病菌(Pythium aphanidematum)为模式靶标,探讨了放线菌源生防杀菌剂筛选的活性特征、影响活性稳定性和敏感... 以灰霉病菌(Botrytis cinerea)、胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeobosporioides)、番茄枯萎病菌(Fusarium oxysporum)、西瓜猝倒病菌(Pythium aphanidematum)为模式靶标,探讨了放线菌源生防杀菌剂筛选的活性特征、影响活性稳定性和敏感度的因素。采用琼脂扩散法,测试了模式靶标、化合物标准样品和放线菌标准菌株的发酵液样品对杀菌活性测试的影响。结果表明,靶标的处理过程、靶标菌的含量、样品的类型以及样品的加入量与活性反应有直接关联。不同模式靶标菌对破碎处理的耐受程度不同,必须针对不同模式靶标进行个性化处理,以保证模式靶标菌在测试中的稳定生长状态。在琼脂扩散法中,不仅可以检测样品的杀菌活性强度,而且活性成分与靶标菌的不同作用方式也可以呈现。保留活菌的放线菌发酵液样品在加入量较宽的范围内都显示活性,而经过滤除菌处理的放线菌发酵液样品和标准化合物都只在样品加入量比较大时才显示出活性。 展开更多
关键词 模式靶标 杀菌 筛选 琼脂扩散法 抑菌圈 放线菌源
放线菌剂及其与有机肥配施对魔芋的促生作用 被引量:6
作者 张忠良 何斐 +2 位作者 马军妮 薛泉宏 楚金强 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期173-180,187,共9页
【目的】探索生防放线菌剂及其与有机肥配施对魔芋生长的影响。【方法】2012-2013年采用小区栽培试验,以放线菌剂D74、H为材料,设7个处理:CK0不施肥;M施有机肥;D74+M20施用有机肥稀释20倍的菌剂D74;D74H+M20施用有机肥稀释20倍的菌剂... 【目的】探索生防放线菌剂及其与有机肥配施对魔芋生长的影响。【方法】2012-2013年采用小区栽培试验,以放线菌剂D74、H为材料,设7个处理:CK0不施肥;M施有机肥;D74+M20施用有机肥稀释20倍的菌剂D74;D74H+M20施用有机肥稀释20倍的菌剂D74H(D74和H按1∶1质量比混合而成);H+M20、H+M40、H+M80分别施用有机肥稀释20,40,80倍的菌剂H,研究放线菌剂及其与有机肥配施对魔芋生物学特性、根系及产量的影响。【结果】(1)放线菌剂与有机肥配施对魔芋根系生长、生物量及光合性能有明显的促进效应。D74+M20处理魔芋根系总长、总表面积、总体积、根系条数及鲜质量的菌剂与有机肥配施效应分别为331.3%,294.4%,262.5%,7.0%及93.4%。2012年D74H+M20、H+M20处理魔芋株高的菌剂效应分别为34.8%和33.0%;叶片绿色度的菌剂效应分别为28.4%和24.7%;叶片净光合速率和气孔导度的菌剂效应分别为99.3%,114.2%和52.1%,62.7%,差异均显著(P〈0.05)。(2)菌剂与有机肥配施具有抗病虫、增产效果,亦能提高球茎的商品性能。2013年,除H+M40处理之外,其余放线菌剂与有机肥配施处理的魔芋健株率和病株率的菌剂效应分别为32.7%~83.6%和17.6%~47.1%。2012年,D74+M20和D74H+M20处理魔芋球茎产量的菌剂效应分别为31.0%和42.9%;单个球茎鲜质量的菌剂效应均为19.1%;魔芋总产量的菌剂效应分别为27.1%和36.8%;2013年,D74+M20和D74H+M20处理魔芋不同指标的菌剂与有机肥配施效应分别为:球茎总数52.3%和52.3%,健康球茎个数100.0%和111.8%,腐烂球茎所占比例34.2%和62.0%,虫伤球茎所占比例34.6%和12.4%,总产量146.3%和120.2%。【结论】放线菌剂及其与有机肥配施可显著促进魔芋根系的生长,提高魔芋叶片净光合速率、产量及球茎的商品性能。 展开更多
关键词 有机肥 放线菌 魔芋 连作障碍 作用
根结线虫生防菌研究进展 被引量:11
作者 郑云峰 李建生 邱美强 《中国农村小康科技》 2006年第11期62-65,共4页
关键词 根结线虫 食线虫真菌 细菌 放线菌 生防剂
仿生杀菌剂20%BMOC WP的配方研制及抑菌毒力测定 被引量:1
作者 孔庆彬 郝双红 +2 位作者 李凌绪 魏艳 孟昭礼 《河南农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期73-76,共4页
为了将仿生杀菌活性化合物BMOC开发为一种新型农用杀菌剂,开展了BMOC可湿性粉剂研制,并用菌丝生长速率法测定了其对5种植物病原真菌的抑制作用。确定配方为BMOC原药20%,载体(A+高岭土,1∶4)70%,润湿剂(B+JFC,1∶1)5%,扩散剂NNO 4%,阿拉... 为了将仿生杀菌活性化合物BMOC开发为一种新型农用杀菌剂,开展了BMOC可湿性粉剂研制,并用菌丝生长速率法测定了其对5种植物病原真菌的抑制作用。确定配方为BMOC原药20%,载体(A+高岭土,1∶4)70%,润湿剂(B+JFC,1∶1)5%,扩散剂NNO 4%,阿拉伯树胶1%,经检测,润湿时间小于1 min,悬浮率大于70%,各项指标均达到可湿性粉剂的要求。生测结果表明,20%BMOC可湿性粉剂对葡萄黑痘病菌和白菜黑斑病菌的抑菌作用高于75%的百菌清可湿性粉剂,对葡萄白腐病的EC50为7.427 mg/L。 展开更多
关键词 杀菌 BMOC 可湿性粉 配方研制 毒力
山药腐烂微生物的分离、鉴定及抑制研究 被引量:6
作者 刘少军 孙亚玲 +8 位作者 姚甜甜 舒锐 岳林旭 臧传江 许念芳 李晓龙 焦健 彭勇 刘勇 《农学学报》 2019年第7期24-30,共7页
为研究山药储藏过程中腐烂问题,以4个山药品种为试材,分离出采后山药腐烂病原微生物,通过形态学、18SrRNA序列测序和构建系统进化树的方法对分离菌株进行生物学鉴定。结果表明,引起山药腐烂的微生物与青霉菌家族Penicilliumsclerotigenu... 为研究山药储藏过程中腐烂问题,以4个山药品种为试材,分离出采后山药腐烂病原微生物,通过形态学、18SrRNA序列测序和构建系统进化树的方法对分离菌株进行生物学鉴定。结果表明,引起山药腐烂的微生物与青霉菌家族Penicilliumsclerotigenum亲缘关系最近,确定该菌株为Penicilliumsclerotigenum。利用不同pH值(3、5、7、9、11)和不同生防剂(EM原液、多粘芽孢杆菌、哈茨木霉菌、枯草芽孢杆菌、细黄链霉菌)对山药青霉菌生长特性进行研究,结果表明,青霉菌生长最适pH5~7,培养42h最适pH5;枯草芽孢杆菌和细黄链霉菌对山药腐烂微生物青霉菌有较好的抑菌效果。 展开更多
关键词 山药 贮藏型蔬菜 病原微 物学鉴定 生防剂
黄瓜花叶病毒卫星RNA生防制剂在烟草上的防病作用 被引量:3
作者 崔泳汉 河明花 +4 位作者 韩珍淑 康良仪 毋谷穗 张秀华 田波 《病毒学杂志》 CSCD 1989年第3期304-307,共4页
用人工组装的黄瓜花叶病毒卫星RNA生防制剂在烟草生产品种进行了田间保护试验。由于使用了生防制剂,经处理的烟草发病率降低84.9~86.4%,同时比对照早熟5天,上等烟比率增加151.3~173.5%,平均每亩收入增加43.3~65.7%。另外发现生防... 用人工组装的黄瓜花叶病毒卫星RNA生防制剂在烟草生产品种进行了田间保护试验。由于使用了生防制剂,经处理的烟草发病率降低84.9~86.4%,同时比对照早熟5天,上等烟比率增加151.3~173.5%,平均每亩收入增加43.3~65.7%。另外发现生防制剂能增强烟草对真菌病害的抵抗作用。 展开更多
关键词 黄瓜花叶病毒 卫星RNA 生防剂
生防放线菌剂对魔芋根域微生物区系的影响 被引量:20
作者 何斐 张忠良 +1 位作者 崔鸣 薛泉宏 《应用与环境生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期221-227,共7页
为从微生态角度探索接种生防放线菌剂对魔芋根域微生物区系的影响,以生防放线菌娄彻氏链霉菌(Streptomyces rochei)、濑里予链霉菌(S.senoensis)和M(肉质链霉菌S.carnosus和密旋链霉菌S.pctum按质量比1:1的固态发酵混合制剂)为接种剂,... 为从微生态角度探索接种生防放线菌剂对魔芋根域微生物区系的影响,以生防放线菌娄彻氏链霉菌(Streptomyces rochei)、濑里予链霉菌(S.senoensis)和M(肉质链霉菌S.carnosus和密旋链霉菌S.pctum按质量比1:1的固态发酵混合制剂)为接种剂,采用基质拌菌法接种生防菌剂进行盆栽试验,通过稀释平板法测定魔芋根区、根表土壤和根内放线菌、细菌及真菌数量并采用分子生物学技术对优势真菌和细菌进行分类鉴定.结果显示:(1)3种菌剂接种164 d,魔芋根域检出的接入放线菌活菌数量高达106 CFU g-1以上,根表土壤中放线菌数量较对照增加24.6%-263.1%;(2)供试3种菌剂接种164 d后,魔芋根域真菌数量减少18.9%-100.0%,且接种处理魔芋根域有害优势真菌腐皮镰孢菌(Fusarium solani)和红球丛赤壳菌(Nectria haematococca)较未接种对照大幅度降低;(3)不同菌剂接种处理,魔芋根区土壤和根内细菌数量较对照减少21.5%-73.3%,但根内芽孢杆菌(Bacillus sp.)数量增加414.0%-1015.0%.本研究表明供试生防菌具有较稳定的定殖能力,亦能改善魔芋根域土壤微生物区系. 展开更多
关键词 放线菌 魔芋 物区系 软腐病 土壤微
固态发酵废菌棒高产哈茨木霉孢子 被引量:3
作者 王巧河 朱莉 +2 位作者 郑志永 高敏杰 詹晓北 《食品与生物技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期17-24,共8页
以废菌棒为固态发酵主要基质,采用单因素和响应面分析法(RSM)优化哈茨木霉固态发酵生产孢子,最后进行固态发酵放大实验。结果显示:最佳培养条件为接种量(质量浓度)7.5 g/dL,装料量20 g,pH自然,培养温度28℃,发酵周期144 h;响应面分析法... 以废菌棒为固态发酵主要基质,采用单因素和响应面分析法(RSM)优化哈茨木霉固态发酵生产孢子,最后进行固态发酵放大实验。结果显示:最佳培养条件为接种量(质量浓度)7.5 g/dL,装料量20 g,pH自然,培养温度28℃,发酵周期144 h;响应面分析法优化的理论值为:初始含水质量分数57.07%,淀粉质量分数3.08%,NaNO3质量分数1.99%,理论孢子产量5.65×10^9个/g,验证实验结果5.91×10^9个/g,符合理论预测;使用10 L自制固态发酵罐进行放大实验,通风条件下孢子产量显著提高,达到8.20×10^9个/g。 展开更多
关键词 孢子 生防剂 废菌棒 优化 固态发酵
Evaluation on Killing Effects of Sensitive Plant Growth Inhibitors on Eupatorium adenophorum 被引量:1
作者 戴红燕 华劲松 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第1期79-82,共4页
[Objective] Considering invasion of Eupatorium adenophorum, a growth in-hibitor of the plant was developed based on plant sensitivity, to make evaluation on control effects and to determine the optimal concentration. ... [Objective] Considering invasion of Eupatorium adenophorum, a growth in-hibitor of the plant was developed based on plant sensitivity, to make evaluation on control effects and to determine the optimal concentration. [Method] According to field test method, the effects of treatments with growth inhibitor at 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%and 2% on Eupatorium adenophorum were explored and the growth of other weeds was observed to research selectivity of plant inhibitor on the plant. [Result] The growth inhibitor had significant effects on ground parts of Eupatorium adenophorum. Specifical y, after 2 h, Eupatorium adenophorum was damaged seriously and the damage degree went worse upon inhibitor concentration. After 5 d, the control effect of the inhibitorreached 41.5% with concentration at 1.5%, reached 90.2% with the concentration at 1%, and 100% with the concentration at 1.5% and 2%. After 15 d, the control effect achieved 64.6%, 91.7%, 98.9% and 100% with concentrations at 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2%. Stil , the effects of growth inhibitors on root system were limited. For example, new branches would grow from base part if the inhibitor con-centration is too low. On the other hand, the growth inhibitor is of sensitivity and selectivity, which would not hurt other plants. [Conclusion] It is feasible to rapidly control growth and development and even kil Eupatorium adenophorum based on plant sensitivity and it is proved that the growth inhibitor at 1.5% would considerably restrict and kil Eupatorium adenophorum. Therefore, the concentration of growth in-hibitors should be over 1.5%. 展开更多
关键词 Eupatorium adenophorum Sensitivity Growth inhibitor Control effects
Irradiation Dose for the Insect Disinfestation and Mildew Control of Peanut 被引量:1
作者 冯敏 朱佳廷 +4 位作者 李澧 李淑荣 杨萍 王德宁 顾贵强 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第3期477-479,共3页
The bulk peanuts were used as the materials. After ),-ray irradiation of different doses, the peanuts were stored up at room temperature, and the degree of pest infection and gradient of mould infection were observed... The bulk peanuts were used as the materials. After ),-ray irradiation of different doses, the peanuts were stored up at room temperature, and the degree of pest infection and gradient of mould infection were observed regularly. The results showed that insects began to appear in the unirradiated peanuts in 2 months, while after 4 months, the pest infection rate increased with the prolonged storage time, and the pest infection rate reached up to 58%-100% after 6 months of storage. However, the irradiated peanuts did not suffer from the pest infection throughout the storage. The unirradiated peanuts were contaminated by moulds after three months of storage, while the peanuts with an irradiation dose of 0.3-0.5 kGy were mildewed after 6 months of storage, while those with an irradiation dose of 1.0, 4.0 kGy had no mould after 12 months of storage. Combined with relevant international and national standards as well as the findings of scholars at home and abroad, the minimum effective irradiation dose for insect disinfestations of peanuts was 0,3 kGy, and the minimum effective irradiation dose for mildew control was 1.0 kGy, while the maximum tolerance dose was 4.0 kGy. 展开更多
关键词 PEANUT irradiation for insect disinfestation irradiation for mildew control Absorbed dose
Biological Activity of Several Fungicides against Ustilaginoidea virens
作者 苏贤岩 陈雨 +2 位作者 任学祥 张爱芳 叶正和 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第10期2299-2303,共5页
[Objective] This study aims to screen for the high effective fungicides which could significantly decrease the disease incidence and disease index of rice false smut. [Method] The inhibitory activities of the fungicid... [Objective] This study aims to screen for the high effective fungicides which could significantly decrease the disease incidence and disease index of rice false smut. [Method] The inhibitory activities of the fungicide against mycelial growth of Ustilaginoidea virens were measured to in vitro evaluate the ECho values. And 17 fungicides were sprayed to evaluate the efficacy and effect of the fungicides tested in the field trials on the rice characters, [Result] The results showed that epoxicona- zole, difenoconazole, propiconazole and procloraz exhibited high inhibitory activity against mycelial growth of Ustilaginoidea virens with the ECso values 0.04, 0.07, 0.12 and 0.11 pg/ml, respectively. The results of field trials showed that the efficacy of Wen- quning, and fungicides such as difenoconazole, prochloraz, propiconazole, epoxi- conazole and their mixtures in controlling rice false smut were all 70% or more. [Conclusion] The 17 tested fungicides behaved efficacy in controlling rice false smut and did not cause drug injury on leaves and grains of rice plants, sprayed when flag leaves of rice fully expanded. 展开更多
关键词 Rice false smut Ustilaginoidea virens Fungicides Biological activity Field efficacy
Biocontrol of Strawberry Anthracnose Caused by Colletotrichum fragariae 被引量:2
作者 吉沐祥 杨敬辉 +3 位作者 吴祥 肖婷 姚克兵 庄义庆 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第11期1569-1571,共3页
[Objective] The aim was to explore biocontrol approaches of strawberry an-thracnose. [Method] With hyphal growth inhibition method, bacteriostatic activities of Bacil us subtilis and Osthole on strawberry anthracnose ... [Objective] The aim was to explore biocontrol approaches of strawberry an-thracnose. [Method] With hyphal growth inhibition method, bacteriostatic activities of Bacil us subtilis and Osthole on strawberry anthracnose were measured and field test was carried out. [Result] The results show that both of Bacil us subtilis and Osthole were of higher bacteriostatic activity on strawberry anthracnose, and the values of EC50 were 0.007 5 mg/L and 1.063 0 ml/L, respectively. The result of field test show that the prevention effects of Bacil us subtilis (600-750 g/hm2) and 25% prochloraz (600 ml/hm2) both achieved higher than 76%, 7 and 14 d after triple medical applica-tions with rains sheltered or in open field. But the effects were of extremely signifi-cant differences with that of Osthole (1 800-2 700 ml/hm2) (P〈0.01). [Conclusion] Bacil us subtilis can be made use of for control ing strawberry anthracnose. 展开更多
关键词 Biocontrol agent Strawberry anthracnose Biological control
Siderophore production from 27 filamentous fungal strains and a novel siderophore with potential biocontrol applications from Aspergillus niger An76 被引量:1
作者 SUN Hong-qi ZHANG Wei-can LU Xue-mei GAO Pei-ji 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2008年第1期19-26,36,共9页
Among 27 filamentous fungi, a strain Aspergillus niger An76 gave the highest siderophore yield even when cultured on natural medium or minimal medium containing 1 mmol L^-1 Fe^3+. Whereas for most other strains, the ... Among 27 filamentous fungi, a strain Aspergillus niger An76 gave the highest siderophore yield even when cultured on natural medium or minimal medium containing 1 mmol L^-1 Fe^3+. Whereas for most other strains, the capacities of siderophore production was repressed as the concentrations of Fe^3+ was higher than 20 ~tmol L^-1. Lower ferric iron concentrations were more conducive to siderophore synthesis for those strains. The An76 siderophore was partially purified through a series of chromatography steps using Sephadex LH20 and CM-Sepharose Fast Flow columns. Its structural characteristics differed from typical siderophores, such as catecholates or hydroxamates, and no amino acids or peptide bonds were detected. It may therefore represent a new type of siderophore structure. TBA assay and ESR trapping studies showed that An76 siderophore had remarkable scavenging activity of hydroxyl free radicals in vitro. The antibiotic activities of siderophores produced by An76 were tested against 29 bacterial strains, including plant, animal, and human pathogens. The growth of 14 bacterial strains could be completely inhibited at a siderophore concentration of 8 mg ml^-1 with an incubation time of 30 min. Evidence suggests that the An76 siderophore has potential value as an antioxidant and a biocontrol agent against pathogenic microorganisms. 展开更多
关键词 antibiotic activity antioxidant ESR hydroxyl freeradicals sidcrophore
Potential of the Integrated Control of Cucumber Root Rot Using Natural, Biological and Chemical Methods
作者 Mohamed El Khaleely Barakat Abdel Radi Taher Bakeer Wallaa Fathy Mostafa 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第2期143-156,共14页
Over the few last years, cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) root rot disease became common and inflicted marked losses to yield in Fayoum. Isolation trails from infected cucumber roots revealed that Thielaviopsis basicola... Over the few last years, cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) root rot disease became common and inflicted marked losses to yield in Fayoum. Isolation trails from infected cucumber roots revealed that Thielaviopsis basicola and Fusarium moniliforme were the main cucumber root rot pathogens. The isolation trials from the rhizosphere of healthy cucumber plants revealed that two fungal isolates and four bacterial isolates had antagonistic effects against cucumber root rot fungi. All the tested biocontrol agents reduced the radial growth of all the tested root rots fungi in dual cultures. However, all culture filtrates of the tested biocontrol agent significantly reduced radial growth of all the tested pathogenic fungi, except that T. harzianum. Under field conditions, soil treatment with any of T. harzianum and B. subtilis BI and BF, significantly reduced percentages of infected plants and significantly increased percentages of survived plants and fruit yield compared with the control. Application of the commercial product Harpin protein (Messenger)~ product, as a resistance inducer at 0.3, 0.5 and l g/L significantly reduced the percentage of infected plants under greenhouse and field conditions. Field experiments indicated that the average percentage of infected plants after 90 days significantly decreased. The percentage of the survived plants as well as fruit yield increased by using integrated disease management (IDM) package, including the most effective treatments: tolerant cultivar, Trichoderma harzianum granules formula as soil treatment, Purging cassia plant extract, Harpin protein, and a half dose of Vitavax/thiram comparing with the treatment recommended by the Ministry of Agricultural or applied treatments individually. 展开更多
关键词 CUCUMBER root rots biological control formulations induced resistance integrated control
Gibbago trianthemae Simmons, a Biocontrol Agent of Horse Purslane Weed: Research and Prospect
作者 Gaddeyya Gandipilli Kaiding Ratna Kumar Peethala Bharathi Pilaka 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2015年第10期824-832,共9页
Trianthema portulacastrum L. (commonly known as horse purslane) is a noxious weed of several economically important field crops in tropical regions of the world. An intensive work on the screening of the biocontrol ... Trianthema portulacastrum L. (commonly known as horse purslane) is a noxious weed of several economically important field crops in tropical regions of the world. An intensive work on the screening of the biocontrol agents was accomplished through in vitro epidemic study to control weed populations. The foliar disease symptoms on infected weed plants caused by fungal pathogens represented as round to irregular maroon spots with dark borders and the epidemic was identified as leaf spot disease. The pathogen allied with the infection of horse purslane was isolated from infectious propagules by inoculation of leaf bites on a nutrient medium, potato dextrose agar (PDA). The causal agent of leaf spot was confirmed as Gibbago trianthemae Simmons by Koch's postulates. The mycoherbicide ability of G. trianthemae has been examined through visual (standard area diagram) and statistical methods (analysis of variance using the Microsoft Office Excel-Data Analysis Tool Pack 2007). The results revealed that the pathogen causes significantly (P 〈 0.05) severe infection on host weed and destructs the weed population by leaf spot diseases. The findings of the research suggested that the isolate G. trianthemae is highly virulent and host-specific, and recommended for further studies as a promising biocontrol agent against horse purslane weed. 展开更多
关键词 T. portulacastrum L. G. trianthemae Simmons MYCOHERBICIDE PDA percent disease index.
The Ability of Combination of Trichoderma Harzianum and Trichoderma Asperellum Isolates in Controlling Fusarium Rot of Chickpea in Comparison with the Effects of Trichoderma Harzianum
作者 H.M. Shikhlinski M.A. Akrami 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第8期1013-1016,共4页
In this investigation, the ability of biocontrol agents, Trichoderma harzianum and T. aperellum applied in combination and alone, which had been isolated from soil and root chickpea field were compared to control of F... In this investigation, the ability of biocontrol agents, Trichoderma harzianum and T. aperellum applied in combination and alone, which had been isolated from soil and root chickpea field were compared to control of Fusarium solani. These isolates had shown good control of Fusarium solani in in-vitro condition. Chickpea roots were treated with T. harzianum individually and in combination and planted in artificially infested soil with pathogen F. solani. Although all biocontrol agents applied individually reduced disease incidence, treatments as combination, except for T. harzianum (T-4) + T. asperellum (T-6) showed more protective effect. Combination of T. harzianum (T-7) + T. asperellum (T-5) isolate gave the best control (51.29%) at greenhouse condition. 展开更多
Application of Trichoderma harzianum (T22) and Trichoderma atroviride (P1) as plant growth promoters, and their compatibility with copper oxychloride 被引量:7
作者 Francesco Vinale Gaetano D'Ambrosio +5 位作者 Khalid Abadi Felice Scala Roberta Marra David Turrà Sheridan L Woo Matteo Lorito 《浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期425-425,共1页
Trichoderma strains are used in agriculture because they provide to the plants the following benefits: i) are rhizosphere competence and establish stable rhizosphere microbial communities; ii) control plant disease ca... Trichoderma strains are used in agriculture because they provide to the plants the following benefits: i) are rhizosphere competence and establish stable rhizosphere microbial communities; ii) control plant disease caused by pathogenic and competitive microflora, by using a variety of mechanisms; iii) improve vegetative growth, root development and yield; iv) make nutrients more available to the plant. In this work we have investigated the ability of T. harzianum T22 and T. atroviride P1 to improve plant growth of locally important horticultural crops: lettuce, tomatoes and peppers and to prevent disease in the greenhouse and field. The effect of the Trichoderma treatment was evaluated by determining the weight of fresh and dry roots and above ground plant biomass, measuring plants height, counting the number of emerged leaves (lettuce, tomatoes and peppers) and quantifying production (tomatoes and peppers). No disease symptoms were found during production, although Fusarium sp. strains pathogenic to tomato were detected in the soil. Compounds containing copper oxychloride are frequently used for fungal disease control in agriculture. In order to investigate the compatibility of T. harzianum T22 and T. atroviride P1 with copper oxychloride applications, the effect on mycelia growth was monitored in both liquid and solid medium. In general, the tests indicated a high level of tolerance of the Trichoderma strains to concentrations of copper oxychloride varying from 0.1 to 5 mmol/L. 展开更多
关键词 plant benefits horticultural crops fungal disease control
Study of the Action Mode of Wickerhamomyces anomalus against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
作者 Luis Femando Zepeda-Giraud Dario Rafael Olicon-Hemandez +1 位作者 Cinthya Martinez-Lopez Guadalupe Guerra-Sanchez 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2016年第5期341-349,共9页
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is the causal agent of anthracnose disease in fruits and vegetables, representing a global problem. The use of biocontrol agents has proved effective against fungal diseases in a wide va... Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is the causal agent of anthracnose disease in fruits and vegetables, representing a global problem. The use of biocontrol agents has proved effective against fungal diseases in a wide variety of products. In this work, the antifungal activity of Wickerhamomyces anomalus against C. gloeosporioides isolated from contaminated avocados was evaluated. The antagonism and volatile compound inhibition were measured on Petri dishes. In the mixed cultures, the mycelia damage was observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Chitinase and glucanase production by the antagonism was quantified by the reducing sugars method, and biofilm formation was evaluated with 1% crystal violet. The yeast W. anomalus could reduce the growth of C. gloeosporioides up to 65% by direct antagonism and 10% by volatile compounds. The antagonist did not allow the conidia germination and mycelia growth in any of the tested formulations. SEM showed mycelial damage caused by W. anomalus. The antagonist showed adhesion to the mycelium by a polysaccharide biofilm. The presence of mycelium stimulated the hydrolytic enzyme production with the maximal activity of 21.4 U/mg for chitinases at 24 h and 10 U/mg for glucanases at 60 h. These results showed that W. anomalus used together different mechanisms to express its antifungal activity against C. gloeosporioides. This study might be the first report for this phytopathogen isolated from avocado fruits, which could represent an opportunity to establish biocontrol of diseases for this agricultural product. 展开更多
关键词 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Wickerhamomyces anomalus BIOCONTROL AVOCADO
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