这是一篇讲在遇到电闪雷鸣时如何防身的科普短文,其中有最新的美国雷电研究试验室研究人员的宝贵意见,同时也介绍了若干传统的避雷方法的详细说明,非常实用。此文写得很有美国特色,所谓美国特色,就是此类科普短文往往从一个真实的故事谈...这是一篇讲在遇到电闪雷鸣时如何防身的科普短文,其中有最新的美国雷电研究试验室研究人员的宝贵意见,同时也介绍了若干传统的避雷方法的详细说明,非常实用。此文写得很有美国特色,所谓美国特色,就是此类科普短文往往从一个真实的故事谈起,旁征博引,引人入胜。有令人过目难忘之功效。 文中有两则信息相当新鲜: 1. The Empire State Building in New York is hit about 25 times a year....But you are safe in tall building. 2. A commercial airplane takes about two lightning hits a year. Luckily. planes are engineered to be hit by lightning and still stay in the air. 电话和电脑在我国正在快速普及。电闪雷鸣时应如何处置?请读者细读。下面这句话写得很生动:Stay off the phone. It isn’t an old wives’ tale. 凡是遭雷击过的人都有这样的可怕经历: I felt the hair on my arms stand on end. and a charge hit me through the telephone, which was almost blown Out of my hand. Sometimes just before a strike. nearby metal will glow blue—a phenomenon known as St. Elmo’s fire—and your hair may literally stand on end. 所谓St. Elmo’s fire即Saint Elmo’s fire。展开更多
文摘这是一篇讲在遇到电闪雷鸣时如何防身的科普短文,其中有最新的美国雷电研究试验室研究人员的宝贵意见,同时也介绍了若干传统的避雷方法的详细说明,非常实用。此文写得很有美国特色,所谓美国特色,就是此类科普短文往往从一个真实的故事谈起,旁征博引,引人入胜。有令人过目难忘之功效。 文中有两则信息相当新鲜: 1. The Empire State Building in New York is hit about 25 times a year....But you are safe in tall building. 2. A commercial airplane takes about two lightning hits a year. Luckily. planes are engineered to be hit by lightning and still stay in the air. 电话和电脑在我国正在快速普及。电闪雷鸣时应如何处置?请读者细读。下面这句话写得很生动:Stay off the phone. It isn’t an old wives’ tale. 凡是遭雷击过的人都有这样的可怕经历: I felt the hair on my arms stand on end. and a charge hit me through the telephone, which was almost blown Out of my hand. Sometimes just before a strike. nearby metal will glow blue—a phenomenon known as St. Elmo’s fire—and your hair may literally stand on end. 所谓St. Elmo’s fire即Saint Elmo’s fire。