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哺乳动物性别决定与睾丸分化 Ⅰ.哺乳动物性别决定 被引量:1
作者 李光鹏 谭景和 《东北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1997年第3期298-305,共8页
关键词 哺乳动物 性别决定 睾丸分化
哺乳动物性别决定与睾丸分化 Ⅱ.睾丸分化
作者 李光鹏 谭景和 《东北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1997年第4期410-415,共6页
关键词 哺乳动物 性别 睾丸分化 动物
作者 屈云飞 毛世华 吴燕 《第三军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期188-188,208,共2页
关键词 分化卵巢睾丸细胞瘤 男性化 治疗 诊断
作者 邓姗 於利刚 +3 位作者 孙爱军 陈蓉 郁琦 田秦杰 《生殖医学杂志》 CAS 2020年第3期288-293,共6页
目的探讨卵巢睾丸性性发育异常(OT-DSD)患者的性腺优势和内生殖器潜能。方法回顾性分析北京协和医院1977年3月至2019年8月收治的22例OT-DSD患者的临床资料,着重对其性腺及内生殖器的发育进行比对;并对同期中文文献中的242例相关病例进... 目的探讨卵巢睾丸性性发育异常(OT-DSD)患者的性腺优势和内生殖器潜能。方法回顾性分析北京协和医院1977年3月至2019年8月收治的22例OT-DSD患者的临床资料,着重对其性腺及内生殖器的发育进行比对;并对同期中文文献中的242例相关病例进行汇总分析,对国外新近相关文献进行复习。结果OT-DSD患者最常见的染色体核型是46,XX,本院22例患者中占68.2%(12/22),国内文献资料中占60.8%(132/217);性腺的占比排序为:卵睾>卵巢>睾丸(约4∶3∶3);国内文献中患者资料汇总分析的性腺组合的排序为:分侧型(卵巢-睾丸45.1%)、单侧性(卵睾-卵巢17.4%和卵睾-睾丸13.0%)、双侧性(卵睾-卵睾24.5%)。本院的全部病例和国内文献中的绝大多数病例均有子宫,睾丸侧无子宫发育,卵巢和卵睾侧均有子宫发育,但常显示发育不良,且约半数(11/22例)合并无阴道或尿生殖窦异常。在社会性别为女性的19例患者中,5例因生殖道梗阻行子宫切除,9例阴道发育不良,3例发生卵巢早衰(POF),仅2例完成生育。结论OT-DSD是体现单侧性腺决定内生殖器发育的典型模型,卵睾侧也有子宫发育,患者的内生殖器以女性特征占优势,在性别认定上偏重女性倾向可能更合理,但同时合并生殖道畸形和POF的亦不少见。 展开更多
关键词 卵巢睾丸性性分化异常 真两性畸形 内生殖器 性别认定
Swyer综合征合并生长迟缓1例 被引量:2
作者 金文胜 李佳 +3 位作者 李红梅 许卫国 宋丹丹 尹卓娜 《广东医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第17期2784-2784,共1页
患儿,14岁,社会性别为女性。主诉出生后生长迟缓,在当地医院已经发现为46,XY性分化异常,但未能明确诊断。于2011年2月14日收入我院内分泌科,患儿足月顺产,智力发育正常,出生后体格生长低于同龄人,无畸形和特殊疾病史。无类似疾病家族史... 患儿,14岁,社会性别为女性。主诉出生后生长迟缓,在当地医院已经发现为46,XY性分化异常,但未能明确诊断。于2011年2月14日收入我院内分泌科,患儿足月顺产,智力发育正常,出生后体格生长低于同龄人,无畸形和特殊疾病史。无类似疾病家族史和遗传病史。父母非近亲结婚,父亲身高169 cm,母亲162 cm。 展开更多
关键词 社会性别 体格检查 特殊疾病史 分化异常 遗传病史 内分泌科 出生后 非近亲结婚 睾丸分化 足月顺产
作者 糜祖煌 朱云霞 +3 位作者 金士正 顾云高 张经 吴志君 《遗传》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1992年第3期19-20,共2页
采用放射免疫分析法,测定27例Klinefelter’s。综合征患者9项血清激素(T、E_2、FSH、ICSH、TSH,TT_4、TT_3、F、PRL)基础值。结果发现,全部患者FSH值均升高,ICSH值有85.2%息者升高而T值下降者达74.1%,其余均正常。表明患者内分泌功能... 采用放射免疫分析法,测定27例Klinefelter’s。综合征患者9项血清激素(T、E_2、FSH、ICSH、TSH,TT_4、TT_3、F、PRL)基础值。结果发现,全部患者FSH值均升高,ICSH值有85.2%息者升高而T值下降者达74.1%,其余均正常。表明患者内分泌功能紊乱主要在睾丸——腺垂体轴。鉴于T、E_2具有全身性代谢激素和一定的免疫调节作用。故作者认为,尽管E_2水平正常,但由于T值的下降而致T/E_3比值下降对机体的其他功能影响值得进一步研究。 展开更多
关键词 性激素 KS 睾丸分化异常
作者 糜祖煌 顾云高 张经 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 1991年第2期50-52,共3页
Klinefelter综合征(KS)是最常见的睾丸分化异常疾病,也是男性性机能低下及不育的常见病因。国内有关KS的细胞遗传学和部分表型的研究虽屡见报道,但对KS患者作较全面的表型及内分泌功能研究尚未见报道本文报告30例KS患者表型及内分泌... Klinefelter综合征(KS)是最常见的睾丸分化异常疾病,也是男性性机能低下及不育的常见病因。国内有关KS的细胞遗传学和部分表型的研究虽屡见报道,但对KS患者作较全面的表型及内分泌功能研究尚未见报道本文报告30例KS患者表型及内分泌学(九项血清激素水平放射免疫测定)研究结果。 展开更多
关键词 睾丸分化 内分泌学 放射免疫测定 细胞遗传学 性机能 血清激素水平 皮纹学 曲细精管 指距 外周血染色体
作者 Valetto A. Bertini V. +2 位作者 Rapalini E. Simi P. 王伟华 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第6期36-36,共1页
To report a case of a 46,XX SRY- negative man with a male phenotype and azoospermia. Case report. Molecular and Cytogenetic Unit in a University Hospital. A 35- year- old man with complete masculinization who referred... To report a case of a 46,XX SRY- negative man with a male phenotype and azoospermia. Case report. Molecular and Cytogenetic Unit in a University Hospital. A 35- year- old man with complete masculinization who referred to our institution because of a history of several years of infertility. Lymphocytic karyotype and genetic counseling. Peripheral blood metaphases were analyzed by standard G- banding and Q- banding. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses were performed. Semen analysis showed azoospermia. Chromosome analysis revealed a 46,XX karyotype; molecular and cytogenetic analyses excluded the presence of SRY (the sex- determining region of the Y chromosome) gene. This case is one of the rare patients reported in the literature in whom testicular differentiation and a complete virilization in a 46,XX chromosomal constitution does not account for a translocation of the SRY gene to the X chromosome or to the autosomes. This finding suggests that other genes downstream from SRY, not yet identified, play an important role in sex determination. 展开更多
关键词 XXSRY 细胞遗传学分析 精子缺乏 精液分析 染色体结构 分裂中期 染色体分析 常染色体 睾丸分化 罕见病例
Dynamic regulation of alternative splicing and chromatin structure in Drosophila gonads revealed by RNA-seq 被引量:11
作者 Qiang Gan Iouri Chepelev +4 位作者 Gang Wei Lama Tarayrah Kairong Cui Keji Zhao Xin Chen 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第7期763-783,共21页
Both transcription and post-transcriptional processes, such as alternative splicing, play crucial roles in controlling developmental programs in metazoans. Recently emerged RNA-seq method has brought our understanding... Both transcription and post-transcriptional processes, such as alternative splicing, play crucial roles in controlling developmental programs in metazoans. Recently emerged RNA-seq method has brought our understanding of eukaryotic transcriptomes to a new level, because it can resolve both gene expression level and alternative splicing events simultaneously. To gain a better understanding of cellular differentiation in gonads, we analyzed mRNA profiles from Drosophila testes and ovaries using RNA-seq. We identified a set of genes that have sex-specific isoforms in wild-type (WT) gonads, including several transcription factors. We found that differentiation of sperms from undifferentiated germ cells induced a dramatic downregulation of RNA splicing factors. Our data confirmed that RNA splicing events are significantly more frequent in the undifferentiated cell-enriched bag of marbles (barn) mutant testis, but downregulated upon differentiation in WT testis. Consistent with this, we showed that genes required for meiosis and terminal differentiation in WT testis were mainly regulated at the transcriptional level, but not by alternative splicing. Unexpectedly, we observed an increase in expression of all families of chromatin remodeling factors and histone modifying enzymes in the undifferentiated cell-enriched bam testis. More interestingly, chromatin regulators and histone modifying enzymes with opposite enzymatic activities are coenriched in undifferentiated cells in testis, suggesting that these cells may possess dynamic chromatin architecture. Finally, our data revealed many new features of the Drosophila gonadal transcriptomes, and will lead to a more comprehensive understanding of how differential gene expression and splicing regulate gametogenesis in Drosophila. Our data provided a foundation for the systematic study of gene expression and alternative splicing in many interesting areas of germ cell biology in Droso- phila, such as the molecular basis for sexual dimorphism and the regulation of the proliferation vs terminal differentiation programs in germline stem cell lineages. The GEO accession number for the raw and analyzed RNA-seq data is GSE16960. 展开更多
关键词 TRANSCRIPTION alternative splicing differentiation TESTIS OVARY DROSOPHILA
Transcriptional diversity of DMRT1(dsx-and mab3.related transcription factor1)in human testis
作者 Han Hua Cheng Ming Ying +3 位作者 Yi Hao Tian Yiqing Guo Ken McElreavey Rong Jia Zhou 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4期389-393,共5页
Recent advances in the evolutionary genetics of sex determination indicate that the only molecular similarity in sex determination found so far among phyla is between the fly doublesex, worm mab-3 and vertebrate DMRTI... Recent advances in the evolutionary genetics of sex determination indicate that the only molecular similarity in sex determination found so far among phyla is between the fly doublesex, worm mab-3 and vertebrate DMRTI(dsx- and mab3-related transcription factor 1)/DMY genes. Each of these factors encodes a zinc-finger-like DNA-binding motif, DM domain. Insights into the evolution and functions of human DMRT1 gene could reveal evolutionary mechanisms of sexual development. Here we report the identification and characterization of multiple isoforms of human DMRT1 in the testis. These transcripts encode predicted proteins with 373,275 and 175 amino acids and they were generated by alternative splicing at 3' region. Expression level of DMRTla is higher than those of both DMRTlb and c, and the DMR Tlc expression was the lowest in testis, based on comparisons of mean values from real-time fluorescent quantitative RT-PCR analysis. Both DMRTlb and c result from exonization of intronic sequences, including the exonization of an Alu element. A further search for Alu elements within the DMRT1 gene demonstrated that all 99 Alu elements are non-randomly distributed among the non-coding regions on both directions. These new characteristics of DMRT1 would have an important impact on the evolution of sexual development mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 evolution alternative splicing DOUBLESEX sex differentiation
Study of androgen and atherosclerosis in old-age male 被引量:2
作者 杨云梅 吕雪英 +2 位作者 黄卫东 徐哲荣 吴灵娇 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第9期931-935,共5页
Objective: To observe the difference of androgen and inflammatory cytokines level in atherosclerosis and analyse their relations. Method: Both carotid arteries and arteries of lower extremity were subjected to ultra... Objective: To observe the difference of androgen and inflammatory cytokines level in atherosclerosis and analyse their relations. Method: Both carotid arteries and arteries of lower extremity were subjected to ultrasonic examination by Doppier's method. Those with much atheromatous plaque formation were ranged into case group, and those with normal result formed control group. Total, free testosterone and estradiol were assayed by radioimmunoassay. C reactive protein (CRP) was assayed by nepheloturbidity. Tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α), lnterleukin-6 (IL-6), lnterleukin-8 (IL-8), lnterleukin-10 (IL-10), Interleukin-18 (IL-18), soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1) and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1) were assayed by ELISA. The mean difference between two groups and the correlation between free testosterone and cytokines were analysed. Results: Free testosterone was (6.337±3.371) pg/L in case group and (11.375±4.733)pg/L in control group, P〈0.01. No differences were found in total testosterone and estradiol. CRP was (27.294±10.238)mg/L in case group and (12.843±6.318) mg/L in control group, P〈0.01. IL-6 was (41.700±31.385)pg/L in case group and (25.396±20.772)pg/L in control group, P〈0.05. IL-8 was (89.249±58.357)pg/L in case group and (67.873±31.227)pg/L in control group, P〈0.05. sICAM-1 was (470.491±134.078)pg/L in case group and (368.487±97.183)pg/L in control group, P〈0.01. sVCAM-1 was (537.808±213.172)pg/L in case group and (457.275±157.273)pg/L in control group, P〈0.05. There were no differences in TNF-α, IL-10 and IL-18. Correlation analysis showed that FT (free testosterone) had negative correlation with CRP, IL-6 and sICAM-1. Among them FT had well correlation with CRP, correlation index was -0.678. Conclusion: Free testosterone was in negative correlation with atherosclerosis in old-age male. Free testosterone may have the role of anti-atherosclerosis, and this effect was not achieved by its transformation to estradiol. Low tree testosterone level was followed by increased level of inflammatory cytokines. Low free testosterones coexist with inflammation and they both affect the process of atherosclerosis in old-age male. 展开更多
关键词 ATHEROSCLEROSIS Old-age male ANDROGEN Free testosterone Inflammatory cytokine
discs large regulates somatic cyst cell survival and expansion in Drosophila testis
作者 Fani Papagiannouli Bernard M Mechler 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第10期1139-1149,共11页
Gonad development requires a coordinated soma-germline interaction that ensures renewal and differentiation of germline and somatic stem cells to ultimately produce mature gametes. The Drosophila tumour suppressor gen... Gonad development requires a coordinated soma-germline interaction that ensures renewal and differentiation of germline and somatic stem cells to ultimately produce mature gametes. The Drosophila tumour suppressor gene discs large (dig) encodes a septate junction protein functioning during epithelial polarization, asymmetric neuroblast division, and formation of neuromuscular junctions. Here, we report the role of dig in testis development and its critical function in somatic cyst cells (SCCs). In these cells dig is primarily required for their survival and expansion, and contributes to spermatocyte cyst differentiation. Cell death primarily occurred in SCCs at the end of spermatogonial amplification at a time when Dig becomes restricted in wild-type (wt) testes to the distal somatic cells capping the growing spermatocyte cysts. RNAi depletion of dig transcripts in early SCCs fully prevented testis development, whereas depletion in late SCCs resulted in a breakdown of spermatocyte cyst structure and germ cell individualization. Specific dig expression in SCCs resulted in developmental rescue of dig mutant testes, whereas its expression in germ cells exerted no such effect, dig overexpression in wt testes led to spermatocyte cyst expansion at the expense of spermatogonial cysts. Our data demonstrate that dig is essentially required in SCCs for their survival, expansion, and differentiation, and for the encapsulation of the germline cells. 展开更多
关键词 discs large DROSOPHILA testis formation somatic cyst cells
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