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论员工业绩管理中行为标准与结果标准的选择——基于一家中国上市公司的实证研究 被引量:2
作者 张一弛 李琦 《经济科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第1期61-69,共9页
本文运用企业实地调查数据 ,按照威廉·大内 ( William G. Ouchi)和他的同事在 1 975年的研究思路 ,对我国企业的经理人员在业绩管理中对结果考核与行为考核的运用进行了实证研究。研究结果在确认了威廉·大内等人的结果考核与... 本文运用企业实地调查数据 ,按照威廉·大内 ( William G. Ouchi)和他的同事在 1 975年的研究思路 ,对我国企业的经理人员在业绩管理中对结果考核与行为考核的运用进行了实证研究。研究结果在确认了威廉·大内等人的结果考核与行为考核之间相互独立、二者不能相互替代的结论的同时 ,还发现经理人员在运用结果考核和行为考核的决定因素方面 ,在中国与美国的研究样本之间存在着显著的差别。理论预期与实际结果之间的区别以及不同文化背景下研究结果的差别对思考如何进一步改进我国企业人力资源管理具有积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 员工 业绩管理 行为标准 结果标准 层级 经理人员
作者 李一君 武俊山 《忻州师范学院学报》 2024年第2期33-38,63,共7页
环境行政公益诉讼制度是中国对于解决环境资源侵害问题的一项创新性法律制度,对于保护环境资源意义重大。如何认定行政机关“不依法履行职责”在制度运行过程中居于特别重要的地位,而我国法律对这一关键问题并未作出明确规定。在对理论... 环境行政公益诉讼制度是中国对于解决环境资源侵害问题的一项创新性法律制度,对于保护环境资源意义重大。如何认定行政机关“不依法履行职责”在制度运行过程中居于特别重要的地位,而我国法律对这一关键问题并未作出明确规定。在对理论界及司法实务过程中形成的行为标准、结果标准、复合标准、二阶层说的核心观点、理论依据以及弊端或缺陷等内容进行分析后,提出环境行政公益诉讼中“不依法履行职责”的认定标准应以结果标准为原则,以行为标准为补充。 展开更多
关键词 环境行政公益诉讼 不依法履行职责 认定标准 行为标准 结果标准
论行政公益诉讼中“不履行法定职责”判定标准的构建 被引量:12
作者 伍华军 荣锦坤 《重庆社会科学》 CSSCI 2023年第3期87-100,共14页
我国行政诉讼的体例以普通行政诉讼为主,行政公益诉讼为辅。相较于传统的行政诉讼,行政公益诉讼具有保护公共利益和客观法秩序之目的、检察机关为起诉主体、诉讼程序呈“双阶构造”、判决具有对世效力等新特征。因其特殊性,不履行法定... 我国行政诉讼的体例以普通行政诉讼为主,行政公益诉讼为辅。相较于传统的行政诉讼,行政公益诉讼具有保护公共利益和客观法秩序之目的、检察机关为起诉主体、诉讼程序呈“双阶构造”、判决具有对世效力等新特征。因其特殊性,不履行法定职责的内核也发生了变化。应将“不履行”类型化分为未履职、未有效履职、履职但有瑕疵、未及时履职和不回复检察建议等类型。法定职责的范围除法律、法规、规章、规范性文件外,还包含了“三定方案”和权力清单等。对行政机关是否履行法定职责的判定,应当首先从行为要件判断行政机关是否履行了法定职责,如果行政机关在行为要件已尽其所能,则要根据行政机关的抗辩事由与公益受损状态的因果关系再确定其是否履行职责,而不是仅通过结果标准直接给予否定。 展开更多
关键词 客观诉讼 不履行法定职责 行为标准 结果标准 抗辩事由
论有效教学的标准及特征 被引量:14
作者 夏正江 《基础教育》 2008年第9期10-19,共10页
怎样的教学才是有效的、良好的教学?对这个问题的回答,一直是教学理论所要探索的最核心、最基本的问题之一。只有在这个问题上,达成某种共识,才能评判一堂课的好与坏、优与劣,才能对教师的教学工作作出真实而合理的评价。为此,本... 怎样的教学才是有效的、良好的教学?对这个问题的回答,一直是教学理论所要探索的最核心、最基本的问题之一。只有在这个问题上,达成某种共识,才能评判一堂课的好与坏、优与劣,才能对教师的教学工作作出真实而合理的评价。为此,本文从教学的“结果”与“过程”两个方面,尝试回答了有效教学的主要标准及特征,其中包括六条结果标准和十六条过程标准。结果标准与过程标准具有内在的逻辑一致性与连贯性,但它们之间的关系是多重的:有的是一条过程标准与一条结果标准相对应;有的是多条过程标准与一条结果标准相对应;有的是一条过程标准与多条结果标准相对应。 展开更多
关键词 有效教学 结果标准 过程标准 特征
共益债务的认定——从“绝对程序标准”到“双重标准” 被引量:7
作者 陈伟 《南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第1期22-26,共5页
共益债务的认定关系到破产法中公平分配理念的实现,而共益债务认定又取决于"共益标准"。学界认定共益债务的标准实质上采用了"绝对程序标准",即发生在受理破产申请后的债务就当然的具有共益性,然而"绝对程序标... 共益债务的认定关系到破产法中公平分配理念的实现,而共益债务认定又取决于"共益标准"。学界认定共益债务的标准实质上采用了"绝对程序标准",即发生在受理破产申请后的债务就当然的具有共益性,然而"绝对程序标准"忽略了现实的复杂性,以至共益债务制度设置目的存在落空的风险。而采用"双重标准"不但可以弥补"绝对程序标准"存在的缺陷,而且符合严格控制优先清偿范围的理念。学界选择"绝对程序标准"的错误倾向致使我国实证法规定共益债务的范围并不科学,需要用"双重标准"剔除我国破产法中不具有共益的虚假共益债务,使得共益债务真正具有共益的实质。 展开更多
关键词 共益债务 共益标准 绝对程序标准 结果标准 双重标准
作者 贺翀 《邵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第1期38-39,共2页
建筑事故的认定标准主要有四个 :第一 ,心理标准是当事人主观是否存在过错。第二 ,行为标准是当事人的作为 (或不作为 )是否导致建筑事故的发生。第三 ,结果标准是事故的损失是否严重 ,是否达到建筑事故的标准 ,构成哪一级建筑事故。第... 建筑事故的认定标准主要有四个 :第一 ,心理标准是当事人主观是否存在过错。第二 ,行为标准是当事人的作为 (或不作为 )是否导致建筑事故的发生。第三 ,结果标准是事故的损失是否严重 ,是否达到建筑事故的标准 ,构成哪一级建筑事故。第四 。 展开更多
关键词 建筑事故 认定标准 心理标准 行为标准 结果标准 技术标准
作者 龙开祥 《河南公安高等专科学校学报》 2006年第2期22-25,共4页
滥用职权罪罪过形式的认定标准应采纳结果标准说。从我国现行的四要件犯罪构成理论出发,重大损失是滥用职权罪的危害结果,但不是滥用职权罪的罪量,不能作为滥用职权罪的客观处罚条件,也不能成为客观的超过要素。因此,应当将行为人对重... 滥用职权罪罪过形式的认定标准应采纳结果标准说。从我国现行的四要件犯罪构成理论出发,重大损失是滥用职权罪的危害结果,但不是滥用职权罪的罪量,不能作为滥用职权罪的客观处罚条件,也不能成为客观的超过要素。因此,应当将行为人对重大损失这一危害结构的心理态度作为滥用职权罪罪过形式的认定标准。 展开更多
关键词 滥用职权罪 行为标准 结果标准
有效教学的内在标准:过程、质量与结果——基于R.M.加涅的学习理论视角 被引量:6
作者 容翠 《现代教育科学》 2017年第2期100-103,共4页
近年来,对课程教学有效性的追问与探索已经成为我国教育理论与实践研究的热点问题,对有效教学的研究更是核心问题之一。本文从有效教学的本质内涵入手,认为教学的有效性应体现在课堂的发展性品质和学生的发展上;同时,以R.M.加涅的学习... 近年来,对课程教学有效性的追问与探索已经成为我国教育理论与实践研究的热点问题,对有效教学的研究更是核心问题之一。本文从有效教学的本质内涵入手,认为教学的有效性应体现在课堂的发展性品质和学生的发展上;同时,以R.M.加涅的学习理论为视角,探讨加涅学习理论对有效教学的三个内在标准——过程标准、质量标准和结果标准的内在规定。 展开更多
关键词 有效教学 加涅学习理论 过程标准 质量标准 结果标准
作者 王彤 《建材与装饰》 2020年第19期176-176,178,共2页
土壤是生物和人类赖以生存和生活的重要环境资源,是进行农业生产的基础。习近平总书记在十九大报告中提出要确保国家粮食安全,把中国人的饭碗牢牢端在自己手中。要想做到这一点,就必须加强土壤检测工作,并提高土壤检测的标准性,能够高... 土壤是生物和人类赖以生存和生活的重要环境资源,是进行农业生产的基础。习近平总书记在十九大报告中提出要确保国家粮食安全,把中国人的饭碗牢牢端在自己手中。要想做到这一点,就必须加强土壤检测工作,并提高土壤检测的标准性,能够高效、准确地检测出土壤中的各种成分含量,然后依据检测的结果指导农民群众开展施肥生产,在增加农业产量的基础上,最大限度上降低农业生产的成本,并确保国家粮食安全。基于此,本文就简述土壤检测及其必要性,在此基础上,分析土壤检测工作中存在的不足,然后针对性探讨提高土壤检测标准性的途径,旨在促进农业生产,为提高农产品种植提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 土壤检测 结果标准 提高途径
反垄断法思维下的行政性垄断新探 被引量:14
作者 张志伟 应品广 《江西财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期104-110,共7页
当前中国《反垄断法》有关行政性垄断的规定和实施都受到了"行政法思维"的严重影响,与"反垄断法思维"下有关行政性垄断的认识存在巨大反差。从有效规制的角度出发,有必要将行政性垄断的性质重新定位为"以公权... 当前中国《反垄断法》有关行政性垄断的规定和实施都受到了"行政法思维"的严重影响,与"反垄断法思维"下有关行政性垄断的认识存在巨大反差。从有效规制的角度出发,有必要将行政性垄断的性质重新定位为"以公权力为手段、以市场垄断为结果"的垄断形态;将行政性垄断的认定标准从行政法上的合法性标准转为反垄断法上的结果标准;将行政性垄断的行政法责任转变为经济法责任。 展开更多
关键词 反垄断法 行政性垄断 合法性标准 结果标准 经济法责任
滥用职权罪主观要件研讨 被引量:1
作者 张兆松 《政法论丛》 CSSCI 1998年第5期19-20,共2页
新刑法第397条增设了国家机关工作人员滥用职权罪。如何正确认识滥用职权罪的主观要件,对于合理界定滥用职权罪的范围,正确区分罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪的界限都具有重要意义。新刑法第397条本身没有明示滥用职权罪的主观内容,所... 新刑法第397条增设了国家机关工作人员滥用职权罪。如何正确认识滥用职权罪的主观要件,对于合理界定滥用职权罪的范围,正确区分罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪的界限都具有重要意义。新刑法第397条本身没有明示滥用职权罪的主观内容,所以对滥用职权罪主观要件的认识,理论... 展开更多
关键词 滥用职权罪 主观要件 行为人 国家机关工作人员 危害结果 危害社会 新刑法 结果标准 人民利益 重大损失
作者 郭敬波 《判例与研究》 2004年第5期15-21,共7页
按照《中华人民共和国物业管理条例》规定,业主委员会产生后需要到房产管理部门登记备案。这种行政登记行为是否具有可诉性?业主委员会有没有诉讼主体资格?本文试从行政登记行为的性质和业主委员会的主体资格分析入手,把对业主委员会... 按照《中华人民共和国物业管理条例》规定,业主委员会产生后需要到房产管理部门登记备案。这种行政登记行为是否具有可诉性?业主委员会有没有诉讼主体资格?本文试从行政登记行为的性质和业主委员会的主体资格分析入手,把对业主委员会的登记行为定性为以观念表示作出的行政行为,并从可诉行政行为的结果标准和必要性标准上得出这种登记行为的不可诉性,业主委员会也不具备诉讼主体资格。 展开更多
关键词 南阳市 幸福小区业主委员会 房产管理局 违法登记案 结果标准 必要性标准 不可诉性 物业管理条例 案例
A Review of Approaches and Challenges of BIM Education in Construction Management 被引量:2
作者 Yilei Huang 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2018年第6期401-407,共7页
As BIM (building information modeling) became the gold standard of the architecture, construction, and engineering industry, lack of skilled BIM professionals is considered one of the major challenges. It is theref... As BIM (building information modeling) became the gold standard of the architecture, construction, and engineering industry, lack of skilled BIM professionals is considered one of the major challenges. It is therefore of significant importance that CM (construction management) programs train future construction professionals in the capabilities and advantages of BIM technology. This paper presents the findings of a comprehensive review of the implementation of BIM education in CM programs and summarizes the process of BIM adoption, existing educational approaches, and identified challenges in the implementation process. The information presented in this paper serves as a guide to CM programs that are new to and in the progress of implementing BIM education. 展开更多
关键词 Construction management building information modeling EDUCATION APPROACHES CHALLENGES
Rare Decay Process K→πv in Three-Site Higgsless Model
作者 LIU Wei YUE Chong-Xing WANG Yong-Zhi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期305-309,共5页
Rare decay processes K→πvv^- and KL→π^0vv^- are considered in the framework of three-site Higgsless model. The contributions of this new physics model to these two decay processes come from the new heavy gauge bos... Rare decay processes K→πvv^- and KL→π^0vv^- are considered in the framework of three-site Higgsless model. The contributions of this new physics model to these two decay processes come from the new heavy gauge bosons and the correction terms for the couplings of the ordinary gauge bosons with fermions. Our numerical results show that the branching ratios of these two decay processes can be enhanced by 40% and 50% relative to those predicted by the standard model. 展开更多
关键词 the three-site Higgsless model rare decay branching ratio new physics
Stability of boundary pillars in transition from open pit to underground mining 被引量:11
作者 赵兴东 李连崇 +1 位作者 唐春安 张洪训 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第11期3256-3265,共10页
Based on the height of back-filled materials, thickness of ore body, height of boundary pillar and dipping angle of ore body and water pressure, the safety factors of all the pillars are calculated with the limit equi... Based on the height of back-filled materials, thickness of ore body, height of boundary pillar and dipping angle of ore body and water pressure, the safety factors of all the pillars are calculated with the limit equilibrium method. The calculation results present that the safety factors of pillars in Sections 19, 20, 24, 28 are less than 1.3, and those of unstable sections are identified preliminarily. Further, a numerical investigation in Sections 18, 20, 22, 24, 25 and 28 implemented with numerical code RFPA20 is employed to further validate the pillar performance and the stability of stopes. The numerical results show the pillars in Sections 18, 22 and 24 are stable and the designed pillar size is suitable. The width of the ore body near Section 28 averages 20 m, failure occurs in the left stope, but the boundary pillars near Section 28 maintain good performance. The pillars in Sections 20 and 25 are unstable which are mainly affected by the Faults F8 and F18. The existence of faults alters the stress distribution, failure mode and water inrush pathway. This work provides a meaningful standard for boundary pillar and stope design in a mine as it transitions from an open pit to underground. 展开更多
关键词 boundary pillar STABILITY underground mining numerical simulation case study
Flexible Pavement Design Simulation Using Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide
作者 Daba S. Gedafa Mustaque Hossain +1 位作者 Stefan Romanoschi Andrew J. Gisi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第11期1375-1384,共10页
The KDOT (Kansas Department of Transportation) is currently adopting MEPDG (mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide) to replace the 1993 AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offici... The KDOT (Kansas Department of Transportation) is currently adopting MEPDG (mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide) to replace the 1993 AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) design method. The main objective of this study was to compare flexible pavement design using 1993 AASHTO design guide and MEPDG. Five newly built Superior PERforming Asphalt PAVEments (Superpave), designed using the 1993 AASHTO Design Guide, were selected as test sections for the design simulation study. Deflection data were collected approximately 8 to 10 weeks after construction using FWD (falling weight deflectometer). The FWD deflection data were used to back-calculate the pavement layer moduli using three different back-calculation programs. The existing pavement structures were analyzed for a 10-year analysis period. The maximum numbers of years the existing pavement structures will be in a serviceable condition as well as the minimum thicknesses of different layers to serve for 10-years were also determined. Effects of changing subgrade modulus, target distress, and reliability were also investigated. The MEPDG design analysis shows that the 1993 AASHTO Guide-designed flexible pavements do not show the distresses currently observed in Kansas for the 10-year design period. The MEPDG design simulation shows that the thinner the pavement sections, the higher the permanent deformation. The existing pavement structures can serve for more than 20 years as per the MEPDG design analysis if the default failure criteria and nationally-calibrated models are used. 展开更多
关键词 Pavement design MEPDG 1993 AASHTO design guide FWD deflection back-calculated modulus.
Exploration of Influential People for Viral Marketing 被引量:1
作者 Muhammad Azam Zia Zhongbao Zhang +2 位作者 Liutong Chen Muhammad Hashim Sen Su 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第5期138-148,共11页
Exploration of influential people is really a hot issue for effective viral marketing these days. Prior studies overlooked to consider the influence of interaction between users and the authority of users during infor... Exploration of influential people is really a hot issue for effective viral marketing these days. Prior studies overlooked to consider the influence of interaction between users and the authority of users during information dissemination. In this article, we proposed an innovative concept by employing communication strength and authority in order to explore the influential people. First, we calculated communication strength by three kinds of actions including retweets, comments and mentions. Second, we deliberated authority metric by employing total times getting re-tweeted, number of tweets and followers of a user. Then, we propose a novel algorithm called Influential People Label Propagation Algorithm(IPLPA) that considers the proposed metric to explore the influential people in micro-blog networks. We performed extensive experiments to measure the influence and rank of each person within micro-blog network. The comparative study presents that IPLPA depicted effective people while baseline algorithms retrieved low influenced people at top rank. Additionally, influence dissemination also measured for obtained influential people in order to validate proposed concept. The findings of this study would be useful for viral marketing and advertisement campaigns. 展开更多
关键词 micro-blog network communication strength AUTHORITY IPLPA
Test and analysis of the influence of the transformer insulation resistance and dielectric loss
作者 ZHANG Mengjie HU Shunbin +2 位作者 SUN JiaLong XU Hai ZHANG Ning 《International English Education Research》 2015年第10期65-68,共4页
In view of long-term transformer insulation resistance and dielectric loss measurement, measurement and according to the national standard formula conversion values are not completely consistent, in this paper, a vari... In view of long-term transformer insulation resistance and dielectric loss measurement, measurement and according to the national standard formula conversion values are not completely consistent, in this paper, a variety of transformers are studied, and the applicable scope of the conversion formula is discussed emphatically, combined with the test results are analyzed of transformer insulation resistance value to temperature and oiliness and dielectric loss tangent to temperature and oiliness, and puts forward suggestions on how to improve the insulation performance of transformer. 展开更多
关键词 110kV transformer dielectric loss insulating resistor MEASUREMENT
Outcomes of palliative local treatment in metastatic colorectal cancer patients receiving chemotherapy plus bevacizumab
作者 Ben Zhao Lu Wang +6 位作者 Qianqian Yu Guangyuan Hu Hong Qiu Mingsheng Zhang Li Sun Ping Peng Xianglin Yuan 《Oncology and Translational Medicine》 2018年第3期93-100,共8页
Objective The aim of this study was to assess the value of palliative local treatment of incurable metastatic lesions in colorectal cancer(CRC) patients receiving chemotherapy plus bevacizumab.Methods Data of 105 pati... Objective The aim of this study was to assess the value of palliative local treatment of incurable metastatic lesions in colorectal cancer(CRC) patients receiving chemotherapy plus bevacizumab.Methods Data of 105 patients with histologically confirmed synchronous or metachronous metastatic CRC who received bevacizumab treatment from January 1, 2011 to January 31, 2017 were retrospectively reviewed. Sixteen(15%) patients who were treated with bevacizumab for less than 4 cycles were excluded, and finally, 89(85%) patients were enrolled. Among them, 33(37%) patients who received palliative local treatment were categorized into the palliative local treatment group, and the remaining 56(63%) patients were categorized into the chemotherapy plus bevacizumab group. The primary endpoint was overall survival(OS), which was calculated using Kaplan-Meier survival analyses. Factors possibly influencing survival were evaluated by univariate and multivariate analyses. Adverse events(AEs) were graded according to Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, version 4.0. Grades 1–2 and 3–4 AEs of the two groups were compared and analyzed using the Fisher's exact test and χ~2 analysis.Results The median follow-up period was 20.4 months, ranging from 1 to 60 months. The median OS in the palliative local treatment group was 36.3 months(95% CI, 33.5–39.2), and that in the chemotherapy plus bevacizumab group was 20.5 months(95% CI, 17.6–23.4). Both the univariate(HR 0.13, 95% CI, 0.05–0.30, P < 0.001) and multivariate(HR 0.16, 95% CI, 0.07–0.39, P < 0.001) analyses showed that the addition of palliative local treatment could prolong survival compared with chemotherapy plus bevacizumab alone. There were no significant differences in the rates of common chemotherapy-or bevacizumab-related AEs between the two groups.Conclusion These findings suggest palliative local treatment is an effective and safe method for treating patients with incurable metastatic CRC receiving chemotherapy plus bevacizumab. 展开更多
关键词 metastatic colorectal cancer palliative local treatment BEVACIZUMAB CHEMOTHERAPY overall survival
Partnerships for Success: An Evaluation of Head to Toe, a Family Centered Childhood Obesity Intervention that Partners with an Obesity Clinic
作者 Melody Schaeffer Claire Cioni +3 位作者 Jill Schnurbusch Nicole Kozma Sarah Reinhold Nila Garba 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2018年第3期103-111,共9页
The prevalence of childhood obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States and as of 2014 its prevalence among children ages two to 19 was 17.0%. Without intervention, obese children are at risk for negative healt... The prevalence of childhood obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States and as of 2014 its prevalence among children ages two to 19 was 17.0%. Without intervention, obese children are at risk for negative health consequences and for the increased likelihood of staying obese through adulthood. St. Louis Children's Hospital provides HTT (Head to Toe), an interactive 12-session fimess, nutrition, and social well-being class focuses on adopting healthier lifestyles through daily exercise, and proper nutrition. One program referral method is through a partnership with the hospital's HSC (Healthy Start Clinic), a multi-disciplinary obesity clinic. Pretest and posttest assessments are used to measure changes in body metrics, health behaviors, knowledge, readiness to change, and self-concept. Between August 2011 and May 2016, 485 children and at least one parent or guardian with them were enrolled in the program, and up to 235 children completed at least one pretest- or post-assessment. Analysis determined multiple statistically significant improvements in body metrics, health behaviors, knowledge, including questions related to nutrition and food guidelines, readiness to change assessment, and self-concept. Total knowledge increased by 22%; questions related to nutrition increased by 28.2%, social emotional by 18.9% and physical activity by 17.8%. Findings suggest that the Head to Toe program is effective in improving nutrition, physical activity, social emotional knowledge and behaviors among participants. Childhood obesity is a growing epidemic and creating a relationship with a pediatric obesity clinic can increase the total number of children and teens that are introduced to weight management programs. 展开更多
关键词 Childhood obesity exercise NUTRITION weight WELLNESS mental health
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