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作者 牟春霖 《铁道勘察》 2024年第5期101-107,共7页
轨道交通工程基坑地下水位监测中,传统手持式水位计存在着采集效率低、实时性差、无法实现自动化等弊端,而且现有水位自动化设备多采用RS485通讯,存在着数据传输距离近、接线及结构复杂等缺点。在详细研究水位传感器工作原理的基础上,基... 轨道交通工程基坑地下水位监测中,传统手持式水位计存在着采集效率低、实时性差、无法实现自动化等弊端,而且现有水位自动化设备多采用RS485通讯,存在着数据传输距离近、接线及结构复杂等缺点。在详细研究水位传感器工作原理的基础上,基于MCU设计,自主研发具有高集成度的一体式水位自动化传感器,利用PowerBus接口及MODBUS协议,实现水位传感器与采集模块的数据通信;并采用低功耗休眠模式,对轨道交通工程基坑地下水位实现超长时间连续监测,以满足基坑现场监测工况要求。在某轨道交通工程基坑地下水位监测项目中,将一体式水位自动化传感器与人工手持水位计获取的数据进行对比分析,结果表明,一体式水位自动化传感器获取的水位数据稳定可靠,采集的数据绝大部分误差均在20 mm以内,与手持水位计测量精度相当,能够满足轨道交通工程基坑监测项目中地下水位监测的应用需求。 展开更多
关键词 轨道交通 基坑监测 自动化传感器 低功耗休眠模式 PowerBus接口 MODBUS协议
作者 蔡升昊 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2024年第5期0101-0104,共4页
在我国科技快速发展的过程中,自动化测量传感器已经在工业自动化领域得到了广泛应用。而微机械电子技术作为传感器设计中新出现的技术,可以使传感器体积更小、灵敏度更高,因此能够在自动化测量传感器设计中进行广泛应用。基于此,本文首... 在我国科技快速发展的过程中,自动化测量传感器已经在工业自动化领域得到了广泛应用。而微机械电子技术作为传感器设计中新出现的技术,可以使传感器体积更小、灵敏度更高,因此能够在自动化测量传感器设计中进行广泛应用。基于此,本文首先对微机械电子技术与传感器的定义进行了简单阐述,之后根据自动化测量传感器的工作原理提出了基于微机械电子技术的自动化测量传感器设计方案。 展开更多
关键词 微机械电子技术 自动化测量传感器 转换元件
自动化传感器外壳注塑成型工艺优化研究 被引量:4
作者 刘金娥 刘婉慈 《塑料科技》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第5期95-99,共5页
为了提高自动化传感器外壳的成型质量,利用Moldflow软件对制件的翘曲变形进行分析,建立响应面模型,以模具温度、熔体温度、保压压力以及冷却时间为自变量,制件的翘曲变形量为响应目标。结果表明:制件的模具温度33℃,熔体温度249℃,保压... 为了提高自动化传感器外壳的成型质量,利用Moldflow软件对制件的翘曲变形进行分析,建立响应面模型,以模具温度、熔体温度、保压压力以及冷却时间为自变量,制件的翘曲变形量为响应目标。结果表明:制件的模具温度33℃,熔体温度249℃,保压压力122 MPa,冷却时间20 s,制件的翘曲变形量最小为0.2881 mm,预测值为0.2954 mm,实际值与预测值误差为2.47%,满足要求。四个变量的影响因素大小为:熔体温度>冷却时间>模具温度>保压压力,通过Cpk对其进行成型质量分析,得到长、宽、高的Cpk值分别为1.61、1.45、1.32,制件成型质量良好。 展开更多
关键词 自动化传感器外壳 响应面分析 CPK 成型质量
面向微机械电子技术的自动化测量传感器设计 被引量:3
作者 卞丽情 《制造业自动化》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期152-155,160,共5页
微机械电子技术的深入发展给传感器设计带来巨大改变,传感器逐渐向着自动化、微型化发展,以便用于更加精细化作业当中。为此,设计一种面向微机械电子技术的自动化测量传感器。传感器设计包括两个部分,前一部分给出设计方案,主要包括敏... 微机械电子技术的深入发展给传感器设计带来巨大改变,传感器逐渐向着自动化、微型化发展,以便用于更加精细化作业当中。为此,设计一种面向微机械电子技术的自动化测量传感器。传感器设计包括两个部分,前一部分给出设计方案,主要包括敏感膜片、转换元件、信号调节转换电路、传感器接口电路以及工作程序等几个关键部分的理论设计;后一部分根据前一步设计方案制成传感器成品,并进行性能检测,判断所设计方案是否合理,成品是否能够达到合格标准。结果表明:精度、可靠性、灵敏度、非线性度、迟滞特性、重复性等各项检测结果均在合格标准规定的范围内,由此证明传感器设计方案合理,可以进行生产和制造。 展开更多
关键词 微机械电子技术 自动化测量传感器 敏感膜片 转换元件
基于面向微机械电子技术的自动化测量传感器设计研究 被引量:2
作者 张文豪 《电子测试》 2022年第2期121-122,共2页
关键词 微机械电子技术 自动化测量传感器 转换元件
作者 代响林 《电子制作》 2023年第11期101-104,共4页
随着微型机电技术的不断发展,传感器的设计也发生了翻天覆地的变化,越来越多的自动化、微型化,为的就是实现更高的精度。因此,针对微型机电技术,研制了一种用于自动检测的传感器。传感器的设计由两部分组成,第一部分是敏感膜片、转换元... 随着微型机电技术的不断发展,传感器的设计也发生了翻天覆地的变化,越来越多的自动化、微型化,为的就是实现更高的精度。因此,针对微型机电技术,研制了一种用于自动检测的传感器。传感器的设计由两部分组成,第一部分是敏感膜片、转换元件、信号调节转换电路;在此基础上,对传感器的接口和工作流程进行了详细的理论设计;第二部分按照上一阶段的设计方案制作出传感器的成品,对其进行性能测试,以确定其设计的合理性和最终产品能否满足要求。实验表明,该方法具有较高的准确度、可靠性和灵敏度;通过对该传感器的非线性、迟滞特性、重复性等测试数据的分析,验证了该传感器的设计是合理的。 展开更多
关键词 微机械电子技术 自动化测量传感器 敏感膜片 转换元件
《传感器与检测技术》教材建设 被引量:5
作者 徐科军 马修水 《电气电子教学学报》 2014年第1期115-117,共3页
为了配合自动化类专业"传感器与检测技术"课程的教学,我们将"传感器原理与应用"和"自动检测技术"有机地融合在一起,编写了《传感器与检测技术》教材。该教材突出"一个核心:测量;两个方面:传感器和仪... 为了配合自动化类专业"传感器与检测技术"课程的教学,我们将"传感器原理与应用"和"自动检测技术"有机地融合在一起,编写了《传感器与检测技术》教材。该教材突出"一个核心:测量;两个方面:传感器和仪表;三个重点:原理、电路和应用"。此外,本教材还简要介绍了一些实用的共性技术和新技术。 展开更多
关键词 传感器 检测技术 教材 自动化专业
作者 鲍明福 《化工自动化及仪表》 CAS 2012年第4期531-533,共3页
抚顺式干馏炉群炉全自动化放料组网监控技术由自动探料仪机械执行机构及配电柜等组成,采用PLC组网控制系统,利用自动化传感器检测技术对干馏炉的探料进行智能控制,实现了生产过程的自动化和远程监控作业,进一步提高了生产自动化水平和... 抚顺式干馏炉群炉全自动化放料组网监控技术由自动探料仪机械执行机构及配电柜等组成,采用PLC组网控制系统,利用自动化传感器检测技术对干馏炉的探料进行智能控制,实现了生产过程的自动化和远程监控作业,进一步提高了生产自动化水平和生产效率,促进了安全生产,改善了生产环境。 展开更多
关键词 干馏炉 PLC组网 自动化传感器检测 自动探料仪
作者 刘满意 卢嘉鑫 《四川建筑》 2022年第4期241-244,共4页
利用应变(力)计、加速度计等自动化监测传感器实时观测大型高铁站房结构的受力、变形等状态,是当今及未来高铁站房运营维护的有效手段及主要发展方向之一。文章基于前人研究成果,对国内高铁站房结构健康监测成功案例进行分析总结,为站... 利用应变(力)计、加速度计等自动化监测传感器实时观测大型高铁站房结构的受力、变形等状态,是当今及未来高铁站房运营维护的有效手段及主要发展方向之一。文章基于前人研究成果,对国内高铁站房结构健康监测成功案例进行分析总结,为站房监测提供指导,自研了1款多功能数据采集仪,并将该数据采集模块获取的应变(力)计传感器数据与手持读数仪测量的结果进行精度对比。结果表明,自研的数据采集模块获取的传感器数据精度均优于1 Hz,满足实际生产的需求。该数据采集模块综合多个厂家传感器传输协议,可方便获取各类传感器的监测数据,为实际项目提供便利。 展开更多
关键词 应变(力)计 自动化监测传感器 高铁站房结构健康监测 数据采集仪
作者 牛浩 刘刚 段胜朋 《自动化应用》 2022年第3期101-102,105,共3页
为保证电机组在运行中的全面安全性,对电机组励磁碳刷运行中的常见问题及策略展开研究。统计某热电公司1、2号电机组励磁碳刷更换记录,发现一部分碳刷是由于长期使用磨损过短而被更换的,而大部分碳刷是由于跳角引起的崩角现象而被更换... 为保证电机组在运行中的全面安全性,对电机组励磁碳刷运行中的常见问题及策略展开研究。统计某热电公司1、2号电机组励磁碳刷更换记录,发现一部分碳刷是由于长期使用磨损过短而被更换的,而大部分碳刷是由于跳角引起的崩角现象而被更换。为实现对故障与问题的处理,应在其运行中安装自动化传感器,对碳刷在运行中的电流进行实时监测,掌握集成在电机组中的每块碳刷对电流的分担情况,避免由于电流值差异较大引起的负荷烧毁故障;在碳刷的运行终端安装并集成一个碳粉吸收装置,在运行时,利用电机组的抽风功能,收集碳粉,保证滑环与励磁碳刷两者之间的良好绝缘性能,实现对励磁碳刷滑环摆动防过热处理,更换励磁碳刷与烧毁面抛光处理,保证励磁碳刷可以在排除外界干扰的条件下运行。通过实验证明,提出的措施可以有效处理碳刷故障,保证碳刷在运行中的安全性与稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 电机组 励磁碳刷 电流监测 自动化传感器
《电子产品世界》 2004年第05B期94-94,共1页
关键词 美国模拟器件公司 嵌入式 单芯片 数字可编程精密微控制器 自动化传感器 光网络发射器 车体控制电路 ARM7数据转换器
Design of IEEE1451.5 WTIM for Industrial Network Based on Ubiquitous Sensor Network
作者 Joung-han LEE In-ho CHOI Seung-ho HONG 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2011年第1期42-46,共5页
Recently, the use of ubiquitous sensor network technology has spread vastly. The ubiquitous sensor networks are widely de- ployed in factory auttxnation as they provide effective measuring solution for instruments. Th... Recently, the use of ubiquitous sensor network technology has spread vastly. The ubiquitous sensor networks are widely de- ployed in factory auttxnation as they provide effective measuring solution for instruments. The wired/wireless network module, which provides the interface to connect to the u-sensor network, is needed but there is no perfect standardization about the interface. In this situation, the interface compatibility between measuring instrument can be maintained using the IEEEI451 international standard. In this paper, the Wireless Transducer Interface Mcduie (WTIM) based on IEEE1451.5 was designed. It coxnects to the measuring instnmnt, like the muiti-meter, power meter, and etc., to support the RS232 interface. As these devices cannot connect to network without a mod- ule, we use the WTIM to help these devices connect to network sys- ton. Its ftmction was verified through the ubiquitous network connection and data transfer between monitoring PC and measuring instrument. This technology is expected to reduce cost in order to construct the wireless industry automation system using existing devices. 展开更多
关键词 wireless industrial network ubiquitous sensor network IEEE1451 WTIM
Optimised Pattern Recognition for Robotic Weldment Geometry Measuring
作者 Guido Hoffmeier Maria Plyusnina +1 位作者 Bernd Kuhlenkoetter Jobst Bickendorf 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2012年第11期688-693,共6页
Today, automated robot welding of components with low tolerances in series production is state-of-the-art. But turning to small batch production particularly of parts with high tolerances, engineering and construction... Today, automated robot welding of components with low tolerances in series production is state-of-the-art. But turning to small batch production particularly of parts with high tolerances, engineering and construction of automated solutions is just at the beginning of providing economic efficiency. While weld seam tracking is well established for the described problem, geometric recognition of weldments is not yet solved satisfactorily. This paper will present an optimisation approach of a laser sensor guided and programmed robot welding system which was developed within the project ROPROF at the TU Dortmund. With this development, a working prototype of a robot weld system was built by a steel construction company as well as additional demonstration software showing the potential and transferability of adjusted geometric location of weldments for industrial applications. 展开更多
关键词 Geometry measuring welding process control welding start point search seam finding error correction.
Recent Progress in Optical Fiber Sensors Based on Brillouin Scattering at University of Ottawa 被引量:9
作者 Xiaoyi BAO Liang CHEN 《Photonic Sensors》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期102-117,共16页
The distributed sensor is proven to be a powerful tool for civil structural and material process monitoring. Brillouin scattering in fiber can be used as point sensors or distributed sensors for measurement of tempera... The distributed sensor is proven to be a powerful tool for civil structural and material process monitoring. Brillouin scattering in fiber can be used as point sensors or distributed sensors for measurement of temperature, strain, birefringence and vibration over centimeters (Brillouin grating length) for point sensor or the pulse length for the distributed sensor. Simultaneous strain and temperature measurement with a spatial resolution of 20 cm is demonstrated in a Panda fiber using Brillouin grating technique with the temperature accuracy and strain accuracy of 0.4 ℃ and 9 με. This technique can also be used for distributed birefringence measurement. For Brillouin optical time domain analysis (BOTDA), we have developed a new technique to measure differential Brillouin gain instead of Brillouin gain itself. This technique allows high precision temperature and strain measurement over long sensing length with sub-meter spatial resolution: 50-cm spatial resolution for 50-km length, using return-to-zero coded optical pulses of BOTDA with the temperature resolution of 0.7 ℃, which is equivalent to strain accuracy of 12 με. For over 50-km sensing length, we proposed and demonstrated frequency-division-multiplexing (FDM) and time-division-multiplexing (TDM) based BOTDA technique for 75-km and 100-km sensing length without inline amplification within the sensing length. The spatial resolution of 2m (100km) and Brillouin frequency shift accuracy of 1.5 MHz have been obtained for TDM based BOTDA and 1-m resolution (75 km) with Brillouin frequency shift accuracy of 1 MHz using FDM based BOTDA. The civil structural health monitoring with BOTDA technique has been demonstrated. 展开更多
关键词 Brillouin scattering distributed sensor Brillouin grating TEMPERATURE STRAIN BIREFRINGENCE
Fiber-Optic Sensor Applications in Civil and Geotechnical Engineering 被引量:14
作者 Wolfgang R. HABEL and Katerina KREBBER 《Photonic Sensors》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第3期268-280,共13页
Different types of fiber-optic sensors based on glass or polymeric fibers are used to evaluate material behavior or to monitor the integrity and long-term stability of load-bearing structure components. Fiber-optic se... Different types of fiber-optic sensors based on glass or polymeric fibers are used to evaluate material behavior or to monitor the integrity and long-term stability of load-bearing structure components. Fiber-optic sensors have been established as a new and innovative measurement technology in very different fields, such as material science, civil engineering, light-weight structures, geotechnical areas as well as chemical and high-voltage substations. Very often, mechanical quantities such as deformation, strain or vibration are requested. However, measurement of chemical quantities in materials and structure components, such as pH value in steel reinforced concrete members also provides information about the integrity of concrete structures. A special fiber-optic chemical sensor for monitoring the alkaline state (pH value) of the cementitious matrix in steel-reinforced concrete structures with the purpose of early detection of corrosion-initiating factors is described. The paper presents the use of several fiber-optic sensor technologies in engineering. One example concerns the use of highly resolving concrete-embeddable fiber Fabry-Perot acoustic emission (AE) sensors for the assessment of the bearing behaviour of large concrete piles in existing foundations or during and after its installation. Another example concerns fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors attached to anchor steels (micro piles) to measure the strain distribution in loaded soil anchors. Polymer optical fibers (POF) can be -- because of their high elasticity and high ultimate strain - well integrated into textiles to monitor their deformation behaviour. Such "intelligent" textiles are capable of monitoring displacement of soil or slopes, critical mechanical deformation in geotechnical structures (dikes, dams, and embankments) as well as in masonry structures during and after earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 Fiber-optic sensor monitoring earthquake damage assessment steel-reinforced structures pH sensor GEOTEXTILES distributed sensor
Review on Recent Developments of Fluorescent Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Optical Fiber Sensors 被引量:9
作者 Cheng-Shane CHU Yu-Lung LO Ti-Wen SUNG 《Photonic Sensors》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第3期234-250,共17页
Oxygen and carbon dioxide sensors are involved in many chemical and biochemical reactions. Consequently, considerable efforts over years have been devoted to discover and improve suitable techniques for measuring gas ... Oxygen and carbon dioxide sensors are involved in many chemical and biochemical reactions. Consequently, considerable efforts over years have been devoted to discover and improve suitable techniques for measuring gas concentrations by optical fiber sensors. Optical gas sensors consist of a gas-sensitive dye entrapped in a matrix with a high permeability to gas. With such sensors, gas concentration is evaluated based upon the reduction in luminescence intensity caused by gas quenching of the emitting state. However, the luminescence quenching effect of oxygen is highly sensitive to temperature. Thus, a simple, low-cost plastic optical fiber sensor for dual sensing of temperature and oxygen is presented. Also, a modified Stern-Volmer model is introduced to compensate for the temperature drift while the temperature is obtained by above dual sensor. Recently, we presented highly-sensitive oxygen and dissolved oxygen sensors comprising an optical fiber coated at one end with platinum (II) meso-tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)porphyrin (PtTFPP) and PtTFPP entrapped core-shell silica nanoparticles embedded in an n-octyltriethoxysilane(Octyl-triEOS)/tetraethylorthosilane (TEOS) composite xerogel. Also, two-dimensional gas measurement for the distribution of chemical parameters in non-homogeneous samples is developed and is of interest in medical and biological researches. 展开更多
关键词 OXYGEN carbon dioxide fluorescent dye optical fiber temperature effect modified Stem-Volmermodel core-shell silica nanoparticles
Loop Topology Based White Light Interferometric Fiber Optic Sensor Network for Application of Perimeter Security 被引量:6
作者 Libo YUAN Yongtao DONG 《Photonic Sensors》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第3期260-267,共8页
A loop topology based white light interferometric sensor network for perimeter security has been designed and demonstrated. In the perimeter security sensing system, where fiber sensors are packaged in the suspended c... A loop topology based white light interferometric sensor network for perimeter security has been designed and demonstrated. In the perimeter security sensing system, where fiber sensors are packaged in the suspended cable or buried cable, a bi-directional optical path interrogator is built by using Michelson or Mach-Zehnder interferometer. A practical implementation of this technique is presented by using an amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) light source and standard single mode fiber, which are common in communication industry. The sensor loop topology is completely passive and absolute length measurements can be obtained for each sensing fiber segment so that it can be used to measure quasi-distribution strain perturbation. For the long distance perimeter monitoring, this technique not only extends the multiplexing potential, but also provides a redundancy for the sensing system. One breakdown point is allowed in the sensor loop because the sensing system will still work even if the embedded sensor loop breaks somewhere. 展开更多
关键词 Optical fiber sensors quasi-distributed sensing system perimeter security white light interferometry
An Optical Fiber Hydrophone Using Equivalent Phase Shift Fiber Bragg Grating for Underwater Acoustic Measurement 被引量:3
作者 Shengye HU.ANG Xiaofeng JIN +4 位作者 Jun ZHANG Yi CHEN Yuebin WANG Zhijun ZHOU Juan NI 《Photonic Sensors》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第3期289-294,共6页
An optical fiber hydrophone based on equivalent phase shift fiber Bragg grating (EPS-FBG) with temperature compensation package provides an improvement of sensitivity in underwater acoustic measurement at wide frequ... An optical fiber hydrophone based on equivalent phase shift fiber Bragg grating (EPS-FBG) with temperature compensation package provides an improvement of sensitivity in underwater acoustic measurement at wide frequency range, from 2.SkHz to 12kHz. The acoustic pressure is transduced into elastic vibration of a circle metal disk, resulting in an intensity modulation of the reflected light wave back from fiber Bragg grating (FBG). Experiment shows that the 500 EPS-FBG hydrophone has a minimum detectable acoustic pressure of about at 5 kHz and achieves about 18-dB improvement of acoustic pressure sensitivity compared with a regular apodized FBG hydrophone. 展开更多
关键词 Optical fiber hydrophone acoustic pressure sensitivity equivalent phase shift fiber Bragg grating temperature compensation package
Fiber Laser Based Hydrophone Systems 被引量:3
作者 Asrul Izam AZMI Ian LEUNG +5 位作者 Xiaobao CHEN Shaoling ZHOU Qing ZHU Kan GAO Paul CHILDS Gangding PENG 《Photonic Sensors》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第3期210-221,共12页
We report our recent work on distributed feedback fiber laser based hydrophones. Some issues related to sensitivity, such as fiber laser phase condition, demodulation, and packaging, are also discussed. With the devel... We report our recent work on distributed feedback fiber laser based hydrophones. Some issues related to sensitivity, such as fiber laser phase condition, demodulation, and packaging, are also discussed. With the development of appropriate digital signal processing (DSP) techniques and packaging designs, an interferometric-type distributed feedback (DFB) fiber laser hydrophone system with acoustic sensitivity of 58.0 dB·re·uPa-Hz-0.5 at 1 kHz or a minimum detectable acoustic pressure below 800 uPa during field test is attained. We have also investigated an intensity-type DFB fiber laser hydrophone system and its performance. 展开更多
关键词 Fiber laser HYDROPHONE INTERFEROMETRIC acoustic sensitivity
Multi-Channel Monolithic Integrated Optic Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor Interrogator 被引量:2
作者 Edgar A. MENDOZA Yan ESTERKIN Cornelia KEMPEN Zongjian SUN 《Photonic Sensors》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第3期281-288,共8页
Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is a mature sensing technology for the measurement of strain, vibration, acoustics, acceleration, pressure, temperature, moisture, and corrosion. It has gained rapid acceptance in civil, ae... Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is a mature sensing technology for the measurement of strain, vibration, acoustics, acceleration, pressure, temperature, moisture, and corrosion. It has gained rapid acceptance in civil, aerospace, chemical and petrochemical, medicine, aviation and automotive industries. The most prominent advantages of FBG are: small size and light weight, distributed array of FBG transducers on a single fiber, and immunity to radio frequency interference. However, a major disadvantage of FBG technology is that conventional state-of-the-art FBG interrogation system is typically bulky, heavy, and costly bench top instruments that are typically assembled from off-the-shelf fiber optic and optical components integrated with a signal electronics board into an instrument console. Based on the industrial need for a compact FBG interrogation system, this paper describes recent progress towards the development of miniature fiber Bragg grating sensor interrogator (FBG-TransceiverTM) system based on multi-channel monolithic integrated optic sensor microchip technology. The integrated optic microchip technology enables monolithic integration of all functionalities, both passive and active, of conventional bench top FBG sensor interrogator system, packaged in a miniaturized, low power operation, 2 cmx5 cm small form factor (SFF) package suitable for long-term structural health monitoring in applications where size, weight, and power are critical for operation. 展开更多
关键词 Integrated optics MONOLITHIC fiber sensors structural health monitoring small size light weight low power
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