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作者 徐丹 王璐璐 +2 位作者 江家慧 许育森 李海霞 《实验室研究与探索》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第2期198-202,248,共6页
设计了以硫化法制备表面硫化的普鲁士蓝催化剂,用于比色法检测谷胱甘肽(GSH)。该催化剂可以有效消除本身蓝色的干扰,显著提升类过氧化物酶活性。在H_(2)O_(2)存在下,该催化剂催化3,3′,5,5′-四甲基联苯胺(TMB)氧化形成蓝色的氧化型TMB(... 设计了以硫化法制备表面硫化的普鲁士蓝催化剂,用于比色法检测谷胱甘肽(GSH)。该催化剂可以有效消除本身蓝色的干扰,显著提升类过氧化物酶活性。在H_(2)O_(2)存在下,该催化剂催化3,3′,5,5′-四甲基联苯胺(TMB)氧化形成蓝色的氧化型TMB(oxTMB)。动力学分析表明,催化剂与底物的亲和力强,呈现优异的类过氧化物酶活性。硫化的普鲁士蓝用于比色法检测GSH时表现出较高的灵敏度和选择性。实验包含材料制备、仪器表征和检测,可分割成多个模块在无机化学、仪器分析和生物化学中开展,有利于增强学生创新实践能力,提高学生整合所学知识的能力。 展开更多
关键词 普鲁士蓝 表面硫化 类过氧化物酶活性 比色法 实验教学
粒度可调纳米CuO的制备及其表面硫化研究 被引量:4
作者 顾少楠 孙和云 +1 位作者 范迎菊 孙中溪 《无机化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1185-1191,共7页
用Cu(NO3)2.3H2O为原料,25%氨水为配位剂,用NaOH做沉淀剂,在不同醇-氨水体系中用配位沉淀法制备粒径可调的纳米CuO。通过热重差热分析法(TG-DTA)分析前驱体的组成并得到煅烧最佳温度。在制备前驱体过程中,探究了反应体系溶剂分别为乙醇... 用Cu(NO3)2.3H2O为原料,25%氨水为配位剂,用NaOH做沉淀剂,在不同醇-氨水体系中用配位沉淀法制备粒径可调的纳米CuO。通过热重差热分析法(TG-DTA)分析前驱体的组成并得到煅烧最佳温度。在制备前驱体过程中,探究了反应体系溶剂分别为乙醇、正丁醇、正辛醇时对产物粒径的影响,实验结果表明:随着醇溶剂中碳链的增长,得到纳米CuO的比表面积依次增大,粒度依次减小。将纳米CuO与硫单质混合,在通入氮气的管式炉中以200℃加热90 min,可以得到表面硫化的CuO(CuO/CuS),利用X-射线粉末衍射(XRD)和红外吸收光谱(FT-IR)对纳米CuO和CuO/CuS进行表征。最后将纳米CuO和CuO/CuS分别对乙基黄原酸钾进行吸附,结果表明CuO/CuS对乙基黄原酸钾吸附能力明显增强,进而证明氧化铜表面发生了硫化。 展开更多
关键词 配位沉淀 纳米CUO 表面硫化 吸附 黄原酸盐
碲镉汞表面硫化的光电子能谱及器件性能研究 被引量:2
作者 汤英文 庄春泉 +3 位作者 许金通 游达 李向阳 龚海梅 《激光与红外》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第11期835-836,848,共3页
关键词 光电子谱 HGCDTE 表面硫化 电学性质
纳米CuO的表面硫化 被引量:1
作者 孙和云 刘希豪 孙中溪 《济南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第1期63-68,共6页
采用沉淀-煅烧法合成纳米CuO颗粒,通过黄药在CuO表面吸附后热解得到表面硫化的CuO/CuS核壳结构。径X射线衍射(XRD)、红外光谱(FT-IR)、酸碱滴定、接触角、Zeta电位等测试,对硫化前后的CuO样品进行表征。结果表明:经黄药硫化样品的表面... 采用沉淀-煅烧法合成纳米CuO颗粒,通过黄药在CuO表面吸附后热解得到表面硫化的CuO/CuS核壳结构。径X射线衍射(XRD)、红外光谱(FT-IR)、酸碱滴定、接触角、Zeta电位等测试,对硫化前后的CuO样品进行表征。结果表明:经黄药硫化样品的表面疏水性、表面电性和酸碱性质等均发生变化,红外谱图在617 cm-1处出现Cu—S的振动吸收峰,XRD峰位和强度均未变化,进一步证明CuO表面发生硫化。 展开更多
关键词 黄药 CUO 表面硫化
氧化铜矿物浮选的表面硫化研究进展 被引量:14
作者 李江丽 刘殿文 +3 位作者 李佳磊 杨升旺 蔡锦鹏 苏超 《有色金属(选矿部分)》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第5期122-129,共8页
随着易处理硫化矿资源的日益枯竭,低品位难处理氧化矿资源的开发越来越引起重视。硫化浮选是处理氧化铜矿石最经济有效的方法,硫化的好坏直接影响浮选指标。简述了氧化铜矿石常见的硫化方法、硫化作用以及过量硫化造成抑制的原因,重点... 随着易处理硫化矿资源的日益枯竭,低品位难处理氧化矿资源的开发越来越引起重视。硫化浮选是处理氧化铜矿石最经济有效的方法,硫化的好坏直接影响浮选指标。简述了氧化铜矿石常见的硫化方法、硫化作用以及过量硫化造成抑制的原因,重点介绍了表面硫化机理及其影响因素的研究进展。认为利用学科交叉、先进的分析测试手段和计算机模拟等技术手段进一步研究氧化铜表面硫化及硫化影响因素的微观作用机制是未来重要的研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 氧化铜 浮选 表面硫化 硫化影响 过量硫化
关于汽车玻璃热线银浆表面硫化问题的探讨 被引量:1
作者 范毅 《玻璃》 2019年第2期43-45,共3页
汽车玻璃热线银浆表面硫化问题已成为一个常见的外观质量问题,其主因是银浆表面硫化所导致,与环境条件密切相关。通过对银硫化原理的分析,找出由于原材料、印刷过程、烧结过程及包装、运输存储差异引起银浆表面硫化的原因,提出解决玻璃... 汽车玻璃热线银浆表面硫化问题已成为一个常见的外观质量问题,其主因是银浆表面硫化所导致,与环境条件密切相关。通过对银硫化原理的分析,找出由于原材料、印刷过程、烧结过程及包装、运输存储差异引起银浆表面硫化的原因,提出解决玻璃热线银浆表面硫化问题的防范措施及注意事项。 展开更多
关键词 汽车玻璃 热线银浆 表面硫化 防范措施
硫化铵表面处理对GaAs HEMT/PHEMT器件性能的改善
作者 韩克锋 黄念宁 +2 位作者 章军云 刘世郑 高建峰 《固体电子学研究与进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期590-593,共4页
利用硫化铵溶液对GaAs HEMT/PHEMT器件进行表面硫化处理,并利用硫酸锌溶液进行固化;相对于传统的氨水表面处理,经过此处理的器件获得了更高的直流脉冲比,并保持相当高的击穿电压。分析表明,这样的改善来源于表面硫化处理对砷化镓表面态... 利用硫化铵溶液对GaAs HEMT/PHEMT器件进行表面硫化处理,并利用硫酸锌溶液进行固化;相对于传统的氨水表面处理,经过此处理的器件获得了更高的直流脉冲比,并保持相当高的击穿电压。分析表明,这样的改善来源于表面硫化处理对砷化镓表面态能级的抬高。 展开更多
关键词 表面 击穿电压 脉冲比 表面硫化
硫化物表面吸附与卡林型金矿成因 被引量:2
作者 魏春生 《矿物岩石地球化学通报》 CAS CSCD 1993年第1期34-36,共3页
如果说由Lasaga和Kirkpatrick编篡的Kinetics of Geochemical l’rocesses(矿物学论评之八,1981)标志着以均匀相溶液化学为理论基础的传统地球化学时代的结束,地球化学家逐渐认识并承认绝大多数地质作用都发生在固、液、气相共存的不均... 如果说由Lasaga和Kirkpatrick编篡的Kinetics of Geochemical l’rocesses(矿物学论评之八,1981)标志着以均匀相溶液化学为理论基础的传统地球化学时代的结束,地球化学家逐渐认识并承认绝大多数地质作用都发生在固、液、气相共存的不均匀多相体系中,表面反应控制着地球化学作用的话,那么Hochella和White编辑出版的Mineral—Water Interface Geochemistry(矿物学论评之二十三,1990)则是这一研究的深化。 展开更多
关键词 硫化表面吸附 卡林型金矿
聚乙烯表面处理研究进展 被引量:9
作者 涂春潮 齐暑华 +1 位作者 周文英 杨辉 《中国胶粘剂》 CAS 2005年第7期46-49,共4页
关键词 PE表面处理 等离子体 底涂法 表面硫化
ZnO和ZnS表面对黄药的吸附 被引量:1
作者 王蒙 孙中溪 《济南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第1期78-81,共4页
研究4种样品(ZnO、表面硫化的氧化锌(ZnO/ZnS)、ZnS和ZnO/ZnS再氧化)的表面电性和吸附黄原酸盐的性质,得出4种样品表面的Zeta电位负值的大小顺序为ZnO/ZnS>ZnS>ZnO/ZnS再氧化>ZnO;ZnO/ZnS再氧化样品,在pH=7时对丁基黄药和辛基... 研究4种样品(ZnO、表面硫化的氧化锌(ZnO/ZnS)、ZnS和ZnO/ZnS再氧化)的表面电性和吸附黄原酸盐的性质,得出4种样品表面的Zeta电位负值的大小顺序为ZnO/ZnS>ZnS>ZnO/ZnS再氧化>ZnO;ZnO/ZnS再氧化样品,在pH=7时对丁基黄药和辛基黄药的吸附率均在90%以上,这表明:适度再氧化可改善表面硫化氧化锌对黄药的吸附性能,推测原因为表面元素硫的生成所致;根据模拟软件MEDUSA给出溶液含硫组分分布结果,得出在标准氢电位(ESHE)为0~0.2 V时,单质硫是优势组分。 展开更多
关键词 氧化锌 表面硫化 硫化 黄原酸盐 吸附
典型铜铅锌氧化矿的强化硫化浮选研究进展 被引量:6
作者 曾鹏 谢海云 +3 位作者 晋艳玲 张培 柳彦昊 陈家灵 《矿冶》 CAS 2022年第2期22-28,共7页
随着易选铜铅锌硫化矿资源的日益消耗,大量难选氧化矿资源的开发利用日益被重视。硫化浮选法是氧化矿富集回收的主要方法,但硫化效果直接影响浮选指标。分析了孔雀石、白铅矿和菱锌矿的表面特性及难选原因,阐述了这三种典型氧化矿的表... 随着易选铜铅锌硫化矿资源的日益消耗,大量难选氧化矿资源的开发利用日益被重视。硫化浮选法是氧化矿富集回收的主要方法,但硫化效果直接影响浮选指标。分析了孔雀石、白铅矿和菱锌矿的表面特性及难选原因,阐述了这三种典型氧化矿的表面硫化机理、氧化矿的强化硫化方法和研究进展,目的是为铜铅锌氧化矿表面强化硫化及高效浮选分离提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 铜铅锌氧化矿 硫化 表面硫化 强化硫化
Surfactant-assisted hydrothermally synthesized MoS_2 samples with controllable morphologies and structures for anthracene hydrogenation 被引量:9
作者 李敏 王冬娥 +5 位作者 李佳鹤 潘振栋 马怀军 姜玉霞 田志坚 陆安慧 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期597-606,共10页
MoS_2 samples with controllable morphologies and structures were synthesized using surfactantassisted hydrothermal processes.The effects of surfactants(PEG,PVP,P123,SDS,AOT,and CTAB)on the morphologies and structure... MoS_2 samples with controllable morphologies and structures were synthesized using surfactantassisted hydrothermal processes.The effects of surfactants(PEG,PVP,P123,SDS,AOT,and CTAB)on the morphologies and structures of MoS_2 samples were investigated.The results revealed that spherical,bulk-like,and flower-like MoS_2 particles assembled by NH4~+-intercalated MoS_2 nano-sheets were synthesized.The morphologies of the MoS_2 samples and their structures(including the slab length and the number of stacked layers) of MoS_2 nano-sheets in these samples could be controlled by adjusting the surfactants.Mono-dispersed spherical MoS_2 particles could be synthesized with PEG via the creation of MoS_2 nano-sheets with slab lengths shorter than 15 nm and fewer than six stacked layers.Possible formation mechanisms of these MoS_2 samples created via surfactant-assisted hydrothermal processes are proposed.Further,the catalytic activities of MoS_2 samples for anthracene hydrogenation were evaluated in a slurry-bed reactor.The catalyst synthesized with the surfactant PEG exhibited the highest catalytic hydrogenation activity.Compared with the other catalysts,it had a smaller particle size,mono-dispersed spherical morphology,shorter slab length,and fewer stacked layers;these were all beneficial to exposing its active edges.This work provides an efficient approach to synthesize transition metal sulfides with controllable morphologies and structures. 展开更多
关键词 Molybdenum sulfide Surfactant-assisted Controllable morphology Mono-dispersed Active edges Anthracene hydrogenation
First-principle calculations of interaction of O_2 with pyrite, marcasite and pyrrhotite surfaces 被引量:2
作者 赵翠华 陈建华 +2 位作者 李玉琼 陈晔 李伟洲 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期519-526,共8页
The interaction of O2 with pyrite, marcasite and pyrrhotite surfaces was studied using first-principle calculations to obtain the oxidization mechanisms of these minerals. The results show that the adsorption energy o... The interaction of O2 with pyrite, marcasite and pyrrhotite surfaces was studied using first-principle calculations to obtain the oxidization mechanisms of these minerals. The results show that the adsorption energy of O2 on pyrrhotite surface is the largest, followed by that on marcasite surface and then pyrite surface. O2 molecules adsorbed on pyrite, marcasite and pyrrhotite surfaces are all dissociated. The oxygen atoms and surface atoms of pyrite, marcasite and pyrrhotite surfaces have different bonding structures. Due to more atoms on pyrrhotite and marcasite surfaces interaction with oxygen atoms, the adsorption energies of O2 on pyrrhotite and marcasite surfaces are larger than that on pyrite surface. Larger values of Mulliken populations for O?Fe bond of pyrrhotite surface result in relative larger adsorption energy compared with that on marcasite surface. 展开更多
关键词 iron sulfide O2 adsorption surface oxidation FIRST-PRINCIPLE
修饰纳米CdS/聚合物的界面相互作用与光学性能 被引量:5
作者 容敏智 章明秋 +1 位作者 梁海春 曾汉民 《材料研究学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期130-138,共9页
采用微乳液法结合原位表面修饰合成了纳米尺度的硫化镉粒子,采用溶液共混和静态铺膜方法制备了纳米粒子/聚合物复合体系,以研究纳米粒子与聚合物间的界面作用.结果表明,经修饰的纳米CdS粒子比较均匀地分散于聚合物基体内,纳米粒子与聚... 采用微乳液法结合原位表面修饰合成了纳米尺度的硫化镉粒子,采用溶液共混和静态铺膜方法制备了纳米粒子/聚合物复合体系,以研究纳米粒子与聚合物间的界面作用.结果表明,经修饰的纳米CdS粒子比较均匀地分散于聚合物基体内,纳米粒子与聚合物基体间存在较强的相互作用.根据复合体系的紫外-可见吸收光谱和荧光光谱,分析了表面修饰(表面修饰剂种类、表面修饰剂用量等)对纳米粒子的分散以及复合体系界面特性的影响,证实了表面修饰剂具有促进纳米粒子分散和消除粒子表面缺陷的作用。 展开更多
关键词 复合材料 界面作用 微乳液 纳米硫化 表面修饰 光学性能
Surface plasmon resonance-induced visible-light photocatalytic performance of silver/silver molybdate composites 被引量:6
作者 杨祥龙 王尹 +3 位作者 徐骁 瞿阳 丁星 陈浩 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期260-269,共10页
Novel silver/silver molybdate(Ag/Ag2MoO4) composites with surface plasmon resonance(SPR)-enhanced photocatalytic performance were successfully fabricated via a facile one-pot hydrothermal route with the presence o... Novel silver/silver molybdate(Ag/Ag2MoO4) composites with surface plasmon resonance(SPR)-enhanced photocatalytic performance were successfully fabricated via a facile one-pot hydrothermal route with the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS) in this study.The as prepared silver/silver molybdate(Ag/Ag2MoO4) composites were systematically characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and ultraviolet-visible diffuse reflectance absorption spectroscopy(DRS) in order to investigate their crystal structure,morphology and optical property as well.The photocatalytic activities of the composites were subsequently evaluated by their ability to degrade rhodamine B(RhB) under visible-light irradiation.Varies of controlled experiments were then carefully operated to gain a deep insight into the assembling of Ag/Ag2MoO4composites.It was found that preparation conditions such as pH,reaction time,and the amount of surfactant played important roles in the formation of composites with octahedral microstructures.And the composite obtained at 160 ℃ using 0.5 g of sodium dodecyl sulfate exhibited the highest photocatalytic performance under visible-light irradiation.Capture experiments were also conducted to clarify the function of different active species generated on the surface of Ag/Ag2MoO4during the photocatalytic process,in which both holes and ·OH radicals were found to play crucial role in photocatalytic removal of RhB under visible light irradiation.A possible photocatalytic mechanism of Ag/Ag2MoO4 was finally proposed on the basis of all the results to explain the higher photocatalytic activity of the octahedral Ag/Ag2MoO4 composites.It was inferred that the photoinduced "hot" electrons can quickly transfer from the Ag NPs to the conduction band of Ag2MoO4 and react with oxygen and H2O to generate a large quality of active radicals such as ·OH and ·O2^- because of the SPR effects.Besides,this SPR effects of Ag nanoparticles deposited on the surface of Ag2MoO4 can not only dramatically amplify its light absorption,especially in the visible region,but also promote the separation of photoexcited electron-hole pairs and effectively decrease electron-hole recombination. 展开更多
关键词 SILVER Silver molybdate Sodium dodecyl sulfate Photocatalytic activity Surface plasmon resonance Rhodamine B
富镉离子CdS量子点电化学发光法检测L-半胱氨酸 被引量:4
作者 姜瑞 杨学梅 +1 位作者 王明丽 杨敏丽 《分析化学》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期409-415,共7页
采用一锅法,通过控制镉硫比合成了表面富镉离子的硫化镉量子点,利用L-半胱氨酸可与量子点表面Cd^(2+)结合,使量子点表面钝化,从而增强其电化学发光信号的性质,实现了对L-半胱氨酸的选择性检测。对合成的量子点进行了表征,优化了检测条... 采用一锅法,通过控制镉硫比合成了表面富镉离子的硫化镉量子点,利用L-半胱氨酸可与量子点表面Cd^(2+)结合,使量子点表面钝化,从而增强其电化学发光信号的性质,实现了对L-半胱氨酸的选择性检测。对合成的量子点进行了表征,优化了检测条件。在优化的条件下,L-半胱氨酸在5.0×10^(-9)~1.0×10^(-5)mol/L浓度范围内与ECL信号呈良好的线性关系,检出限为1.2×10^(-9)mol/L(S/N=3)。本方法对L-半胱氨酸具有良好的选择性,用于实际样品中L-半胱氨酸的测定,结果令人满意。 展开更多
关键词 电化学发光 表面富镉离子硫化镉量子点 L-半胱氨酸
Enhanced sulfidization flotation of cuprite by surface modification with hydrogen peroxide 被引量:9
作者 Guang HAN Shu-ming WEN +1 位作者 Han WANG Qi-cheng FENG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第11期3564-3578,共15页
Hydrogen peroxide was used as an oxidant to modify the cuprite surface and enhance its sulfidization.Surface-adsorption and infrared spectroscopy measurements indicated that the modification of the cuprite surface wit... Hydrogen peroxide was used as an oxidant to modify the cuprite surface and enhance its sulfidization.Surface-adsorption and infrared spectroscopy measurements indicated that the modification of the cuprite surface with hydrogen peroxide before sulfidization increased the adsorption capacity of xanthate.Zeta potential,scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy,X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry results showed that the modification with hydrogen peroxide increased the contents of S^(2−)and Sn^(2−)species on the cuprite surface.Microflotation tests showed that the recovery of cuprite increased from 61.74%to 83.30%after the modification of the surface with hydrogen peroxide.These results confirm that the modification of the cuprite surface with hydrogen peroxide enhances the sulfidization of cuprite,which in turn improves its flotation. 展开更多
关键词 CUPRITE FLOTATION hydrogen peroxide surface modification sulfidization
Enhanced low-temperature NH3-SCR performance of CeTiOx catalyst via surface Mo modification 被引量:11
作者 Lulu Li Peixiao Li +4 位作者 Wei Tan Kaili Ma Weixin Zou Changjin Tang Lin Dong 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期364-373,共10页
The effect of molybdenum oxide on the activity and durability of Ce O2-Ti O2 catalyst for NO reduction by NH3 was examined. It was found that the introduction of Mo could improve the low-temperature NH3-SCR activity a... The effect of molybdenum oxide on the activity and durability of Ce O2-Ti O2 catalyst for NO reduction by NH3 was examined. It was found that the introduction of Mo could improve the low-temperature NH3-SCR activity and SO2/H2 O durability of the Ce O2-Ti O2 catalyst and an optimal loading of Mo was 4?wt.%. The best Mo O3/Ce O2-Ti O2 catalyst displayed over 90% NO conversion from 200 °C to 400 °C and obtained 4-fold increase in NO conversion compared to Ce O2-Ti O2 at 150 °C. The characterization results revealed that the number of Br?nsted acid sites over Mo O3/Ce O2-Ti O2 was significantly increased, and the adsorption of nitrate species was dramatically weakened because of the coverage of Mo O3, which were favorable for the high NH3-SCR performance. It is believed that the Mo O3/Ce O2-Ti O2 catalyst is a suitable substitute for the NH3-SCR reaction. 展开更多
关键词 DENOX CeO2-TiO2 catalyst MoO3 modification SO2 poisoning Surface acidity
Oxygen adsorption on pyrite (100) surface by density functional theory 被引量:6
作者 孙伟 胡岳华 +1 位作者 邱冠周 覃文庆 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2004年第4期385-390,共6页
Pyrite (FeS2) bulk and (100) surface properties and the oxygen adsorption on the surface were studied by using density functional theory methods. The results show that in the formation of FeS2 (100) surface, the... Pyrite (FeS2) bulk and (100) surface properties and the oxygen adsorption on the surface were studied by using density functional theory methods. The results show that in the formation of FeS2 (100) surface, there exists a process of electron transfer from Fe dangling bond to S dangling bond. In this situation, surface Fe and S atoms have more ionic properties. Both Fe2+ and S2- have high electrochemistry reduction activity, which is the base for oxygen adsorption. From the viewpoint of adsorption energy, the parallel form oxygen adsorption is in preference. The result also shows that the state of oxygen absorbed on FeS2 surface acts as peroxides rather than O2. 展开更多
关键词 density functional theory FeS_2 (100) surface surface relaxation oxygen adsorption sulfide flotation
Unveiling subsurface hydrogen inhibition for promoting electrochemical transfer semihydrogenation of alkynes with water 被引量:1
作者 Qi Hao Yongmeng Wu +2 位作者 Cuibo Liu Yanmei Shi Bin Zhang 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第12期3095-3100,共6页
Highly selective electrocatalytic semihydrogenation of alkynes to alkenes with water as the hydrogen source over palladium-based electrocatalysts is significant but remains a great challenge because of the excessive h... Highly selective electrocatalytic semihydrogenation of alkynes to alkenes with water as the hydrogen source over palladium-based electrocatalysts is significant but remains a great challenge because of the excessive hydrogenation capacity of palladium.Here,we propose that an ideal palladium catalyst should possess weak alkene adsorption and inhibit subsurface hydrogen formation to stimulate the high selectivity of alkyne semihydrogenation.Therefore,sulfur-modified Pd nanowires(Pd-S NWs)are designedly prepared by a solid-solution interface sulfuration method with KSCN as the sulfur source.The introduction of S weakens the alkene adsorption and prevents the diffusion of active hydrogen(H^(*))into the Pd lattice to form unfavorable subsurface H^(*).As a result,electrocatalytic alkyne semihydrogenation is achieved over a Pd-S NWs cathode with wide substrate scopes,potential-independent up to 99%alkene selectivity,good fragile groups compatibility,and easily synthesized deuterated alkenes.An adsorbed hydrogen addition mechanism of this semihydrogenation reaction is proposed.Importantly,an easy modification of commercial Pd/C by in situ addition of SCN–enabling the gram-scale synthesis of an alkene with 99%selectivity and 95%conversion highlights the promising potential of our method. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROCATALYSIS Alkyne semihydrogenation Selectivity Hydrogen adsorption Interface sulfuration
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