本文基于一个国际通用的耦合器OASIS,将区域大气模式CREM(Climate version of Regional Eta Model)和RegCM3(Regional Climate Model version 3)分别与改进的普林斯顿区域海洋模式(POM2000)耦合,建立了一个区域海气耦合模式,并利用该耦...本文基于一个国际通用的耦合器OASIS,将区域大气模式CREM(Climate version of Regional Eta Model)和RegCM3(Regional Climate Model version 3)分别与改进的普林斯顿区域海洋模式(POM2000)耦合,建立了一个区域海气耦合模式,并利用该耦合模式讨论了不同大气分量对耦合模式性能的影响.以1998年西北太平洋夏季风为模拟个例,结果表明,对降水而言,CREM和RegCM3耦合前后显示出显著不同的特征.较之控制试验(即不考虑海气耦合),耦合后CREM(RegCM3)模拟的海上降水显著增多(减少).上述降水变化与耦合模拟的海温场偏差不同有关:CREM(RegCM3)耦合后海温偏暖(偏冷),增加(减少)了海表蒸发,增加(减少)了海上降水.分析表明,控制试验中模式对海洋区域温湿垂直廓线的模拟偏差是导致耦合海温偏差的重要原因.CREM(RegCM3)模拟的低层大气偏暖偏湿(干冷),使得海表潜热偏少(多),低层大气层结较之观测更不稳定(稳定),导致低层云量偏少(多),到达海表的净短波辐射偏多(少).CREM(RegCM3)在观测海温强迫下对海表净热通量模拟偏少(多),相当于一个潜在的虚假热源(冷源).一旦开始海气耦合,该热源(冷源)会使模拟的SST升温(降温),产生暖(冷)偏差.温湿廓线的模拟偏差可能与两个大气模式对对流降水过程的描述不同有关.展开更多
The intensity of interannual variability(IIV)of the monsoon and monsoon–ENSO biennial relationship(MEBR)were examined and compared for both the Indian summer monsoon(ISM)and western North Pacific summer monsoon(WNPSM...The intensity of interannual variability(IIV)of the monsoon and monsoon–ENSO biennial relationship(MEBR)were examined and compared for both the Indian summer monsoon(ISM)and western North Pacific summer monsoon(WNPSM)during 1958–2018.Covariability of the IIV and MEBR were identified for the two monsoons.When the MEBR was strong(weak),the IIV of the monsoon was observed to be large(small).This rule applied to both the ISM and WNPSM.Out-ofphase relationships were found between the ISM and the WNPSM.When the IIV and MEBR of the ISM were strong(weak),those of the WNPSM tended to be weak(strong).During the period with a stronger(weaker)ENSO–Atlantic coupling after(before)the mid-1980 s,the IIV and MEBR of the WNPSM(ISM)were observed to be stronger.The increasing influences from the tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature(SST)may trigger the observed seesaw pattern of the ISM and WNPSM in terms of the IIV and MEBR multidecadal variability.The results imply that tropical Atlantic SST may need to be given more attention and consideration when predicting future monsoon variability of the ISM and WNPSM.展开更多
The correlation between summertime Nino3.4 index and western North Pacific(WNP)summer monsoon index has strikingly enhanced since the early 1990 s,with nonsignificant correlation before the early1990 s but significant...The correlation between summertime Nino3.4 index and western North Pacific(WNP)summer monsoon index has strikingly enhanced since the early 1990 s,with nonsignificant correlation before the early1990 s but significant correlation afterward.This observed interdecadal change around the 1990 s may be associated with more frequent occurrences of central Pacific(CP)El Nino and the interdecadal changes in ENSO-associated SST anomalies.During the post-1990 s period(the pre-1990 s period),highly noticeable tropical Atlantic(Indian)Ocean SST anomalies tend to co-occur with the summertime Nino3.4 SST anomalies.The concurrent tropical Atlantic(Indian)Ocean SST anomalies could constructively reinforce(destructively mitigate)the WNP monsoon circulation anomalies induced by the summertime Nino3.4 SST,thus boosting(muting)the correlation between summertime Nino3.4 SST and WNP monsoon.In addition,the faster decaying pace of preceding-winter El Nino after the 1990 s,which may have been mainly induced by the influences from the spring tropical North Atlantic SST anomalies,could also have contributed to the enhanced correlation between the summertime Nino3.4 index and WNP monsoon.These results suggest that the enhanced influences from the tropical Atlantic SST may have triggered the intensified correlation between summertime ENSO and WNP monsoon since the early 1990 s.展开更多
A new regional coupled ocean–atmosphere model,WRF4-LICOM,was used to investigate the impacts of regional air–sea coupling on the simulation of the western North Pacific summer monsoon(WNPSM),with a focus on the norm...A new regional coupled ocean–atmosphere model,WRF4-LICOM,was used to investigate the impacts of regional air–sea coupling on the simulation of the western North Pacific summer monsoon(WNPSM),with a focus on the normal WNPSM year 2005.Compared to WRF4,WRF4-LICOM improved the simulation of the summer mean monsoon rainfall,circulations,sea surface net heat fluxes,and propagations of the daily rainband over the WNP.The major differences between the models were found over the northern South China Sea and east of the Philippines.The warmer SST reduced the gross moist stability of the atmosphere and increased the upward latent heat flux,and then drove local ascending anomalies,which led to the increase of rainfall in WRF4-LICOM.The resultant enhanced atmospheric heating drove a low-level anomalous cyclone to its northwest,which reduced the simulated circulation biases in the stand-alone WRF4 model.The local observed daily SST over the WNP was a response to the overlying summer monsoon.In the WRF4 model,the modeled atmosphere exhibited passive response to the underlying daily SST anomalies.With the inclusion of regional air–sea coupling,the simulated daily SST–rainfall relationship was significantly improved.WRF4-LICOM is recommended for future dynamical downscaling of simulations and projections over this region.展开更多
It is well known that suppressed convection in the tropical western North Pacific(WNP) induces an anticyclonic anomaly,and this anticyclonic anomaly results in more rainfall along the East Asian rain band through more...It is well known that suppressed convection in the tropical western North Pacific(WNP) induces an anticyclonic anomaly,and this anticyclonic anomaly results in more rainfall along the East Asian rain band through more water vapor transport during summer, as well as early and middle summer. However, the present results indicate that during late summer(from mid-August to the beginning of September), the anomalous anticyclone leads to more rainfall over central southern China(CSC), a region quite different from preceding periods. The uniqueness of late summer is found to be related to the dramatic change in climatological monsoon flows: southerlies over southern China during early and middle summer but easterlies during late summer. Therefore, the anomalous anticyclone, which shows a southerly anomaly over southern China, enhances monsoonal southerlies and induces more rainfall along the rain band during early and middle summer. During late summer,however, the anomalous anticyclone reflects a complicated change in monsoon flows: it changes the path, rather than the intensity, of monsoon flows. Specifically, during late summers of suppressed convection in the tropical WNP, southerlies dominate from the South China Sea to southern China, and during late summers of enhanced convection, northeasterlies dominate from the East China Sea to southern China, causing more and less rainfall in CSC, respectively.展开更多
Leading time length is an important issue for modeling seasonal forecasts. In this study, a comparison of the interannual predictability of the Western North Pacific (WNP) summer monsoon between different leading mont...Leading time length is an important issue for modeling seasonal forecasts. In this study, a comparison of the interannual predictability of the Western North Pacific (WNP) summer monsoon between different leading months was performed by using one-, four-, and sevenmonth lead retrospective forecasts (hindcasts) of four coupled models from Ensembles-Based Predictions of Climate Changes and Their Impacts (ENSEMBLES) for the period of 1960 2005. It is found that the WNP summer anomalies, including lower-tropospheric circulation and precipitation anomalies, can be well predicted for all these leading months. The accuracy of the four-month lead prediction is only slightly weaker than that of the one-month lead prediction, although the skill decreases with the increase of leading months.展开更多
Using 132-member experiments based on a linear baroclinic atmospheric model(LBM), this study investigates the optimal heat source forcing the interannual variability of the western North Pacific summer monsoon(WNPSM)....Using 132-member experiments based on a linear baroclinic atmospheric model(LBM), this study investigates the optimal heat source forcing the interannual variability of the western North Pacific summer monsoon(WNPSM). The 132 members are forced by localized atmospheric heat sources distributed homogeneously over regions from 55°S to 55°N, each 10° latitude × 30° longitude in size. The atmospheric responses to all the heating constitute an ensemble to examine the relative contribution of each local heat source to the strength of the WNPSM. The result indicates that the combination of an atmospheric heating(cooling) source over the subtropical Northwest Pacific and a cooling(heating) source over the tropical Indian Ocean and the midlatitudes from China to the southern part of Japan is the pattern most effective at enhancing(weakening) the WNPSM.Besides, the optimal heat source pattern identified by the LBM simulations is similar to the observed atmospheric heating anomalies associated with WNPSM interannual variability. The results suggest that any external forcing that leads to a similar heating structure as the optimal thermal forcing pattern could lead to an anomalous WNPSM.展开更多
Recent studies have found a connection between Indian Ocean Basin Warming and the anomalous Northwest Pacific Anticy- clone (ANPWA) during El Nifio decaying year. This study focuses on the necessary condition for th...Recent studies have found a connection between Indian Ocean Basin Warming and the anomalous Northwest Pacific Anticy- clone (ANPWA) during El Nifio decaying year. This study focuses on the necessary condition for this connection by using ob- servation and numerical simulation. The seasonal transition of the Indian Ocean sea surface wind is critical to the climatic ef- fect of Indian Ocean Basin Warming. When the South Asian Summer Monsoon reaches its peak, the background wind be- comes desirable for basin warming, which then affects the climate in the Northwest Pacific. Via the Kelvin waves and Ekman divergence, the wind anomalies exist in the lower atmosphere east of the Indian Ocean warm Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomalies, and intensify and sustain the ANWPA throughout the E1 Nifio decaying summer. This impact plays an important role in the inter-annual variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon.展开更多
A regional ocean atmosphere coupled model (ROAM) is developed through coupler OASIS3,and is composed of regional climate model RegCM3 and CREM (Climate version of Regional Eta Model) as its atmospheric component and o...A regional ocean atmosphere coupled model (ROAM) is developed through coupler OASIS3,and is composed of regional climate model RegCM3 and CREM (Climate version of Regional Eta Model) as its atmospheric component and of a revised Princeton ocean model (POM2000) as its oceanic component.The performance of the ROAM over the western North Pacific summer monsoon region is assessed by the case simulation of warm season in 1998.Impacts of different atmospheric model components on the performance of ROAM are investigated.Compared with stand-alone simulation,CREM (RegCM3) produces more (or less) rainfall over ocean area with inclusion of the air-sea coupling.Different biases of rainfall are caused by the different biases of SST derived from the coupled simulation.Warm (or cold) SST bias simulated by CREM_CPL (RegCM3_CPL) increases (or decreases) the evaporation at sea surface,then increases (or decreases) the rainfall over ocean.The analyses suggest that the biases of vertical profile of temperature and specific humidity in stand-alone simulations may be responsible for the SST biases in regional coupled simulations.Compared with reanalysis data,the warmer (or colder) and moister (or dryer) lower troposphere simulated in CREM (RegCM3) produces less (or more) sea surface latent heat flux.Meanwhile,the more unstable (or stable) lower troposphere produces less (or more) cloudiness at low-level,which increases (or decreases) the solar radiation reaching on the sea surface.CREM (RegCM3) forced by observed SST overestimates (or underestimates) the sea surface net heat flux,implying a potential warm (or cold) heat source.After coupling with POM2000,the warm (or cold) heat source would further increase (or decrease) the SST.The biases of vertical profile of temperature and specific humidity may be ascribed to the different representation of cumulus convection in atmospheric models.展开更多
文摘本文基于一个国际通用的耦合器OASIS,将区域大气模式CREM(Climate version of Regional Eta Model)和RegCM3(Regional Climate Model version 3)分别与改进的普林斯顿区域海洋模式(POM2000)耦合,建立了一个区域海气耦合模式,并利用该耦合模式讨论了不同大气分量对耦合模式性能的影响.以1998年西北太平洋夏季风为模拟个例,结果表明,对降水而言,CREM和RegCM3耦合前后显示出显著不同的特征.较之控制试验(即不考虑海气耦合),耦合后CREM(RegCM3)模拟的海上降水显著增多(减少).上述降水变化与耦合模拟的海温场偏差不同有关:CREM(RegCM3)耦合后海温偏暖(偏冷),增加(减少)了海表蒸发,增加(减少)了海上降水.分析表明,控制试验中模式对海洋区域温湿垂直廓线的模拟偏差是导致耦合海温偏差的重要原因.CREM(RegCM3)模拟的低层大气偏暖偏湿(干冷),使得海表潜热偏少(多),低层大气层结较之观测更不稳定(稳定),导致低层云量偏少(多),到达海表的净短波辐射偏多(少).CREM(RegCM3)在观测海温强迫下对海表净热通量模拟偏少(多),相当于一个潜在的虚假热源(冷源).一旦开始海气耦合,该热源(冷源)会使模拟的SST升温(降温),产生暖(冷)偏差.温湿廓线的模拟偏差可能与两个大气模式对对流降水过程的描述不同有关.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China[grant number 42275025]the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences[grant number 2023084].
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China grant number 41776031the National Key Research and Development Program of China grant number 2018YFC1506903+2 种基金the Guangdong Natural Science Foundation grant number 2015A030313796the program for scientific research start-up funds of Guangdong Ocean Universitythe Foundation for Returned Scholars of the Ministry of Education of China。
文摘The intensity of interannual variability(IIV)of the monsoon and monsoon–ENSO biennial relationship(MEBR)were examined and compared for both the Indian summer monsoon(ISM)and western North Pacific summer monsoon(WNPSM)during 1958–2018.Covariability of the IIV and MEBR were identified for the two monsoons.When the MEBR was strong(weak),the IIV of the monsoon was observed to be large(small).This rule applied to both the ISM and WNPSM.Out-ofphase relationships were found between the ISM and the WNPSM.When the IIV and MEBR of the ISM were strong(weak),those of the WNPSM tended to be weak(strong).During the period with a stronger(weaker)ENSO–Atlantic coupling after(before)the mid-1980 s,the IIV and MEBR of the WNPSM(ISM)were observed to be stronger.The increasing influences from the tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature(SST)may trigger the observed seesaw pattern of the ISM and WNPSM in terms of the IIV and MEBR multidecadal variability.The results imply that tropical Atlantic SST may need to be given more attention and consideration when predicting future monsoon variability of the ISM and WNPSM.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China [grant number2018YFC1506903]the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant number 41776031]+2 种基金the Guangdong Natural Science Foundation [grant number 2015A030313796]the program for scientific research start-up funds of Guangdong Ocean Universitythe Foundation for Returned Scholars of the Ministry of Education of China
文摘The correlation between summertime Nino3.4 index and western North Pacific(WNP)summer monsoon index has strikingly enhanced since the early 1990 s,with nonsignificant correlation before the early1990 s but significant correlation afterward.This observed interdecadal change around the 1990 s may be associated with more frequent occurrences of central Pacific(CP)El Nino and the interdecadal changes in ENSO-associated SST anomalies.During the post-1990 s period(the pre-1990 s period),highly noticeable tropical Atlantic(Indian)Ocean SST anomalies tend to co-occur with the summertime Nino3.4 SST anomalies.The concurrent tropical Atlantic(Indian)Ocean SST anomalies could constructively reinforce(destructively mitigate)the WNP monsoon circulation anomalies induced by the summertime Nino3.4 SST,thus boosting(muting)the correlation between summertime Nino3.4 SST and WNP monsoon.In addition,the faster decaying pace of preceding-winter El Nino after the 1990 s,which may have been mainly induced by the influences from the spring tropical North Atlantic SST anomalies,could also have contributed to the enhanced correlation between the summertime Nino3.4 index and WNP monsoon.These results suggest that the enhanced influences from the tropical Atlantic SST may have triggered the intensified correlation between summertime ENSO and WNP monsoon since the early 1990 s.
基金jointly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China grant number 41875132The National Key Research and Development Program of China grant number 2018YFA0606003。
文摘A new regional coupled ocean–atmosphere model,WRF4-LICOM,was used to investigate the impacts of regional air–sea coupling on the simulation of the western North Pacific summer monsoon(WNPSM),with a focus on the normal WNPSM year 2005.Compared to WRF4,WRF4-LICOM improved the simulation of the summer mean monsoon rainfall,circulations,sea surface net heat fluxes,and propagations of the daily rainband over the WNP.The major differences between the models were found over the northern South China Sea and east of the Philippines.The warmer SST reduced the gross moist stability of the atmosphere and increased the upward latent heat flux,and then drove local ascending anomalies,which led to the increase of rainfall in WRF4-LICOM.The resultant enhanced atmospheric heating drove a low-level anomalous cyclone to its northwest,which reduced the simulated circulation biases in the stand-alone WRF4 model.The local observed daily SST over the WNP was a response to the overlying summer monsoon.In the WRF4 model,the modeled atmosphere exhibited passive response to the underlying daily SST anomalies.With the inclusion of regional air–sea coupling,the simulated daily SST–rainfall relationship was significantly improved.WRF4-LICOM is recommended for future dynamical downscaling of simulations and projections over this region.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41721004 and 41320104007)
文摘It is well known that suppressed convection in the tropical western North Pacific(WNP) induces an anticyclonic anomaly,and this anticyclonic anomaly results in more rainfall along the East Asian rain band through more water vapor transport during summer, as well as early and middle summer. However, the present results indicate that during late summer(from mid-August to the beginning of September), the anomalous anticyclone leads to more rainfall over central southern China(CSC), a region quite different from preceding periods. The uniqueness of late summer is found to be related to the dramatic change in climatological monsoon flows: southerlies over southern China during early and middle summer but easterlies during late summer. Therefore, the anomalous anticyclone, which shows a southerly anomaly over southern China, enhances monsoonal southerlies and induces more rainfall along the rain band during early and middle summer. During late summer,however, the anomalous anticyclone reflects a complicated change in monsoon flows: it changes the path, rather than the intensity, of monsoon flows. Specifically, during late summers of suppressed convection in the tropical WNP, southerlies dominate from the South China Sea to southern China, and during late summers of enhanced convection, northeasterlies dominate from the East China Sea to southern China, causing more and less rainfall in CSC, respectively.
基金supported by the Special Scientific Research Project for Public Interest (Grant No.GYHY201006021)supported by the U.K. National Centre for Atmospheric Science-Climate (NCAS-Climate) at the University of Reading
文摘Leading time length is an important issue for modeling seasonal forecasts. In this study, a comparison of the interannual predictability of the Western North Pacific (WNP) summer monsoon between different leading months was performed by using one-, four-, and sevenmonth lead retrospective forecasts (hindcasts) of four coupled models from Ensembles-Based Predictions of Climate Changes and Their Impacts (ENSEMBLES) for the period of 1960 2005. It is found that the WNP summer anomalies, including lower-tropospheric circulation and precipitation anomalies, can be well predicted for all these leading months. The accuracy of the four-month lead prediction is only slightly weaker than that of the one-month lead prediction, although the skill decreases with the increase of leading months.
基金The study was jointly supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences[grant number XDA20060502]the National Natural Science Foundation of China[grant numbers 41425086,41661144016,and 41706026]the State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography,South China Sea Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences[project number LTO1704].
文摘Using 132-member experiments based on a linear baroclinic atmospheric model(LBM), this study investigates the optimal heat source forcing the interannual variability of the western North Pacific summer monsoon(WNPSM). The 132 members are forced by localized atmospheric heat sources distributed homogeneously over regions from 55°S to 55°N, each 10° latitude × 30° longitude in size. The atmospheric responses to all the heating constitute an ensemble to examine the relative contribution of each local heat source to the strength of the WNPSM. The result indicates that the combination of an atmospheric heating(cooling) source over the subtropical Northwest Pacific and a cooling(heating) source over the tropical Indian Ocean and the midlatitudes from China to the southern part of Japan is the pattern most effective at enhancing(weakening) the WNPSM.Besides, the optimal heat source pattern identified by the LBM simulations is similar to the observed atmospheric heating anomalies associated with WNPSM interannual variability. The results suggest that any external forcing that leads to a similar heating structure as the optimal thermal forcing pattern could lead to an anomalous WNPSM.
基金supported by the National Key Program for Developing Basic Science(Grant Nos.2010CB428504&2012CB956002)National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.40906005,41105059,41275069,GYHY201106017&GYHY201206038)the National Key Technologies R&D Program of China(Grant No.2009BAC51B01)
文摘Recent studies have found a connection between Indian Ocean Basin Warming and the anomalous Northwest Pacific Anticy- clone (ANPWA) during El Nifio decaying year. This study focuses on the necessary condition for this connection by using ob- servation and numerical simulation. The seasonal transition of the Indian Ocean sea surface wind is critical to the climatic ef- fect of Indian Ocean Basin Warming. When the South Asian Summer Monsoon reaches its peak, the background wind be- comes desirable for basin warming, which then affects the climate in the Northwest Pacific. Via the Kelvin waves and Ekman divergence, the wind anomalies exist in the lower atmosphere east of the Indian Ocean warm Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomalies, and intensify and sustain the ANWPA throughout the E1 Nifio decaying summer. This impact plays an important role in the inter-annual variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon.
基金supported by the Ocean Projects of Public Science and Technology Research Funds (Grant No. 201105019-3)
文摘A regional ocean atmosphere coupled model (ROAM) is developed through coupler OASIS3,and is composed of regional climate model RegCM3 and CREM (Climate version of Regional Eta Model) as its atmospheric component and of a revised Princeton ocean model (POM2000) as its oceanic component.The performance of the ROAM over the western North Pacific summer monsoon region is assessed by the case simulation of warm season in 1998.Impacts of different atmospheric model components on the performance of ROAM are investigated.Compared with stand-alone simulation,CREM (RegCM3) produces more (or less) rainfall over ocean area with inclusion of the air-sea coupling.Different biases of rainfall are caused by the different biases of SST derived from the coupled simulation.Warm (or cold) SST bias simulated by CREM_CPL (RegCM3_CPL) increases (or decreases) the evaporation at sea surface,then increases (or decreases) the rainfall over ocean.The analyses suggest that the biases of vertical profile of temperature and specific humidity in stand-alone simulations may be responsible for the SST biases in regional coupled simulations.Compared with reanalysis data,the warmer (or colder) and moister (or dryer) lower troposphere simulated in CREM (RegCM3) produces less (or more) sea surface latent heat flux.Meanwhile,the more unstable (or stable) lower troposphere produces less (or more) cloudiness at low-level,which increases (or decreases) the solar radiation reaching on the sea surface.CREM (RegCM3) forced by observed SST overestimates (or underestimates) the sea surface net heat flux,implying a potential warm (or cold) heat source.After coupling with POM2000,the warm (or cold) heat source would further increase (or decrease) the SST.The biases of vertical profile of temperature and specific humidity may be ascribed to the different representation of cumulus convection in atmospheric models.