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作者 饶媛 《中国中医药图书情报杂志》 2021年第6期39-42,共4页
广州医学求益社是清末广东地区的第一个中医社团,社团活动以“联课”即撰写课卷的方式进行学术交流。其结社形式新颖,不拘于地,参与者踊跃,有助于提高社团同人学术水平,培养中医人才。该社课卷内容丰富,以研读经典为主,既有理论研究,也... 广州医学求益社是清末广东地区的第一个中医社团,社团活动以“联课”即撰写课卷的方式进行学术交流。其结社形式新颖,不拘于地,参与者踊跃,有助于提高社团同人学术水平,培养中医人才。该社课卷内容丰富,以研读经典为主,既有理论研究,也有临床探讨,且特别关注时疫。面对西医学的冲击,广州医学求益社同人采取开放包容的态度,积极了解西医学知识,探索中西汇通,这种积极开明的态度在课卷中也得以体现。广州医学求益社结团集社的学术交流形式打破了传统中医师带徒私门授受的局限,为广东培养了一批中医人才,也为民国时期广州近代中医学校的创办奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 广州医学求益社 社团 中医 课卷
作者 黄一玫 《五邑大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第4期21-23,31,90,共5页
陈澧是清代岭南名儒,自进入学海堂为专课生到成为学海堂学长,在学海堂长达几十年,其学术涉猎范围甚广,对岭南学术产生了重要影响。今有陈澧手批《学海堂课卷》一份,内容为江河地理方面的考辨,前后各有评点一段,中有批语六条,是考察陈澧... 陈澧是清代岭南名儒,自进入学海堂为专课生到成为学海堂学长,在学海堂长达几十年,其学术涉猎范围甚广,对岭南学术产生了重要影响。今有陈澧手批《学海堂课卷》一份,内容为江河地理方面的考辨,前后各有评点一段,中有批语六条,是考察陈澧本人治学及授课的重要参考。 展开更多
关键词 陈澧 学海堂 课卷 批语 江有汜
教材使用的研究视角与基本逻辑 被引量:58
作者 安桂清 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期69-74,共6页
教师的教材使用决定了教材价值的实现。课程改革中有关“教教材”与“用教材教”的持久论争及由此带来的实践困惑有待消解。教材使用的两种研究视角——“课程视角-层级说”与“教学视角-互动说”虽有内涵差异,但共同致力于通过教材使... 教师的教材使用决定了教材价值的实现。课程改革中有关“教教材”与“用教材教”的持久论争及由此带来的实践困惑有待消解。教材使用的两种研究视角——“课程视角-层级说”与“教学视角-互动说”虽有内涵差异,但共同致力于通过教材使用将学科专家建构的学科转化为儿童的学科。在整合上述两种研究视角的基础上,教材使用的基本逻辑超越“教教材”与“用教材教”之争,指向多重转化中的互动过程。最终,教材使用通过教材的再开发走向教材的持续优化,教材意义的实现因而离不开其使用逻辑。 展开更多
关键词 教教材 用教材教 课卷视角-层级说 教学视角-互动说 学生存在状态
杜甫诗赋与清代科举——以清代书院中的杜诗课题为中心 被引量:2
作者 黄一玫 《杜甫研究学刊》 2019年第2期43-50,共8页
诗与赋是清代科举中的重要科目,极大影响着清代书院的日常教学。杜甫作为中国诗歌史上的典范诗人,因众体兼备、格律谨严,其诗题、诗句常被书院学长用作日常授课的课艺题目,在课生创作后进行点评。翻检清代书院课艺集中保留的杜诗课题可... 诗与赋是清代科举中的重要科目,极大影响着清代书院的日常教学。杜甫作为中国诗歌史上的典范诗人,因众体兼备、格律谨严,其诗题、诗句常被书院学长用作日常授课的课艺题目,在课生创作后进行点评。翻检清代书院课艺集中保留的杜诗课题可发现,杜甫进入书院课题的类型十分全面,这不仅对试帖诗和课士赋的创作有着积极的指导意义,也从文化品格等方面规范着清代士人的操守,是清人尊杜的重要体现。 展开更多
关键词 书院课卷 杜诗课题 科举
作者 黄巧 《课外语文(下)》 2016年第4期10-10,共1页
通过研读高考全国语文新课标1卷和福建卷,高考全国语文新课标1卷有几个特点值得我们注意:变化体现在分值、难度、题型、内容上;稳定表现在诗歌、阅读、作文上;灵活题则在断句、情境、默写上。高考全国语文新课标1卷总体特点稳中有变,... 通过研读高考全国语文新课标1卷和福建卷,高考全国语文新课标1卷有几个特点值得我们注意:变化体现在分值、难度、题型、内容上;稳定表现在诗歌、阅读、作文上;灵活题则在断句、情境、默写上。高考全国语文新课标1卷总体特点稳中有变,要求学生有灵活的应变能力。这要求教师多研究和学生多训练多思考,由量变到质量,为从福建卷平稳过渡到全国卷做好充分的准备。 展开更多
关键词 全国新课卷1 福建卷 变化 稳定灵活
Teaching Programming Concepts to K-12 Teachers With Scratch
作者 Chiung-Fang Chiu 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第2期125-132,共8页
This study aims to investigate teaching programming concepts to K-12 teachers with Scratch. A total of 10 K-12 teachers enrolled in one graduate course participated in this study. They received lectures, took practice... This study aims to investigate teaching programming concepts to K-12 teachers with Scratch. A total of 10 K-12 teachers enrolled in one graduate course participated in this study. They received lectures, took practices and exercises of Scratch programming and were then asked to design and implement their projects before the semester. It was found that teaching programming concepts to K-12 teachers with Scratch is feasible. K-12 teachers with less computer background can learned basic programming concepts and applied them in their project code implementation. Although no significant difference was found between participants' pre-test and post-test on programming self-efficacy, positive attitudes toward learning Scratch programming was revealed in the questionnaire survey and results of interviews. This study paves a way for referring to the teaching of programming concepts for K- 12 teachers. 展开更多
关键词 PROGRAMMING SCRATCH teacher training computer science education
Experiments on the orientation of the bilingual learning majored in tourism management in independent colleges based on the data mining
作者 HU Shiwei 《International English Education Research》 2015年第10期40-44,共5页
This study takes two undergraduate courses of Grade 2011 and 2012 of tourism management in an independent college as the sample, uses the questionnaires and the interviews to obtain the relevant data, analyzes the ten... This study takes two undergraduate courses of Grade 2011 and 2012 of tourism management in an independent college as the sample, uses the questionnaires and the interviews to obtain the relevant data, analyzes the tendency of the bilingual learning of the students, and then uses the data analysis to draw the factors influencing the bilingual teaching effect. Based on the above data analysis, the paper puts forward the composition elements and the implementation path of the bilingual teaching systems of the tourism management specialty in indeoendent colleges. 展开更多
关键词 Data mining tourism management bilingual teaching
ESP Needs Analysis: A Case Study of PEH Students, University of Khartoum
作者 Abuelgasim Sabah Elsaid Mohammed Ibrahim 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第12期905-923,共19页
Needs analysis is considered a necessary first step in designing ESP courses. This study, therefore, aims at analysing students at the Faculty of Public and Environmental Health (PEH) at the University of Khartoum ... Needs analysis is considered a necessary first step in designing ESP courses. This study, therefore, aims at analysing students at the Faculty of Public and Environmental Health (PEH) at the University of Khartoum (U of K), Sudan, needs for English language. The study adopted the needs analysis framework suggested by Dudley-Evans and St John (1998) focusing on target needs analysis, present situation analysis, and learning means needs analysis. The study used a questionnaire, a proficiency test, and an interview to collect data. The participants were 490 students at PEH (390 participated in the questionnaire and 100 in the proficiency test) and two professors at the Faculty. The study found that PEH students need English language for academic study. The students rated their proficiency as good, but the test revealed that they were of weak proficiency. All the four skills in addition to vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation are regarded as important to the students. Similarly, almost all the sub-skills are found to be important. The students have a variety of leaming needs such as learning in pairs, groups, and through ICT. The study recommends that PEH students' proficiency should be raised and a course that meets the students' needs is needed. 展开更多
关键词 English for Specific Purposes needs analysis present situation target situation
School Support Services Model for Students With Disabilities in General Education Classrooms: Using Data From the Special Needs Education Longitudinal Study in Taiwan
作者 Shu-Jou Sun Tse-Yang Huang 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第9期1063-1077,共15页
The purposes of this study were to establish a school support service model for students with disabilities in general classroom, and to explore the current status of school support services provided for students with ... The purposes of this study were to establish a school support service model for students with disabilities in general classroom, and to explore the current status of school support services provided for students with disabilities in preschools, primary, and junior high schools. Therefore, this study used data from the Special Needs Education Longitudinal Study in Taiwan, collected in the 2007-2008 academic year. There were 2,924 students with disabilities selected in the study who were placed in general classrooms; 855 were in preschool, 1,079 were in primary school and 990 were in junior high school. The questionnaires in the database were answered by their teachers. The results of this study are listed, as follows: In terms of the school support service model for students with disabilities in the three stages of education, adjustment in teaching accounts for 1-15% of the explanatory power regarding the overall model, while support services account for 63-85%, which peak in junior high schools. Secondly, itinerant teachers are found to be the most important human resource in preschools. For primary and junior high schools, parents and special education teachers are the more prevalent influences. The more common school support services are tuition refunds, itinerant services, adjustments in examinations, and scholarships. 展开更多
关键词 Special Needs Education Longitudinal Study students with disabilities school support services generalclassroom teachers
Analyses and Countermeasures of Current British-American Literature Course Teaching for English Major Students in China
作者 WANG Hong-chang XU Zhong-ming 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第12期953-958,共6页
Tremendous data and materials indicate that British-American literature course, as the compulsive course for English major students, has been overlooked by the authority of various administrative departments and stude... Tremendous data and materials indicate that British-American literature course, as the compulsive course for English major students, has been overlooked by the authority of various administrative departments and students as well. The majorities of teachers and students have formed the conception of attaching more importance to skill-gaining than literature-acquisition. Furthermore, there are large quantities of questionnaires and analyses conducted by the author in this essay; meanwhile, this essay offers some countermeasures to solve the current situation of British-American literature course 展开更多
关键词 British-American literature English major students ANALYSES COUNTERMEASURES
Comparative Study of Information Technology Use by Architects, Engineers and Contractors
作者 Pramen P. Shrestha David R. Shields +1 位作者 Dozie A. Oparaugo Nipesh Pradhananga 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第5期375-388,共14页
The use of information technology (IT) in construction is expanding rapidly. More and more architecture, engineering, and construction companies are adopting new technologies in software design to help accelerate an... The use of information technology (IT) in construction is expanding rapidly. More and more architecture, engineering, and construction companies are adopting new technologies in software design to help accelerate and accurately carry out their functions. Based on a research study carried out in Southern Nevada with a questionnaire survey of 54 construction-related firms, this study aims to compare the types and extent of IT use by architects, engineers, and contractors. It also explores the level of IT skills possessed by professionals working in the industry. The study found that architects mostly used design software whereas engineers and contractors used scheduling and estimating software. All of the respondents believed that IT helped to improve their work productivity. The majority of the respondents thought that IT is useful for Construction Management (CM) students: engineers and architects thought that CM students should take more scheduling and estimating software courses and contractors thought that they should take more scheduling and quantity take-off software courses. 展开更多
关键词 Information technology CONTRACTOR engineers ARCHITECTURE construction management.
Problems Accentuating Effective Sports Development among Youths in the Niger-Delta Region of Nigeria
作者 Moses Ejukwa Edim Femedein Timipre Okou Edmond Asu Odok Pauline Ekun Ekuri 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第6期658-662,共5页
This study assessed some problems affecting sports development among youths in the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria. Survey design was utilized for this study: The population comprised of youths in the Niger-Delta regio... This study assessed some problems affecting sports development among youths in the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria. Survey design was utilized for this study: The population comprised of youths in the Niger-Delta region. Samples of 200 youths were studied. Four hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Data were collated using a structured validated and reliability certified questionnaire. Data generated revealed that poor funding, mode of organization, poor incentives and parental approach have significant influence with sports development among youths in the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria. Some recommendations made include: the need for the government to increase the budgetary allocations for sports in the region, provision of adequate sports facilities and equipment and of course making physical education and sports as a compulsory subject in the school curriculum for primary and secondary schools in the region. 展开更多
关键词 Accentuating sports development YOUTHS Niger Delta region.
Empirical study on factors motivating business students to move to the entrepreneurial sector
作者 Arasu Raman Ali Khatibi 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第7期58-63,共6页
This exploratory study is attempting to examine how employable individuals turn their focus to start-ups. Today, majority of employees still practice a more or less self-protective strategy. In this paper the authors ... This exploratory study is attempting to examine how employable individuals turn their focus to start-ups. Today, majority of employees still practice a more or less self-protective strategy. In this paper the authors have reported the results of an empirical study of factors motivating degreed potential employees to move to self-enterprising. The deciding factors to become an entrepreneur and of sustainable employment-oriented factors are analyzed in order to discover how they differ. Participants consisted of 200 students from Malaysia entered final year of business undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Self-administered questionnaires were used to gather data on factors and types of relationships influencing career choice and entrepreneurial intention. The results will serve as a basis for improvement of employment practices and promising entrepreneurial curriculum in universities to support start-ups in creating sustainable businesses. 展开更多
关键词 entrepreneurial option career development planning job switching motivation
Study on Foreign Teachers' Teaching Validity of English Majors
作者 LIU Yajuan 《International English Education Research》 2016年第12期116-118,共3页
With the deepening of global economic integration, the internationalization of education has become the trend of education development in the world. The paper intends to study on foreign teachers' teaching validity f... With the deepening of global economic integration, the internationalization of education has become the trend of education development in the world. The paper intends to study on foreign teachers' teaching validity from English majors' students' perspective. The essay mainly adopts the classroom observation method to directly observe foreign teachers' classroom. In addition, the paper used the questionnaire and interview method for the English major students to get the first-hand feedback information to explore the existing problems of foreign teachers and then puts forward some suggestions.There are there parts in this paper. The first part is introduction of background and significance, and then it mainly analyzes performance of English majors from the present situation of the foreign teachers' class, and finally solves some common problems in classroom teaching. 展开更多
关键词 English majors foreign teachers teaching effect
清代医官考试及题例 被引量:7
作者 张鸿声 《中华医史杂志》 CAS 1995年第2期95-96,共2页
清代医官考试沿用了宋代的一些做法,制订出一套完整的医学教育及考核制度。太医院先后设教习厅、医学馆,承担有关教习、考核、选拔人才以及医官的升补降革事宜。素问、本草、脉诀为必考内容,再根据所从事的专科选其要籍命题。选家藏... 清代医官考试沿用了宋代的一些做法,制订出一套完整的医学教育及考核制度。太医院先后设教习厅、医学馆,承担有关教习、考核、选拔人才以及医官的升补降革事宜。素问、本草、脉诀为必考内容,再根据所从事的专科选其要籍命题。选家藏《清太医院墨课卷稿》两册中考题为例作了介绍。 展开更多
关键词 清代 医事制度 考试 清太医院墨课卷稿
作者 张求会 《收藏.拍卖》 2004年第4期82-85,共4页
屈指算来,治义宁陈氏之学已有十年。十年前,当业师管林先生指引入门时,我确实未曾想过会“陷”得如此之深。十年间的甘苦,正应了那句老话——如鱼饮水,冷暖自知。“苦”总是不那么受欢迎的,只说“甘”吧。现在想来,最大的“甘”... 屈指算来,治义宁陈氏之学已有十年。十年前,当业师管林先生指引入门时,我确实未曾想过会“陷”得如此之深。十年间的甘苦,正应了那句老话——如鱼饮水,冷暖自知。“苦”总是不那么受欢迎的,只说“甘”吧。现在想来,最大的“甘”,其实并非所谓的研究成果发表或出版,而是“踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫”的那份快意。举个例子。1997年7月,我到江西省修水县陈氏故里考察。 展开更多
关键词 陈寅恪 《敦煌小说选读》 讲义 陈宝箴 课卷 义宁
A Longitudinal Study of the CET Washback on College English Classroom Teaching and Learning in China: Revisiting College English Classes of a University 被引量:3
作者 YANG Zhiqiang Gu Xiangdong LIU Xiaohua 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2013年第3期304-325,403,共23页
With the aim of investigating the longitudinal washback of the innovated College English Test (CET) on College English (CE) classroom teaching and learning and ascertaining what changes the test innovation has bro... With the aim of investigating the longitudinal washback of the innovated College English Test (CET) on College English (CE) classroom teaching and learning and ascertaining what changes the test innovation has brought to CE in China, this study compares CE classes of a university in 2003 with those in 2009 through classroom observations, supplemented with interviews and questionnaire survey. The results indicate that the CE teaching model remains nearly the same before and after the CET innovation, but obvious changes are observed in terms of semester teaching plans, teaching content and teaching methods. It seems that the CET innovation is one of the main factors contributing to these changes, which, however, may also be attributed to other factors such as The College English Requirement, curriculum design, the use of CET results, teachers' individual differences, and students' English proficiency. 展开更多
关键词 CET washback classroom observation longitudinal study
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