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作者 杨伯君 《光通信研究》 1995年第2期10-14,26,共6页
关键词 孤子传输 量子场理论 光纤
国债远期利率的量子场理论模型构建 被引量:6
作者 雷丽梅 冯玲 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第19期98-109,共12页
随着我国利率市场化改革的全面推进和利率衍生品数量的增加,如何对远期利率进行精确与合理建模,就显得十分重要和紧迫.本文利用金融物理学中可有效纳入日历时间和到期时间两个维度上的国债远期利率之间不完全相关性的量子场论方法,对201... 随着我国利率市场化改革的全面推进和利率衍生品数量的增加,如何对远期利率进行精确与合理建模,就显得十分重要和紧迫.本文利用金融物理学中可有效纳入日历时间和到期时间两个维度上的国债远期利率之间不完全相关性的量子场论方法,对2011年1月4日到2016年12月30日的国债瞬时远期利率的实际市场演化进行建模,并将其结果与传统金融只能考虑日历时间方向上的相关性的主流两因子Heath-Jarrow-Morton (HJM)模型的实证结果进行比较.研究结果表明,考虑心理感知剩余时间变量后的量子场理论模型,提供了对实际的国债远期利率的92.67%的拟合优度,优于经典的最优两因子HJM模型69.02%的拟合精度.此外,分别将估计所得的最优参数代入最优量子场理论模型和两因子HJM模型下的远期利率更新方程,对2017年1月3日到2017年12月30日的100个期限的瞬时远期利率的250个瞬时远期利率的期限结构进行回测检验,从平均瞬时远期利率、均方根误差和Theil不等系数三个方面的结果均显示出量子场理论模型对国债远期利率建模的优越性.这些结果对将量子场理论引入到以国债为标的各种金融产品的定价和相关的利率风险管理、银行和金融公司的量化分析以及固定收益证券领域的实践者们均具有重要意义. 展开更多
关键词 量子场理论 国债远期利率 不完全相关性 心理感知剩余时间
作者 方杰 冯玲 《系统科学与数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期3047-3059,共13页
文章介绍了一种可应用于中国原油期货市场的远期期限结构量子场理论模型.该模型是对HJM模型的推广,可以用来描述不完全相关的期货远期净持有成本率的演化.实证研究表明,与传统的HJM模型框架相比,基于量子场理论的模型,对市场数据的拟合... 文章介绍了一种可应用于中国原油期货市场的远期期限结构量子场理论模型.该模型是对HJM模型的推广,可以用来描述不完全相关的期货远期净持有成本率的演化.实证研究表明,与传统的HJM模型框架相比,基于量子场理论的模型,对市场数据的拟合程度更高,预测效果更好.稳健性检验表明,该模型在估计结果的稳健性以及预测效果上均优于传统两因子HJM模型,在期货价格预测和风险对冲方面具有很大的潜力. 展开更多
关键词 中国原油期货 量子场理论 远期净持有成本率
作者 胡光华(评) 《国外科技新书评介》 2009年第2期6-6,共1页
关键词 量子场理论 非平衡状态 量子力学 粒子含量 任意数
基于量子场理论的风险调整下的地方政府债远期利率期限结构 被引量:4
作者 冯玲 林家润 《系统工程理论与实践》 EI CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期882-891,共10页
本文利用量子场理论分别对代表无风险的国债远期利率期限结构和代表信用违约风险的利差远期利率期限结构采用二维欧几里德量子场建模,进而构建风险调整下的地方政府债远期利率期限结构.实证分析比较量子场理论下的新模型、量子场理论下... 本文利用量子场理论分别对代表无风险的国债远期利率期限结构和代表信用违约风险的利差远期利率期限结构采用二维欧几里德量子场建模,进而构建风险调整下的地方政府债远期利率期限结构.实证分析比较量子场理论下的新模型、量子场理论下的传统模型和传统金融两因子HJM模型的拟合效果,推导出新模型下地方政府债瞬时远期利率的更新过程,对地方政府债瞬时远期利率进行预测并做稳健性检验.研究结构表明:新模型的预测效果显著优于量子场理论下的传统模型和传统金融两因子HJM模型. 展开更多
关键词 量子场理论 利率期限结构 地方政府债远期利率 风险调整
作者 冯玲 方杰 《计量经济学报》 2021年第3期624-636,共13页
本文使用量子场理论的相关方法,对单因子HJM模型框架加以拓展和改进,构建了量子场理论下的商品期货持有成本率模型.通过使用WTI原油期货价格进行实证研究,发现该模型的拟合效果相比传统两因子HJM模型更优.通过样本外预测,发现该模型对... 本文使用量子场理论的相关方法,对单因子HJM模型框架加以拓展和改进,构建了量子场理论下的商品期货持有成本率模型.通过使用WTI原油期货价格进行实证研究,发现该模型的拟合效果相比传统两因子HJM模型更优.通过样本外预测,发现该模型对期货瞬时远期净持有成本率的预测效果更好.对于期货市场的参与者而言,可以通过该模型更准确地预测期货升贴水率,有助于市场参与者防控期货交易中的市场风险和基差风险,促进期货市场高效有序运行. 展开更多
关键词 商品期货 量子场理论 期限结构 衍生品
作者 A.M.茨韦里克 李国栋 《国外科技新书评介》 2005年第3期16-17,共2页
关键词 量子场理论 凝聚体 物理学 第二版 剑桥大学 材料科学 物质结构 高新技术 出版社 液体 固体
变质量超微粒子的量子振动理论 被引量:1
作者 姜迅东 胡荣泽 《中国粉体技术》 CAS 2001年第6期8-9,共2页
根据湮灭算符和产生算符的实么正变换理论及SU(1,1)Lie代数理论 ,对变质量超微粒子的量子振动理论进行详细研讨。结果表明 ,变质量超微粒子的能量随时间变化 。
关键词 变质量超微粒子 能级 量子振动 量子场理论 实么正变换理论
作者 斯蒂芬.A.福林(StephenAFulling) 张同意 《商洛学院学报》 1997年第4期1-5,共5页
弯曲时空量子场论经历了一段奇妙的历史。这样说,并不是指它的历史是独一无二的,我料想许多具有类似规模的科研领域都经历了同样的四个阶段。但在此模式上建立一种历史理论,我是没有足够的信心的。我的整个科学生涯主要倾注于弯曲时空... 弯曲时空量子场论经历了一段奇妙的历史。这样说,并不是指它的历史是独一无二的,我料想许多具有类似规模的科研领域都经历了同样的四个阶段。但在此模式上建立一种历史理论,我是没有足够的信心的。我的整个科学生涯主要倾注于弯曲时空量子场论这个课题。我注意到它经历了一些引人注目的事件,布莱斯·德·魏特(Bryce Dewiet)在其中扮演了一个重要角色。在宣称这些事件的重大意义之前,我不得不对这些事件的过程提供一个相当一己之见的说明。(如果读者是一个正在寻找学位论文题目的研究生,我极力劝他或她坚持到此文的末尾。) 展开更多
关键词 弯曲时空 量子场理论 量子 量子引力 重整化 量子 拉格朗日量 广义相对论 张量 统计力学
作者 张孝耘 《飞碟探索》 2013年第5期46-46,共1页
关键词 量子场理论 原理 证明 粒子 定理
Transverse Ward—Takahshi Relation for the Vector Vertex in Quantum Field Theory
作者 HEHan-Xin 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第1期32-35,共4页
The transverse Ward-Takahashi(W-T) realtion for the Vector vertex in quantum filed theory is derived by calculation the coul of the time-ordered product of the three-point function inclduing the vector current operato... The transverse Ward-Takahashi(W-T) realtion for the Vector vertex in quantum filed theory is derived by calculation the coul of the time-ordered product of the three-point function inclduing the vector current operator.This provides the constraint on the transverse part of the vertex.By combining the transverse and normal (longitudinal)W-T identities,we obtain the expression for the full vector vertex function. 展开更多
关键词 量子场理论 矢量顶角 Ward-Takahashi关系式
Thermal Wigner Operator in Coherent Thermal State Representation and Its Application 被引量:3
作者 FANHong-Yi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期289-292,共4页
In the coherent thermal state representation we introduce thermal Wigner operator and find that it is'squeezed' under the thermal transformation. The thermal Wigner operator provides us with a new direct and n... In the coherent thermal state representation we introduce thermal Wigner operator and find that it is'squeezed' under the thermal transformation. The thermal Wigner operator provides us with a new direct and neatapproach for deriving Wigner functions of thermal states. 展开更多
关键词 coherent thermal state thermal Wigner operator
Brownian Motion of a Test Particle with a Normal Classical Velocity in Spacetime with a Plane Boundary 被引量:1
作者 FU Xiang-Yun YU Hong-Wei 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5期847-850,共4页
We study the random motion of a charged test particle with a normal classical constant velocity in a spacetime with a perfectly reflecting plane boundary and calculate both the velocity and position dispersions of the... We study the random motion of a charged test particle with a normal classical constant velocity in a spacetime with a perfectly reflecting plane boundary and calculate both the velocity and position dispersions of the test particle. Our results show that the dispersions in the normal direction are weakened while those in the parallel directions are strengthened as compared to the classical static case when the test particle classically moves away from the boundary. However, if the classical motion reverses its direction, then the dispersions in the normal direction are reinforced while those in the parallel directions get weakened. 展开更多
关键词 Brownian motion vacuum fluctuation quantum field theory
Statistical Gauge Theory for Relativistic Finite Density Problems
作者 YINGShu-Qian 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第3期311-318,共8页
A relativistic quantum field theory is presented for finite density problems based on the principle of locality. It is shown that, in addition to the conventional ones, a local approach to the relativistic quantum fie... A relativistic quantum field theory is presented for finite density problems based on the principle of locality. It is shown that, in addition to the conventional ones, a local approach to the relativistic quantum field theories at both zero and finite densities consistent with the violation of Bell-like inequalities should contain and provide solutions to at least three additional problems, namely, i) the statistical gauge invariance; ii) the dark components of the local observables; and iii) the fermion statistical blocking effects, based upon an asymptotic nonthermal ensemble. An application to models is presented to show the importance of the discussions. 展开更多
关键词 finite density relativistic theory quantum fluctuation hadronic system statistical gauge field dark matter
Wavefunctions for Particles with arbitrary Spin
作者 HUANGShi-Zhong WUNing 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第1期63-74,共12页
By solving rigorously the relativistic wave equations derived from Bargmann–Wigner equation for arbitrary spin, the relativistic wavefunctions in momentum representation for particles with arbitrary spin are deduced.
关键词 Bargmann-Wigner equation particles with arbitrary spin relativistic wavefunctions rigorous derivation
Parabose Squeezed Operator and Its Applications
作者 YANGWei-Min JINGSi-Cong 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第3期283-287,共5页
By virtue of the parabose squeezed operator, propagator of a parabose parametric amplifier, explicit forms of parabose squeezed number states and normalization factors of excitation states on a parabose squeezed vacuu... By virtue of the parabose squeezed operator, propagator of a parabose parametric amplifier, explicit forms of parabose squeezed number states and normalization factors of excitation states on a parabose squeezed vacuum state are calculated, which generalize the relevant results from ordinary Bose statistics to the parabose case. 展开更多
关键词 PARASTATISTICS squeezed operator deformed special functions
Quantum Corrections on Relativistic Mean Field Theory for Nuclear Matter 被引量:1
作者 张启仁 高春媛 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第5期765-770,共6页
We propose a quantization procedure for the nucleon-scMar meson system, in which an arbitrary mean scalar meson field Ф is introduced. The equivalence of this procedure with the usual one is proven for any given valu... We propose a quantization procedure for the nucleon-scMar meson system, in which an arbitrary mean scalar meson field Ф is introduced. The equivalence of this procedure with the usual one is proven for any given value of qS. By use of this procedure, the scalar meson field in the Walecka's MFA and in Chin's RHA are quantized around the mean field, Its corrections on these theories are considered by perturbation up to the second order. The arbitrariness of Ф makes us free to fix it at any stage in the calculation. When we fix it in the way of Walecka's MFA, the quantum corrections are big, and the result does not converge. When we fix it in the way of Chin's RHA, the quantum correction is negligibly small, and the convergence is excellent. It shows that RHA covers the leading part of quantum field theory for nuclear systems and is an excellent zeroth order approximation for further quantum corrections, while the Walecka's MFA does not. We suggest to fix the parameter Ф at the end of the whole calculation by minimizing the total energy per-nucleon for the nuclear matter or the total energy for the finite nucleus, to make the quantized relativistic mean field theory (QRMFT) a variational method. 展开更多
关键词 relativistic mean field theory quantum corrections quantization around a classical value
Effect of the Electron—Phonon Coupling on Barrier D^— Quantum Dots in Magnetic Fields 被引量:2
作者 XIEWen-Fang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第1期99-104,共6页
The influence of the electron-phonon coupling on the energy of low-lying states of the barrier D<SUP>-</SUP> center, which consists of a positive ion located on the z-axis at a distance from the two-dimens... The influence of the electron-phonon coupling on the energy of low-lying states of the barrier D<SUP>-</SUP> center, which consists of a positive ion located on the z-axis at a distance from the two-dimensional quantum dot plane and two electrons in the dot plane bound by the ion, is investigated at arbitrary strength of magnetic field by making use of the method of few-body physics. Discontinuous ground-state energy transitions induced by the magnetic field are reported. The dependence of the binding energy of the D<SUP>-</SUP> ground state on the quantum dot radius is obtained. A considerable enhancement of the binding is found for the D<SUP>-</SUP> ground state, which results from the confinement of electrons and electron-phonon coupling. 展开更多
关键词 quantum dot electron-phonon interaction few-body physics
Relativistic Consistent Angular-Momentum Projected Shell-Model:Angular-Momentum Projection 被引量:3
作者 LIYan-Song LONGGui-Lu 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第4期579-582,共4页
The angular-momentum projection part of RECAPS is presented.Application of RECAPS to some deformed nuclei is also presented.
关键词 relativistic consistent angular-momentum projected shell-model angular-momentum projection projected shell model RECAPS-RMF
Schwarzschild-de-Sitter Solution in Quantum Gauge Theory of Gravity
作者 Gheorghe Zet Camelia Popa Doina Partenie 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5期843-846,共4页
We use the theory based on the gravitational gauge group G to obtain a spherical symmetric solution of the field equations for the gravitational potentials on a Minkowski space-time. The gauge group G is defined and t... We use the theory based on the gravitational gauge group G to obtain a spherical symmetric solution of the field equations for the gravitational potentials on a Minkowski space-time. The gauge group G is defined and then we introduce the gauge-covariant derivative Dμ. The strength tensor of the gravitational gauge field is also obtained and a gauge-invariant Lagrangian including the cosmological constant is constructed. A model whose gravitational gauge potentials A^α μ (x) have spherical symmetry, depending only on the radial coordinate τ is considered and an analytical solution of these equations, which induces the Schwarzschild-de-Sitter metric on the gauge group space, is then determined. All the calculations have been performed by GR Tensor II computer algebra package, running on the Maple V platform, along with several routines that we have written for our model. 展开更多
关键词 gauge theory gravitational field spherical symmetry
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