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补肾调周法联合饮食生活方式干预对多囊卵巢综合征治疗的研究 被引量:5
作者 管蓬蓬 周惠芳 《辽宁中医药大学学报》 CAS 2013年第7期178-180,共3页
多囊卵巢综合征(polycystic ovary syndrome,PCOS)是生育年龄妇女常见的一种复杂的内分泌及代谢异常所致的疾病,以慢性无排卵(排卵功能紊乱或丧失)和高雄激素血症(妇女体内男性激素产生过剩)为特征,主要临床表现为月经周期不规律、不孕... 多囊卵巢综合征(polycystic ovary syndrome,PCOS)是生育年龄妇女常见的一种复杂的内分泌及代谢异常所致的疾病,以慢性无排卵(排卵功能紊乱或丧失)和高雄激素血症(妇女体内男性激素产生过剩)为特征,主要临床表现为月经周期不规律、不孕、多毛和或痤疮,是最常见的女性内分泌疾病。其发病原因较多,包括中医认为的肾虚、痰湿、肝郁等均可导致PCOS。中药补肾调周和改善饮食生活方式及中西医结合等治疗该病取得了一定的疗效。 展开更多
关键词 多囊卵巢综合征 补肾调周法 饮食生活方式
深圳地区健康人群饮食生活方式与颈动脉斑块形成的相关性分析 被引量:1
作者 卢瑜 罗碧辉 +1 位作者 龙颖 杜冬 《深圳中西医结合杂志》 2021年第5期5-8,共4页
目的:探讨深圳地区健康体检人群饮食生活方式与颈动脉斑块形成的关系。方法:选取2019年1月至2019年6月深圳市人民医院的健康体检者1861例,收集所有受检者的人口学资料、生化检查、超声结果及饮食生活方式信息。根据颈动脉超声结果分为... 目的:探讨深圳地区健康体检人群饮食生活方式与颈动脉斑块形成的关系。方法:选取2019年1月至2019年6月深圳市人民医院的健康体检者1861例,收集所有受检者的人口学资料、生化检查、超声结果及饮食生活方式信息。根据颈动脉超声结果分为斑块组(n=427)和非斑块组(n=1434)。采用logistic多元回归模型分析与颈动脉斑块形成相关的因素。结果:该研究总体颈动脉斑块检出率为22.9%。与非斑块组相比,斑块组的平均年龄更高,随着年龄的增长,颈动脉斑块发生率逐渐增高,且男性高于女性。斑块组的男性、吸烟、水果摄入不足(<100 g·d^(-1))、高血压病史、糖尿病史及脂肪肝比例更高。logistic回归分析显示:高龄、男性、高糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)、脂肪肝、高血压病史、吸烟、饮酒是颈动脉斑块的独立相关因素。结论:年龄增长是健康个体中颈动脉斑块发生的独立危险因素。对于有脂肪肝、高血压病史的健康体检者,有必要行颈动脉超声检查早期发现动脉斑块,尤其是吸烟者或男性,而降低HbA1c水平、戒烟、适量饮酒可能有助于预防动脉硬化的发生和发展。 展开更多
关键词 颈动脉斑块 饮食生活方式 健康体检 深圳地区
作者 郭东 《中国科技期刊数据库 医药》 2024年第10期0095-0098,共4页
探讨乳腺增生患者手术前后饮食与生活方式对临床效果的影响。方法 本研究选取64名乳腺增生手术患者为研究对象,对于所有的病人结合饮食和生活方式的差异来平均划分为两个小组,针对研究组内病人制定针对性的饮食方案,并且对其生活方式给... 探讨乳腺增生患者手术前后饮食与生活方式对临床效果的影响。方法 本研究选取64名乳腺增生手术患者为研究对象,对于所有的病人结合饮食和生活方式的差异来平均划分为两个小组,针对研究组内病人制定针对性的饮食方案,并且对其生活方式给予正确的指导。而对于对照组内所有的病人提供普通护理服务。结果 通过对两个小组内病人的调查总结,最终研究组内病人对护理工作的满意度相对于对照组较高。研究组在护理后的生活质量评估上,无论是生理功能(94.53±8.91)、精力(93.82±8.67)、精神状态(91.27±8.05)还是情感职能(95.48±9.77)都显著优于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。而在并发症发生率上,研究组低于对照组(研究组9.38%,对照组31.25%),差异也具有统计学意义(P=0.038)。结论 通过改变乳腺增生患者手术前后的饮食与生活方式,能够有效改善患者的护理满意度和心理状态,提高其生活质量,并能降低并发症的发生率,具有重要的临床价值。 展开更多
关键词 乳腺增生 饮食生活方式 护理满意度 心理状态 并发症发生率
作者 杨芳 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)医药卫生》 2024年第10期0083-0086,共4页
分析0~6岁儿童维生素D营养状况,并探究其影响因素。方法 选取本中心2023年1月至2023年12月320例行健康体检的0~6岁儿童,根据儿童机体维生素D表达水平将其分为维生素D缺乏组以及维生素D充足组,并收集当日体检儿童基本资料,进行多因素Logi... 分析0~6岁儿童维生素D营养状况,并探究其影响因素。方法 选取本中心2023年1月至2023年12月320例行健康体检的0~6岁儿童,根据儿童机体维生素D表达水平将其分为维生素D缺乏组以及维生素D充足组,并收集当日体检儿童基本资料,进行多因素Logistic回归分析。结果 年龄≥3岁、水产品摄入<2次/周、豆乳制品摄入<2次/周、维生素D不规律摄入、室外活动频率<20min/日、非母乳喂养、厌食挑食、存在腹泻症状、存在上呼吸道疾病是导致0~6岁儿童维生素D缺乏的独立危险因素。结论 父母应重视儿童健康饮食生活方式的形成,加强维生素D补剂营养支持。 展开更多
关键词 0~6岁儿童 维生素D 性别 饮食生活方式
作者 朱珠 李欣宇 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)医药卫生》 2023年第5期42-45,共4页
痛风是一种与高尿酸血症相关的疾病,常表现为关节疼痛、炎症和痛风结石的形成。虽然药物治疗可以帮助控制痛风发作,但改变饮食和生活方式也扮演着至关重要的角色。通过适当的饮食和健康的生活方式,可以有效地减少尿酸水平,减轻炎症症状... 痛风是一种与高尿酸血症相关的疾病,常表现为关节疼痛、炎症和痛风结石的形成。虽然药物治疗可以帮助控制痛风发作,但改变饮食和生活方式也扮演着至关重要的角色。通过适当的饮食和健康的生活方式,可以有效地减少尿酸水平,减轻炎症症状,并降低痛风发作的风险。本篇科普文章将介绍一些改变饮食和生活方式的关键要点,帮助患者更好地管理痛风。通过阅读本文,您将了解到如何通过改变饮食和生活方式来缓解痛风症状,并为自己的健康做出积极的贡献。请记住,这些建议应与您的医生或营养师进行讨论,以制定适合您个人情况的个性化管理计划。 展开更多
关键词 痛风 饮食生活方式 缓解症状
作者 李茂生 李惠林 《广州中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第7期1911-1918,共8页
通过对肥胖的中医病因病机特点的分析,以及对现代社会中肥胖的产生原因及肥胖对现代各系统疾病谱影响的整理与归纳,提出“肥为百病之长”的病因病机观,认为肥胖为引发现代诸多慢性非传染性疾病的主要因素。肥胖的核心病机为痰湿、瘀浊... 通过对肥胖的中医病因病机特点的分析,以及对现代社会中肥胖的产生原因及肥胖对现代各系统疾病谱影响的整理与归纳,提出“肥为百病之长”的病因病机观,认为肥胖为引发现代诸多慢性非传染性疾病的主要因素。肥胖的核心病机为痰湿、瘀浊。“百病皆由痰作祟”,痰可留滞五脏六腑,可走经窜络,其致病变幻多端,故因肥胖所致之痰饮可殃及五脏六腑及经络百骸;痰湿停聚日久则可生浊毒、瘀毒,对其他疾病的进展及预后影响较大,因此可称肥胖为“诸病之源”。现代社会中,因肥胖而致的慢性代谢性疾病为主的非传染性疾病已成为主流疾病谱,而因肥胖所致的代谢性疾病同时还严重影响着诸多传染性疾病的进展和康复,肥胖因而亦成为“百病之长”。“肥为百病之长”的病因病机观的提出,一方面期望促进民众对肥胖的重视和管理,针对性改良肥胖者“多坐、多思、多吃,少走、少动、少耗”的“三多三少”不良生活与饮食方式,加强自身肥胖的防治;另一方面也提醒中医临证者在辨证论治疾病时,应充分考虑肥胖患者的“痰湿壅盛”的体质基础,以利于疾病的治疗、康复与预后。 展开更多
关键词 肥胖 肥为百病之长 诸病之源 生活饮食方式 痰湿 痰浊 浊毒 瘀毒
成人非肥胖型非酒精性脂肪性肝病研究进展 被引量:7
作者 薛丽君 彭红叶 +2 位作者 周元琛 尹腾飞 姚树坤 《解放军医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期1086-1091,共6页
非肥胖型非酒精性脂肪性肝病是非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)的一种特殊临床表型,该病患者无肥胖特征,易被忽视,国内外对这类患者的研究结果不完全一致。该文就非肥胖型NAFLD的病因、危险因素、病理特点、诊断、饮食生活方式治疗等进行综述... 非肥胖型非酒精性脂肪性肝病是非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)的一种特殊临床表型,该病患者无肥胖特征,易被忽视,国内外对这类患者的研究结果不完全一致。该文就非肥胖型NAFLD的病因、危险因素、病理特点、诊断、饮食生活方式治疗等进行综述,以期为成人非肥胖型NAFLD的临床诊断及治疗提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 非酒精性脂肪性肝病 非肥胖成人 危险因素 病理特点 诊断 饮食生活方式治疗
Nutrition and physical activity in NAFLD:An overview of the epidemiological evidence 被引量:33
作者 Shira Zelber-Sagi Ran Oren +1 位作者 Zelber-Sagi Vlad Ratziu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第29期3377-3389,共13页
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)has been recognized as a major health burden.The high prevalence of NAFLD is probably due to the contemporary epidemics of obesity,unhealthy dietary pattern,and sedentary lifesty... Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)has been recognized as a major health burden.The high prevalence of NAFLD is probably due to the contemporary epidemics of obesity,unhealthy dietary pattern,and sedentary lifestyle.The efficacy and safety profile of pharmacotherapy in the treatment of NAFLD remains uncertain and obesity is strongly associated with hepatic steatosis;therefore,the first line of treatment is lifestyle modification.The usual management of NAFLD includes gradual weight reduction and increased physical activity(PA)leading to an improvement in serum liver enzymes,reduced hepatic fatty infiltration,and,in some cases,a reduced degree of hepatic inflammation and fibrosis.Nutrition has been demonstrated to be associated with NAFLD and Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis(NASH)in both animals and humans,and thus serves as a major route of prevention and treatment.However,most human studies are observational and retrospective,allowing limited inference about causal associations.Large prospective studies and clinical trials are now needed to establish a causal relationship.Based on available data,patients should optimally achieve a 5%-10%weight reduction.Setting realistic goals is essential for long-term successful lifestyle modification and more effort must be devoted to informing NAFLD patients of the health benefits of even a modest weight reduction.Furthermore,all NAFLD patients,whether obese or of normal weight,should be informed that a healthy diet has benefits beyond weight reduction.They should be advised to reduce saturated/trans fat and increase polyunsaturated fat,with special emphasize on omega-3 fatty acids.They should reduce added sugar to its minimum,try to avoid soft drinks containing sugar,including fruit juices that contain a lot of fructose,and increase their fiber intake.For the heavy meat eaters,especially those of red and processed meats,less meat and increased fish intake should be recommended.Minimizing fast food intake will also help maintain a healthy diet.PA should be integrated into behavioral therapy in NAFLD,as even small gains in PA and fitness may have significant health benefits.Potentially therapeutic dietary supplements are vitamin E and vitamin D,but both warrant further research.Unbalanced nutrition is not only strongly associated with NAFLD,but is also a risk factor that a large portion of the population is exposed to.Therefore,it is important to identify dietary patterns that will serve as modifiable risk factors for the prevention of NAFLD and its complications. 展开更多
关键词 Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease NUTRITION Physical activity Weight reduction FAT Carbohydrates Soft drinks NUTRIENTS
Effect of a counseling-supported treatment with the Mediterranean diet and physical activity on the severity of the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 被引量:9
作者 Chiara Gelli Mirko Tarocchi +3 位作者 Ludovico Abenavoli Laura Di Renzo Andrea Galli Antonino De Lorenzo 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第17期3150-3162,共13页
AIM To determine the clinical effectiveness of nutritional counseling on reduction of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) severity, weight loss, metabolic and anthropometric indexes and liver enzymes.METHODS Fort... AIM To determine the clinical effectiveness of nutritional counseling on reduction of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) severity, weight loss, metabolic and anthropometric indexes and liver enzymes.METHODS Forty-six adults with NAFLD received a 6-mo clinical and a dietary intervention(based on Mediterranean diet) carried out respectively by a gastroenterologist and a nutritionist with counseling license. The counseling process consisted of monthly meeting(about 45 min each). The effect of the treatment was evaluated monitoring liver enzymes, metabolic parameters, cardiovascular risk indexes, NAFLD severity [assessed by ultrasound(US)] and related indexes. All parameters were assessed at baseline. Biochemistry was also assessed at mid-and end-interventions and US was repeated at end-intervention.RESULTS The percentage of patients with steatosis grade equal or higher than 2 was reduced from 93% to 48% and steatosis regressed in 9 patients(20%). At the end of the treatment the end-point concerning the weight(i.e., a 7% weight reduction or achievement/maintenance of normal weight) was accomplished by 25 out of 46 patients(i.e., 54.3%). As far as the liver enzymes is concerned, all three liver enzymes significantly decrease during the treatment the normalization was particularly evident for the ALT enzyme(altered values reduced from 67% down to 11%). Several parameters, i.e., BMI, waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, AST, ALT, GGT, HDL, serum glucose, Tot-Chol/HDL, LDL/HDL, TG/HDL, AIP, HOMA, FLI, Kotronen index, VAI, NAFLD liver fat score and LAP, showed a significant improvement(P < 0.01) between baseline and end-treatment.CONCLUSION Outcomes of this study further strengthen the hypothesis that Med Diet and more active lifestyle can be considered a safe therapeutic approach for reducing risk and severity of NAFLD and related disease states. The proposed approach may be proposed as a valid and recommended approach for improving the clinical profile of NAFLD patients. 展开更多
关键词 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis Mediterranean diet Metabolic syndrome Therapeutic approach COUNSELING DIET LIFE-STYLE
Body weight, lifestyle, dietary habits and gastroesophageal reflux disease 被引量:10
作者 Davide Festi Eleonora Scaioli +4 位作者 Fabio Baldi Amanda Vestito Francesca Pasqui Anna Rita Di Biase Antonio Colecchia 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第14期1690-1701,共12页
While lifestyle modifications are currently used as firstline treatment for subjects with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the pathogenetic role of lifestyle factors and consequently, the efficacy of lifestyle ... While lifestyle modifications are currently used as firstline treatment for subjects with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the pathogenetic role of lifestyle factors and consequently, the efficacy of lifestyle measures is controversial. Our aim was to systematically review the pathogenetic link between overweight/ obesity, dietary habits, physical activity and GERD, and the beneficial effect of specific recommended changes, by means of the available literature from the 1999 to the present. Obesity, in particular, abdominal obesity, plays a key role in determining GERD symptoms and complications through mechanical and metabolic effects. Controlled weight loss (by diet or surgery) is effective in improving GERD symptoms. No definitive data exist regarding the role of diet and, in particular, of specific foods or drinks, in influencing GERD clinical manifestations. Moderate physical activity seems to be beneficial for GERD, while vigorous activity may be dangerous in predisposed individuals. In conclusion, being obese/overweight and GERD-specific symptoms and endoscopic features are related, and weight loss significantly improves GERD clinical-endoscopic manifestations. The role of dietary behavior, mainly in terms of specific dietary components, remains controversial. Mild routine physical activity in association with diet modifications, i.e. a diet rich in fiber and low in fat, is advisable in preventing reflux symptoms. 展开更多
关键词 Food intake Food questionnaire HEARTBURN OBESITY Physical activity
保持微碱体质 维护身体健康
作者 宋蔚 《心血管病防治知识(学术版)》 2011年第2期49-49,51,共2页
保持微碱体质是维护身体健康的基本条件。体液酸化,轻者处于"亚健康",严重者可能患重大慢性疾病,如高血压、糖尿病、痛风、癌症等。为了避免酸性毒物的影响,保持微碱体质,应尽量做到保持乐观豁达的碱性性格,避免不良情绪;多... 保持微碱体质是维护身体健康的基本条件。体液酸化,轻者处于"亚健康",严重者可能患重大慢性疾病,如高血压、糖尿病、痛风、癌症等。为了避免酸性毒物的影响,保持微碱体质,应尽量做到保持乐观豁达的碱性性格,避免不良情绪;多吃碱性食物;注意饮水方法,多喝微碱性活水;多做微碱的有氧运动;保证充足睡眠,避免熬夜。 展开更多
关键词 微碱体质 慢性疾病 饮食运动生活方式
Using Sensewear armband and diet journal to promote adolescents' energy balance knowledge and motivation 被引量:1
作者 Senlin Chen Xihe Zhu +3 位作者 Gregory J.Welk Youngwon Kim Jungmin Lee Nathan F.Meier 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2014年第4期326-332,共7页
Purpose: Educating adolescents about energy balance (EB) is essential for effective weight control. This study utilized the Sensewear (SWA) armband and a diet journal to promote adolescents' EB knowledge and mot... Purpose: Educating adolescents about energy balance (EB) is essential for effective weight control. This study utilized the Sensewear (SWA) armband and a diet journal to promote adolescents' EB knowledge and motivation. Methods: Ninety sixth graders were randomly assigned into the experimental group (n = 46) who utilized SWA and diet journal for 7 consecutive days or the control group (n = 44) who did not. Both groups were pre- and post-measured on EB knowledge, situational interest, and weight. The experimental group was tracked on motivation effort, energy expenditure (EE), and energy intake (EI). Results: EB knowledge significantly increased and situational interest remained stable (except for total interest and enjoyment) over time, but these changes did not favor the experimental group. Situational interest and motivation effort were correlated with EE, EI, and/or EB. Conclusion: Tracking EB using the SWA and diet journal is motivating but has limited efficacy in promoting adolescents' EB knowledge. Using these two tools as educational technology in conjunction with a focused, systematic, and educational approach has the potential to leverage adolescents' EB knowledge, motivation, as well as behaviors for living an energy-balanced lifestyle. 展开更多
关键词 Energy expenditure Energy intake Health education Motivation and health Physical education Situational interest
Pupil's Diet-Related Attitudes to Healthy Lifestyle
作者 Natasa Graovac Ivan Papic Enrih Merdic 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2015年第12期651-664,共14页
The main purpose of this article was to find out more about eating habits along with other habits, attitudes and activities of elementary school pupils. Another aim was to determine possible differences among pupils, ... The main purpose of this article was to find out more about eating habits along with other habits, attitudes and activities of elementary school pupils. Another aim was to determine possible differences among pupils, depending on their sex, age and environment. Furthermore, based on the anthropometric data (body mass and height) and age, this article was to determine the nutritional status of pupils. The research was conducted via questionnaire constructed for the needs of this specific research. Six hundred and fifty-one pupils took part in this questionnaire in a ratio of 41:59 urban/rural and 51:49 girls/boys. Most of the interviewed pupils (73.88%) have normal body mass according to their age. The share of underweight and overweight pupils is bigger among the boys. Nutritional habits differ among pupils from the urban and rural areas, but they do not differ as much among boys and girls. In addition, their nutritional habits become worse as they grow up. 展开更多
关键词 PUPILS diet-related attitude healthy lifestyle ADOLESCENCE questionnaire.
Impact of hepatitis C virus infection on lifestyle
作者 Paola Scognamiglio Vincenzo Galati +7 位作者 Assunta Navarra Maria Antonella Longo Maria Stella Aloisi Maria Giulia Antonini Massimo Puoti Piero Luigi Almasio Giuseppe Ippolito Enrico Girardi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第19期2722-2726,共5页
AIM: To evaluate the impact of the diagnosis of hepatitis C infection on lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking, sports activity and diet.METHODS: A self-administered, anonymous question-naire was offered to out-p... AIM: To evaluate the impact of the diagnosis of hepatitis C infection on lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking, sports activity and diet.METHODS: A self-administered, anonymous question-naire was offered to out-patients with HCV infection consecutively attending three clinical centres in Italy.RESULTS: Of the 275 respondents, 62.2% (171) were male. Mean age was 51 (range 20-80) years. Overall, after the diagnosis of hepatitis C, 74.5% of drinkers had modified (giving up or reducing) alcohol consumption, 21.3% of smokers had modifi ed their habits and 32.3% of subjects who reported sports activity had either stopped or reduced frequency of activity or chose a less fatiguing sport. Sixty-four percent of the respondents reported having modified their diet, most of them on physician's advice. CONCLUSION: After the diagnosis of hepatitis C many patients correctly modif ied their alcohol consumption and a minority their smoking habits. The reason for reported changes in diet and physical activity needs further investigations. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis C virus Lifestyle habits SMOKING Alcohol consumption DIET Physical activity
稳定同位素古食谱分析在历史研究中的应用 被引量:2
作者 生膨菲 朱思媚 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第9期201-211,共11页
稳定同位素古食谱分析是利用地球化学和生态学的研究方法,以考古出土的古代人、动物个体身体组织样本为研究对象开展同位素分析来重建先民及动物食物结构和生存方式的研究。在我国经过近40年的发展,稳定同位素古食谱分析已经基本理清我... 稳定同位素古食谱分析是利用地球化学和生态学的研究方法,以考古出土的古代人、动物个体身体组织样本为研究对象开展同位素分析来重建先民及动物食物结构和生存方式的研究。在我国经过近40年的发展,稳定同位素古食谱分析已经基本理清我国史前人类的食物结构变化格局。近十年来,学者们对历史时期人和动物骨骼样品开展同位素分析,在探讨麦作、稻作农业与粟黍农业的兴衰历程、国家祭祀用牲的征集与管理,农牧人群的交融与互动、妇女和儿童的日常生活历史以及个体生活历史的重建五个方面取得了新的突破,值得关注。未来历史学、考古学与稳定同位素分析的深度融合,将从饮食生活方式的角度进一步解读人类的过去、现在与未来。 展开更多
关键词 稳定同位素分析 古食谱 历史学 考古学 饮食生活方式
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