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普通杏(Prunus armeniaca)种质资源数量性状的遗传多样性分析 被引量:42
作者 赵海娟 刘威生 +3 位作者 刘宁 张玉萍 章秋平 刘硕 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期20-29,共10页
【目的】种质资源的遗传多样性研究是资源工作的核心,了解和掌握种质资源资源多样性,对于资源收集、管理、发掘、利用方面具有重要意义。【方法】对219份普通杏种质资源的11个性状进行了相关分析、主成分分析和聚类分析。【结果】普... 【目的】种质资源的遗传多样性研究是资源工作的核心,了解和掌握种质资源资源多样性,对于资源收集、管理、发掘、利用方面具有重要意义。【方法】对219份普通杏种质资源的11个性状进行了相关分析、主成分分析和聚类分析。【结果】普通杏种质资源各性状变异系数的变幅为15.7%。42.2%,其中可溶性固形物含量的变异系数最小,平均单果质量的变异系数最大。相关性分析得出:平均单果质量与叶柄长度、叶片长度和叶片宽度呈极显著正相关;可溶性固形物含量与可溶性糖呈极显著正相关:维生素C含量与可溶性固形物含量呈极显著正相关.与1a生枝粗度呈显著负相关。主成分分析结果表明:11个性状可以综合为4个主成分,前4个主成分累计贡献率达58.65%.第1主成分反映叶片因子,第2主成分反映枝条因子,第3、第4主成分反映的是品质因子。根据聚类分析把219份杏种质资源划分为6大类群:第1类种质群的主要特点是叶片较大:第Ⅱ类种质群的特点是果实品质性状较好.但是果实平均单果质量小;第Ⅲ类种质群的特点是果实平均单果质量大:第V类种质群的特点是果实品质好:第Ⅵ类种质群的特点是叶片较大且1a生枝又粗又长。【结论]普通杏种质资源的主要数量性状的变异较大,遗传多样性较丰富。 展开更多
关键词 普通杏(Prunus armeniaca) 种质资源 遗传多样性 相关分析 主成分分析 聚类分析
普通杏(Armeniaca vulgaris)种质资源果实主要数量性状变异及概率分级 被引量:33
作者 赵海娟 刘威生 +3 位作者 刘宁 张玉萍 章秋平 刘硕 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期37-42,共6页
【目的】种质资源评价是资源研究工作的重要环节,而数量性状的合理分级是种质资源评价的基础,因此对普通杏的143~478份品种资源果实数量性状进行统计分析和概率分级。【方法】果实数量性状平均单果质量、硬度、可溶性固形物含量、可溶... 【目的】种质资源评价是资源研究工作的重要环节,而数量性状的合理分级是种质资源评价的基础,因此对普通杏的143~478份品种资源果实数量性状进行统计分析和概率分级。【方法】果实数量性状平均单果质量、硬度、可溶性固形物含量、可溶性糖、可滴定酸、维生素C含量、核鲜质量、核干质量和仁干质量9项指标,根据K-S正态性检验和χ2检测对果实数量性状进行分级。【结果】果实数量性状的变异较为丰富,其中硬度的变异系数最大,为55.46%;可溶性固形物含量的变异系数最小,为14.95%。经K-S正态性检验对符合正态分布的数量性状统一用(X-1.2818S)、(X-0.5246S)、(X+0.5246S)和(X+1.2818S)4个点分为5级,使1~5级的出现频率分别为10%、20%、40%和20%、10%,根据χ2检测,对符合正态分布的数量性状进行概率分级。【结论】杏果实的遗传多样性丰富,将果实数量性状进行概率分级是比较理想的结果。 展开更多
关键词 普通杏(armeniaca vulgaris) 数量性状 变异 概率分级
普通杏(Prunus armeniaca)初级核心种质资源的构建及评价 被引量:27
作者 章秋平 刘威生 +4 位作者 刘宁 张玉萍 郁香荷 孙猛 徐铭 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期819-825,共7页
核心种质的构建不仅能够提高种质圃资源的保存效率、方便资源的管理,而且有利于种质资源的深入研究和种质创新。以国家果树种质熊岳李杏圃中保存的447份普通杏为材料,利用40个农艺性状的鉴定数据,对核心种质构建的几种聚类取样方案进行... 核心种质的构建不仅能够提高种质圃资源的保存效率、方便资源的管理,而且有利于种质资源的深入研究和种质创新。以国家果树种质熊岳李杏圃中保存的447份普通杏为材料,利用40个农艺性状的鉴定数据,对核心种质构建的几种聚类取样方案进行比较,明确了杏初级核心种质构建的最佳取样方案。在按品种类群分组的基础上,采用S策略经过多次聚类抽样,获得由111份种质材料组成的初级核心样本集,占总体样本比例25%。对该初级核心种质遗传多样性进行检测和评价,结果表明本研究所构建的初级核心种质能够很好地保留普通杏种质资源的遗传多样性。 展开更多
关键词 普通杏(Prunus armeniaca L.) 初级核心种质 聚类 遗传多样性
Population Genetic Structure in Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) Cultivars Revealed by Fluorescent-AFLP Markers in Southern Xinjiang,China 被引量:13
作者 苑兆和 陈学森 +3 位作者 何天明 冯建荣 冯涛 张春雨 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期1037-1047,共11页
Population-wide genetic structure was studied using fluorescent-AFLP markers on 85 apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars collected from Kuche, Kashi, Hetian in the Tarim Basin, southern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous R... Population-wide genetic structure was studied using fluorescent-AFLP markers on 85 apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars collected from Kuche, Kashi, Hetian in the Tarim Basin, southern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. The purpose of this study was to determine the genetic structure and genotypic diversity among the different eco-geographical populations. Based on the results from this study, 8 pairs of fluorescent-AFLP primers showed clear electrophoregram and high polymorphism amongst the 64 pairs of EcoR Ⅰ/Mse Ⅰ (Mse Ⅰ - a FAM fluorescent marked primer) primers screened. There was a significant polymorphic difference for the same primer pair in different populations and for the same population with different primer pairs. The percentage of polymorphic loci (P) at species level was higher than Kuche, Hetian, Kashi population levels, respectively. The Nei's gene diversity index (H) and Shannon's information index (I) at species level were higher than those of Kuche, Hetian, and Kashi at population level, respectively. H and I of Kuche population were the highest amongst the three populations. Apricot population genetic diversity was found mainly within the population, Genetic differentiation coefficient between populations (GST) was 0.0882. Gene flow Nm between the populations was 5.1689. Population genetic identity was between 0.9772-0.9811 and genetic distance was between 0.0191-0.0232. These results further indicated that the similarity between populations was higher and the genetic distance between populations was smaller. The UPGMA cluster analysis indicates that the geographical populations at Kuche, Kashi, Hetian were relatively independent Mendelian populations. Concurrently, there was also partial gene exchange between the populations. All the evidences indicated that the genetic diversity in Kuche population was the highest, suggesting that it could be a transition population from wild apricot to cultivated apricot. There were abundant genetic diversities in apricot cultivar populations in southern Xinjiang, China, which provide promising germplasm for further breeding and theoretical basis for biodiversity conservation and utilization for apricot population in this area. 展开更多
关键词 Prunus armeniaca POPULATION AFLP marker genetic structure' gene flow
防除杏树(Prunus armeniaca L.)冰核细菌药剂筛选及花期防霜效果 被引量:5
作者 孟庆瑞 李彦慧 +4 位作者 李帅英 张倩 陈少坤 温林柱 杨建民 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期4191-4196,共6页
采用vali结冻法和含菌平板培养法,从9种供试药剂中筛选出1号、2号、3号、5号、7号5种对INA细菌触杀及破坏冰蛋白作用的药剂。将5种筛选的药剂于日光温室和田间进行药剂防霜试验研究,结果表明,日光温室霜冻温度为-4℃时,5种药剂中3号... 采用vali结冻法和含菌平板培养法,从9种供试药剂中筛选出1号、2号、3号、5号、7号5种对INA细菌触杀及破坏冰蛋白作用的药剂。将5种筛选的药剂于日光温室和田间进行药剂防霜试验研究,结果表明,日光温室霜冻温度为-4℃时,5种药剂中3号、7号防霜效果显著,分别为47.05%~67.74%和49.44%~69.33%。3号、7号分别提高座果率12.25%~14.83%和4.69%~11.36%,与对照相比差异达显著水平。大田温度为-6.5℃时,5种药剂中3号的防霜效果为21.80%,提高座果率9.17%。与对照相比达显著水平。 展开更多
关键词 杏(Prunus armeniaca L.) 冰核活性细菌 防霜药剂 防霜效果 座果率
Seed germination and seedling development of Prunus armeniaca under different burial depths in soil 被引量:7
作者 郭彩茹 王振龙 路纪琪 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期492-496,525,共6页
A semi-greenhouse study was conducted to understand the effects of soil burial depth on seed germination and seedling development. The seeds of wild apricot (Prunus armeniaca) were buried at the soil depths of 0-cm,... A semi-greenhouse study was conducted to understand the effects of soil burial depth on seed germination and seedling development. The seeds of wild apricot (Prunus armeniaca) were buried at the soil depths of 0-cm, 4-cm, 8-cm, and 12-cm, respectively, to simulate the seed hoarding behavior of rodents in the field. The results revealed that the rates of seed germination and established seedlings from buried seeds were both the highest in 4-cm burial depth group, and then decreased with increasing soil depth. The number of rotten seeds increased in deeper burial depth. It is unfavourable for seed germination at 0-cm burial depth (i.e., seeds were laid on soil surface). There was insignificant effect of burial depth on growth of established seedlings. The results from this study indicated that proper burial depth in soil would be helpful for the seed germination and seedling growth. The seedlings derived from buried seeds at shallower depth (4 cm) in this research have advantage in their early development. 展开更多
关键词 wild apricot (Prunus armeniaca SEED SOIL germination rate seedling growth
Study on the Daily Change of Photosynthetic Rate for Prunus domestica × armeniacain Different Seasons 被引量:3
作者 李雯雯 冯贝贝 +5 位作者 魏雅君 牛莹莹 徐业勇 王明 杨红丽 廖康 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第4期838-844,941,共8页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to explore the daily change of photosyntheticratefor Prunus domestica ×armeniacain different growing seasons. The study can provide theoretical basis for arid area high yield... [Objective] The aim of this study was to explore the daily change of photosyntheticratefor Prunus domestica ×armeniacain different growing seasons. The study can provide theoretical basis for arid area high yield and quality cultivation.[Method] The photosynthetic physiological properties of leaves of different types of Prunus domestica × armeniaca were measured by the Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system indifferent seasons. By this method could analysis of photosyntheticcharacteristicsfor different types of Prunus domestica×armeniaca in different seasons.[Result] Daily change of photosyntheticrate(Pn) for Prunus domestica×armeniaca in differentseasons showed a "double-peak" curve. The peak values were at 10:00 and16:00. The Pn of ‘Fengweihuanghou', ‘Konglongdan', ‘Weihou', ‘Weiwang' and‘Weidi' reached the maximum in July, theywere 13.75, 14.76, 12.96, 13.3, and 11.9μmol/(m^2·s), respectively. The Pn of Prunus domestica×armeniaca reached minimumin August, they were 9.78, 10.71, 12.02, 10.43 μmol/(m^2·s). The Pn overall average of ‘Konglongdan' was highest,it reached 12.65 μmol/(m^2·s).The Pn overall average of ‘Weiwang' was lowest, it reached 11.31μmol/(m^2·s). There were extremely significant positive correlation between the Pn and Gs(P0.01). [Conclusion] Daily change of photosyntheticrate for Prunus domestica ×armeniaca in differentseasons showed a "double-peak" curve, showing significant phenomenon of "midday depression".The photosynthesis intensity of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca was strongest in July, and the photosynthesis intensity was weakest in August. ‘Konglongdan'showed the strongest photosynthesis capacity, ‘Weihou' and ‘Weiwang', followed.There were highest correlation between the Pn and stoma conductance(Gs). 展开更多
关键词 Prunus domestica × armeniaca Net photosynthetic rate Daily change of photosynthetic rate Environmental factors
Study on the Flowering Biological Characteristics of Prunus domestica × armeniaca 被引量:1
作者 魏雅君 李雯雯 +5 位作者 冯贝贝 徐业勇 王明 杨红丽 牛莹莹 廖康 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期577-583,共7页
[Objective] The aims of this study were to understand the flowering biological characteristics of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca and analyze its differences with other apricot varieties and plum varieties. [Method] ... [Objective] The aims of this study were to understand the flowering biological characteristics of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca and analyze its differences with other apricot varieties and plum varieties. [Method] Taking three varieties of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca as the research object, the phenophase of blooming,morphology characteristics of floral organs and development characteristics of floral organs were observed, pollen amount, pollen viability and stigma receptivity were measured. [Result] The results showed that three varieties of Prunus domestica×armeniaca were in blossom in early April, the florescence were relatively late for 8-12 d comparing with the varieties of apricot, the florescence were relatively similar to the P. domestica L. Morphology characteristics of floral organs of three varieties of Prunus domestica×armeniaca had few differences, were relatively similar to two varieties of plum, and they all had high percent of middle-style and long-style flower.The pollen amount of three varieties of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca had a little differences comparing with two varieties of plum, but were lower than three varieties of apricot. There were some differences in pollen viability, the germination percentage of pollen of ‘Konglongdan' was relatively high, was 51.6%; The pollen amount of ‘Fengweihuanghou' was relatively high, was 880.8 per anther; ‘Weidi' had fewer pollen amount, and the pollen viability was just 2.1%; Three varieties of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca all had strong stigma receptivity on the bloom day, and the stigma receptivity continued exist until the day that 5 days after blooming. [Conclusion] The florescence of three varieties of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca were relatively concentrated, and the rate of pistil abortion was lowest, the variation intensity of stigma receptivity and sustainable time of three varieties of Prunus domestica×armeniaca almost had a little differences comparing with a variety of plum, but slightly more than three varieties of apricot. 展开更多
关键词 Prunus domestica×armeniaca Blooming phenophase Floral organs Pollen viability Stigma receptivity
Comparison of Photosynthetic Characteristics among Different Prunus domestica × armeniaca Cultivars
作者 李雯雯 魏雅君 +5 位作者 冯贝贝 徐业勇 杨红丽 王明 牛莹莹 廖康 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期485-489,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the photosynthetic characteristics of different Prunus domestica × armeniaca cultivars, thereby providing some theoretical basis for high-yield and high-quality cultiva... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the photosynthetic characteristics of different Prunus domestica × armeniaca cultivars, thereby providing some theoretical basis for high-yield and high-quality cultivation of P. domestica × armeniaca. [Method] Total three cultivars(Konglongdan, Fengwei Huanghou and Weiwang)of P. domestica × armeniaca were selected as the test materials, and their leafphotosynthetic parameters were measured with Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system.The light response curve and CO_2 response curve were drawn. [Result] There were significant differences in photosynthetic rate among the three cultivars of P. domestica × armeniaca(P〈0.01). The photosynthetic rate of Konglongdan [14.76 μmol/(m^2·s)]was highest. When the light intensity reached 1 800 μmol/(m^2·s), the maximum net photosynthetic rate of Konglongdan was up to 27.27 μmol/(m^2·s), and its apparent quantum yield reached the peak. Konglongdan showed lower light compensation point [43.069 μmol/(m^2·s)] and higher light saturation point [697.684 μmol/(m^2·s)].Weiwang showed the lowest CO2 compensation point(68.264 μmol/mol) and the highest carboxylic efficiency [0.072 μmol/(m^2·s)]. [Conclusion] Konglongdan showed the highest light utilization efficiency and photosynthetic potential, and it had the strongest utilization ability for weak light. The utilization ability of Weiwang for lowconcentration CO2 was strongest, followed by those of Fengwei Huanghou and Konglongdan. 展开更多
关键词 Prunus domestica × armeniaca Light response CO2 response
杏(Prunus armeniaca)自交不亲和强度及其授粉受精相关特性 被引量:11
作者 冯建荣 陈学森 +1 位作者 孔宁 束怀瑞 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期690-694,F0004,共6页
为了解杏自交不亲和性强度与授粉受精相关特性的关系,以自交亲和(Self-compatibility:SC)品种凯特(Prunus armeniaca L.cv.Katy)和自交不亲和(Self-incompatibility:SI)品种新世纪(P.armeniaca L.cv.Xinshiji)及凯特×新世纪杂... 为了解杏自交不亲和性强度与授粉受精相关特性的关系,以自交亲和(Self-compatibility:SC)品种凯特(Prunus armeniaca L.cv.Katy)和自交不亲和(Self-incompatibility:SI)品种新世纪(P.armeniaca L.cv.Xinshiji)及凯特×新世纪杂种群体为试材,荧光显微镜观察自交亲和与自交不亲和杏花粉管生长动态。结果表明,授粉后初期,自交亲和性与自交不亲和性的杏花粉都能正常萌发、生长,但是在花粉管生长延伸到花柱1/2以后,自交亲和性的花粉管能顺利进入子房,而自交不亲和性的花粉管多数顶端膨大呈球形,停止向下生长,只有极个别能正常生长到达子房;杂种后代的可溶性蛋白含量和RNA酶比活力,与亲本相比无明显的趋中变异表现,而且在自交亲和与自交不亲和杏之间无显著性差异。 展开更多
关键词 自交不亲和 花粉管 RNA酶活性
基于30个形态性状的中国杏属(Armeniaca Scop.)植物分类学研究 被引量:10
作者 王家琼 吴保欢 +3 位作者 崔大方 羊海军 黄峥 齐安民 《植物资源与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期103-111,共9页
基于与叶和果实相关的30个形态性状(包括20个定性性状和10个定量性状)对中国杏属(Armeniaca Scop.)11种3变种进行了UPGMA聚类分析和主成分分析;在主成分分析基础上,构建了中国杏属植物的OTU散点图;并且,结合降水量分布图绘制了中国杏属... 基于与叶和果实相关的30个形态性状(包括20个定性性状和10个定量性状)对中国杏属(Armeniaca Scop.)11种3变种进行了UPGMA聚类分析和主成分分析;在主成分分析基础上,构建了中国杏属植物的OTU散点图;并且,结合降水量分布图绘制了中国杏属植物分布图。聚类分析结果显示:供试杏属植物被分成2支。若包含毛叶梅(A.mume var.goethartiana Koehne),则毛叶梅、梅(A.mume Sieb.)、洪平杏(A.hongpingensis C.L.Li)以及政和杏(A.zhengheensis J.Y.Zhang et M.N.Lu)聚为一支,其余8种2变种聚为另一支;若不包含毛叶梅,梅则被划分在后一个分支中。主成分分析结果显示:前3个主成分的累计贡献率仅60.318 0%,说明中国杏属植物的形态性状具有较大的遗传变异;在前3个主成分中,树高、叶片下表面被毛情况、叶长/叶柄长比值、叶长/叶宽比值、果核形状、叶宽、果核宽、叶柄长、果柄长和叶缘锯齿形状的绝对权重值均在0.7以上,表明这10个性状在中国杏属植物的分类学研究中具有重要作用。OTU散点图显示:中国杏属植物在二维散点图上的分类结果与其聚类结果基本一致,并且,其聚类结果中的各分支在三维散点图上也能够明显区分,说明可以采用前3个主成分中绝对权重值较高的性状对中国杏属植物进行分类。分布图显示:杏属植物遍布中国各省(区),且主要集中分布在400和800 mm等降水量线之间的区域。结合上述研究结果及他人的研究成果,支持"将藏杏〔A.holosericea(Batal.)Kost.〕作为杏(A.vulgaris Lam.)的1个变种"以及"将政和杏作为梅的1个变种"的分类处理,并支持"将洪平杏作为独立种"的分类处理。此外,建议将仙居杏(A.xianjuxing J.Y.Zhang et X.Z.Wu)和华仁杏(A.cathayana D.L.Fu et al)作为杏属的栽培种。 展开更多
关键词 杏属 形态性状 UPGMA聚类分析 主成分分析 OTU散点图 分类学修订
鼠类对山杏(Prunus armeniaca)种子扩散及存活作用研究(英文) 被引量:47
作者 张知彬 王福生 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期839-845,共7页
虽然有关鼠类搬运森林种子的证据已很清楚 ,但这些被移走种子的存活情况却知之甚少。提出了一个新的标记和跟踪种子的方法——标签法 ,即将种子拴一带有编码的细长金属片 ,研究了北京东灵山地区山杏 ( Prunusarmeniaca)种子的扩散距离... 虽然有关鼠类搬运森林种子的证据已很清楚 ,但这些被移走种子的存活情况却知之甚少。提出了一个新的标记和跟踪种子的方法——标签法 ,即将种子拴一带有编码的细长金属片 ,研究了北京东灵山地区山杏 ( Prunusarmeniaca)种子的扩散距离和存活率。于 1 998年 6月 1 9~ 2 0日 ,7月 3日和 1 0月 2 3日共在 2 4个样点释放 1 4 4 0粒山杏种子。几乎所有释放的种子在 1 0 d内被鼠类取走。夏天释放的种子比秋天释放的种子消失的速度快。大多数种子的扩散距离在 2 0 m以内 ,小于鼠类的活动距离。鼠类吃掉种子的速度很快 ,但当种子变得稀少时 ,种子存活率有所提高。山杏种子 6。 展开更多
关键词 山杏 鼠类 种子命运 森林更新 种子存活 协同进货
Phylogenetic relationships among five species of Armeniaca Scop. (Rosaceae) using microsatellites (SSRs) and capillary electrophoresis 被引量:1
作者 Dali Fu Lüyi Ma +4 位作者 Yue Qin Mengpei Liu Han Zhao Gaopu Zhu Hao Fu 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第5期1077-1083,共7页
The genus Armeniaca Scop. is well known for its popular cultivated edible fruit trees such as Armeniaca vul- garis Lam. and ornamental flowers such as A. mume Sieb. Another species, A. cathayana Fu et al., one of six ... The genus Armeniaca Scop. is well known for its popular cultivated edible fruit trees such as Armeniaca vul- garis Lam. and ornamental flowers such as A. mume Sieb. Another species, A. cathayana Fu et al., one of six important dry fruits (kernel-using apricot), is cultivated for its edible seeds in North China. In the present study, DNA from 70 individuals of A rmeniaca, including 38 of A. cathayana, 18 ofA. vulgaris, 12 ofA. sibirica, 1 ofA. dasycarpa and 1 of A. mume, was extracted and analyzed using microsatellites and capillary electrophoresis. For 20 polymorphic loci selected, 339 alleles and 140.7 effective alleles were detected. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 8 to 28, with an average of 16.95 alleles per locus. The observed heterozygosity (Ho) and the expected heterozygosity (He) ranged from 0.427 to 0.971 and from 0.737 to 0.912, respectively. The polymorphism information content varied from 0.708 to0.905, with an average of 0.827. Based on the genetic similarity among 70 individuals, a UPGMA was used to establish the phylogenetic relationships. The taxonomic positions among five species were clearly revealed, and A. cathayana was more closely related to A. vulgaris than to A. sibirica. The results will provide a scientific basis for research on the taxonomy, germplasm resources and breeding ofArmeniaca, especially for A. cathayana. 展开更多
关键词 armeniaca Scop. - armeniaca cathayana Microsatellite Capillary electrophoresis Phylogenetic relationship Polymorphism Simple sequence repeat
Identification of Hybrids between Prunus salicina and Prunus armeniaca by RAPD and SSR 被引量:1
作者 Honghua YANG Hongwei QIN +1 位作者 Panduo MIMA Jun XIAO 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2012年第6期15-17,共3页
[ Objective] This study aimed to investigate the genetic variation between hybrids and their parents, and to find a rapid identification method. [ Method ] The progenies between Prunus armeniaca ( apricot ) Katy and... [ Objective] This study aimed to investigate the genetic variation between hybrids and their parents, and to find a rapid identification method. [ Method ] The progenies between Prunus armeniaca ( apricot ) Katy and Prunus salicina (plum) Moriteni were analyzed by means of RAPD and SSR molecular markers. [ Result] We found the differences in the electrophoresis bands between progenies and their parents, indicating that hybrid seedlings obtained in this study were real. [ Conclusion ] The combination of the above methods is effective and fast to identify the hybrids, and can shorten the breeding period. 展开更多
关键词 Prunus salicina Prunus armeniaca Interspecific cross RAPD SSR
Study on Intervention of Blood Sugar and Blood Lipid in Diabetic Mice by Abrus Cantoniensis and Armeniaca mume Sieb and Their Compatibility 被引量:1
作者 Yixin Zhang Shibo Zhao +5 位作者 Sitong Lu Danni Lu Yedong Shen Changhuan He Zhonggang Wu Suoyi Huang 《TMR Pharmacology Research》 2021年第4期13-19,共7页
Objective:The study aims to explore the interventional effect of Abrus cantonensis and Armeniaca mume Sieb and their compatibility on blood glucose and blood lipid in diabetic mice and to explore the optimal ratio of ... Objective:The study aims to explore the interventional effect of Abrus cantonensis and Armeniaca mume Sieb and their compatibility on blood glucose and blood lipid in diabetic mice and to explore the optimal ratio of efficacy of their compatibility.Methods:SPF Kunming male mice were fed with high sugar and high fat diet for 6 weeks and then intraperitoneally injected with STZ solution to establish a diabetes model.The successfully modeled mice were randomly divided into 6 groups according to their body weight:model group,Abrus Cantoniensis group,Armeniaca mume Sieb group,as well as Abrus Cantoniensis and Armeniaca mume Sieb group divided into 1:2,1:1 and 2:1 groups according to volume ratio with 10 mice in each group.Another 10 healthy mice were taken as blank group and intraperitoneally injected with sodium citrate buffer.The corresponding solution was given intragastric administration by body mass once a day for 20 days.After the last administration,fasting was performed for 12 hours.Serum was collected by the method of eyeball blood collection to determine the contents of fasting blood glucose,total cholesterol Triacylglycerol,triglyceride,low density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein.Results:Compared with Abrus Cantoniensis and Armeniaca mume Sieb groups,Glu,TG,TC and LDL-C of the three compatibility groups significantly decreased,with the most significant decrease in the compatibility group 1:2,while there was no significant difference in HDL-C among all groups.Conclusion:Abrus Cantoniensis and Armeniaca mume Sieb and their combination have synergistic effects on the improvement of blood glucose and lipid levels in mice with high glucose and high fat combined with STZ-induced diabetes mellitus model.Among all the experimental groups,the compatibility 1:2 group had the best effect. 展开更多
关键词 Abrus Cantoniensis armeniaca mume Sieb compatibility diabetes mellitus blood sugar blood lipid
Establishment of ISSR Reaction System for Armeniaca sibirica Based on Orthogonal Design
作者 Jinjun BAI 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2012年第3期1-3,6,共4页
[ Objective] The aim was to establish the optimal ISSR-PCR system for Armeniaca sibirica. [ Method] With Armeniaca sibirica as experimental materi- al, genomic DNA was extracted from tender leaves using CTAB method. O... [ Objective] The aim was to establish the optimal ISSR-PCR system for Armeniaca sibirica. [ Method] With Armeniaca sibirica as experimental materi- al, genomic DNA was extracted from tender leaves using CTAB method. Orthogonal experiment L9 (34) was conducted with four factors (Mg2+ , dNTPs, primers, Taq DNA polymerase) in ISSR-PCR system ofArmeniaca sibirica at three levels. The results of orthogonal experimental design were analyzed by using SPSS statisti- cal software. [Result] Different levels of various factors all had significant effects on PCR results, specifically, the amount of Taq DNA polymerase had the most significant effect. The optimal ISSR-PCR reaction system of Armeniaca sibirica was established : the total PCR reaction volume was 20 ~1, containing 1.0 U of Taq DNA polymerase, 1.0 mmol/L MgCI2,0.15 mmol/L dNTPs and 0.30 ~mol/L primers. Validation result shows that this reaction system is very stable and strongly operational. [ Conclusion] This study laid the foundation for genetic diversity analysis and germplasm resource investigation of Arnniaca sibirica. 展开更多
关键词 armeniaca sibirica PCR ISSR Orthogonal design
Genetic Similarity among Varieties of Armeniaca vulgaris Shushanggan in Ili
作者 Shuying CHEN Guizhi CONG +4 位作者 Jin WANG Jun LIU You SHI Deming QIN Abudu·Salamu 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2021年第3期37-39,共3页
[Objectives]To analyze the genetic similarity among varieties of Armeniaca vulgaris Shushanggan in Ili.[Methods]The genetic distance among 13 A.vulgaris Shushanggan varieties was compared at the DNA molecular level,an... [Objectives]To analyze the genetic similarity among varieties of Armeniaca vulgaris Shushanggan in Ili.[Methods]The genetic distance among 13 A.vulgaris Shushanggan varieties was compared at the DNA molecular level,and clustering analysis was performed on them.[Results]The 13 varieties of A.vulgaris Shushanggan were classified into four clusters.The first cluster included Shushang Ganxing 1,Shushang Ganxing 4,Gongliu Yexing and Zhenzhu Youxing,and the similarity coefficient between Shushang Ganxing 1 and Shushang Ganxing4 reached 0.808;the second cluster were Shushang Ganxing 2,Shushang Ganxing 3 and Liguangxing,and the similarity coefficient between Shushang Ganxing 2 and Shushang Ganxing 3 was 0.846[1];Ili Baixing,61 Tuan Guyexing,Chaxian Yexing and Huocheng Yexing were classified into the third cluster,and the similarity coefficient between Ili Baixing and 61 Tuan Guyexing was 0.692;and the fourth cluster included Shushang Ganxing W1 and Yixian Yexing,between which the similarity coefficient was 0.692.[Conclusions]This will lay a foundation for the research of variety identification and genetic structure of A.vulgaris Shushanggan. 展开更多
关键词 armeniaca vulgaris Shushanggan VARIETY Gene similarity Ili
埃塞俄比亚塔纳湖鲤科鱼类体内亚美尼亚许氏绦虫Khawia armeniaca(Cholodkovsky,1915)Shulman,1958(绦虫纲:鲤蠢目)的形态鉴定
作者 KIBET Caroline Jepkorir 赵文婷 +1 位作者 SARWAR Huda 聂品 《水生生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期917-924,共8页
在埃塞俄比亚境内塔纳湖中发现了1种寄生于鲤科鱼类:间魮(Labeobarbus intermedius)和Labeobarbus tsanensis体内的许氏绦虫,经形态学鉴定其为亚美尼亚许氏绦虫Khawia armeniaca(Cholodkovsky,1915)(绦虫纲:鲤蠢目)。该绦虫鉴别特征为... 在埃塞俄比亚境内塔纳湖中发现了1种寄生于鲤科鱼类:间魮(Labeobarbus intermedius)和Labeobarbus tsanensis体内的许氏绦虫,经形态学鉴定其为亚美尼亚许氏绦虫Khawia armeniaca(Cholodkovsky,1915)(绦虫纲:鲤蠢目)。该绦虫鉴别特征为头节呈半球状,边缘光滑,无皱褶;睾丸分布区域从虫体中部至阴茎囊之前;卵巢前卵黄腺分布于虫体中后部至阴茎囊前部区域,少数排列在阴茎囊之后;子宫起始于阴茎囊后方弯曲环绕直至卵巢后部区域,有少许卵黄腺排列在子宫和卵巢的两侧。此外,K.armeniaca卵巢呈滤泡状或蝴蝶状,雌雄生殖孔分离但彼此距离很近,开口于体表并形成同一生殖腔,且雄性生殖孔位于雌性生殖孔前方。卵巢后卵黄腺数目少于100个,分布于虫体末端,卵黄腺距离卵巢后翼较远,部分样品内卵黄腺接近卵巢后翼。 展开更多
关键词 纽带科 亚美尼亚许氏绦虫 形态学 形态测量学 塔纳湖 埃塞俄比亚
Stir-Fried Semen Armeniacae Amarum Suppresses Aristolochic AcidⅠ-Induced Nephrotoxicity and DNA Adducts
作者 LI Cheng-xian XIAO Xiao-he +7 位作者 LI Xin-yu XIAO Da-ke WANG Yin-kang WANG Xian-ling ZHANG Ping LI Yu-rong NIU Ming BAI Zhao-fang 《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》 2025年第2期142-152,共11页
Objective:To investigate the protective effects of stir-fried Semen Armeniacae Amarum(SAA)against aristolochic acidⅠ(AAⅠ)-induced nephrotoxicity and DNA adducts and elucidate the underlying mechanism involved for en... Objective:To investigate the protective effects of stir-fried Semen Armeniacae Amarum(SAA)against aristolochic acidⅠ(AAⅠ)-induced nephrotoxicity and DNA adducts and elucidate the underlying mechanism involved for ensuring the safe use of Asari Radix et Rhizoma.Methods:In vitro,HEK293T cells overexpressing Flag-tagged multidrug resistance-associated protein 3(MRP3)were constructed by Lentiviral transduction,and inhibitory effect of top 10 common pairs of medicinal herbs with Asari Radix et Rhizoma in clinic on MRP3 activity was verified using a self-constructed fluorescence screening system.The m RNA,protein expressions,and enzyme activity levels of NAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase 1(NQO1)and cytochrome P4501A2(CYP1A2)were measured in differentiated Hepa RG cells.Hepatocyte toxicity after inhibition of AAⅠmetabolite transport was detected using cell counting kit-8 assay.In vivo,C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into 5 groups according to a random number table,including:control(1%sodium bicarbonate),AAⅠ(10 mg/kg),stir-fried SAA(1.75 g/kg)and AAⅠ+stir-fried SAA(1.75 and 8.75 g/kg)groups,6 mice in each group.After 7 days of continuous gavage administration,liver and kidney damages were assessed,and the protein expressions and enzyme activity of liver metabolic enzymes NQO1 and CYP1A2 were determined simultaneously.Results:In vivo,combination of 1.75 g/kg SAA and 10 mg/kg AAⅠsuppressed AAⅠ-induced nephrotoxicity and reduced d A-ALI formation by 26.7%,and these detoxification effects in a dose-dependent manner(P<0.01).Mechanistically,SAA inhibited MRP3 transport in vitro,downregulated NQO1 expression in vivo,increased CYP1A2 expression and enzymatic activity in vitro and in vivo,respectively(P<0.05 or P<0.01).Notably,SAA also reduced AAⅠ-induced hepatotoxicity throughout the detoxification process,as indicated by a 41.3%reduction in the number of liver adducts(P<0.01).Conclusions:Stirfried SAA is a novel drug candidate for the suppression of AAⅠ-induced liver and kidney damages.The protective mechanism may be closely related to the regulation of transporters and metabolic enzymes. 展开更多
关键词 aristolochic acidⅠ stir-fried Semen armeniacae Amarum detoxification principles of compatibility metabolic enzymes transporters
作者 王娟 骆灵静 《食品安全导刊》 2025年第3期148-151,155,共5页
吊干杏是呼吸跃变型水果,且于夏季高温时期成熟,生命活动剧烈,常温下会迅速引起因后熟衰老发展出的一系列生理生化变化,主要体现为果实软化以及因呼吸底物大量消耗引起的口味变化等,再加上病原菌的侵染,导致吊干杏贮藏寿命变短,商品价... 吊干杏是呼吸跃变型水果,且于夏季高温时期成熟,生命活动剧烈,常温下会迅速引起因后熟衰老发展出的一系列生理生化变化,主要体现为果实软化以及因呼吸底物大量消耗引起的口味变化等,再加上病原菌的侵染,导致吊干杏贮藏寿命变短,商品价值降低,难以长距离运输。本文综述了吊干杏贮藏保鲜效果的采前影响因素以及物理保鲜技术(气调保鲜、间歇升温保鲜、冰温保鲜)、化学保鲜技术(1-甲基环丙烯和乙烯吸收剂、水杨酸)和可食性涂膜技术(壳寡糖、红枣多糖、24-表油菜素内酯)等采后贮藏保鲜技术研究现状,以期为吊干杏产业发展提供技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 吊干杏 物理保鲜 化学保鲜 可食性涂膜
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