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A Good Beginning and Ending Highlight a Speech
作者 曾艳山 刘诺亚 《海外英语》 2012年第6X期126-127,共2页
A good beginning grasps the audience's attention,arouses their interest,and presents the gist of your speech,while a good ending reinforces your stance,creates a sense of completeness and leaves the listeners spac... A good beginning grasps the audience's attention,arouses their interest,and presents the gist of your speech,while a good ending reinforces your stance,creates a sense of completeness and leaves the listeners space for further thinking. 展开更多
关键词 beginning ENDING SPEECH TIP
Beginning of a New Revolution of Science & Technology 被引量:5
作者 Jinzhong Yan 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2014年第4期269-275,共7页
Modern science and technology is being developed towards destroying human and human calls for a new era of science & technology. Contemporary science is seeing a significant breakthrough and a new revolution of scien... Modern science and technology is being developed towards destroying human and human calls for a new era of science & technology. Contemporary science is seeing a significant breakthrough and a new revolution of science and technology is beginning. The theoretical basis of the new revolution of science and technology is "state space-time", "the unity of physics and biology", "thinking motion and automatic organization of the universe" and "thinking's active control". The new revolution of science and technology takes material (microscopic particle) science, life (organic and inorganic life) science and thinking science as the fundamental sciences, takes life technology, new information technology, new material technology and new energy technology as the basis of the overall technological system, progresses in all aspects, including life technology, medicine, new material technology, new information technology, new energy technology, new robot technology, new manufacturing technology, laser technology, astronavigation technology, ocean technology, military technology, new educational technology, etc., and at the same time Qigong technology with thinking control as its core will emerge. In the era of life, thinking and Qigong technology, technology proceeds very rapidly, global society and economy develop at a high speed, and globalization is accelerated. Life, thinking and Qigong technologies feature improvement of human internal energy and quality, purify human soul, reduce material desire, and greatly reduce environmental disruption. The overall (thinking and Qigong) technology takes the establishment of the cosmic era of human as its ultimate goal. 展开更多
关键词 New revolution of science and technology life technology thinking technology Qigong technology beginning.
西澳大利亚州立图书馆Better Beginnings早期识字计划实践与启示 被引量:1
作者 刘涵 《山东图书馆学刊》 2022年第6期98-103,共6页
Better Beginnings早期识字计划持续从世界各地的早期识字实践中学习,并将“每个孩子都准备好阅读”倡议纳入家庭培养孩子早期识字技能的方法中。西澳大利亚州立图书馆联合当地社区、学校和家庭深入参与到该计划中。项目针对不同年龄段... Better Beginnings早期识字计划持续从世界各地的早期识字实践中学习,并将“每个孩子都准备好阅读”倡议纳入家庭培养孩子早期识字技能的方法中。西澳大利亚州立图书馆联合当地社区、学校和家庭深入参与到该计划中。项目针对不同年龄段的学龄前儿童提供了针对性的阅读内容与阅读方法。我国公共图书馆可借鉴其经验,构建精细化的学龄前儿童阅读推广分级体系与多主体合作机制,增强亲子共读娱乐性。 展开更多
关键词 学龄前儿童 早期识字 西澳大利亚州立图书馆 “Better beginnings”计划
Changes in the Beginning Date and Duration of the Four Seasons in Zhejiang Province
作者 Liang Xiaoni Zheng Weicai Lei Jun 《Meteorological and Environmental Research》 CAS 2017年第4期7-11,共5页
Based on data of daily average temperature from 62 national ground observation stations in Zhejiang Province during 1971-2015,the changing trends and spatial distribution of beginning date and duration of the four sea... Based on data of daily average temperature from 62 national ground observation stations in Zhejiang Province during 1971-2015,the changing trends and spatial distribution of beginning date and duration of the four seasons in Zhejiang Province were analyzed by using the least square method,and significance test was conducted by using correlation coefficient. The results show that according to the changing characteristics of the four seasons in Zhejiang Province,autumn and winter began later,while spring and summer started earlier than before; the duration of summer lengthened,while the duration of winter shortened,and there were great changes in summer and winter but small changes in spring and autumn. Seen from the spatial distribution of beginning date and duration of the four seasons,the correlation in middle and northern Zhejiang was better than that in southern Zhejiang. 展开更多
What You Must Do And What You Mustn′t in Class——For Beginning Teachers of English
作者 王海生 《湖州师范学院学报》 1985年第3期3-4,共2页
Teachers,guiding students in the acquisition of knowledge and in the develo-pment of high ideas,provide valuable and unique service to the nation.The des-tiny of a nation lies in the hands of those who guide its youth... Teachers,guiding students in the acquisition of knowledge and in the develo-pment of high ideas,provide valuable and unique service to the nation.The des-tiny of a nation lies in the hands of those who guide its youth.Effective teaching has an important bearing on the students,so teachingmethods becomes a prime target of research.Especially for beginning teachers ofEnglish it is very important for you to have some knowledge of effective methodsand techniques of teaching. 展开更多
关键词 beginning classroom valuable guiding HANDS youth lesson t in Class LIKELY teach
Affirming Art: Heidegger and the Sense of a Beginning
作者 Gary Peters 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第10期958-973,共16页
This essay offers a philosophical perspective that, in breaking with both the open and surreptitious dialectical method still so prominent in academic discourse, follows Heidegger in trying to conceive of a radically ... This essay offers a philosophical perspective that, in breaking with both the open and surreptitious dialectical method still so prominent in academic discourse, follows Heidegger in trying to conceive of a radically non-dialectical manner of approaching affirmation, negation, and neutrality. As with Heidegger, this is attempted through a turn towards art and the "emancipated contingency" that characterizes much creative production. In contrast to action and production within the knowledge economy, the creation of the artwork concerns a knowing of unknowingness (described by Maurice Blanchot as the neutral) that demands a rethink of action in relation to truth and errancy. Indeed, the very working of the work of art is conceived here as a truth that is precisely "set to work" (Heidegger) by errancy. Through a consideration of the essential difference between choice and decision and the different "beginning" of art that this suggests, the essay concludes with some reflections of the theme of art's fascination and the and the affirmation of the unknown. 展开更多
关键词 YES no don't know CONTINGENCY beginning ERASURE choice decision fascination
Good Beginning for Textiles and Garments Trade
《China's Foreign Trade》 2002年第4期25-25,共1页
关键词 USA Good beginning for Textiles and Garments Trade
Beginning with the Goldman Report
作者 Chair: Lin Limin Participants: Ji Zhiye Dao Shulin Su Jingxiang Wu Hongying Fang Hua 《Contemporary International Relations》 2004年第9期1-7,共7页
关键词 beginning with the Goldman Report
Fortune Global Forum Marks the Beginning of New Economic Era
《China Today》 1999年第12期18-22,共5页
关键词 Fortune Global Forum Marks the beginning of New Economic Era In
The Art of Beginning and Closing an English Article
《河南教育学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1998年第2期86-89,共4页
TheArtofBeginningandClosinganEnglishArticleWuJunHilaireBeloc———whoknew,ifanyonedid,howtobeginandhowtoendanes... TheArtofBeginningandClosinganEnglishArticleWuJunHilaireBeloc———whoknew,ifanyonedid,howtobeginandhowtoendanesay———oncewrotetha... 展开更多
关键词 beginning The and CLOSING ART ARTICLE
We re Just Beginning
《新高考(高二语文、数学、英语)》 2009年第11期47-47,共1页
'We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite ...'I do not know who wrote those words ,but I have al wayslikedthemas a reminder that thefuture can
关键词 高中 英语教学 教学方法 阅读 《We RE JUST beginning
Weather at the Beginning of the Year
《China Today》 1997年第1期29-30,共2页
关键词 Weather at the beginning of the Year
Non-wovens Satisfy the Textile Industry at the Beginning of 2006
作者 WangTing 《China Textile》 2006年第2期64-67,共4页
The economic performance of China’s non-woven industry in the first two months of
关键词 MORE HIGH Non-wovens Satisfy the Textile Industry at the beginning of 2006
毕业 the beginning
作者 Kotori Kawashima(Photo) 《美眉》 2019年第3期50-54,共5页
在打开下一扇门之前稍微停一停脚步回顾一下在ViVi度过的7年。大概2年前,妈妈对我说过上面的人一直存在的话下面的人就无法成长了哦'这样的话。不过,那时觉得'现在还没关系吧?'。一次都没有觉得是因为有很多想做的事所以要... 在打开下一扇门之前稍微停一停脚步回顾一下在ViVi度过的7年。大概2年前,妈妈对我说过上面的人一直存在的话下面的人就无法成长了哦'这样的话。不过,那时觉得'现在还没关系吧?'。一次都没有觉得是因为有很多想做的事所以要离开ViVi。因为在ViVi以做很多事情,所以一直觉得没有比这更高的期望了。经常被说是'很有ViVi的风格呢'。因为一直呆WViVi所以这是理所当然的,但也是一件值得感谢的事情。所以,虽然没有想要毕业的愿望,但我的毕业是必然的,或者说是自然的发展。已经到了27岁的年龄,而且做ViVi模特也到了第八年了,大概不管是谁都会觉得差不多是时候了吧。 展开更多
关键词 the beginning
China's Sloping Land Conversion Program at the Beginning of 21st Century and Its Habitat Suitability in Typical Region of Loess Plateau 被引量:7
作者 董金玮 刘纪远 史文娇 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2010年第1期36-44,共9页
自1999年我国开始试行以"退耕还林"工程为主的生态退耕以来,到目前已历时十年。特别是进入21世纪,工程实施强度较大,因此从国家尺度上进行宏观生态退耕格局的分析对于评估生态退耕政策和确定未来政策导向具有重要意义。本研究... 自1999年我国开始试行以"退耕还林"工程为主的生态退耕以来,到目前已历时十年。特别是进入21世纪,工程实施强度较大,因此从国家尺度上进行宏观生态退耕格局的分析对于评估生态退耕政策和确定未来政策导向具有重要意义。本研究以TM遥感监测的土地利用变化数据库为基础分析2000-2005年生态退耕的时空格局。在此基础上,以黄土高原典型地区陕西中北部为研究区,采用生态位适宜度评价模型探讨了生态退耕工程实施的合理性。研究结果表明:(1)2000-2005年间,生态退耕主要集中在中国中部地区,尤其是在黄河和长江的中上游地区,生态退耕面积与建设占用面积基本持平。在各生态类型区中,黄土高原土壤侵蚀区生态退耕面积最大,达到了1162.50km^2,主要用于还林;(2)整体看来,研究区内生态退耕的空间格局是合理的,即适宜性越差的耕地退耕比例越大。从退耕区域的适宜性水平来看,有77.35%的地区属于勉强适宜区,其中退为林地的面积为603.32km^2,退为草地的面积为528.94km^2。整个研究区内前者大于后者。然而,退耕地中仍有19.38%属于中度适宜区,原因可能来自于退耕指标分配等管理因素,另外,当地农民外出务工从而将中等适宜度的耕地退耕。结果表明,当前仍有大面积不适宜和勉强适宜的耕地存在,在未来工程实施过程区应该首先考虑该类地区。 展开更多
关键词 SLCP habitat suitability China the beginning of 21st century the Loess Plateau
Beginning a new period celebrating the 60th anniversary of the journal Scientia Sinica-(Science China) 被引量:2
作者 Da-Cheng Wang Editor-in-Chief 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2010年第1期1-1,共1页
Funded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Science in China (Scientia Sinica) was first published in 1950 and will celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2010. During its
关键词 beginning a new period celebrating the 60 Science China
Technology Integration into the Language Classroom:Developmental Trajectory of Beginning Teachers
作者 GONG Yang LAI Chun 《Frontiers of Education in China》 2018年第1期1-27,共27页
This study adds to the current literature on teacher technology integration with an investigation into five beginning teachers’technology use in the language classroom in their first two career-entry years.The longit... This study adds to the current literature on teacher technology integration with an investigation into five beginning teachers’technology use in the language classroom in their first two career-entry years.The longitudinal interview study reveals that these teachers went through a developmental trajectory of technology use towards using it for more diversified instructional purposes and with a greater orientation towards student learning over the years.The study also finds that the teachers’developing understanding of technology use intertwined with their growing teaching competency and identity.It further finds that school culture not only had a direct influence on their technology use but also moderated the influence of teaching competency and identity on the nature of this technology use.This study concludes with suggestions for promoting research on the support needed for beginning teachers and the school culture in technology use. 展开更多
关键词 beginning language teachers technology integration teacher development teacher identity school culture
A Good Beginning——Report on Completion of First-Cycle of U.N.Interpreter/Translator Training Course
作者 钟述孔 《中国翻译》 1981年第2期45-46,共2页
The recruitment examination of the First-Enrolment Trainee-Graduates of the U. N. Trans-lator and Interpreter Training Course run byBeijing Foreign Languages Institute, was conduct-ed in late January and early Februar... The recruitment examination of the First-Enrolment Trainee-Graduates of the U. N. Trans-lator and Interpreter Training Course run byBeijing Foreign Languages Institute, was conduct-ed in late January and early February by a Unit-ed Nations Joint Examination Board headed byMr. D.Rutledge, senior U.N. official in chargeof the U. N. Department of Conference Services.During the recruitment exam, the translator con-didates were tested with three different papers ofconsiderable complexity; and the interpreter can-didates, with the live-recording of four tapedU.N. speeches of considerable difficulty. Thiswas followed by a process of individual 展开更多
关键词 Report on Completion of First-Cycle of U.N.Interpreter/Translator Training Course A Good beginning
A Good Beginning
作者 DING ZHITAO 《Beijing Review》 2008年第23期2-2,共1页
Dmitry Medvedev is no stranger to China.As the top Russian official in charge of promoting the culture of his country in China during past years,he was a familiar face at the various events of cultural exchanges in th... Dmitry Medvedev is no stranger to China.As the top Russian official in charge of promoting the culture of his country in China during past years,he was a familiar face at the various events of cultural exchanges in the country.Now he has come to China in a new capacityas Russian president. The visit 展开更多
关键词 A Good beginning
Only the Beginning
作者 MICHAEL E.O’HANLON 《Beijing Review》 2010年第37期14-14,共1页
President Obama must re-evaluate the U.S. Iraq mission for the future president Barack Obama’s draw-down to 50,000 U.S. troops has been well implemented and is, in fact, a prudent course of action.
关键词 Only the beginning
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