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Comparative Analysis of Population Genetic Structure in Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius) Biotypes B and Q Based on ISSR Marker 被引量:4
作者 CHU Dong WAN Fang-hao +2 位作者 XU Bao-yun WU Qing-jun ZHANG You-jun 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2008年第11期1348-1354,共7页
Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotypes B and Q are two invasive biotypes in the species complex. The comparison of the population genetic structure of the two biotypes is of significance to show their invasive mechanis... Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotypes B and Q are two invasive biotypes in the species complex. The comparison of the population genetic structure of the two biotypes is of significance to show their invasive mechanism and to their control. The intersimple sequence repeats (ISSR) marker was used to analyze the 16 B-biotype populations and 4 Q-biotype populations worldwide with a Trialeurodes vaporariorum population in Shanxi Province, China, and a B. tabaci non-B/Qbiotype population in Zhejiang Province, China, was used as control populations. The analysis of genetic diversity showed that the diversity indexes of biotype Q including Nei's gene diversity index, Shannon informative index, and the percentage of polymorphic loci were higher than those of biotype B. The high genetic diversity of biotype Q might provide the genetic basis for the excellent ecological adaptation. Cluster analysis suggested that the ISSR could not be used in the phylogenetic analysis though it could easily distinguish the biotypes of B. tabaci. The difference of the population genetic structure between the biotype B and the biotype Q exists based on the ISSR marker. Meanwhile, the results suggested that the molecular marker has its limitation in the phylogenetic analysis among the biotypes of B. tabaci. 展开更多
关键词 invasive mechanism bemisia tabaci biotype B bemisia tabaci biotype Q genetic structure ISSR
烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci)的寄主选择性 被引量:43
作者 周福才 黄振 +2 位作者 王勇 李传明 祝树德 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期3825-3831,共7页
通过田间系统调查、实验室嗅觉测定、笼内和培养皿内自由扩散观察,对烟粉虱的寄主选择性进行了研究。结果表明,在田间,烟粉虱对不同的寄主植物存在明显的寄主选择性,其中对茄子、花椰菜、黄瓜等植物具有较强的嗜性,而对蕹菜、芹菜、苋... 通过田间系统调查、实验室嗅觉测定、笼内和培养皿内自由扩散观察,对烟粉虱的寄主选择性进行了研究。结果表明,在田间,烟粉虱对不同的寄主植物存在明显的寄主选择性,其中对茄子、花椰菜、黄瓜等植物具有较强的嗜性,而对蕹菜、芹菜、苋菜等植物的嗜性较差;烟粉虱对同一植物的不同品种也有明显的选择性。烟粉虱对寄主植物颜色有明显的选择性,选择结果与烟粉虱对这些寄主的嗜性趋势基本一致。烟粉虱对单株寄主植物的嗅觉反应不敏感,但对植物叶片的乙醇抽提物有明显的嗅觉反应,并表现出较强的寄主选择性。在养虫笼内,烟粉虱从虫源皿向寄主植物自由扩散的过程中,在不同寄主植物和同一植物的不同品种上着落的成虫数量不同,并且在一定的时间范围内,着落在寄主叶片上的虫量还会不断的发生变化。 展开更多
关键词 烟粉虱 寄主选择性 嗅觉 视觉 味觉 触觉
寄主植物对B型烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci)几种主要解毒酶活性的影响 被引量:24
作者 安志兰 褚栋 +4 位作者 郭笃发 范仲学 陶云荔 刘国霞 张友军 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期1536-1543,共8页
研究测定了棉花、一品红、茄子和番茄4个B型烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci)种群α-NA羧酸酯酶、β-NA羧酸酯酶、乙酰胆碱酯酶和谷胱甘肽S-转移酶活性。结果表明:α-NA羧酸酯酶活性与β-NA羧酸酯酶活性比值均大于1,说明B型烟粉虱水解α-NA的能... 研究测定了棉花、一品红、茄子和番茄4个B型烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci)种群α-NA羧酸酯酶、β-NA羧酸酯酶、乙酰胆碱酯酶和谷胱甘肽S-转移酶活性。结果表明:α-NA羧酸酯酶活性与β-NA羧酸酯酶活性比值均大于1,说明B型烟粉虱水解α-NA的能力高于对β-NA的水解能力;B型烟粉虱不同寄主种群α-NA羧酸酯酶、β-NA羧酸酯酶活性个体分布频率均存在一定差异。B型烟粉虱番茄种群羧酸酯酶活性最高(93.06 mOD/(mg protein.min)),是棉花种群的1.49倍。B型烟粉虱茄子种群乙酰胆碱酯酶活性明显高于其他寄主种群,达极显著差异水平(p<0.01);茄子种群乙酰胆碱酯酶活性分布频率在>4U/mgprotein区间段的分布高达85%,与其他3个寄主种群分布明显不同。B型烟粉虱茄子种群谷胱甘肽S-转移酶活性最高,与其他3个寄主种群间的差异达极显著水平(p<0.01)。上述结果表明,B型烟粉虱主要解毒酶活性在不同的寄主植物上具有一定的生理可塑性。研究有利于揭示该害虫寄主范围广和寄主适应性强的生理生态学基础。 展开更多
关键词 B型烟粉虱(bemisia tabaci) 寄主植物 羧酸酯酶 乙酰胆碱酯酶 谷胱甘肽S转-移酶 生理可塑性
寄主植物对B型烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci)和温室粉虱(Trialeurodes vaporariorum)个体发育和种群繁殖的影响 被引量:18
作者 罗晨 向玉勇 +2 位作者 郭晓军 张帆 张芝利 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期1035-1040,共6页
烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)和温室粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood)在我国北方常混合发生,为了解两种粉虱所造成的危害和自身种群的增长变化,制定科学的综合防治措施,在(27±1)℃条件下研究了两种粉虱在棉花Gossypium... 烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)和温室粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood)在我国北方常混合发生,为了解两种粉虱所造成的危害和自身种群的增长变化,制定科学的综合防治措施,在(27±1)℃条件下研究了两种粉虱在棉花Gossypium hirsutum L.(泗棉3号)、黄瓜Cucumis sativas L.(北京202)、茄子Solanum melongena L.(北京七叶茄)和番茄Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.(佳粉十号)上各虫态大小、存活率、发育历期、成虫寿命、平均产卵量等生物学参数。在同一种寄主植物上,温室粉虱的1,2龄若虫的体长和体宽均显著大于烟粉虱,3龄以后两种粉虱的体型则变异较大。两种粉虱从卵到成虫羽化,在棉花上的发育历期无显著差异,在黄瓜、茄子和番茄上,温室粉虱的发育历期(19.7、19.4、20.8d)显著长于烟粉虱(17.3、17.6、18.3d)。在黄瓜和番茄上,烟粉虱的平均寿命(31.2、32.1)显著长于温室粉虱的平均寿命(26、24.9d);在棉花、黄瓜和番茄上,烟粉虱的单雌产卵量(122.2、220.2、266.5粒)显著高于温室粉虱(97.1、186.6、197.1粒)。烟粉虱在棉花、黄瓜、茄子和番茄上的总存活率分别为67.9%、77.8%、67.8%和59.0%,温室粉虱依次为62.2%、67.2%、64.4%和66.1%。综合比较4种寄主植物,烟粉虱比温室粉虱具有个体发育时间短、种群繁殖速度快、生殖竞争能力强等特点。 展开更多
关键词 粉虱(bemisia tabaci和Trialeurodes vaporariorum) 寄主植物 发育历期 寿命 产卵量 存活率
基于地统计学的新疆棉田烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius))危害动态与时空分布 被引量:15
作者 马宁远 王惠卿 +3 位作者 张伟 依萨克.司马义 罗亮 马德英 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期2654-2662,共9页
应用地统计学(GS)的原理与方法研究了外来入侵有害牛物烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius))为害新疆棉田的时空动态,并与经典统计学进行对比分析。两种方法一致表明,烟粉虱成虫在空间上呈聚集分布的格局,而各时期成虫的聚集程... 应用地统计学(GS)的原理与方法研究了外来入侵有害牛物烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius))为害新疆棉田的时空动态,并与经典统计学进行对比分析。两种方法一致表明,烟粉虱成虫在空间上呈聚集分布的格局,而各时期成虫的聚集程度依据空间变异随机程度所占的比例不同而不同。经频次分布检验,以零频率法参数拟合的负二项分布来表达其空间分布型最为合适。运用Gs的分析方法,进一步得到种群分布面积变化与扩散的趋势,并依此对昆虫种群的扩散模型进行模拟。棉田烟粉虱成虫在田间7-8月份均存在一定的空间相关性,随机程度为19.22%-49.99%;空间相关距离(相关程)在一个月内从32m急速增至6372m,随后在2000-3000m的范围波动。从整个发生过程看出,烟粉虱从越冬场所顺风侵入大田后,迁飞扩散在很大程度上受风向的影响,属于典型的借助风力扩散的昆虫,其在棉田的垂直分布则与吐鲁番地区独特的暖温带大陆性干旱荒漠气候特征有关。顺风扩散时多从棉株上部叶片开始危害,而逆风扩散时从棉株中、下部叶片危害。烟粉虱在棉株上建立稳定种群后,中、下部虫口密度要略高于上部,这是烟粉虱对吐鲁番地区特殊气候的适应。 展开更多
关键词 烟粉虱(bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)) 地统计学 危害动态 时空分布 新疆
淡色斧瓢虫(Axinoscymnus cardilobus)对烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci)种群的控制作用 被引量:7
作者 黄振 任顺祥 姚松林 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期3075-3081,共7页
研究了大田笼罩条件下释放淡色斧瓢虫(Axinoscymnus cardilobus)对变叶木上烟粉虱种群的控制作用。每株释放1对淡色斧瓢虫对不同密度烟粉虱种群的控制效果差异显著。瓢虫和烟粉虱以1∶20比例释放对烟粉虱的防治效果较差,以1∶80比例... 研究了大田笼罩条件下释放淡色斧瓢虫(Axinoscymnus cardilobus)对变叶木上烟粉虱种群的控制作用。每株释放1对淡色斧瓢虫对不同密度烟粉虱种群的控制效果差异显著。瓢虫和烟粉虱以1∶20比例释放对烟粉虱的防治效果较差,以1∶80比例释放对烟粉虱的防治效果不稳定、总体上看对烟粉虱的种群几乎没有控制效果;而以1∶40的比例释放的防治效果较好、较稳定,防效为35%~95%。释放不同数量的淡色斧瓢虫对同一密度烟粉虱种群的防治效果也差异显著。7周内在1∶40、3∶40、5∶40处理区,瓢虫对烟粉虱种群的防治效果分别为35%~95%、46%~90%和50%~98%。从经济学和生态学的角度综合考虑,瓢虫和烟粉虱以3∶40比例释放比较适宜。 展开更多
关键词 淡色斧瓢虫 烟粉虱 种群控制 释放比例
蜡蚧轮枝菌Lecanicillium lecanii次生代谢产物对烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci的忌避作用模型 被引量:5
作者 王联德 黄建 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期195-199,共5页
蜡蚧轮枝菌Lecanicillium lecanii(Z imm.)viegas V l6063菌株在2种不同培养基发酵培养后,经萃取、干燥浓缩得到4种不同的毒素粗提物(次生代谢产物),用均匀设计法设计实验方案研究了4种不同毒素粗提物对4种不同寄主植物上烟粉虱Bem isia... 蜡蚧轮枝菌Lecanicillium lecanii(Z imm.)viegas V l6063菌株在2种不同培养基发酵培养后,经萃取、干燥浓缩得到4种不同的毒素粗提物(次生代谢产物),用均匀设计法设计实验方案研究了4种不同毒素粗提物对4种不同寄主植物上烟粉虱Bem isia tabaci(Gennad ius)成虫的忌避作用,并构建了模型,分析结果表明,忌避作用与毒素粗提物浓度显著相关,忌避率随毒素粗提物浓度增大而增大,1 g/L浓度的毒素粗提物忌避率与烟粉虱的寄主植物相关不显著,毒素的忌避作用与培养基相关不显著,从菌株发酵的菌丝体和发酵液中提取的毒素粗提物的忌避率差异不显著。 展开更多
关键词 蜡蚧轮枝菌 次生代谢产物 烟粉虱 忌避作用 模型
Diversity and Genetic Differentiation of the Whitefly Bemisia tabaci Species Complex in China Based on mtCOI and cDNA-AFLP Analysis 被引量:15
作者 GUO Xiao-jun RAO Qiong +3 位作者 ZHANG Fan LUO Chen ZHANG Hong-yu GAO Xi-wu 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期206-214,共9页
The whitefly Bemisia tabaci are considered as a taxonomically complex that contained some destructive pests.Two of the most prevalent cryptic species are B.tabaci Middle East-Asia Minor 1(MEAM1)and Mediterranean(ME... The whitefly Bemisia tabaci are considered as a taxonomically complex that contained some destructive pests.Two of the most prevalent cryptic species are B.tabaci Middle East-Asia Minor 1(MEAM1)and Mediterranean(MED).In an extensive field survey of the B.tabaci complex present throughout part of China from 2004 to 2007,we obtained 93 samples of B.tabaci from 22 provinces.We determined that these Chinese haplotypes included 2 invasive species(MEAM1 and MED),and 4 indigenous cryptic species(Asia II 1,Asia II 3,China 3 and Asia II 7)by sequencing mitochondrial cytochrome oxidose one gene(mtCOI).The diversity and genetic differentiation of a subset of 19 populations of B.tabaci were studied using cDNA amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP).Prior to 2007,MEAM1 was a dominant species in many provinces in China.By 2007,MED was dominant in 11 provinces.Both invasive and indigenous species were simultaneously found in some regions.Indigenous species of B.tabaci were found in six provinces in southern China.MED and MEAM1 have broad ranges of host plants,and indigenous species appeared to have much narrower host ranges.All Asia II 3 samples were found on cotton except one on aubergine.China 3 has more host plants than Asia II 3.Twelve samples of China 3 were collected from sweet potato,Japanese hop,squash and cotton.A total of 677 reproducible bands amplified with 5 AFLP primer combinations were obtained.The highest proportion of polymorphic bands was 98.7% and the lowest was 91.9%.Unweighted pair-group method analysis indicated that the clustering was independent of the different species.MED showed the lowest degree of similarity than the other species.The data indicate that both MEAM1and MED were rapidly established in China. 展开更多
Density and Seasonal Dynamics of Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius) Mediterranean on Common Crops and Weeds Around Cotton Fields in Northern China 被引量:11
作者 ZHANG Xiao-ming YANG Nian-wan +1 位作者 WAN Fang-hao Gabor L Lvei 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第10期2211-2220,共10页
The density seasonal dynamics of Bemisia tabaci MED were evaluated over two years in a cotton-growing area in Langfang, Hebei Province, northern China on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and six other co-occurring com... The density seasonal dynamics of Bemisia tabaci MED were evaluated over two years in a cotton-growing area in Langfang, Hebei Province, northern China on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and six other co-occurring common plants, common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.), piemarker (Abutilon theophrasti Medicus), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.), soybean (Glycine max L.), and maize (Zea mays L.). The whitefly species identity was repeatedly tested and confirmed; seasonal dynamics on the various host plants were standardized by the quartile method. B. tabaci MED appeared on weeds (the common ragweed and piemarker) about 10 days earlier than on cotton, or the other cultivated plants. The peak population densities were observed over a span of 2 to 3 weeks on cotton, starting in early (2010) or mid-August (2011). The common ragweed growing adjacent to cotton supported the highest B. tabaci densities (no. on 100 cm2 leaf surface), 12-22 fold higher than on cotton itself. Sunflower supported more B. tabaci than the other plants, and about 1.5-2 fold higher than cotton did, Our results indicate that weeds (esp. the common ragweed) around cotton fields could increase the population density of B. tabaci MED on cotton, while sunflower could act as a trap crop for decreasing pest pressure on cotton. 展开更多
关键词 bemisia tabaci WHITEFLY cotton SUNFLOWER RAGWEED population dynamics seasonal dynamics quartile method
Bemisia tabaci Phylogenetic Groups in India and the Relative Transmission Efficacy of Tomato leaf curl Bangalore virus by an Indigenous and an Exotic Population 被引量:8
作者 R V Chowda-Reddy M Kirankumar +4 位作者 Susan E Seal V Muniyappa Girish B Valand M R Govindappa John Colvin 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期235-248,共14页
Bemisia tabaci adults from various host-plant species were collected from 31 regions across India.266 B.tabaci samples were first screened by RAPD-PCR to examine molecular variability and to select individuals with di... Bemisia tabaci adults from various host-plant species were collected from 31 regions across India.266 B.tabaci samples were first screened by RAPD-PCR to examine molecular variability and to select individuals with different fingerprints.Host-plant and region of collection were then used to select 25 individuals for PCR amplification and sequencing of their partial mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit one(mtCOI)genes.Pairwise comparisons with mtCOI consensus sequences showed that the majority of these samples had 〈3.5% sequence divergence from groups currently termed Asia I,Asia II-5,Asia II-7,and Asia II-8.The biotype-B B.tabaci from India clustered into the Middle East-Asia Minor 1 group.A new group of B.tabaci from Coimbatore,collected from pumpkin,was related most closely to the Asia I group(6.2% sequence divergence from the consensus Asia I sequence).To increase our understanding of the epidemiology of tomato leaf curl disease(ToLCD)and the key B.tabaci genetic groups involved in virus spread,the indigenous Asia I and the exotic biotype-B population from South India were used to carry out transmission experiments using Tomato leaf curl Bangalore virus(ToLCBV).The acquisition access periods(AAP),inoculation access periods(IAP),latent periods(LP),and ToLCBV transmission efficiencies of the two populations were compared and the biotype-B had the more efficient transmission characteristics.These results are discussed in relation to recent changes in the epidemiology of tomato leaf curl disease in South India. 展开更多
关键词 BEGOMOVIRUSES mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase WHITEFLY bemisia tabaci virus-vector relationships epidemiology
Enhancement of Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase,Polyphenoloxidase,and Peroxidase in Cucumber Seedlings by Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae) Infestation 被引量:8
作者 ZHANG Shi-ze ZHANG Fan HUA Bao-zhen 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2008年第1期82-87,共6页
In this study, the activities of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), polyphenoloxidase (PPO), and peroxidase (POD) were assayed in cucumber seedlings (Cucumis sativus L.) at 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after... In this study, the activities of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), polyphenoloxidase (PPO), and peroxidase (POD) were assayed in cucumber seedlings (Cucumis sativus L.) at 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after they were infested by Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) using spectrophotometric analysis. The results indicated that herbivore infestation increased the activities of PAL, PPO, and POD. The enzymes showed different activity levels at different times after the infestation. The PAL activity reached the first high peak by 23.1% at 6 h and the highest peak by 29.1% at 48 h compared to the control. The PPO activity reached the first high peak by 22.7% at 6 h and the highest peak by 52.6% at 24 h, and the POD activity reached the highest peak by 213.2% at 6 h and another higher peak value by 135.2% at 96 h. The results suggest that the enhanced activities of the enzymes may contribute to bioprotection of cucumber plants against B. tabaci infestation. 展开更多
关键词 phenylalanine ammonia lyase POLYPHENOLOXIDASE PEROXIDASE bemisia tabaci induce response
Responses of Detoxifying, Antioxidant and Digestive Enzyme Activities to Host Shift of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) 被引量:6
作者 DENG Pan CHEN Long-jia +2 位作者 ZHANG Zong-lei LIN Ke-jian MA Wei-hua 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期296-304,共9页
The polyphagous B-biotype of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) has demonstrated a high capacity to adapt to numerous hosts from diverse plant families. To illustrate induced responses by the host plant, biochemical researc... The polyphagous B-biotype of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) has demonstrated a high capacity to adapt to numerous hosts from diverse plant families. To illustrate induced responses by the host plant, biochemical research on eight plant-insect interaction correlative enzymes, representing detoxifying, antioxidant and digestive pathways, were investigated. Transferring whitefly adults to Zhongmian 23 from the pre-adapted host Zhongmian 41 induced activities of carboxylesterase (by 1.80-fold), glutathione S-transferase (by 3.79-fold), proteinase (by 1.62-fold) and amylase (by 2.41-fold) activities, hut decreased polyphenol oxidase (by 1.89-fold) and peroxidase (by 1.88-fold). However, transferring whitefly adults to the favorite host abutilon from Zhongmian 41 was associated with increased activities of cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (by 1.61-fold) and amylase (by 1.42-fold), and decreased activities of polyphenol oxidase (by 2.96-fold) and peroxidase (by 2.07-fold). Our results, together with previous studies, proved that multiple pathways are involved in coping with host shifts by polyphagous herbivores, and the taxonomic status and preference of the host transferred would affect which pathway would be induced. These results would represent a key challenge in developing long-term sustainable insect control strategies. 展开更多
关键词 bemisia tabaci biotype B host shift antioxidant enzyme detoxifying enzyme digestive enzyme
Sequence Analysis of mtDNA CO/Gene and Molecular Phylogeny of Different Geographical Populations of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) 被引量:8
作者 CHUDong ZHANGYou-jun +3 位作者 CONGBin XUBao-yun WUQing-jun ZHUGuo-ren 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2005年第7期533-541,共9页
Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius) is a serious pest in many cropping systems worldwide and occurs in different biotypes. ThemtDNA COI gene of the 12 Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) populations from different regions and countries ... Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius) is a serious pest in many cropping systems worldwide and occurs in different biotypes. ThemtDNA COI gene of the 12 Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) populations from different regions and countries were analyzed.Based on mtDNA COI sequences, their biotypes were characterized and phylogenetic relationships among thesepopulations were established with the method of UPGMA. The results indicated the genetic similarity between thosepopulations from Beijing, Zhengzhou, Zaozhuang, Nanjing, Shanghai, Haikou, and the B-biotype populations fromCalifornia, Texas, Arizona reached 99.8-100%, which meant the nation-wide infested populations of B.tabaci in China inrecent years were B-biotypes. Another population collected from Kunming of Yunnan Province showed very high similaritywith Q-biotype B.tabaci from Spain and Morocco, which meant the Kunming population was Q-biotype. This is the firstreport on the invasion of Q-biotype into China. 展开更多
关键词 bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) mtDNA COI BIOTYPE Phylogenetic tree
cDNA Cloning of Heat Shock Protein Genes and Their Expression in an Indigenous Cryptic Species of the Whitefly Bemisia tabaci Complex from China 被引量:6
作者 YU Hao WAN Fang-hao GUO Jian-ying 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期293-302,共10页
Thermal adaptation plays a fundamental role in shaping the distribution and abundance of insects,and heat shock proteins(Hsps)play important roles in the temperature adaptation of various organisms.To better underst... Thermal adaptation plays a fundamental role in shaping the distribution and abundance of insects,and heat shock proteins(Hsps)play important roles in the temperature adaptation of various organisms.To better understand the temperature tolerance of the indigenous ZHJ2-biotype of whitefly Bemisia tabaci species complex,we obtained complete cDNA sequences for hsp90,hsp70,and hsp20 and analyzed their expression profiles under different high temperature treatments by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction.The high temperature tolerance of B.tabaci ZHJ2-biotype was determined by survival rate after exposure to different high temperatures for 1 h.The results showed that after 41°C heat-shock treatment for 1 h,the survival rates of ZHJ2 adults declined significantly and the estimated temperature required to cause 50% mortality(LT50)is 42.85°C for 1 h.Temperatures for onset(Ton)or maximal(Tmax)induction of hsps expression in B.tabaci ZHJ2-biotype were 35 and 39°C(or 41°C).Compared with previous studies,indigenous ZHJ2-biotype exhibits lower heat temperature stress tolerance and Ton(or Tmax)than the invasive B-biotype. 展开更多
关键词 bemisia tabaci biological invasion THERMOTOLERANCE indigenous and invasive biotypes heat shock protein (hsp)
p38 MAPK is a Component of the Signal Transduction Pathway Triggering Cold Stress Response in the MED Cryptic Species of Bemisia tabaci 被引量:6
作者 LI Fang-fang XIA Jun +2 位作者 LI Jun-min LIU Shu-sheng WANG Xiao-wei 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期303-311,共9页
Cold stress responses help insects to survive under low temperatures that would be lethal otherwise.This phenomenon might contribute to the invasion of some Bemisia tabaci cryptic species from subtropical areas to tem... Cold stress responses help insects to survive under low temperatures that would be lethal otherwise.This phenomenon might contribute to the invasion of some Bemisia tabaci cryptic species from subtropical areas to temperate regions.However,the molecular mechanisms regulating cold stress responses in whitefly are yet unclear.Mitogen-activated protein kinases(MAPKs)which including p38,ERK,and JNK,are well known for their roles in regulating metabolic responses to cold stress in many insects.In this study,we explored the possible roles of the MAPKs in response to low temperature stresses in the Mediterranean cryptic species(the Q-biotype)of the B.tabaci species complex.First,we cloned the p38 and ERK genes from the whitefly cDNA library.Next,we analyzed the activation of MAPKs during cold stress in the Mediterranean cryptic species by immuno-blotting.After cold stress,the level of phospho-p38 increased but no significant change was observed in the phosphorylation of ERK and JNK,thus suggesting that the p38 might be responsible for the defense response to low temperature stress.Furthermore,we demonstrated that:i)3 min chilling at 0°C was sufficient for the activation of p38 MAPK pathway in this whitefly;and ii)the amount of phosphorylated p38 increased significantly in the first 20 min of chilling,reversed by 60 min,and then returned to the original level by 120 min.Taken together,our results suggest that the p38 pathway is important during response to low temperature stress in the Mediterranean cryptic species of the B.tabaci species complex. 展开更多
关键词 bemisia tabaci cold stress MAPK P38 PHOSPHORYLATION signal transduction
Genetic Differentiation of Different Geographical Populations of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) Complex 被引量:6
作者 CHU Dong LIU Guo-xia +2 位作者 FAN Zhong-xue TAO Yun-li ZHANG You-jun 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2007年第6期696-705,共10页
Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) is a species complex, which includes different geographical populations with genetic differentiation. The recent progress on the genetic differentiation of various geographical populations... Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) is a species complex, which includes different geographical populations with genetic differentiation. The recent progress on the genetic differentiation of various geographical populations of B. tabaci complex was introduced. The genetic differentiation was further analyzed on the basis of the sequences of mtDNA COI and rDNA ITS1 recorded in the world's GenBank. Five groups are defined on the basis of mtDNA COI and rDNA ITS1, including the Asia group, America group, Africa group, Australia group, and Biotype B/Mediterranean/Middle East/ Northern Africa/Biotype Ms group. There are several ungrouped geographical classifications, such as the Uganda population, Ivory Coast population, and Taiwan population. Geographical isolation may be the most important factor that contributed to the genetic differentiation of various geographical populations of B. tabaci. Many populations with biological advantages invaded new regions and caused severe economic losses within human activity. It is necessary to strengthen the research of B. tabaci biotype to prevent the spread of invaded populations and the invasion of potentially dangerous populations. 展开更多
关键词 bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) geographical populations mtDNA COI rDNA ITS 1 genetic differentiation
First report of field resistance to cyantraniliprole, a new anthranilic diamide insecticide, on Bemisia tabaciMED in China 被引量:4
作者 WANG Ran WANG Jin-da +1 位作者 CHE Wu-nan LUO Chen 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第1期158-163,共6页
The Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) cryptic species complex comprises important insect pests that cause devastating damage to agricultural crops worldwide. In China, the B. tabaci Mediterranean (MED) (or biotype Q) s... The Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) cryptic species complex comprises important insect pests that cause devastating damage to agricultural crops worldwide. In China, the B. tabaci Mediterranean (MED) (or biotype Q) species is threatening agricul- tural production all over the country as resistance to commonly used insecticides has increased. This situation highlights the need for alternative pest control measures. Cyantraniliprole, a novel anthraniiic diamide insecticide, has been widely employed to control Hemipteran pests. To monitor the levels of resistance to cyantraniliprole in B. tabaci field populations in China, bioassays were conducted for 18 field samples from nine provinces over two years. Compared with median lethal concentration (LC^0) for the MED susceptible strain, all field samples had significantly higher resistance to cyantraniliprole. Furthermore, resistance factors (RFs) increased significantly in samples from Shanxi (from 5.62 in 2015 to 25.81 in 2016), Hunan (3.30 in 2015 to 20.97 in 2016) and Hubei (from 9.81 in 2015 to 23.91 in 2016) provinces. This study indicates a considerable decrease in the efficacy of cyantraniliprole against B. tabaci and establishes a baseline of susceptibility that could serve as a reference for future monitoring and management of B. tabaci resistance to cyantraniliprole. 展开更多
关键词 bemisia tabaci cyantraniliprole anthranilic diamides baseline susceptibility resistance development
Comparative Morphology and Morphometry of Six Biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from China 被引量:3
作者 LI Jing-jing TANG Qing-bo +4 位作者 BAI Run-e LI Xiao-min JIANG Jin-we ZHAI Qing YAN Feng-ming 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期846-852,共7页
Morphology and morphometry of six biotypes (B, Q, Cv, ZHJ-1, ZHJ-2 and ZHJ-3) of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) from China on cotton plants were studied by using microscopes. Nymphal body sizes and characters were mea... Morphology and morphometry of six biotypes (B, Q, Cv, ZHJ-1, ZHJ-2 and ZHJ-3) of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) from China on cotton plants were studied by using microscopes. Nymphal body sizes and characters were measured and observed, especially on the 4th instar (pupal case), including the vasiform orifice, operculum, lingula, length and thickness of anterior and posterior wax margins, width of thoracic tracheal combs. Adult characters of both sexes were investigated including the body size, compound eyes, antennal segments, vasiform orifice, hind tarsi and genitals. The results indicated that differences of some morphological characters or morphometrics were significant among the six biotypes of B. tabaci in China: (1) Pupal sizes of the exotic biotypes (B and Q) were significantly larger than the indigenous biotypes with the following order as B〉Q〉ZHJ-I〉Cv〉ZHJ-3〉ZHJ-2; (2) for both male and female adults, sizes of all characters investigated in the invading biotypes (B and Q), especially B, were much larger than those of the indigenous ones. 展开更多
关键词 bemisia tabaci BIOTYPE morphology MORPHOMETRY NYMPH adult size wax margin vasiform orifice antennalsegments
Bemisia tabaci Biotype Dynamics and Resistance to Insecticides in Israel During the Years 2008-2010 被引量:2
作者 Svetlana Kontsedalov Fauzi Abu-Moch +3 位作者 Galina Lebedev Henryk Czosnek A Rami Horowitz Murad Ghanim 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期312-320,共9页
The sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci(Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae)is an extremely polyphagous insect pest that causes significant crop losses in Israel and worldwide.B.tabaci is a species complex of which the B and Q b... The sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci(Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae)is an extremely polyphagous insect pest that causes significant crop losses in Israel and worldwide.B.tabaci is a species complex of which the B and Q biotypes are the most widespread and damaging worldwide.The change in biotype composition and resistance to insecticide in Israel was monitored during the years 2008-2010 to identify patterns in population dynamics that can be correlated with resistance outbreaks.The results show that B biotype populations dominate crops grown in open fields,while Q biotype populations gradually dominate crops grown in protected conditions such as greenhouses and nethouses,where resistance outbreaks usually develop after several insecticide applications.While in previous years,Q biotype populations were widely detected in many regions in Israel,significant domination of the B biotype across populations collected was observed during the year 2010,indicating the instability of the B.tabaci population from one year to another.Reasons for the changing dynamics and the shift in the relative abundance of B.tabaci biotype,and their resistance status,are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 bemisia tabaci BIOTYPE INSECTICIDE monitoring RESISTANCE
Next Generation Transcriptome Sequencing and Quantitative Real-Time PCR Technologies for Characterisation of the Bemisia tabaci Asia 1 mtCOI Phylogenetic Clade 被引量:2
作者 Susan Seal Mitulkumar V Patel +2 位作者 Carl Collins John Colvin David Bailey 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期281-292,共12页
A programme of functional genomics research is underway at the University of Greenwich,UK,to develop and apply genomics technologies to characterise an economically-important but under-researched Bemisia tabaci(Hemip... A programme of functional genomics research is underway at the University of Greenwich,UK,to develop and apply genomics technologies to characterise an economically-important but under-researched Bemisia tabaci(Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae),the Asia 1 mtCOI phylogenetic group.A comparison of this putative species from India with other important B.tabaci populations and insect species may provide targets for the development of more effective whitefly control strategies.As a first step,next-generation sequencing(NGS)has been used to survey the transcriptome of adult female whitefly,with high quality RNA preparations being used to generate cDNA libraries for NGS using the Roche 454 Titanium DNA sequencing platform.Contig assemblies constructed from the resultant sequences(301 094 reads)using the software program CLC Genomics Workbench generated 3 821 core contigs.Comparison of a selection of these contigs with related sequences from other B.tabaci genetic groups has revealed good alignment for some genes(e.g.,HSP90)but misassemblies in other datasets(e.g.,the vitellogenin gene family),highlighting the need for manual curation as well as collaborative international efforts to obtain accurate assemblies from the existing next generation sequence datasets.Nevertheless,data emerging from the NGS has facilitated the development of accurate and reliable methods for analysing gene expression based on quantitative real-time RT-PCR,illustrating the power of this approach to enable rapid expression analyses in an organism for which a complete genome sequence is currently lacking. 展开更多
关键词 bemisia tabaci WHITEFLY TRANSCRIPTOME next generation sequencing quantitative real-time (QRT)-PCR Asia 1 mtCOI
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