Cocoa farming faces numerous constraints that affect production levels. Among these constraints are termites, one of the biggest scourges in tropical agriculture and agroforestry. The aim of this study is to assess th...Cocoa farming faces numerous constraints that affect production levels. Among these constraints are termites, one of the biggest scourges in tropical agriculture and agroforestry. The aim of this study is to assess the level of damage caused by termites in cocoa plantations. To this end, 3 plantations were selected. In each of the 3 plantations, 18 plots containing an average of 47 ± 6 cocoa plants were delimited. Sampling was based on 25 cocoa plants per plot. The study consisted in sampling the termites observed on the plants and noting the type of damage caused by them, taking into account the density of the harvest veneers and, above all, the termites’ progress through the anatomical structures of the plant, i.e. the bark, sapwood and heartwood. A total of 8 termite species were collected from cocoa plants. These species are responsible for four types of damage (D1, D2, D3 and D4), grouped into minor damage (D1 and D2) and major damage (D3 and D4). D1 damage ranged from 24.67% ± 5.64% to 39.55% ± 7.43%. D2 damage ranged from 6.88% ± 1.31% to 9.33% ± 2.79%. D3 damage ranged from 2.88% ± 1.55% to 6.44% ± 1.55%. D4 damage ranged from 1.11% ± 1% to 3.11% ± 1.37%. Among the termite species collected, Microcerotermes sp, C. sjostedti, A. crucifer and P. militaris were the most formidable on cocoa trees in our study locality. In view of the extensive damage caused by termites, biological control measures should be considered, using insecticidal plants.展开更多
Background: In the context of the fight against HIV, a lack of skills in monitoring and evaluating the personnel in charge of activities has been identified at the national level. It was the subject of a priority axis...Background: In the context of the fight against HIV, a lack of skills in monitoring and evaluating the personnel in charge of activities has been identified at the national level. It was the subject of a priority axis of the national plan for monitoring and evaluating the fight against HIV (2006-2010) that was aimed at strengthening the capacities of actors in this area. To increase the critical mass of competent human resources in the short term, the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) of Côte d’Ivoire organized monitoring and evaluation training sessions for healthcare professionals from 2011 to 2016. Methods: A single case study with multiple levels of analysis was carried out, combining a qualitative survey and a literature review. An evaluation was carried out six months after each training session. In addition, the results of the pre- and post-tests and of the daily and final evaluations that accompanied the various training sessions were used to provide further information. The qualitative data collected were analyzed using INVIVO 15 software. Results: Some 89 health professionals (69% men and 31% women) working at the national level (51% at the central level, including 58% in health programs) and in development partner agencies (37%) participated in this capacity building program. Most participants were senior health managers (56%), data managers (23%), and statisticians and computer scientists (10%). Almost all the trainings were financed by 16 technical and financial partners (85%), mainly the MEASURE Evaluation project (27%). Conclusion: M&E training, despite all its imperfections, has made it possible to identify M&E training needs at the national level and to increase the critical mass of national skills and to have some culture in M&E.展开更多
Background: In Côte d’Ivoire so far, the circulating haplotypes have been inferred on the phenotypic profiling of SCD patients. The impact of the circulating haplotypes on the use of Hydroxyurea has not been ass...Background: In Côte d’Ivoire so far, the circulating haplotypes have been inferred on the phenotypic profiling of SCD patients. The impact of the circulating haplotypes on the use of Hydroxyurea has not been assessed yet. Therefore the objective of this study is to identify in Abidjan the HbS haplotypes that modulate HU treatment responses. Methods: In a cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study, children aged 5 to 15 years with SCD, and carrying the hemoglobin phenotypes SSFA2 and SFA2, were recruited into a HU treatment cohort. Various parameters on the haplotypes and the outcomes of the treatment were analyzed. Results: Thirty nine children with SCD were included. The phenotypic profile of the cohort was 86.6% of SSFA2 and 15.4% of SFA2. Three haplotypes were found, the Benin haplotype, the Senegal haplotype, and an atypical one. The participants belonged to three genotypes, Benin/atypical (64.1%), Benin/Senegal (33.3%) and Senegal/Senegal (2.6%). Overall, HU treatment was successful in all haplotypes with 12 out of 39 patients failing treatment after 12 months in the Benin haplotype group. The association between HU treatment success and the Benin haplotype was found in terms of the decrease in the number of white blood cells and the students missing class. Conclusion: The study revealed that inferring haplotype based on the phenotypic profile could be inaccurate. The proportion of atypical haplotype that were not previously described in Côte d’Ivoire was high. All the haplotypes seemed to be associated with HU treatment success but some patients with Benin haplotype did not respond well.展开更多
The rise of new viruses, like SARS-CoV-2 causing the COVID-19 outbreak, along with the return of antibiotic resistance in harmful bacteria, demands a swift and efficient reaction to safeguard the health and welfare of...The rise of new viruses, like SARS-CoV-2 causing the COVID-19 outbreak, along with the return of antibiotic resistance in harmful bacteria, demands a swift and efficient reaction to safeguard the health and welfare of the global population. It is crucial to have effective measures for prevention, intervention, and monitoring in place to address these evolving and recurring risks, ensuring public health and international security. In countries with limited resources, utilizing recombinant mutation plasmid technology in conjunction with PCR-HRM could help differentiate the existence of novel variants. cDNA synthesis was carried out on 8 nasopharyngeal samples following viral RNA extraction. The P1 segment of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike S protein was amplified via conventional PCR. Subsequently, PCR products were ligated with the pGEM-T Easy vector to generate eight recombinant SARS-CoV-2 plasmids. Clones containing mutations were sequenced using Sanger sequencing and analyzed through PCR-HRM. The P1 segment of the S gene from SARS-CoV-2 was successfully amplified, resulting in 8 recombinant plasmids generated from the 231 bp fragment. PCR-HRM analysis of these recombinant plasmids differentiated three variations within the SARS-CoV-2 plasmid population, each displaying distinct melting temperatures. Sanger sequencing identified mutations A112C, G113T, A114G, G214T, and G216C on the P1 segment, validating the PCR-HRM findings of the variations. These mutations led to the detection of L452R or L452M and F486V protein mutations within the protein sequence of the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2. In summary, PCR-HRM is a vital and affordable tool for distinguishing SARS-CoV-2 variants utilizing recombinant plasmids as controls.展开更多
The emergence of antiretroviral resistance mutations represents a major threat to the achievement of national and global goals for the elimination of HIV-1 infection. The global strategy in 2019 in Cte d'Ivoire is...The emergence of antiretroviral resistance mutations represents a major threat to the achievement of national and global goals for the elimination of HIV-1 infection. The global strategy in 2019 in Cte d'Ivoire is a new national policy for the management of people living with HIV with the administration of dolutegravir (DTG)-based fixed-dose combination. The aim of our study was to evaluate HIV-1 resistance to antiretrovirals (ARVs) in infected adult subjects in Cte d’Ivoire in the context of a systematic switch to a DTG-based combination. Between February 2022 and October 2023, a cross-sectional survey with random sampling was conducted in 06 services caring for people living with HIV. A total of 139 participants were included in the study. Adults with a viral load ≥ 1000 copies/mL were tested for HIV-1 ARV resistance mutations. Molecular analyses were performed using protocol of ANRS-MIE (National Agency for Research on AIDS and emerging infectious diseases). The interpretation is performed by HIVGRAD ( The frequencies of HIV-1 resistance to non-nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs), nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), integrase inhibitors (IINTs) and protease inhibitors (PIs) were 82%, 73%, 19% and 11% respectively. The main mutations observed in the different classes were K103N (45%), M184V (64%), E157Q (19%) and L10V/M46I/A71V/I54V (6%) respectively. This study reveals the emergence of resistance to DTG-based fixed-dose combinations, favored by high rates of resistance to NRTIs and NNRTIs. This finding underlines the need for enhanced viral load monitoring and HIV-1 genotyping tests to guide the choice of NRTIs for combination therapy. In addition, monitoring for mutations to second-generation NRTIs is essential, given the scale-up of DTG-based regimens currently underway in Cte d’Ivoire.展开更多
The aim of this study is to contribute to better targeting of gold prospecting areas using geospatial information. To this end, 3 mining sites were selected for the study. They are: the Sénoufo belt (Barrick Gold...The aim of this study is to contribute to better targeting of gold prospecting areas using geospatial information. To this end, 3 mining sites were selected for the study. They are: the Sénoufo belt (Barrick Gold mine), the Yaouré complex (Perseus Mining mine) and the South Fetêkro belt (Bonikro, Hiré and Agbaou mines). For this study, a multi-scale approach was carried out at regional, mine and microscopic levels. At the regional scale, a comparative analysis of 1:200,000 scale geological maps revealed that 3 main lithologies are regularly repeated on and around the various mining sites. These are: undifferentiated volcanics, metagranodiorites and metasiltites dominated by meta-arenites. Most of these lithologies are affected by undifferentiated faults generally oriented NE-SW, N-S, ENE-WSW and WNW-ESE. In addition, gold and manganese occurrences are present on all the sites studied. At the mine scale, radarsat-1 images processing indicate that the main mining sites are generally located near or at the intersection of lineaments-oriented NE-SW or N-S on the one hand and E-W or ENE-WSW or WNW-ESE or again NW-SE on the other. These mines are also located at the interface between zones of high and low lineament density. At the microscopic scale, petrographic studies of undifferentiated volcanic samples from the various sites indicate that they consist of andesites, meta-andesites and tuffs.展开更多
This study assessed the contribution of climate projections to improving rainfall information for cocoa crops in the central and southern regions of Côte d’Ivoire. Particular attention was paid to fourteen local...This study assessed the contribution of climate projections to improving rainfall information for cocoa crops in the central and southern regions of Côte d’Ivoire. Particular attention was paid to fourteen localities in these two climatic zones. Simulation data were obtained from the CORDEX ensemble and observation data from CHIRPS. They cover the period 1991-2005 for the reference period and the future period from 2021 to 2050 for the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. In addition, the study was based on the water requirements necessary during the critical phase of the cocoa tree (the flowering phase) for a good yield from the cocoa production chain on the one hand, and on a selection of three climate indices CDD, CWD and r95PTOT to study their spatio-temporal changes over two future periods 2021-2035 (near future) and 2036-2050 (medium-term) on the other. These climatic indices influence cocoa cultivation and their use in studies of climatic impacts on agriculture is of prime importance. The analysis of their spatio-temporal changes in this work also contributes to providing climate services based on rainfall, to which cocoa crops are highly sensitive. Our results show that the CDD and CWD indices vary from one region to another depending on latitude. For the fourteen localities studied, the number of consecutive dry days (CDD) could increase between now and 2050, while the number of consecutive wet days (CWD) could decrease over the period 2021-2035 and then increase over the period 2036-2050. The localities of Tabou, Aboisso and San-Pedro record high numbers of CDD index and CWD index for both projection scenarios. In comparison with the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios, these results show that the RCP8.5 scenarios are having an impact on cocoa growing in Côte d’Ivoire.展开更多
Desmodium adscendens is a plant in the Fabaceae family that is very important to man, both agronomically and medicinally. It is an important cover crop that contributes to improving soil fertility, reducing the risks ...Desmodium adscendens is a plant in the Fabaceae family that is very important to man, both agronomically and medicinally. It is an important cover crop that contributes to improving soil fertility, reducing the risks associated with crop pests and weeds. However, very little research has been carried out into its domestication for use as a cover crop in banana plantations in Côte d’Ivoire. The general objective of this study was to evaluate, under semi-controlled conditions, the effect of different levels of shade on the growth and development of Desmodium adscendens. The studies were carried out on the experimental site of the UP-Plant Physiology Laboratory. Four shading levels were evaluated: 0 (NO), 20% (N1), 40% (N2) and 60% (N3) light levels. The Desmodium adscendens cuttings used were collected from a 3-month nursery. For each treatment, 10 tubs containing sterilized soil were used, and 50 cuttings were planted. After planting, growth and development parameters were assessed weekly on 10 plants. In addition, yield and fresh and dry mass were measured. Finally, the reproductive cycle of Desmodium adscendens was determined. The results showed that plant growth and development were greatest in plants grown under the 40% shade level, followed by the 20% and 60% shade levels. In contrast, plants in full light showed poor growth and development. The 40% shade level was the most favorable for growing Desmodium adscendens cuttings, with a cycle length of 67 days. Growing Desmodium adscendens under shade with 20% and 40% light levels could be recommended to farmers.展开更多
This study assesses the projected changes in the climate zoning of Côte d’Ivoire using the hierarchical classification of principal components (HCPC) method applied to the daily precipitation data of an ensemble...This study assesses the projected changes in the climate zoning of Côte d’Ivoire using the hierarchical classification of principal components (HCPC) method applied to the daily precipitation data of an ensemble of 14 CORDEX-AFRICA simulations under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. The results indicate the existence of three climate zones in Côte d’Ivoire (the coastal, the centre and the north) over the historical period (1981-2005). Moreover, CORDEX simulations project an extension of the surface area of drier climatic zones while a reduction of wetter zones, associated with the appearance of an intermediate climate zone with surface area varying from 77,560 km<sup>2</sup> to 134,960 km<sup>2</sup> depending on the period and the scenario. These results highlight the potential impacts of climate change on the delimitation of the climate zones of Côte d’Ivoire under the greenhouse gas emission scenarios. Thus, there is a reduction in the surface areas suitable for the production of cash crops such as cocoa and coffee. This could hinder the country’s economy and development, mainly based on these cash crops.展开更多
The study aims to identify Albian-age oil prospects in Block A of the San Pedro margin, Côte d’Ivoire, by conducting a detailed geological interpretation. The objective is to confirm the presence of oil reservoi...The study aims to identify Albian-age oil prospects in Block A of the San Pedro margin, Côte d’Ivoire, by conducting a detailed geological interpretation. The objective is to confirm the presence of oil reservoirs trapped by favorable geological structures, identifiable through geophysical and seismic methods. The methodological approach is based on a combined analysis of studies and seismic data. Drilling data from well PA, including well logs and end-of-well reports, were used to characterize the lithological formations encountered, particularly those of the Albian. 3D seismic profiles were interpreted to identify structures conducive to hydrocarbon accumulation. Isochrone, isovelocity, and isobath maps were developed to refine the interpretation. Sedimentological analyses revealed five sandy/gritty levels between 2610 m and 3100 m, interspersed with clay, limestone, and siltstone beds. The seismic profiles highlighted two main prospects. These prospects exhibit favorable geological structures, including normal faults and structural traps that provide oil traps.展开更多
The roads in correlation with the traffic linked to their existences are at the origin of the emission of numerous polluting substances likely to induce disturbances of the growth and the behavioral changes in the org...The roads in correlation with the traffic linked to their existences are at the origin of the emission of numerous polluting substances likely to induce disturbances of the growth and the behavioral changes in the organisms living in their vicinities. The purpose of this study is to analyze the growth and capacity accumulation of a common earthworm species (Millsonia omodeoi) in Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn in soils along a main road called “Autoroute du Nord” in C?te d’Ivoire. Thus, the earthworms were harvested in soils from a distance of 0 m (just after the sidewalk) to a distance of 200 m from the toll highway and in a control soil sampled in Lamto reserve (C?te d’Ivoire). The study was carried out in the soil laboratory at the ecological station of Lamto reserve. The Ford-Walford technique was used to determine the model and parameters most appropriated for describing the growth of earthworms. A pairwise comparison of the growth parameters was carried out using the Kruskal-Wallis test with the STATISTICA 7.1 software. The heavy metals contained in the cultivated soils and earthworms were detected and quantified using a Scanning Electron Micro-scope (MEB FEG Supra 40 VP Zeiss) and an Atomic Absorption Spectrometer SPECTRA 110 (VARIAN). The capacity accumulation of heavy metals in earthworm was determined by the bioaccumulation factor (BAF) calculation. The results of this study showed that Gompertz is the most appropriated model to describe the growth of M. omodeoi. The life cycle of M. omodeoi shows that this earthworm adopts a K type demographic strategy. Cu is the most accumulated heavy metals in M. omodeoi, when Cr is the least accumulated. Concerning heavy metal content in the earthworms, it decreases while moving away from the pavement. These results highlight a possibility of choice of M. omodeoi as 1) indicators of heavy metals pollution and 2) target of biological organisms for environmental impact studies.展开更多
In Côte d’Ivoire, the recurring and unregulated use of bushfires, which cause ecological damage, presents a pressing concern for the custodians of protected areas. This study aims to enhance our comprehension of...In Côte d’Ivoire, the recurring and unregulated use of bushfires, which cause ecological damage, presents a pressing concern for the custodians of protected areas. This study aims to enhance our comprehension of the dynamics of burnt areas within the Abokouamékro Wildlife Reserve (AWR) by employing the analysis of spectral indices derived from satellite imagery. The research methodology began with the calculation of mean indices and their corresponding spectral sub-indices, including NDVI, SAVI, NDWI, NDMI, BAI, NBR, TCW, TCG, and TCB, utilizing data from the Sentinel-2A satellite image dated January 17, 2022. Subsequently, a fuzzy classification model was applied to these various indices and sub-indices, guided by the degree of membership α, with the goal of effectively distinguishing between burned and unburned areas. Following the classification, the accuracies of the classified indices and sub-indices were validated using the coordinates of 100 data points collected within the AWR through GPS technology. The results revealed that the overall accuracy of all indices and sub-indices declines as the degree of membership α decreases from 1 to 0. Among the mean spectral indices, NDVI-mean, SAVI-mean, NDMI-mean exhibited the highest overall accuracies, achieving 97%, 95%, and 90%, respectively. These results closely mirrored those obtained by sub-indices using band 8 (NDVI-B8, SAVI-B8, and NDMI-B8), which yield respective overall accuracies of 93%, 92%, and 89%. At a degree of membership α = 1, the estimated burned areas for the most effective indices encompassed 2144.38 hectares for NDVI-mean, 1932.14 hectares for mean SAVI-mean, and 4947.13 hectares for mean NDMI-mean. A prospective approach involving the amalgamation of these three indices could have the potential to yield improved outcomes. This study could be a substantial contribution to the discrimination of bushfires in Côte d’Ivoire.展开更多
Introduction: Studies of abnormal ventilatory function in Côte d’Ivoire have been carried out in the workplace and in schools. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of respiratory symptoms ...Introduction: Studies of abnormal ventilatory function in Côte d’Ivoire have been carried out in the workplace and in schools. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and ventilatory function abnormalities in the population of the lagoon district of Attécoubé in Abidjan. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on 170 people in the municipality of Attécoubé Lagune. A questionnaire was used to collect information on sociodemographic, clinical, and environmental characteristics. A basic spirometry and a beta mimetic test were carried out on all the subjects surveyed. Data analysis was done with the stata 15.1 software. Results: The study population was composed of 103 women and 67 men with a sex ratio (M/F) of 0.65. The average age was 35.92 ± 15.28 years. The most frequent respiratory symptoms were chest tightness (29.41%), dyspnea (28.82%), sneezing (22.94%) and cough (22.35%). The prevalence of ventilatory function abnormalities was 43.24% among residents of Attécoubé Lagune and the most frequent abnormality was ventilatory restriction (35.15%) followed by obstruction (4.85%). The risk factor for ventilatory function abnormalities was heavy pollution [OR = 2.66;IC: 1.053 - 6.743;P = 0.038]. Conclusion: Residents of the Attécoubé Lagune district had many respiratory symptoms and a high prevalence of ventilatory function abnormalities. Improving air quality is urgently needed in this municipality.展开更多
Since 2015, Côte d’Ivoire has been the world’s largest cashew producer. However, cashew orchards in Côte d’Ivoire are infected by fungal diseases that weaken production. And the contribution of weeds to t...Since 2015, Côte d’Ivoire has been the world’s largest cashew producer. However, cashew orchards in Côte d’Ivoire are infected by fungal diseases that weaken production. And the contribution of weeds to the spread of these diseases is not yet understood. This study was initiated with the aim of establishing the role of weeds in the proliferation of pathogenic fungi in orchards. It consisted of a survey of weeds showing disease symptoms in cashew orchards in Côte d’Ivoire from February 2021 to July 2022. The itinerant method was used for the weed inventory. Symptomatic leaves were collected and sent to the laboratory for diagnosis on PDA (Potatoes Dextrose Agar) medium. In total, 50 species in 46 genera and 23 families were recorded. Laboratory diagnosis of the samples showed that 80% of the weeds identified harboured pathogenic fungi. The highest infection rates were obtained on Danielia oliveri R. (99.33% to 100%), Vitellaria paradoxa G. (100%), Pterocarpus erinaceus P. (83.91% to 99.33%), Micuna pruriens L. (98.33% to 100%) and Isoberlinia doka C. et S. (56.33% to 100%). The diagnosis revealed the presence of Lasiodiplodia sp, Colletotrichum sp, Pestalotia sp, Alternaria sp and Curvularia sp on weeds in the cashew orchard in Côte d’Ivoire.展开更多
In C?te d’Ivoire, ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), generally used to make a drink called “Gnamankoudji”, has become an important source of agricultural income diversification. In order to assess the agromorpholo...In C?te d’Ivoire, ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), generally used to make a drink called “Gnamankoudji”, has become an important source of agricultural income diversification. In order to assess the agromorphological diversity of a ginger collection from different regions of C?te d’Ivoire, a survey collection of accessions was carried out in the different production zones of the country. One hundred and eighty-eight ginger accessions were collected in 15 regions and one autonomous district of C?te d’Ivoire. Analysis of variance revealed that all the variables used in this study discriminated between the ginger accessions collected. Principal component analysis revealed morphological variability of 45.931% for the first two components. Ascending Hierarchical Classification was used to classify these accessions into three groups based on fourteen quantitative characters. These three groups were formed independently of collection areas and are characterized by moderate morphological variability. This variability has been structured into three distinct agromorphological groups, with thallus (rhizome) length and width, finger width, secondary finger length and yield in tons per hectare as distinctive characters. This revealed genetic diversity could be exploited in ginger breeding and improvement programs in C?te d’Ivoire.展开更多
This study focuses on the petrographic and structural characteristics of the geological formations of the Alépé region in the Comoé basin. The petrographic characterization allows us to retain that the ...This study focuses on the petrographic and structural characteristics of the geological formations of the Alépé region in the Comoé basin. The petrographic characterization allows us to retain that the study area abounds in a variety of lithologies: amphibole metagranite, metadiorite, amphibolite and metagrauwacke. The lineament map attests that the study area was affected by polyphase tectonics (ductile and brittle), all these deformations have NW-SE to NNW-SSE;NW-ESE to NW-SE;ENE-OSW and NE-SW directions. Coupled geochemical data show that the protoliths of the studied rocks evolve between granites and gabbros that are weakly to moderately be altered. They would originate from continental crust and mantle and would be emplaced in collision contex.展开更多
Since its outbreak in December 2019 in Wuhan Province (China), the Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease quickly spread around the world in such a way that most response plans were outdated. There was an urgent need to chang...Since its outbreak in December 2019 in Wuhan Province (China), the Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease quickly spread around the world in such a way that most response plans were outdated. There was an urgent need to change and adapt response strategies as the virus globally spread. Entire firms and economies were brought to a standstill in order to reduce the virus’ capacity to spread and to limit some of the short-term impacts in order to save time and find out solutions to come back to a more or less normal way of life. Thus, most of the countries that closed their air, sea and land borders had to reopen them progressively, with travel restrictions submitted to rigid controls. In Côte d’Ivoire, as in all other countries, air travellers leaving the territory were required to provide a certificate for a negative COVID-19 test, valid for 24 to 72 hours depending on the country of destination. However, the national system implemented could not provide a result before 48 hours. The objective of this work was to develop an alternative strategy to the system for air travellers who were in a hurry and those who had a computer bug in obtaining their result. A total of 38,444 air travellers benefited from this strategy implemented by the Institut Pasteur de Côte d’Ivoire during these two years.展开更多
In this study, we apply geochemical and statistical analyses to evaluate the source rocks and kerogen type of Cretaceous sediments from the Cote d’Ivoire sedimentary basin. The geochemical analysis includes pyrolysis...In this study, we apply geochemical and statistical analyses to evaluate the source rocks and kerogen type of Cretaceous sediments from the Cote d’Ivoire sedimentary basin. The geochemical analysis includes pyrolysis data such as total organic carbon (TOC%), generation source potential (S2) and hydrogen index (HI). The results of the cluster analysis separated the source rocks in the study area into two main groups. 1) Source rocks characterized by HI > 300 (mg/g), TOC from 1.76% to 3.19% by weight, and S2 from 6.55 to 14.46 (mg/g), indicating good to excellent source rocks with type II kerogen and are capable of generating oil. 2) Source rocks characterized by HI between 200 and 300 (mg/g), TOC from 1.6 to 2.02 wt%, and S2 from 3.45 to 5.36 (mg/g) indicating medium to good source rocks with type II-III kerogen and capable of generating a mixture of oil and gas.展开更多
Introduction: Rabies is a highly fatal viral disease outside the post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Data from previous studies and reports from the rabies center show that cases of death from human rabies are regularly ...Introduction: Rabies is a highly fatal viral disease outside the post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Data from previous studies and reports from the rabies center show that cases of death from human rabies are regularly reported, despite training measures for health workers, awareness-raising and communities, and the availability of vaccines. Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyse the determinants of human rabies deaths in Côte d’Ivoire from 2016 to 2022. Method: A retrospective cross-sectional qualitative study was carried out from January to August 2023 on all the records of patients who died of human rabies at the Treichville Rabies Center from 2016 to 2022. An analysis of the rabies center’s annual activity reports from 2016 to 2022 was also carried out in order to complete the information gathered from the files. Results: The socio-demographic characteristics showed that out of 148 deaths, children accounted for 47.97% (71) and 66.22% (98) of rabies deaths were male, with an M/F sex ratio of 1.96. In terms of clinical characteristics, in 97.30% (144) of cases, the deceased had presented with furious rabies, and analysis by the Pasteur Institute of Côte d’Ivoire laboratory confirmed 101 cases (92.66%) of human rabies. Geographical distribution showed that cases of human rabies were recorded in 56 health district, and 64% (94) of the deceased lived in rural areas. The main causes of the occurrence of rabies were essentially non-use of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and missed vaccination due to ignorance. Conclusion: In view of these results, control strategies and interventions need to be adapted to the epidemiological characteristics of the disease, using a community-based approach with a view to eliminating dog-transmitted rabies by 2030.展开更多
Objective: The study aims to establish the epidemiological profile of obesity in Abidjan. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study carried out in Côte d’Ivoire with 349 volunteers aged 21 to 65 years old and livi...Objective: The study aims to establish the epidemiological profile of obesity in Abidjan. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study carried out in Côte d’Ivoire with 349 volunteers aged 21 to 65 years old and living in 330 households located in Yopougon, Cocody and Abobo, three Municipalities in the city of Abidjan. Results: Out of 349 participants, 90 or 25.8% were declared obese according to BMI. Based on IMG, 62.8% of people had abnormally high body fat. Abdominal obesity was more common in Yopougon and Cocody than in Abobo. Relative to BMI, 36.1% of women were obese compared to 12.9% of men. The same observation was made with regard to the umbilical perimeter. Indeed, abdominal obesity was more observed in women with a rate of 52.6% compared to 11.6% in men. 35.6% of obese people have no level of education. According to the respondents, a very high proportion of weight gain occurred after the age of 10. It was between 10 and 21 years old in Yopougon and Cocody and between 18 and 21 years old in Abobo. More than 70% of obese people living in Yopougon, Cocody and Abobo would not consider obesity as a disease while 40.7% have said they were very little informed about obesity. Conclusion: Two major points have emerged from the examination of the data collected: 1) The prevalence of overweight and obesity remains very high in the three Communes of Abidjan. 2) The occurrence of obesity would be influenced by the sociodemographic characteristics of the populations. Also, updating these sociodemographic characteristics is essential to better adapt national strategies for obesity and overweight combating.展开更多
文摘Cocoa farming faces numerous constraints that affect production levels. Among these constraints are termites, one of the biggest scourges in tropical agriculture and agroforestry. The aim of this study is to assess the level of damage caused by termites in cocoa plantations. To this end, 3 plantations were selected. In each of the 3 plantations, 18 plots containing an average of 47 ± 6 cocoa plants were delimited. Sampling was based on 25 cocoa plants per plot. The study consisted in sampling the termites observed on the plants and noting the type of damage caused by them, taking into account the density of the harvest veneers and, above all, the termites’ progress through the anatomical structures of the plant, i.e. the bark, sapwood and heartwood. A total of 8 termite species were collected from cocoa plants. These species are responsible for four types of damage (D1, D2, D3 and D4), grouped into minor damage (D1 and D2) and major damage (D3 and D4). D1 damage ranged from 24.67% ± 5.64% to 39.55% ± 7.43%. D2 damage ranged from 6.88% ± 1.31% to 9.33% ± 2.79%. D3 damage ranged from 2.88% ± 1.55% to 6.44% ± 1.55%. D4 damage ranged from 1.11% ± 1% to 3.11% ± 1.37%. Among the termite species collected, Microcerotermes sp, C. sjostedti, A. crucifer and P. militaris were the most formidable on cocoa trees in our study locality. In view of the extensive damage caused by termites, biological control measures should be considered, using insecticidal plants.
文摘Background: In the context of the fight against HIV, a lack of skills in monitoring and evaluating the personnel in charge of activities has been identified at the national level. It was the subject of a priority axis of the national plan for monitoring and evaluating the fight against HIV (2006-2010) that was aimed at strengthening the capacities of actors in this area. To increase the critical mass of competent human resources in the short term, the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) of Côte d’Ivoire organized monitoring and evaluation training sessions for healthcare professionals from 2011 to 2016. Methods: A single case study with multiple levels of analysis was carried out, combining a qualitative survey and a literature review. An evaluation was carried out six months after each training session. In addition, the results of the pre- and post-tests and of the daily and final evaluations that accompanied the various training sessions were used to provide further information. The qualitative data collected were analyzed using INVIVO 15 software. Results: Some 89 health professionals (69% men and 31% women) working at the national level (51% at the central level, including 58% in health programs) and in development partner agencies (37%) participated in this capacity building program. Most participants were senior health managers (56%), data managers (23%), and statisticians and computer scientists (10%). Almost all the trainings were financed by 16 technical and financial partners (85%), mainly the MEASURE Evaluation project (27%). Conclusion: M&E training, despite all its imperfections, has made it possible to identify M&E training needs at the national level and to increase the critical mass of national skills and to have some culture in M&E.
文摘Background: In Côte d’Ivoire so far, the circulating haplotypes have been inferred on the phenotypic profiling of SCD patients. The impact of the circulating haplotypes on the use of Hydroxyurea has not been assessed yet. Therefore the objective of this study is to identify in Abidjan the HbS haplotypes that modulate HU treatment responses. Methods: In a cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study, children aged 5 to 15 years with SCD, and carrying the hemoglobin phenotypes SSFA2 and SFA2, were recruited into a HU treatment cohort. Various parameters on the haplotypes and the outcomes of the treatment were analyzed. Results: Thirty nine children with SCD were included. The phenotypic profile of the cohort was 86.6% of SSFA2 and 15.4% of SFA2. Three haplotypes were found, the Benin haplotype, the Senegal haplotype, and an atypical one. The participants belonged to three genotypes, Benin/atypical (64.1%), Benin/Senegal (33.3%) and Senegal/Senegal (2.6%). Overall, HU treatment was successful in all haplotypes with 12 out of 39 patients failing treatment after 12 months in the Benin haplotype group. The association between HU treatment success and the Benin haplotype was found in terms of the decrease in the number of white blood cells and the students missing class. Conclusion: The study revealed that inferring haplotype based on the phenotypic profile could be inaccurate. The proportion of atypical haplotype that were not previously described in Côte d’Ivoire was high. All the haplotypes seemed to be associated with HU treatment success but some patients with Benin haplotype did not respond well.
文摘The rise of new viruses, like SARS-CoV-2 causing the COVID-19 outbreak, along with the return of antibiotic resistance in harmful bacteria, demands a swift and efficient reaction to safeguard the health and welfare of the global population. It is crucial to have effective measures for prevention, intervention, and monitoring in place to address these evolving and recurring risks, ensuring public health and international security. In countries with limited resources, utilizing recombinant mutation plasmid technology in conjunction with PCR-HRM could help differentiate the existence of novel variants. cDNA synthesis was carried out on 8 nasopharyngeal samples following viral RNA extraction. The P1 segment of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike S protein was amplified via conventional PCR. Subsequently, PCR products were ligated with the pGEM-T Easy vector to generate eight recombinant SARS-CoV-2 plasmids. Clones containing mutations were sequenced using Sanger sequencing and analyzed through PCR-HRM. The P1 segment of the S gene from SARS-CoV-2 was successfully amplified, resulting in 8 recombinant plasmids generated from the 231 bp fragment. PCR-HRM analysis of these recombinant plasmids differentiated three variations within the SARS-CoV-2 plasmid population, each displaying distinct melting temperatures. Sanger sequencing identified mutations A112C, G113T, A114G, G214T, and G216C on the P1 segment, validating the PCR-HRM findings of the variations. These mutations led to the detection of L452R or L452M and F486V protein mutations within the protein sequence of the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2. In summary, PCR-HRM is a vital and affordable tool for distinguishing SARS-CoV-2 variants utilizing recombinant plasmids as controls.
文摘The emergence of antiretroviral resistance mutations represents a major threat to the achievement of national and global goals for the elimination of HIV-1 infection. The global strategy in 2019 in Cte d'Ivoire is a new national policy for the management of people living with HIV with the administration of dolutegravir (DTG)-based fixed-dose combination. The aim of our study was to evaluate HIV-1 resistance to antiretrovirals (ARVs) in infected adult subjects in Cte d’Ivoire in the context of a systematic switch to a DTG-based combination. Between February 2022 and October 2023, a cross-sectional survey with random sampling was conducted in 06 services caring for people living with HIV. A total of 139 participants were included in the study. Adults with a viral load ≥ 1000 copies/mL were tested for HIV-1 ARV resistance mutations. Molecular analyses were performed using protocol of ANRS-MIE (National Agency for Research on AIDS and emerging infectious diseases). The interpretation is performed by HIVGRAD ( The frequencies of HIV-1 resistance to non-nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs), nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), integrase inhibitors (IINTs) and protease inhibitors (PIs) were 82%, 73%, 19% and 11% respectively. The main mutations observed in the different classes were K103N (45%), M184V (64%), E157Q (19%) and L10V/M46I/A71V/I54V (6%) respectively. This study reveals the emergence of resistance to DTG-based fixed-dose combinations, favored by high rates of resistance to NRTIs and NNRTIs. This finding underlines the need for enhanced viral load monitoring and HIV-1 genotyping tests to guide the choice of NRTIs for combination therapy. In addition, monitoring for mutations to second-generation NRTIs is essential, given the scale-up of DTG-based regimens currently underway in Cte d’Ivoire.
文摘The aim of this study is to contribute to better targeting of gold prospecting areas using geospatial information. To this end, 3 mining sites were selected for the study. They are: the Sénoufo belt (Barrick Gold mine), the Yaouré complex (Perseus Mining mine) and the South Fetêkro belt (Bonikro, Hiré and Agbaou mines). For this study, a multi-scale approach was carried out at regional, mine and microscopic levels. At the regional scale, a comparative analysis of 1:200,000 scale geological maps revealed that 3 main lithologies are regularly repeated on and around the various mining sites. These are: undifferentiated volcanics, metagranodiorites and metasiltites dominated by meta-arenites. Most of these lithologies are affected by undifferentiated faults generally oriented NE-SW, N-S, ENE-WSW and WNW-ESE. In addition, gold and manganese occurrences are present on all the sites studied. At the mine scale, radarsat-1 images processing indicate that the main mining sites are generally located near or at the intersection of lineaments-oriented NE-SW or N-S on the one hand and E-W or ENE-WSW or WNW-ESE or again NW-SE on the other. These mines are also located at the interface between zones of high and low lineament density. At the microscopic scale, petrographic studies of undifferentiated volcanic samples from the various sites indicate that they consist of andesites, meta-andesites and tuffs.
文摘This study assessed the contribution of climate projections to improving rainfall information for cocoa crops in the central and southern regions of Côte d’Ivoire. Particular attention was paid to fourteen localities in these two climatic zones. Simulation data were obtained from the CORDEX ensemble and observation data from CHIRPS. They cover the period 1991-2005 for the reference period and the future period from 2021 to 2050 for the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. In addition, the study was based on the water requirements necessary during the critical phase of the cocoa tree (the flowering phase) for a good yield from the cocoa production chain on the one hand, and on a selection of three climate indices CDD, CWD and r95PTOT to study their spatio-temporal changes over two future periods 2021-2035 (near future) and 2036-2050 (medium-term) on the other. These climatic indices influence cocoa cultivation and their use in studies of climatic impacts on agriculture is of prime importance. The analysis of their spatio-temporal changes in this work also contributes to providing climate services based on rainfall, to which cocoa crops are highly sensitive. Our results show that the CDD and CWD indices vary from one region to another depending on latitude. For the fourteen localities studied, the number of consecutive dry days (CDD) could increase between now and 2050, while the number of consecutive wet days (CWD) could decrease over the period 2021-2035 and then increase over the period 2036-2050. The localities of Tabou, Aboisso and San-Pedro record high numbers of CDD index and CWD index for both projection scenarios. In comparison with the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios, these results show that the RCP8.5 scenarios are having an impact on cocoa growing in Côte d’Ivoire.
文摘Desmodium adscendens is a plant in the Fabaceae family that is very important to man, both agronomically and medicinally. It is an important cover crop that contributes to improving soil fertility, reducing the risks associated with crop pests and weeds. However, very little research has been carried out into its domestication for use as a cover crop in banana plantations in Côte d’Ivoire. The general objective of this study was to evaluate, under semi-controlled conditions, the effect of different levels of shade on the growth and development of Desmodium adscendens. The studies were carried out on the experimental site of the UP-Plant Physiology Laboratory. Four shading levels were evaluated: 0 (NO), 20% (N1), 40% (N2) and 60% (N3) light levels. The Desmodium adscendens cuttings used were collected from a 3-month nursery. For each treatment, 10 tubs containing sterilized soil were used, and 50 cuttings were planted. After planting, growth and development parameters were assessed weekly on 10 plants. In addition, yield and fresh and dry mass were measured. Finally, the reproductive cycle of Desmodium adscendens was determined. The results showed that plant growth and development were greatest in plants grown under the 40% shade level, followed by the 20% and 60% shade levels. In contrast, plants in full light showed poor growth and development. The 40% shade level was the most favorable for growing Desmodium adscendens cuttings, with a cycle length of 67 days. Growing Desmodium adscendens under shade with 20% and 40% light levels could be recommended to farmers.
文摘This study assesses the projected changes in the climate zoning of Côte d’Ivoire using the hierarchical classification of principal components (HCPC) method applied to the daily precipitation data of an ensemble of 14 CORDEX-AFRICA simulations under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. The results indicate the existence of three climate zones in Côte d’Ivoire (the coastal, the centre and the north) over the historical period (1981-2005). Moreover, CORDEX simulations project an extension of the surface area of drier climatic zones while a reduction of wetter zones, associated with the appearance of an intermediate climate zone with surface area varying from 77,560 km<sup>2</sup> to 134,960 km<sup>2</sup> depending on the period and the scenario. These results highlight the potential impacts of climate change on the delimitation of the climate zones of Côte d’Ivoire under the greenhouse gas emission scenarios. Thus, there is a reduction in the surface areas suitable for the production of cash crops such as cocoa and coffee. This could hinder the country’s economy and development, mainly based on these cash crops.
文摘The study aims to identify Albian-age oil prospects in Block A of the San Pedro margin, Côte d’Ivoire, by conducting a detailed geological interpretation. The objective is to confirm the presence of oil reservoirs trapped by favorable geological structures, identifiable through geophysical and seismic methods. The methodological approach is based on a combined analysis of studies and seismic data. Drilling data from well PA, including well logs and end-of-well reports, were used to characterize the lithological formations encountered, particularly those of the Albian. 3D seismic profiles were interpreted to identify structures conducive to hydrocarbon accumulation. Isochrone, isovelocity, and isobath maps were developed to refine the interpretation. Sedimentological analyses revealed five sandy/gritty levels between 2610 m and 3100 m, interspersed with clay, limestone, and siltstone beds. The seismic profiles highlighted two main prospects. These prospects exhibit favorable geological structures, including normal faults and structural traps that provide oil traps.
文摘The roads in correlation with the traffic linked to their existences are at the origin of the emission of numerous polluting substances likely to induce disturbances of the growth and the behavioral changes in the organisms living in their vicinities. The purpose of this study is to analyze the growth and capacity accumulation of a common earthworm species (Millsonia omodeoi) in Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn in soils along a main road called “Autoroute du Nord” in C?te d’Ivoire. Thus, the earthworms were harvested in soils from a distance of 0 m (just after the sidewalk) to a distance of 200 m from the toll highway and in a control soil sampled in Lamto reserve (C?te d’Ivoire). The study was carried out in the soil laboratory at the ecological station of Lamto reserve. The Ford-Walford technique was used to determine the model and parameters most appropriated for describing the growth of earthworms. A pairwise comparison of the growth parameters was carried out using the Kruskal-Wallis test with the STATISTICA 7.1 software. The heavy metals contained in the cultivated soils and earthworms were detected and quantified using a Scanning Electron Micro-scope (MEB FEG Supra 40 VP Zeiss) and an Atomic Absorption Spectrometer SPECTRA 110 (VARIAN). The capacity accumulation of heavy metals in earthworm was determined by the bioaccumulation factor (BAF) calculation. The results of this study showed that Gompertz is the most appropriated model to describe the growth of M. omodeoi. The life cycle of M. omodeoi shows that this earthworm adopts a K type demographic strategy. Cu is the most accumulated heavy metals in M. omodeoi, when Cr is the least accumulated. Concerning heavy metal content in the earthworms, it decreases while moving away from the pavement. These results highlight a possibility of choice of M. omodeoi as 1) indicators of heavy metals pollution and 2) target of biological organisms for environmental impact studies.
文摘In Côte d’Ivoire, the recurring and unregulated use of bushfires, which cause ecological damage, presents a pressing concern for the custodians of protected areas. This study aims to enhance our comprehension of the dynamics of burnt areas within the Abokouamékro Wildlife Reserve (AWR) by employing the analysis of spectral indices derived from satellite imagery. The research methodology began with the calculation of mean indices and their corresponding spectral sub-indices, including NDVI, SAVI, NDWI, NDMI, BAI, NBR, TCW, TCG, and TCB, utilizing data from the Sentinel-2A satellite image dated January 17, 2022. Subsequently, a fuzzy classification model was applied to these various indices and sub-indices, guided by the degree of membership α, with the goal of effectively distinguishing between burned and unburned areas. Following the classification, the accuracies of the classified indices and sub-indices were validated using the coordinates of 100 data points collected within the AWR through GPS technology. The results revealed that the overall accuracy of all indices and sub-indices declines as the degree of membership α decreases from 1 to 0. Among the mean spectral indices, NDVI-mean, SAVI-mean, NDMI-mean exhibited the highest overall accuracies, achieving 97%, 95%, and 90%, respectively. These results closely mirrored those obtained by sub-indices using band 8 (NDVI-B8, SAVI-B8, and NDMI-B8), which yield respective overall accuracies of 93%, 92%, and 89%. At a degree of membership α = 1, the estimated burned areas for the most effective indices encompassed 2144.38 hectares for NDVI-mean, 1932.14 hectares for mean SAVI-mean, and 4947.13 hectares for mean NDMI-mean. A prospective approach involving the amalgamation of these three indices could have the potential to yield improved outcomes. This study could be a substantial contribution to the discrimination of bushfires in Côte d’Ivoire.
文摘Introduction: Studies of abnormal ventilatory function in Côte d’Ivoire have been carried out in the workplace and in schools. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and ventilatory function abnormalities in the population of the lagoon district of Attécoubé in Abidjan. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on 170 people in the municipality of Attécoubé Lagune. A questionnaire was used to collect information on sociodemographic, clinical, and environmental characteristics. A basic spirometry and a beta mimetic test were carried out on all the subjects surveyed. Data analysis was done with the stata 15.1 software. Results: The study population was composed of 103 women and 67 men with a sex ratio (M/F) of 0.65. The average age was 35.92 ± 15.28 years. The most frequent respiratory symptoms were chest tightness (29.41%), dyspnea (28.82%), sneezing (22.94%) and cough (22.35%). The prevalence of ventilatory function abnormalities was 43.24% among residents of Attécoubé Lagune and the most frequent abnormality was ventilatory restriction (35.15%) followed by obstruction (4.85%). The risk factor for ventilatory function abnormalities was heavy pollution [OR = 2.66;IC: 1.053 - 6.743;P = 0.038]. Conclusion: Residents of the Attécoubé Lagune district had many respiratory symptoms and a high prevalence of ventilatory function abnormalities. Improving air quality is urgently needed in this municipality.
文摘Since 2015, Côte d’Ivoire has been the world’s largest cashew producer. However, cashew orchards in Côte d’Ivoire are infected by fungal diseases that weaken production. And the contribution of weeds to the spread of these diseases is not yet understood. This study was initiated with the aim of establishing the role of weeds in the proliferation of pathogenic fungi in orchards. It consisted of a survey of weeds showing disease symptoms in cashew orchards in Côte d’Ivoire from February 2021 to July 2022. The itinerant method was used for the weed inventory. Symptomatic leaves were collected and sent to the laboratory for diagnosis on PDA (Potatoes Dextrose Agar) medium. In total, 50 species in 46 genera and 23 families were recorded. Laboratory diagnosis of the samples showed that 80% of the weeds identified harboured pathogenic fungi. The highest infection rates were obtained on Danielia oliveri R. (99.33% to 100%), Vitellaria paradoxa G. (100%), Pterocarpus erinaceus P. (83.91% to 99.33%), Micuna pruriens L. (98.33% to 100%) and Isoberlinia doka C. et S. (56.33% to 100%). The diagnosis revealed the presence of Lasiodiplodia sp, Colletotrichum sp, Pestalotia sp, Alternaria sp and Curvularia sp on weeds in the cashew orchard in Côte d’Ivoire.
文摘In C?te d’Ivoire, ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), generally used to make a drink called “Gnamankoudji”, has become an important source of agricultural income diversification. In order to assess the agromorphological diversity of a ginger collection from different regions of C?te d’Ivoire, a survey collection of accessions was carried out in the different production zones of the country. One hundred and eighty-eight ginger accessions were collected in 15 regions and one autonomous district of C?te d’Ivoire. Analysis of variance revealed that all the variables used in this study discriminated between the ginger accessions collected. Principal component analysis revealed morphological variability of 45.931% for the first two components. Ascending Hierarchical Classification was used to classify these accessions into three groups based on fourteen quantitative characters. These three groups were formed independently of collection areas and are characterized by moderate morphological variability. This variability has been structured into three distinct agromorphological groups, with thallus (rhizome) length and width, finger width, secondary finger length and yield in tons per hectare as distinctive characters. This revealed genetic diversity could be exploited in ginger breeding and improvement programs in C?te d’Ivoire.
文摘This study focuses on the petrographic and structural characteristics of the geological formations of the Alépé region in the Comoé basin. The petrographic characterization allows us to retain that the study area abounds in a variety of lithologies: amphibole metagranite, metadiorite, amphibolite and metagrauwacke. The lineament map attests that the study area was affected by polyphase tectonics (ductile and brittle), all these deformations have NW-SE to NNW-SSE;NW-ESE to NW-SE;ENE-OSW and NE-SW directions. Coupled geochemical data show that the protoliths of the studied rocks evolve between granites and gabbros that are weakly to moderately be altered. They would originate from continental crust and mantle and would be emplaced in collision contex.
文摘Since its outbreak in December 2019 in Wuhan Province (China), the Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease quickly spread around the world in such a way that most response plans were outdated. There was an urgent need to change and adapt response strategies as the virus globally spread. Entire firms and economies were brought to a standstill in order to reduce the virus’ capacity to spread and to limit some of the short-term impacts in order to save time and find out solutions to come back to a more or less normal way of life. Thus, most of the countries that closed their air, sea and land borders had to reopen them progressively, with travel restrictions submitted to rigid controls. In Côte d’Ivoire, as in all other countries, air travellers leaving the territory were required to provide a certificate for a negative COVID-19 test, valid for 24 to 72 hours depending on the country of destination. However, the national system implemented could not provide a result before 48 hours. The objective of this work was to develop an alternative strategy to the system for air travellers who were in a hurry and those who had a computer bug in obtaining their result. A total of 38,444 air travellers benefited from this strategy implemented by the Institut Pasteur de Côte d’Ivoire during these two years.
文摘In this study, we apply geochemical and statistical analyses to evaluate the source rocks and kerogen type of Cretaceous sediments from the Cote d’Ivoire sedimentary basin. The geochemical analysis includes pyrolysis data such as total organic carbon (TOC%), generation source potential (S2) and hydrogen index (HI). The results of the cluster analysis separated the source rocks in the study area into two main groups. 1) Source rocks characterized by HI > 300 (mg/g), TOC from 1.76% to 3.19% by weight, and S2 from 6.55 to 14.46 (mg/g), indicating good to excellent source rocks with type II kerogen and are capable of generating oil. 2) Source rocks characterized by HI between 200 and 300 (mg/g), TOC from 1.6 to 2.02 wt%, and S2 from 3.45 to 5.36 (mg/g) indicating medium to good source rocks with type II-III kerogen and capable of generating a mixture of oil and gas.
文摘Introduction: Rabies is a highly fatal viral disease outside the post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Data from previous studies and reports from the rabies center show that cases of death from human rabies are regularly reported, despite training measures for health workers, awareness-raising and communities, and the availability of vaccines. Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyse the determinants of human rabies deaths in Côte d’Ivoire from 2016 to 2022. Method: A retrospective cross-sectional qualitative study was carried out from January to August 2023 on all the records of patients who died of human rabies at the Treichville Rabies Center from 2016 to 2022. An analysis of the rabies center’s annual activity reports from 2016 to 2022 was also carried out in order to complete the information gathered from the files. Results: The socio-demographic characteristics showed that out of 148 deaths, children accounted for 47.97% (71) and 66.22% (98) of rabies deaths were male, with an M/F sex ratio of 1.96. In terms of clinical characteristics, in 97.30% (144) of cases, the deceased had presented with furious rabies, and analysis by the Pasteur Institute of Côte d’Ivoire laboratory confirmed 101 cases (92.66%) of human rabies. Geographical distribution showed that cases of human rabies were recorded in 56 health district, and 64% (94) of the deceased lived in rural areas. The main causes of the occurrence of rabies were essentially non-use of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and missed vaccination due to ignorance. Conclusion: In view of these results, control strategies and interventions need to be adapted to the epidemiological characteristics of the disease, using a community-based approach with a view to eliminating dog-transmitted rabies by 2030.
文摘Objective: The study aims to establish the epidemiological profile of obesity in Abidjan. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study carried out in Côte d’Ivoire with 349 volunteers aged 21 to 65 years old and living in 330 households located in Yopougon, Cocody and Abobo, three Municipalities in the city of Abidjan. Results: Out of 349 participants, 90 or 25.8% were declared obese according to BMI. Based on IMG, 62.8% of people had abnormally high body fat. Abdominal obesity was more common in Yopougon and Cocody than in Abobo. Relative to BMI, 36.1% of women were obese compared to 12.9% of men. The same observation was made with regard to the umbilical perimeter. Indeed, abdominal obesity was more observed in women with a rate of 52.6% compared to 11.6% in men. 35.6% of obese people have no level of education. According to the respondents, a very high proportion of weight gain occurred after the age of 10. It was between 10 and 21 years old in Yopougon and Cocody and between 18 and 21 years old in Abobo. More than 70% of obese people living in Yopougon, Cocody and Abobo would not consider obesity as a disease while 40.7% have said they were very little informed about obesity. Conclusion: Two major points have emerged from the examination of the data collected: 1) The prevalence of overweight and obesity remains very high in the three Communes of Abidjan. 2) The occurrence of obesity would be influenced by the sociodemographic characteristics of the populations. Also, updating these sociodemographic characteristics is essential to better adapt national strategies for obesity and overweight combating.