The fight against insalubrity in large urban and peri-urban agglomerations is a major challenge in developing countries. This problem is compounded by that of sustainable waste management mechanisms. Indeed, the curre...The fight against insalubrity in large urban and peri-urban agglomerations is a major challenge in developing countries. This problem is compounded by that of sustainable waste management mechanisms. Indeed, the current waste collection system in Guinea has proved inadequate, as moving garbage from point “A” to point “B” is tantamount to “moving the problem”. The aim of this experimental work is to demonstrate the cost-effectiveness and benefits of sustainable waste management. As part of this drive to valorize biodegradable waste, the Waste Management Research Center has undertaken a series of activities ranging from composting organic waste to testing compost on certain crop varieties. An experimental field of 8024 m2 was laid out and treated with 1500 Kg of fine compost in doses ranging from 2.5 to 5 T/ha. Two crop varieties, eggplant and chili, were tested. Compost application increased production yields: 15 to 21 tonnes of eggplant and 10.4 to 11.1 tonnes of chili per hectare. Growth rates compared with usual yields varied from 50% to 64% and from 11% to 17% for eggplant and chili, respectively. This study resulted in an optimum compost dose of 2.5 T/ha for this phase.展开更多
Conventional agricultural techniques have been degrading American soils nationwide since the beginnings of modern-day agriculture through practices such as soil tilling, using nitrogen synthetic fertilizers, and monoc...Conventional agricultural techniques have been degrading American soils nationwide since the beginnings of modern-day agriculture through practices such as soil tilling, using nitrogen synthetic fertilizers, and monocultural systems. These techniques contribute to degrading soil health, mass emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and decreased biodiversity. Regenerative agriculture techniques include the utilization of cover crops, compost, no-tillage, the integration of livestock, and crop rotation. The APS Laboratory for Sustainable Agriculture focused on the effectiveness of compost by comparing the growth of lettuce in four different treatments: 100% Compost (100%C), 75% Compost 25% Miracle-Gro (75%C - 25%MG), 50% Compost 50% Miracle-Gro (50%C - 50%MG), and finally, 100% Miracle-Gro (100%MG). The lettuce seeds were kept in a growth tent for fifteen days during their period of germination before being transferred to four 1 × 1 × 0.15 m plots in the Food Forest at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) for the 60-day growth period. The lettuce crops grew to full bloom and were ready for harvest. Sampling events took place every six days in which crop growth data including wet weight (g), dry weight (g), nitrogen (mg/g), chlorophyll concentration (mg/cm2), and leaf area (LA) (cm2) were collected. Statistical analysis was then conducted from the data. Based on the statistical tests conducted at the 5% significance level using R statistical software, soil treatment type was found to be significant (p = 0.0002). Soil treatment type was shown to have significantly impacted wet weight (p χ2 [3] = 3.91, p = 0.2717). 100%C and 100%MG of soil treatments produced the most successful lettuce crops. The 100%C soil treatment yielded lettuce crops with the heaviest wet weights and the largest LAs, and the 100% MG soil treatment yielded the heaviest dry weights and the highest nitrogen readings. Results demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of using compost as a technique for regenerative agriculture.展开更多
Twelve percent (12%) of Ghanaians are food insecure, and climate-smart crops like sweet potatoes are required to help end poverty. Small-scale farmers in Ghana who produce low-technology, subsistence crops, such as sw...Twelve percent (12%) of Ghanaians are food insecure, and climate-smart crops like sweet potatoes are required to help end poverty. Small-scale farmers in Ghana who produce low-technology, subsistence crops, such as sweet potatoes, are more food secure than those who do not. This study was initiated to investigate the effect of chicken manure, compost, and cow dung on the growth and yield of “apomuden”, “SARI-Nyoriberigu”, “SARI-Nan” and “kufour” sweet potato under the Guinea Savannah agroecological zone of Ghana. Organic fertilizer increased leaf chlorophyll content and leaf area index. The application of cow dung, chicken manure and compost in 2015 significantly increased total storage root yield by 38%, 55% and 98%, 62%, 45% and 37%, 52%, 61% and 44%, and 33%, 36% and 28% for SARI-Nyoriberigu, Kufour, SARI-Nan and Apomuden, respectively, when compared to the untreated check. In 2016, and in comparison with the untreated check, the application of cow dung, chicken manure and compost increased total storage root yield by 42%, 61% and 93%, 69%, 49% and 41%, 57%, 67% and 48%, and 36%, 39% and 30% for SARI-Nyoriberigu, Kufour, SARI-Nan and Apomuden, respectively. Hence, the application of organic fertilizers will increase sweet potato yield, give higher returns to resource-poor smallholder farmers and contribute to enhancing food and nutrition security.展开更多
This research study explored the efficacy of leaf litter compost as a sustainable soil amendment with the objective of promoting soil health and mitigating the accumulation of potentially toxic elements. The investiga...This research study explored the efficacy of leaf litter compost as a sustainable soil amendment with the objective of promoting soil health and mitigating the accumulation of potentially toxic elements. The investigation encompassed the impact of various organic compost amendments, including leaf compost, cow dung manure, kitchen waste compost, municipal organic waste compost, and vermicompost. The study employed Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) to evaluate soil nutrient levels and concentrations of Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs) such as arsenic, chromium, cadmium, mercury, lead, nickel, and lithium. The fertilization and bioremediation potential of these compost amendments are quantified using an indexing method. Results indicated a substantial increase in overall nutrient levels (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur) in soils treated with leaf compost and other organic composts. Fertility indices (FI) are notably higher in compost-amended soils (ranging from 2.667 to 3.938) compared to those amended with chemical fertilizers (ranging from 2.250 to 2.813) across all soil samples. Furthermore, the mean concentrations of PTEs were significantly lower in soils treated with leaf compost and other organic compost amendments compared to those treated with chemical fertilizers amendments. The assessment through the indexing method revealed a high clean index (CI) for leaf compost amendment (ranging from 3.407 to 3.58), whereas the chemical fertilizer amendment exhibits a relatively lower CI (ranging from 2.78 to 3.20). Consequently, leaf compost and other organic composts exhibit the potential to enhance sustainable productivity, promoting soil health and environmental safety by improving nutrient levels and remediating potentially toxic elements in the soil.展开更多
The unbalanced and inadequate use of fertilizers is one of the causes of soil degradation. Combined with the ever-increasing population, it is necessary to find sustainable agricultural production alternatives. The pr...The unbalanced and inadequate use of fertilizers is one of the causes of soil degradation. Combined with the ever-increasing population, it is necessary to find sustainable agricultural production alternatives. The present work aims to determine the effect of different rates and mixtutes of organic amendments on soil fertility and the performance of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). In the field, treatments consisted of solid household waste and faecal sludge in the ratios of 3/5 (V1), and a mixture of faecal sludge and household waste in the ratio of 3/5 with 900 worms (V2). At the end of the composting process, V1, V2 composts and the poultry manure (PM) were applied at rates of 4, 5 and 6 t∙ha−1 in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Soil samples were collected before and after the experiment and analyzed. The main results revealed that at the end of the composting process, there was a progressive improvement in the physico-chemical properties of V1 and V2 composts. In particular, the C/N ratio, phosphorus (P) and total nitrogen (TN) initially at 16.49 ± 0.42 (V1, V2), 21.06 ± 0.07 mg∙kg−1 (V1, V2), 0.76% ± 0.08% (V1, V2) respectively, increased after 60 days to 12.40 ± 0.41 (V1), 9.74 ± 0.28 (V2) for C/N, 21.94 ± 0.63 mg∙kg−1 (V1) and 22.04 ± 0.04 mg∙kg−1 (V2) for P, 0.96% ± 0.0% (V1) and 1.22 ± 0.04 (V2) for TN. The application of 6 t∙ha−1of PM had the greatest influence on the diameter and weight of the flower heads (27.16 ± 4.01 t∙ha−1 and 230.83 ± 2.64 t∙ha−1), while 4 t∙ha−1 of V2 gave the tallest sunflower plants (110.07 ± 73.28 cm) as well as the diameter at the crown (19.30 ± 9.07 cm). However, CEC was most influenced by 4 t∙ha−1 of V1, while 4 t∙ha−1 of PM had the greatest effect on organic carbon and phosphorus. However, 5 t∙ha−1 of PM showed the highest sunflower production and yield (1.67 ± 0.21 t∙ha−1). The combination with 900 earthworms is recommended for composting and 5 t∙ha−1 of PM is recommended to obtain a better sunflower production.展开更多
Waste management is crucial due to the fast increase of human population, causing an increase in solid waste generation which if not properly managed causes environmental problems. Around 57% of the wastes generated f...Waste management is crucial due to the fast increase of human population, causing an increase in solid waste generation which if not properly managed causes environmental problems. Around 57% of the wastes generated from homes are made up of green material (fruits, vegetables…). Thus, reusing and recycling green wastes through composting is one way of reducing the waste load to landfills. Composting is the transformation of raw organic materials into organic soil amendments that provide nutrients to crops and enhance the tilth, fertility, and productivity of soils. Aerobic windrow composting system at Sukomi Greensite facility located at Karantina is performed, where materials biodegrade under controlled conditions to produce compost. However, assessment of the quality of the compost is fundamental in order to determine its usages. Thus, regular testing of physical, chemical and biological parameters was performed for adequate monitoring purposes. The basic objective of this study was to determine the characteristics of the Lebanese municipal solid waste compost on a yearly basis and compare these characteristics amongst the years. Hence, each parameter was tested and compared to the BNQ international Canadian standards for proper classification of the compost and adequate identification of its usages. The preliminary data obtained were statistically diagnosed through principal component analysis by Spadv55 software. All the data reflected the normal content value of the studied parameters with minor differences between the years except for year 2007 which demonstrated higher levels of Potassium, Phosphate, Lead and Cadmium. The characteristics of the compost enabled it to be used as a soil amendment on all types of agricultural and landscape commodities at the adequate dosages and proper timing. This data will additionally reflect the efficiency of the solid waste management practices adopted via highlighting the importance of the implementation of the integrated solid waste management practices.展开更多
Composting as a solution to the increasing generation of municipal solid waste (MSW), also contribute to GHGs emission when not controlled and could lack some basic nutrients, especially nitrogen. This study assessed ...Composting as a solution to the increasing generation of municipal solid waste (MSW), also contribute to GHGs emission when not controlled and could lack some basic nutrients, especially nitrogen. This study assessed the split-additions of nitrogen-rich substrate to composting materials and their effect on GHGs emissions as well as the quality of the composts. Nitrogen-rich substrates formulated from pig and goat manure were co-composted with MSW for a 12-weeks period by split adding at mesophilic (˚C) and thermophilic (>50˚C) stages in five different treatments. Representative samples from the compost were taken from each treatment for physicochemical, heavy metals and bacteriological analysis. In-situ CH<sub>4</sub>, CO<sub>2</sub>, N<sub>2</sub>O gas emissions were also analyzed weekly during composting. It was observed that all the treatments showed significant organic matter decomposition, reaching thermophilic temperatures in the first week of composting. The absence affects the suitable agronomic properties. All nitrogen-rich substrate applied at thermophilic stage (Treatment two) recorded the highest N, P and K concentrations of 1.34%, 0.97% and 2.45%, respectively with highest nitrogen retention. In terms of GHG emissions, CO<sub>2</sub> was highest at the thermophilic stage when N-rich substrate was added in all treatment, while CH<sub>4</sub> was highest in the mesophilic stage with N-rich substrate addition. N<sub>2</sub>O showed no specific trend in the treatments. Split addition of the N-rich substrate for co-composting of MSW produced compost which is stable, has less nutrient loss and low GHG emissions. Split addition of a nitrogen-rich substrate could be an option for increasing the fertilizer value of MSW compost.展开更多
Construction activities often involve removal of topsoil and compaction of the exposed soil by heavy equipments. Such compacted soils with low organic matter can lead to low infiltration and poor vegetation establishm...Construction activities often involve removal of topsoil and compaction of the exposed soil by heavy equipments. Such compacted soils with low organic matter can lead to low infiltration and poor vegetation establishment. The objective of this study was to investigate the efficacy of tillage (shallow till) and compost on soil physical and biological properties in a hydroseeded lawn as a post-construction best management practice for soil compaction remediation. The experimental site received a total of four land treatments in five replicated trials and it was hydroseeded with common Bermuda grass: 1) No Tillage + Compost (NT-C), 2) No Tillage + No Compost (NT-NC;control), 3) Tillage + Compost (T-C), and 4) Tillage + No Compost (T-NC). Bulk density (BD), infiltration rate (IR), and wet aggregate stability (WAS) in each plot were measured to assess soil physical properties while soil organic matter (SOM) and enzyme activity (β-glucosidase, acid-phosphatase, and alkaline-phosphatase) were measured for soil biological properties. Over a 15-months of monitoring period, the shallow tillage loosened the soil initially, but its effect on BD without compost was diminished to control plot level (NT-NC) within 4 months after hydroseeding. Both tillage and compost led to an increase in IR, and it remained higher than control by 2 - 3 times throughout the observation period. The WAS and β-glucosidase activity decreased in tilled plot unless there was compost application. Turfgrass showed greener leaves and aggregated roots in the compost-amended plots (NT-C and T-C). Our results suggest that compost application plays a key role in improving soil physical and biological properties in hydroseeded lawns from construction sites.展开更多
Composts are recognised as an important source of nutrients for crops. The study aims to valorise agricultural by-products by composts made from broiler (A), laying hen (B) and bovine (C) manures in soilless tomato cu...Composts are recognised as an important source of nutrients for crops. The study aims to valorise agricultural by-products by composts made from broiler (A), laying hen (B) and bovine (C) manures in soilless tomato cultivation. Treatments consisted of these three composts and controls consisting of coconut fibres fed with a nutrient solution. The system is a randomised Fisher block with three replications. Each elementary plot consisted of nine tomato plants. Chemical parameters of the substrates and agronomic parameters of the plants were recorded from 14 to 49 days after transplanting (DAT). The pH stabilised at around 6.2 after varying from 7.1 to 8.0 in the composts. The high electrical conductivity (5.9 - 6.01 dS/m) was less than 1 dS/m at 49 DAT. Agromorphological parameters were close to the controls. Fruit necrosis was higher in the compost-based substrates (13.75% - 32.22%) than in the controls (<2%). Healthy fruit yields from the composts (38.7 - 48.7 t/ha) were high, although lower than those from the controls (49.9 - 57.4 t/ha). Fruit harvested from these substrates had a longer average shelf life (38.23 days) than the controls (28.5 days). This study showed that composts have fertilising properties for soilless tomato cultivation, in particular that of laying hen manure (48.33 t/ha). These composts could provide an alternative to the use of chemical fertilisers in soilless tomato cultivation.展开更多
[Objective] The purpose was to study the optimum composition ratio of compound substrate with spent mushroom compound (SMC) and cattle manure com- post (CMC) for the seedling growth of tomato, cucumber and waterme...[Objective] The purpose was to study the optimum composition ratio of compound substrate with spent mushroom compound (SMC) and cattle manure com- post (CMC) for the seedling growth of tomato, cucumber and watermelon. [Method] With internationally best formula substrate (turf:vermiculite=2:1) used for CK, SMC and CMC were matched according to different proportions to get different substrate whose physical and chemical nutrient properties and their effects on the growth of tomato, cucumber and watermelon were studied by means of plug seeding technolo- gy. [Result] The results showed that the bulk density, porosity and the pH of the compound substrates are all in the ideal condition. However, CMC increased the EC value and the pH of the compound substrates. Compound substrates with high ratio of CMC are not suitable for seedlings. [Conclusion] Tomato and watermelon seedlings grew well in the compost substrate with SMC:CMC=3:1 with no river sand. And the cucumber seedlings grew well in the compost substrate with SMC:CMC=2:1 with 5% volume river sand.展开更多
On site composting of organic household wastes is an economical and environmentally tiiendly way to manage municipal wastes. In this manuscript authors evaluated the importance of turning the wastes and of inoculating...On site composting of organic household wastes is an economical and environmentally tiiendly way to manage municipal wastes. In this manuscript authors evaluated the importance of turning the wastes and of inoculating microorganisms and worms in order to unprove the composting process at domestic scale. Four treatments (Control without turning- C-, Control with Turning- CT- inoculated Mountain Microorganism with turning- MM- and Worms without turning- W-) were tested in a random experiment with tour replicates. Sixteen composting bins were fed with 300 kg of organic wastes from a local street market. The process of compostnig lasted 13 weeks after which all the composts were sifted and submitted to a range of chemical, physical and biological analysis. According to the results MM slightly increased the initial temperature and enzymatic activiry. This investigation outcome don't provide of sufficient grounds for a precise recommendation about worms inoculation in compost bins. A decrease between 75% and 80% in the fresh weight of the organic waste was found in the first thirteen weeks after starting the composting process in all the treatments. The quality level of the compost was acceptable, with very low heavy metal content. Turn over helps to keep the product hygienic especially after the inoculation with MM microbial starts. In conclusion and according to the results of this investigation, the use of 320 L compost bins for the organic waste management is strongly advisable.展开更多
[Objective] The aim of this study was to explore the sterilization effects on Escherichia coli by adding bacterial inhibitor(CaCN2)during the process of cattle manure composting so as to provide a theoretical basis fo...[Objective] The aim of this study was to explore the sterilization effects on Escherichia coli by adding bacterial inhibitor(CaCN2)during the process of cattle manure composting so as to provide a theoretical basis for cattle manure harmless treatment.[Method] Both experimental groups supplemented with 2.0% bacterial inhibitor and control groups without bacterial inhibitor were cultured under different temperatures(20,30,37,50,60 ℃)to determine the optimal composing temperature.Under 30 ℃,different bacterial inhibitor doses(0,2.0%,2.5%,3.0%)were added into the compost to obtain the optimal bacterial inhibitor addition dose.[Result] 30,50 and 60 ℃ were ideal temperatures for sterilization of E.coli.Under 30 ℃,E.coli couldn't be detected in 2.5% dose group and 3.0% dose group after culture for 48 h,demonstrating no less than 2.5% bacterial inhibitor should be added.[Conclusion] It has an important significance to enhance the sterilization effects on E.coli by adding CaCN2 into cattle manure compost especially in winter.展开更多
[Objective] The aim was to study change of the composition of cow dung compost by adding complex enzyme.[Method] 2.0% enzyme treatment group,1.5% enzyme treatment group and control group were set to analyze temperatur...[Objective] The aim was to study change of the composition of cow dung compost by adding complex enzyme.[Method] 2.0% enzyme treatment group,1.5% enzyme treatment group and control group were set to analyze temperature,moisture,pH value,crude fiber,TOC,TN,GI during composting.[Result] The results showed that adding complex enzymes could accelerate degradation of organic matter in pre-composting period.Crude fiber of 2.0%,.1.5% enzyme treatment group and control group decreased 49.6%,47% and 29.1% respectively,TOC decreased 41.7%,35.3% and 21.1%,TN decreased 32.6%,26.8% and 19.2%.2.0%,1.5% enzyme treatment groups could reach basic maturity degree at 30 d.[Conclusion] Composting cycle be shortened by adding complex enzymes,which was useful for maturity of cow dung compost.展开更多
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the adsorption properties of the adsorption tower filled with calcium superphosphate on ammonia volatilized with aer- ation. [Method] Adsorption tower filled with calcium su...[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the adsorption properties of the adsorption tower filled with calcium superphosphate on ammonia volatilized with aer- ation. [Method] Adsorption tower filled with calcium superphosphate was adopted as experimental apparatus, which was constructed by poly vinyl chloride (PVC) circular tubes. With hartshorn as the source of ammonia volatilization, the effect of different ratios of height to diameter of the tower filled with equal amount of calcium super-phosphate on ammonia adsorption was investigated. In addition, adsorption tower with height-diameter ratio of 9.9 was selected to adsorb the ammonia emitted from the composting systems of pig manure and chicken manure with optimized and reg- ulated carbon-nitrogen ratio. [Result] Under certain volatilization rate, calcium super- phosphate particles in the adsorption tower could effectively adsorb the ammonia, and the adsorption efficiency was enhanced with the increase of height-diameter ra-tio, which could reach above 90% with height-diameter ratio of more than 1.1; the ammonia emitted from composting systems of pig manure and chicken manure with optimized and regulated carbon-nitrogen ratio could be completely absorbed using adsorption tower with height-diameter ratio of 9.9 filled with calcium superphosphate accounting for about 8% of the weight of composting materials. [Conclusion] Experi- mental results of this study provided reference for the application of adsorption tower filled with calcium superphosphate in the treatment of waste gas emitted from com- posting materials.展开更多
This study aimed to investigate the bacterial communities in mushroom compost piles composed of rice straw, corn stover, and cow dung. Bacterial com- munities of samples at the beginning of composting, at the end of f...This study aimed to investigate the bacterial communities in mushroom compost piles composed of rice straw, corn stover, and cow dung. Bacterial com- munities of samples at the beginning of composting, at the end of fermentation phase I and II were collected and analyzed using Polymerase Chain Reaction-De- naturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) based on 16S rDNA universal primers from Escherichia coli. A total of 56 different clone sequences were obtained (GenBank accession number: KF630598-KF630653). They were classified into seven phyla and 42 genera. Dominant microflora during composting belonged to phylum Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria, with the dominant genera of Bacillus, Paenibacillus, Thermomonospora, Thermasporomyces, Pseudomonas, and Cellvibrio. Bacterial diversity (Shannon index) analysis showed that bacterial species in com- post pile composed mainly of rice straw continuously increased during composting, while those in compost pile composed mainly of corn stover firstly increased and then reduced. Principal component analysis showed that corn stover compost sam- ples at the end of fermentation phase I and phase II were clustered into one group, suggesting that corn stover composted faster than anticipated. In general, rice straw compost has higher bacterial diversity but longer composting time period, while corn stover compost has lower bacterial diversity but shorter composting time period.展开更多
To study the effects of superphosphate(SP) on the NH_3 and greenhouse gas emissions,vegetable waste composting was performed for 27 days using 6 different treatments. In addition to the controls,five vegetable waste...To study the effects of superphosphate(SP) on the NH_3 and greenhouse gas emissions,vegetable waste composting was performed for 27 days using 6 different treatments. In addition to the controls,five vegetable waste mixtures(0.77m^3 each) were treated with different amounts of the SP additive, namely, 5%, 10%,15%, 20% and 25%. The ammonia volatilization loss and greenhouse gas emissions were measured during composting.Results indicated that the SP additive significantly decreased the ammonia volatilization and greenhouse gas emissions during vegetable waste composting. The additive reduced the total NH_3 emission by 4.0% to 16.7%. The total greenhouse gas emissions(CO_2-eq) of all treatments with SP additives were decreased by 10.2% to 20.8%, as compared with the controls. The NH_3 emission during vegetable waste composting had the highest contribution to the greenhouse effect caused by the four different gases.The amount of NH_3(CO_2-eq)from each treatment ranged from 59.90 to 81.58 kg/t; NH_3(CO_2-eq) accounted for 69% to 77% of the total emissions from the four gases. Therefore, SP is a cost-effective phosphorus-based fertilizer that can be used as an additive during vegetable waste composting to reduce the NH_3 and greenhouse gas emissions as well as to improve the value of compost as a fertilizer.展开更多
Plant pesticide residues, such as chinaberry (Melia toosendan) residue and sand cypress (Sabina vulgaris) residue, are pesticidal plant materials discarded after the bioactive ingredient has been extracted with or...Plant pesticide residues, such as chinaberry (Melia toosendan) residue and sand cypress (Sabina vulgaris) residue, are pesticidal plant materials discarded after the bioactive ingredient has been extracted with organic solvents. The only option for botanical pesticide residue utilization has been as landfill. Chinaberry residue (CBR) and sand cypress residue (SCR) were collected and composted in Yangling, Shaanxi Province, China. We studied the effects of chinaberry residue compost (CBRC), CBRC incorporated with Trichoderma viride (CBRCT), sand cypress residue compost (SCRC), and SCRC incorporated with T. viride (SCRCv) on the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, infesting the balloonflower (Platycodon grandiflorum). Bioassay results indicated that stock solutions of the CBRCT and SCRCT extracts significantly inhibited egg hatching and caused high larval mortality, followed in degree by the CBRC and SCRC extracts. The CBR and SCR extracts caused very low inhibition of eggs and larvae. Supplementing potting mixtures with these four composts reduced the severity of root galling and increased the proportion of marketable roots. The severity of root galling decreased and the average weight of the marketable roots increased with an increase in all the composts when supplemented at rates from 5 to 30%. CBR- and SCR-supplemented pot soils also inhibited the nematodes, but CBR and SCR applied to the soil had a phytotoxic effect and inhibited balloonflower growth. Supplementing field soil with the composts reduced the severity of root galling and the populations of southern root-knot nematodes in the soil. CBRCT and SCRCT clearly enhanced the average weight of the marketable roots by 30.45 and 26.64%, respectively. Continuous supplementation with CBRCT or SCRCT in the same field significantly enhanced the control of the root-knot nematode, and the populations of nematodes continued to decrease with second inoculations. The populations of total Trichoderma spp. were distinctly enhanced and were maintained at high levels for a long time in the supplemented soils.展开更多
[Objective] In order to study the influence of bacteria and accessories of chicken manure compost.[Method] The experiment was conducted to investigate the changes of temperature,the quantification of Escherichia coli ...[Objective] In order to study the influence of bacteria and accessories of chicken manure compost.[Method] The experiment was conducted to investigate the changes of temperature,the quantification of Escherichia coli and the odor during chicken manure compost by adding sawdust,rice husk,yeast and lactic acid bacteria respectively.[Result] The results showed that:(1) The yeast group reached the highest fermentation temperature 67.6 ℃,which was 6.9 ℃ higher than that of lactic acid bacteria group,and the fermentation time of yeast group kept over 55 ℃for 16 days,which was 5 days longer than that of lactic acid bacteria group,both of which were better than that of control group(55.9 ℃,5 days);(2)The highest fermentation temperature of sawdust group was 2.2 ℃ higher than that of rice husk group,and the fermentation time of sawdust group kept over 55 ℃ was 3 days longer than that of rice husk group;(3) The quantification of E.coli reduced from10^5 to 10^2per gram in both of the yeast group and the lactic acid bacteria group.The odor of the yeast group and the lactic acid bacteria group disappeared in the seventh day and the eighth day respectively.[Conclusion] The results showed that the adding of yeast and sawdust was the best condition for chicken manure composting in this experiment.展开更多
Static aerobic composting of municipal sewage sludge with forced ventilation or air ventilation using matured compost as bulking conditioner was investigated. Physical and chemical parame ,eters, e.g., temperature, mo...Static aerobic composting of municipal sewage sludge with forced ventilation or air ventilation using matured compost as bulking conditioner was investigated. Physical and chemical parame ,eters, e.g., temperature, moisture content, VSS, CODcr, pH, and germination index (GI), were analyzed to characterize the composting process. Fermentation starts quickly in both forced and air ventilation compost heaps and reaches high-temperature stage after 2 d, owing to the bulking function of matured compost. Compared to air ventilation, however, forced ventilation enables the high-temperature stage to last longer for approximately 7 d. The moisture content of both compost bodies decreases from 62% to about 50% as a result of evaporation, and it decreases slightly faster in forced ventilation compost heap after 13 d due to the higher temperature and better ventilation condition. Although no obvious differences of VSS and pH are observed between both compost heaps, the soluble CODcr and GI show differences during the second half period of fermentation. In forced ventilation compost, the soluble CODcr has a small rebound after 13 d, and GI decreases from 46% to 35% but then increases. These results show that in general, the matured compost is a good conditioner and force ventilation with a proper air supply strategy can be more efficient than air ventilation.展开更多
Most agricultural soils in sub-Saharan Africa are degraded,compromising the grain yield of rice and farmers return on investment.A 3-year field study was undertaken to explore the effect of the application of compost ...Most agricultural soils in sub-Saharan Africa are degraded,compromising the grain yield of rice and farmers return on investment.A 3-year field study was undertaken to explore the effect of the application of compost or inorganic NPK fertilizer applied alone or in combination with biochar on soil quality,grain yield of rice and net income.The five treatments were laid out using a randomized complete block design with four replications.The treatments were applied to supply approximately 75 kg N ha–1.The best fertilizer input was compost+biochar which resulted in the greatest improvement in soil physico-chemical properties by reducing bulk density and increasing porosity and moisture retention,organic matter content,percent nitrogen,available phosphorus and cation exchange capacity.Apart from treatment with inorganic fertilizer alone,treated soils showed a decrease in pH.Bacterial and fungal counts and basal respiration decreased in soils in the following order:compost+biochar>compost only>inorganic NPK fertilizer+biochar>inorganic NPK fertilizer>control.The increase in pooled grain yield and net income in response to treatment followed the order:compost+biochar>NPK+biochar>NPK>compost>control.The findings suggest that the use of compost or NPK alone might improve soil quality and increase grain yield and net income,but it is greatly recommended to co-apply these fertilisers with biochar.展开更多
文摘The fight against insalubrity in large urban and peri-urban agglomerations is a major challenge in developing countries. This problem is compounded by that of sustainable waste management mechanisms. Indeed, the current waste collection system in Guinea has proved inadequate, as moving garbage from point “A” to point “B” is tantamount to “moving the problem”. The aim of this experimental work is to demonstrate the cost-effectiveness and benefits of sustainable waste management. As part of this drive to valorize biodegradable waste, the Waste Management Research Center has undertaken a series of activities ranging from composting organic waste to testing compost on certain crop varieties. An experimental field of 8024 m2 was laid out and treated with 1500 Kg of fine compost in doses ranging from 2.5 to 5 T/ha. Two crop varieties, eggplant and chili, were tested. Compost application increased production yields: 15 to 21 tonnes of eggplant and 10.4 to 11.1 tonnes of chili per hectare. Growth rates compared with usual yields varied from 50% to 64% and from 11% to 17% for eggplant and chili, respectively. This study resulted in an optimum compost dose of 2.5 T/ha for this phase.
文摘Conventional agricultural techniques have been degrading American soils nationwide since the beginnings of modern-day agriculture through practices such as soil tilling, using nitrogen synthetic fertilizers, and monocultural systems. These techniques contribute to degrading soil health, mass emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and decreased biodiversity. Regenerative agriculture techniques include the utilization of cover crops, compost, no-tillage, the integration of livestock, and crop rotation. The APS Laboratory for Sustainable Agriculture focused on the effectiveness of compost by comparing the growth of lettuce in four different treatments: 100% Compost (100%C), 75% Compost 25% Miracle-Gro (75%C - 25%MG), 50% Compost 50% Miracle-Gro (50%C - 50%MG), and finally, 100% Miracle-Gro (100%MG). The lettuce seeds were kept in a growth tent for fifteen days during their period of germination before being transferred to four 1 × 1 × 0.15 m plots in the Food Forest at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) for the 60-day growth period. The lettuce crops grew to full bloom and were ready for harvest. Sampling events took place every six days in which crop growth data including wet weight (g), dry weight (g), nitrogen (mg/g), chlorophyll concentration (mg/cm2), and leaf area (LA) (cm2) were collected. Statistical analysis was then conducted from the data. Based on the statistical tests conducted at the 5% significance level using R statistical software, soil treatment type was found to be significant (p = 0.0002). Soil treatment type was shown to have significantly impacted wet weight (p χ2 [3] = 3.91, p = 0.2717). 100%C and 100%MG of soil treatments produced the most successful lettuce crops. The 100%C soil treatment yielded lettuce crops with the heaviest wet weights and the largest LAs, and the 100% MG soil treatment yielded the heaviest dry weights and the highest nitrogen readings. Results demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of using compost as a technique for regenerative agriculture.
文摘Twelve percent (12%) of Ghanaians are food insecure, and climate-smart crops like sweet potatoes are required to help end poverty. Small-scale farmers in Ghana who produce low-technology, subsistence crops, such as sweet potatoes, are more food secure than those who do not. This study was initiated to investigate the effect of chicken manure, compost, and cow dung on the growth and yield of “apomuden”, “SARI-Nyoriberigu”, “SARI-Nan” and “kufour” sweet potato under the Guinea Savannah agroecological zone of Ghana. Organic fertilizer increased leaf chlorophyll content and leaf area index. The application of cow dung, chicken manure and compost in 2015 significantly increased total storage root yield by 38%, 55% and 98%, 62%, 45% and 37%, 52%, 61% and 44%, and 33%, 36% and 28% for SARI-Nyoriberigu, Kufour, SARI-Nan and Apomuden, respectively, when compared to the untreated check. In 2016, and in comparison with the untreated check, the application of cow dung, chicken manure and compost increased total storage root yield by 42%, 61% and 93%, 69%, 49% and 41%, 57%, 67% and 48%, and 36%, 39% and 30% for SARI-Nyoriberigu, Kufour, SARI-Nan and Apomuden, respectively. Hence, the application of organic fertilizers will increase sweet potato yield, give higher returns to resource-poor smallholder farmers and contribute to enhancing food and nutrition security.
文摘This research study explored the efficacy of leaf litter compost as a sustainable soil amendment with the objective of promoting soil health and mitigating the accumulation of potentially toxic elements. The investigation encompassed the impact of various organic compost amendments, including leaf compost, cow dung manure, kitchen waste compost, municipal organic waste compost, and vermicompost. The study employed Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) to evaluate soil nutrient levels and concentrations of Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs) such as arsenic, chromium, cadmium, mercury, lead, nickel, and lithium. The fertilization and bioremediation potential of these compost amendments are quantified using an indexing method. Results indicated a substantial increase in overall nutrient levels (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur) in soils treated with leaf compost and other organic composts. Fertility indices (FI) are notably higher in compost-amended soils (ranging from 2.667 to 3.938) compared to those amended with chemical fertilizers (ranging from 2.250 to 2.813) across all soil samples. Furthermore, the mean concentrations of PTEs were significantly lower in soils treated with leaf compost and other organic compost amendments compared to those treated with chemical fertilizers amendments. The assessment through the indexing method revealed a high clean index (CI) for leaf compost amendment (ranging from 3.407 to 3.58), whereas the chemical fertilizer amendment exhibits a relatively lower CI (ranging from 2.78 to 3.20). Consequently, leaf compost and other organic composts exhibit the potential to enhance sustainable productivity, promoting soil health and environmental safety by improving nutrient levels and remediating potentially toxic elements in the soil.
文摘The unbalanced and inadequate use of fertilizers is one of the causes of soil degradation. Combined with the ever-increasing population, it is necessary to find sustainable agricultural production alternatives. The present work aims to determine the effect of different rates and mixtutes of organic amendments on soil fertility and the performance of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). In the field, treatments consisted of solid household waste and faecal sludge in the ratios of 3/5 (V1), and a mixture of faecal sludge and household waste in the ratio of 3/5 with 900 worms (V2). At the end of the composting process, V1, V2 composts and the poultry manure (PM) were applied at rates of 4, 5 and 6 t∙ha−1 in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Soil samples were collected before and after the experiment and analyzed. The main results revealed that at the end of the composting process, there was a progressive improvement in the physico-chemical properties of V1 and V2 composts. In particular, the C/N ratio, phosphorus (P) and total nitrogen (TN) initially at 16.49 ± 0.42 (V1, V2), 21.06 ± 0.07 mg∙kg−1 (V1, V2), 0.76% ± 0.08% (V1, V2) respectively, increased after 60 days to 12.40 ± 0.41 (V1), 9.74 ± 0.28 (V2) for C/N, 21.94 ± 0.63 mg∙kg−1 (V1) and 22.04 ± 0.04 mg∙kg−1 (V2) for P, 0.96% ± 0.0% (V1) and 1.22 ± 0.04 (V2) for TN. The application of 6 t∙ha−1of PM had the greatest influence on the diameter and weight of the flower heads (27.16 ± 4.01 t∙ha−1 and 230.83 ± 2.64 t∙ha−1), while 4 t∙ha−1 of V2 gave the tallest sunflower plants (110.07 ± 73.28 cm) as well as the diameter at the crown (19.30 ± 9.07 cm). However, CEC was most influenced by 4 t∙ha−1 of V1, while 4 t∙ha−1 of PM had the greatest effect on organic carbon and phosphorus. However, 5 t∙ha−1 of PM showed the highest sunflower production and yield (1.67 ± 0.21 t∙ha−1). The combination with 900 earthworms is recommended for composting and 5 t∙ha−1 of PM is recommended to obtain a better sunflower production.
文摘Waste management is crucial due to the fast increase of human population, causing an increase in solid waste generation which if not properly managed causes environmental problems. Around 57% of the wastes generated from homes are made up of green material (fruits, vegetables…). Thus, reusing and recycling green wastes through composting is one way of reducing the waste load to landfills. Composting is the transformation of raw organic materials into organic soil amendments that provide nutrients to crops and enhance the tilth, fertility, and productivity of soils. Aerobic windrow composting system at Sukomi Greensite facility located at Karantina is performed, where materials biodegrade under controlled conditions to produce compost. However, assessment of the quality of the compost is fundamental in order to determine its usages. Thus, regular testing of physical, chemical and biological parameters was performed for adequate monitoring purposes. The basic objective of this study was to determine the characteristics of the Lebanese municipal solid waste compost on a yearly basis and compare these characteristics amongst the years. Hence, each parameter was tested and compared to the BNQ international Canadian standards for proper classification of the compost and adequate identification of its usages. The preliminary data obtained were statistically diagnosed through principal component analysis by Spadv55 software. All the data reflected the normal content value of the studied parameters with minor differences between the years except for year 2007 which demonstrated higher levels of Potassium, Phosphate, Lead and Cadmium. The characteristics of the compost enabled it to be used as a soil amendment on all types of agricultural and landscape commodities at the adequate dosages and proper timing. This data will additionally reflect the efficiency of the solid waste management practices adopted via highlighting the importance of the implementation of the integrated solid waste management practices.
文摘Composting as a solution to the increasing generation of municipal solid waste (MSW), also contribute to GHGs emission when not controlled and could lack some basic nutrients, especially nitrogen. This study assessed the split-additions of nitrogen-rich substrate to composting materials and their effect on GHGs emissions as well as the quality of the composts. Nitrogen-rich substrates formulated from pig and goat manure were co-composted with MSW for a 12-weeks period by split adding at mesophilic (˚C) and thermophilic (>50˚C) stages in five different treatments. Representative samples from the compost were taken from each treatment for physicochemical, heavy metals and bacteriological analysis. In-situ CH<sub>4</sub>, CO<sub>2</sub>, N<sub>2</sub>O gas emissions were also analyzed weekly during composting. It was observed that all the treatments showed significant organic matter decomposition, reaching thermophilic temperatures in the first week of composting. The absence affects the suitable agronomic properties. All nitrogen-rich substrate applied at thermophilic stage (Treatment two) recorded the highest N, P and K concentrations of 1.34%, 0.97% and 2.45%, respectively with highest nitrogen retention. In terms of GHG emissions, CO<sub>2</sub> was highest at the thermophilic stage when N-rich substrate was added in all treatment, while CH<sub>4</sub> was highest in the mesophilic stage with N-rich substrate addition. N<sub>2</sub>O showed no specific trend in the treatments. Split addition of the N-rich substrate for co-composting of MSW produced compost which is stable, has less nutrient loss and low GHG emissions. Split addition of a nitrogen-rich substrate could be an option for increasing the fertilizer value of MSW compost.
文摘Construction activities often involve removal of topsoil and compaction of the exposed soil by heavy equipments. Such compacted soils with low organic matter can lead to low infiltration and poor vegetation establishment. The objective of this study was to investigate the efficacy of tillage (shallow till) and compost on soil physical and biological properties in a hydroseeded lawn as a post-construction best management practice for soil compaction remediation. The experimental site received a total of four land treatments in five replicated trials and it was hydroseeded with common Bermuda grass: 1) No Tillage + Compost (NT-C), 2) No Tillage + No Compost (NT-NC;control), 3) Tillage + Compost (T-C), and 4) Tillage + No Compost (T-NC). Bulk density (BD), infiltration rate (IR), and wet aggregate stability (WAS) in each plot were measured to assess soil physical properties while soil organic matter (SOM) and enzyme activity (β-glucosidase, acid-phosphatase, and alkaline-phosphatase) were measured for soil biological properties. Over a 15-months of monitoring period, the shallow tillage loosened the soil initially, but its effect on BD without compost was diminished to control plot level (NT-NC) within 4 months after hydroseeding. Both tillage and compost led to an increase in IR, and it remained higher than control by 2 - 3 times throughout the observation period. The WAS and β-glucosidase activity decreased in tilled plot unless there was compost application. Turfgrass showed greener leaves and aggregated roots in the compost-amended plots (NT-C and T-C). Our results suggest that compost application plays a key role in improving soil physical and biological properties in hydroseeded lawns from construction sites.
文摘Composts are recognised as an important source of nutrients for crops. The study aims to valorise agricultural by-products by composts made from broiler (A), laying hen (B) and bovine (C) manures in soilless tomato cultivation. Treatments consisted of these three composts and controls consisting of coconut fibres fed with a nutrient solution. The system is a randomised Fisher block with three replications. Each elementary plot consisted of nine tomato plants. Chemical parameters of the substrates and agronomic parameters of the plants were recorded from 14 to 49 days after transplanting (DAT). The pH stabilised at around 6.2 after varying from 7.1 to 8.0 in the composts. The high electrical conductivity (5.9 - 6.01 dS/m) was less than 1 dS/m at 49 DAT. Agromorphological parameters were close to the controls. Fruit necrosis was higher in the compost-based substrates (13.75% - 32.22%) than in the controls (<2%). Healthy fruit yields from the composts (38.7 - 48.7 t/ha) were high, although lower than those from the controls (49.9 - 57.4 t/ha). Fruit harvested from these substrates had a longer average shelf life (38.23 days) than the controls (28.5 days). This study showed that composts have fertilising properties for soilless tomato cultivation, in particular that of laying hen manure (48.33 t/ha). These composts could provide an alternative to the use of chemical fertilisers in soilless tomato cultivation.
基金Supported by Non-profit Industrial Project of Agricultural Ministry--Research and Demonstration of Integrated and Assorted Technological System on Agricultural Clean Production and Recycling Use of Rural Waste(200903011)~~
文摘[Objective] The purpose was to study the optimum composition ratio of compound substrate with spent mushroom compound (SMC) and cattle manure com- post (CMC) for the seedling growth of tomato, cucumber and watermelon. [Method] With internationally best formula substrate (turf:vermiculite=2:1) used for CK, SMC and CMC were matched according to different proportions to get different substrate whose physical and chemical nutrient properties and their effects on the growth of tomato, cucumber and watermelon were studied by means of plug seeding technolo- gy. [Result] The results showed that the bulk density, porosity and the pH of the compound substrates are all in the ideal condition. However, CMC increased the EC value and the pH of the compound substrates. Compound substrates with high ratio of CMC are not suitable for seedlings. [Conclusion] Tomato and watermelon seedlings grew well in the compost substrate with SMC:CMC=3:1 with no river sand. And the cucumber seedlings grew well in the compost substrate with SMC:CMC=2:1 with 5% volume river sand.
文摘On site composting of organic household wastes is an economical and environmentally tiiendly way to manage municipal wastes. In this manuscript authors evaluated the importance of turning the wastes and of inoculating microorganisms and worms in order to unprove the composting process at domestic scale. Four treatments (Control without turning- C-, Control with Turning- CT- inoculated Mountain Microorganism with turning- MM- and Worms without turning- W-) were tested in a random experiment with tour replicates. Sixteen composting bins were fed with 300 kg of organic wastes from a local street market. The process of compostnig lasted 13 weeks after which all the composts were sifted and submitted to a range of chemical, physical and biological analysis. According to the results MM slightly increased the initial temperature and enzymatic activiry. This investigation outcome don't provide of sufficient grounds for a precise recommendation about worms inoculation in compost bins. A decrease between 75% and 80% in the fresh weight of the organic waste was found in the first thirteen weeks after starting the composting process in all the treatments. The quality level of the compost was acceptable, with very low heavy metal content. Turn over helps to keep the product hygienic especially after the inoculation with MM microbial starts. In conclusion and according to the results of this investigation, the use of 320 L compost bins for the organic waste management is strongly advisable.
基金Supported by Key Project of Natural Science Foundation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region(200607010403)National Key Project of Scientific and Technical Supporting Programs Funded by Ministry of Science&Technology of China(2006BAD04A15)~~
文摘[Objective] The aim of this study was to explore the sterilization effects on Escherichia coli by adding bacterial inhibitor(CaCN2)during the process of cattle manure composting so as to provide a theoretical basis for cattle manure harmless treatment.[Method] Both experimental groups supplemented with 2.0% bacterial inhibitor and control groups without bacterial inhibitor were cultured under different temperatures(20,30,37,50,60 ℃)to determine the optimal composing temperature.Under 30 ℃,different bacterial inhibitor doses(0,2.0%,2.5%,3.0%)were added into the compost to obtain the optimal bacterial inhibitor addition dose.[Result] 30,50 and 60 ℃ were ideal temperatures for sterilization of E.coli.Under 30 ℃,E.coli couldn't be detected in 2.5% dose group and 3.0% dose group after culture for 48 h,demonstrating no less than 2.5% bacterial inhibitor should be added.[Conclusion] It has an important significance to enhance the sterilization effects on E.coli by adding CaCN2 into cattle manure compost especially in winter.
基金Supported by National Science and Technology Support Program"Key Technology Integration Research and Demonstration in the High-efficiency Production Mode of Farmland Cycle "(2007BAD89B16)~~
文摘[Objective] The aim was to study change of the composition of cow dung compost by adding complex enzyme.[Method] 2.0% enzyme treatment group,1.5% enzyme treatment group and control group were set to analyze temperature,moisture,pH value,crude fiber,TOC,TN,GI during composting.[Result] The results showed that adding complex enzymes could accelerate degradation of organic matter in pre-composting period.Crude fiber of 2.0%,.1.5% enzyme treatment group and control group decreased 49.6%,47% and 29.1% respectively,TOC decreased 41.7%,35.3% and 21.1%,TN decreased 32.6%,26.8% and 19.2%.2.0%,1.5% enzyme treatment groups could reach basic maturity degree at 30 d.[Conclusion] Composting cycle be shortened by adding complex enzymes,which was useful for maturity of cow dung compost.
文摘[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the adsorption properties of the adsorption tower filled with calcium superphosphate on ammonia volatilized with aer- ation. [Method] Adsorption tower filled with calcium superphosphate was adopted as experimental apparatus, which was constructed by poly vinyl chloride (PVC) circular tubes. With hartshorn as the source of ammonia volatilization, the effect of different ratios of height to diameter of the tower filled with equal amount of calcium super-phosphate on ammonia adsorption was investigated. In addition, adsorption tower with height-diameter ratio of 9.9 was selected to adsorb the ammonia emitted from the composting systems of pig manure and chicken manure with optimized and reg- ulated carbon-nitrogen ratio. [Result] Under certain volatilization rate, calcium super- phosphate particles in the adsorption tower could effectively adsorb the ammonia, and the adsorption efficiency was enhanced with the increase of height-diameter ra-tio, which could reach above 90% with height-diameter ratio of more than 1.1; the ammonia emitted from composting systems of pig manure and chicken manure with optimized and regulated carbon-nitrogen ratio could be completely absorbed using adsorption tower with height-diameter ratio of 9.9 filled with calcium superphosphate accounting for about 8% of the weight of composting materials. [Conclusion] Experi- mental results of this study provided reference for the application of adsorption tower filled with calcium superphosphate in the treatment of waste gas emitted from com- posting materials.
基金Supported by the National Key Technology Research and Development Program during the 12th Five-Year Plan Period of China(2012BAD14B09)Earmarked Fund for China Agriculture Research System(PXM2013-014207-000096)Beijing Higher Education Young Elite Teacher Project(YETP1714)~~
文摘This study aimed to investigate the bacterial communities in mushroom compost piles composed of rice straw, corn stover, and cow dung. Bacterial com- munities of samples at the beginning of composting, at the end of fermentation phase I and II were collected and analyzed using Polymerase Chain Reaction-De- naturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) based on 16S rDNA universal primers from Escherichia coli. A total of 56 different clone sequences were obtained (GenBank accession number: KF630598-KF630653). They were classified into seven phyla and 42 genera. Dominant microflora during composting belonged to phylum Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria, with the dominant genera of Bacillus, Paenibacillus, Thermomonospora, Thermasporomyces, Pseudomonas, and Cellvibrio. Bacterial diversity (Shannon index) analysis showed that bacterial species in com- post pile composed mainly of rice straw continuously increased during composting, while those in compost pile composed mainly of corn stover firstly increased and then reduced. Principal component analysis showed that corn stover compost sam- ples at the end of fermentation phase I and phase II were clustered into one group, suggesting that corn stover composted faster than anticipated. In general, rice straw compost has higher bacterial diversity but longer composting time period, while corn stover compost has lower bacterial diversity but shorter composting time period.
基金Supported by Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest(201303089-2)Agricultural Eco-environment Protection Program of Ministry of Agriculture in 2014+1 种基金Key Agricultural Applied Technology Innovation Project of Shandong Province in 2015Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences(2014QNM21)~~
文摘To study the effects of superphosphate(SP) on the NH_3 and greenhouse gas emissions,vegetable waste composting was performed for 27 days using 6 different treatments. In addition to the controls,five vegetable waste mixtures(0.77m^3 each) were treated with different amounts of the SP additive, namely, 5%, 10%,15%, 20% and 25%. The ammonia volatilization loss and greenhouse gas emissions were measured during composting.Results indicated that the SP additive significantly decreased the ammonia volatilization and greenhouse gas emissions during vegetable waste composting. The additive reduced the total NH_3 emission by 4.0% to 16.7%. The total greenhouse gas emissions(CO_2-eq) of all treatments with SP additives were decreased by 10.2% to 20.8%, as compared with the controls. The NH_3 emission during vegetable waste composting had the highest contribution to the greenhouse effect caused by the four different gases.The amount of NH_3(CO_2-eq)from each treatment ranged from 59.90 to 81.58 kg/t; NH_3(CO_2-eq) accounted for 69% to 77% of the total emissions from the four gases. Therefore, SP is a cost-effective phosphorus-based fertilizer that can be used as an additive during vegetable waste composting to reduce the NH_3 and greenhouse gas emissions as well as to improve the value of compost as a fertilizer.
基金supported by the Important Projec of China's Western Development (2004BA901A14)
文摘Plant pesticide residues, such as chinaberry (Melia toosendan) residue and sand cypress (Sabina vulgaris) residue, are pesticidal plant materials discarded after the bioactive ingredient has been extracted with organic solvents. The only option for botanical pesticide residue utilization has been as landfill. Chinaberry residue (CBR) and sand cypress residue (SCR) were collected and composted in Yangling, Shaanxi Province, China. We studied the effects of chinaberry residue compost (CBRC), CBRC incorporated with Trichoderma viride (CBRCT), sand cypress residue compost (SCRC), and SCRC incorporated with T. viride (SCRCv) on the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, infesting the balloonflower (Platycodon grandiflorum). Bioassay results indicated that stock solutions of the CBRCT and SCRCT extracts significantly inhibited egg hatching and caused high larval mortality, followed in degree by the CBRC and SCRC extracts. The CBR and SCR extracts caused very low inhibition of eggs and larvae. Supplementing potting mixtures with these four composts reduced the severity of root galling and increased the proportion of marketable roots. The severity of root galling decreased and the average weight of the marketable roots increased with an increase in all the composts when supplemented at rates from 5 to 30%. CBR- and SCR-supplemented pot soils also inhibited the nematodes, but CBR and SCR applied to the soil had a phytotoxic effect and inhibited balloonflower growth. Supplementing field soil with the composts reduced the severity of root galling and the populations of southern root-knot nematodes in the soil. CBRCT and SCRCT clearly enhanced the average weight of the marketable roots by 30.45 and 26.64%, respectively. Continuous supplementation with CBRCT or SCRCT in the same field significantly enhanced the control of the root-knot nematode, and the populations of nematodes continued to decrease with second inoculations. The populations of total Trichoderma spp. were distinctly enhanced and were maintained at high levels for a long time in the supplemented soils.
基金Supported by Ningxia Science and Technology Research Projects"The Carbon Balance Ecological Chicken Technology of Ningxia Desert Research"(KGZ101104)~~
文摘[Objective] In order to study the influence of bacteria and accessories of chicken manure compost.[Method] The experiment was conducted to investigate the changes of temperature,the quantification of Escherichia coli and the odor during chicken manure compost by adding sawdust,rice husk,yeast and lactic acid bacteria respectively.[Result] The results showed that:(1) The yeast group reached the highest fermentation temperature 67.6 ℃,which was 6.9 ℃ higher than that of lactic acid bacteria group,and the fermentation time of yeast group kept over 55 ℃for 16 days,which was 5 days longer than that of lactic acid bacteria group,both of which were better than that of control group(55.9 ℃,5 days);(2)The highest fermentation temperature of sawdust group was 2.2 ℃ higher than that of rice husk group,and the fermentation time of sawdust group kept over 55 ℃ was 3 days longer than that of rice husk group;(3) The quantification of E.coli reduced from10^5 to 10^2per gram in both of the yeast group and the lactic acid bacteria group.The odor of the yeast group and the lactic acid bacteria group disappeared in the seventh day and the eighth day respectively.[Conclusion] The results showed that the adding of yeast and sawdust was the best condition for chicken manure composting in this experiment.
基金Projects(50978087,50908081)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘Static aerobic composting of municipal sewage sludge with forced ventilation or air ventilation using matured compost as bulking conditioner was investigated. Physical and chemical parame ,eters, e.g., temperature, moisture content, VSS, CODcr, pH, and germination index (GI), were analyzed to characterize the composting process. Fermentation starts quickly in both forced and air ventilation compost heaps and reaches high-temperature stage after 2 d, owing to the bulking function of matured compost. Compared to air ventilation, however, forced ventilation enables the high-temperature stage to last longer for approximately 7 d. The moisture content of both compost bodies decreases from 62% to about 50% as a result of evaporation, and it decreases slightly faster in forced ventilation compost heap after 13 d due to the higher temperature and better ventilation condition. Although no obvious differences of VSS and pH are observed between both compost heaps, the soluble CODcr and GI show differences during the second half period of fermentation. In forced ventilation compost, the soluble CODcr has a small rebound after 13 d, and GI decreases from 46% to 35% but then increases. These results show that in general, the matured compost is a good conditioner and force ventilation with a proper air supply strategy can be more efficient than air ventilation.
文摘Most agricultural soils in sub-Saharan Africa are degraded,compromising the grain yield of rice and farmers return on investment.A 3-year field study was undertaken to explore the effect of the application of compost or inorganic NPK fertilizer applied alone or in combination with biochar on soil quality,grain yield of rice and net income.The five treatments were laid out using a randomized complete block design with four replications.The treatments were applied to supply approximately 75 kg N ha–1.The best fertilizer input was compost+biochar which resulted in the greatest improvement in soil physico-chemical properties by reducing bulk density and increasing porosity and moisture retention,organic matter content,percent nitrogen,available phosphorus and cation exchange capacity.Apart from treatment with inorganic fertilizer alone,treated soils showed a decrease in pH.Bacterial and fungal counts and basal respiration decreased in soils in the following order:compost+biochar>compost only>inorganic NPK fertilizer+biochar>inorganic NPK fertilizer>control.The increase in pooled grain yield and net income in response to treatment followed the order:compost+biochar>NPK+biochar>NPK>compost>control.The findings suggest that the use of compost or NPK alone might improve soil quality and increase grain yield and net income,but it is greatly recommended to co-apply these fertilisers with biochar.