Straw mulching is a widespread practice for reducing the soil carbon loss caused by erosion.However,the effects of straw mulching on dissolved organic matter(DOM)runoff loss from black soil are not well studied.How st...Straw mulching is a widespread practice for reducing the soil carbon loss caused by erosion.However,the effects of straw mulching on dissolved organic matter(DOM)runoff loss from black soil are not well studied.How straw mulching affects the composition and loss of runoff DOM by changing soil aggregates remains largely unclear.Here,a straw mulching treatment was compared to a no mulching treatment(as a control)on sloping farmland with black soil erosion in Northeast China.We divided the soil into large macroaggregates(>2 mm),small macroaggregates(0.25-2 mm),and microaggregates(<0.25 mm).After five rain events,the effects of straw mulching on the concentration(characterized by dissolved organic carbon(DoC)and composition(analyzed by fluorescence spectroscopy)of runoff and soil aggregate DOM were studied.The results showed that straw mulching reduced the runoff amount by 54.7%.Therefore,although straw mulching increased the average DOc concentration in runoff,it reduced the total runoff DOM loss by 48.3%.The composition of runoff DOM is similar to that of soil,as both contain humic-like acid and protein-like components.With straw mulching treatment,the protein-like components in small macroaggregates accumulated and the protein-like components in runoff declined with rain events.Fluorescence spectroscopy technology may help in understanding the hydrological paths of rain events by capturing the dynamic changes of runoff and soil DOM characteristics.A variation partitioning analysis(VPA)indicated that the DOM concentration and composition of microaggregates explained 68.2%of the change in runoff DOM from no mulching plots,while the change in runoff DOM from straw mulching plots was dominated by small macroaggregates at a rate of 55.1%.Taken together,our results demonstrated that straw mulching reduces the fragmentation of small macroaggregates and the loss of microaggregates,thus effecting DOM compositions in soil and reducing the DOM loss in runoff.These results provide a theoretical basis for reducing carbon loss in sloping farmland.展开更多
Highly productive estuaries facilitate intense decomposition of dissolved organic matter(DOM) as a carbon source.However,the specific impacts of typhoons on DOM decomposition in eutrophic bays remain unclear.To addres...Highly productive estuaries facilitate intense decomposition of dissolved organic matter(DOM) as a carbon source.However,the specific impacts of typhoons on DOM decomposition in eutrophic bays remain unclear.To address this issue,we investigated the spectral characteristics of DOM before and after Typhoon Ewiniar in Zhanjiang B ay,a eutrophic semi-enclosed bay in the northwestern South China Sea.The results revealed that intense microbial decomposition of DOM occurred during the pre-typhoon period because high nutrient inputs facilitated the mobilization of DOM in the bay.However,the intrusion of external seawater induced by the typhoon diluted the nutrient levels in Zhanjiang B ay,reducing the impact of microbial decomposition on DOM during the post-typhoon perio d.Nevertheless,the net addition of DOM occurred in Zhanjiang Bay during the post-typhoon period,possibly because of the decomposition of particulate organic matter(POM) and desorption of particulate matter.In addition,an increase in apparent oxygen utilization,a decrease in DO saturation and the reduced level of Chl a indicated that organic matter(OM) decomposition was enhanced and OM decomposition shifted to POM decomposition in Zhanjiang Bay after the typhoon.Overall,our study highlighted the shift in the intense OM decomposition from DOM to POM decomposition before and after typhoons in eutrophic bays,providing new insights into the response of typhoons to biogeo chemistry.展开更多
As a river with more than 3000 reservoirs in its watershed,the Yellow River has been affected by dams not only on the sediment load,but also on the water quality.Water-sediment regulation scheme(WSRS),which has been c...As a river with more than 3000 reservoirs in its watershed,the Yellow River has been affected by dams not only on the sediment load,but also on the water quality.Water-sediment regulation scheme(WSRS),which has been carried out annually in the Yellow River since 2002,is a typical human activity affecting river water quality.Chromophoric dissolved organic matter(CDOM)in river is susceptible to changes in ecological and environmental conditions as well as human activities.Here,we report variations in dissolved organic carbon concentrations,compositions and sources of CDOM in time series samples in the lower Yellow River during WSRS.In addition,a parallel factor fluorescence analysis(PARAFAC)method is applied to identify different fluorescent components in water samples during WRSR,showing four major components including tryptophan-like component(C1),microbial humic-like component(C2),terrestrial humic-like component(C3)and tyrosine-like component(C4).In general,C1 increased after water regulation,while C2 and C3 increased after sediment regulation,indicating that the water and sediment released by the dam have different effects on CDOM compositions.Under the impacts of the dam,source of CDOM in the lower Yellow River is mainly autochthonous related to microbial activities,and is regulated by the terrestrial input during WSRS period.Sediment resuspension inhibits microbial activities and reduces the production of autochthonous CDOM.Overall,human activities especially WSRS,as exemplified here,significantly alter the quality and quantity of CDOM in the lower Yellow River,affecting CDOM dynamics and biogeochemical processes in the estuarine environment.展开更多
Landscape urbanization broadly affects ecosystems in coastal watersheds, but, until now, the influence of nonpoint source urban inputs on dissolved organic matter (DOM) amount, composition, and source is poorly unders...Landscape urbanization broadly affects ecosystems in coastal watersheds, but, until now, the influence of nonpoint source urban inputs on dissolved organic matter (DOM) amount, composition, and source is poorly understood. To understand how DOM composition varied with urbanization, fluorescence excitation-emission matrices (EEMs) were determined for urban and non-urban waters from upstream to downstream sites along three adjacent coastal watersheds that flow into the Mediterranean Sea. Two humic DOM fluorescent components (humic-like and fulvic-like peaks) and two proteinic components (tyrosine-like and tryptophane-like peaks) were identified by EEM fluorescence. The results indicated that urbanization had an important influence on DOM concentration and composition, with urban waters having a high degree of DOM variation due to different land uses surrounding each body of water. Urban waters show a higher DOM fluorescence index (FI), the highest fluorescence intensity of protein-like manifested also by BIX values, and a lower value of the humification index (HIX) than non-urban waters which were dominated by allochthonous inputs. In addition, the EEM was compared in dry and wet season where higher DOM amounts and FI appeared in summer due to autochthonous production coming from algae growth compared to allochthonous input from rainfall dominated in wet season. The concentration of DOC increased from upstream to downstream for the three rivers, especially Beirut River. The increase in DOC values was observed in both dry and wet seasons by 39 and 19 times respectively compared to upstream (0.93 - 0.91 mgC/L).展开更多
By using the ultraviolet absorption spectrum,the fluorescence spectrum and three dimensional fluorescence spectra,the composition of dissolved organic matter(DOM) and the humification degree, the sediment of hyd...By using the ultraviolet absorption spectrum,the fluorescence spectrum and three dimensional fluorescence spectra,the composition of dissolved organic matter(DOM) and the humification degree, the sediment of hydro-fluctuation belt(Yunyang part) were analyzed.The relationship between the test parameters and the pollution degree in the region was discussed.The research results of UV spectrum data E3/E4 showed that in 4 sampling sites which included Huangshi Town,Gaoyang Town,Shuangjiang Town and Quma Town,the humification degree in the sediment of hydro-fluctuation belt in Shuangjiang Town sampling site was lower,and the aromaticity was smaller.Moreover,the effect of human factor was comparatively smaller.The fluorescence index value which represented the source of humus in DOM was 1.62-1.88.It showed that the biological and terrestrial source both existed.Three dimensional spectra results showed that the pollution degrees in 4 sampling sites were all smaller,and some prevention measures should be taken early.展开更多
With XAD-series and ion exchange resins, dissolved organic matter (DOM) from Lake Hongfeng in Southwestern China Plateau was isolated into 6 fractions, i.e., humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA), hydrophobic neutra...With XAD-series and ion exchange resins, dissolved organic matter (DOM) from Lake Hongfeng in Southwestern China Plateau was isolated into 6 fractions, i.e., humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA), hydrophobic neutrals (HON), hydrophilic acids (HIA), hydrophilic bases (HIB) and hydrophilic neutrals (HIN). Those fractions were characterized by high performance size exclusion chromatography, fluorescence spectroscopy and UV absorbance. Among the 6 fractions, FA was predominant and accounted for 51% of the total DOM. The weight-average (Mw) and number-averaged (Mn) molecular weight of these fractions ranged from 1688 to 2355 Da and from 1338 to 1928 Da, respectively. A strong correlation was observed between specific UV absorbance at 280 nm, E2/E3 (absorbance at 250 nm to 365 nm), and the molecular weight for DOM fractions. UV-Vis fulvic-like fluorescence peaks were found in all fractions. Proteinlike fluorescence peaks existed in HON may indicate that microbial activity was severely in Lake Hongfeng. There was a significant relationship between fluorescence intensities and specific UV absorbance at 254 nm for those DOM fractions, suggesting their similar luminescence characteristics. The values of fluorescence index (f450/500) indicated that hydrophobic fractions may derive from terrestrial sources, and the hydrophilic fractions from microbial and terrestrial origins. Those results suggest that there were inter-relationships between molecular weight, fluorescence and absorbance characteristics, and also subtle consistencies between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties and the sources for these 6 fractions from Lake Hongfeng.展开更多
The main objective of the study was to investigate the characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in leachate with different landfill ages through the chemical, spectroscopic, and elemental analysis. Humic ac...The main objective of the study was to investigate the characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in leachate with different landfill ages through the chemical, spectroscopic, and elemental analysis. Humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA), and hydrophilic (HyI) fractions were isolated and purified by the XAD-8 resin combined with the cation exchange resin method. The analytical results of fluorescence excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy (EEMs) revealed that the fluorescence peaks were protein-like fluorescence for young landfill leachate, while the fluorescence peaks for medium and old landfill leachate were humic-like and fulvic-like fluorescence, respectively. Elemental analysis showed that carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen content decreased with landfill age, while the oxygen content increased. Moreover, the nitrogen content in these isolated fractions followed: HA 〉 HyI 〉 FA. The results of elemental analysis, FT-IR, and fluorescence EEMs also confirmed that aromatic carbons and portions of aliphatic functional groups were more abundant in leachate samples with increasing landfill age.展开更多
This study investigated the potential role of soil colloids and dissolved organic matter (DOM) in transporting Cd through in situ undisturbed paddy soil monoliths. Brilliant Blue was used as a tracer to assess the e...This study investigated the potential role of soil colloids and dissolved organic matter (DOM) in transporting Cd through in situ undisturbed paddy soil monoliths. Brilliant Blue was used as a tracer to assess the effect of preferential flow on Cd down migration. Experimental results showed that deep penetration of Cd and Brilliant Blue into the soil profile took place due to the preferential flow through macropores, mainly earthworm channels, with much of chemicals thus bypassing the soil matrix. Dye tracer and Cd distribution within the soil matrix was fairly restricted to several centimeters. Colloid restrained the migration of both dye and Cd in the matrix and preferential flow area. DOM facilitated the transport of Cd and Brilliant Blue in matrix and macropores by about 10 cm over that of the control. Pearson's is correlation analysis revealed strong associations between Brilliant Blue concentrations, exchangeable Cd and total Cd concentrations in three studied plots indicating that they had taken the same preferential flow pathway.展开更多
Effects of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on adsorption and desorption of Hg were investigated in two kinds of soils, Xanthi-Udic Ferralosols (XUF) and Typic Purpli-Udic Cambosols (TPUC). The DOM was obtained from hum...Effects of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on adsorption and desorption of Hg were investigated in two kinds of soils, Xanthi-Udic Ferralosols (XUF) and Typic Purpli-Udic Cambosols (TPUC). The DOM was obtained from humus soil (DOMH), rice straw (DOMR), and pig manure (DOMP). The presence of DOM obviously reduced Hg maximum adsorption capacity with up to 40% decreases over the control, being an order of DOMH (250.00 mg/kg)< DOMR (303.03 mg/kg) < DOMP (322.58 mg/kg) < CK (control 416.67 mg/kg) for the...展开更多
Dissolved organic matter(DOM) plays important roles in soil biogeochemistry activity and nutrients transportation in soils, but studies regarding the long-term effects of green manures on the content and structure of ...Dissolved organic matter(DOM) plays important roles in soil biogeochemistry activity and nutrients transportation in soils, but studies regarding the long-term effects of green manures on the content and structure of DOM in red paddy soil have not been reported yet. A long-term green manure experiment established in 1982 was utilized to test the DOM contents in different treatments, and the spectral characteristics of DOM were investigated by using ultraviolet-visible(UV-Vis) spectrometry and Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) spectrometry. The experiment included four cropping systems: ricerice-milk vetch(RRV), rice-rice-rape(RRP), rice-rice-ryegrass(RRG) and rice-rice-winter fallow(RRF), among them, milk vetch, rape, and ryegrass are popular winter green manure species in southern China. The results showed that the content of dissolved organic carbon(DOC), which is widely used to estimate the concentration of DOM, was significantly promoted after the incorporation of green manures compared with the other sampling stages. The contents of aromatic groups and the degree of humification of DOM increased in RRV and RRP, suggesting more complex compositions of the soil DOM after long-term application of milk vetch and rape. The contents of phenol, alcohol and carboxylic acid group at the mature stage of early rice were significantly higher than those at the stage of after green manures turned over, especially for the RRV treatment. The absorption ratio of FTIR indicated that winter plantation of rape increased the aromatic-C/aliphatic-C ratio, and ryegrass increased the aromatic-C/carboxyl-C ratio. In conclusion, long-term planting of milk vetch and rape as green manures increased the degree of aromaticity, humification and average molecular weight of DOM, and made the DOM more stable in red paddy soil.展开更多
A batch equilibrium techniques was used to examine the effect of dissolved organic matter (DOM) extracted from both non-treated sludge (NTS) and heat-expanded sludge (HES) on the sorption and desorption of chlor...A batch equilibrium techniques was used to examine the effect of dissolved organic matter (DOM) extracted from both non-treated sludge (NTS) and heat-expanded sludge (HES) on the sorption and desorption of chlorotoluron (3-(3-chloro-p-tolyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) in two types of soils, a yellow fluvo-aquic and a red soil from China. Without DOM,sorption of chlorotoluron was significantly greater (P 〈 0.05) in the red soil than in the yellow fluvo-aquic soil. However,with DOM the effect was dependent on the soil type and nature of DOM. Chlorotoluron sorption was lower in the yellow fluvo-aquic soil than in the red soil, suggesting that with the same DOM levels the yellow fluvo-aquic soil had a lower sorption capacity for this herbicide. Application of DOM from both NTS and HES led to a general decrease in sorption to the soils and an increase in desorption from the soils. Desorption of chlorotoluron also significantly increased (P 〈 0.05) with an increase in the DOM concentration. Additionally, for sorption and desorption, at each DOM treatment level the NTS treatments were significantly lower (P 〈 0.05) than the HES treatments. This implied that non-treated sludge had a greater effect on the sorption and desorption of chlorotoluron than heat-expanded sludge.展开更多
The dissolved organic matter(DOM), water soluble organic matter derived from sewage sludge was separated into hydrophobic fraction(Ho) and hydrophilic fraction(Hi). The sorption of DOM and its fractions on soils and t...The dissolved organic matter(DOM), water soluble organic matter derived from sewage sludge was separated into hydrophobic fraction(Ho) and hydrophilic fraction(Hi). The sorption of DOM and its fractions on soils and the effects of DOM sorption on a nonionic pesticide(atrazine(2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-trazine)) distribution between soil and water were investigated using a batch equilibrium technique. The total DOM sorption on soils described by the Langmuir equation reached saturation as the DOM concentration increased. The sorption of Ho fit the Freundlich model. In contrast, a negative retention evidently occurred as adding Hi at higher level in tested soils. The sorption of Ho dominated the total DOM sorption and the release of soil organic matter(SOM). Effects of DOM on the atrazine sorption by soils were DOM-concentration dependent and dominated by the interaction of atrazine, DOM, and soil solids. Generally, the presence of DOM with lower concentration promoted atrazine sorption on soils, namely the apparent partitioning constant(K*_d) for atrazine sorption in the presence of DOM was larger than the distribution constant(K_d) without DOM; whereas the presence of DOM with higher concentration inhibited atrazine sorption(i.e., K*_d<K_d). The overall effects of DOM on atrazine sorption in soils might be related to the DOM sorption and the release of soil intrinsic organic matter into aqueous solution. The sorption of Ho on soils promoted the atrazine sorption on soil, while the release of SOM by Hi and the competitive sorption between Hi and atrazine on soil surface led to a decrease of atrazine sorption. Information provided in this work may contribute to a better understanding of the DOM sorption and its impacts on the contaminant soil-water distribution.展开更多
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been identified as precursor for disinfection by-products (DBPs) formation during chlorination. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the characteristics of DOM influence the D...Dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been identified as precursor for disinfection by-products (DBPs) formation during chlorination. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the characteristics of DOM influence the DBPs formation mechanism. A study was, therefore, initiated to investigate the effects of DOM fractions on DBPs formation mechanism. In the chlorination process, organic acids are dominant precursors of total thihalomethanes (TTHM) because of the vc-o and unsaturated structures. Furthermore, the TTHM formation of organic acids was affected by pH more greatly. Based on the fluorescence spectroscopy analysis, DOM fractions contained several fluorescence substances. During chlorination, humic acid-like substances were found to exhibit high chlorine reactivity and hydrophobic organics decomposed to smaller molecules faster than hydrophilic organics even at lower chlorine dosages. Unlike hydrophobic fractions, hydrophilic organics showed no toxicity following chlorination, suggesting that the toxic structures in hydrophihc organics showed high chlorine reactivity during chlorination.展开更多
Dissolved organic matter(DOM)plays a crucial role in both the carbon cycle and geochemical cycles of other nutrient elements,which is of importance to the management and protection of the aquatic environments.To achie...Dissolved organic matter(DOM)plays a crucial role in both the carbon cycle and geochemical cycles of other nutrient elements,which is of importance to the management and protection of the aquatic environments.To achieve a more comprehensive understanding the characteristics of DOM in the Changjiang(Yangtze)River basin,water samples from four natural lakes(Xiandao,Baoan,Daye,and Qingshan)in southeastern Hubei Province in China with different eutrophication levels were collected and analyzed.The optical characteristics were analyzed using ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry and excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy coupled with parallel factor analysis.The results show that:(1)two humic-like components(C1 and C2)and two protein-like substances(C3 and C4)of DOM were identified in all waterbodies;(2)C3 originated primarily from the degradation of microalgae and contributed substantially to humic-like components during transformation.C4 was widely present in the Changjiang River basin and its formation was related to microbial activity,rather than algal blooms or seasons.Influenced by the water mixing,the protein-like components were more likely to be transformed by microorganism,whereas humic-like components were more easily to be photobleached;(3)the concentration of DOM and the fluorescence intensity of humic-like components gradually increased with rising lake eutrophication levels.With respect to protein-like components,only C3 showed changes along the eutrophication gradients;(4)DOM showed a high affinity with permanganate index(COD Mn)and chlorophyll a(chl a)while the relationship was variable with phosphorus.This study helps us systematically understand the DOM characteristics,microbial activities,and pollutant transformation in the Changjiang River basin and provides reference to the ecological restoration of aquatic environments.展开更多
Response of two wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum cv. YM 158 and NM 9) to the herbicide chlorotoluron and the effect of two forms of dissolved organic matter on the chlorotoluron toxicity to the plants were charact...Response of two wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum cv. YM 158 and NM 9) to the herbicide chlorotoluron and the effect of two forms of dissolved organic matter on the chlorotoluron toxicity to the plants were characterized. Treatment with chlorotoluron at 10-50 μg/ml inhibited the seed germination and a dose-response was observed. The inhibition of seed germination was correlated to the depression of a-amylase activities. To identify whether chlorotoluron induced oxidative damage to wheat plants, the malondlaldehyde (MDA) content and electrolyte leakage were measured. Results showed that both MDA content and electrolyte leakage in the chlorotoluron-treated roots significantly increased. Activities of several key enzymes were measured that operate in citric acid cycle and carbohydrate metabolic pathway. Inhibited activities of citrate synthase and NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase were observed in the chlorotoluron-treated roots as compared to control plants. We also examined malate dehydrogenase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in wheat roots exposed to 30 μg/ml chlorotoluron, liowever, none of the enzymes showed significant changes in activities. Application of 160 μg/ml dissolved organic matter (DOM) extracted from non-treated sludge(NTS) and heat-expanded sludge (lIES) in the medium with 30 μg/ml chlorotoluron induced an additive inhibition of seed germination and plant growth. The inhibition of growth due to the DOM treatment was associated with the depression of activities of a-amylase, citrate synthase and NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase, as well as the increase in malondlaldehyde content and electrolyte leakage. These results suggested that the presence of DOM might enhance the uptake and accumulation of chlorotoluron, and thus resulted in greater toxicity in wheat plants. The two forms of DOM exhibited differences in regulation of chlorotoluron toxicity to the wheat plants. Treatments with DOM-NTS induced greater toxicity to plants as compared to those with DOM-HES. In addition to DOM affecting chlorotoluron-induced toxicity to wheat plants, the cultivars could have also contributed to differences. Generally, NM-9 showed a higher sensitivity to chlorotoluron than YM 158 either in the absence or in the presence of DOM.展开更多
To evaluate the effects of long-term applications of phosphorus fertilizers on mobility of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and heavy metals in agricultural soils, a sandy soil and a loamy soil were spiked with ammoni...To evaluate the effects of long-term applications of phosphorus fertilizers on mobility of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and heavy metals in agricultural soils, a sandy soil and a loamy soil were spiked with ammonium phosphate at application rates of 0, 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 mg P per kilogram of soil. A series of 15-cm long soil columns were constructed by packing incubated soils of varying concentrations of P. The soil columns were consecutively leached by simulated rainfalls for six cycles. The contents of water extractable organic carbon in both sandy and loamy soils increased significantly with increasing rates of P applications. Relatively high rates of P applications could induce a marked increase in DOM concentrations in the leachates, the effects were larger with the sandy soil rather than with the loamy soil. Applications of P changed the partitioning of trace metals in the soil solids and the soil solutions. The increased P application rates also seemed to elevate the leaching of Cu, Cd, and Zn from soils. The concentrations of Cu, Cd, and Zn in the leachates were positively correlated with DOM, probably due to the formation of metal-DOM complexes. In contrast, Pb concentrations in the leachates were negatively correlated with DOM, and decreased with increasing rates of P applications. The boosted leaching of DOM induced by high rates of P applications was probably due to the added phosphate ions competing for adsorption sites in the soil solids with the indigenous DOM.展开更多
The investigation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on urease, catalase and polyphenol oxidase activity in a phenanthrene (Phe)- contaminated soil was conducted under laboratory incubation conditions. Values of so...The investigation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on urease, catalase and polyphenol oxidase activity in a phenanthrene (Phe)- contaminated soil was conducted under laboratory incubation conditions. Values of soil enzymatic activity depended mainly on incubation time. In the initial 16 days, urease activity increased, and was followed by a decrease. In the initial 8 days, catalase activity decreased and then increased. Variation of polyphenol oxidase activity was just the reverse of catalase activity. After 30 days of incubation, no pronounced difference among treatments with Phe, Phe and DOM, and control were detected in urease, catalase and polyphenol oxidase activity. Phe might inhibit urease and catalase, and stimulate polyphenol oxidase. DOM could improve inhibition of Phe in soil urease and catalase activity during the initial period of applying DOM. Nevertheless, DOM had no significant effect on polyphenol oxidase activity in the Phe contaminated soil. There was a negative correlation between catalase and polyphenol oxidase (r = -0.761***), and catalase and urease (r = -0.554**). Additionally, a positive correlation between polyphenol oxidase and urease was also detected (r = 0.701***). It is implied that the formed DOM after application of organic wastes into soils may counteract the inhibition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil enzyme activities.展开更多
Sorption of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) by soil influences its fate and transport in the environment. The presence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) may complicate the sorption process in soil. The effects of DOM fr...Sorption of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) by soil influences its fate and transport in the environment. The presence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) may complicate the sorption process in soil. The effects of DOM from sewage sludge on TBBPA sorption by three soils were investigated using batch equilibration experiments in the study. DOM was observed to be sorbed on the soils and the isotherms could be fitted by the Langmuir model. The effects of DOM on TBBPA sorption were dependent on the characteristics ...展开更多
This study examined the spatiotemporal dynamics of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and spectral slope (S), and further to analyze its sources in three productive water supplies (Eagle Creek, Geist and Mor...This study examined the spatiotemporal dynamics of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and spectral slope (S), and further to analyze its sources in three productive water supplies (Eagle Creek, Geist and Morse reservoirs) from Indiana, USA. The re- sults showed that he absorption coefficient aCDOM(440) ranged from 0.37 m-1 to 3.93 m-1 with an average of 1.89 ± 0.76 m-1 (±SD) for the aggregated dataset, and S varied from 0.0048 nm -1 to 0.0239 nm-1 with an average of 0.0108 ±0.0040 nmI. A significant relation- ship between S and aCDOM(440) can be fitted with a power equation (S = 0.013 × aCDOM(440)-0.42, R2 = 0.612), excluding data from Geist Reservoir during high flow (12 April 2010) and the Morse Reservoir on 25 June 2010 due to a T-storm achieves even higher determina- tion coefficient (R2 = 0.842). Correlation analysis indicated that aCDOM(440) has strong association with inorganic suspended matter (ISM) concentration (0.231 〈 R2 〈 0.786) for each of the field surveys, and this trend followed the aggregated datasets (R2 = 0.447, p 〈 0.001). In contrast, chlorophyll-a was only correlated with aCDOM(440) in summer and autumn (0.081 〈 R2 〈 0.763), indicating that CDOM is mainly from terrigenous sources in early spring and that phytoplankton contributed during the algal blooming season. The S value was used to characterize CDOM origin. The results indicate that the CDOM source is mainly controlled by hydrological varia- tions, while phytoplankton originated organic matter also closely linked with CDOM dynamics in three productive reservoirs.展开更多
Dissolved organic matter(DOM) of municipal solid waste(MSW) consists of minerals, water, ash and humic substances, and is known to enhance plant growth. In this study, inoculating microbes(Z J, MS) were used in ...Dissolved organic matter(DOM) of municipal solid waste(MSW) consists of minerals, water, ash and humic substances, and is known to enhance plant growth. In this study, inoculating microbes(Z J, MS) were used in municipal solid wastes composting, and composting implemented a industrialized technology. During composting, dissolved organic matter was extracted from the compost and purified. The spectral characteristics of dissolved organic matter was determined by fluorescence emission, excitation, and synchronous spectroscopy. Fluorescence emission, excitation, and synchronous spectra characterized by different relative fluorescent intensities and peaks over time. Fluorescence spectra were similar to that of fulvic acid in sewage sludge, indicating the presence of dissolved organic matter with aromatic structures and a high degree of molecular polymerization. Compared with the controls with no microbial inoculation, the microbe-inoculated treatments exhibited the increase of aromatic polycondensation, in the following order: MS + ZJ 〉 ZJ 〉 MS 〉 CK.展开更多
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Project of China (2022YFD1601102)the Key R&D Plan of Heilongjiang Province, China (JD22B002)+1 种基金the Program on Industrial Technology System of National Soybean, China (CARS-04-PS17)the UNDP Project, China (cpr/21/401) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41771284)
文摘Straw mulching is a widespread practice for reducing the soil carbon loss caused by erosion.However,the effects of straw mulching on dissolved organic matter(DOM)runoff loss from black soil are not well studied.How straw mulching affects the composition and loss of runoff DOM by changing soil aggregates remains largely unclear.Here,a straw mulching treatment was compared to a no mulching treatment(as a control)on sloping farmland with black soil erosion in Northeast China.We divided the soil into large macroaggregates(>2 mm),small macroaggregates(0.25-2 mm),and microaggregates(<0.25 mm).After five rain events,the effects of straw mulching on the concentration(characterized by dissolved organic carbon(DoC)and composition(analyzed by fluorescence spectroscopy)of runoff and soil aggregate DOM were studied.The results showed that straw mulching reduced the runoff amount by 54.7%.Therefore,although straw mulching increased the average DOc concentration in runoff,it reduced the total runoff DOM loss by 48.3%.The composition of runoff DOM is similar to that of soil,as both contain humic-like acid and protein-like components.With straw mulching treatment,the protein-like components in small macroaggregates accumulated and the protein-like components in runoff declined with rain events.Fluorescence spectroscopy technology may help in understanding the hydrological paths of rain events by capturing the dynamic changes of runoff and soil DOM characteristics.A variation partitioning analysis(VPA)indicated that the DOM concentration and composition of microaggregates explained 68.2%of the change in runoff DOM from no mulching plots,while the change in runoff DOM from straw mulching plots was dominated by small macroaggregates at a rate of 55.1%.Taken together,our results demonstrated that straw mulching reduces the fragmentation of small macroaggregates and the loss of microaggregates,thus effecting DOM compositions in soil and reducing the DOM loss in runoff.These results provide a theoretical basis for reducing carbon loss in sloping farmland.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 42276047, 92158201 and U1901213the Entrepreneurship Project of Shantou under contract No.2021112176541391the Scientific Research Start-Up Foundation of Shantou University under contract No.NTF20006。
文摘Highly productive estuaries facilitate intense decomposition of dissolved organic matter(DOM) as a carbon source.However,the specific impacts of typhoons on DOM decomposition in eutrophic bays remain unclear.To address this issue,we investigated the spectral characteristics of DOM before and after Typhoon Ewiniar in Zhanjiang B ay,a eutrophic semi-enclosed bay in the northwestern South China Sea.The results revealed that intense microbial decomposition of DOM occurred during the pre-typhoon period because high nutrient inputs facilitated the mobilization of DOM in the bay.However,the intrusion of external seawater induced by the typhoon diluted the nutrient levels in Zhanjiang B ay,reducing the impact of microbial decomposition on DOM during the post-typhoon perio d.Nevertheless,the net addition of DOM occurred in Zhanjiang Bay during the post-typhoon period,possibly because of the decomposition of particulate organic matter(POM) and desorption of particulate matter.In addition,an increase in apparent oxygen utilization,a decrease in DO saturation and the reduced level of Chl a indicated that organic matter(OM) decomposition was enhanced and OM decomposition shifted to POM decomposition in Zhanjiang Bay after the typhoon.Overall,our study highlighted the shift in the intense OM decomposition from DOM to POM decomposition before and after typhoons in eutrophic bays,providing new insights into the response of typhoons to biogeo chemistry.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41876077,41376085).
文摘As a river with more than 3000 reservoirs in its watershed,the Yellow River has been affected by dams not only on the sediment load,but also on the water quality.Water-sediment regulation scheme(WSRS),which has been carried out annually in the Yellow River since 2002,is a typical human activity affecting river water quality.Chromophoric dissolved organic matter(CDOM)in river is susceptible to changes in ecological and environmental conditions as well as human activities.Here,we report variations in dissolved organic carbon concentrations,compositions and sources of CDOM in time series samples in the lower Yellow River during WSRS.In addition,a parallel factor fluorescence analysis(PARAFAC)method is applied to identify different fluorescent components in water samples during WRSR,showing four major components including tryptophan-like component(C1),microbial humic-like component(C2),terrestrial humic-like component(C3)and tyrosine-like component(C4).In general,C1 increased after water regulation,while C2 and C3 increased after sediment regulation,indicating that the water and sediment released by the dam have different effects on CDOM compositions.Under the impacts of the dam,source of CDOM in the lower Yellow River is mainly autochthonous related to microbial activities,and is regulated by the terrestrial input during WSRS period.Sediment resuspension inhibits microbial activities and reduces the production of autochthonous CDOM.Overall,human activities especially WSRS,as exemplified here,significantly alter the quality and quantity of CDOM in the lower Yellow River,affecting CDOM dynamics and biogeochemical processes in the estuarine environment.
文摘Landscape urbanization broadly affects ecosystems in coastal watersheds, but, until now, the influence of nonpoint source urban inputs on dissolved organic matter (DOM) amount, composition, and source is poorly understood. To understand how DOM composition varied with urbanization, fluorescence excitation-emission matrices (EEMs) were determined for urban and non-urban waters from upstream to downstream sites along three adjacent coastal watersheds that flow into the Mediterranean Sea. Two humic DOM fluorescent components (humic-like and fulvic-like peaks) and two proteinic components (tyrosine-like and tryptophane-like peaks) were identified by EEM fluorescence. The results indicated that urbanization had an important influence on DOM concentration and composition, with urban waters having a high degree of DOM variation due to different land uses surrounding each body of water. Urban waters show a higher DOM fluorescence index (FI), the highest fluorescence intensity of protein-like manifested also by BIX values, and a lower value of the humification index (HIX) than non-urban waters which were dominated by allochthonous inputs. In addition, the EEM was compared in dry and wet season where higher DOM amounts and FI appeared in summer due to autochthonous production coming from algae growth compared to allochthonous input from rainfall dominated in wet season. The concentration of DOC increased from upstream to downstream for the three rivers, especially Beirut River. The increase in DOC values was observed in both dry and wet seasons by 39 and 19 times respectively compared to upstream (0.93 - 0.91 mgC/L).
基金Supported by Talent Introduction Talent Plan of Chongqing ThreeGorge University(2007-SXXYRC-006)Accented Term of ChongqingThree Gorge University(10ZD-14)+1 种基金Special Term of National Water Body Pollution Control and Treatment Major Project(2009ZX07104-003-02)Special Term of National Science and Technology Supportm Plan Major Project(2008BAD98B04)
文摘By using the ultraviolet absorption spectrum,the fluorescence spectrum and three dimensional fluorescence spectra,the composition of dissolved organic matter(DOM) and the humification degree, the sediment of hydro-fluctuation belt(Yunyang part) were analyzed.The relationship between the test parameters and the pollution degree in the region was discussed.The research results of UV spectrum data E3/E4 showed that in 4 sampling sites which included Huangshi Town,Gaoyang Town,Shuangjiang Town and Quma Town,the humification degree in the sediment of hydro-fluctuation belt in Shuangjiang Town sampling site was lower,and the aromaticity was smaller.Moreover,the effect of human factor was comparatively smaller.The fluorescence index value which represented the source of humus in DOM was 1.62-1.88.It showed that the biological and terrestrial source both existed.Three dimensional spectra results showed that the pollution degrees in 4 sampling sites were all smaller,and some prevention measures should be taken early.
基金supported by the China’s Na-tional Basic Research Program (No. 2008CB418200)the National Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. kzcx2-yw-102)the Nation-al Natural Science Foundation of China (No. U0833603,40873079, 40703022).
文摘With XAD-series and ion exchange resins, dissolved organic matter (DOM) from Lake Hongfeng in Southwestern China Plateau was isolated into 6 fractions, i.e., humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA), hydrophobic neutrals (HON), hydrophilic acids (HIA), hydrophilic bases (HIB) and hydrophilic neutrals (HIN). Those fractions were characterized by high performance size exclusion chromatography, fluorescence spectroscopy and UV absorbance. Among the 6 fractions, FA was predominant and accounted for 51% of the total DOM. The weight-average (Mw) and number-averaged (Mn) molecular weight of these fractions ranged from 1688 to 2355 Da and from 1338 to 1928 Da, respectively. A strong correlation was observed between specific UV absorbance at 280 nm, E2/E3 (absorbance at 250 nm to 365 nm), and the molecular weight for DOM fractions. UV-Vis fulvic-like fluorescence peaks were found in all fractions. Proteinlike fluorescence peaks existed in HON may indicate that microbial activity was severely in Lake Hongfeng. There was a significant relationship between fluorescence intensities and specific UV absorbance at 254 nm for those DOM fractions, suggesting their similar luminescence characteristics. The values of fluorescence index (f450/500) indicated that hydrophobic fractions may derive from terrestrial sources, and the hydrophilic fractions from microbial and terrestrial origins. Those results suggest that there were inter-relationships between molecular weight, fluorescence and absorbance characteristics, and also subtle consistencies between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties and the sources for these 6 fractions from Lake Hongfeng.
文摘The main objective of the study was to investigate the characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in leachate with different landfill ages through the chemical, spectroscopic, and elemental analysis. Humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA), and hydrophilic (HyI) fractions were isolated and purified by the XAD-8 resin combined with the cation exchange resin method. The analytical results of fluorescence excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy (EEMs) revealed that the fluorescence peaks were protein-like fluorescence for young landfill leachate, while the fluorescence peaks for medium and old landfill leachate were humic-like and fulvic-like fluorescence, respectively. Elemental analysis showed that carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen content decreased with landfill age, while the oxygen content increased. Moreover, the nitrogen content in these isolated fractions followed: HA 〉 HyI 〉 FA. The results of elemental analysis, FT-IR, and fluorescence EEMs also confirmed that aromatic carbons and portions of aliphatic functional groups were more abundant in leachate samples with increasing landfill age.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.40571073)
文摘This study investigated the potential role of soil colloids and dissolved organic matter (DOM) in transporting Cd through in situ undisturbed paddy soil monoliths. Brilliant Blue was used as a tracer to assess the effect of preferential flow on Cd down migration. Experimental results showed that deep penetration of Cd and Brilliant Blue into the soil profile took place due to the preferential flow through macropores, mainly earthworm channels, with much of chemicals thus bypassing the soil matrix. Dye tracer and Cd distribution within the soil matrix was fairly restricted to several centimeters. Colloid restrained the migration of both dye and Cd in the matrix and preferential flow area. DOM facilitated the transport of Cd and Brilliant Blue in matrix and macropores by about 10 cm over that of the control. Pearson's is correlation analysis revealed strong associations between Brilliant Blue concentrations, exchangeable Cd and total Cd concentrations in three studied plots indicating that they had taken the same preferential flow pathway.
基金the National Natural Sci-ence Foundation of China (No. 40673063, 40573065)
文摘Effects of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on adsorption and desorption of Hg were investigated in two kinds of soils, Xanthi-Udic Ferralosols (XUF) and Typic Purpli-Udic Cambosols (TPUC). The DOM was obtained from humus soil (DOMH), rice straw (DOMR), and pig manure (DOMP). The presence of DOM obviously reduced Hg maximum adsorption capacity with up to 40% decreases over the control, being an order of DOMH (250.00 mg/kg)< DOMR (303.03 mg/kg) < DOMP (322.58 mg/kg) < CK (control 416.67 mg/kg) for the...
基金supported by the earmarked fund for China Agriculture Research System (2013–2017)the Chinese Outstanding Talents Program in Agricultural Sciences
文摘Dissolved organic matter(DOM) plays important roles in soil biogeochemistry activity and nutrients transportation in soils, but studies regarding the long-term effects of green manures on the content and structure of DOM in red paddy soil have not been reported yet. A long-term green manure experiment established in 1982 was utilized to test the DOM contents in different treatments, and the spectral characteristics of DOM were investigated by using ultraviolet-visible(UV-Vis) spectrometry and Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) spectrometry. The experiment included four cropping systems: ricerice-milk vetch(RRV), rice-rice-rape(RRP), rice-rice-ryegrass(RRG) and rice-rice-winter fallow(RRF), among them, milk vetch, rape, and ryegrass are popular winter green manure species in southern China. The results showed that the content of dissolved organic carbon(DOC), which is widely used to estimate the concentration of DOM, was significantly promoted after the incorporation of green manures compared with the other sampling stages. The contents of aromatic groups and the degree of humification of DOM increased in RRV and RRP, suggesting more complex compositions of the soil DOM after long-term application of milk vetch and rape. The contents of phenol, alcohol and carboxylic acid group at the mature stage of early rice were significantly higher than those at the stage of after green manures turned over, especially for the RRV treatment. The absorption ratio of FTIR indicated that winter plantation of rape increased the aromatic-C/aliphatic-C ratio, and ryegrass increased the aromatic-C/carboxyl-C ratio. In conclusion, long-term planting of milk vetch and rape as green manures increased the degree of aromaticity, humification and average molecular weight of DOM, and made the DOM more stable in red paddy soil.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30170537).
文摘A batch equilibrium techniques was used to examine the effect of dissolved organic matter (DOM) extracted from both non-treated sludge (NTS) and heat-expanded sludge (HES) on the sorption and desorption of chlorotoluron (3-(3-chloro-p-tolyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) in two types of soils, a yellow fluvo-aquic and a red soil from China. Without DOM,sorption of chlorotoluron was significantly greater (P 〈 0.05) in the red soil than in the yellow fluvo-aquic soil. However,with DOM the effect was dependent on the soil type and nature of DOM. Chlorotoluron sorption was lower in the yellow fluvo-aquic soil than in the red soil, suggesting that with the same DOM levels the yellow fluvo-aquic soil had a lower sorption capacity for this herbicide. Application of DOM from both NTS and HES led to a general decrease in sorption to the soils and an increase in desorption from the soils. Desorption of chlorotoluron also significantly increased (P 〈 0.05) with an increase in the DOM concentration. Additionally, for sorption and desorption, at each DOM treatment level the NTS treatments were significantly lower (P 〈 0.05) than the HES treatments. This implied that non-treated sludge had a greater effect on the sorption and desorption of chlorotoluron than heat-expanded sludge.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 40425007 40171051) and the Teaching and Research Award Program for Outstanding Young Teachers in Higher Education Institution of China
文摘The dissolved organic matter(DOM), water soluble organic matter derived from sewage sludge was separated into hydrophobic fraction(Ho) and hydrophilic fraction(Hi). The sorption of DOM and its fractions on soils and the effects of DOM sorption on a nonionic pesticide(atrazine(2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-trazine)) distribution between soil and water were investigated using a batch equilibrium technique. The total DOM sorption on soils described by the Langmuir equation reached saturation as the DOM concentration increased. The sorption of Ho fit the Freundlich model. In contrast, a negative retention evidently occurred as adding Hi at higher level in tested soils. The sorption of Ho dominated the total DOM sorption and the release of soil organic matter(SOM). Effects of DOM on the atrazine sorption by soils were DOM-concentration dependent and dominated by the interaction of atrazine, DOM, and soil solids. Generally, the presence of DOM with lower concentration promoted atrazine sorption on soils, namely the apparent partitioning constant(K*_d) for atrazine sorption in the presence of DOM was larger than the distribution constant(K_d) without DOM; whereas the presence of DOM with higher concentration inhibited atrazine sorption(i.e., K*_d<K_d). The overall effects of DOM on atrazine sorption in soils might be related to the DOM sorption and the release of soil intrinsic organic matter into aqueous solution. The sorption of Ho on soils promoted the atrazine sorption on soil, while the release of SOM by Hi and the competitive sorption between Hi and atrazine on soil surface led to a decrease of atrazine sorption. Information provided in this work may contribute to a better understanding of the DOM sorption and its impacts on the contaminant soil-water distribution.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50538090)the Funds for Creative Research Groups of China (No. 50621804)the High-Tech Research and Development Program (863) of China (No. 2007AA06Z338).
文摘Dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been identified as precursor for disinfection by-products (DBPs) formation during chlorination. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the characteristics of DOM influence the DBPs formation mechanism. A study was, therefore, initiated to investigate the effects of DOM fractions on DBPs formation mechanism. In the chlorination process, organic acids are dominant precursors of total thihalomethanes (TTHM) because of the vc-o and unsaturated structures. Furthermore, the TTHM formation of organic acids was affected by pH more greatly. Based on the fluorescence spectroscopy analysis, DOM fractions contained several fluorescence substances. During chlorination, humic acid-like substances were found to exhibit high chlorine reactivity and hydrophobic organics decomposed to smaller molecules faster than hydrophilic organics even at lower chlorine dosages. Unlike hydrophobic fractions, hydrophilic organics showed no toxicity following chlorination, suggesting that the toxic structures in hydrophihc organics showed high chlorine reactivity during chlorination.
基金Supported by the Science and Technology Research Project of Education Department of Hubei Province(Nos.Q20182502,D20152503)the Innovation Team Project of HBNU of Heavy Metal Pollution Mechanism and Ecological Restoration for Lake-Catchment System,Youth Project of Hubei Natural Science Foundation(No.2018CFB321)the Hubei Undergraduate Training Program for Innovation and Entrepreneurship(No.S201910513001)。
文摘Dissolved organic matter(DOM)plays a crucial role in both the carbon cycle and geochemical cycles of other nutrient elements,which is of importance to the management and protection of the aquatic environments.To achieve a more comprehensive understanding the characteristics of DOM in the Changjiang(Yangtze)River basin,water samples from four natural lakes(Xiandao,Baoan,Daye,and Qingshan)in southeastern Hubei Province in China with different eutrophication levels were collected and analyzed.The optical characteristics were analyzed using ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry and excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy coupled with parallel factor analysis.The results show that:(1)two humic-like components(C1 and C2)and two protein-like substances(C3 and C4)of DOM were identified in all waterbodies;(2)C3 originated primarily from the degradation of microalgae and contributed substantially to humic-like components during transformation.C4 was widely present in the Changjiang River basin and its formation was related to microbial activity,rather than algal blooms or seasons.Influenced by the water mixing,the protein-like components were more likely to be transformed by microorganism,whereas humic-like components were more easily to be photobleached;(3)the concentration of DOM and the fluorescence intensity of humic-like components gradually increased with rising lake eutrophication levels.With respect to protein-like components,only C3 showed changes along the eutrophication gradients;(4)DOM showed a high affinity with permanganate index(COD Mn)and chlorophyll a(chl a)while the relationship was variable with phosphorus.This study helps us systematically understand the DOM characteristics,microbial activities,and pollutant transformation in the Changjiang River basin and provides reference to the ecological restoration of aquatic environments.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China(30170537)
文摘Response of two wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum cv. YM 158 and NM 9) to the herbicide chlorotoluron and the effect of two forms of dissolved organic matter on the chlorotoluron toxicity to the plants were characterized. Treatment with chlorotoluron at 10-50 μg/ml inhibited the seed germination and a dose-response was observed. The inhibition of seed germination was correlated to the depression of a-amylase activities. To identify whether chlorotoluron induced oxidative damage to wheat plants, the malondlaldehyde (MDA) content and electrolyte leakage were measured. Results showed that both MDA content and electrolyte leakage in the chlorotoluron-treated roots significantly increased. Activities of several key enzymes were measured that operate in citric acid cycle and carbohydrate metabolic pathway. Inhibited activities of citrate synthase and NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase were observed in the chlorotoluron-treated roots as compared to control plants. We also examined malate dehydrogenase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in wheat roots exposed to 30 μg/ml chlorotoluron, liowever, none of the enzymes showed significant changes in activities. Application of 160 μg/ml dissolved organic matter (DOM) extracted from non-treated sludge(NTS) and heat-expanded sludge (lIES) in the medium with 30 μg/ml chlorotoluron induced an additive inhibition of seed germination and plant growth. The inhibition of growth due to the DOM treatment was associated with the depression of activities of a-amylase, citrate synthase and NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase, as well as the increase in malondlaldehyde content and electrolyte leakage. These results suggested that the presence of DOM might enhance the uptake and accumulation of chlorotoluron, and thus resulted in greater toxicity in wheat plants. The two forms of DOM exhibited differences in regulation of chlorotoluron toxicity to the wheat plants. Treatments with DOM-NTS induced greater toxicity to plants as compared to those with DOM-HES. In addition to DOM affecting chlorotoluron-induced toxicity to wheat plants, the cultivars could have also contributed to differences. Generally, NM-9 showed a higher sensitivity to chlorotoluron than YM 158 either in the absence or in the presence of DOM.
基金supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province,China (No.R306011)the National Basic Research Program (973) of China (No.2005CB121104)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.40771090)
文摘To evaluate the effects of long-term applications of phosphorus fertilizers on mobility of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and heavy metals in agricultural soils, a sandy soil and a loamy soil were spiked with ammonium phosphate at application rates of 0, 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 mg P per kilogram of soil. A series of 15-cm long soil columns were constructed by packing incubated soils of varying concentrations of P. The soil columns were consecutively leached by simulated rainfalls for six cycles. The contents of water extractable organic carbon in both sandy and loamy soils increased significantly with increasing rates of P applications. Relatively high rates of P applications could induce a marked increase in DOM concentrations in the leachates, the effects were larger with the sandy soil rather than with the loamy soil. Applications of P changed the partitioning of trace metals in the soil solids and the soil solutions. The increased P application rates also seemed to elevate the leaching of Cu, Cd, and Zn from soils. The concentrations of Cu, Cd, and Zn in the leachates were positively correlated with DOM, probably due to the formation of metal-DOM complexes. In contrast, Pb concentrations in the leachates were negatively correlated with DOM, and decreased with increasing rates of P applications. The boosted leaching of DOM induced by high rates of P applications was probably due to the added phosphate ions competing for adsorption sites in the soil solids with the indigenous DOM.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.20377024)the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863) of China (No.2007AA061101,2009AA063103)the International Scientific Foundation (No.C/3501-1)
文摘The investigation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on urease, catalase and polyphenol oxidase activity in a phenanthrene (Phe)- contaminated soil was conducted under laboratory incubation conditions. Values of soil enzymatic activity depended mainly on incubation time. In the initial 16 days, urease activity increased, and was followed by a decrease. In the initial 8 days, catalase activity decreased and then increased. Variation of polyphenol oxidase activity was just the reverse of catalase activity. After 30 days of incubation, no pronounced difference among treatments with Phe, Phe and DOM, and control were detected in urease, catalase and polyphenol oxidase activity. Phe might inhibit urease and catalase, and stimulate polyphenol oxidase. DOM could improve inhibition of Phe in soil urease and catalase activity during the initial period of applying DOM. Nevertheless, DOM had no significant effect on polyphenol oxidase activity in the Phe contaminated soil. There was a negative correlation between catalase and polyphenol oxidase (r = -0.761***), and catalase and urease (r = -0.554**). Additionally, a positive correlation between polyphenol oxidase and urease was also detected (r = 0.701***). It is implied that the formed DOM after application of organic wastes into soils may counteract the inhibition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil enzyme activities.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 20577020, 20737001)
文摘Sorption of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) by soil influences its fate and transport in the environment. The presence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) may complicate the sorption process in soil. The effects of DOM from sewage sludge on TBBPA sorption by three soils were investigated using batch equilibration experiments in the study. DOM was observed to be sorbed on the soils and the isotherms could be fitted by the Langmuir model. The effects of DOM on TBBPA sorption were dependent on the characteristics ...
基金Under the auspices of National Aeronautics and Space Administration of US(NASA)(No.NNG06GA92G)National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41171293)
文摘This study examined the spatiotemporal dynamics of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and spectral slope (S), and further to analyze its sources in three productive water supplies (Eagle Creek, Geist and Morse reservoirs) from Indiana, USA. The re- sults showed that he absorption coefficient aCDOM(440) ranged from 0.37 m-1 to 3.93 m-1 with an average of 1.89 ± 0.76 m-1 (±SD) for the aggregated dataset, and S varied from 0.0048 nm -1 to 0.0239 nm-1 with an average of 0.0108 ±0.0040 nmI. A significant relation- ship between S and aCDOM(440) can be fitted with a power equation (S = 0.013 × aCDOM(440)-0.42, R2 = 0.612), excluding data from Geist Reservoir during high flow (12 April 2010) and the Morse Reservoir on 25 June 2010 due to a T-storm achieves even higher determina- tion coefficient (R2 = 0.842). Correlation analysis indicated that aCDOM(440) has strong association with inorganic suspended matter (ISM) concentration (0.231 〈 R2 〈 0.786) for each of the field surveys, and this trend followed the aggregated datasets (R2 = 0.447, p 〈 0.001). In contrast, chlorophyll-a was only correlated with aCDOM(440) in summer and autumn (0.081 〈 R2 〈 0.763), indicating that CDOM is mainly from terrigenous sources in early spring and that phytoplankton contributed during the algal blooming season. The S value was used to characterize CDOM origin. The results indicate that the CDOM source is mainly controlled by hydrological varia- tions, while phytoplankton originated organic matter also closely linked with CDOM dynamics in three productive reservoirs.
文摘Dissolved organic matter(DOM) of municipal solid waste(MSW) consists of minerals, water, ash and humic substances, and is known to enhance plant growth. In this study, inoculating microbes(Z J, MS) were used in municipal solid wastes composting, and composting implemented a industrialized technology. During composting, dissolved organic matter was extracted from the compost and purified. The spectral characteristics of dissolved organic matter was determined by fluorescence emission, excitation, and synchronous spectroscopy. Fluorescence emission, excitation, and synchronous spectra characterized by different relative fluorescent intensities and peaks over time. Fluorescence spectra were similar to that of fulvic acid in sewage sludge, indicating the presence of dissolved organic matter with aromatic structures and a high degree of molecular polymerization. Compared with the controls with no microbial inoculation, the microbe-inoculated treatments exhibited the increase of aromatic polycondensation, in the following order: MS + ZJ 〉 ZJ 〉 MS 〉 CK.