The present study aims to establish a literature review on intervention programs for executive functions(EFs)through the use of fundamental motor skills,from a neuropsychopedagogical perspective in subjects with Devel...The present study aims to establish a literature review on intervention programs for executive functions(EFs)through the use of fundamental motor skills,from a neuropsychopedagogical perspective in subjects with Developmental Coordination Disorder(DCD).An exploratory study was carried out through an integrative literature review.The research was carried out in the Scientific databases Electronic Library Online(SciELO),Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences(LILACS),Virtual Health Library-Psychology Brazil(BVSPSI),Electronic Journals of Psychology(PePSIC),in the periodicals available in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations(BDTD)and on the website of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel(CAPES).The covering publications took place from 2018 to 2023,14 articles were selected for analysis.This literature review made it possible to create strategies for stimulating EF and Visuomotor Functions so that educators and other professionals can better deal with students with DCD.It was perceived the need to carry out and develop more empirical research regarding the intervention of EFs and Visuomotor Functions by educators and professionals,with a greater sampling amplitude,to increase the number of studies that enable interventions both in children and in teenagers with DCD.展开更多
Purpose: The relationship between acute exercise and executive functions in college students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has not been clearly established. The purpose of this preliminary st...Purpose: The relationship between acute exercise and executive functions in college students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has not been clearly established. The purpose of this preliminary study was to examine the difference in cognitive performance between college students with and without ADHD and to explore the effects of acute exercise on multiple aspects of executive functions and on serum brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Methods: College students (normal: n = 10; ADHD: n = 10) performed the Stroop Test, Trail Making Test, and Digit Span Test prior to and after an acute exercise intervention. Blood samples were obtained prior to the pre-test cognitive test performance and then again after exercise and prior to the post-test cognitive test performance. Results: Students with ADHD exhibited impaired executive functions, particularly on inhibition. Additionally, while acute exercise improved all aspects of executive functions in those without ADHD, acute exercise only improved inhibitory performance for those with ADHD. Further, BDNF was not influenced by acute exercise regardless of the subjects' ADHD status. Conclusion: These results provide preliminary evidence for exercise as a potential adjunct treatment for benefitting inhibition in college students with ADHD.展开更多
Objective To study the contribution of executive function to abnormal recognition of facia expressions of emotion in schizophrenia patients. Methods Abnormal recognition of facial expressions of emotion was assayed ac...Objective To study the contribution of executive function to abnormal recognition of facia expressions of emotion in schizophrenia patients. Methods Abnormal recognition of facial expressions of emotion was assayed according to Japanese and Caucasian facial expressions of emotion (JACFEE), Wisconsin card sorting test {WCST), positive and negative symptom scale, and Hamilton anxiety and depression scale, respectively, in 88 paranoid schizophrenia patients and 75 healthy volunteers. Results Patients scored higher on the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale and the Hamilton Anxiety and Depression Scales, displayed lower JACFEE recognition accuracies and poorer WCST performances. The JACFEE recognition accuracy of contempt and disgust was negatively correlated with the negative symptom scale score while the recognition accuracy of fear was positively with the positive symptom scale score and the recognition accuracy of surprise was negatively with the general psychopathology score in patients. Moreover, the WCST could predict the JACFEE recognition accuracy of contempt, disgust, and sadness in patients, and the perseverative errors negatively predicted the recognition accuracy of sadness in healthy volunteers. The JACFEE recognition accuracy of sadness could predict the WCST categories in paranoid schizophrenia patients. Conclusion Recognition accuracy of social-/moral emotions, such as contempt, disgust and sadness is related to the executive function in paranoid schizophrenia patients, especially when regarding sadness.展开更多
Background: Traumatic brain injury is a major health problem that frequently leads to deficits in executive function. Self-regulation processes, such as goal-setting, may become disordered after traumatic brain injury...Background: Traumatic brain injury is a major health problem that frequently leads to deficits in executive function. Self-regulation processes, such as goal-setting, may become disordered after traumatic brain injury, particularly when the frontal regions of the brain and their connections are involved. Such impairments reduce injured veterans' ability to return to work or school and to regain satisfactory personal lives. Understanding the neurologically disabling effects of brain injury on executive function is necessary for both the accurate diagnosis of impairment and the individual tailoring of rehabilitation processes to help returning service members recover independent function.Methods/design: The COMPASSgoal(Community Participation through Self-Efficacy Skills Development) program develops and tests a novel patient-centered intervention framework for community reintegration psychosocial research in veterans with mild traumatic brain injury. COMPASSgoal integrates the principles and best practices of goal self-management. Goal setting is a core skill in self-management training by which persons with chronic health conditions learn to improve their status and decrease symptom effects. Over a three-year period, COMPASSgoal will recruit 110 participants with residual executive dysfunction three months or more post-injury. Inclusion criteria combine both clinical diagnosis and standardized scores that are >1 SD from the normative score on the Frontal Systems Rating Scale. Participants are randomized into two groups: goal-management(intervention) and supported discharge(control). The intervention is administered in eight consecutive, weekly sessions. Assessments occur at enrollment, post-intervention/supported discharge, and three months post-treatment follow-up.Discussion: Goal management is part of the "natural language" of rehabilitation. However, collaborative goal-setting between clinicians/case managers and clients can be hindered by the cognitive deficits that follow brain injury. Re-training returning veterans with brain injury in goal management, with appropriate help and support, would essentially treat deficits in executive function. A structured approach to goal self-management may foster greater independence and self-efficacy, help veterans gain insight into goals that are realistic for them at a given time, and help clinicians and veterans to work more effectively as true collaborators.展开更多
Recent studies have suggested a link between executive function(EF)and obesity.Studies oftenadopt body mass index(BM),which reflects the distribution of subcutaneous fat,as the solemarker of obesity;however,BMI is ina...Recent studies have suggested a link between executive function(EF)and obesity.Studies oftenadopt body mass index(BM),which reflects the distribution of subcutaneous fat,as the solemarker of obesity;however,BMI is inappropriate to distinguish central obesity,which indicatesthe centralized distribution of visceral fat.Visceral fat compared with subcutaneous fat repre-sents greater relative lipid turnover and may increase the risk of cognitive decline in older adults.However,the relationship between EF and central obesity is largely unknown,particularly inyoung adults.Therefore,we used waist circumference(WC)as a marker of central obesity andinvestigated diferent sensitivities between BMI and WC in the brain function.A total of 26healthy young adults(aged 18-25 years;42%female)underwent functional near-infrared spec-troscopy assessments.EF was assessed using the Stroop task,which is a classical measurementof EF.A significant Stroop effect was observed in the behavioral and hemodynamic data.Inaddition,we observed that behavioral interference on the Stroop task varied much more insubjects with higher BMI and WC than those subjects with lower.Elevated BMI and WC wereassociated with a decreased hemodynamic response during the Stroop task specifically in the pre-frontal cortex(PFC).Compared to BMI,WC was more closely connected with inhibitory controland revealed right lateralized PFC activation.Our findings suggest that WC is a reliable indicatorof brain function in young adults and propose a relationship bet ween EF and central obesity.展开更多
Objective: Auditory-Verbal Therapy(AVT) can be considered one of the best practices for children with Cochlear Implants(CIs) who show impairments in cognitive skills such as executive functions. Hence,this research ex...Objective: Auditory-Verbal Therapy(AVT) can be considered one of the best practices for children with Cochlear Implants(CIs) who show impairments in cognitive skills such as executive functions. Hence,this research examined the impact of AVT on the executive functions in children with CIs.Methods: This was a randomized case control study with pre-and post-intervention assessments. The participants were 36 children with CIs and their mothers. They were randomly selected from rehabilitation centers and deaf pre-schools, and randomly allocated to a control(n = 18) and a study(n = 18)group. The mean age of the children in the study and control groups was 3.11 ± 0.31 years and 3.20 ± 0.29years, respectively. Participants in the study group received 20 sessions of AVT over 10 weeks at twice a week, while those in the control group did not. All mothers completed the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function Pre-school Version(BRIEF-P) before and after children in the study group completed their AVT intervention. Data were analyzed by MANCOVA.Results: The results suggest that AVT significantly influenced executive functions and all subscales including shifting, inhibition, emotional control, working memory and organization/planning in children with CIs.Conclusions: These findings suggest that AVT may be effective in resulting in positive outcomes and may play an important role in improving executive functions in children with CIs.展开更多
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of mindfulness training in enhancing executive function and decreasing symptoms of depression and anxiety in multiple sclerosis patients. The populati...The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of mindfulness training in enhancing executive function and decreasing symptoms of depression and anxiety in multiple sclerosis patients. The population in this study consisted of people with MS who referred to Karaj city MS society in 1394. These people didn’t experience medicinal changes during the study period and their expanded disability status score (EDSS) was between 0 and 5.5. 40 of them were randomly selected and placed into two experimental and control groups (20 for the experimental and the other for the control group). The treatment of mindfulness training was held in 8 sessions of group training, once a week and for 2 hours. The statistical method of multivariate analysis of covariance was used. The measurement tools were the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). After all, the results in both groups were compared and evaluated by the use of analysis of covariance. The results showed significant differences in symptoms of anxiety and depression between the two groups (p 0.05). Generally, the results of this research showed positive effects of mindfulness training on reducing anxiety and depression among patients with MS and ineffectiveness of mindfulness training on their executive function. Therefore, considering that there is no certain treatment for MS plus results of this study, the application of mindfulness training can be quite useful to reduce levels of anxiety and depression in patients with MS.展开更多
This article reviews the constructs of stress, appraisal, coping, according to a transactional perspective, and executive function, and presents a stress control rating scale (ECOSTRESS), which design is founded in th...This article reviews the constructs of stress, appraisal, coping, according to a transactional perspective, and executive function, and presents a stress control rating scale (ECOSTRESS), which design is founded in these constructs. This psychometric tool is useful in the assessment of cognitive control of stress, correlated with the function of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. It has been validated for its use in the assessment of Portuguese people in situations of stress related to unemployment and economic insufficiency. Also, within the context of the cognitive control of stress, it is highlighted the usefulness of low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA).展开更多
Purpose: Acute exercise has been linked to the facilitation of executive function, but little is known regarding executive function assessed by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). The present research consisted...Purpose: Acute exercise has been linked to the facilitation of executive function, but little is known regarding executive function assessed by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). The present research consisted of two experiments aimed to determine whether acute aerobic exercise influences successive WCST performance. Methods: In Study 1, 27 young adults were randomly assigned to the exercise or reading control group and then instiucted to perform the WCST before and after assigned treatment. In exercise group, participants completed a single bout aerobic exercise with moderate intensity for 20 min on a stationary bike. A similar experimental protocol was replicated in Study 2 with 24 late middle-aged adults to look for age differences during adulthood and control for a potential ceiling effect at young adult age. Results: Although a significant time effect was observed in young adults, both studies revealed that there was no main effect for treatment or an interaction between treatment and time on any of the WCST indices. Conclusion: Acute aerobic exercise failed to influence executive function as assessed by the WCST, revealing that this classical neuropsy- chological test tapping executive function may not be sensitive to acute exercise. Our findings suggest that acute exercise does not broadly affect the entire family of executive functions, or its effect on a specific aspect of executive function may be task-dependent, as proposed by Etnier and Chanj~ (2009).展开更多
This study investigated the neural mechanisms located in the prefrontal cortex(PFC)involved in maintaining addictive-like eating behavior.Therefore,we aimed toll a gap in the existing literature and help clarify the f...This study investigated the neural mechanisms located in the prefrontal cortex(PFC)involved in maintaining addictive-like eating behavior.Therefore,we aimed toll a gap in the existing literature and help clarify the food addiction(FA)cycle by inspecting the relationship between the executive control and psychopathology involved in the FA cycle.Twenty-three students recruited from the University of Macao participated in this study.We investigated a hemodynamic response captured by NIRS recordings,activated during n-back,set-shifting,and go/nogo paradigms.Moreover,we investigated the FA symptoms through the YFAS clinical inventory to better understand the relationship between hemodynamic response and clinical symptomatology in college students.First,the hemodynamicndings conrm that altered cognitive control in executive function performance appears to be linked to addictive-like eating behaviors,which in turn conrms a circuit similarity between FA and the substance abuse population(SUD)as reported in previous fMRI studies.Secondly,the psychologicalndings conrm the signicant association between the working memory decits and symptoms severity which suggest the role of self-control and regulation in limiting the storage resources as a potential trigger to develop overconsumption episodes in the FA cycle.Ourndings highlight how disrupted self-control and regulation of craving and negative a®ect induced by mental imagery might shape and overload the working memory storage as a potential trigger to develop binge eating episodes to maintain the FA cycle.In conclusion,the use of fNIRS in the context of eating disorders studies represents a valuable application,noninvasive,and patientfriendly tool,providing new insights into understanding the addiction cycle and treatment guidelines.展开更多
Objective: This study aimed to carry out a topographical analysis of frontal lobe executive function components in post-stroke patients. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study. The assessment using the WCST (Wi...Objective: This study aimed to carry out a topographical analysis of frontal lobe executive function components in post-stroke patients. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study. The assessment using the WCST (Wisconsin Card Sorting Test) included sixteen patients with a clinical diagnosis of CVA and frontal lobe impairment. Results from the two groups were compared (patients with right frontal lobe impairment and patients with left frontal lobe impairment). Statistical analysis was performed using the program “Statistical Package for Social Sciences” (SPSS) Version 20.0. For comparison between groups was used Mann-Whitney test and considered the alpha level of 0.05 on the statistically significant results. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the groups, thus showing that executive functions are symmetrically distributed across the frontal lobes. Conclusion: Executive functions are symmetrically organized across the two frontal lobes, since the comparison between the groups did not demonstrate a statistically significant difference for any of the variables of WSCT.展开更多
BACKGROUND Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)often exhibit behaviour challenges and deficits in executive functions(EF).Psychostimulant medications[e.g.,methylphenidate(MPH)]are commonly pres...BACKGROUND Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)often exhibit behaviour challenges and deficits in executive functions(EF).Psychostimulant medications[e.g.,methylphenidate(MPH)]are commonly prescribed for children with ADHD and are considered effective in 70%of the cases.Furthermore,only a handful of studies have investigated the long-term impact of MPH medication on EF and behaviour.AIM To evaluate behaviour and EF challenges in children with ADHD who were involved in an MPH treatment trial across three-time points.METHODS Thirty-seven children with ADHD completed a stimulant medication trial to study the short-and long-term impact of medication.Children with ADHD completed three neuropsychological assessments[Continuous Performance Test(CPT)-II,Digit Span Backwards and Spatial Span Backwards].Parents of children with ADHD completed behaviour rating scales[Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning(BRIEF)and Behaviour Assessment System for Children-Second Edition(BASC-2)].Participants were evaluated at:(1)Baseline(no medication);and(2)Best-dose(BD;following four-week MPH treatment).Additionally,18 participants returned for a long-term naturalistic follow up(FU;up to two years following BD).RESULTS Repeated measure analyses of variance found significant effects of time on two subscales of BRIEF and four subscales of BASC-2.Neuropsychological assessments showed some improvement,but not on all tasks following the medication trial.These improvements did not sustain at FU,with increases in EF and behaviour challenges,and a decline in performance on the CPT-II task being observed.CONCLUSION Parents of children with ADHD reported improvements in EF and behaviours during the MPH trial but were not sustained at FU.Combining screening tools and neuropsychological assessments may be useful for monitoring medication responses.展开更多
The aim of this study is the investigation of the impact of stress of Portuguese subjects in situations of economic insufficiency and unemployment on executive function and quality of life and the coping strategies an...The aim of this study is the investigation of the impact of stress of Portuguese subjects in situations of economic insufficiency and unemployment on executive function and quality of life and the coping strategies and resilience skills used. The sample consists of 41 participants. The psychometric instruments used are validated for Portuguese population, measure (perceived) stress, coping, material deprivation, resilience and quality of life, defined by World Health Organization. Executive function has been evaluated through performances at Stroop and Berg tasks. It has been concluded that, in this population, resilience skills and active coping strategies are positively correlated with quality of life. Quality of life is negatively correlated with material deprivation. Active coping strategies are supported by adequate executive function, which neurobiological substrate is dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex. Not active coping strategies correlate negatively with cognitive flexibility, suggesting the presence of a deficit at infero-lateral prefrontal cortex.展开更多
Introduction: Executive Dysfunction (ED) is associated with difficulties in daily life and poor treatment adherence in individuals with neurological and psychiatric disorders. The aim of this paper is to present an up...Introduction: Executive Dysfunction (ED) is associated with difficulties in daily life and poor treatment adherence in individuals with neurological and psychiatric disorders. The aim of this paper is to present an update of Executive Function (EF) Rehabilitation Techniques. Methods: We performed a comprehensive literature review using the following keywords: executive function, mental disorders and rehabilitation in the PubMed, specific journals and books. Results: There is evidence of improvement of EF using some rehabilitation techniques, such as goal planning, goal management training, problem solving training, verbalization, drill and practice approach, metacognitive strategy instruction, computer-assisted training and neurofeedback. However, impact of rehabilitation on daily life remains poorly understood. Conclusion: Executive Dysfunction (ED) may be remediated and/or compensated at a certain degree by neuropsychological rehabilitation, but there is still a great challenge in this area based on how to measure effectiveness of EF interventions on daily life. There is a need for the development of new and/or combined techniques (i.e., pharmacological treatment, deep-brain stimulation) for a broader impact on quality of life for patients.展开更多
Introduction: Stroke may have a negative impact on mental health and behavior. Cognitive disorders are common after stroke. They are rarely assessed in current clinical practice, particularly in our context. They cons...Introduction: Stroke may have a negative impact on mental health and behavior. Cognitive disorders are common after stroke. They are rarely assessed in current clinical practice, particularly in our context. They constitute a real “invisible” handicap. In sub-Saharan Africa, we are not aware of any studies specifically assessing executive functions. These functions are at the heart of all adaptation processes to new or complex situations. This prompted the authors to carry out this study at the Ibrahima Pierre Ndiaye Neuroscience Department of the Fann National University Hospital Centre (Senegal). Objective and Methodology: The aim of this study was to assess and characterize post-stroke alterations in executive functions in our context. We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study. It took place over a 4-month period from April 1 to August 31, 2021. Patients were matched to controls according to age, gender and educational level. Executive functions were assessed using the Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB). Results: A total of 30 patients with stroke were enrolled. These patients were matched to controls. The mean age of the patients was 46.87 ± 17.65 years. For the control group, it was 39.27 ± 12.33 years. The prevalence of executive function disorders was 20% in post-stroke patients. The majority of executive functions assessed were impaired. Sensitivity to interference and environmental autonomy were the only ones preserved. Conclusion: Impaired executive functions are common after stroke. They should be systematically assessed in all stroke patients to ensure optimal management.展开更多
This study utilized a longitudinal design to examine the relationships between the specific components of executive function(EF)and the internalizing and externalizing behavior across different genders and contexts in...This study utilized a longitudinal design to examine the relationships between the specific components of executive function(EF)and the internalizing and externalizing behavior across different genders and contexts in Chinese cultural background.Inhibition,cognitive flexibility,and working memory of EF based on 101 preschool children’s(48 boys and 53 girls)(M_(T1)=4.25,SD=0.76)performances were measured when completing tasks in NIH Toolbox.Twelve months later,boys’and girls’internalizing and externalizing behavior in home-and school-settings was assessed through mother’s feedback on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and teachers’reports of the Child Behavior Rating Scale.The results show that boys’inhibition,cognitive flexibility,and working memory negatively predict their externalizing behavior in the home context,while their cognitive flexibility negatively predicts externalizing behavior in the school context.Additionally,boys’inhibition positively predicts their internalizing behavior only in the school context.For girls,their cognitive flexibility positively predicts externalizing behavior only in the school context.No significant relationship is found among the girls between EF and problem behavior in the home context.These findings suggest that gender differences and a shift in contexts could alternate the relationship between EF and children’s problem behavior.This study sheds light on targeted preventions and interventions based on contexts and gender.展开更多
Background: Accumulating evidence indicates that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with core deficits in executive function (EF) which predicts poorer academic and occupational functio...Background: Accumulating evidence indicates that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with core deficits in executive function (EF) which predicts poorer academic and occupational functioning. This makes early intervention targeting EF impairments important to prevent long-term negative outcomes. Cognitive training is a potential ADHD treatment target. The present study aimed to explore the efficacy, feasibility, and acceptability of a cognitive training program (targeting child's multiple EF components and involving parent support in daily life), as a nonpharmacological intervention for children with ADHD. Methods: Forty-four school-age children with ADHD and their parents participated in 12 sessions of EF training (last for 12 weeks) and 88 health controls (HC) were also recruited. Training effects were explored using both neuropsychological tests (Stroop color-word test, Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test, trail making test, tower of Hanoi, and false-belief task) and reports of daily life (ADHD rating scale-IV, Conners' parent rating scale, and behavior rating inventory of executive function [BRIEF]) by analysis of paired sample t-test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The differences on EF performances between children with ADHD after training and HC were explored using multivariate analysis. Results: The results (before vs. after EF training) showed that after intervention, the children with ADHD presented better performances of EF both in neuropsychological tests (word interference of Stroop: 36.1 ± 14.6 vs. 27.1 ± 11.1, t = 4.731, P 〈 0.001 ; shift time of TMT: 194.9 ± 115.4 vs. 124.8 ± 72.4, Z = -4.639, P 〈 0.001 ; false-belief task: χ^2 = 6.932, P = 0.008) and reports of daily life (global executive composite of BRIEF: 148.9 ± 17.5 vs. 127.8 ± 17.5, t =6.433, P 〈 0.001). The performances on EF tasks for children with ADHD after EF training could match with the level of HC children. The ADHD symptoms (ADHD rating scale total score: 32.4 ± 8.9 vs. 22.9 ± 8.2, t = 6.331, P 〈 0.001) and behavioral problems of the children as reported by parents also reduced significantly after the intervention. Participants reported that the EF training program was feasible to administer and acceptable. Conclusions: The EF training program was feasible and acceptable to children with ADH D and parents. Although replication with a larger sample and an active control group are needed, EF training program with multiple EF focus and parent involving in real-life activities could be a potentially promising intervention associated with significant EF (near transfer) and ADHD symptoms improvement (far transfer).展开更多
Anumber of therapies have been developed in the past decades.About two thirds of patients can be seizure free with antiepileptic drugs.1 Other patients are drug resistant,some of whom are good candidates for epileptic...Anumber of therapies have been developed in the past decades.About two thirds of patients can be seizure free with antiepileptic drugs.1 Other patients are drug resistant,some of whom are good candidates for epileptic focus resection and become seizure free after surgery.2 The treatment for drug-resistant patients who are not eligible for resection is still challenging.Traditionally,these patients can receive palliative surgery such as callosotomy and multiple subpial transection,3,4 but the long-term outcomes of these procedures are not satisfactory.5-7 In the past decades,neuromodulation techniques have been applied in the treatment of epilepsy.Much evidence has been accumulated about the therapeutic effects of vagus nerve stimulation for epilepsy.In contrast to peripheral nerve stimulation,brain stimulation techniques have also been developed for patients with epilepsy recently.展开更多
Executive function (EF) is increasingly recognized as being responsible for adverse developmental outcomes in preterm-born infants. Several perinatal factors may lead to poor EF development in infancy, and the defic...Executive function (EF) is increasingly recognized as being responsible for adverse developmental outcomes in preterm-born infants. Several perinatal factors may lead to poor EF development in infancy, and the deficits in EF can be identified in infants as young as eight months. A prospective cohort study was designed to study the EF in Chinese preterm infants and examine the relationship between EF in preterm infants and maternal factors during perinatal period. A total of 88 preterm infants and 88 full-term infants were followed from birth to eight months (corrected age). Cup Task and Planning Test was applied to assess the EF of infants, and the Bayley Scale of Infant Development (BSID-III) was used to evaluate cognitive (MDI) and motor abilities (PDI) of infants. In comparison with full-term infants, the preterm infants performed more poorly on all measures of EF including working memory, inhibition to prepotent responses, inhibition to distraction, and planning, and the differences remained after controlling the MDI and PDI. Anemia and selenium deficiency in mothers during pregnancy contributed to the differences in EF performance. However, maternal depression, hypertension, and diabetes during pregnancy were not related to the EF deficits in preterm infants. Future research should focus on the prevention of anemia and selenium deficiency during pregnancy and whether supplementing selenium in mothers during pregnancy can prevent further deterioration and the development of adverse outcomes of their offspring.展开更多
Purpose The purpose of the study was to investigate the acute effect of a beginner martial art class and aerobic exercise on executive function(EF)in college-aged young adults.There is overwhelming evidence that demon...Purpose The purpose of the study was to investigate the acute effect of a beginner martial art class and aerobic exercise on executive function(EF)in college-aged young adults.There is overwhelming evidence that demonstrates acute as well as long-term aerobic exercise improves EF.Nevertheless,there is limited research comparing externally paced exercise(EPE)to self-paced exercise(SPE)such as walking on improving EF.EPE requires greater cortical demand than SPE to execute a motor plan.Methods Eight men and eight women,aged 24.2±2.8 years,participated in a Repeated Measures Crossover Design.Pre-and post-testing of EF with the Stroop and Tower of London(ToL)and stress level were measured after each of the two 1-h conditions:the SPE consisted of a walk(aerobic exercise)and the EPE was a beginner martial art class.Results There were significant main effects for the martial art class for the Stroop’s mean reaction time for congruent trials(P=0.01)with a large-effect size.The mean reaction time for incongruent trials was significant(P=0.05)with a medium-effect size.The ToL’s mean solution time(P=0.003)and mean execution time(P=0.002)were also significant with large-effect sizes.Stress levels were not significantly improved following either condition.Conclusion The martial art class significantly improved all the major domains of EF,while aerobic exercise of a similar intensity did not demonstrate any measured significant changes.The physiological benefits of physical exercise are well documented;however,the cognitive enhancing capability of EPE should also be appreciated given the results of this study.展开更多
文摘The present study aims to establish a literature review on intervention programs for executive functions(EFs)through the use of fundamental motor skills,from a neuropsychopedagogical perspective in subjects with Developmental Coordination Disorder(DCD).An exploratory study was carried out through an integrative literature review.The research was carried out in the Scientific databases Electronic Library Online(SciELO),Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences(LILACS),Virtual Health Library-Psychology Brazil(BVSPSI),Electronic Journals of Psychology(PePSIC),in the periodicals available in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations(BDTD)and on the website of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel(CAPES).The covering publications took place from 2018 to 2023,14 articles were selected for analysis.This literature review made it possible to create strategies for stimulating EF and Visuomotor Functions so that educators and other professionals can better deal with students with DCD.It was perceived the need to carry out and develop more empirical research regarding the intervention of EFs and Visuomotor Functions by educators and professionals,with a greater sampling amplitude,to increase the number of studies that enable interventions both in children and in teenagers with DCD.
文摘Purpose: The relationship between acute exercise and executive functions in college students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has not been clearly established. The purpose of this preliminary study was to examine the difference in cognitive performance between college students with and without ADHD and to explore the effects of acute exercise on multiple aspects of executive functions and on serum brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Methods: College students (normal: n = 10; ADHD: n = 10) performed the Stroop Test, Trail Making Test, and Digit Span Test prior to and after an acute exercise intervention. Blood samples were obtained prior to the pre-test cognitive test performance and then again after exercise and prior to the post-test cognitive test performance. Results: Students with ADHD exhibited impaired executive functions, particularly on inhibition. Additionally, while acute exercise improved all aspects of executive functions in those without ADHD, acute exercise only improved inhibitory performance for those with ADHD. Further, BDNF was not influenced by acute exercise regardless of the subjects' ADHD status. Conclusion: These results provide preliminary evidence for exercise as a potential adjunct treatment for benefitting inhibition in college students with ADHD.
基金supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 30971042 and 91132715)the Innovative Research Team for Translational Neuropsychiatric Medicine, Zhejiang Province (2011R50049)the Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University, Chinese Ministry of Education (No. IRT1038)
文摘Objective To study the contribution of executive function to abnormal recognition of facia expressions of emotion in schizophrenia patients. Methods Abnormal recognition of facial expressions of emotion was assayed according to Japanese and Caucasian facial expressions of emotion (JACFEE), Wisconsin card sorting test {WCST), positive and negative symptom scale, and Hamilton anxiety and depression scale, respectively, in 88 paranoid schizophrenia patients and 75 healthy volunteers. Results Patients scored higher on the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale and the Hamilton Anxiety and Depression Scales, displayed lower JACFEE recognition accuracies and poorer WCST performances. The JACFEE recognition accuracy of contempt and disgust was negatively correlated with the negative symptom scale score while the recognition accuracy of fear was positively with the positive symptom scale score and the recognition accuracy of surprise was negatively with the general psychopathology score in patients. Moreover, the WCST could predict the JACFEE recognition accuracy of contempt, disgust, and sadness in patients, and the perseverative errors negatively predicted the recognition accuracy of sadness in healthy volunteers. The JACFEE recognition accuracy of sadness could predict the WCST categories in paranoid schizophrenia patients. Conclusion Recognition accuracy of social-/moral emotions, such as contempt, disgust and sadness is related to the executive function in paranoid schizophrenia patients, especially when regarding sadness.
基金supported by Merit Review Award#I 01 RX000637-01A3 from the United States Department of Veterans Af airs Rehabilitation Research and Development Service Programsupport for the preparatory phase of the project was provided through the Med Star Health Research Institute,a component of the Georgetown Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Sciencesupported by Grant U54 RR026076-01 from the National Center for Research Resources,a component of the National Institutes of Health
文摘Background: Traumatic brain injury is a major health problem that frequently leads to deficits in executive function. Self-regulation processes, such as goal-setting, may become disordered after traumatic brain injury, particularly when the frontal regions of the brain and their connections are involved. Such impairments reduce injured veterans' ability to return to work or school and to regain satisfactory personal lives. Understanding the neurologically disabling effects of brain injury on executive function is necessary for both the accurate diagnosis of impairment and the individual tailoring of rehabilitation processes to help returning service members recover independent function.Methods/design: The COMPASSgoal(Community Participation through Self-Efficacy Skills Development) program develops and tests a novel patient-centered intervention framework for community reintegration psychosocial research in veterans with mild traumatic brain injury. COMPASSgoal integrates the principles and best practices of goal self-management. Goal setting is a core skill in self-management training by which persons with chronic health conditions learn to improve their status and decrease symptom effects. Over a three-year period, COMPASSgoal will recruit 110 participants with residual executive dysfunction three months or more post-injury. Inclusion criteria combine both clinical diagnosis and standardized scores that are >1 SD from the normative score on the Frontal Systems Rating Scale. Participants are randomized into two groups: goal-management(intervention) and supported discharge(control). The intervention is administered in eight consecutive, weekly sessions. Assessments occur at enrollment, post-intervention/supported discharge, and three months post-treatment follow-up.Discussion: Goal management is part of the "natural language" of rehabilitation. However, collaborative goal-setting between clinicians/case managers and clients can be hindered by the cognitive deficits that follow brain injury. Re-training returning veterans with brain injury in goal management, with appropriate help and support, would essentially treat deficits in executive function. A structured approach to goal self-management may foster greater independence and self-efficacy, help veterans gain insight into goals that are realistic for them at a given time, and help clinicians and veterans to work more effectively as true collaborators.
基金supported by the Science Fund for Hubei Superior Discipline Groups of Physical Education and Health Promotion,the project from General Administration of Sport of China(Grant No.2014B094)Hubei Provincial Department of Education Program(Grant No.D20123304).
文摘Recent studies have suggested a link between executive function(EF)and obesity.Studies oftenadopt body mass index(BM),which reflects the distribution of subcutaneous fat,as the solemarker of obesity;however,BMI is inappropriate to distinguish central obesity,which indicatesthe centralized distribution of visceral fat.Visceral fat compared with subcutaneous fat repre-sents greater relative lipid turnover and may increase the risk of cognitive decline in older adults.However,the relationship between EF and central obesity is largely unknown,particularly inyoung adults.Therefore,we used waist circumference(WC)as a marker of central obesity andinvestigated diferent sensitivities between BMI and WC in the brain function.A total of 26healthy young adults(aged 18-25 years;42%female)underwent functional near-infrared spec-troscopy assessments.EF was assessed using the Stroop task,which is a classical measurementof EF.A significant Stroop effect was observed in the behavioral and hemodynamic data.Inaddition,we observed that behavioral interference on the Stroop task varied much more insubjects with higher BMI and WC than those subjects with lower.Elevated BMI and WC wereassociated with a decreased hemodynamic response during the Stroop task specifically in the pre-frontal cortex(PFC).Compared to BMI,WC was more closely connected with inhibitory controland revealed right lateralized PFC activation.Our findings suggest that WC is a reliable indicatorof brain function in young adults and propose a relationship bet ween EF and central obesity.
基金supported by the Exceptional Education Organization in Tehran Iran (ID 97000-20223)
文摘Objective: Auditory-Verbal Therapy(AVT) can be considered one of the best practices for children with Cochlear Implants(CIs) who show impairments in cognitive skills such as executive functions. Hence,this research examined the impact of AVT on the executive functions in children with CIs.Methods: This was a randomized case control study with pre-and post-intervention assessments. The participants were 36 children with CIs and their mothers. They were randomly selected from rehabilitation centers and deaf pre-schools, and randomly allocated to a control(n = 18) and a study(n = 18)group. The mean age of the children in the study and control groups was 3.11 ± 0.31 years and 3.20 ± 0.29years, respectively. Participants in the study group received 20 sessions of AVT over 10 weeks at twice a week, while those in the control group did not. All mothers completed the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function Pre-school Version(BRIEF-P) before and after children in the study group completed their AVT intervention. Data were analyzed by MANCOVA.Results: The results suggest that AVT significantly influenced executive functions and all subscales including shifting, inhibition, emotional control, working memory and organization/planning in children with CIs.Conclusions: These findings suggest that AVT may be effective in resulting in positive outcomes and may play an important role in improving executive functions in children with CIs.
文摘The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of mindfulness training in enhancing executive function and decreasing symptoms of depression and anxiety in multiple sclerosis patients. The population in this study consisted of people with MS who referred to Karaj city MS society in 1394. These people didn’t experience medicinal changes during the study period and their expanded disability status score (EDSS) was between 0 and 5.5. 40 of them were randomly selected and placed into two experimental and control groups (20 for the experimental and the other for the control group). The treatment of mindfulness training was held in 8 sessions of group training, once a week and for 2 hours. The statistical method of multivariate analysis of covariance was used. The measurement tools were the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). After all, the results in both groups were compared and evaluated by the use of analysis of covariance. The results showed significant differences in symptoms of anxiety and depression between the two groups (p 0.05). Generally, the results of this research showed positive effects of mindfulness training on reducing anxiety and depression among patients with MS and ineffectiveness of mindfulness training on their executive function. Therefore, considering that there is no certain treatment for MS plus results of this study, the application of mindfulness training can be quite useful to reduce levels of anxiety and depression in patients with MS.
文摘This article reviews the constructs of stress, appraisal, coping, according to a transactional perspective, and executive function, and presents a stress control rating scale (ECOSTRESS), which design is founded in these constructs. This psychometric tool is useful in the assessment of cognitive control of stress, correlated with the function of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. It has been validated for its use in the assessment of Portuguese people in situations of stress related to unemployment and economic insufficiency. Also, within the context of the cognitive control of stress, it is highlighted the usefulness of low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA).
基金partially supported by a grant from Ministry of Science and Technology to Yu-Kai Chang (NSC 102-2918-1-179-001102-2420-H-179-001-MY3)
文摘Purpose: Acute exercise has been linked to the facilitation of executive function, but little is known regarding executive function assessed by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). The present research consisted of two experiments aimed to determine whether acute aerobic exercise influences successive WCST performance. Methods: In Study 1, 27 young adults were randomly assigned to the exercise or reading control group and then instiucted to perform the WCST before and after assigned treatment. In exercise group, participants completed a single bout aerobic exercise with moderate intensity for 20 min on a stationary bike. A similar experimental protocol was replicated in Study 2 with 24 late middle-aged adults to look for age differences during adulthood and control for a potential ceiling effect at young adult age. Results: Although a significant time effect was observed in young adults, both studies revealed that there was no main effect for treatment or an interaction between treatment and time on any of the WCST indices. Conclusion: Acute aerobic exercise failed to influence executive function as assessed by the WCST, revealing that this classical neuropsy- chological test tapping executive function may not be sensitive to acute exercise. Our findings suggest that acute exercise does not broadly affect the entire family of executive functions, or its effect on a specific aspect of executive function may be task-dependent, as proposed by Etnier and Chanj~ (2009).
基金FDCT 025/2015/A1 grants from the Macao government and by research grants MYRG2014-00093-FHS,MYRG 2015-00036-FHS from the University of Macao.
文摘This study investigated the neural mechanisms located in the prefrontal cortex(PFC)involved in maintaining addictive-like eating behavior.Therefore,we aimed toll a gap in the existing literature and help clarify the food addiction(FA)cycle by inspecting the relationship between the executive control and psychopathology involved in the FA cycle.Twenty-three students recruited from the University of Macao participated in this study.We investigated a hemodynamic response captured by NIRS recordings,activated during n-back,set-shifting,and go/nogo paradigms.Moreover,we investigated the FA symptoms through the YFAS clinical inventory to better understand the relationship between hemodynamic response and clinical symptomatology in college students.First,the hemodynamicndings conrm that altered cognitive control in executive function performance appears to be linked to addictive-like eating behaviors,which in turn conrms a circuit similarity between FA and the substance abuse population(SUD)as reported in previous fMRI studies.Secondly,the psychologicalndings conrm the signicant association between the working memory decits and symptoms severity which suggest the role of self-control and regulation in limiting the storage resources as a potential trigger to develop overconsumption episodes in the FA cycle.Ourndings highlight how disrupted self-control and regulation of craving and negative a®ect induced by mental imagery might shape and overload the working memory storage as a potential trigger to develop binge eating episodes to maintain the FA cycle.In conclusion,the use of fNIRS in the context of eating disorders studies represents a valuable application,noninvasive,and patientfriendly tool,providing new insights into understanding the addiction cycle and treatment guidelines.
文摘Objective: This study aimed to carry out a topographical analysis of frontal lobe executive function components in post-stroke patients. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study. The assessment using the WCST (Wisconsin Card Sorting Test) included sixteen patients with a clinical diagnosis of CVA and frontal lobe impairment. Results from the two groups were compared (patients with right frontal lobe impairment and patients with left frontal lobe impairment). Statistical analysis was performed using the program “Statistical Package for Social Sciences” (SPSS) Version 20.0. For comparison between groups was used Mann-Whitney test and considered the alpha level of 0.05 on the statistically significant results. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the groups, thus showing that executive functions are symmetrically distributed across the frontal lobes. Conclusion: Executive functions are symmetrically organized across the two frontal lobes, since the comparison between the groups did not demonstrate a statistically significant difference for any of the variables of WSCT.
基金Supported by the Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation,Werklund School of Education,University of Calgary.
文摘BACKGROUND Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)often exhibit behaviour challenges and deficits in executive functions(EF).Psychostimulant medications[e.g.,methylphenidate(MPH)]are commonly prescribed for children with ADHD and are considered effective in 70%of the cases.Furthermore,only a handful of studies have investigated the long-term impact of MPH medication on EF and behaviour.AIM To evaluate behaviour and EF challenges in children with ADHD who were involved in an MPH treatment trial across three-time points.METHODS Thirty-seven children with ADHD completed a stimulant medication trial to study the short-and long-term impact of medication.Children with ADHD completed three neuropsychological assessments[Continuous Performance Test(CPT)-II,Digit Span Backwards and Spatial Span Backwards].Parents of children with ADHD completed behaviour rating scales[Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning(BRIEF)and Behaviour Assessment System for Children-Second Edition(BASC-2)].Participants were evaluated at:(1)Baseline(no medication);and(2)Best-dose(BD;following four-week MPH treatment).Additionally,18 participants returned for a long-term naturalistic follow up(FU;up to two years following BD).RESULTS Repeated measure analyses of variance found significant effects of time on two subscales of BRIEF and four subscales of BASC-2.Neuropsychological assessments showed some improvement,but not on all tasks following the medication trial.These improvements did not sustain at FU,with increases in EF and behaviour challenges,and a decline in performance on the CPT-II task being observed.CONCLUSION Parents of children with ADHD reported improvements in EF and behaviours during the MPH trial but were not sustained at FU.Combining screening tools and neuropsychological assessments may be useful for monitoring medication responses.
文摘The aim of this study is the investigation of the impact of stress of Portuguese subjects in situations of economic insufficiency and unemployment on executive function and quality of life and the coping strategies and resilience skills used. The sample consists of 41 participants. The psychometric instruments used are validated for Portuguese population, measure (perceived) stress, coping, material deprivation, resilience and quality of life, defined by World Health Organization. Executive function has been evaluated through performances at Stroop and Berg tasks. It has been concluded that, in this population, resilience skills and active coping strategies are positively correlated with quality of life. Quality of life is negatively correlated with material deprivation. Active coping strategies are supported by adequate executive function, which neurobiological substrate is dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex. Not active coping strategies correlate negatively with cognitive flexibility, suggesting the presence of a deficit at infero-lateral prefrontal cortex.
文摘Introduction: Executive Dysfunction (ED) is associated with difficulties in daily life and poor treatment adherence in individuals with neurological and psychiatric disorders. The aim of this paper is to present an update of Executive Function (EF) Rehabilitation Techniques. Methods: We performed a comprehensive literature review using the following keywords: executive function, mental disorders and rehabilitation in the PubMed, specific journals and books. Results: There is evidence of improvement of EF using some rehabilitation techniques, such as goal planning, goal management training, problem solving training, verbalization, drill and practice approach, metacognitive strategy instruction, computer-assisted training and neurofeedback. However, impact of rehabilitation on daily life remains poorly understood. Conclusion: Executive Dysfunction (ED) may be remediated and/or compensated at a certain degree by neuropsychological rehabilitation, but there is still a great challenge in this area based on how to measure effectiveness of EF interventions on daily life. There is a need for the development of new and/or combined techniques (i.e., pharmacological treatment, deep-brain stimulation) for a broader impact on quality of life for patients.
文摘Introduction: Stroke may have a negative impact on mental health and behavior. Cognitive disorders are common after stroke. They are rarely assessed in current clinical practice, particularly in our context. They constitute a real “invisible” handicap. In sub-Saharan Africa, we are not aware of any studies specifically assessing executive functions. These functions are at the heart of all adaptation processes to new or complex situations. This prompted the authors to carry out this study at the Ibrahima Pierre Ndiaye Neuroscience Department of the Fann National University Hospital Centre (Senegal). Objective and Methodology: The aim of this study was to assess and characterize post-stroke alterations in executive functions in our context. We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study. It took place over a 4-month period from April 1 to August 31, 2021. Patients were matched to controls according to age, gender and educational level. Executive functions were assessed using the Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB). Results: A total of 30 patients with stroke were enrolled. These patients were matched to controls. The mean age of the patients was 46.87 ± 17.65 years. For the control group, it was 39.27 ± 12.33 years. The prevalence of executive function disorders was 20% in post-stroke patients. The majority of executive functions assessed were impaired. Sensitivity to interference and environmental autonomy were the only ones preserved. Conclusion: Impaired executive functions are common after stroke. They should be systematically assessed in all stroke patients to ensure optimal management.
基金funded by the general program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China“Cumulative Risks and Internalizing Behavior of School-Age Children:A Systematic Perspective Based on Gene,Environment,Brain,and Cognition”(No.32171069).
文摘This study utilized a longitudinal design to examine the relationships between the specific components of executive function(EF)and the internalizing and externalizing behavior across different genders and contexts in Chinese cultural background.Inhibition,cognitive flexibility,and working memory of EF based on 101 preschool children’s(48 boys and 53 girls)(M_(T1)=4.25,SD=0.76)performances were measured when completing tasks in NIH Toolbox.Twelve months later,boys’and girls’internalizing and externalizing behavior in home-and school-settings was assessed through mother’s feedback on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and teachers’reports of the Child Behavior Rating Scale.The results show that boys’inhibition,cognitive flexibility,and working memory negatively predict their externalizing behavior in the home context,while their cognitive flexibility negatively predicts externalizing behavior in the school context.Additionally,boys’inhibition positively predicts their internalizing behavior only in the school context.For girls,their cognitive flexibility positively predicts externalizing behavior only in the school context.No significant relationship is found among the girls between EF and problem behavior in the home context.These findings suggest that gender differences and a shift in contexts could alternate the relationship between EF and children’s problem behavior.This study sheds light on targeted preventions and interventions based on contexts and gender.
文摘Background: Accumulating evidence indicates that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with core deficits in executive function (EF) which predicts poorer academic and occupational functioning. This makes early intervention targeting EF impairments important to prevent long-term negative outcomes. Cognitive training is a potential ADHD treatment target. The present study aimed to explore the efficacy, feasibility, and acceptability of a cognitive training program (targeting child's multiple EF components and involving parent support in daily life), as a nonpharmacological intervention for children with ADHD. Methods: Forty-four school-age children with ADHD and their parents participated in 12 sessions of EF training (last for 12 weeks) and 88 health controls (HC) were also recruited. Training effects were explored using both neuropsychological tests (Stroop color-word test, Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test, trail making test, tower of Hanoi, and false-belief task) and reports of daily life (ADHD rating scale-IV, Conners' parent rating scale, and behavior rating inventory of executive function [BRIEF]) by analysis of paired sample t-test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The differences on EF performances between children with ADHD after training and HC were explored using multivariate analysis. Results: The results (before vs. after EF training) showed that after intervention, the children with ADHD presented better performances of EF both in neuropsychological tests (word interference of Stroop: 36.1 ± 14.6 vs. 27.1 ± 11.1, t = 4.731, P 〈 0.001 ; shift time of TMT: 194.9 ± 115.4 vs. 124.8 ± 72.4, Z = -4.639, P 〈 0.001 ; false-belief task: χ^2 = 6.932, P = 0.008) and reports of daily life (global executive composite of BRIEF: 148.9 ± 17.5 vs. 127.8 ± 17.5, t =6.433, P 〈 0.001). The performances on EF tasks for children with ADHD after EF training could match with the level of HC children. The ADHD symptoms (ADHD rating scale total score: 32.4 ± 8.9 vs. 22.9 ± 8.2, t = 6.331, P 〈 0.001) and behavioral problems of the children as reported by parents also reduced significantly after the intervention. Participants reported that the EF training program was feasible to administer and acceptable. Conclusions: The EF training program was feasible and acceptable to children with ADH D and parents. Although replication with a larger sample and an active control group are needed, EF training program with multiple EF focus and parent involving in real-life activities could be a potentially promising intervention associated with significant EF (near transfer) and ADHD symptoms improvement (far transfer).
基金This study was supported by the grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81271480 and No. 81372122), the Emerging Advanced Technology Projects from Shanghai Hospital Development Center (SHDC 12013116), and Projects of Promotion of Advanced Appropriate Technology in Health Service in Shanghai (No. 2013SY069).
文摘Anumber of therapies have been developed in the past decades.About two thirds of patients can be seizure free with antiepileptic drugs.1 Other patients are drug resistant,some of whom are good candidates for epileptic focus resection and become seizure free after surgery.2 The treatment for drug-resistant patients who are not eligible for resection is still challenging.Traditionally,these patients can receive palliative surgery such as callosotomy and multiple subpial transection,3,4 but the long-term outcomes of these procedures are not satisfactory.5-7 In the past decades,neuromodulation techniques have been applied in the treatment of epilepsy.Much evidence has been accumulated about the therapeutic effects of vagus nerve stimulation for epilepsy.In contrast to peripheral nerve stimulation,brain stimulation techniques have also been developed for patients with epilepsy recently.
文摘Executive function (EF) is increasingly recognized as being responsible for adverse developmental outcomes in preterm-born infants. Several perinatal factors may lead to poor EF development in infancy, and the deficits in EF can be identified in infants as young as eight months. A prospective cohort study was designed to study the EF in Chinese preterm infants and examine the relationship between EF in preterm infants and maternal factors during perinatal period. A total of 88 preterm infants and 88 full-term infants were followed from birth to eight months (corrected age). Cup Task and Planning Test was applied to assess the EF of infants, and the Bayley Scale of Infant Development (BSID-III) was used to evaluate cognitive (MDI) and motor abilities (PDI) of infants. In comparison with full-term infants, the preterm infants performed more poorly on all measures of EF including working memory, inhibition to prepotent responses, inhibition to distraction, and planning, and the differences remained after controlling the MDI and PDI. Anemia and selenium deficiency in mothers during pregnancy contributed to the differences in EF performance. However, maternal depression, hypertension, and diabetes during pregnancy were not related to the EF deficits in preterm infants. Future research should focus on the prevention of anemia and selenium deficiency during pregnancy and whether supplementing selenium in mothers during pregnancy can prevent further deterioration and the development of adverse outcomes of their offspring.
文摘Purpose The purpose of the study was to investigate the acute effect of a beginner martial art class and aerobic exercise on executive function(EF)in college-aged young adults.There is overwhelming evidence that demonstrates acute as well as long-term aerobic exercise improves EF.Nevertheless,there is limited research comparing externally paced exercise(EPE)to self-paced exercise(SPE)such as walking on improving EF.EPE requires greater cortical demand than SPE to execute a motor plan.Methods Eight men and eight women,aged 24.2±2.8 years,participated in a Repeated Measures Crossover Design.Pre-and post-testing of EF with the Stroop and Tower of London(ToL)and stress level were measured after each of the two 1-h conditions:the SPE consisted of a walk(aerobic exercise)and the EPE was a beginner martial art class.Results There were significant main effects for the martial art class for the Stroop’s mean reaction time for congruent trials(P=0.01)with a large-effect size.The mean reaction time for incongruent trials was significant(P=0.05)with a medium-effect size.The ToL’s mean solution time(P=0.003)and mean execution time(P=0.002)were also significant with large-effect sizes.Stress levels were not significantly improved following either condition.Conclusion The martial art class significantly improved all the major domains of EF,while aerobic exercise of a similar intensity did not demonstrate any measured significant changes.The physiological benefits of physical exercise are well documented;however,the cognitive enhancing capability of EPE should also be appreciated given the results of this study.