In recent years, numerous exploration activities of oil and gas industry have been conducted in ultra deep water. The global offshore industry is building systems today for drilling in even deeper water, progressively...In recent years, numerous exploration activities of oil and gas industry have been conducted in ultra deep water. The global offshore industry is building systems today for drilling in even deeper water, progressively using new technologies, and significantly extending existing technologies. This is the general trend in the offshore oil and gas industry. So the technology of ultra-deepwater risers, which is the main tool in drilling oil, is more and more standard. This paper manly focuses on the global analysis of the drilling risers. And it is divided into two parts, operability analysis and hang-off analysis that are used to check the design of the riser. In this paper, the rotation angle and stress of the riser in the drilling mode are calculated to determine the operability envelop. The number of the buoyancy modules has been determined and according to the API standard, all the worked out values have been checked out. From all the above, it is concluded that the operability envelop is relatively small under harsh condition and the number of the buoyancy modules is a little large. And above all, the design of this riser is successful.展开更多
In order to consider the influence of temperature and underground water movement, an elastoplastic model and a 2D FEM stress fields on the migration of radioactive nuclide with code for analysis of coupled thermo-hyd...In order to consider the influence of temperature and underground water movement, an elastoplastic model and a 2D FEM stress fields on the migration of radioactive nuclide with code for analysis of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processes in saturated and unsaturated porous media were extended and improved through introducing the percolation and migration equation, so that the code can be used for solving the temperature field, flow field, stress field and nuclide concentration field simultaneously. The states of temperatures, pore pressures and nuclide concentrations in the near field of a hypothetical nuclear waste repository were investigated. The influence of the half life of the radioactive nuclide on the temporal change of nuclide concentration was analyzed considering the thermo-hydro-mechanical-migratory coupling. The results show that, at the boundary of the vitrified waste, the concentration of radioactive nuclide with a half life of 10 a falls after a period of rising, with the maximum value of 0.182 mol/m3 and the minimum value of 0.181 mol/m^3 at the end of computation. For a half life of 1 000 a, the concentration of radioactive nuclide always increases with the increase of the time during the computation period; and the maximum value is 1.686 mol/m^3 at the end of the computation. Therefore, under the condition of THM coupling, the concentration of radioactive nuclide with a shorter half life will decrease more quickly with water flow; but for the radioactive nuclide with a longer half life, its concentration will keep at a higher level for a longer time in the migration process.展开更多
The experimental tests of tensile for lead-flee solder Sn-3.5Ag were performed for the general work temperatures range from 11 to 90 ℃ and strain rate range from 5 × 10^-5 to 2 × 10^-2s^-1, and its stress--...The experimental tests of tensile for lead-flee solder Sn-3.5Ag were performed for the general work temperatures range from 11 to 90 ℃ and strain rate range from 5 × 10^-5 to 2 × 10^-2s^-1, and its stress--strain curves were compared to those of solder Sn-37Pb. The parameters in Anand model for solder Sn-3.5Ag were fitted based on experimental data and nonlinear fitting method, and its validity was checked by means of experimental data. Furthermore, the Anand model was used in the FEM analysis to evaluate solder joint thermal cycle reliability. The results show that solder Sn-3.5Ag has a better creep resistance than solder Sn-37Pb. The maximum stress is located at the upper right comer of the outmost solder joint from the symmetric center, and thermal fatigue life is predicted to be 3.796 × 10^4 cycles under the calculated conditions.展开更多
For a semi-submersible platform in repair, the eight old main brackets which connect columns with pontoons need to be replaced by new ones. In order to ensure the safety of the cutting operation of the old main bracke...For a semi-submersible platform in repair, the eight old main brackets which connect columns with pontoons need to be replaced by new ones. In order to ensure the safety of the cutting operation of the old main bracket and calculate the initial stress condition of new main bracket, the structural stress monitoring of eight key spots is carried out, and then the calibrated finite element model is established according to the field monitoring results. Before cutting the main bracket and all associated structures, eight rectangular rosettes were installed, and a tailored cutting scheme was proposed to release the initial stress, in which the main bracket and associated column and pontoon plates were partly cut. During the cutting procedure, the strains of the monitoring spots were measured, and then the structural stress of the monitored spots were obtained. The stress variation characteristics at different spots during the initial cutting operation were shown and the initial stress condition of the monitored spots was figured out. The loading and support conditions of the semi-submersible platform were calibrated based on the measured initial stress condition, which made the finite element model more credible. The stress condition with the main bracket and associated structures being entirely cut out is analyzed by the Finite Element Method (FEM), which demonstrates the cutting operation to be safe and feasible. In addition, the calibrated finite element model can be used to calculate the initial stress condition of the new main bracket, which will be very helpful for the long-term stress monitoring on the main bracket.展开更多
In order to provide technical supports for designing a new type of spiral plate forming machine, FEM analysis and simulation were carried out based on pressing tests. Deformation, stress distribution, residual stress ...In order to provide technical supports for designing a new type of spiral plate forming machine, FEM analysis and simulation were carried out based on pressing tests. Deformation, stress distribution, residual stress and spring back of the spiral plate were calculated. Relationships between the spiral pitch to inclination angle of the punch and die, material properties and thickness of the plate were analyzed. A data converter was developed and effectively used in the analysis. The results of FEM analysis and simulation have been applied to design the spiral plate forming machines.展开更多
The models of stress corrosion, pressure solution and flee-face dissolution/precipitation were introduced. Taking a hypothetical nuclear waste repository in an unsaturated dual-porosity rock mass as the calculation ob...The models of stress corrosion, pressure solution and flee-face dissolution/precipitation were introduced. Taking a hypothetical nuclear waste repository in an unsaturated dual-porosity rock mass as the calculation objective, four cases were designed 1) the fracture aperture is a function of stress corrosion, pressure solution and free-face dissolution/precipitation; 2) the fracture aperture changes with stress corrosion and pressure solution; 3) the fracture aperture changes with pressure solution and free-face dissolution/precipitation; 4) the fracture aperture is only a function of pressure solution, and the matrix porosity is also a function of stress in these four cases. Then, the corresponding two-dimensional FEM analyses for the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes were carried out. The results show that the effects of stress corrosion are more prominent than those of pressure solution and free-face dissolution/precipitation, and the fracture aperture and relevant permeability caused by the stress corrosion arc only about 1/5 and 1/1000 of the corresponding values created by the pressure solution and free-face dissolution/precipitation, respectively Under the action of temperature field from released heat, the negative pore and fracture pressures in the computation domain rise continuously, and are inversely proportional to the sealing of fracture aperture. The vector fields of flow velocity of fracture water in the cases with and without considering stress corrosion are obviously different. The differences between the magnitudes and distributions of stresses within the rock mass are very small in all cases.展开更多
Engineering design in soft rocks and its stability analysis exerts many challenges to rock engineers. Many engineering works in Turkey’s Cappadocia region must face and tackle the existing sites covered by the soft r...Engineering design in soft rocks and its stability analysis exerts many challenges to rock engineers. Many engineering works in Turkey’s Cappadocia region must face and tackle the existing sites covered by the soft rocks. This study is aimed to examine the stability condition of a typical underground storage cavern(USC) excavated in a soft rock in this region. For this purpose, two-and threedimensional stability analyses of the USCs were performed using the finite element method(FEM).Because of the inherent difficulty in characterizing soft/weak rock masses in the region using traditional classification systems, the stability of a typical USC was evaluated by representing the rock mass condition with two distinct scenarios in FEM analysis.While these structures were unstable according to the 2D analysis conducted in RS2 software in the worstcase scenario, they were stable in the 3D analysis using RS3 software in both scenarios. Besides,feasible cover depths were examined to assess their possible effects on the factor of safety and deformation measurements. It was found that 15 m seems to be an optimal depth for excavating a typical USC in the soft rocks exposed in the region. The 3D FEM results provide valuable information to optimize the future planning and preliminary design of USCs.展开更多
A numerical analysis using a finite element program was performed on three structures: hot mix asphalt (HMA) reinforced trackbed (RACS-1), HMA directly supported trackbed (RACS-2), and traditional Portland Ceme...A numerical analysis using a finite element program was performed on three structures: hot mix asphalt (HMA) reinforced trackbed (RACS-1), HMA directly supported trackbed (RACS-2), and traditional Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) slab track (SlabTrack). Although the comprehensive dynamic responses of RACS-1 were similar with SlabTrack, HMA layer can positively affect the stress distributions. In particular, the horizontal stresses indicate that the resilience of RACS-1 was improved relative to SlabTrack. In addition, HMA reinforced substructure has the capacity to recover the residual vertical deformation. The effective depth for weakening dynamic loadings is mainly from 0 to 2 m, this being especially true at 0.5 m. The results from the analysis show that HMA is a suitable material for the railway substructure to enhance resilient performance, improve the stress distribution, weaken dynamic loading, and lower the vibration, especially at the effective depth of 2 m. The HMA constructed at the top of the stone subbase layer allows the vertical modulus a smooth transition. In terms of the comprehensive dynamic behaviors, RACS-1 is better than SlabTrack, while the results for RACS-2 are inconclusive and require further research.展开更多
The influence of non-coaxial constitutive model on predictions of dense sand behavior is investigated in this paper. The non-coaxial model with strain softening plasticity is applied into finite-element program ABAQUS...The influence of non-coaxial constitutive model on predictions of dense sand behavior is investigated in this paper. The non-coaxial model with strain softening plasticity is applied into finite-element program ABAQUS, which is first used to predict the stress-strain behavior and the non-coaxial characteristic between the orientations of the principal stress and principal plastic strain rate in simple shear tests. The model is also used to predict load settlement responses and bearing capacity factors of shallow foundations. A series of centrifuge tests for shallow foundations on saturated dense sand are performed under drained conditions and the test results are compared with the corresponding numerical results. Various footing dimensions, depths of embedment, and footing shapes are considered in these tests. In view of the load settlement relationships, the stiffness of the load-displacement curves is significantly affected by the non-coaxial model compared with those predicted by the coaxial model, and a lower value of non-coaxial modulus gives a softer response. Considering the soil behavior at failure, the coaxial model predictions of bearing capacity factors are more advanced than those of centrifuge test results and the non-coaxial model results;besides, the non-coaxial model gives better predictions. The non-coaxial model predictions are closer to those of the centrifuge results when a proper non-coaxial plastic modulus is chosen.展开更多
Soils with spatial variability are the product of natural history.The mechanical properties tested by soil samples from boreholes in the same soil layer may be different.Underground structure service in surrounding so...Soils with spatial variability are the product of natural history.The mechanical properties tested by soil samples from boreholes in the same soil layer may be different.Underground structure service in surrounding soils,their seismic response is controlled by the deformation of the surrounding soils.The variability of soil mechanical parameters was not considered in the current research on the seismic response of underground structures.Therefore,a random field model was established to describe the spatial variability of surrounding soils based on the random field theory.Then the seismic response of underground structures in the random field was simulated based on the time-domain explicit global FEM analysis,and the soil mechanical parameters and earthquake intensity influencing the seismic response of surrounding soils and underground structures were studied.Numerical results presented that,the randomness of soil parameters does not change the plastic deformation mode of surrounding soils significantly.The variation coefficients of inter-story deformation of structures and lateral deformation of columns are much smaller than that of mechanical parameters,and the randomness of soil parameters has no obvious effect on the structural deformation response.展开更多
CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced plastic) is used extensively in aircraft and spacecraft structures, because of its excellent mechanical properties. Ultrasonic testing, which is used as a non-destructive testing techni...CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced plastic) is used extensively in aircraft and spacecraft structures, because of its excellent mechanical properties. Ultrasonic testing, which is used as a non-destructive testing technique for CFRP, requires a contact medium. In contrast, eddy current testing does not require a contact medium, and when used for CFRP testing it has advantages not available with other techniques. CFRP is a laminate, with each layer being anisotropically conductive, and the distribution of the induced eddy current is yet to be determined. Here, to determine the eddy current distribution in the detection of flaws in cross-ply CFRP (0°/90°) by using a cross-point probe, we performed an FEM (finite element method) analysis of electromagnetic fields. We investigated the nature of the flaw signals and the differences in eddy current distributions between materials with and without flaws.展开更多
Imitating a real tooth and the periodontal supporting tissues, we have established a 2D finite element model and carried out a numerical analysis based on the inhomogeneous and anisotropic (IA) stress-strain relation ...Imitating a real tooth and the periodontal supporting tissues, we have established a 2D finite element model and carried out a numerical analysis based on the inhomogeneous and anisotropic (IA) stress-strain relation and strength model of dentin proposed in the preceding Parts Ⅰ and Ⅱ, and the conventional homogeneous and isotropic (HI) model, respectively. Quite a few cases of loadings for a non-defected and a defected tooth are considered. The numerical results show that the stress level predicted by the IA model is remarkably higher than that by the HI model, revealing that the effect of the dentin tubules should be taken into a serious consideration from the viewpoint of biomechanics.展开更多
The model of pressure solution for granular aggregate was introduced into the FEM code for analysis of thermo-hydro- mechanical (T-H-M) coupling in porous medium. Aiming at a hypothetical nuclear waste repository in...The model of pressure solution for granular aggregate was introduced into the FEM code for analysis of thermo-hydro- mechanical (T-H-M) coupling in porous medium. Aiming at a hypothetical nuclear waste repository in an unsaturated quartz rock mass, two computation conditions were designed: 1) the porosity and the permeability of rock mass are fimctions of pressure solution; 2) the porosity and the permeability are constants. Then the corresponding numerical simulations for a disposal period of 4 a were carried out, and the states of temperatures, porosities and permeabilities, pore pressures, flow velocities and stresses in the rock mass were investigated. The results show that at the end of the calculation in Case 1, pressure solution makes the porosities and the permeabilities decrease to 10%-45% and 0.05%-1.4% of their initial values, respectively. Under the action of the release heat of nuclear waste, the negative pore pressures both in Case 1 and Case 2 are 1.2-1.4 and 1.01-l.06 times of the initial values, respectively. So, the former represents an obvious effect of pressure solution. The magnitudes and distributions of stresses within the rock mass in the two calculation cases are the same.展开更多
Objectives: The sails fabrication knew a significant development under the impulse of sailing races like the America's Cup and the Volvo around the World Race. These competitions require advanced technologies to inc...Objectives: The sails fabrication knew a significant development under the impulse of sailing races like the America's Cup and the Volvo around the World Race. These competitions require advanced technologies to increase performance of the sails. In the paper, Reverse Engineering (RE) acquisition, CAD (Computer Aided Design) reconstruction and FE (Finite Element) analysis are used in the design phase for a spinnaker in order to maximize the performance of the sail boat. Materials and Methods: The comparison, between the design data and the characteristics in the real conditions of use of the sail (constant wind pressure acting on the sail), was carried out by the reconstruction of the three-dimensional CAD model of the spinnaker shape in full-scale, using a non contact Reverse Engineering technique, the photogrammetry and by a FE non linear static analysis. Results: The results of this study show a good correspondence between the design data and the characteristics in the real conditions of use of the sail. Significance: The described methodology is useful for sail makers. It can be successfully adopted to generate three-dimensional CAD-FE models of a sail starting from a very cheap and fast Reverse Engineering non-contact procedure.展开更多
During recent years,the axial-flus PMSM with contra-rotating rotors has become a hot topic in academic research due to its high efficiency and simple structure.However,its back-EMF may be distorted under the condition...During recent years,the axial-flus PMSM with contra-rotating rotors has become a hot topic in academic research due to its high efficiency and simple structure.However,its back-EMF may be distorted under the condition of different angular positions.This paper investigates characteristics of the novel motor used for contra-propeller driving.Considering the torque ripple and current oscillation under unbalanced load condition,this paper analyzes the distorted back-EMF of the machine when its two rotors get different angular positions during rotating.The analysis results are validated by transient-magnetic 3-D FEA method,which the 3-D FEA software is used to model this motor and transient simulations are carried out to obtain its magnetic characteristic and main performances.A main focus is put on the back-EMF characteristic with different angular positions between the two rotors.Furthermore,the characteristic of torque production under unbalanced load is investigated.Finally,a prototype motor is fabricated to validate the analyses of this paper.展开更多
The effect of multiple span suspension structure on the mechanical response of bridge deck pavement was studied, and finite element analysis (FEM) of stress and strain of pavement according to the bridge floor system ...The effect of multiple span suspension structure on the mechanical response of bridge deck pavement was studied, and finite element analysis (FEM) of stress and strain of pavement according to the bridge floor system features of super-long and high flexibility was made. Meanwhile, the FEM results were compared with those of the single span suspension structure. Three-stage analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is developed to analyze the mechanical response including whole bridge analysis, partial beams section analysis and orthotropic plate analysis. The most unfavorable load position was determined by the numerical solutions acquired from each stage to study the main mechanical index of multiple span suspension structure. The FEM results showed that the mechanical response numerical solutions by using the three-stage AHP are greater than those by simplified boundary condition, and the force condition of multiple span suspension structure is worse than that of the single span suspension structure.展开更多
Strain localization frequently occurs in cohesive materials with friction(e.g.,composites,soils,rocks)and is widely recognized as a fundamental cause of progressive structural failure.Nonetheless,achieving high-fideli...Strain localization frequently occurs in cohesive materials with friction(e.g.,composites,soils,rocks)and is widely recognized as a fundamental cause of progressive structural failure.Nonetheless,achieving high-fidelity simulation for this issue,particularly concerning strong discontinuities and tension-compression-shear behaviors within localized zones,remains significantly constrained.In response,this study introduces an integrated algorithmwithin the finite element framework,merging a coupled cohesive zone model(CZM)with the nonlinear augmented finite elementmethod(N-AFEM).The coupledCZMcomprehensively describes tension-compression and compressionshear failure behaviors in cohesive,frictional materials,while the N-AFEM allows nonlinear coupled intraelement discontinuities without necessitating extra nodes or nodal DoFs.Following CZM validation using existing experimental data,this integrated algorithm was utilized to analyze soil slope failure mechanisms involving a specific tensile strength and to assess the impact of mechanical parameters(e.g.,tensile strength,weighting factor,modulus)in soils.展开更多
ITER magnet gravity support (GS) has been redesigned as a structure of pre- assembled nmlti-flexible plates instead of the original welded structure. In the past several years, engineering tests of the new structure...ITER magnet gravity support (GS) has been redesigned as a structure of pre- assembled nmlti-flexible plates instead of the original welded structure. In the past several years, engineering tests of the new structure have been proposed. A prototype engineering test plat- form is being developed. In order to apply the loads/load combinations onto the test mock-up, seven hydraulic bolt tensioners in three directions have been applied to simulate various loads (forces and moments), through which the deformation of bolts, flexible plates and clamp blocks, the stress distribution in the flexible plates, the friction between the contact surface, etc. can be monitored/tested. The measurement and control system includes seven sets of synchronization controller, a 16-channel strain gauge, 25 sets of displacement sensors, etc. Principles of EDC220 digital controller and development of multi-channel control software are also demonstrated.展开更多
The objective of this paper is to provide an analytical basis for the quantitative evaluation of damage to a reinforced concrete structure based on the vibration data obtained by using the damage detection technique. ...The objective of this paper is to provide an analytical basis for the quantitative evaluation of damage to a reinforced concrete structure based on the vibration data obtained by using the damage detection technique. A partial reinforced concrete system of a weak beam/strong column moment frame is chosen as an example. A pushover analysis is carried out in order to numerically examine both the story shear-relative displacement characteristics and the associated damage level. In the analysis, a two dimensional nonlinear finite element analysis is employed considering several constitutive models. As a result, the degradation of the stiffness at the damaged story is characterized in association with the story relative displacement. It is also pointed out that the rotation angle of the column-base is highly correlated with the story relative displacement. Based on the analytical findings, quantitative approaches for a structural health monitoring system are suggested considering both the current sensor technologies and those available in the future. Keywords nonlinear FEM analysis - structural health monitoring - reinforced concrete structure - story stiffness - rotation angle of column-base Supported by: Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Base Research (c) (1), Research No. 14550555)展开更多
A seismic assessment of two multi-tier pagodas by numerical analysis is presented herein.The Changu Narayan temple and the Kumbeshwar temple in Nepal are used as the case studies.Both pagodas are built of brick masonr...A seismic assessment of two multi-tier pagodas by numerical analysis is presented herein.The Changu Narayan temple and the Kumbeshwar temple in Nepal are used as the case studies.Both pagodas are built of brick masonry in earthen mortar,with timber columns and crossbeams.The Changu Narayan temple is a two-tier pagoda,and was seriously damaged during the 2015 Gorkha earthquake.The Kumbeshwar temple is a five-tier pagoda,and its top-tier collapsed due to the Gorkha earthquake.A seismic assessment was carried out using finite element(FE)analysis.The FE models were prepared,and dynamic identification tests and penetrometer tests were conducted.Pushover analysis and nonlinear dynamic analysis were performed as part of the seismic assessment.The main shock of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake was considered as the input accelerograms.The behavior between the two pagodas was compared with the collapse mechanisms and damage patterns observed in the actual structures.The comparison suggested common structural features of multi-tier pagodas.This study is dedicated to providing a better understanding of the seismic behavior of multi-tier pagoda-type structures and provides suggestions for their effective analysis.展开更多
基金Supported by the 111 Projects Foundation from State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of China and Ministry of Education of China under Grant No.B07019
文摘In recent years, numerous exploration activities of oil and gas industry have been conducted in ultra deep water. The global offshore industry is building systems today for drilling in even deeper water, progressively using new technologies, and significantly extending existing technologies. This is the general trend in the offshore oil and gas industry. So the technology of ultra-deepwater risers, which is the main tool in drilling oil, is more and more standard. This paper manly focuses on the global analysis of the drilling risers. And it is divided into two parts, operability analysis and hang-off analysis that are used to check the design of the riser. In this paper, the rotation angle and stress of the riser in the drilling mode are calculated to determine the operability envelop. The number of the buoyancy modules has been determined and according to the API standard, all the worked out values have been checked out. From all the above, it is concluded that the operability envelop is relatively small under harsh condition and the number of the buoyancy modules is a little large. And above all, the design of this riser is successful.
基金Project(2010CB732101) supported by the National Basic Research Program of China Project(SKLQ 008) supported by the Research Fund of State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering of China
文摘In order to consider the influence of temperature and underground water movement, an elastoplastic model and a 2D FEM stress fields on the migration of radioactive nuclide with code for analysis of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processes in saturated and unsaturated porous media were extended and improved through introducing the percolation and migration equation, so that the code can be used for solving the temperature field, flow field, stress field and nuclide concentration field simultaneously. The states of temperatures, pore pressures and nuclide concentrations in the near field of a hypothetical nuclear waste repository were investigated. The influence of the half life of the radioactive nuclide on the temporal change of nuclide concentration was analyzed considering the thermo-hydro-mechanical-migratory coupling. The results show that, at the boundary of the vitrified waste, the concentration of radioactive nuclide with a half life of 10 a falls after a period of rising, with the maximum value of 0.182 mol/m3 and the minimum value of 0.181 mol/m^3 at the end of computation. For a half life of 1 000 a, the concentration of radioactive nuclide always increases with the increase of the time during the computation period; and the maximum value is 1.686 mol/m^3 at the end of the computation. Therefore, under the condition of THM coupling, the concentration of radioactive nuclide with a shorter half life will decrease more quickly with water flow; but for the radioactive nuclide with a longer half life, its concentration will keep at a higher level for a longer time in the migration process.
基金Project(50376076) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘The experimental tests of tensile for lead-flee solder Sn-3.5Ag were performed for the general work temperatures range from 11 to 90 ℃ and strain rate range from 5 × 10^-5 to 2 × 10^-2s^-1, and its stress--strain curves were compared to those of solder Sn-37Pb. The parameters in Anand model for solder Sn-3.5Ag were fitted based on experimental data and nonlinear fitting method, and its validity was checked by means of experimental data. Furthermore, the Anand model was used in the FEM analysis to evaluate solder joint thermal cycle reliability. The results show that solder Sn-3.5Ag has a better creep resistance than solder Sn-37Pb. The maximum stress is located at the upper right comer of the outmost solder joint from the symmetric center, and thermal fatigue life is predicted to be 3.796 × 10^4 cycles under the calculated conditions.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.51709170 and 51979167)the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China(Project No.[2016] 546)+1 种基金the Shanghai Sailing Program(Grant No.17YF1409700)the Open Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering(Grant No.1716)
文摘For a semi-submersible platform in repair, the eight old main brackets which connect columns with pontoons need to be replaced by new ones. In order to ensure the safety of the cutting operation of the old main bracket and calculate the initial stress condition of new main bracket, the structural stress monitoring of eight key spots is carried out, and then the calibrated finite element model is established according to the field monitoring results. Before cutting the main bracket and all associated structures, eight rectangular rosettes were installed, and a tailored cutting scheme was proposed to release the initial stress, in which the main bracket and associated column and pontoon plates were partly cut. During the cutting procedure, the strains of the monitoring spots were measured, and then the structural stress of the monitored spots were obtained. The stress variation characteristics at different spots during the initial cutting operation were shown and the initial stress condition of the monitored spots was figured out. The loading and support conditions of the semi-submersible platform were calibrated based on the measured initial stress condition, which made the finite element model more credible. The stress condition with the main bracket and associated structures being entirely cut out is analyzed by the Finite Element Method (FEM), which demonstrates the cutting operation to be safe and feasible. In addition, the calibrated finite element model can be used to calculate the initial stress condition of the new main bracket, which will be very helpful for the long-term stress monitoring on the main bracket.
基金Supported by the New-Cooperation Project of Japan Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry
文摘In order to provide technical supports for designing a new type of spiral plate forming machine, FEM analysis and simulation were carried out based on pressing tests. Deformation, stress distribution, residual stress and spring back of the spiral plate were calculated. Relationships between the spiral pitch to inclination angle of the punch and die, material properties and thickness of the plate were analyzed. A data converter was developed and effectively used in the analysis. The results of FEM analysis and simulation have been applied to design the spiral plate forming machines.
基金Project(2010CB732101) supported by the National Basic Research Program of ChinaProject(51079145) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2009BAK53B03) supported by the National Key Technology R&D Program of China
文摘The models of stress corrosion, pressure solution and flee-face dissolution/precipitation were introduced. Taking a hypothetical nuclear waste repository in an unsaturated dual-porosity rock mass as the calculation objective, four cases were designed 1) the fracture aperture is a function of stress corrosion, pressure solution and free-face dissolution/precipitation; 2) the fracture aperture changes with stress corrosion and pressure solution; 3) the fracture aperture changes with pressure solution and free-face dissolution/precipitation; 4) the fracture aperture is only a function of pressure solution, and the matrix porosity is also a function of stress in these four cases. Then, the corresponding two-dimensional FEM analyses for the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes were carried out. The results show that the effects of stress corrosion are more prominent than those of pressure solution and free-face dissolution/precipitation, and the fracture aperture and relevant permeability caused by the stress corrosion arc only about 1/5 and 1/1000 of the corresponding values created by the pressure solution and free-face dissolution/precipitation, respectively Under the action of temperature field from released heat, the negative pore and fracture pressures in the computation domain rise continuously, and are inversely proportional to the sealing of fracture aperture. The vector fields of flow velocity of fracture water in the cases with and without considering stress corrosion are obviously different. The differences between the magnitudes and distributions of stresses within the rock mass are very small in all cases.
文摘Engineering design in soft rocks and its stability analysis exerts many challenges to rock engineers. Many engineering works in Turkey’s Cappadocia region must face and tackle the existing sites covered by the soft rocks. This study is aimed to examine the stability condition of a typical underground storage cavern(USC) excavated in a soft rock in this region. For this purpose, two-and threedimensional stability analyses of the USCs were performed using the finite element method(FEM).Because of the inherent difficulty in characterizing soft/weak rock masses in the region using traditional classification systems, the stability of a typical USC was evaluated by representing the rock mass condition with two distinct scenarios in FEM analysis.While these structures were unstable according to the 2D analysis conducted in RS2 software in the worstcase scenario, they were stable in the 3D analysis using RS3 software in both scenarios. Besides,feasible cover depths were examined to assess their possible effects on the factor of safety and deformation measurements. It was found that 15 m seems to be an optimal depth for excavating a typical USC in the soft rocks exposed in the region. The 3D FEM results provide valuable information to optimize the future planning and preliminary design of USCs.
文摘A numerical analysis using a finite element program was performed on three structures: hot mix asphalt (HMA) reinforced trackbed (RACS-1), HMA directly supported trackbed (RACS-2), and traditional Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) slab track (SlabTrack). Although the comprehensive dynamic responses of RACS-1 were similar with SlabTrack, HMA layer can positively affect the stress distributions. In particular, the horizontal stresses indicate that the resilience of RACS-1 was improved relative to SlabTrack. In addition, HMA reinforced substructure has the capacity to recover the residual vertical deformation. The effective depth for weakening dynamic loadings is mainly from 0 to 2 m, this being especially true at 0.5 m. The results from the analysis show that HMA is a suitable material for the railway substructure to enhance resilient performance, improve the stress distribution, weaken dynamic loading, and lower the vibration, especially at the effective depth of 2 m. The HMA constructed at the top of the stone subbase layer allows the vertical modulus a smooth transition. In terms of the comprehensive dynamic behaviors, RACS-1 is better than SlabTrack, while the results for RACS-2 are inconclusive and require further research.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.51079018 and 11202109)
文摘The influence of non-coaxial constitutive model on predictions of dense sand behavior is investigated in this paper. The non-coaxial model with strain softening plasticity is applied into finite-element program ABAQUS, which is first used to predict the stress-strain behavior and the non-coaxial characteristic between the orientations of the principal stress and principal plastic strain rate in simple shear tests. The model is also used to predict load settlement responses and bearing capacity factors of shallow foundations. A series of centrifuge tests for shallow foundations on saturated dense sand are performed under drained conditions and the test results are compared with the corresponding numerical results. Various footing dimensions, depths of embedment, and footing shapes are considered in these tests. In view of the load settlement relationships, the stiffness of the load-displacement curves is significantly affected by the non-coaxial model compared with those predicted by the coaxial model, and a lower value of non-coaxial modulus gives a softer response. Considering the soil behavior at failure, the coaxial model predictions of bearing capacity factors are more advanced than those of centrifuge test results and the non-coaxial model results;besides, the non-coaxial model gives better predictions. The non-coaxial model predictions are closer to those of the centrifuge results when a proper non-coaxial plastic modulus is chosen.
基金supported by the Beijing Natural Science Foundation(8212007)the Pyramid Talent Training Project of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture(JDYC20200311)。
文摘Soils with spatial variability are the product of natural history.The mechanical properties tested by soil samples from boreholes in the same soil layer may be different.Underground structure service in surrounding soils,their seismic response is controlled by the deformation of the surrounding soils.The variability of soil mechanical parameters was not considered in the current research on the seismic response of underground structures.Therefore,a random field model was established to describe the spatial variability of surrounding soils based on the random field theory.Then the seismic response of underground structures in the random field was simulated based on the time-domain explicit global FEM analysis,and the soil mechanical parameters and earthquake intensity influencing the seismic response of surrounding soils and underground structures were studied.Numerical results presented that,the randomness of soil parameters does not change the plastic deformation mode of surrounding soils significantly.The variation coefficients of inter-story deformation of structures and lateral deformation of columns are much smaller than that of mechanical parameters,and the randomness of soil parameters has no obvious effect on the structural deformation response.
文摘CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced plastic) is used extensively in aircraft and spacecraft structures, because of its excellent mechanical properties. Ultrasonic testing, which is used as a non-destructive testing technique for CFRP, requires a contact medium. In contrast, eddy current testing does not require a contact medium, and when used for CFRP testing it has advantages not available with other techniques. CFRP is a laminate, with each layer being anisotropically conductive, and the distribution of the induced eddy current is yet to be determined. Here, to determine the eddy current distribution in the detection of flaws in cross-ply CFRP (0°/90°) by using a cross-point probe, we performed an FEM (finite element method) analysis of electromagnetic fields. We investigated the nature of the flaw signals and the differences in eddy current distributions between materials with and without flaws.
基金The project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (19525207, 19891180)the Tsinghua University Fundamental Research Foundation (Jc1999033)
文摘Imitating a real tooth and the periodontal supporting tissues, we have established a 2D finite element model and carried out a numerical analysis based on the inhomogeneous and anisotropic (IA) stress-strain relation and strength model of dentin proposed in the preceding Parts Ⅰ and Ⅱ, and the conventional homogeneous and isotropic (HI) model, respectively. Quite a few cases of loadings for a non-defected and a defected tooth are considered. The numerical results show that the stress level predicted by the IA model is remarkably higher than that by the HI model, revealing that the effect of the dentin tubules should be taken into a serious consideration from the viewpoint of biomechanics.
基金Project(2010CB732101) supported by the National Basic Research Program of ChinaProject(51079145) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2009BAK53B03) supported by the National Key Technology R&D Program of China
文摘The model of pressure solution for granular aggregate was introduced into the FEM code for analysis of thermo-hydro- mechanical (T-H-M) coupling in porous medium. Aiming at a hypothetical nuclear waste repository in an unsaturated quartz rock mass, two computation conditions were designed: 1) the porosity and the permeability of rock mass are fimctions of pressure solution; 2) the porosity and the permeability are constants. Then the corresponding numerical simulations for a disposal period of 4 a were carried out, and the states of temperatures, porosities and permeabilities, pore pressures, flow velocities and stresses in the rock mass were investigated. The results show that at the end of the calculation in Case 1, pressure solution makes the porosities and the permeabilities decrease to 10%-45% and 0.05%-1.4% of their initial values, respectively. Under the action of the release heat of nuclear waste, the negative pore pressures both in Case 1 and Case 2 are 1.2-1.4 and 1.01-l.06 times of the initial values, respectively. So, the former represents an obvious effect of pressure solution. The magnitudes and distributions of stresses within the rock mass in the two calculation cases are the same.
文摘Objectives: The sails fabrication knew a significant development under the impulse of sailing races like the America's Cup and the Volvo around the World Race. These competitions require advanced technologies to increase performance of the sails. In the paper, Reverse Engineering (RE) acquisition, CAD (Computer Aided Design) reconstruction and FE (Finite Element) analysis are used in the design phase for a spinnaker in order to maximize the performance of the sail boat. Materials and Methods: The comparison, between the design data and the characteristics in the real conditions of use of the sail (constant wind pressure acting on the sail), was carried out by the reconstruction of the three-dimensional CAD model of the spinnaker shape in full-scale, using a non contact Reverse Engineering technique, the photogrammetry and by a FE non linear static analysis. Results: The results of this study show a good correspondence between the design data and the characteristics in the real conditions of use of the sail. Significance: The described methodology is useful for sail makers. It can be successfully adopted to generate three-dimensional CAD-FE models of a sail starting from a very cheap and fast Reverse Engineering non-contact procedure.
基金This work was supported in part by the National Key R&D Program of China(No.2017YFB1300900)the Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 51577052,51707062.
文摘During recent years,the axial-flus PMSM with contra-rotating rotors has become a hot topic in academic research due to its high efficiency and simple structure.However,its back-EMF may be distorted under the condition of different angular positions.This paper investigates characteristics of the novel motor used for contra-propeller driving.Considering the torque ripple and current oscillation under unbalanced load condition,this paper analyzes the distorted back-EMF of the machine when its two rotors get different angular positions during rotating.The analysis results are validated by transient-magnetic 3-D FEA method,which the 3-D FEA software is used to model this motor and transient simulations are carried out to obtain its magnetic characteristic and main performances.A main focus is put on the back-EMF characteristic with different angular positions between the two rotors.Furthermore,the characteristic of torque production under unbalanced load is investigated.Finally,a prototype motor is fabricated to validate the analyses of this paper.
基金National Science and Technology Support Program of China ( No. 2009BAG15B03)
文摘The effect of multiple span suspension structure on the mechanical response of bridge deck pavement was studied, and finite element analysis (FEM) of stress and strain of pavement according to the bridge floor system features of super-long and high flexibility was made. Meanwhile, the FEM results were compared with those of the single span suspension structure. Three-stage analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is developed to analyze the mechanical response including whole bridge analysis, partial beams section analysis and orthotropic plate analysis. The most unfavorable load position was determined by the numerical solutions acquired from each stage to study the main mechanical index of multiple span suspension structure. The FEM results showed that the mechanical response numerical solutions by using the three-stage AHP are greater than those by simplified boundary condition, and the force condition of multiple span suspension structure is worse than that of the single span suspension structure.
基金supported by Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.LQ23E080001 and LTGG23E080002National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.12272334Zhejiang Engineering Research Center of Intelligent Urban Infrastructure(No.IUI2023-YB-07).
文摘Strain localization frequently occurs in cohesive materials with friction(e.g.,composites,soils,rocks)and is widely recognized as a fundamental cause of progressive structural failure.Nonetheless,achieving high-fidelity simulation for this issue,particularly concerning strong discontinuities and tension-compression-shear behaviors within localized zones,remains significantly constrained.In response,this study introduces an integrated algorithmwithin the finite element framework,merging a coupled cohesive zone model(CZM)with the nonlinear augmented finite elementmethod(N-AFEM).The coupledCZMcomprehensively describes tension-compression and compressionshear failure behaviors in cohesive,frictional materials,while the N-AFEM allows nonlinear coupled intraelement discontinuities without necessitating extra nodes or nodal DoFs.Following CZM validation using existing experimental data,this integrated algorithm was utilized to analyze soil slope failure mechanisms involving a specific tensile strength and to assess the impact of mechanical parameters(e.g.,tensile strength,weighting factor,modulus)in soils.
基金supported by ITER domestic research under specific task 2008GB107001
文摘ITER magnet gravity support (GS) has been redesigned as a structure of pre- assembled nmlti-flexible plates instead of the original welded structure. In the past several years, engineering tests of the new structure have been proposed. A prototype engineering test plat- form is being developed. In order to apply the loads/load combinations onto the test mock-up, seven hydraulic bolt tensioners in three directions have been applied to simulate various loads (forces and moments), through which the deformation of bolts, flexible plates and clamp blocks, the stress distribution in the flexible plates, the friction between the contact surface, etc. can be monitored/tested. The measurement and control system includes seven sets of synchronization controller, a 16-channel strain gauge, 25 sets of displacement sensors, etc. Principles of EDC220 digital controller and development of multi-channel control software are also demonstrated.
基金Ministry of Education,Science,Sports and Culture,Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(Base Research(c)(1),Research No.14550555)
文摘The objective of this paper is to provide an analytical basis for the quantitative evaluation of damage to a reinforced concrete structure based on the vibration data obtained by using the damage detection technique. A partial reinforced concrete system of a weak beam/strong column moment frame is chosen as an example. A pushover analysis is carried out in order to numerically examine both the story shear-relative displacement characteristics and the associated damage level. In the analysis, a two dimensional nonlinear finite element analysis is employed considering several constitutive models. As a result, the degradation of the stiffness at the damaged story is characterized in association with the story relative displacement. It is also pointed out that the rotation angle of the column-base is highly correlated with the story relative displacement. Based on the analytical findings, quantitative approaches for a structural health monitoring system are suggested considering both the current sensor technologies and those available in the future. Keywords nonlinear FEM analysis - structural health monitoring - reinforced concrete structure - story stiffness - rotation angle of column-base Supported by: Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Base Research (c) (1), Research No. 14550555)
基金Funding of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A)Provided by the Japan Society for the Promotion of the Science under Grant No.16H01825。
文摘A seismic assessment of two multi-tier pagodas by numerical analysis is presented herein.The Changu Narayan temple and the Kumbeshwar temple in Nepal are used as the case studies.Both pagodas are built of brick masonry in earthen mortar,with timber columns and crossbeams.The Changu Narayan temple is a two-tier pagoda,and was seriously damaged during the 2015 Gorkha earthquake.The Kumbeshwar temple is a five-tier pagoda,and its top-tier collapsed due to the Gorkha earthquake.A seismic assessment was carried out using finite element(FE)analysis.The FE models were prepared,and dynamic identification tests and penetrometer tests were conducted.Pushover analysis and nonlinear dynamic analysis were performed as part of the seismic assessment.The main shock of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake was considered as the input accelerograms.The behavior between the two pagodas was compared with the collapse mechanisms and damage patterns observed in the actual structures.The comparison suggested common structural features of multi-tier pagodas.This study is dedicated to providing a better understanding of the seismic behavior of multi-tier pagoda-type structures and provides suggestions for their effective analysis.