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基于FT-ICR MS表征达古冰川冬春季节表层雪中DOM分子组成变化
作者 冯琳 刘艳梅 +3 位作者 马兴刚 徐建中 王世金 张伏 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 2024年第1期77-88,共12页
分析冰川中溶解性有机质(dissolved organic matter,DOM)的迁移转化特征是评估冰川消融对下游生态环境效应的重要依据,但冰川表层雪中DOM在冬春季节的迁移转化特征尚不明确。本文以达古冰川冬春季节表层雪和春季冰川径流为研究对象,使... 分析冰川中溶解性有机质(dissolved organic matter,DOM)的迁移转化特征是评估冰川消融对下游生态环境效应的重要依据,但冰川表层雪中DOM在冬春季节的迁移转化特征尚不明确。本文以达古冰川冬春季节表层雪和春季冰川径流为研究对象,使用傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(FT-ICR MS)对表层雪和径流中DOM进行分子层次表征。结果显示:达古冰川冬春季节表层雪中DOM化学组成非常丰富,主要包括脂类、多肽类、不饱和烃类,还含有少量的酚类、多环芳烃类和糖类,来源包括微生物活动和陆源性输入。春季径流中DOM的主要来源是陆源性输入,受人类活动影响较大。分析不同季节表层雪DOM的分子组成变化,发现冬季低温环境有利于表层雪中脂类、多肽类和含S类DOM分子的富集,春季气温升高则有利于表层雪中多肽类、不饱和烃类和含N类DOM分子的富集。比较春季径流和表雪中DOM的分子组成变化,发现径流中杂原子类DOM含量降低,微生物来源的脂类和多肽类DOM含量降低,陆源性的酚类和多环芳烃类含量显著增加,说明径流中DOM的生物活性降低而光反应活性增加。因此随着冰川持续消融大量的冰川融水将DOM带入下游水环境,在微生物活动和光反应过程的共同作用下增加温室气体CO_(2)的排放,增强温室效应。 展开更多
关键词 达古冰川 表层雪 溶解性有机质 傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(ft-icr-MS)
焦化蜡油中碱性氮化合物的ESI FT-ICR MS表征及其催化裂化反应特性 被引量:14
作者 陈小博 沈本贤 +1 位作者 孙金鹏 山红红 《石油炼制与化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期22-27,共6页
利用盐酸-乙醇溶液对焦化蜡油(CGO)中的碱性氮化合物进行了萃取分离,采用电喷雾-傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱仪(ESI FT-ICR MS)对CGO及其盐酸抽提物中的碱性氮化合物进行了表征,并在小型提升管催化裂化实验装置上,考察了碱性氮化合物的... 利用盐酸-乙醇溶液对焦化蜡油(CGO)中的碱性氮化合物进行了萃取分离,采用电喷雾-傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱仪(ESI FT-ICR MS)对CGO及其盐酸抽提物中的碱性氮化合物进行了表征,并在小型提升管催化裂化实验装置上,考察了碱性氮化合物的催化裂化反应特性。结果表明:CGO中的碱性氮化合物以N1类化合物为主,主要是带烷基或环烷基侧链的喹啉类和苯并喹啉类衍生物;在催化裂化条件下,萃取出的碱性氮化合物仍具有一定的催化裂化性能,但转化率较低,主要发生烷基侧链、环烷基侧链以及联苯桥键的断裂反应,较高含量的碱性氮化合物和多环芳烃是导致其转化率低、产物分布差的关键因素。 展开更多
关键词 焦化蜡油 碱性氮化合物 ESI ft-icr MS 催化裂化
LC FT-ICR MS精确分析卵清蛋白在真空干燥过程中的糖基化修饰 被引量:2
作者 涂宗财 王辉 +2 位作者 刘成梅 刘光宪 肖辉 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期90-92,95,共4页
研究了卵清蛋白与葡萄糖混合物在真空干燥的过程中,卵清蛋白的糖基化修饰情况。首次采用胃蛋白酶和液相-傅立叶变换离子回旋共振(LC-FT-ICR)精确质谱分析技术对卵清蛋白的糖基化修饰位点进行研究,其蛋白质覆盖率可以达到100%,研究发现... 研究了卵清蛋白与葡萄糖混合物在真空干燥的过程中,卵清蛋白的糖基化修饰情况。首次采用胃蛋白酶和液相-傅立叶变换离子回旋共振(LC-FT-ICR)精确质谱分析技术对卵清蛋白的糖基化修饰位点进行研究,其蛋白质覆盖率可以达到100%,研究发现在真空干燥过程中,卵清蛋白中的赖氨酸会与还原糖发生美拉德初级反应,形成糖基化修饰,主要发生在卵清蛋白的K47,56,62,182,190,323和370的赖氨酸氨基上,而卵清蛋白中的精氨酸和氮末端氨基未发现被糖基化修饰;同时,采用离子碰撞诱导解离三级质谱CID-MS3验证m/z7863+的离子峰为m/z7323+的离子峰上添加一个162Da。本论文的研究为精确分析蛋白质修饰的一级结构变化提供了重要的研究方法,为真空干燥在实验分析中的应用提供重要参考。 展开更多
关键词 真空干燥 糖基化 卵清蛋白 液相-傅立叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(LCft-icrMS) 胃蛋白酶
骨桥蛋白中多肽片段的FT-ICR-MS分析 被引量:1
作者 石磊 王韶 +4 位作者 刘晓梅 程舸 于雷 段芳芳 韩丽华 《分析测试学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第S1期50-52,共3页
Biological mass spectrometry has received a great progress in recent years.The osteopontin(OPN) isolated and purified from the human milk was studied by HPLC using SCX and C4 columns.After hydrolyzing the purified OPN... Biological mass spectrometry has received a great progress in recent years.The osteopontin(OPN) isolated and purified from the human milk was studied by HPLC using SCX and C4 columns.After hydrolyzing the purified OPN sample by trypsin,the correlative polypeptide fragments GDSVVYGLR and QNLLAPQTLPSK were obtained by FT-ICR-MS.It showed that the method of nano-spray HPLC combined with FT-ICR-MS and Mascot search was very efficient for the analysis of the purified OPN and its polypeptide fragments.Further study provides more academic theories of their different modifications and the relative bioactivities. 展开更多
关键词 osteopontin(OPN) Fourier transform ion CYCLOTRON resonance mass spectrometry(ft-icr-MS) POLYPEPTIDE FRAGMENTS
神华煤钌离子催化氧化解聚产物的FT-ICR MS分析研究 被引量:1
作者 马伦 陆大荣 +2 位作者 李珊 梁汉东 朱书全 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第A01期223-230,共8页
针对神华长焰煤初步开展了钌离子催化氧化法(RICO)的应用研究,对原煤进行降解反应并尝试运用高分辨电喷雾傅里叶质谱仪(ESI-FTMS)对氧化产物进行分析表征。结果表明,神华煤含有C2~C32烷基侧链和连接芳环之间的C2~C27亚甲基桥链,芳环... 针对神华长焰煤初步开展了钌离子催化氧化法(RICO)的应用研究,对原煤进行降解反应并尝试运用高分辨电喷雾傅里叶质谱仪(ESI-FTMS)对氧化产物进行分析表征。结果表明,神华煤含有C2~C32烷基侧链和连接芳环之间的C2~C27亚甲基桥链,芳环缩合程度相对较低(主要以含有2~4个苯环的共轭结构为主),有较多醚键连接的芳环结构及羟基(—OH)、羰基(C O)和甲氧基(—OCH3)等含氧官能团存在。 展开更多
关键词 神华长焰煤 煤结构 钌离子催化氧化 ft-icr MS
基于FT-ICR MS表征煤焦化废水处理过程有机物分子组成变化 被引量:2
作者 马超 吴建勋 +4 位作者 倪洪星 房治 王威 高源 史权 《质谱学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期387-396,I0003,共11页
有效去除水溶性有机质(DOM)是废水处理的一项重要内容,但DOM分子组成及其在处理过程中的变化规律并不明确。本文以一整套煤焦化废水为研究对象,通过液-液萃取和固相萃取分离得到不同极性的水相有机质组分,使用傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质... 有效去除水溶性有机质(DOM)是废水处理的一项重要内容,但DOM分子组成及其在处理过程中的变化规律并不明确。本文以一整套煤焦化废水为研究对象,通过液-液萃取和固相萃取分离得到不同极性的水相有机质组分,使用傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(FT-ICR MS)对所得的有机质进行分子层次表征。油相和水相有机质的水溶性总有机碳(TOC)比例基本一致,随着处理过程的进行,废水的“油性”越来越弱,能溶解在二氯甲烷中的有机质越来越少,最后所剩的主要是一些难以降解的腐殖质类物质;而水相有机质具有极其复杂的分子组成,在单一质谱图中共鉴定出70余种不同种类的化合物,这些化合物,尤其是O_(4)S_(1)类化合物,虽然在废水处理过程中有很好的去除效果,但在最终出水中仍有残留。 展开更多
关键词 煤焦化废水 水溶性有机质 傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(ft-icr MS)
基于HPLC-FT-ICR-MS技术分析中药复方大柴胡汤中的化学成分 被引量:2
作者 李骄 刘蒙蒙 +2 位作者 王志 黄琪睛 鹿秀梅 《沈阳药科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期1417-1431,共15页
目的运用高效液相色谱联用傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱法(HPLC-FT-ICR-MS)对中药复方大柴胡汤中的化学成分进行快速鉴别。方法采用ZORBAX SB_C_(18)色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),以乙腈-水(含体积分数0.1%甲酸)作为流动相进行梯度洗... 目的运用高效液相色谱联用傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱法(HPLC-FT-ICR-MS)对中药复方大柴胡汤中的化学成分进行快速鉴别。方法采用ZORBAX SB_C_(18)色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),以乙腈-水(含体积分数0.1%甲酸)作为流动相进行梯度洗脱,流速为1.0 mL·min^(-1)。采用ESI源分别在正、负离子模式下采集数据。结果根据化合物保留时间、精确分子量以及二级碎片离子信息,结合对照品和相关文献,在大柴胡汤中共鉴定出163个化合物,包括黄酮及其苷类88个,蒽醌类18个,单萜苷类16个,鞣质类10个,五环三萜类8个,苯丙素类8个,姜辣素类5个,其他10个。结论运用HPLC-FT-ICR-MS技术能够快速、准确鉴定大柴胡汤化学成分,对该复方质量控制以及药效物质基础研究具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 大柴胡汤 HPLC-ft-icr-MS 化学成分
作者 石磊 程舸 +2 位作者 于雷 刘晓梅 王韶 《分析测试学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第S1期53-54,共2页
FT-ICR-MS technology has significant sensitivity and dynamic range,enabling the detection of different fragmentations of peptides and proteins at lower and lower levels.In the bottom-up approach,by far the most freque... FT-ICR-MS technology has significant sensitivity and dynamic range,enabling the detection of different fragmentations of peptides and proteins at lower and lower levels.In the bottom-up approach,by far the most frequently used proteomics approach,a single LC-MS run can reveal tens and even hundreds of useful information.For each peptide selected for MS/MS,two data-files were generated,one for ECD and another one for CAD.They were merged as described and submitted to the Mascot search engine using the protein database.These thresholds ensure almost 100% statistical confident in the peptide identification. 展开更多
关键词 ECD CAD FOURIER TRANSFORM ion CYCLOTRON resonance mass spectrometry(ft-icr-MS)
作者 刘锋 赵永强 +1 位作者 王娜 何昆 《分析测试学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第S1期15-,18,共2页
The phosphorothioate oligonucleotides are used more and more for cancer treatment.Fast analysis of phosphorothioate oligonucleotide is important for quality control of this drug.In this paper,FT-ICR-MS was used to ana... The phosphorothioate oligonucleotides are used more and more for cancer treatment.Fast analysis of phosphorothioate oligonucleotide is important for quality control of this drug.In this paper,FT-ICR-MS was used to analyze a phosphorothioate oligonucleotide with 6 321 u.Experimental results showed that accurate relative molecular mass of phosphorothioate oligonucleotide determined by FT-ICR-MS can be used for confirmation of its composition. 展开更多
基于ESI FT-ICR MS对焦化蜡油窄馏分及其催化裂化液体产物中碱性含氮化合物的表征 被引量:1
作者 李少杰 陈小博 +1 位作者 刘熠斌 杨朝合 《应用化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期848-853,共6页
利用实沸点蒸馏装置对辽河焦化蜡油进行窄馏分切割,并利用电喷雾傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱对窄馏分及其催化裂化液体产物中的碱性含氮化合物进行表征,分别获得随馏分沸点的升高碱性含氮化合物的分布规律和在反应过程中的迁移规律。结... 利用实沸点蒸馏装置对辽河焦化蜡油进行窄馏分切割,并利用电喷雾傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱对窄馏分及其催化裂化液体产物中的碱性含氮化合物进行表征,分别获得随馏分沸点的升高碱性含氮化合物的分布规律和在反应过程中的迁移规律。结果表明,不同窄馏分中都以N1类碱性含氮化合物为主,N1O1类次之,其它类型的相对丰度均较低;随馏分沸点的升高,DBE>10的N1类碱性含氮化合物的总相对丰度明显增加,但其侧链所含碳原子数逐渐减小;DBE<10的N1类碱性含氮化合物的总相对丰度变化不大,但其侧链所含碳原子数显著增加;经过催化裂化反应,不同窄馏分所得液体产物中N1类碱性含氮化合物的结构分布差异显著变小,DBE<10的N1类碱性含氮化合物对催化剂活性位的毒害作用最大。 展开更多
关键词 焦化蜡油 窄馏分 碱性含氮化合物 催化裂化 ESI ft-icr MS
MALDI-TOF-MS以及FT-ICR-MS在席夫碱镍配合物的应用 被引量:3
作者 林志为 丁冬冬 +1 位作者 刘成勇 章慧 《质谱学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2011年第5期288-292,300,共6页
本研究对基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS)的原理和应用做了简要介绍,并概括了常用基质的应用特点和适用范围。通过基质的选择及测试条件的优化,分别对3种席夫碱镍配合物进行质谱分析,实验结果表明,[M+H]+峰的分子质量... 本研究对基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS)的原理和应用做了简要介绍,并概括了常用基质的应用特点和适用范围。通过基质的选择及测试条件的优化,分别对3种席夫碱镍配合物进行质谱分析,实验结果表明,[M+H]+峰的分子质量以及同位素丰度都与理论计算值十分吻合。采用此法不仅能准确地测定席夫碱镍配合物的分子质量,为席夫碱镍配合物结构的鉴定奠定基础,也是金属有机化合物分子质量测定的有效方法,是快速分析金属有机化合物的工具之一。为了进一步说明质谱在金属配合物测定中的可靠性,辅以傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱仪(FT-ICR-MS)进行确证。 展开更多
关键词 基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS) 席夫碱 金属配合物 傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱仪(ft-icr-MS)
作者 张凯林 周敏 +5 位作者 石莹莹 李树奇 马利福 张先燚 汪曣 孔祥蕾 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期2325-2331,共7页
光解离光谱在气相离子结构及动力学研究中发挥着重要的作用。这种方法非常灵活,可在实验室中利用不同种类的激光器及质谱仪的结合来开展相应的研究。但也存在一些问题,例如,自动化水平低,费时,长时间的操作容易引入人为错误,使实验结果... 光解离光谱在气相离子结构及动力学研究中发挥着重要的作用。这种方法非常灵活,可在实验室中利用不同种类的激光器及质谱仪的结合来开展相应的研究。但也存在一些问题,例如,自动化水平低,费时,长时间的操作容易引入人为错误,使实验结果的可信度降低。为解决此类问题,该工作开发了一套可用于光谱自动采集和分析的程序AutoMS。该程序包含:(1)AutoSpecMS用于在无需改变原仪器配套的商业化操作软件的前提下,实现多台商业激光器及一台商业高分辨FT-ICR质谱仪的集成,只需要预设参数即可自动获取action光谱;(2)AutoDataMS用于实验数据的分析,可以通过一维、二维或三维图示的方法来展示光解离质谱和光谱等。为验证改程序的可行性,针对tetraphenylpyrrin(四苯基卟啉,TPP),tetra(4-carboxypyryl)porphyrin(四对羧基苯基卟啉,TCPP)以及tetra(4-aminophenyl)porphyrin(四对氨基苯基卟啉,TCPP)三种卟啉衍生物分别开展了相应的实验。使用光解离光谱自动采集程序采集了TPP,TCPP和TAPP在210~700 nm波段的紫外-可见光解离光谱。同时获得了相关光解离碎片离子的单通道光谱,有利于用户对所研究体系的解离机理及解离动力学等方面开展深入的分析探讨。光解离质谱可观察到目标离子在特定波长激光照射下的具体解离碎片,与光解离光谱相结合,可以更好地帮助研究者理解离子在特定波段内的光解离行为。使用AutoDataMS可分别获得样品的2D及3D光解离质谱-光谱,增强了结果的可视化,使研究者更方便地获得光谱中的相关信息。对数据进行进一步分析可看出,不同的取代基对紫外可见光谱的吸收产生了差异明显的影响。此外通过AutoDataMS程序的功能扩展,还实现了对质子化TPP在500~650 nm波段内各离子的相关度分析,加深了对实验数据的理解。由此可见该方法及程序具有较好的扩展性和实用性,并可以为其他相关的工作提供很好的参考。 展开更多
关键词 光解离光谱 数据采集 ft-icr质谱仪 卟啉衍生物
HPLC-FT-ICR MS法研究中药大花红景天在阿尔茨海默模型大鼠血中的移行成分 被引量:2
作者 刘凯 褚晓文 +3 位作者 王雪 李欣彤 张晓雪 韩飞 《沈阳药科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期28-39,共12页
目的研究中药大花红景天在阿尔茨海默病模型大鼠血中的移行成分。方法选用雄性SD大鼠,双侧海马注射Aβ1-42致阿尔茨海默症(Alzheimer's disease,AD)模型,造模后次日开始灌胃给予大花红景天(2.24 g·kg^(-1)),连续给药28 d,采用M... 目的研究中药大花红景天在阿尔茨海默病模型大鼠血中的移行成分。方法选用雄性SD大鼠,双侧海马注射Aβ1-42致阿尔茨海默症(Alzheimer's disease,AD)模型,造模后次日开始灌胃给予大花红景天(2.24 g·kg^(-1)),连续给药28 d,采用Morris水迷宫定向航行试验考察大鼠的空间学习记忆能力;利用HPLC-FT-ICR-MS方法研究大花红景天醇提取物灌胃给药后的大鼠血浆样品的基峰离子流色谱图、提取离子流色谱图及二级质谱图等信息。通过对比空白血浆和给药血浆中各个色谱峰的保留时间、精确质量数、二级碎片等特征,确认其在AD模型大鼠血浆中的移行成分。结果在模型大鼠血浆中共检测到42个与大花红景天相关的化学成分,包括19个原形化学成分和23个相关的代谢产物。结论本研究为阐明中药大花红景天治疗AD的药效物质基础提供了实验依据。 展开更多
关键词 高效液相色谱 傅立叶变换离子回旋共振质谱 大花红景天 阿尔茨海默病 移行成分
Changes of Petroleum Acid Distribution Characterized by FT-ICR MS in Heavy Acidic Crude Oil after True Boiling Point Distillation 被引量:8
作者 Liu Yingrong Zhang Qundan +3 位作者 Wang Wei Liu Zelong Zhu Xinyi Tian Songbai 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2014年第1期8-12,共5页
The molecular transformations of carboxylic acids in heavy acidic SL crude before and after true boiling point distillation were examined by ultra-high resolution negative-ion electrospray ionization(ESI) Fourier tran... The molecular transformations of carboxylic acids in heavy acidic SL crude before and after true boiling point distillation were examined by ultra-high resolution negative-ion electrospray ionization(ESI) Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry(FT-ICR MS). The acid class(heteroatom number), type(z numbers) and carbon number distributions were positively characterized. It was found out that the total acid number(TAN) of SL crude decreased after true boiling point distillation, and the abundance of O2 class in mass spectra was also found to be reduced from 67.6% to 34.5% in SL TBP mixed crude as measured by MS spectra, indicating to a potential carboxylic acid decomposition. However, it was interesting that the carboxylic acids type distribution in both oils was almost the same although their relative abundance in SL TBP mixed crude turned to be much lower, suggesting that various petroleum carboxylic acid types have the similar thermal decomposition reaction behavior. Furthermore, for each O2 type of acids in SL TBP mixed crude, the abundance of carboxylic acids with carbon number higher than 35 was reduced greatly, especially for those with carbon number higher than 60, the mass peaks of which were nearly totally removed, indicating that the large carboxylic acid molecules in heavy fractions decomposed more significantly because of longer heating time during the true boiling point distillation process. As a result, the reduction of TAN may be caused by the thermal decomposition of carboxylic acids especially those with high carbon number, suggesting that quick distillation or much lower pressure is required to avoid the thermal decomposition. 展开更多
关键词 true boiling point distillation carboxylic acid ESI ft-icr MS acidic crude total acid number(TAN)
Molecular Characterization of Hydrotreated Atmospheric Residue Derived from Arabian Heavy Crude by GC FI/FD TOF MS and APPI FT-ICR MS 被引量:4
作者 Diao Rui Wang Wei +3 位作者 Wang Naixin Liu Zelong Dai Lishun Tian Songbai 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2012年第4期80-88,共9页
High resolution mass spectrometry in combination with distillation and SARA fractionation provides us an opportunity for in-depth understanding about the hydrotreating process at the molecular level. In this study, th... High resolution mass spectrometry in combination with distillation and SARA fractionation provides us an opportunity for in-depth understanding about the hydrotreating process at the molecular level. In this study, the atmospheric residue derived from Arabian heavy crude and its hydrotreated products were initially subjected to distillation and SARA fractionation. The saturates were characterized by GC FI/FD TOF MS. The aromatics and resins were characterized by APPI FT-ICR MS. Compositional changes of different compounds (paraffins, naphthenes, aromatic hydrocarbons, and heteroatomic compounds) contained in different distillates (vacuum gas oil, vacuum residue) were obtained. More detailed knowledge about the hydrotreating process was achieved. 展开更多
关键词 hydrotreating petroleum residue ft-icr MS GC FI/FD TOF MS
Molecular transformation of dissolved organic matter in refinery wastewaters: Characterized by FT-ICR MS coupled with electrospray ionization and atmospheric pressure photoionization 被引量:2
作者 Chen He Wei-Ming Chen +1 位作者 Chun-Mao Chen Quan Shi 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第1期590-599,共10页
Dissolved organic matter(DOM)in refinery wastewater is an extremely complex mixture of various organic compounds.Using mass spectrometry,it is impossible to characterize all of the DOM molecules with only one ionizati... Dissolved organic matter(DOM)in refinery wastewater is an extremely complex mixture of various organic compounds.Using mass spectrometry,it is impossible to characterize all of the DOM molecules with only one ionization source.In this study,negative-ion,electrospray ionization(ESI),positive-ion ESI,and positive-ion atmospheric pressure photoionization(APPI)were coupled with Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry(FT-ICR MS)to analyze the molecular composition of DOM in a refinery wastewater stream during the treatment process.There were obvious differences in the heteroatom composition,number of DOM constituents,and chemical properties in refinery wastewater under the three ionization modes.Acidic CHO and CHOS compounds detected by(+)ESI,basic CHN and CHON compounds detected by(þ)ESI,and hydrocarbons detected by(+)APPI were analyzed to determine the molecular transformations that occurred during treatment.In an anaerobic biological treatment process,acidic CHO and CHOS compounds with a high oxygen content were preferentially removed,and acidic CHO and CHOS compounds with a low oxygen content were produced.In an aerobic biological process,acidic CHO and CHOS compounds with a low oxygen content were preferentially removed,and acidic CHO and CHOS compounds with a high oxygen content were produced.The whole biological treatment process has a poor removal efficiency for CHN and CHON compounds,and hydrocarbons.An activated carbon(AC)adsorption process removed different heteroatom compounds mainly with a low oxygen content for acidic and basic compounds.The transformation mechanism of CHO and CHOS compounds in the biological treatment process was analyzed by the Kendrick mass defect(KMD)theory and a mass difference network analysis.In the anaerobic process,large amounts of oxygenated CHO and CHOS compounds were degraded by decarboxylation,deoxydation,demethoxylation,and dehydration reactions,and converted to lower oxygen content compounds.In the aerobic processes,these low oxygen CHO and CHOS compounds mainly underwent carboxylation and oxidation reactions.This study determined the transformation characteristics and mechanisms of different types of organic compounds in refinery wastewater during the treatment process.The results provide guidance for the design and optimization of technologies for refinery wastewater treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Refinery wastewater DOM Molecular transformation ESI APPI ft-icr MS
FT-ICR MS解析水中DOM化学多样性及分子转化特性 被引量:2
作者 冯嘉靖 《实验技术与管理》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第3期21-25,36,共6页
针对溶解性有机物(DOM)组成极具复杂性、难以从分子水平研究其化学多样性的问题,该文基于FT-ICR MS超高分辨质谱技术建立了水体DOM的分子组成和化学多样性的表征方法:通过可视化分析发现水中DOM是以CHO元素组成的木质素/富羧酸脂环分子... 针对溶解性有机物(DOM)组成极具复杂性、难以从分子水平研究其化学多样性的问题,该文基于FT-ICR MS超高分辨质谱技术建立了水体DOM的分子组成和化学多样性的表征方法:通过可视化分析发现水中DOM是以CHO元素组成的木质素/富羧酸脂环分子为主体;揭示了氯消毒过程中DOM的分子转化规律,证实DOM中CHO分子的主要转化途径为木质素/富羧酸脂环分子氧化并裂解生成高含氧化合物;识别了氯消毒后生成的氯代消毒副产物分子,其中最主要的副产物类型为氯代多酚类化合物。实验结果表明了FT-ICR MS技术在解析DOM化学多样性及分子转化特性的优势,为多种复杂环境下DOM分子层面转化研究提供了强有力的支撑。 展开更多
关键词 ft-icr MS 溶解性有机物 分子特征 化学多样性
Structural Characterization of Anhydroicaritin Glycosides Using ESI-FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry 被引量:2
作者 Shao Xiang XIONG Dan PU +1 位作者 Bin XIN Guang Hui WANG 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第11期1103-1106,共4页
Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) was used to determine the structures of anhydroicaritin glycosides by the MS/MS experiments of anhydroicaritin glycosides and their methylated de... Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) was used to determine the structures of anhydroicaritin glycosides by the MS/MS experiments of anhydroicaritin glycosides and their methylated derivatives. With high accuracy FT-ICR-MS provides much information about the structures of compounds, FT-ICR-MS shows the great potential application in the structural characterization of unknown compounds. 展开更多
关键词 Mass characterization anhydroicaritin glycosides ft-icr-MS.
Tracking Catalytic Esterification of Naphthenic Acids in Crude Oil by ESI FT-ICR MS 被引量:1
作者 Li Xiaohui Wu Bencheng +1 位作者 Zhu Jianhua Tao Xiujuan 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第3期57-65,共9页
The catalytic esterification reaction was used to decrease total acid number(TAN) of crude oil by converting naphthenic acids to naphthenic acid esters in the presence of Zn-Al hydrotalcite used as the catalyst and gl... The catalytic esterification reaction was used to decrease total acid number(TAN) of crude oil by converting naphthenic acids to naphthenic acid esters in the presence of Zn-Al hydrotalcite used as the catalyst and glycol used as the reactant. The crude oil and its corresponding esterified oil were characterized by the negative-ion electrospray ionization(ESI) Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry(FT-ICR MS). Six acidic class species, O_2, O_1, N_1, N_2, N_1O_1 and N_1O_2 were assigned in the negative-ion spectrum both in the crude oil and its esterified oil. Among the identified acidic compounds, the O2 class was dominant. The relative abundance of O_2 class species was much higher than other acidic class species in crude oil, while it was significantly decreased after esterification. The most abundant O_2 class species had a carbon number of 30-34 and a double-bond equivalence(DBE) value of 5 before and after esterification. It could be concluded that the naphthenic acids in crude oil can be esterified to lower its TAN value, and each of them seems to exhibit identical esterification efficiency approximately due to the similar DBE versus the-carbon number distribution before and after esterification. 展开更多
关键词 naphthenic ACIDS CRUDE oil ESTERIFICATION ESI ft-icr MS
Rapid Purification and Identification of Osteopontin from Human Milk by HPLC Coupled to FT-ICR-MS 被引量:1
作者 SHI Lei YANG Tie-zheng ZUBAREV A. Roman 《Chemical Research in Chinese Universities》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期17-22,共6页
Milk as a key element for infant nutrition represents the only source of feeding for newborns and infants, breast-feeding milk normally contains several bioactive proteins or peptides useful for the development of the... Milk as a key element for infant nutrition represents the only source of feeding for newborns and infants, breast-feeding milk normally contains several bioactive proteins or peptides useful for the development of the immune system that protects infants from diseases. Osteopontin(OPN) plays a distinct role during the processes of lactation, Some studies on OPN isolated and purified from the human milk via HPLC on SCX and Ca columns adopted biological mass spectrometry. After digesting the purified OPN sample with trypsin, the typical correlative polypeptide fragments GDSVVYGLR and QNLLAPQTLPSK are identified by FT-ICR-MS. The rapid identification of OPN is assumed to be reasonably well behaving in a standard bottom-up experiment. It shows that nano-spray HPLC combined with FT-ICR-MS and Mascot search can be used as a high efficient method for the identification of purified OPN and its polypeptide fragments. Further study will provide more academic theories of their different modifications and the bioactivity as well. 展开更多
关键词 Osteopontin(OPN) ft-icr-MS PURIFICATION Identification
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