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经皮二氧化碳分压监测在硬质支气管镜下Feng′s EBUS-TBNB中的应用
作者 骆玉兔 孙亚楠 +1 位作者 潘家华 万南生 《南通大学学报(医学版)》 2024年第1期45-48,共4页
目的:探讨经皮二氧化碳分压(transcutaneous partial pressure of carbon dioxide,PtcCO_(2))监测在硬质支气管镜下冯氏气管内超声引导纵隔切开活检(Feng′s endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial node biopsy,Feng′s EBUS-... 目的:探讨经皮二氧化碳分压(transcutaneous partial pressure of carbon dioxide,PtcCO_(2))监测在硬质支气管镜下冯氏气管内超声引导纵隔切开活检(Feng′s endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial node biopsy,Feng′s EBUS-TBNB)中的应用。方法:收集2019年8月—2022年8月期间天津医科大学总医院收治的纵隔疾病患者128例,随机分成Feng′s EBUS-TBNB组和支气管内超声引导针吸活检术(endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration,EBUS-TBNA)组,患者均予高频喷射通气行硬质支气管镜下操作及PtcCO_(2)监测,EBUS-TBNA组患者行EBUS-TBNA,Feng′s EBUS-TBNB组患者行Feng′s EBUS-TBNB术,比较两组患者术前(T0)、通气开始时(T_(1))、通气10 min后(T_(2))、通气20 min后(T3)、通气30 min后(T_(4))、通气40 min后(T_(5))、通气50 min后(T_(6))、通气60 min后(T_(7))心率(heart rate,HR)、平均动脉压(mean arterial pressure,MAP)和PtcCO_(2)的变化。结果:T_(1)~T_(7)时,两组患者HR、MAP和PtcCO_(2)水平均明显高于T0时(P<0.05)。T0~T_(2)时,两组患者HR、MAP和PtcCO_(2)水平比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);T3~T_(5)时,Feng′s EBUS-TBNB组HR、MAP和PtcCO_(2)水平均明显高于EBUS-TBNA组(P<0.05);而T_(6)~T_(7)时,两组患者HR、MAP和PtcCO_(2)水平比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:将PtcCO_(2)应用于Feng′s EBUS-TBNB中,可间接反映患者HR、MAP水平变化,值得临床推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 纵隔疾病 经皮二氧化碳分压 硬质支气管镜 冯氏气管内超声引导纵隔切开活检 心率 平均动脉压
China Behind Feng Shui-Ernst Eitel and Feng Shui
作者 XU Wenli 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2024年第9期580-586,共7页
This paper takes Chinese“Feng Shui”as a starting point to study German missionary Ernest Eitel’s writings on Feng Shui and to explore the Chinese images constructed by him in his writings.This study begins by analy... This paper takes Chinese“Feng Shui”as a starting point to study German missionary Ernest Eitel’s writings on Feng Shui and to explore the Chinese images constructed by him in his writings.This study begins by analyzing the structure of Eitel’s work Feng Shui,or,the Rudiments of Natural Science in China,and the Chinese images that he constructed in his work.The study argues that,due to his multiple identities as a missionary,a believer in colonialism,an educator,and a researcher of culture,as well as the influence of what he saw and heard in China,Eitel,despite his exhaustive examination of Chinese Feng Shui culture,ultimately,due to his own biases brought about by his own experiences and cultural differences,produced a paradoxical discourse on Feng Shui:he understood it as a Chinese natural science system,but an unsystematic one.As a result,Eitel also built a contradictory image of the Chinese:they hold a belief in the“animism”and respect for ancestral observations of nature,which ultimately translates into a superstitious belief in nature and an ignorance of true science. 展开更多
关键词 Ernest Eitel feng Shui Chinese images natural science
作者 姚选民 《云梦学刊》 2025年第1期88-99,共12页
雷锋精神内涵丰富,其中蕴含的“信念精神”“大爱精神”“忘我精神”“进取精神”等体现了中华优秀传统文化的深厚底蕴与核心价值。这些精神与中华优秀传统文化中天下为公、大同世界的思想,仁者爱人、以德立人的思想,以诚待人、讲信修... 雷锋精神内涵丰富,其中蕴含的“信念精神”“大爱精神”“忘我精神”“进取精神”等体现了中华优秀传统文化的深厚底蕴与核心价值。这些精神与中华优秀传统文化中天下为公、大同世界的思想,仁者爱人、以德立人的思想,以诚待人、讲信修睦的思想以及自强不息、革故鼎新的思想等有着深刻的内在契合性。新时代新征程,要学习雷锋,成为中华优秀传统文化的传承弘扬者,应当着力于以下四个方面:其一,传承天下为公、大同世界的思想,大力弘扬雷锋的“信念精神”;其二,传承仁者爱人、以德立人的思想,大力弘扬雷锋的“大爱精神”;其三,传承以诚待人、讲信修睦的思想,大力弘扬雷锋的“忘我精神”;其四,传承自强不息、革故鼎新的思想,大力弘扬雷锋的“进取精神”。 展开更多
关键词 雷锋精神 中华优秀传统文化 习近平文化思想
贡山三尖杉的新名称(Cephalotaxus talonensis Cheng et Feng ex S.G.Lu et X.D.Lang)及分类地位(英文) 被引量:1
作者 郎学东 苏建荣 陆树刚 《植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期4-6,共3页
提议贡山三尖杉的新名称Cephalotaxus talonensis Cheng et Feng ex S.G.Lu et X.D.Lang替代不合法的旧名称Cephalotaxus lanceolata K.M.Feng in Cheng et al.(晚出同名)。对比贡山三尖杉和三尖杉Cephalotaxus fortunei Hooker的模式... 提议贡山三尖杉的新名称Cephalotaxus talonensis Cheng et Feng ex S.G.Lu et X.D.Lang替代不合法的旧名称Cephalotaxus lanceolata K.M.Feng in Cheng et al.(晚出同名)。对比贡山三尖杉和三尖杉Cephalotaxus fortunei Hooker的模式标本和自然生长状态下的叶片形态,支持将贡山三尖杉处理为种的等级,不赞同Silba(1990)将贡山三尖杉降为三尖杉的变种[Cephalotaxus fortunei Hooker var.lanceolata(Feng)Silba]。文中提供4幅参照图片。 展开更多
关键词 三尖杉科 Cephalotaxus talonensis Cheng ET feng EX S G LU ET X D Lang 新名称
作者 赵丹 《河南中医》 2025年第2期250-254,共5页
冯志荣教授认为,风邪为荨麻疹的重要致病因素,秉承“治风必先治血,血行风自灭”之核心理念,提出“血瘀风动”理论。冯教授认为,在荨麻疹的病理演变过程中,“血瘀”和“风动”是两大重要致病因素,“风动”为标,“血瘀”为本。将荨麻疹的... 冯志荣教授认为,风邪为荨麻疹的重要致病因素,秉承“治风必先治血,血行风自灭”之核心理念,提出“血瘀风动”理论。冯教授认为,在荨麻疹的病理演变过程中,“血瘀”和“风动”是两大重要致病因素,“风动”为标,“血瘀”为本。将荨麻疹的病机分为热灼血瘀、寒凝血瘀、血虚滞瘀,以“治血则内风熄,祛风则外风去”为治则。在治疗时,分别予以凉血、温经、养血之法,并以活血祛风法贯穿治疗始终。热盛血瘀证常用方剂为清营汤或消风散加减,寒凝血瘀证常用方剂为麻黄桂枝各半汤或当归四逆汤加减,血虚风燥证常用方剂为当归饮子加减。此外,冯教授还重视预防调护,在实际临床中,面对复杂多变的病情,秉持具体问题具体分析的严谨态度,充分考虑地域、时令、个体差异等因素,进行全面而细致的辨证施治。 展开更多
关键词 荨麻疹 “治风先治血 血行风自灭” 活血祛风法 “血瘀风动” 冯志荣
作者 顾江鹏 陈许晶 +4 位作者 刘一康 郭伟 刘晓民 王飞 冯伟 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第21期4552-4559,共8页
背景:腰椎间盘突出症患者因髓核压迫、力学失衡而出现不同的身体畸形,冯天有教授在此基础上提出“四步腰型”,冯伟教授提出三维侧凸角客观量化“四步腰型”。目的:探讨三维侧凸角在评估新医正骨疗法治疗腰椎间盘突出症患者疗效中的应用... 背景:腰椎间盘突出症患者因髓核压迫、力学失衡而出现不同的身体畸形,冯天有教授在此基础上提出“四步腰型”,冯伟教授提出三维侧凸角客观量化“四步腰型”。目的:探讨三维侧凸角在评估新医正骨疗法治疗腰椎间盘突出症患者疗效中的应用价值。方法:纳入149例腰椎间盘突出症患者,其中四步腰型Ⅰ/Ⅱ型96例,Ⅲ/Ⅳ型55例,均进行2周的手法治疗;另纳入10名健康志愿者作为健康对照。利用表面形貌技术测量三维侧凸角,比较四步腰型Ⅰ/Ⅱ型及Ⅲ/Ⅳ型患者三维侧凸角治疗前后的差异,比较患者治疗后与健康受试者的差异,比较Ⅰ/Ⅱ型和Ⅲ/Ⅳ型三维侧凸角治疗变化量的差异,探索三维侧凸角各投影面内在相关性及与常用临床疗效评分的相关性。结果与结论:(1)四步腰型Ⅰ/Ⅱ型与Ⅲ/Ⅳ型患者治疗前后的三维侧凸角差异有显著性意义(P <0.05);(2)Ⅰ/Ⅱ型、Ⅲ/Ⅳ型患者治疗后与健康受试者冠侧凸和横截凸差异有显著性意义(P <0.05),矢侧凸无统计学差异(P> 0.05);(3)三维侧凸角在各个投影面之间两两呈现相关性,与主观量表之间存在相关性;(4)提示三维侧凸角在手法治疗前后脊柱畸形程度定量评估中具有很好的作用,通过定量化的指标能够揭示患者治疗前后病情变化规律;三维侧凸角能反映影响患者生活状态的严重程度,但单一平面参数评估脊柱侧弯有一定局限性。 展开更多
关键词 腰椎间盘突出症 脊柱侧弯 腰型 表面形貌 新医正骨 手法治疗 疗效
作者 周轩 彭草云 +3 位作者 朱君华 陈峰 沈凤飞 苏莹莹 《新中医》 2025年第2期52-56,共5页
梳理总结清代医家冯兆张所著《冯氏锦囊秘录》中关于嗣育的相关理论,旨在挖掘探析其理论要点与学术特色。冯兆张认为男女嗣育有子的生理基础在于女子经血调畅,男子精气充盛,并能交合有时;其治疗男女无子者,女子重在畅通胞宫,男子主在调... 梳理总结清代医家冯兆张所著《冯氏锦囊秘录》中关于嗣育的相关理论,旨在挖掘探析其理论要点与学术特色。冯兆张认为男女嗣育有子的生理基础在于女子经血调畅,男子精气充盛,并能交合有时;其治疗男女无子者,女子重在畅通胞宫,男子主在调和五脏,既重视温补阳气又反对纯用辛温,同时强调受妊之后要注重胎前调摄,其特色理论可为现代临床诊治相关疾病提供一定的参佐。 展开更多
关键词 《冯氏锦囊秘录》 嗣育理论 胎前调摄 冯兆张
作者 林训涛 《广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2025年第1期137-146,共10页
《诗经》分为风、雅、颂,体现了清晰的文体分类意识。从《毛诗大序》对“风”的定义和阐释出发,考察“风”的字形字义及其所具有的早期社会的文化意蕴,可认为“风”的本义是以容器(食器)又兼礼器的盘(槃)为基础而产生的具有两性关系及... 《诗经》分为风、雅、颂,体现了清晰的文体分类意识。从《毛诗大序》对“风”的定义和阐释出发,考察“风”的字形字义及其所具有的早期社会的文化意蕴,可认为“风”的本义是以容器(食器)又兼礼器的盘(槃)为基础而产生的具有两性关系及生殖方面文化意蕴的地方音乐。历代关于“风”义的说法诸如讽刺、风教、声调都是在本义基础上的引申义。“风”的本义对《诗经》中《风》诗文体的形成具有明显的作用:其一,通过“采诗”,“风”从“两性关系和生殖”的意义转变为“风教”的教化意义,进而形成《风》诗文体;其二,“风”的本义决定了《风》诗相较于《雅》《颂》在内容、功用及辞章结构上明显的文体区别。 展开更多
关键词 《诗经》 风本义 风教 文体
作者 庞尚尚 《天津行政学院学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期66-74,共9页
制度化本质上是规则之治,实现制度化治理是当下我国推动社会治理现代化的重要议题。对于社会矛盾纠纷治理的制度化转向,现有研究尚侧重于整体、宏观向的考察,既缺少对制度化转向具体表现形态的梳理,也忽视了制度化转向在宏观制度环境中... 制度化本质上是规则之治,实现制度化治理是当下我国推动社会治理现代化的重要议题。对于社会矛盾纠纷治理的制度化转向,现有研究尚侧重于整体、宏观向的考察,既缺少对制度化转向具体表现形态的梳理,也忽视了制度化转向在宏观制度环境中的嵌入性问题。X市A区矛调中心的治理实践在“结构—机制—行动”三个维度呈现了社会矛盾纠纷治理的制度化转向,具体表现为治理结构的一体化、治理机制的程序化与治理行动的规范化。从制度嵌入性的视角来看,这一制度化转向受到群众路线、政治压力与监督问责等宏观制度环境的影响,须不断调适优化。这表明,对社会矛盾纠纷治理的制度化转向的关注不应仅停留在制度建构这一层面,还应当将注意力适时放在影响制度存续与绩效产生的宏观制度环境上。 展开更多
关键词 矛盾纠纷治理 矛调中心 枫桥经验 社会治理
作者 蒋家菊 石化雨 《语言与文化研究》 2025年第1期199-204,共6页
归化和异化是在翻译实践中常用的两种翻译策略。归化法和异化法各有其优势和劣势,其在翻译过程中的占比主要取决于功能目的论,即译者翻译的目的是目标语读者指向型还是翻译源文指向型。德国汉学家、翻译家顾彬先生对冯至先生27首十四行... 归化和异化是在翻译实践中常用的两种翻译策略。归化法和异化法各有其优势和劣势,其在翻译过程中的占比主要取决于功能目的论,即译者翻译的目的是目标语读者指向型还是翻译源文指向型。德国汉学家、翻译家顾彬先生对冯至先生27首十四行诗均进行了翻译,通过对其翻译版本中归化和异化两种翻译策略使用情况的探究与分析,可以得出结论:为使冯至《十四行集》更易被德语读者接受和理解,顾彬先生采用了归化为主、异化为辅的翻译策略。 展开更多
关键词 归化 异化 翻译策略 冯至 十四行诗
作者 梁秀坤 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期24-33,共10页
翼奉是西汉中期重要的《齐诗》学者,他继承了后苍的《齐诗》学、礼学和《孝经》学三大学术思想,并将律历阴阳之学与《诗》学结合起来,形成富有特色的“五际”“六情”理论。这些理论背后是高度抽象的哲学思维和历史循环论观念,奠定了翼... 翼奉是西汉中期重要的《齐诗》学者,他继承了后苍的《齐诗》学、礼学和《孝经》学三大学术思想,并将律历阴阳之学与《诗》学结合起来,形成富有特色的“五际”“六情”理论。这些理论背后是高度抽象的哲学思维和历史循环论观念,奠定了翼奉奏议文章的思维逻辑和表达方式。而经学对翼奉的奏议文章在语言、结构和思想上都产生了深刻的影响,使其文章呈现出险奇而守正的风貌。 展开更多
关键词 翼奉 经学 奏议
作者 郑明智 《常熟理工学院学报》 2025年第1期85-93,124,共10页
修身日记是儒者践履“一日三省吾身”之重要手段,其内容转变反映了儒者修身工夫与学术旨趣的变化。清代初年,夏峰学派修身日记从关注内心感悟走向记录日常生活,反映了儒者修身工夫逐渐由玄虚走向务实,其学术旨趣呈现从独尊阳明学到兼综... 修身日记是儒者践履“一日三省吾身”之重要手段,其内容转变反映了儒者修身工夫与学术旨趣的变化。清代初年,夏峰学派修身日记从关注内心感悟走向记录日常生活,反映了儒者修身工夫逐渐由玄虚走向务实,其学术旨趣呈现从独尊阳明学到兼综阳明学、朱子学,或复归朱子学的特点。清代中期,随着日课制度的进一步普及,书院儒者多有书写修身日记的习惯。而乾嘉朴学因智识主义的倾向与考据的需要,多选择学术札记作为修身方式。这在一定程度上表明,修身日记并不受乾嘉学者欢迎。以清代前中期儒者的修身日记为中心的历时性讨论,可以清晰揭示出他们的修身工夫与学术旨趣的演进。 展开更多
关键词 修身日记 修身工夫 夏峰北学 乾嘉学派 学术札记
A new triterpene saponin from Panax japonicus C.A.Meyer var major(Burk.) C.Y.Wu et K.M.Feng 被引量:4
作者 Hong Zhao Lin Shi +3 位作者 Jia Qing Cao Wei Li Xia Wen Yu Qing Zhao 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第10期1216-1218,共3页
One new Iriterpene saponin was isolated from Panaxjaponicus C. A. Meyer var major (Burk.) C. Y. Wu et K. M. Feng, and established as oleanolic acid 3-O-[β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1 →2)-β-D-glucuronopyranosyl-6'-O-n-... One new Iriterpene saponin was isolated from Panaxjaponicus C. A. Meyer var major (Burk.) C. Y. Wu et K. M. Feng, and established as oleanolic acid 3-O-[β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1 →2)-β-D-glucuronopyranosyl-6'-O-n-butyl ester] which showed mod- erate antitumor activities against the A2780 cells and OVCAR-3 cells. Its structure was established by means of spectral data, particularly NMR, including HSQC and HMBC techniques. 展开更多
关键词 Oleanolic acid 3-O-[β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1 2)-β-D-glucuronopyranosyl-6'-O-n-butyl ester] Antitumor Panax japonicus C. A.Meyer vat major (Burk) C Y wu et K. M feng Triterpene saponin
The Analysis of “Feng Qiao Ye Bo” on the Basis of Nida's Translation Theory
作者 陈澄 《疯狂英语(理论版)》 2017年第1期134-135,138,共3页
"Feng Qiao Ye Bo" has been translated into many different English versions,a systematic translation analysis using Nida's two types of equivalence-formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence-has not been ... "Feng Qiao Ye Bo" has been translated into many different English versions,a systematic translation analysis using Nida's two types of equivalence-formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence-has not been undertaken.This thesis thus aims at translating " Feng Qiao Ye Bo" by using two important translation theories of Nida and trys to search for their differences. 展开更多
关键词 formal equivalence dynamic equivalence "feng Qiao Ye Bo" SORROW CHOU
作者 Zhang Hongsheng, Cui YanHebei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei 050011, China 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 1995年第2期32-35,共4页
Hot medicated cornpress treatment belongs to an external treatment and is a kindof moxibustion. ″Feng Qi Ai″ prescription was recorded in Yi Fang Lei Ju. Zhu Xu Men, Rui ZhuTang Fang. In the treatment, pain in the l... Hot medicated cornpress treatment belongs to an external treatment and is a kindof moxibustion. ″Feng Qi Ai″ prescription was recorded in Yi Fang Lei Ju. Zhu Xu Men, Rui ZhuTang Fang. In the treatment, pain in the loin and the knees, cold-pain around the navel and in theabdornen,diarrhea due to deficiency and cold and other diseases are treated by combination of drugswith hot compress- We have irnproved the treatment and extended the range of its indication. It wasused for treatment 0f menorrhalgia due to cold uterine, gastralgia due to coId of rniddle-jiao, sciatica’periarthritis of shoulder, systremma,piriformis syndrome with good results. 展开更多
关键词 feng QI AI HOT medicated compress TREATMENT Deficiency-cold type
Tracing the Origin of the Concept of Chinese"Feng Jing"
作者 Liu Binyi Zhao Yan 《中国园林》 北大核心 2018年第9期51-52,共2页
The original concept of"Feng Jing"in China is different from the"Scenery"derived from ancient Greek and Roman theater scenes,and from the"Landscape"created in the eyes of Dutch painters a... The original concept of"Feng Jing"in China is different from the"Scenery"derived from ancient Greek and Roman theater scenes,and from the"Landscape"created in the eyes of Dutch painters and extended through multiple disciplines.We found that the Chinese concept of"Feng Jing"originated in the comprehensive understanding of the objective world and from beginning to end to explore the relationship between heaven,earth and human beings.From the initial need for the survival of the living environment of human beings to the symbolic meaning of cultural structure that gradually becomes a custom,it comes from the scientific cognition of two natural elements,"Feng"(风)and"Jing"(景).The concept of"Feng","Jing"and"Feng Jing",which the Chinese people have been accustomed to since ancient times,has a comprehensive and diversified meaning from the very beginning and transcends the concepts of"Scenery"and"Landscape".Just because of the modern and contemporary Western analysis tradition and the trend of scientific analysis,the original intention is lost. 展开更多
关键词 feng Jing HUMAN beings
"Wan Feng" Cup Excellent Papers in Diecasting
《China Foundry》 SCIE CAS 2006年第3期243-244,共2页
On June 28, 2006, during the 5th China International Diecasting Congress, a meeting was held by the Paper Evaluation and Competition Commission under Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society to ev... On June 28, 2006, during the 5th China International Diecasting Congress, a meeting was held by the Paper Evaluation and Competition Commission under Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society to evaluate excellent papers in die casting for these papers published in Foundry, Special Foundry & Nonferrous Alloys, Foundry Technology journals between Jan. and Dec. 2005 and Proceedings of the 5th China International Diecasting Congress, and recommended by their editorial commissions. After collecting recommendations and opinions from specialist nation-wide, a total of 13 papers were qualified for the final round. After evaluation and voting by the 21 participating member of the commission, one Gold Award and three Silver Awards were finalized and entitled the “Wan Feng” Cup Excellent Paper in Diecasting . The awarded papers are listed as follows: 展开更多
关键词 HEAT AZ Wan feng Cup Excellent Papers in Diecasting
Lisk Feng插画语言探析——以《珠穆朗玛》绘本为例
作者 张珠丽 谢晓彤 丁文霞 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2022年第9期120-122,共3页
Lisk Feng受中西方文化碰撞与融合的影响,以及自身天马行空的想象力和创造力,让新时代插画创作者对未来的插画方向有了更深层次的思考,也对插画如何叙事提出了新思路和新模式。文章通过对其科普类绘本《珠穆朗玛》当中的插画语言进行解... Lisk Feng受中西方文化碰撞与融合的影响,以及自身天马行空的想象力和创造力,让新时代插画创作者对未来的插画方向有了更深层次的思考,也对插画如何叙事提出了新思路和新模式。文章通过对其科普类绘本《珠穆朗玛》当中的插画语言进行解析,总结其艺术风格和创作灵感。 展开更多
关键词 Lisk feng 插画语言 科普 《珠穆朗玛》
Brief Biography of Professor Feng Xie
《上海师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2019年第3期F0003-F0003,共1页
Dr. Feng Xie is professor of mathe-matics and deputy dean of the College of Science at Donghua University. He earned his Ph. D. in applied mathematics from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2005. He was a senior visiti... Dr. Feng Xie is professor of mathe-matics and deputy dean of the College of Science at Donghua University. He earned his Ph. D. in applied mathematics from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2005. He was a senior visiting scholar at the Mathe-matical Institute of Leiden University from september 2012 to august 2013. Dr. Xie's research interests include canard phenome-na in multiple-scale dynamical systems and singular perturbation theory. He has published more than 30 research papers in prestigious journals such as SI-AM Journal on Aplied Dynamical Systems ,Journal of Nonl inear Science ,Jour-nal of Diferential Equations ,and Asymptotic Analysis. Dr. Xie currently servesas a member of Special Committee on Singular Perturbation , Chinese Mathe-matical Society. 展开更多
Human Nature, Personality, and Human Freedom in Feng Qi's On Wisdom
作者 He Ping Li Weiwu 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第6期403-415,共13页
In creating his theory of wisdom, Feng Qi emphasizes that Chinese Marxist philosophy should move from the theory of knowledge to a discourse on wisdom and concentrate on Chinese people's living world and life existen... In creating his theory of wisdom, Feng Qi emphasizes that Chinese Marxist philosophy should move from the theory of knowledge to a discourse on wisdom and concentrate on Chinese people's living world and life existence, so as to provide a spiritual home for the Chinese people and thereby highlight the importance of human nature, personality, and human freedom in Chinese Marxist philosophy. In researching human nature, he expatiates on the problems of mind (xin) and human nature (xing), natural instincts (tian xing) and virtues (de xing), and general character and individual character; in emphasizing personality, he puts forward the idea that the ideal personality is "free personality as a member of ordinary people;" in probing into the problems of human freedom, he explains how to get freedom from the basis of practical materialism. This philosophical inquiry enriches Chinese Marxist philosophy's researches into the understanding of humanity and the connection of philosophy with the living world, which opens up a new area of development in the sinicization of Marxist philosophy. 展开更多
关键词 feng Qi On Wisdom human nature PERSONALITY FREEDOM Chinese Marxist philosophy
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