Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation(AMOC)plays a central role in long-term climate variations through its heat and freshwater transports,which can collapse under a rapid increase of greenhouse gas forcing in c...Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation(AMOC)plays a central role in long-term climate variations through its heat and freshwater transports,which can collapse under a rapid increase of greenhouse gas forcing in climate models.Previous studies have suggested that the deviation of model parameters is one of the major factors in inducing inaccurate AMOC simulations.In this work,with a low-resolution earth system model,the authors try to explore whether a reasonable adjustment of the key model parameter can help to re-establish the AMOC after its collapse.Through a new optimization strategy,the extra freshwater flux(FWF)parameter is determined to be the dominant one affecting the AMOC’s variability.The traditional ensemble optimal interpolation(EnOI)data assimilation and new machine learning methods are adopted to optimize the FWF parameter in an abrupt 4×CO_(2) forcing experiment to improve the adaptability of model parameters and accelerate the recovery of AMOC.The results show that,under an abrupt 4×CO_(2) forcing in millennial simulations,the AMOC will first collapse and then re-establish by the default FWF parameter slowly.However,during the parameter adjustment process,the saltier and colder sea water over the North Atlantic region are the dominant factors in usefully improving the adaptability of the FWF parameter and accelerating the recovery of AMOC,according to their physical relationship with FWF on the interdecadal timescale.展开更多
Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC)plays an important role in transporting heat meridionally in the Earth’s climate system and is also a key metrical tool to verify oceanic general circulation models.Tw...Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC)plays an important role in transporting heat meridionally in the Earth’s climate system and is also a key metrical tool to verify oceanic general circulation models.Two OMIP(Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 1 and 2)simulations with LICOM3(version 3 of the LASG/IAP Climate System Ocean Model)developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics(LASG),Institute of Atmospheric Physics(IAP),are compared in this study.Both simulations well reproduce the fundamental characteristics of the AMOC,but the OMIP1 simulation shows a significantly stronger AMOC than the OMIP2 simulation.Because the LICOM3 configurations are identical between these two experiments,any differences between them must be attributed to the surface forcing data.Further analysis suggests that sea surface salinity(SSS)differences should be mainly responsible for the enhanced AMOC in the OMIP1 simulation,but sea surface temperature(SST)also play an unignorable role in modulating AMOC.In the North Atlantic,where deep convection occurs,the SSS in OMIP1 is more saline than that in OMIP1.We find that in the major region of deep convection,the change of SSS has more significant effect on density than the change of SST.As a result,the SSS was more saline than that in OMIP2,leading to stronger deep convection and subsequently intensify the AMOC.We conduct a series of numerical experiments with LICOM3,and the results confirmed that the changes in SSS have more significant effect on the strength of AMOC than the changes in SST.展开更多
In its totality and complexity, the theme of forcing in Christian events is almost impossible to investigate. In fact, a lot of scholars and a very long time would be necessary to analyse the numerous events. Thus, we...In its totality and complexity, the theme of forcing in Christian events is almost impossible to investigate. In fact, a lot of scholars and a very long time would be necessary to analyse the numerous events. Thus, we decided to investigate such events only in the study of the Shroud of Turin, an archaeological find known worldwide. The above topic is essential for Christianity. Furthermore, we must take into account that also among the followers of other religions, atheists and agnostics, there is a considerable interest. We think this is due to the unexpected characteristics that the Body Image, which appears on the Burial Linen of the Nazarene, shows. In this article, we would like to demonstrate that the practice of forcing is still in use. These actions, which are also present on the other side, in the non-Christian world, are the result of conflicts of religious interests. To confirm the presence of the Almighty is not necessarily the forcing. Finding a solution to these problems is not our job. However, we want to highlight them through scientific literature.展开更多
The West African Monsoon (WAM) is characterized by strong decadal and multi-decadal variability and the impacts can be catastrophic for the local populations. One of the factors put forward to explain this variability...The West African Monsoon (WAM) is characterized by strong decadal and multi-decadal variability and the impacts can be catastrophic for the local populations. One of the factors put forward to explain this variability involves the role of atmospheric dynamics, linked in particular to the Saharan Heat Low (SHL). This article addresses this question by comparing the sets of preindustrial control and historical simulation data from climate models carried out in the framework of the CMIP5 project and observations data over the 20<sup>th</sup> century. Through multivariate statistical analyses, it was established that decadal modes of ocean variability and decadal variability of Saharan atmospheric dynamics significantly influence decadal variability of monsoon precipitation. These results also suggest the existence of external anthropogenic forcing, which is superimposed on the decadal natural variability inducing an intensification of the signal in the historical simulations compared to preindustrial control simulations. We have also shown that decadal rainfall variability in the Sahel, once the influence of oceanic modes has been eliminated, appears to be driven mainly by the activity of the Arabian Heat Low (AHL) in the central Sahel, and by the structure of the meridional temperature gradient over the inter-tropical Atlantic in the western Sahel.展开更多
The initiation of convective cells in the late morning of 24 June 2010 along the eastward extending ridge of the Dabie Mountains in the Anhui region, China, is studied through numerical simulations that include local ...The initiation of convective cells in the late morning of 24 June 2010 along the eastward extending ridge of the Dabie Mountains in the Anhui region, China, is studied through numerical simulations that include local data assimilation. A primary convergence line is found over the ridge of the Dabie Mountains, and along the ridge line several locally enhanced convergence centers preferentially initiate convection. Three processes responsible for creating the overall convergence pattern are identified. First, thermally-driven upslope winds induce convergence zones over the main mountain peaks along the ridge, which are shifted slightly downwind in location by the moderate low-level easterly flow found on the north side of a Mei-yu front. Second, flows around the main mountain peaks along the ridge create further convergence on the lee side of the peaks. Third, upslope winds develop along the roughly north-south oriented valleys on both sides of the ridge due to thermal and dynamic channeling effects, and create additional convergence between the peaks along the ridge. The superposition of the above convergence features creates the primary convergence line along the ridge line of the Dabie Mountains. Locally enhanced convergence centers on the primary line cause the initiation of the first convection cells along the ridge. These conclusions are supported by two sensitivity experiments in which the environmental wind (dynamic forcing) or radiative and land surface thermal forcing are removed, respectively. Overall, the thermal forcing effects are stronger than dynamic forcing given the relatively weak environmental flow.展开更多
[Objective] This study aimed to reveal the impact of radiative forcing on the woody plants in subtropical regions of China through the study on the effect of radiative forcing on growth and photosynthetic responses of...[Objective] This study aimed to reveal the impact of radiative forcing on the woody plants in subtropical regions of China through the study on the effect of radiative forcing on growth and photosynthetic responses of Elaecarpus glabripetalus Merr. seedlings. [Method] Three gradients of radiative forcing treatments were applied to the species namely, control group (100% natural light), weak radiative forcing group (39% natural light) and strong radiative forcing group (16% natural light). The relative contents of chlorophyll, photosynthetic parameters of E. glabripetalus in different periods were measured to analyze the effects of different gradients of radiative forcing on plant height, ground diameter, chlorophyll content, gas exchange parameters, light response cure parameters. [Result] The increased ground diameter of E. glabripetalus in different treatments was the control weak radiative forcing group strong radiative forcing group; the increased plant height in the early period was strong radiative forcing group weak radiative forcing group control, but there was no significant difference during the late period; the relative content of chlorophyll was strong radiative forcing group weak radiative forcing group control. The light compensation point (LCP), light saturation point (LSP) and the maximum net photosynthetic rate (A max ) were reduced in radiative forcing treatments. The stomatal conductance (G s ), transpiration rate (Tr) of E. glabripetalus in strong radiative forcing group were significantly smaller than that in the control group, while there was no significant change in dark respiration rate (R d ) and apparent quantum yield (AQY). [Conclusion] In summary, the radiative forcing can change the environmental factors which have significant effect on the ground diameter, plant height, relative content of chlorophyll and photosynthetic physiological parameters, but with the processing of treatment the effects on ground diameter and plant height increase are not significant in the late period, indicating that E. glabripetalus seedlings have some resistance and adaptability to the radiative forcing environment.展开更多
Artificial input of energy into the flow is neces sary to create and maintain a statistically stationary isotropic turbulence for sampling in studying the statistics. Due to the nonlinear coupling among different Four...Artificial input of energy into the flow is neces sary to create and maintain a statistically stationary isotropic turbulence for sampling in studying the statistics. Due to the nonlinear coupling among different Fourier modes through the triadic interaction, whether or not various forc ing schemes affect the statistics in turbulence is an impor tant and open question. We present detailed comparison of Lagrangian statistics of fluids particles in forced isotropic turbulent flows in 1283, 2563, and 5123 simulations, with Taylorscale Reynolds numbers in the range of 64-171, us ing a deterministic and a stochastic forcing scheme, respec tively. Several Lagrangian statistics are compared, such as velocity and acceleration autocorrelations, and moments of Lagrangian velocity increments. The differences in the La grangian statistics obtained from the two forcing schemes are shown to be small, indicating that the isotropic forcing schemes used have little effects on the Lagrangian statistics in the isotropic turbulence.展开更多
The study investigated the effects of global direct radiative forcing due to carbonaceous aerosol on the climate in East Asia, using the CAM3 developed by NCAR. The results showed that carbonaceous aerosols cause nega...The study investigated the effects of global direct radiative forcing due to carbonaceous aerosol on the climate in East Asia, using the CAM3 developed by NCAR. The results showed that carbonaceous aerosols cause negative forcing at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) and surface under clear sky conditions, but positive forcing at the TOA and weak negative forcing at the surface under all sky conditions. Hence, clouds could change the sign of the direct radiative forcing at the TOA, and weaken the forcing at the surface. Carbonaceous aerosols have distinct effects on the summer climate in East Asia. In southern China and India, it caused the surface temperature to increase, but the total cloud cover and precipitation to decrease. However, the opposite effects are caused for most of northern China and Bangladesh. Given the changes in temperature, vertical velocity, and surface streamflow caused by carbonaceous aerosol in this simulation, carbonaceous aerosol could also induce summer precipitation to decrease in southern China but increase in northern China.展开更多
The regional climate model (RegCM3) and a tropospheric atmosphere chemistry model (TACM) were coupled, thus a regional climate chemistry modeling system (RegCCMS) was constructed, which was applied to investigat...The regional climate model (RegCM3) and a tropospheric atmosphere chemistry model (TACM) were coupled, thus a regional climate chemistry modeling system (RegCCMS) was constructed, which was applied to investigate the spatial distribution of anthropogenic nitrate aerosols, indirect radiative forcing, as well as its climatic effect over China. TACM includes the thermodynamic equilibrium model ISORROPIA and a condensed gas-phase chemistry model. Investigations show that the concentration of nitrate aerosols is relatively high over North and East China with a maximum of 29μg m-3 in January and 8 μg m-3 in July. Due to the influence of air temperature on thermodynamic equilibrium, wet scavenging of precipitation and the monsoon climate, there are obvious seasonal differences in nitrate concentrations. The average indirect radiative forcing at the tropopause due to nitrate aerosols is -1.63 W m 2 in January and -2.65 W m 2 in July, respectively. In some areas, indirect radiative forcing reaches -10 W m-2. Sensitivity tests show that nitrate aerosols make the surface air temperature drop and the precipitation reduce on the national level. The mean changes in surface air temperature and precipitation are 0.13 K and -0.01 mm d-1 in January and -0.09 K and -0.11 mm d-1 in July, respectively, showing significant differences in different regions.展开更多
Based on station observations, The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis (ERA40), the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) rean...Based on station observations, The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis (ERA40), the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis and Princeton University's global meteorological forcing data set (Princeton), four atmospheric forcing fields were constructed for use in driving the Community Land Model version 3.5 (CLM3.5). Simulated soil moisture content throughout the period 1951-2000 in the Yellow River basin was validated via comparison with corresponding observations in the upper, middle, and lower reaches. The results show that CLM3.5 is capable of reproducing not only the characteristics of intra-annual and annual variations of soil moisture, but also long-term variation trends, with different statistical significance in the correlations between the observations and simulations from different forcing fields in various reaches. The simulations modeled with station-based atmospheric forcing fields are the most consistent with observed soil moisture, and the simulations based on the Princeton data set are the second best, on average. The simulations from ERA40 and NCEP/NCAR are close to each other in quality, but comparatively worse to the other sources of forcing information that were evaluated. Regionally, simulations are most consistent with observations in the lower reaches and less so in the upper reaches, with the middle reaches in between. In addition, the soil moisture simulated by CLM3.5 is systematically greater than the observations in the Yellow River basin. Comparisons between the simulations by CLM3.5 and CLM3.0 indicate that simulation errors are primarily caused by deficiencies within CLM3.5 and are also associated with the quality of atmospheric forcing field applied.展开更多
The moist potential vorticity (MPV) equation is derived from complete atmospheric equations including the effect of mass forcing, with which the theory of Up-sliding Slantwise Vorticity Development, (USVD) is proposed...The moist potential vorticity (MPV) equation is derived from complete atmospheric equations including the effect of mass forcing, with which the theory of Up-sliding Slantwise Vorticity Development, (USVD) is proposed based on the theory of Slantwise Vorticity Development (SVD). When an air parcel slides up along a slantwise isentropic surface, its vertical component of relative vorticity will develop, and the steeper the isentropic surface is, the more violent the development will he. From the definition of MPV and the MPV equation produced here in, a complete vorticity equation is then put forward with mass forcing, which explicitly includes the effects of both internal forcings, such as variations of stability, baroclinicity, and vertical shear of horizontal wind, arid external forcings, such as diabatic heating, friction, and mass forcing. When isentropic surfaces are flat, the complete vorticity equation matches its traditional counterpart. The physical interpretations of some of the items which are included in the complete- vorticity equation but not in the traditional one are studied with a simplified model of the Changjiang-Huaihe Meiyu front. A 60-h simulation is then performed to reproduce a torrential rain event in the Changjiang-Huaihe region and the output of the model is studied qualitatively based on the theory of USVD. The result shows that the conditions of the theory of USVD are easily satisfied immediately in front of mesoscale rainstorms in the downwind direction, that is, the theory of USVD is important to the development and movement of these kinds of systems.展开更多
The impacts of cloud-induced mass forcing on the development of the moist potential vorticity (MPV) anomaly associated with torrential rains are investigated by using NCEP/NCAR 1? × 1? data. The MPV ten...The impacts of cloud-induced mass forcing on the development of the moist potential vorticity (MPV) anomaly associated with torrential rains are investigated by using NCEP/NCAR 1? × 1? data. The MPV tendency equation with the cloud-induced mass forcing is derived, and applied to the torrential rain event over the Changjiang River-Huaihe River Valleys during 26–30 June 1999. The result shows that positive anomalies are located mainly between 850 hPa and 500 hPa, while the maximum MPV, maximum positive tendency of the MPV, and maximum surface rainfall are nearly collocated. The cloud-induced mass forcing contributes to the positive tendency of the moist potential vorticity anomaly. The results indicate that the MPV may be used to track the propagation of rain systems for operational applications.展开更多
Gibberellins(GAs)promote flowering in the forcing-cultured tree peony(Paeonia suffruticosa),however,the mechanism of regulating flowering is not fully understood.In this study,exogenous GA3 was applied to five-year-ol...Gibberellins(GAs)promote flowering in the forcing-cultured tree peony(Paeonia suffruticosa),however,the mechanism of regulating flowering is not fully understood.In this study,exogenous GA3 was applied to five-year-old Luoyang Hong plants to explore responses in terms of endogenous hormones,flowering quality,and the hormone-and flowering-associated gene expression.Exogenous GA3 application significantly promoted flower bud development and new branch growth,as well as improved flowering quality.Exogenous GA3 application also stimulated the synthesis of endogenous GA3 and indole-3-acetic acid(IAA)but reduced abscisic acid(ABA)levels.To further elucidate the regulatory mechanism,eight genes for GA biosynthesis and signaling,including PsCPS,PsKS,PsGA3ox,PsGA2ox,PsGID1b,PsGID1c,PsDELLA,and PsGID2 were cloned for the first time,and sequence analysis was also performed.The results suggested that all the cloned genes have conserved structure as each homologous gene reported in the other species.Phylogenetic trees constructed by the each cloned gene showed that the phylogenetic evolutionary relationship of P.suffruticosa was closely related to Vitis vinifera.The expression patterns of the above genes,and genes for ABA and IAA biosynthetic and signaling,and the flowering time were also investigated.Most of the above genes showed higher expression in the control buds than those in the GA3 treated buds at six developmental stages,whereas the expression levels of PsSOC1 and PsSPL9 were up-regulated by GA3 treatment.The results also showed that the GA-biosynthetic and signaling pathways are conserved in tree peony,and the PsCPS,PsGA3ox,PsGA2ox,PsGID1,PsDELLA,and PsGID2 genes are necessary for feedback regulation of GAs.Furthermore,hormone changes promoted PsSOC1 and PsSPL9 expression,and repressed PsSVP expression,which contributed to the improvement flowering quality in tree peony of forcing culture.展开更多
This study simulates the effective radiative forcing (ERF) of tropospheric ozone from 1850 to 2013 and its effects on global climate using an aerosol-climate coupled model, BCC_AGCM2.0. I_CUACE/Aero, in combination ...This study simulates the effective radiative forcing (ERF) of tropospheric ozone from 1850 to 2013 and its effects on global climate using an aerosol-climate coupled model, BCC_AGCM2.0. I_CUACE/Aero, in combination with OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument) satellite ozone data. According to the OMI observations, the global annual mean tropospheric col- umn ozone (TCO) was 33.9 DU in 2013, and the largest TCO was distributed in the belts between 30°N and 45°N and at approximately 30°S; the annual mean TCO was higher in the Northern Hemisphere than that in the Southern Hemisphere; and in boreal summer and autumn, the global mean TCO was higher than in winter and spring. The simulated ERF due to the change in tropospheric ozone concentration from 1850 to 2013 was 0.46 W m-2, thereby causing an increase in the global annual mean surface temperature by 0.36°C, and precipitation by 0.02 mm d-1 (the increase of surface temperature had a significance level above 95%). The surface temperature was increased more obviously over the high latitudes in both hemispheres, with the maximum exceeding 1.4°C in Siberia. There were opposite changes in precipitation near the equator, with an increase of 0.5 mm d- 1 near the Hawaiian Islands and a decrease of about -0.6 mm d- 1 near the middle of the Indian Ocean.展开更多
The aerosol optical properties and direct radiative forcing over the Mu Us desert of northern China, acquired through a CE318 sunphotometer of the ground-based Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET), are analyzed. The se...The aerosol optical properties and direct radiative forcing over the Mu Us desert of northern China, acquired through a CE318 sunphotometer of the ground-based Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET), are analyzed. The seasonal variations in the aerosol optical properties are examined. The effect of meteorological elements (pressure, temperature, water vapor pressure, relative humidity and wind speed) on the aerosol optical properties is also studied. Then, the sources and optical properties under two different cases, a dust event and a pollution event, are compared. The results show that the high aerosol optical depth (AOD) found in Yulin was mostly attributed to the occurrence of dust events in spring from the Mu Us desert and deserts of West China and Mongolia, as well as the impacts of anthropogenic pollutant particles from the middle part of China in the other seasons. The seasonal variation and the probability distribution of the radiative forcing and the radiative forcing efficiency at the surface and the top of the atmosphere are analyzed and regressed using the linear and Gaussian regression methods.展开更多
This paper gives an overview of the current understanding of the observations of black carbon(BC) in snow and ice, and the estimates of BC deposition and its radiative forcing over the Arctic. Both of the observations...This paper gives an overview of the current understanding of the observations of black carbon(BC) in snow and ice, and the estimates of BC deposition and its radiative forcing over the Arctic. Both of the observations and model results show that, in spring, the average BC concentration and the resulting radiative forcing in Russian Arctic > Canadian and Alaskan Arctic > Arctic Ocean and Greenland. The observed BC concentration presented a signi?cant decrease trend from the Arctic coastal regions to the center of Arctic Ocean. In summer, due to the combined effects of BC accumulation and enlarged snow grain size, the averaged radiative forcing per unit area over the Arctic Ocean is larger than that over each sector of the Arctic in spring. However, because summer sea ice is always covered by a large fraction of melt ponds, the role of BC in sea ice albedo evolution during this period is secondary. Multi-model mean results indicate that the annual mean radiative forcing from all sources of BC in snow and ice over the Arctic was ~0.17 W m^(-2). Wet deposition is the dominant removal mechanism in the Arctic, which accounts for more than 90% of the total deposition. In the last part, we discuss the uncertainties in present modeling studies, and suggest potential approaches to reduce the uncertainties.展开更多
Characteristics of the total clear-sky greenhouse effect (GA) and cloud radiative forcings (CRFs), along with the radiative-related water vapor and cloud properties simulated by the Spectral Atmospheric Model deve...Characteristics of the total clear-sky greenhouse effect (GA) and cloud radiative forcings (CRFs), along with the radiative-related water vapor and cloud properties simulated by the Spectral Atmospheric Model developed by LASGIAP (SAMIL) are evaluated. Impacts of the convection scheme on the simulation of CRFs are discussed by using two AMIP (Atmospheric Model Inter-comparison Project) type simulations employing different convection schemes: the new Zhang-McFarlane (NZH) and Tiedtke (TDK) convection schemes. It shows that both the climatological GA and its response to El Nio warming are simulated well, both in terms of spatial pattern and magnitude. The impact of the convection scheme on GA is not significant. The climatological longwave CRF (LWCRF) and its response to El Nio warming are simulated well, but with a prominently weaker magnitude. The simulation of the climatology (response) of LWCRF in the NZH (TDK) run is slightly more realistic than in the TDK (NZH) simulation, indicating significant impacts of the convection scheme. The shortwave CRF (SWCRF) shows large biases in both spatial pattern and magnitude, and the results from the TDK run are better than those from the NZH run. A spuriously excessive negative climatological SWCRF over the southeastern Pacific and an insufficient response of SWCRF to El Nio warming over the tropical Pacific are seen in the NZH run. These two biases are alleviated in the TDK run, since it produces vigorous convection, which is related to the low threshold for convection to take place. Also, impacts of the convection scheme on the cloud profile are discussed.展开更多
There are large uncertainties in the quantitative assessment of radiative effects due to atmospheric dust aerosol. The optical properties contribute much to those uncertainties. The authors perform several sensitivity...There are large uncertainties in the quantitative assessment of radiative effects due to atmospheric dust aerosol. The optical properties contribute much to those uncertainties. The authors perform several sensitivity experiments to estimate the impacts of optical characteristics on regional radiative forcing in this paper. The experiments involve in refractive indices, single scattering aibedo, asymmetry factor and optical depth. An updated dataset of refractive indices representing East Asian dust and the one recommended by the World Meteorology Organization (WMO) are contrastively analyzed and used. A radiative transfer code for solar and thermal infrared radiation with detailed aerosol parameterization is employed. The strongest emphasis is on the refractive indices since other optical parameters strongly depend on it, and the authors found a strong sensitivity of radiative forcing on refractive indices. Studies show stronger scattering, weaker absorption and forward scattering of the East Asian dust particles at solar wavelengths, which leads to higher negative forcing, lower positive forcing and bigger net forcing at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) than that of the WMO dust model. It is also found that the TOA forcings resulting from these two dust models have opposite signs in certain regions, which implies the importance of accurate measurements of optical properties in the quantitative estimation of radiative forcing.展开更多
The radiative forcing and climate response due to black carbon(BC) in snow and/or ice were investigated by integrating observed effects of BC on snow/ice albedo into an atmospheric general circulation model(BCC AGC...The radiative forcing and climate response due to black carbon(BC) in snow and/or ice were investigated by integrating observed effects of BC on snow/ice albedo into an atmospheric general circulation model(BCC AGCM2.0.1) developed by the National Climate Center(NCC) of the China Meteorological Administration(CMA).The results show that the global annual mean surface radiative forcing due to BC in snow/ice is +0.042 W m 2,with maximum forcing found over the Tibetan Plateau and regional mean forcing exceeding +2.8 W m 2.The global annual mean surface temperature increased 0.071 C due to BC in snow/ice.Positive surface radiative forcing was clearly shown in winter and spring and increased the surface temperature of snow/ice in the Northern Hemisphere.The surface temperatures of snow-covered areas of Eurasia and North America in winter(spring) increased by 0.83 C(0.6 C) and 0.83 C(0.46 C),respectively.Snowmelt rates also increased greatly,leading to earlier snowmelt and peak runoff times.With the rise of surface temperatures in the Arctic,more water vapor could be released into the atmosphere,allowing easier cloud formation,which could lead to higher thermal emittance in the Arctic.However,the total cloud forcing could decrease due to increasing cloud cover,which will offset some of the positive feedback mechanism of the clouds.展开更多
The direct radiative forcing (DRF) of sulfate aerosols depends highly on the atmospheric sulfate loading and the meteorology, both of which undergo strong regional and seasonal variations. Because the optical proper...The direct radiative forcing (DRF) of sulfate aerosols depends highly on the atmospheric sulfate loading and the meteorology, both of which undergo strong regional and seasonal variations. Because the optical properties of sulfate aerosols are also sensitive to atmospheric relative humidity, in this study we first examine the scheme for optical properties that considers hydroscopic growth. Next, we investigate the seasonal and regional distributions of sulfate DRF using the sulfate loading simulated from NCAR CAM-Chem together with the meteorology modeled from a spectral atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) developed by LASG-IAP. The global annual-mean sulfate loading of 3.44 mg m-2 is calculated to yield the DRF of -1.03 and -0.57 W m-2 for clear-sky and all-sky conditions, respectively. However, much larger values occur on regional bases. For example, the maximum all-sky sulfate DRF over Europe, East Asia, and North America can be up to -4.0 W m-2. The strongest all-sky sulfate DRF occurs in the Northern Hemispheric July, with a hemispheric average of -1.26 W m-2. The study results also indicate that the regional DRF are strongly affected by cloud and relative humidity, which vary considerably among the regions during different seasons. This certainly raises the issue that the biases in model-sinmlated regional meteorology can introduce biases into the sulfate DRF. Hence, the model processes associated with atmospheric humidity and cloud physics should be modified in great depth to improve the simulations of the LASG-IAP AGCM and to reduce the uncertainty of sulfate direct effects on global and regional climate in these simulations.展开更多
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China [grant number 2023YFF0805202]the National Natural Science Foun-dation of China [grant number 42175045]the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences [grant number XDB42000000]。
文摘Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation(AMOC)plays a central role in long-term climate variations through its heat and freshwater transports,which can collapse under a rapid increase of greenhouse gas forcing in climate models.Previous studies have suggested that the deviation of model parameters is one of the major factors in inducing inaccurate AMOC simulations.In this work,with a low-resolution earth system model,the authors try to explore whether a reasonable adjustment of the key model parameter can help to re-establish the AMOC after its collapse.Through a new optimization strategy,the extra freshwater flux(FWF)parameter is determined to be the dominant one affecting the AMOC’s variability.The traditional ensemble optimal interpolation(EnOI)data assimilation and new machine learning methods are adopted to optimize the FWF parameter in an abrupt 4×CO_(2) forcing experiment to improve the adaptability of model parameters and accelerate the recovery of AMOC.The results show that,under an abrupt 4×CO_(2) forcing in millennial simulations,the AMOC will first collapse and then re-establish by the default FWF parameter slowly.However,during the parameter adjustment process,the saltier and colder sea water over the North Atlantic region are the dominant factors in usefully improving the adaptability of the FWF parameter and accelerating the recovery of AMOC,according to their physical relationship with FWF on the interdecadal timescale.
基金Supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.XDA19060102)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.91958201,42130608)the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.XDB42000000)。
文摘Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC)plays an important role in transporting heat meridionally in the Earth’s climate system and is also a key metrical tool to verify oceanic general circulation models.Two OMIP(Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 1 and 2)simulations with LICOM3(version 3 of the LASG/IAP Climate System Ocean Model)developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics(LASG),Institute of Atmospheric Physics(IAP),are compared in this study.Both simulations well reproduce the fundamental characteristics of the AMOC,but the OMIP1 simulation shows a significantly stronger AMOC than the OMIP2 simulation.Because the LICOM3 configurations are identical between these two experiments,any differences between them must be attributed to the surface forcing data.Further analysis suggests that sea surface salinity(SSS)differences should be mainly responsible for the enhanced AMOC in the OMIP1 simulation,but sea surface temperature(SST)also play an unignorable role in modulating AMOC.In the North Atlantic,where deep convection occurs,the SSS in OMIP1 is more saline than that in OMIP1.We find that in the major region of deep convection,the change of SSS has more significant effect on density than the change of SST.As a result,the SSS was more saline than that in OMIP2,leading to stronger deep convection and subsequently intensify the AMOC.We conduct a series of numerical experiments with LICOM3,and the results confirmed that the changes in SSS have more significant effect on the strength of AMOC than the changes in SST.
文摘In its totality and complexity, the theme of forcing in Christian events is almost impossible to investigate. In fact, a lot of scholars and a very long time would be necessary to analyse the numerous events. Thus, we decided to investigate such events only in the study of the Shroud of Turin, an archaeological find known worldwide. The above topic is essential for Christianity. Furthermore, we must take into account that also among the followers of other religions, atheists and agnostics, there is a considerable interest. We think this is due to the unexpected characteristics that the Body Image, which appears on the Burial Linen of the Nazarene, shows. In this article, we would like to demonstrate that the practice of forcing is still in use. These actions, which are also present on the other side, in the non-Christian world, are the result of conflicts of religious interests. To confirm the presence of the Almighty is not necessarily the forcing. Finding a solution to these problems is not our job. However, we want to highlight them through scientific literature.
文摘The West African Monsoon (WAM) is characterized by strong decadal and multi-decadal variability and the impacts can be catastrophic for the local populations. One of the factors put forward to explain this variability involves the role of atmospheric dynamics, linked in particular to the Saharan Heat Low (SHL). This article addresses this question by comparing the sets of preindustrial control and historical simulation data from climate models carried out in the framework of the CMIP5 project and observations data over the 20<sup>th</sup> century. Through multivariate statistical analyses, it was established that decadal modes of ocean variability and decadal variability of Saharan atmospheric dynamics significantly influence decadal variability of monsoon precipitation. These results also suggest the existence of external anthropogenic forcing, which is superimposed on the decadal natural variability inducing an intensification of the signal in the historical simulations compared to preindustrial control simulations. We have also shown that decadal rainfall variability in the Sahel, once the influence of oceanic modes has been eliminated, appears to be driven mainly by the activity of the Arabian Heat Low (AHL) in the central Sahel, and by the structure of the meridional temperature gradient over the inter-tropical Atlantic in the western Sahel.
基金primarily supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41375061,41130964 and 41461164008)the National Program on Key Basic Research project(973)(Grant Nos.2013CB430103 and 2012CB417200)the Special Public Sector Research of China(Grant No.GYHY201006004)
文摘The initiation of convective cells in the late morning of 24 June 2010 along the eastward extending ridge of the Dabie Mountains in the Anhui region, China, is studied through numerical simulations that include local data assimilation. A primary convergence line is found over the ridge of the Dabie Mountains, and along the ridge line several locally enhanced convergence centers preferentially initiate convection. Three processes responsible for creating the overall convergence pattern are identified. First, thermally-driven upslope winds induce convergence zones over the main mountain peaks along the ridge, which are shifted slightly downwind in location by the moderate low-level easterly flow found on the north side of a Mei-yu front. Second, flows around the main mountain peaks along the ridge create further convergence on the lee side of the peaks. Third, upslope winds develop along the roughly north-south oriented valleys on both sides of the ridge due to thermal and dynamic channeling effects, and create additional convergence between the peaks along the ridge. The superposition of the above convergence features creates the primary convergence line along the ridge line of the Dabie Mountains. Locally enhanced convergence centers on the primary line cause the initiation of the first convection cells along the ridge. These conclusions are supported by two sensitivity experiments in which the environmental wind (dynamic forcing) or radiative and land surface thermal forcing are removed, respectively. Overall, the thermal forcing effects are stronger than dynamic forcing given the relatively weak environmental flow.
基金Supported by the Major International Cooperation Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (20073819)the National High-tech R&D Program of China (2009AA122001, 2009AA122005)+3 种基金the Major Basic Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2007FY110300-08)the State Key Development Program for Basic Research of China (2010CB950702, 2010CB428503)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40671132)the Major Project for Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province, China (2008C13G2100010)~~
文摘[Objective] This study aimed to reveal the impact of radiative forcing on the woody plants in subtropical regions of China through the study on the effect of radiative forcing on growth and photosynthetic responses of Elaecarpus glabripetalus Merr. seedlings. [Method] Three gradients of radiative forcing treatments were applied to the species namely, control group (100% natural light), weak radiative forcing group (39% natural light) and strong radiative forcing group (16% natural light). The relative contents of chlorophyll, photosynthetic parameters of E. glabripetalus in different periods were measured to analyze the effects of different gradients of radiative forcing on plant height, ground diameter, chlorophyll content, gas exchange parameters, light response cure parameters. [Result] The increased ground diameter of E. glabripetalus in different treatments was the control weak radiative forcing group strong radiative forcing group; the increased plant height in the early period was strong radiative forcing group weak radiative forcing group control, but there was no significant difference during the late period; the relative content of chlorophyll was strong radiative forcing group weak radiative forcing group control. The light compensation point (LCP), light saturation point (LSP) and the maximum net photosynthetic rate (A max ) were reduced in radiative forcing treatments. The stomatal conductance (G s ), transpiration rate (Tr) of E. glabripetalus in strong radiative forcing group were significantly smaller than that in the control group, while there was no significant change in dark respiration rate (R d ) and apparent quantum yield (AQY). [Conclusion] In summary, the radiative forcing can change the environmental factors which have significant effect on the ground diameter, plant height, relative content of chlorophyll and photosynthetic physiological parameters, but with the processing of treatment the effects on ground diameter and plant height increase are not significant in the late period, indicating that E. glabripetalus seedlings have some resistance and adaptability to the radiative forcing environment.
基金supported by the 973 Program of China(2013CB834100)the National Natural Science Associate Foundation of China(U1230126)the National Science Foundation of China(11472277 and 11232011)
文摘Artificial input of energy into the flow is neces sary to create and maintain a statistically stationary isotropic turbulence for sampling in studying the statistics. Due to the nonlinear coupling among different Fourier modes through the triadic interaction, whether or not various forc ing schemes affect the statistics in turbulence is an impor tant and open question. We present detailed comparison of Lagrangian statistics of fluids particles in forced isotropic turbulent flows in 1283, 2563, and 5123 simulations, with Taylorscale Reynolds numbers in the range of 64-171, us ing a deterministic and a stochastic forcing scheme, respec tively. Several Lagrangian statistics are compared, such as velocity and acceleration autocorrelations, and moments of Lagrangian velocity increments. The differences in the La grangian statistics obtained from the two forcing schemes are shown to be small, indicating that the isotropic forcing schemes used have little effects on the Lagrangian statistics in the isotropic turbulence.
基金supported by Na-tional Basic Research Program of China (Grant No.2006CB403707)the public Meteorology Special Foundation of MOST (Grant No. GYHY200706036)the National Key Technology R & D Program (Grant No.2007BAC03A0)
文摘The study investigated the effects of global direct radiative forcing due to carbonaceous aerosol on the climate in East Asia, using the CAM3 developed by NCAR. The results showed that carbonaceous aerosols cause negative forcing at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) and surface under clear sky conditions, but positive forcing at the TOA and weak negative forcing at the surface under all sky conditions. Hence, clouds could change the sign of the direct radiative forcing at the TOA, and weaken the forcing at the surface. Carbonaceous aerosols have distinct effects on the summer climate in East Asia. In southern China and India, it caused the surface temperature to increase, but the total cloud cover and precipitation to decrease. However, the opposite effects are caused for most of northern China and Bangladesh. Given the changes in temperature, vertical velocity, and surface streamflow caused by carbonaceous aerosol in this simulation, carbonaceous aerosol could also induce summer precipitation to decrease in southern China but increase in northern China.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2006CB403706 and 2006CB403703)the National Science and Technology Support Program (Grant No.2007BAC03A01)the Jiangsu Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. BK2006515)
文摘The regional climate model (RegCM3) and a tropospheric atmosphere chemistry model (TACM) were coupled, thus a regional climate chemistry modeling system (RegCCMS) was constructed, which was applied to investigate the spatial distribution of anthropogenic nitrate aerosols, indirect radiative forcing, as well as its climatic effect over China. TACM includes the thermodynamic equilibrium model ISORROPIA and a condensed gas-phase chemistry model. Investigations show that the concentration of nitrate aerosols is relatively high over North and East China with a maximum of 29μg m-3 in January and 8 μg m-3 in July. Due to the influence of air temperature on thermodynamic equilibrium, wet scavenging of precipitation and the monsoon climate, there are obvious seasonal differences in nitrate concentrations. The average indirect radiative forcing at the tropopause due to nitrate aerosols is -1.63 W m 2 in January and -2.65 W m 2 in July, respectively. In some areas, indirect radiative forcing reaches -10 W m-2. Sensitivity tests show that nitrate aerosols make the surface air temperature drop and the precipitation reduce on the national level. The mean changes in surface air temperature and precipitation are 0.13 K and -0.01 mm d-1 in January and -0.09 K and -0.11 mm d-1 in July, respectively, showing significant differences in different regions.
基金supported by themajor state basic research development program of China(Grant No.2006CB400504)the key program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.40830956)National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.40775055,40828004)
文摘Based on station observations, The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis (ERA40), the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis and Princeton University's global meteorological forcing data set (Princeton), four atmospheric forcing fields were constructed for use in driving the Community Land Model version 3.5 (CLM3.5). Simulated soil moisture content throughout the period 1951-2000 in the Yellow River basin was validated via comparison with corresponding observations in the upper, middle, and lower reaches. The results show that CLM3.5 is capable of reproducing not only the characteristics of intra-annual and annual variations of soil moisture, but also long-term variation trends, with different statistical significance in the correlations between the observations and simulations from different forcing fields in various reaches. The simulations modeled with station-based atmospheric forcing fields are the most consistent with observed soil moisture, and the simulations based on the Princeton data set are the second best, on average. The simulations from ERA40 and NCEP/NCAR are close to each other in quality, but comparatively worse to the other sources of forcing information that were evaluated. Regionally, simulations are most consistent with observations in the lower reaches and less so in the upper reaches, with the middle reaches in between. In addition, the soil moisture simulated by CLM3.5 is systematically greater than the observations in the Yellow River basin. Comparisons between the simulations by CLM3.5 and CLM3.0 indicate that simulation errors are primarily caused by deficiencies within CLM3.5 and are also associated with the quality of atmospheric forcing field applied.
基金supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Program of Well-Known 0verseas Chinese Scholars under Dr.Samuel Shen and the Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under Grant No.KZCX3-SW-213by the National Natural Science foundation of China under Grant Nos.40023001 and 40135020.
文摘The moist potential vorticity (MPV) equation is derived from complete atmospheric equations including the effect of mass forcing, with which the theory of Up-sliding Slantwise Vorticity Development, (USVD) is proposed based on the theory of Slantwise Vorticity Development (SVD). When an air parcel slides up along a slantwise isentropic surface, its vertical component of relative vorticity will develop, and the steeper the isentropic surface is, the more violent the development will he. From the definition of MPV and the MPV equation produced here in, a complete vorticity equation is then put forward with mass forcing, which explicitly includes the effects of both internal forcings, such as variations of stability, baroclinicity, and vertical shear of horizontal wind, arid external forcings, such as diabatic heating, friction, and mass forcing. When isentropic surfaces are flat, the complete vorticity equation matches its traditional counterpart. The physical interpretations of some of the items which are included in the complete- vorticity equation but not in the traditional one are studied with a simplified model of the Changjiang-Huaihe Meiyu front. A 60-h simulation is then performed to reproduce a torrential rain event in the Changjiang-Huaihe region and the output of the model is studied qualitatively based on the theory of USVD. The result shows that the conditions of the theory of USVD are easily satisfied immediately in front of mesoscale rainstorms in the downwind direction, that is, the theory of USVD is important to the development and movement of these kinds of systems.
基金by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.40405007 , 40275015 the OlympicProject under Grant No.KACX1-02 partially sup-ported by the"Outstanding Overseas Chinese Scholars"Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under Grant No.2002-1-2.
文摘The impacts of cloud-induced mass forcing on the development of the moist potential vorticity (MPV) anomaly associated with torrential rains are investigated by using NCEP/NCAR 1? × 1? data. The MPV tendency equation with the cloud-induced mass forcing is derived, and applied to the torrential rain event over the Changjiang River-Huaihe River Valleys during 26–30 June 1999. The result shows that positive anomalies are located mainly between 850 hPa and 500 hPa, while the maximum MPV, maximum positive tendency of the MPV, and maximum surface rainfall are nearly collocated. The cloud-induced mass forcing contributes to the positive tendency of the moist potential vorticity anomaly. The results indicate that the MPV may be used to track the propagation of rain systems for operational applications.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31501800 and 31572156)the National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund (2015QRNC001)+1 种基金the Science and Technology Cooperation Foundations of Henan Province of China (172106000005)the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program (ASTIP) of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
文摘Gibberellins(GAs)promote flowering in the forcing-cultured tree peony(Paeonia suffruticosa),however,the mechanism of regulating flowering is not fully understood.In this study,exogenous GA3 was applied to five-year-old Luoyang Hong plants to explore responses in terms of endogenous hormones,flowering quality,and the hormone-and flowering-associated gene expression.Exogenous GA3 application significantly promoted flower bud development and new branch growth,as well as improved flowering quality.Exogenous GA3 application also stimulated the synthesis of endogenous GA3 and indole-3-acetic acid(IAA)but reduced abscisic acid(ABA)levels.To further elucidate the regulatory mechanism,eight genes for GA biosynthesis and signaling,including PsCPS,PsKS,PsGA3ox,PsGA2ox,PsGID1b,PsGID1c,PsDELLA,and PsGID2 were cloned for the first time,and sequence analysis was also performed.The results suggested that all the cloned genes have conserved structure as each homologous gene reported in the other species.Phylogenetic trees constructed by the each cloned gene showed that the phylogenetic evolutionary relationship of P.suffruticosa was closely related to Vitis vinifera.The expression patterns of the above genes,and genes for ABA and IAA biosynthetic and signaling,and the flowering time were also investigated.Most of the above genes showed higher expression in the control buds than those in the GA3 treated buds at six developmental stages,whereas the expression levels of PsSOC1 and PsSPL9 were up-regulated by GA3 treatment.The results also showed that the GA-biosynthetic and signaling pathways are conserved in tree peony,and the PsCPS,PsGA3ox,PsGA2ox,PsGID1,PsDELLA,and PsGID2 genes are necessary for feedback regulation of GAs.Furthermore,hormone changes promoted PsSOC1 and PsSPL9 expression,and repressed PsSVP expression,which contributed to the improvement flowering quality in tree peony of forcing culture.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41575002)
文摘This study simulates the effective radiative forcing (ERF) of tropospheric ozone from 1850 to 2013 and its effects on global climate using an aerosol-climate coupled model, BCC_AGCM2.0. I_CUACE/Aero, in combination with OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument) satellite ozone data. According to the OMI observations, the global annual mean tropospheric col- umn ozone (TCO) was 33.9 DU in 2013, and the largest TCO was distributed in the belts between 30°N and 45°N and at approximately 30°S; the annual mean TCO was higher in the Northern Hemisphere than that in the Southern Hemisphere; and in boreal summer and autumn, the global mean TCO was higher than in winter and spring. The simulated ERF due to the change in tropospheric ozone concentration from 1850 to 2013 was 0.46 W m-2, thereby causing an increase in the global annual mean surface temperature by 0.36°C, and precipitation by 0.02 mm d-1 (the increase of surface temperature had a significance level above 95%). The surface temperature was increased more obviously over the high latitudes in both hemispheres, with the maximum exceeding 1.4°C in Siberia. There were opposite changes in precipitation near the equator, with an increase of 0.5 mm d- 1 near the Hawaiian Islands and a decrease of about -0.6 mm d- 1 near the middle of the Indian Ocean.
基金supported by grants from the National Key Project of Basic Research (2006CB403702 and 2006CB403701)the CAMS Basis Research Project and National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 40405001
文摘The aerosol optical properties and direct radiative forcing over the Mu Us desert of northern China, acquired through a CE318 sunphotometer of the ground-based Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET), are analyzed. The seasonal variations in the aerosol optical properties are examined. The effect of meteorological elements (pressure, temperature, water vapor pressure, relative humidity and wind speed) on the aerosol optical properties is also studied. Then, the sources and optical properties under two different cases, a dust event and a pollution event, are compared. The results show that the high aerosol optical depth (AOD) found in Yulin was mostly attributed to the occurrence of dust events in spring from the Mu Us desert and deserts of West China and Mongolia, as well as the impacts of anthropogenic pollutant particles from the middle part of China in the other seasons. The seasonal variation and the probability distribution of the radiative forcing and the radiative forcing efficiency at the surface and the top of the atmosphere are analyzed and regressed using the linear and Gaussian regression methods.
基金funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2013CBA01804)the National Nature Science Foundation of China (41425003, Y51101P1A1)+1 种基金the key project of CAMS: Research on the key processes of Cryospheric rapid changes (KJZD-EW-G03-04)the Opening Founding of State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Sciences (SKLCS-OP-2016-03)
文摘This paper gives an overview of the current understanding of the observations of black carbon(BC) in snow and ice, and the estimates of BC deposition and its radiative forcing over the Arctic. Both of the observations and model results show that, in spring, the average BC concentration and the resulting radiative forcing in Russian Arctic > Canadian and Alaskan Arctic > Arctic Ocean and Greenland. The observed BC concentration presented a signi?cant decrease trend from the Arctic coastal regions to the center of Arctic Ocean. In summer, due to the combined effects of BC accumulation and enlarged snow grain size, the averaged radiative forcing per unit area over the Arctic Ocean is larger than that over each sector of the Arctic in spring. However, because summer sea ice is always covered by a large fraction of melt ponds, the role of BC in sea ice albedo evolution during this period is secondary. Multi-model mean results indicate that the annual mean radiative forcing from all sources of BC in snow and ice over the Arctic was ~0.17 W m^(-2). Wet deposition is the dominant removal mechanism in the Arctic, which accounts for more than 90% of the total deposition. In the last part, we discuss the uncertainties in present modeling studies, and suggest potential approaches to reduce the uncertainties.
基金supported jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos 40890054 and 40821092)the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No 2010CB951904)National Key Technologies R&D Program (Grant No 2007BAC29B03)
文摘Characteristics of the total clear-sky greenhouse effect (GA) and cloud radiative forcings (CRFs), along with the radiative-related water vapor and cloud properties simulated by the Spectral Atmospheric Model developed by LASGIAP (SAMIL) are evaluated. Impacts of the convection scheme on the simulation of CRFs are discussed by using two AMIP (Atmospheric Model Inter-comparison Project) type simulations employing different convection schemes: the new Zhang-McFarlane (NZH) and Tiedtke (TDK) convection schemes. It shows that both the climatological GA and its response to El Nio warming are simulated well, both in terms of spatial pattern and magnitude. The impact of the convection scheme on GA is not significant. The climatological longwave CRF (LWCRF) and its response to El Nio warming are simulated well, but with a prominently weaker magnitude. The simulation of the climatology (response) of LWCRF in the NZH (TDK) run is slightly more realistic than in the TDK (NZH) simulation, indicating significant impacts of the convection scheme. The shortwave CRF (SWCRF) shows large biases in both spatial pattern and magnitude, and the results from the TDK run are better than those from the NZH run. A spuriously excessive negative climatological SWCRF over the southeastern Pacific and an insufficient response of SWCRF to El Nio warming over the tropical Pacific are seen in the NZH run. These two biases are alleviated in the TDK run, since it produces vigorous convection, which is related to the low threshold for convection to take place. Also, impacts of the convection scheme on the cloud profile are discussed.
文摘There are large uncertainties in the quantitative assessment of radiative effects due to atmospheric dust aerosol. The optical properties contribute much to those uncertainties. The authors perform several sensitivity experiments to estimate the impacts of optical characteristics on regional radiative forcing in this paper. The experiments involve in refractive indices, single scattering aibedo, asymmetry factor and optical depth. An updated dataset of refractive indices representing East Asian dust and the one recommended by the World Meteorology Organization (WMO) are contrastively analyzed and used. A radiative transfer code for solar and thermal infrared radiation with detailed aerosol parameterization is employed. The strongest emphasis is on the refractive indices since other optical parameters strongly depend on it, and the authors found a strong sensitivity of radiative forcing on refractive indices. Studies show stronger scattering, weaker absorption and forward scattering of the East Asian dust particles at solar wavelengths, which leads to higher negative forcing, lower positive forcing and bigger net forcing at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) than that of the WMO dust model. It is also found that the TOA forcings resulting from these two dust models have opposite signs in certain regions, which implies the importance of accurate measurements of optical properties in the quantitative estimation of radiative forcing.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2010CB955608 and 2011CB403405)the Public Meteorology Special Foundation of MOST (Grant No.GYHY200906020)
文摘The radiative forcing and climate response due to black carbon(BC) in snow and/or ice were investigated by integrating observed effects of BC on snow/ice albedo into an atmospheric general circulation model(BCC AGCM2.0.1) developed by the National Climate Center(NCC) of the China Meteorological Administration(CMA).The results show that the global annual mean surface radiative forcing due to BC in snow/ice is +0.042 W m 2,with maximum forcing found over the Tibetan Plateau and regional mean forcing exceeding +2.8 W m 2.The global annual mean surface temperature increased 0.071 C due to BC in snow/ice.Positive surface radiative forcing was clearly shown in winter and spring and increased the surface temperature of snow/ice in the Northern Hemisphere.The surface temperatures of snow-covered areas of Eurasia and North America in winter(spring) increased by 0.83 C(0.6 C) and 0.83 C(0.46 C),respectively.Snowmelt rates also increased greatly,leading to earlier snowmelt and peak runoff times.With the rise of surface temperatures in the Arctic,more water vapor could be released into the atmosphere,allowing easier cloud formation,which could lead to higher thermal emittance in the Arctic.However,the total cloud forcing could decrease due to increasing cloud cover,which will offset some of the positive feedback mechanism of the clouds.
基金supported jointly by the grant from National Basic Research Program of China(Grant No.2012CB955303)and from the Office of Biological and Environmental Sciences,US Department of Energy
文摘The direct radiative forcing (DRF) of sulfate aerosols depends highly on the atmospheric sulfate loading and the meteorology, both of which undergo strong regional and seasonal variations. Because the optical properties of sulfate aerosols are also sensitive to atmospheric relative humidity, in this study we first examine the scheme for optical properties that considers hydroscopic growth. Next, we investigate the seasonal and regional distributions of sulfate DRF using the sulfate loading simulated from NCAR CAM-Chem together with the meteorology modeled from a spectral atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) developed by LASG-IAP. The global annual-mean sulfate loading of 3.44 mg m-2 is calculated to yield the DRF of -1.03 and -0.57 W m-2 for clear-sky and all-sky conditions, respectively. However, much larger values occur on regional bases. For example, the maximum all-sky sulfate DRF over Europe, East Asia, and North America can be up to -4.0 W m-2. The strongest all-sky sulfate DRF occurs in the Northern Hemispheric July, with a hemispheric average of -1.26 W m-2. The study results also indicate that the regional DRF are strongly affected by cloud and relative humidity, which vary considerably among the regions during different seasons. This certainly raises the issue that the biases in model-sinmlated regional meteorology can introduce biases into the sulfate DRF. Hence, the model processes associated with atmospheric humidity and cloud physics should be modified in great depth to improve the simulations of the LASG-IAP AGCM and to reduce the uncertainty of sulfate direct effects on global and regional climate in these simulations.