The effects of the gravitational redshift of gravitons upon spiral galaxy rotation energy are compared to the standard mass to light analyses in obtaining rotation curves. The derivation of the total baryonic matter c...The effects of the gravitational redshift of gravitons upon spiral galaxy rotation energy are compared to the standard mass to light analyses in obtaining rotation curves. The derivation of the total baryonic matter compares well with the standard theory and the rotation velocity is matched to a high precision. The stellar mass distributions obtained from the fit with graviton energy loss are used to derive the surface brightness magnitudes for the galaxies, which agree well with the observed measurements. In a new field of investigation, the graviton theory is applied to the observations of gravitational lenses. The results of these applications of the theory suggest that it can augment the standard methods and may eliminate the need for dark matter.展开更多
In the context of classical physics, Newton’s law of universal gravitation describes the attraction between two mass particles separated in space. In the same context a vector field Eg, that is not associated with an...In the context of classical physics, Newton’s law of universal gravitation describes the attraction between two mass particles separated in space. In the same context a vector field Eg, that is not associated with anything substantial, has been introduced as the entity that mediates in the gravitational interactions. In this article, we will show that Egis the mathematical quantity that—at the macroscopic level—fully characterizes the medium that makes the interaction between particles at rest possible. We identify that medium as “the gravitational field”. To define the nature of the gravitational field, we will start from the hypothesis that a material object manifests itself in space by the emission—at a rate proportional to its rest mass—of mass and energy less granular entities that—relative to an inertial reference frame—are rushing away with the speed of light and that are carriers of information referring to the position of their emitter (“g-information”). Because they transport nothing else than information, we call these entities “informatons”. We will show that the expanding cloud of g-information created by the continuous emission of informatons by a mass particle at rest can be fully characterized by the vector field Eg, which implies that that cloud can be identified as the gravitational field of the particle. We will also show that the gravitational interaction between mass particles can be explained as the response of a particle to the disturbance of the symmetry of its “proper” gravitational field by the field that, in its direct vicinity, is created and maintained by other mass particles.展开更多
In the article “Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation Explained by the Theory of Informatons” the gravitational interaction between mass particles at rest has been explained by the hypothesis that g-information carri...In the article “Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation Explained by the Theory of Informatons” the gravitational interaction between mass particles at rest has been explained by the hypothesis that g-information carried by informatons is the substance of the medium that the interaction in question makes possible. It has been showed that, on the macroscopic level, that medium—the “gravitational field”—manifests itself as the vector field Eg. In this article we will deduce from the postulate of the emission of informatons, that the informatons emitted by a moving mass particle carry not only information about the position (g-information) but also about the velocity (“β-information”) of their emitter. It follows that the gravitational field of a moving mass particle is a dual entity always having a field- and an induction-component (Egand Bg) simultaneously created by their common sources: time-variable masses and mass flows and that the gravitational interaction is the effect of the fact that an object in a gravitational field always tends to become “blind” for that field by accelerating according to a Lorentz-like law.展开更多
The gravitational constant G is a basic quantity in physics, and, despite its relative imprecision, appears in many formulas, for example, also in the formulas of the Planck units. The “relative inaccuracy” lies in ...The gravitational constant G is a basic quantity in physics, and, despite its relative imprecision, appears in many formulas, for example, also in the formulas of the Planck units. The “relative inaccuracy” lies in the fact that each measurement gives different values, depending on where and with which device the measurement is taken. Ultimately, the mean value was formed and agreed upon as the official value that is used in all calculations. In an effort to explore the reason for the inaccuracy of this quantity, some formulas were configured using G, so that the respective quantity assumed the value = 1. The gravitational constant thus modified was also used in the other Planck equations instead of the conventional G. It turned out that the new values were all equivalent to each other. It was also shown that the new values were all represented by powers of the speed of light. The G was therefore no longer needed. Just like the famous mass/energy equivalence E = m * c2, similar formulas emerged, e.g. mass/momentum = m * c, mass/velocity = m * c2 and so on. This article takes up the idea that emerges in the article by Weber [1], who describes the gravitational constant as a variable (Gvar) and gives some reasons for this. Further reasons are given in the present paper and are computed. For example, the Planck units are set iteratively with the help of the variable Gvar, so that the value of one unit equals 1 in each case. In this article, eleven Planck units are set iteratively using the variable Gvar, so that the value of one unit equals 1 in each case. If all other units are based on the Gvar determined in this way, a matrix of values is created that can be regarded both as conversion factors and as equivalence relationships. It is astonishing, but not surprising that the equivalence relation E = m * c2 is one of these results. All formulas for these equivalence relationships work with the vacuum speed of light c and a new constant K. G, both as a variable and as a constant, no longer appears in these formulae. The new thing about this theory is that the gravitational constant is no longer needed. And if it no longer exists, it can no longer cause any difficulties. The example of the Planck units shows this fact very clearly. This is a radical break with current views. It is also interesting to note that the “magic” number 137 can be calculated from the distances between the values of the matrix. In addition, a similar number can be calculated from the distances between the Planck units. This number is 131 and differs from 137 with 4.14 percent. This difference has certainly often led to confusion, for example, when measuring the Fine Structure Constant.展开更多
In a recent article, we have corrected the traditional derivation of the Schwarzschild metric, thus obtaining the formulation of the correct Schwarzschild metric, which is different from the traditional Schwarzschild ...In a recent article, we have corrected the traditional derivation of the Schwarzschild metric, thus obtaining the formulation of the correct Schwarzschild metric, which is different from the traditional Schwarzschild metric. In this article, by starting from this correct Schwarzschild metric, we obtain the formulas of the correct gravitational potential and of the correct gravitational force in the case described by this metric. Moreover, we analyse these correct results and their consequences. Finally, we propose some possible crucial experiments between the commonly accepted theory and the same theory corrected according to this article.展开更多
The discovery by the author of real magnetic charges and true anti-electrons in the atomic structures allowed him to establish that the gravitational field (GF) in reality is the vortex electromagnetic field. Dependin...The discovery by the author of real magnetic charges and true anti-electrons in the atomic structures allowed him to establish that the gravitational field (GF) in reality is the vortex electromagnetic field. Depending on the vector conditions the gravitational fields can be either paragravitational (PGF) or ferrogravitational (FGF). Masses (atoms, nucleons, etc.) emitting PGF manifest so-called attraction to each other. In fact, this process is the pressing of atoms or nucleons to each other by the forces of gravitational “Dark energy”. Namely the gravitational “Dark energy” which is formed between the masses emitting PGF and compressing of nucleons in atomic nuclei is the main force factor determining the formation of nuclear forces. Masses that emit FGF are repelled from PGF sources, for example, from the Earth. The last gravitational manifestation, discovered by the author, this is of the effect of the gravitational levitation. The atomic shell and atomic nucleus are autonomous sources of gravitational field in atomic compositions. The gravitational fields emitted these sources, by its physical parameters, are different gravitational fields, what associated with differences in the magnitudes charges of magnetic and electric particles in their compositions. The noted differences in the parameters of the GF are of reason that in atoms the process of extrusion of foreign gravitational field from the region of given gravitational source is realized. This effect should be called the effect of intra-atomic gravitational shielding (IAGS). Within the framework of this effect the shell of the atom is a kind of gravitational “insulator” that prevents the PGF of the nucleons from leaving beyond of the atom. As result of the IAGS effect, the concentration PGF of nucleons is realized only in the region of the nucleus, which leads to an increase in nuclear forces. However, the resistance of the marked “insulator” is finite and if the critical voltage PGF on the nucleus is exceeded, the complete shielding of the nucleon fields by the atomic shell is broken. As result of the leakage of a part of the PGF of nucleons beyond the atom, the density of this field in the region of the nucleus decreases significantly, which leads to a weakening of the nuclear forces and often leads to radioactivity. The effect of gravitational shielding is directly related to such a well-known concept as the mass defect of the nucleus. It is the exclusion of the gravitational field formed by the nucleons in the composition of the atomic nucleus as a result of the full IAGS effect that creates the illusion of atomic mass defect.展开更多
In the article "The Gravitational Force Quantum and its Value" [1 ], the author defined a gravitational force of the atomic unit ("the Gravitational Force Quantum") as a gravitational force which exerts one atom...In the article "The Gravitational Force Quantum and its Value" [1 ], the author defined a gravitational force of the atomic unit ("the Gravitational Force Quantum") as a gravitational force which exerts one atomic unit of the Earth's mass on l kilogram of a mass on the Earth's surface, and he calculated its value as: GFQEarth = 1.4958 × 10.54 N. In the present contribution, he extended the Gravitational Force Quantum concept to further Objects of the Solar Planetary System and for the Pluto. He calculated values of the GFQo on the analogous basis, i.e. of the mass and the standard acceleration of the gravity of individual objects and of the atomic unit of the mass. He received GFQo values for the Mercury 102.1427 × 1055N, the Venus 16,60012 × 10-55N, the Earth 14.97839 × l0-55 N, the Mars 52.91869 × 10-55N, the Jupiter 0.124391×1055 N, the Saturn 0.17929 ×1055N, the Uranus 0.945178 ×1055N, the Neptune 1.002845 × 10-55N, for the Pluto 458.9124 × 10-55N, and for the Sun 0.001257 × 10-55N, respectively. He multiplied the GFQo values by second power of the radii of the individual objects (O), receiving values denoted as the "Elementary Gravitational Charge" (Go). The Elementary Gravitational Charge represents a gravitational force of one atomic unit of mass in the (radius) distance of 1 meter. They were found of the same value: GMe= Gv = GE= GMa= Gj= Gs = Gp= GSun= 6.079675463 × 10-41N. The values were the same as the calculated one on the basis of the "classical" Newton's formula: FG = И × M × m / R2, for the gravitational force between the atomic unit mass and a mass of 1 kg at a distance of 1 meter, which value was calculated as G = 6.079675463 ×1041 N. The quantity of the Elementary Gravitational Charge can be supposed to be analogous to the Elementary (Electric) Charge (e =1.6021766208(98) × 10-19 C) quantity.展开更多
The study by the author of magnetic scattering neutrons in the structures of ferrimagnets, as well as his experiments with the separation of magnetic charges in dipole pairs ±g in magnetic field, showed that fund...The study by the author of magnetic scattering neutrons in the structures of ferrimagnets, as well as his experiments with the separation of magnetic charges in dipole pairs ±g in magnetic field, showed that fundamental magnetic particles (magnetic charges) are real structural components of atoms and substance. It is the magnetic poles, and not the moving electric charges are the direct sources of all magnetic fields and magnetic manifestations in Nature. Basic reasons of ignoring the magnetic fundamental particles by world physical theory, for almost 150 years, are the ultra-harsh confinement of these particles in substance which radically is different from the confinement electrons, as well as the vicious concept of the electric magnetism Maxwell. Rotating magnetic dipoles in conductors which are untwisted by electric current, are direct sources of the vortex magnetic field rot<em><strong>H</strong></em>. One should also expect the formation of a vortex electric field rot<em><strong>E </strong></em>forming by rotating electric dipoles which are untwisted by the current of magnetic charges. This article provides an experimental answer to the question: what field is formed around a conductor if joint direct currents of electric<em> <strong style="white-space:normal;"><em>J</em></strong></em><sub>e</sub> and magnetic<strong><em> J</em></strong><sub>g</sub> charges are passed through it? The author’s experiments have shown that in this case the vortex electromagnetic current is realized which manifests itself as the vortex electromagnetic (gravitational) field. It is possible to implement such a process, according to the results of the author’s research, exclusively in superconductors. The vector character of the gravitational field is in many respects similar to the vortex magnetic field which makes it possible to introduce such it states as paragravitation and ferrogravitation into representations. To create joint currents of electric and magnetic charges, the author used the inertial forces of these particles under conditions of acceleration and deceleration of the rotational motion of the closed lead superconductor. The result of this experiment was the gravitational, as it turned out later, the ferrogravitational field, which was detected by effect repulsion of trial cargos from the coil with a superconducting winding at the stage of its untwist. The latter process is defined by the author as an effect of the gravitational (ferrogravitational) levitation. The values of ferrogravitational (levitational) forces noted in this experiment were: 120 mg for a tungsten trial cargo and 50 and 25 mg for a lead cargo with an error of ±15 mg. The values of ferrogravitational (levitational) forces noted in this experiment are: 120 mg for from tungsten trial cargo and 50 and 25 mg for a cargo from lead, with an error of ±15 mg. The “anomaly” noted by the author in this study was in the absence of any absence of a gravitational effect on stage a braking of the coil. Probable cause of the noted “anomaly” is discussed in the Discussion of Results chapter.展开更多
The gravitational wave spacecraft is a complex multi-input multi-output dynamic system.The gravitational wave detection mission requires the spacecraft to achieve single spacecraft with two laser links and high-precis...The gravitational wave spacecraft is a complex multi-input multi-output dynamic system.The gravitational wave detection mission requires the spacecraft to achieve single spacecraft with two laser links and high-precision control.Establishing one spacecraftwith two laser links,compared to one spacecraft with a single laser link,requires an upgraded decoupling algorithmfor the link establishment.The decoupling algorithmwe designed reassigns the degrees of freedomand forces in the control loop to ensure sufficient degrees of freedomfor optical axis control.In addressing the distinct dynamic characteristics of different degrees of freedom,a transfer function compensation method is used in the decoupling process to further minimize motion coupling.The open-loop frequency response of the systemis obtained through simulation.The upgraded decoupling algorithms effectively reduce the open-loop frequency response by 30 dB.The transfer function compensation method efficiently suppresses the coupling of low-frequency noise.展开更多
Theories of modified gravity suggest that the propagation speed of gravitational waves(GW)v_gmay deviate from the speed of light c.A constraint can be placed on the difference between c and v_gwith a simple method tha...Theories of modified gravity suggest that the propagation speed of gravitational waves(GW)v_gmay deviate from the speed of light c.A constraint can be placed on the difference between c and v_gwith a simple method that uses the arrival time delay between GW and electromagnetic wave simultaneously emitted from a burst event.We simulated the joint observation of GW and short gamma-ray burst signals from binary neutron star merger events in different observation campaigns,involving advanced LIGO(aLIGO)in design sensitivity and Einstein Telescope(ET)joint-detected with Fermi/GBM.As a result,the relative precision of constraint on v_gcan reach~10~(-17)(aLIGO)and~10^(-18)(ET),which are one and two orders of magnitude better than that from GW170817,respectively.We continue to obtain the bound of graviton mass m_g≤7.1(3.2)×10~(-20)eV with aLIGO(ET).Applying the Standard-Model Extension test framework,the constraint on v_gallows us to study the Lorentz violation in the nondispersive,nonbirefringent limit of the gravitational sector.We obtain the constraints of the dimensionless isotropic coefficients S_(00)^(4)at mass dimension d=4,which are-1×10^(-15)<S_(00)^(4)<9×10^(-17)for aLIGO and-4×10^(-16)<s_(00)^(4<8<10^(-18))for ET.展开更多
To maintain the stability of the inter-satellite link for gravitational wave detection,an intelligent learning monitoring and fast warning method of the inter-satellite link control system failure is proposed.Differen...To maintain the stability of the inter-satellite link for gravitational wave detection,an intelligent learning monitoring and fast warning method of the inter-satellite link control system failure is proposed.Different from the traditional fault diagnosis optimization algorithms,the fault intelligent learning method pro-posed in this paper is able to quickly identify the faults of inter-satellite link control system despite the existence of strong cou-pling nonlinearity.By constructing a two-layer learning network,the method enables efficient joint diagnosis of fault areas and fault parameters.The simulation results show that the average identification time of the system fault area and fault parameters is 0.27 s,and the fault diagnosis efficiency is improved by 99.8%compared with the traditional algorithm.展开更多
Gravitational waves emanating from binary neutron star inspirals,alongside electromagnetic transients resulting from the aftermath of the GW170817 merger,have been successfully detected.However,the intricate post-merg...Gravitational waves emanating from binary neutron star inspirals,alongside electromagnetic transients resulting from the aftermath of the GW170817 merger,have been successfully detected.However,the intricate post-merger dynamics that bridge these two sets of observables remain enigmatic.This includes if,and when,the post-merger remnant star collapses to a black hole,and what are the necessary conditions to power a short gamma-ray burst,and other observed electromagnetic counterparts.Our focus is on the detection of gravitational wave(GW)emissions from hyper-massive neutron stars(NSs)formed through binary neutron star(BNS)mergers.Utilizing several kilohertz GW detectors,we simulate BNS mergers within the detection limits of LIGO-Virgo-KARGA O4.Our objective is to ascertain the fraction of simulated sources that may emit detectable post-merger GW signals.For kilohertz detectors equipped with a new cavity design,we estimate that approximately 1.1%-32%of sources would emit a detectable post-merger GW signal.This fraction is contingent on the mass converted into gravitational wave energy,ranging from 0.01M_(sun)to 0.1M_(sun).Furthermore,by evaluating other well-regarded proposed kilohertz GW detectors,we anticipate that the fraction can increase to as much as 2.1%-61%under optimal performance conditions.展开更多
The presented work examines the mechanism and conditions of self-motion in bodies as systems of interacting elements. It is shown how the oscillation parameters of these elements determine the mode of motion of the sy...The presented work examines the mechanism and conditions of self-motion in bodies as systems of interacting elements. It is shown how the oscillation parameters of these elements determine the mode of motion of the system (body). In this case, the motion is considered as a consequence of symmetry breaking of forces in the systems themselves, and not as a reaction of individual elements to external influences. It is shown that such a violation takes place both in the gravitational field and when the system moves by inertia. Examples of the influence of changes in phase (φ) and frequency (f) parameters of the system elements on the velocity mode of its motion in space are considered. The identity of the causes of self-motion is revealed both in the case of gravitation and inertial motion.展开更多
In this work, we consider a conventional test of gravitational wave(GW) propagation which is based on the phenomenological parameterized dispersion relation to describe potential departures from General Relativity(GR)...In this work, we consider a conventional test of gravitational wave(GW) propagation which is based on the phenomenological parameterized dispersion relation to describe potential departures from General Relativity(GR)along the propagation of GWs. But different from tests conventionally performed previously, we vary multiple deformation coefficients simultaneously and employ the principal component analysis(PCA) method to remedy the strong degeneracy among deformation coefficients and obtain informative posteriors. The dominant PCA components can be better measured and constrained, and thus are expected to be more sensitive to potential departures from the waveform model. Using this method we analyze ten selected events and get the result that the combined posteriors of the dominant PCA parameters are consistent with GR within 99.7% credible intervals. The standard deviation of the first dominant PCA parameter is three times smaller than that of the original dispersion parameter of the leading order. However, the multi-parameter test with PCA is more sensitive to not only potential deviations from GR but also systematic errors of waveform models. The difference in results obtained by using different waveform templates hints that the demands of waveform accuracy are higher to perform the multiparameter test with PCA. Whereas, it cannot be strictly proven that the deviation is indeed and only induced by systematic errors. It requires more thorough research in the future to exclude other possible reasons in parameter estimation and data processing.展开更多
The Newton’s theory of universal gravitation is generalized. Significantly strong at short distances central interaction of bodies and particles is established in comparison with Newtonian. A connection is found with...The Newton’s theory of universal gravitation is generalized. Significantly strong at short distances central interaction of bodies and particles is established in comparison with Newtonian. A connection is found with Black Holes, with the horizon of events. Possibility of systematization of all Black Holes is shown. An illustration is given on the example of Black Hole S<sub>gr</sub>A*.展开更多
The singularity at distance r → 0 at the center of a spherically symmetric non-rotating, uncharged mass of radius R, is considered here. Under inverse square law force, the Schwarzschild metric, needs to be modified,...The singularity at distance r → 0 at the center of a spherically symmetric non-rotating, uncharged mass of radius R, is considered here. Under inverse square law force, the Schwarzschild metric, needs to be modified, to include Newton’s Shell Theorem (NST). By including NST for r, both Schwarzschild singularity at r = 2GM/c2 and at r → 0 singularities are removed from the metric. Near R → 0, the question of maximal density is considered based on Schwarzschild’s modified metric, and compared to the quantum limit of maximal mass density put by Planck’s quantum-based universal units. It is asserted, that General relativity, when combined with Planck’s universal units, inevitably leads to quantization of gravity.展开更多
The fluctuating planetary gravitational field influences not only activities on the Sun but also on the Earth. A special correlation function describes the harmonics of these fluctuations. Groups of earthquakes form o...The fluctuating planetary gravitational field influences not only activities on the Sun but also on the Earth. A special correlation function describes the harmonics of these fluctuations. Groups of earthquakes form oscillation patterns that differ significantly from randomly chosen control groups. These patterns are suitable as an element of an AI for the probability of earthquakes.展开更多
The proposal is “mass increases due to strong and gravitational potentials, while it decreases due to Electromagnetic potential”. This proposal explains the big difference in mass between hadrons (protons, neutrons,...The proposal is “mass increases due to strong and gravitational potentials, while it decreases due to Electromagnetic potential”. This proposal explains the big difference in mass between hadrons (protons, neutrons, & mesons) and their components (quarks), mass difference between nucleus and its individual components (protons and neutrons), massless of gamma photons, abnormal masses of mesons and bosons, and the excess in galaxy masses (dark matter). Also, this proposal shows the exact relation between mass and energy: Strong Potential=−3.04mc2| Electric Potential |=−5.57×10−3mc2Gravitational Potential=−1.22×10−7mc2where m represents the excess in mass due to strong potential, or gravitational potential and represents the decrease in mass due to electromagnetic potential. Released energy here equals potential energy and doesn’t equal decrease in mass using the formula E = mc2. Released energy is transferred to heat, photons, kinetic energy… Finally, proposal will try to describe the relation between photon energy and mass of its components using the general equation of kinetic energy: Photon Energy=1/2mc2m is the sum of the individual masses of its components, while the total mass of photon is zero.展开更多
The recently observed gravitational wave background is explained in terms of the quantum modification of the general relativity (Qmoger). Some UFO, FRB and supernova flares also can be explained in terms of Qmoger.
As is generally known, Newton's notion of universal gravitation surpassed various theories of particular gravities in the early modem age, as represented mainly by Kepler and Hooke. In his seminal work Hooke and the ...As is generally known, Newton's notion of universal gravitation surpassed various theories of particular gravities in the early modem age, as represented mainly by Kepler and Hooke. In his seminal work Hooke and the Law of Universal Gravitation: A Reappraisal of a Reappraisal Richard S. Westfall argues that Hooke could not reach beyond the concept of spatially bounded particular gravities, as he deployed the method of analogy between the material principle of congruity and incongruity and the extension of gravitational spheres and their action at a distance. However, the doctrine of universal gravitation does not exclude the nature of particular gravities; it is predicated on the notion of an infinite expansion of individual-gravitational spheres and their uniform nature, namely the mutual and centripetal attraction. In my treatise 1 attempt to reinvestigate the nature and structure of gravitation, as established historically in the framework of Newtonian Classical Mechanics, by a method of structural intuition. It examines how the structural intuition, as represented in the celestial-mechanical intuitions of Hooke and Kepler, could unfold into an innovative process within the context of early modem mechanical philosophy, attaining thus a historical siglaificance and legitimacy as against the prevailing Newtonian method of geometric-mathematical axiomatization of mechanical principles. It also explores the actual demonstrative features of the tidal phenomenon with regard to its lunar- and solar-gravitational causation, which has been considered to date to be an important piece of empirical evidence for the theory of universal gravitation.展开更多
文摘The effects of the gravitational redshift of gravitons upon spiral galaxy rotation energy are compared to the standard mass to light analyses in obtaining rotation curves. The derivation of the total baryonic matter compares well with the standard theory and the rotation velocity is matched to a high precision. The stellar mass distributions obtained from the fit with graviton energy loss are used to derive the surface brightness magnitudes for the galaxies, which agree well with the observed measurements. In a new field of investigation, the graviton theory is applied to the observations of gravitational lenses. The results of these applications of the theory suggest that it can augment the standard methods and may eliminate the need for dark matter.
文摘In the context of classical physics, Newton’s law of universal gravitation describes the attraction between two mass particles separated in space. In the same context a vector field Eg, that is not associated with anything substantial, has been introduced as the entity that mediates in the gravitational interactions. In this article, we will show that Egis the mathematical quantity that—at the macroscopic level—fully characterizes the medium that makes the interaction between particles at rest possible. We identify that medium as “the gravitational field”. To define the nature of the gravitational field, we will start from the hypothesis that a material object manifests itself in space by the emission—at a rate proportional to its rest mass—of mass and energy less granular entities that—relative to an inertial reference frame—are rushing away with the speed of light and that are carriers of information referring to the position of their emitter (“g-information”). Because they transport nothing else than information, we call these entities “informatons”. We will show that the expanding cloud of g-information created by the continuous emission of informatons by a mass particle at rest can be fully characterized by the vector field Eg, which implies that that cloud can be identified as the gravitational field of the particle. We will also show that the gravitational interaction between mass particles can be explained as the response of a particle to the disturbance of the symmetry of its “proper” gravitational field by the field that, in its direct vicinity, is created and maintained by other mass particles.
文摘In the article “Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation Explained by the Theory of Informatons” the gravitational interaction between mass particles at rest has been explained by the hypothesis that g-information carried by informatons is the substance of the medium that the interaction in question makes possible. It has been showed that, on the macroscopic level, that medium—the “gravitational field”—manifests itself as the vector field Eg. In this article we will deduce from the postulate of the emission of informatons, that the informatons emitted by a moving mass particle carry not only information about the position (g-information) but also about the velocity (“β-information”) of their emitter. It follows that the gravitational field of a moving mass particle is a dual entity always having a field- and an induction-component (Egand Bg) simultaneously created by their common sources: time-variable masses and mass flows and that the gravitational interaction is the effect of the fact that an object in a gravitational field always tends to become “blind” for that field by accelerating according to a Lorentz-like law.
文摘The gravitational constant G is a basic quantity in physics, and, despite its relative imprecision, appears in many formulas, for example, also in the formulas of the Planck units. The “relative inaccuracy” lies in the fact that each measurement gives different values, depending on where and with which device the measurement is taken. Ultimately, the mean value was formed and agreed upon as the official value that is used in all calculations. In an effort to explore the reason for the inaccuracy of this quantity, some formulas were configured using G, so that the respective quantity assumed the value = 1. The gravitational constant thus modified was also used in the other Planck equations instead of the conventional G. It turned out that the new values were all equivalent to each other. It was also shown that the new values were all represented by powers of the speed of light. The G was therefore no longer needed. Just like the famous mass/energy equivalence E = m * c2, similar formulas emerged, e.g. mass/momentum = m * c, mass/velocity = m * c2 and so on. This article takes up the idea that emerges in the article by Weber [1], who describes the gravitational constant as a variable (Gvar) and gives some reasons for this. Further reasons are given in the present paper and are computed. For example, the Planck units are set iteratively with the help of the variable Gvar, so that the value of one unit equals 1 in each case. In this article, eleven Planck units are set iteratively using the variable Gvar, so that the value of one unit equals 1 in each case. If all other units are based on the Gvar determined in this way, a matrix of values is created that can be regarded both as conversion factors and as equivalence relationships. It is astonishing, but not surprising that the equivalence relation E = m * c2 is one of these results. All formulas for these equivalence relationships work with the vacuum speed of light c and a new constant K. G, both as a variable and as a constant, no longer appears in these formulae. The new thing about this theory is that the gravitational constant is no longer needed. And if it no longer exists, it can no longer cause any difficulties. The example of the Planck units shows this fact very clearly. This is a radical break with current views. It is also interesting to note that the “magic” number 137 can be calculated from the distances between the values of the matrix. In addition, a similar number can be calculated from the distances between the Planck units. This number is 131 and differs from 137 with 4.14 percent. This difference has certainly often led to confusion, for example, when measuring the Fine Structure Constant.
文摘In a recent article, we have corrected the traditional derivation of the Schwarzschild metric, thus obtaining the formulation of the correct Schwarzschild metric, which is different from the traditional Schwarzschild metric. In this article, by starting from this correct Schwarzschild metric, we obtain the formulas of the correct gravitational potential and of the correct gravitational force in the case described by this metric. Moreover, we analyse these correct results and their consequences. Finally, we propose some possible crucial experiments between the commonly accepted theory and the same theory corrected according to this article.
文摘The discovery by the author of real magnetic charges and true anti-electrons in the atomic structures allowed him to establish that the gravitational field (GF) in reality is the vortex electromagnetic field. Depending on the vector conditions the gravitational fields can be either paragravitational (PGF) or ferrogravitational (FGF). Masses (atoms, nucleons, etc.) emitting PGF manifest so-called attraction to each other. In fact, this process is the pressing of atoms or nucleons to each other by the forces of gravitational “Dark energy”. Namely the gravitational “Dark energy” which is formed between the masses emitting PGF and compressing of nucleons in atomic nuclei is the main force factor determining the formation of nuclear forces. Masses that emit FGF are repelled from PGF sources, for example, from the Earth. The last gravitational manifestation, discovered by the author, this is of the effect of the gravitational levitation. The atomic shell and atomic nucleus are autonomous sources of gravitational field in atomic compositions. The gravitational fields emitted these sources, by its physical parameters, are different gravitational fields, what associated with differences in the magnitudes charges of magnetic and electric particles in their compositions. The noted differences in the parameters of the GF are of reason that in atoms the process of extrusion of foreign gravitational field from the region of given gravitational source is realized. This effect should be called the effect of intra-atomic gravitational shielding (IAGS). Within the framework of this effect the shell of the atom is a kind of gravitational “insulator” that prevents the PGF of the nucleons from leaving beyond of the atom. As result of the IAGS effect, the concentration PGF of nucleons is realized only in the region of the nucleus, which leads to an increase in nuclear forces. However, the resistance of the marked “insulator” is finite and if the critical voltage PGF on the nucleus is exceeded, the complete shielding of the nucleon fields by the atomic shell is broken. As result of the leakage of a part of the PGF of nucleons beyond the atom, the density of this field in the region of the nucleus decreases significantly, which leads to a weakening of the nuclear forces and often leads to radioactivity. The effect of gravitational shielding is directly related to such a well-known concept as the mass defect of the nucleus. It is the exclusion of the gravitational field formed by the nucleons in the composition of the atomic nucleus as a result of the full IAGS effect that creates the illusion of atomic mass defect.
文摘In the article "The Gravitational Force Quantum and its Value" [1 ], the author defined a gravitational force of the atomic unit ("the Gravitational Force Quantum") as a gravitational force which exerts one atomic unit of the Earth's mass on l kilogram of a mass on the Earth's surface, and he calculated its value as: GFQEarth = 1.4958 × 10.54 N. In the present contribution, he extended the Gravitational Force Quantum concept to further Objects of the Solar Planetary System and for the Pluto. He calculated values of the GFQo on the analogous basis, i.e. of the mass and the standard acceleration of the gravity of individual objects and of the atomic unit of the mass. He received GFQo values for the Mercury 102.1427 × 1055N, the Venus 16,60012 × 10-55N, the Earth 14.97839 × l0-55 N, the Mars 52.91869 × 10-55N, the Jupiter 0.124391×1055 N, the Saturn 0.17929 ×1055N, the Uranus 0.945178 ×1055N, the Neptune 1.002845 × 10-55N, for the Pluto 458.9124 × 10-55N, and for the Sun 0.001257 × 10-55N, respectively. He multiplied the GFQo values by second power of the radii of the individual objects (O), receiving values denoted as the "Elementary Gravitational Charge" (Go). The Elementary Gravitational Charge represents a gravitational force of one atomic unit of mass in the (radius) distance of 1 meter. They were found of the same value: GMe= Gv = GE= GMa= Gj= Gs = Gp= GSun= 6.079675463 × 10-41N. The values were the same as the calculated one on the basis of the "classical" Newton's formula: FG = И × M × m / R2, for the gravitational force between the atomic unit mass and a mass of 1 kg at a distance of 1 meter, which value was calculated as G = 6.079675463 ×1041 N. The quantity of the Elementary Gravitational Charge can be supposed to be analogous to the Elementary (Electric) Charge (e =1.6021766208(98) × 10-19 C) quantity.
文摘The study by the author of magnetic scattering neutrons in the structures of ferrimagnets, as well as his experiments with the separation of magnetic charges in dipole pairs ±g in magnetic field, showed that fundamental magnetic particles (magnetic charges) are real structural components of atoms and substance. It is the magnetic poles, and not the moving electric charges are the direct sources of all magnetic fields and magnetic manifestations in Nature. Basic reasons of ignoring the magnetic fundamental particles by world physical theory, for almost 150 years, are the ultra-harsh confinement of these particles in substance which radically is different from the confinement electrons, as well as the vicious concept of the electric magnetism Maxwell. Rotating magnetic dipoles in conductors which are untwisted by electric current, are direct sources of the vortex magnetic field rot<em><strong>H</strong></em>. One should also expect the formation of a vortex electric field rot<em><strong>E </strong></em>forming by rotating electric dipoles which are untwisted by the current of magnetic charges. This article provides an experimental answer to the question: what field is formed around a conductor if joint direct currents of electric<em> <strong style="white-space:normal;"><em>J</em></strong></em><sub>e</sub> and magnetic<strong><em> J</em></strong><sub>g</sub> charges are passed through it? The author’s experiments have shown that in this case the vortex electromagnetic current is realized which manifests itself as the vortex electromagnetic (gravitational) field. It is possible to implement such a process, according to the results of the author’s research, exclusively in superconductors. The vector character of the gravitational field is in many respects similar to the vortex magnetic field which makes it possible to introduce such it states as paragravitation and ferrogravitation into representations. To create joint currents of electric and magnetic charges, the author used the inertial forces of these particles under conditions of acceleration and deceleration of the rotational motion of the closed lead superconductor. The result of this experiment was the gravitational, as it turned out later, the ferrogravitational field, which was detected by effect repulsion of trial cargos from the coil with a superconducting winding at the stage of its untwist. The latter process is defined by the author as an effect of the gravitational (ferrogravitational) levitation. The values of ferrogravitational (levitational) forces noted in this experiment were: 120 mg for a tungsten trial cargo and 50 and 25 mg for a lead cargo with an error of ±15 mg. The values of ferrogravitational (levitational) forces noted in this experiment are: 120 mg for from tungsten trial cargo and 50 and 25 mg for a cargo from lead, with an error of ±15 mg. The “anomaly” noted by the author in this study was in the absence of any absence of a gravitational effect on stage a braking of the coil. Probable cause of the noted “anomaly” is discussed in the Discussion of Results chapter.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFC2203700).
文摘The gravitational wave spacecraft is a complex multi-input multi-output dynamic system.The gravitational wave detection mission requires the spacecraft to achieve single spacecraft with two laser links and high-precision control.Establishing one spacecraftwith two laser links,compared to one spacecraft with a single laser link,requires an upgraded decoupling algorithmfor the link establishment.The decoupling algorithmwe designed reassigns the degrees of freedomand forces in the control loop to ensure sufficient degrees of freedomfor optical axis control.In addressing the distinct dynamic characteristics of different degrees of freedom,a transfer function compensation method is used in the decoupling process to further minimize motion coupling.The open-loop frequency response of the systemis obtained through simulation.The upgraded decoupling algorithms effectively reduce the open-loop frequency response by 30 dB.The transfer function compensation method efficiently suppresses the coupling of low-frequency noise.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant 12065017Jiangxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation under grant 20224ACB211001support from the Chinese Academy of Sciences(grant Nos.E329A3M1,E32983U8,and E3545KU2)。
文摘Theories of modified gravity suggest that the propagation speed of gravitational waves(GW)v_gmay deviate from the speed of light c.A constraint can be placed on the difference between c and v_gwith a simple method that uses the arrival time delay between GW and electromagnetic wave simultaneously emitted from a burst event.We simulated the joint observation of GW and short gamma-ray burst signals from binary neutron star merger events in different observation campaigns,involving advanced LIGO(aLIGO)in design sensitivity and Einstein Telescope(ET)joint-detected with Fermi/GBM.As a result,the relative precision of constraint on v_gcan reach~10~(-17)(aLIGO)and~10^(-18)(ET),which are one and two orders of magnitude better than that from GW170817,respectively.We continue to obtain the bound of graviton mass m_g≤7.1(3.2)×10~(-20)eV with aLIGO(ET).Applying the Standard-Model Extension test framework,the constraint on v_gallows us to study the Lorentz violation in the nondispersive,nonbirefringent limit of the gravitational sector.We obtain the constraints of the dimensionless isotropic coefficients S_(00)^(4)at mass dimension d=4,which are-1×10^(-15)<S_(00)^(4)<9×10^(-17)for aLIGO and-4×10^(-16)<s_(00)^(4<8<10^(-18))for ET.
基金This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program Topics(2020YFC2200902)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11872110).
文摘To maintain the stability of the inter-satellite link for gravitational wave detection,an intelligent learning monitoring and fast warning method of the inter-satellite link control system failure is proposed.Different from the traditional fault diagnosis optimization algorithms,the fault intelligent learning method pro-posed in this paper is able to quickly identify the faults of inter-satellite link control system despite the existence of strong cou-pling nonlinearity.By constructing a two-layer learning network,the method enables efficient joint diagnosis of fault areas and fault parameters.The simulation results show that the average identification time of the system fault area and fault parameters is 0.27 s,and the fault diagnosis efficiency is improved by 99.8%compared with the traditional algorithm.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.12021003,11920101003,and 11633001)the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No.XDB23000000)。
文摘Gravitational waves emanating from binary neutron star inspirals,alongside electromagnetic transients resulting from the aftermath of the GW170817 merger,have been successfully detected.However,the intricate post-merger dynamics that bridge these two sets of observables remain enigmatic.This includes if,and when,the post-merger remnant star collapses to a black hole,and what are the necessary conditions to power a short gamma-ray burst,and other observed electromagnetic counterparts.Our focus is on the detection of gravitational wave(GW)emissions from hyper-massive neutron stars(NSs)formed through binary neutron star(BNS)mergers.Utilizing several kilohertz GW detectors,we simulate BNS mergers within the detection limits of LIGO-Virgo-KARGA O4.Our objective is to ascertain the fraction of simulated sources that may emit detectable post-merger GW signals.For kilohertz detectors equipped with a new cavity design,we estimate that approximately 1.1%-32%of sources would emit a detectable post-merger GW signal.This fraction is contingent on the mass converted into gravitational wave energy,ranging from 0.01M_(sun)to 0.1M_(sun).Furthermore,by evaluating other well-regarded proposed kilohertz GW detectors,we anticipate that the fraction can increase to as much as 2.1%-61%under optimal performance conditions.
文摘The presented work examines the mechanism and conditions of self-motion in bodies as systems of interacting elements. It is shown how the oscillation parameters of these elements determine the mode of motion of the system (body). In this case, the motion is considered as a consequence of symmetry breaking of forces in the systems themselves, and not as a reaction of individual elements to external influences. It is shown that such a violation takes place both in the gravitational field and when the system moves by inertia. Examples of the influence of changes in phase (φ) and frequency (f) parameters of the system elements on the velocity mode of its motion in space are considered. The identity of the causes of self-motion is revealed both in the case of gravitation and inertial motion.
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(grant No.2022YFC2204602 and 2021YFC2203102)Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Science(grant No.XDB0550300)+4 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC,Grant Nos.12325301 and 12273035)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(grant No.WK2030000036 and WK3440000004)the Science Research Grants from the China Manned Space Project(grant No.CMS-CSST-2021-B01)the 111 Project for“Observational and Theoretical Research on Dark Matter and Dark Energy”(grant No.B23042)supported in part by the National Key Research and Development Program of China grant No.2022YFC2807303。
文摘In this work, we consider a conventional test of gravitational wave(GW) propagation which is based on the phenomenological parameterized dispersion relation to describe potential departures from General Relativity(GR)along the propagation of GWs. But different from tests conventionally performed previously, we vary multiple deformation coefficients simultaneously and employ the principal component analysis(PCA) method to remedy the strong degeneracy among deformation coefficients and obtain informative posteriors. The dominant PCA components can be better measured and constrained, and thus are expected to be more sensitive to potential departures from the waveform model. Using this method we analyze ten selected events and get the result that the combined posteriors of the dominant PCA parameters are consistent with GR within 99.7% credible intervals. The standard deviation of the first dominant PCA parameter is three times smaller than that of the original dispersion parameter of the leading order. However, the multi-parameter test with PCA is more sensitive to not only potential deviations from GR but also systematic errors of waveform models. The difference in results obtained by using different waveform templates hints that the demands of waveform accuracy are higher to perform the multiparameter test with PCA. Whereas, it cannot be strictly proven that the deviation is indeed and only induced by systematic errors. It requires more thorough research in the future to exclude other possible reasons in parameter estimation and data processing.
文摘The Newton’s theory of universal gravitation is generalized. Significantly strong at short distances central interaction of bodies and particles is established in comparison with Newtonian. A connection is found with Black Holes, with the horizon of events. Possibility of systematization of all Black Holes is shown. An illustration is given on the example of Black Hole S<sub>gr</sub>A*.
文摘The singularity at distance r → 0 at the center of a spherically symmetric non-rotating, uncharged mass of radius R, is considered here. Under inverse square law force, the Schwarzschild metric, needs to be modified, to include Newton’s Shell Theorem (NST). By including NST for r, both Schwarzschild singularity at r = 2GM/c2 and at r → 0 singularities are removed from the metric. Near R → 0, the question of maximal density is considered based on Schwarzschild’s modified metric, and compared to the quantum limit of maximal mass density put by Planck’s quantum-based universal units. It is asserted, that General relativity, when combined with Planck’s universal units, inevitably leads to quantization of gravity.
文摘The fluctuating planetary gravitational field influences not only activities on the Sun but also on the Earth. A special correlation function describes the harmonics of these fluctuations. Groups of earthquakes form oscillation patterns that differ significantly from randomly chosen control groups. These patterns are suitable as an element of an AI for the probability of earthquakes.
文摘The proposal is “mass increases due to strong and gravitational potentials, while it decreases due to Electromagnetic potential”. This proposal explains the big difference in mass between hadrons (protons, neutrons, & mesons) and their components (quarks), mass difference between nucleus and its individual components (protons and neutrons), massless of gamma photons, abnormal masses of mesons and bosons, and the excess in galaxy masses (dark matter). Also, this proposal shows the exact relation between mass and energy: Strong Potential=−3.04mc2| Electric Potential |=−5.57×10−3mc2Gravitational Potential=−1.22×10−7mc2where m represents the excess in mass due to strong potential, or gravitational potential and represents the decrease in mass due to electromagnetic potential. Released energy here equals potential energy and doesn’t equal decrease in mass using the formula E = mc2. Released energy is transferred to heat, photons, kinetic energy… Finally, proposal will try to describe the relation between photon energy and mass of its components using the general equation of kinetic energy: Photon Energy=1/2mc2m is the sum of the individual masses of its components, while the total mass of photon is zero.
文摘The recently observed gravitational wave background is explained in terms of the quantum modification of the general relativity (Qmoger). Some UFO, FRB and supernova flares also can be explained in terms of Qmoger.
文摘As is generally known, Newton's notion of universal gravitation surpassed various theories of particular gravities in the early modem age, as represented mainly by Kepler and Hooke. In his seminal work Hooke and the Law of Universal Gravitation: A Reappraisal of a Reappraisal Richard S. Westfall argues that Hooke could not reach beyond the concept of spatially bounded particular gravities, as he deployed the method of analogy between the material principle of congruity and incongruity and the extension of gravitational spheres and their action at a distance. However, the doctrine of universal gravitation does not exclude the nature of particular gravities; it is predicated on the notion of an infinite expansion of individual-gravitational spheres and their uniform nature, namely the mutual and centripetal attraction. In my treatise 1 attempt to reinvestigate the nature and structure of gravitation, as established historically in the framework of Newtonian Classical Mechanics, by a method of structural intuition. It examines how the structural intuition, as represented in the celestial-mechanical intuitions of Hooke and Kepler, could unfold into an innovative process within the context of early modem mechanical philosophy, attaining thus a historical siglaificance and legitimacy as against the prevailing Newtonian method of geometric-mathematical axiomatization of mechanical principles. It also explores the actual demonstrative features of the tidal phenomenon with regard to its lunar- and solar-gravitational causation, which has been considered to date to be an important piece of empirical evidence for the theory of universal gravitation.