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作者 杨铭 夏登峰 +1 位作者 徐文静 韩雪伟 《安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第2期112-117,共6页
考虑了一个带有死亡和伤残返还的DC型养老金计划的最优投资问题。以终端财富期望效用最大化为目标,利用动态规划原理建立相应的Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman(HJB)方程,在双曲绝对风险厌恶(HARA)效用函数下得到最优解,通过数值模拟分析重要... 考虑了一个带有死亡和伤残返还的DC型养老金计划的最优投资问题。以终端财富期望效用最大化为目标,利用动态规划原理建立相应的Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman(HJB)方程,在双曲绝对风险厌恶(HARA)效用函数下得到最优解,通过数值模拟分析重要参数对最优投资策略的影响。 展开更多
关键词 DC型养老金模型 死亡返还 伤残返还 hara效用 HJB方程
作者 张燕 王正艳 《工程数学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期915-930,共16页
研究了O-U(Ornstein-Uhlenbeck)风险模型下最大化双曲绝对风险(Hyperbolic Abso-lute Risk Aversion,HARA)效用的最优投资–再保险问题。允许保险人购买比例再保险,且可投资于一种无风险资产和一种风险资产,其瞬间收益率由能够反映市场... 研究了O-U(Ornstein-Uhlenbeck)风险模型下最大化双曲绝对风险(Hyperbolic Abso-lute Risk Aversion,HARA)效用的最优投资–再保险问题。允许保险人购买比例再保险,且可投资于一种无风险资产和一种风险资产,其瞬间收益率由能够反映市场的牛市和熊市特征的O-U过程刻画。在保险人终端财富的HARA效用期望最大化的目标下,利用随机动态规划原理,首先建立了Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman(HJB)方程。其次,由于HARA效用函数的复杂结构导致常规方法难以求解HJB方程,利用勒让德对偶变换将HJB方程转化为易于求解的对偶HJB方程。通过构造对偶HJB方程解的形式及变量变换,得到了最优再保险–投资策略的解析式。最后通过数值计算分析了参数对最优结果的影响。 展开更多
关键词 hara效用函数 投资 再保险 O-U风险模型 勒让德变换
通胀风险下基于HARA效用的DC型养老金计划 被引量:10
作者 常浩 王春峰 房振明 《运筹学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期39-51,共13页
通货膨胀是养老基金管理过程中最直接最重要的影响因素之一.假设通胀风险由服从几何布朗运动的物价指数来度量,且瞬时期望通货膨胀率由Ornstein-Uhlenbeck过程来驱动.金融市场由n+1种可连续交易的风险资产所构成,养老基金管理者期望研... 通货膨胀是养老基金管理过程中最直接最重要的影响因素之一.假设通胀风险由服从几何布朗运动的物价指数来度量,且瞬时期望通货膨胀率由Ornstein-Uhlenbeck过程来驱动.金融市场由n+1种可连续交易的风险资产所构成,养老基金管理者期望研究和解决通胀风险环境下DC型养老基金在累积阶段的最优投资策略问题,以最大化终端真实财富过程的期望效用.双曲绝对风险厌恶(HARA)效用函数具有一般的效用框架,包含幂效用、指数效用和对数效用作为特例.假设投资者对风险的偏好程度满足HARA效用,运用随机最优控制理论和Legendre变换方法得到了最优投资策略的显式表达式. 展开更多
关键词 通胀风险 DC型养老金计划 hara效用 Legendre变换-对偶理论 最优投资策略
HARA效用下带保费返还条款的DC型养老金计划 被引量:2
作者 王远野 樊顺厚 常浩 《哈尔滨商业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2018年第1期117-123,共7页
研究了带有保费返还条款的确定缴费型(DC型)养老金的最优投资策略问题.养老金被允许投资于一种无风险资产和一种风险资产.在HARA效用函数下,运用随机控制理论和变量分离法得到了最优投资策略的显性解;同时并推导出了在幂效用函数、对数... 研究了带有保费返还条款的确定缴费型(DC型)养老金的最优投资策略问题.养老金被允许投资于一种无风险资产和一种风险资产.在HARA效用函数下,运用随机控制理论和变量分离法得到了最优投资策略的显性解;同时并推导出了在幂效用函数、对数效用函数和指数效用函数下的最优投资策略的显性解.最后通过数值算例,讨论并研究了保费返还条款及重要参数对HARA效用下DC型养老金的最优投资策略的影响. 展开更多
关键词 随机控制 最优投资策略 确定缴费型养老基金 保费返还条款 hara效用函数
大豆灰斑病菌(Cercospora sojina Hara)及其对寄主作用的研究 被引量:17
作者 曹越平 李海英 +3 位作者 刘学敏 陈绍江 张丽娟 杨庆凯 《植物病理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期116-120,共5页
大豆灰斑病是一种世界性大豆病害,曾给我国的大豆生产造成重大的损失。本文主要从应用的角度论述了大豆灰斑病菌(Cercospora sojina Hara)的生物学特性、侵染循环、潜育期以及病害的预测,同时从病原物与寄主相互作用的角度,对大豆灰斑... 大豆灰斑病是一种世界性大豆病害,曾给我国的大豆生产造成重大的损失。本文主要从应用的角度论述了大豆灰斑病菌(Cercospora sojina Hara)的生物学特性、侵染循环、潜育期以及病害的预测,同时从病原物与寄主相互作用的角度,对大豆灰斑病生理小种的分化、抗性的遗传及代谢毒素等方面进行了综述,以期为该病害的防治及抗病育种研究提供资料与指导。 展开更多
关键词 大豆 灰斑病菌 寄主 生物学特性 侵染循环 潜育期 病害 预测预报 病害防治 抗病育种
磺胺对苦草(Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara)生理生长及细胞超微结构的影响 被引量:6
作者 赵秀侠 侯冠军 +1 位作者 李静 卢文轩 《安徽大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第2期92-99,共8页
以沉水植物苦草为试验材料,通过实验室水培试验,经过不同浓度磺胺(0.01,0.02,0.05,0.08,0.1mg·L^(-1))处理,研究不同浓度磺胺污染对苦草(Vallisneria natans)叶片生理生长及丙二醛(MDA)、可溶性糖(SS)、叶绿素含量、叶绿素a和b含... 以沉水植物苦草为试验材料,通过实验室水培试验,经过不同浓度磺胺(0.01,0.02,0.05,0.08,0.1mg·L^(-1))处理,研究不同浓度磺胺污染对苦草(Vallisneria natans)叶片生理生长及丙二醛(MDA)、可溶性糖(SS)、叶绿素含量、叶绿素a和b含量比值(c_a/c_b)等的影响.结果显示:(1)随着外源磺胺浓度增加,苦草相对生长率降低,叶片叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量呈降低趋势,叶绿素a含量下降速度大于叶绿素b;c_a/c_b先增大后减小.(2)磺胺胁迫下叶片的丙二醛含量与对照组相比变化显著,MDA和SS含量呈先上升后下降的趋势,总体呈上升趋势.(3)透射电镜观察发现,磺胺胁迫使苦草叶细胞中叶绿体被膜破裂至消失,类囊体膨胀、破损;叶细胞中类囊体呈现出分布不均、出现空腔等.当磺胺浓度为0.01m·L^(-1)时,苦草叶片外观形态结构未表现出受害症状,而叶绿体亚显微结构显示,类囊体开始出现轻微的分布不均现象;当营养液中磺胺浓度为0.02mg·L^(-1)时,叶片出现褐色斑点,叶片边缘呈现枯黄至坏死症状,叶绿体超微结构显示类囊体膨胀、变形至空洞现象,线粒体和叶绿体的距离减小至消失.研究结果表明,磺胺胁迫导致苦草叶生理代谢失衡,叶绿素含量下降,叶片亚细胞结构出现不可逆损伤,期望该结果为研究磺胺污染的作用机制及苦草在抗生素污染修复中的应用提供一定的参考. 展开更多
关键词 磺胺 苦草 叶绿体 超微结构
大豆灰斑病菌(Cercospora sojina Hara)毒素的初步研究 被引量:6
作者 刘亚光 王继才 杨庆凯 《大豆科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第4期306-311,共6页
本试验主要从液体培养基的种类、培养温度、培养方式、培养天数、接种量和培养基的pH值及碳源等几个方面入手研究了大豆灰斑病菌最佳的产毒条件。利用大豆胚根伸长抑制率和单复叶萎蔫指数来测定毒素的产量。实验结果得出该菌的最佳产... 本试验主要从液体培养基的种类、培养温度、培养方式、培养天数、接种量和培养基的pH值及碳源等几个方面入手研究了大豆灰斑病菌最佳的产毒条件。利用大豆胚根伸长抑制率和单复叶萎蔫指数来测定毒素的产量。实验结果得出该菌的最佳产毒条件是利用Czapek 培养基,以蔗糖作为碳源,糖含量为3% ,将培养基的pH调到6- 7,接种三块直径为6m m 的新鲜菌丝块,于25- 28℃下静止培养25- 27 天。 展开更多
关键词 大豆灰斑病菌 毒素 产毒条件
A phenolic glycoside from Fagopyrum dibotrys (D.Don) Hara 被引量:8
作者 Zheng Zhong Bai Xiao Hui Zhang +1 位作者 Li Jiang Xuan Feng Kui Mo 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第9期1087-1088,共2页
A new phenolic constituent along with five known compounds were isolated from Fagopyrum dibotrys (D.Don) Hara. The new compound was characterized as 1,3-dimethoxy-2-O-β-xylo-pyranosyl-5-O-β-glucopyranosyl-benzene, b... A new phenolic constituent along with five known compounds were isolated from Fagopyrum dibotrys (D.Don) Hara. The new compound was characterized as 1,3-dimethoxy-2-O-β-xylo-pyranosyl-5-O-β-glucopyranosyl-benzene, by spectroscopic analysis and enzymatic hydrolysis. 展开更多
关键词 Fagopyrum dibotrys (D. Don) hara Phenolic glycoside
作者 张燕 赵培标 周华任 《Acta Mathematica Scientia》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第1期97-124,共28页
This paper focuses on an optimal reinsurance and investment problem for an insurance corporation which holds the shares of an insurer and a reinsurer.Assume that the insurer can purchase reinsurance from the reinsurer... This paper focuses on an optimal reinsurance and investment problem for an insurance corporation which holds the shares of an insurer and a reinsurer.Assume that the insurer can purchase reinsurance from the reinsurer,and that both the insurer and the reinsurer are allowed to invest in a risk-free asset and a risky asset which are governed by the Heston model and are distinct from one another.We aim to find the optimal reinsuranceinvestment strategy by maximizing the expected Hyperbolic Absolute Risk Aversion(HARA)utility of the insurance corporation’s terminal wealth,which is the weighted sum of the insurer’s and the reinsurer’s terminal wealth.The Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman(HJB)equation is first established.However,this equation is non-linear and is difficult to solve directly by any ordinary method found in the existing literature,because the structure of this HJB equation is more complex under HARA utility.In the present paper,the Legendre transform is applied to change this HJB equation into a linear dual one such that the explicit expressions of optimal investment-reinsurance strategies for-1≤ρi≤1 are obtained.We also discuss some special cases in a little bit more detail.Finally,numerical analyses are provided. 展开更多
关键词 REINSURANCE INVESTMENT hara utility Heston model Legendre transform
NPV risk simulation of an open pit gold mine project under the O'Hara cost model by using Gas 被引量:1
作者 Franco-Sepulveda Giovanni Campuzano Carlos Pineda Cindy 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第3期557-565,共9页
This paper analyzes an open pit gold mine project based on the O'Hara cost model. Hypothetical data is proposed based on different authors that have studied open pit gold projects, and variations are proposed acco... This paper analyzes an open pit gold mine project based on the O'Hara cost model. Hypothetical data is proposed based on different authors that have studied open pit gold projects, and variations are proposed according to the probability distributions associated to key variables affecting the NPV, like production level, ore grade, price of ore, and others, so as to see what if, in a gold open pit mine project of 3000 metric tons per day of ore. Two case scenarios were analyzed to simulate the NPV, one where there is low certainty data available, and the other where the information available is of high certainty. Results based on genetic algorithm metaheuristic simulations, which combine basically Montecarlo simulations provided by the Palisade Risk software, the O'Hara cost model, net smelter return and financial analysis tools offered by Excel are reported, in order to determine to which variables of the project is more sensitive the NPV. 展开更多
关键词 Genetic algorithms(GAs) O’hara cost model Montecarlo simulation Open pit gold mine NPV risk analysis
双曲孢菌(Nakataea Sigmoidea Hara)生物学特性初步研究
作者 吴海燕 段玉玺 辛惠普 《西北农业学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第1期127-131,共5页
报道了东北地区水稻小球菌核菌无性世代的分生孢子——双曲孢属(NakataeasigmoidaeHara),并对其人工培养条件进行了初步的探讨。结果表明,自然光照能促进该菌产生分生孢子,在自然光条件下,病原菌在水琼脂培养基上产生分生孢子,生长物质... 报道了东北地区水稻小球菌核菌无性世代的分生孢子——双曲孢属(NakataeasigmoidaeHara),并对其人工培养条件进行了初步的探讨。结果表明,自然光照能促进该菌产生分生孢子,在自然光条件下,病原菌在水琼脂培养基上产生分生孢子,生长物质和微量元素均不能促进孢子产生,碳氮比对菌核萌发直接产生分生孢子有影响,其中10∶1时产孢率最高,为54.23%。 展开更多
关键词 水稻小球菌核菌 双曲孢属 分生孢子 自然光照 生长物质 微量元素 碳氮比
双曲孢菌(Nakataea sigmoidea Hara)生物学特性初步研究
作者 吴海燕 辛惠普 《广西科学》 CAS 2003年第2期139-141,153,共4页
为了研究双曲孢菌 ( N akataea sigmoidea Hara)在不同环境及营养条件下的产孢特性 ,分别在黑暗条件和光照条件下 ,通过改变环境因子 ( p H值、温度、固体培养、液体培养 )和营养因子 (碳源、氮源、天然、合成 )来进行产孢培养试验。结... 为了研究双曲孢菌 ( N akataea sigmoidea Hara)在不同环境及营养条件下的产孢特性 ,分别在黑暗条件和光照条件下 ,通过改变环境因子 ( p H值、温度、固体培养、液体培养 )和营养因子 (碳源、氮源、天然、合成 )来进行产孢培养试验。结果表明 ,双曲孢菌在黑暗条件下 ,不同环境因子和不同营养因子下均不能产生分生孢子 ;在自然光条件下 ,1.5 %水琼脂、 Czapek培养基上 ,菌核和菌丝均能产孢。碳氮比对菌核萌发产生分生孢子有显著影响 ( P <0 .0 1) ,以碳氮比为 10 :1时 ,产孢率最高 ,达 5 4 .2 3%。紫外灯照射 10 展开更多
关键词 双曲孢菌 生物学特性 分生孢子 水稻 小球菌核病
Study on Cerospora sojina Hara Toxin Resistance and It's Inheritance in Soybean
作者 CAO Yue-ping, YANG Qing-kai and WEI Zhi-ming( Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 201101 , P.R.China Northeast Agriculture University, Harbin 150030, P.R.China Institute of Plant Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032 , P.R.China) 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2002年第7期770-775,共6页
Cerospora sojina Hara. toxin produced by mycelia of the pathogen can harm soybean plants. In this paper, 50 varieties and one resistant-susceptible combination were used to study the toxin resistance and it's inhe... Cerospora sojina Hara. toxin produced by mycelia of the pathogen can harm soybean plants. In this paper, 50 varieties and one resistant-susceptible combination were used to study the toxin resistance and it's inheritance. Comparing the results from the field under different inoculation conditions, the average coincidence rate of the toxin test is 62.37%. The inheritance of resistance to the toxin of Race 7 of Cerospora sojina Hara was proved to be controlled by a pair of single dominant genes. The toxin appraisal method can be used for many purposes owing to it's convenience. 展开更多
Karyotype Analysis of Rabdosia lophanthoides var. gerardianus and Rabdosia lophanthoides Hara var. graciliflorus Chromosomes
作者 Qiao ZHANG Chaomei PAN Xiangxu HUANG 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2012年第2期3-5,共3页
[ Objective] This study aimed to conduct the karyotype analysis of Rabdosia lophanthoides var. gerardians and R. lophanthoides Hara var. gracilifloruschromosomes. [ Method] Vigorously growing shoot tips of R. lophanth... [ Objective] This study aimed to conduct the karyotype analysis of Rabdosia lophanthoides var. gerardians and R. lophanthoides Hara var. gracilifloruschromosomes. [ Method] Vigorously growing shoot tips of R. lophanthoides var. gerardianus and R. lophanthoides Hara var. graciliflorus were stained for section preparation to observe and analyze the chromosomes. [ Result] Karyotype formula of R. lophanthoides var. gerardianus is K (2n) =2x =24 = 18m +4Sm, sugges- ting that this species belongs to category 2A of Stebbins; karyotype formula of R. lophanthoides Hara var. graciliflorus is K (2n) =2x =24 = 16m +8Sm, sugges- ting that this species belongs to category 1B of Stebbins. [Conclusion] R. lophanthoides var. gerardianus is more primitive compared with R. lophanthoides Hara var. graciliflorus. 展开更多
关键词 Rabdosia lophanthoides vat. gerardianus R. lophanthoides hara vat. graciliflorus CHROMOSOME KARYOTYPE
融象,稚拙与灵性 日本青年陶艺家:原菜央(Nao Hara)
作者 王军 《收藏与投资》 2019年第8期120-125,共6页
关键词 陶艺家 NAO hara
CEV模型下最大化HARA效用的最优再保险与投资策略 被引量:3
作者 聂高琴 《数学的实践与认识》 北大核心 2019年第23期249-255,共7页
在风险资产价格服从CEV模型时,考虑保险公司为最大化双曲绝对风险厌恶(HARA)效用的最优投资与再保险问题.假定保险公司的索赔过程为带漂移的布朗运动,且保险公司通过购买比例再保险来转移索赔风险,运用随机控制理论和Legendre变换方法... 在风险资产价格服从CEV模型时,考虑保险公司为最大化双曲绝对风险厌恶(HARA)效用的最优投资与再保险问题.假定保险公司的索赔过程为带漂移的布朗运动,且保险公司通过购买比例再保险来转移索赔风险,运用随机控制理论和Legendre变换方法得到了最优策略的显示表达式. 展开更多
关键词 CEV模型 hara效用 再保险 LEGENDRE变换
Heston模型下基于HARA效用准则的资产-负债管理策略 被引量:2
作者 马娟 樊顺厚 常浩 《系统科学与数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期1259-1271,共13页
研究了Heston随机波动率模型下带有负债过程的动态投资组合问题,并且假设风险资产价格过程满足Heston随机波动率模型,负债过程服从带漂移的布朗运动.金融市场由一种无风险资产和一种风险资产所构成.首先,应用动态规划原理得到相应值函... 研究了Heston随机波动率模型下带有负债过程的动态投资组合问题,并且假设风险资产价格过程满足Heston随机波动率模型,负债过程服从带漂移的布朗运动.金融市场由一种无风险资产和一种风险资产所构成.首先,应用动态规划原理得到相应值函数所满足的HJB方程.然后,假设投资者对风险的偏好程度满足双曲绝对风险厌恶(HARA)效用函数,并应用Legendre变换法和分离变量法得到在HARA效用函数下最优投资策略的显示解.最后,给出数值算例分析部分市场参数对最优投资策略的影响. 展开更多
关键词 Heston随机波动率 负债过程 动态投资组合 hara效用函数 Legendre变换法
Molecular characterization of RAPD and SCAR marker linked to the frog-eye leaf spot resistance gene in soybean 被引量:4
作者 ZOU Jijun YANG Qingkai +3 位作者 CHEN Shouyi CHEN Qingshan LIU Yaguang DONG Wei 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2000年第5期460-466,共7页
Two fragments SCS362o and SCS3580 of the co-dominant marker OPS0362o&580 that were linked to the resistance gene of soybean frog-eye leaf spot have been completely sequenced. A significant insertion of 30 bp is th... Two fragments SCS362o and SCS3580 of the co-dominant marker OPS0362o&580 that were linked to the resistance gene of soybean frog-eye leaf spot have been completely sequenced. A significant insertion of 30 bp is the main reason of the polymorphism between the two fragments. The results of Southern hybridization indicate that SCS362o derives from a single- or low-copy sequence and can be used as an RFLP probe. A co-dominant SCAR marker SCSSeao&sao has been developed based on the sequences. The segregation of SCS362o&58o is similar to that of RAPD marker OPS03620&580. Significant polymorphism has been shown between resistant and susceptible genotypes when 62 soybean genotypes were surveyed for the SCAR marker. Therefore, the marker can be used in the resistance breeding of soybean frog-eye leaf spot by marker-assisted selection. 展开更多
关键词 CERCOSPORA sojina hara disease resistance molecular MARKERS co-dominance.
作者 谭露霖 陈朝军 +4 位作者 吴仙 李莉娜 王清峰 代国滔 冯宇隆 《中国饲料》 北大核心 2025年第1期28-36,共9页
为研究饲粮添加氧化油脂和金荞麦对肉鸡肉品质和空肠黏膜miRNA表达谱的影响,试验选用1日龄健康、体重相近的882肉仔鸡公鸡240只,随机分为3组,每组8个重复,每个重复10只鸡。Ctr、Ox、Fag组分别在基础日粮中添加新鲜油脂、氧化油脂、新鲜... 为研究饲粮添加氧化油脂和金荞麦对肉鸡肉品质和空肠黏膜miRNA表达谱的影响,试验选用1日龄健康、体重相近的882肉仔鸡公鸡240只,随机分为3组,每组8个重复,每个重复10只鸡。Ctr、Ox、Fag组分别在基础日粮中添加新鲜油脂、氧化油脂、新鲜油脂+2%金荞麦。试验期为42 d。结果显示:氧化油脂可显著增加胸肌24 h pH和腿肌滴水损失(P<0.01),显著降低胸肌肉色a^(*)值(P<0.05);金荞麦可显著增加腿肌肉色L^(*)和a^(*)值(P<0.05);Ctr vs Ox,Ctr vs Fag,Ox vs Fag三个比较组的差异表达miRNAs分别为25、27、24个;这些差异表达miRNAs的靶基因显著富集在肌动蛋白细胞骨架、紧密链接、mTOR和TGF-β等信号通路;根据表达丰度和表达差异分析,共筛选了17个差异表达miRNAs,它们可作为氧化油脂和金荞麦调控肠道屏障功能的候选基因,进一步研究氧化油脂和金荞麦通过表观遗传学对肠道屏障功能的影响。综上所述,饲粮添加氧化油脂和2%金荞麦均可改变肉鸡肉品质,影响空肠黏膜miRNAs的表达谱。 展开更多
关键词 肉仔鸡 金荞麦 油脂 肉品质 miRNA表达谱
Network pharmacology-based strategy to investigate harmacological mechanisms of Isodon serra(Maxim.)Hara for treatment of inflammatory 被引量:2
作者 Weiwei Xie Xuqing Wen +4 位作者 Dedong Zhang Yuqian Zhang Zhiqing Zhang Yiran Jin Yingfeng Du 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2022年第4期250-263,共14页
Widely distributed in plants,ent-kaurane diterpenoids could reduce the incidence of inflammatory.The most important active ingredient of Isodon serra(Maxim.)Hara is ent-kaurane diterpenoids,which contribute to the ant... Widely distributed in plants,ent-kaurane diterpenoids could reduce the incidence of inflammatory.The most important active ingredient of Isodon serra(Maxim.)Hara is ent-kaurane diterpenoids,which contribute to the anti-inflammatory pharmacological effects of Isodon serra.However,the ingredients,the active compounds,drug targets,inflammatory targets and exact molecular mechanism of Isodon serra in treating inflammatory are still unclear.The purpose of this study was to use the method of network pharmacological analysis to find the active compounds in Isodon serra.These active compounds match the library of ent-kaurane diterpenoids compounds we established,and we find all the eligible ent-kaurane diterpenoids compounds.Isodon serra related and anti-inflammatory targets were found and then combined to get intersection,which represented potential anti-inflammatory targets of active compounds in Isodon serra.Moreover,anti-inflammatory targets and active compounds targets protein-protein interaction network were merged to get the protein-protein interaction network intersection and core genes in anti-inflammatory target protein-protein interaction network.For the anti-inflammatory targets of Isodon serra,Gene Ontology(GO)and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG)pathway analysis were executed to confirm gene functions of Isodon serra in antagonizing inflammation.Finally,TCMSP analysis identified 10 active compounds out of 48 ent-kaurane.The pathway analysis showed enrichment for different pathways like AGE-RAGE signaling pathway in diabetic complications,small cell lung cancer and human cytomegalovirus infection,which were all connected to inflammatory.On the whole,the proposed method clearly identified the ent-kaurane diterpenoids of Isodon serra and the results gave the active compounds of Isodon serra for the first time.The combining use of the qualitative analysis of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)and network pharmacological methods could discover potential drug targets and reveal the biological process of TCM,which would open up a new approach in the study of TCM in future. 展开更多
关键词 Isodon serra(Maxim.)hara Network pharmacology Active compounds ent-Kaurane diterpenoids Inflammatory targets
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