The idea of the hypothetical Magellanica Continent(Terra Australis Incognita)was introduced into China by the Jesuit missionaries during the seventeenth century.While not accepted by the Chinese government,it was affi...The idea of the hypothetical Magellanica Continent(Terra Australis Incognita)was introduced into China by the Jesuit missionaries during the seventeenth century.While not accepted by the Chinese government,it was affirmed and transmitted to the public by a few Chinese scholars,including Feng Yingjing,Cheng Bai'er,Zhang Huang,Xiong Mingyu,Xiong Renlin,You Yi,Zhou Yuqi,Jie Xuan,Wang Honghan,and Ye Zipei.Most of them communicated closely with the Jesuit missionaries,and several even helped the missionaries compose the maps.The concept was updated progressively by Matteo Ricci,Giulio Aleni,Johann Adam Schall von Bell,Francesco Sambiasi,and Ferdinand Verbiest.Chinese scholars copied the missionaries'relevant maps and textual introductions without much modification.However,they paid little attention to advancements in the idea,and many of them circulated outdated knowledge.It was not until the middle-and late-nineteenth century that Chinese scholars reexamined the correctness of this hypothetical continent.展开更多
This presentation discusses the requests of modern pedagogy, and a possible bridging between the traditional teaching strategies drawn by the Ratio Studiorum of a unique and rare structure, and today's learning proce...This presentation discusses the requests of modern pedagogy, and a possible bridging between the traditional teaching strategies drawn by the Ratio Studiorum of a unique and rare structure, and today's learning process. It will argue the practical application and philosophy of education widely accepted and recognized as a part of curricular activities within the learning environments, though with no recognition of its origin. This paper aims to examine the indisputable contributions of the educational methods of the Jesuits in our time, although, the discipline has developed new fundamental, and new concepts such as self-esteem, self-awareness, and self-determination among others,展开更多
文摘The idea of the hypothetical Magellanica Continent(Terra Australis Incognita)was introduced into China by the Jesuit missionaries during the seventeenth century.While not accepted by the Chinese government,it was affirmed and transmitted to the public by a few Chinese scholars,including Feng Yingjing,Cheng Bai'er,Zhang Huang,Xiong Mingyu,Xiong Renlin,You Yi,Zhou Yuqi,Jie Xuan,Wang Honghan,and Ye Zipei.Most of them communicated closely with the Jesuit missionaries,and several even helped the missionaries compose the maps.The concept was updated progressively by Matteo Ricci,Giulio Aleni,Johann Adam Schall von Bell,Francesco Sambiasi,and Ferdinand Verbiest.Chinese scholars copied the missionaries'relevant maps and textual introductions without much modification.However,they paid little attention to advancements in the idea,and many of them circulated outdated knowledge.It was not until the middle-and late-nineteenth century that Chinese scholars reexamined the correctness of this hypothetical continent.
文摘This presentation discusses the requests of modern pedagogy, and a possible bridging between the traditional teaching strategies drawn by the Ratio Studiorum of a unique and rare structure, and today's learning process. It will argue the practical application and philosophy of education widely accepted and recognized as a part of curricular activities within the learning environments, though with no recognition of its origin. This paper aims to examine the indisputable contributions of the educational methods of the Jesuits in our time, although, the discipline has developed new fundamental, and new concepts such as self-esteem, self-awareness, and self-determination among others,
文摘1685年法国国王路易十四派遣了第一批“国王数学家”前往中国,李明(Louis Lecomte)是五位到达北京的法国耶稣会士之一,并在1688年到达后受到康熙皇帝召见,中法两国间从此开启了近百年的早期文化交流。李明是十七世纪末最早深入中国各地考察、游历、传教,并对他所见所闻进行详尽分析描述的法国人。综观他笔下北京城的描述,我们不难发现,作者始终抱着强烈的好奇心,以亲眼探索北京城的姿态审视异国都城里能够看到的一切,他的描写宛若一幅康熙年间北京城写实的画面。李明对北京古老的历史,独特的建筑风格,以及繁荣的商业氛围等都做了比较客观的描述,这为“启蒙时代”的法国读者传递了比较翔实的信息。由于“礼仪之争”的原因,他只好奉命回到法国解释有关中国传教的情况,1696年他在巴黎出版了在中国期间给法国上层人士的十四封书信,取名为《中国近况新志》(Nouveaux mémoiressurl’étatprésentde la Chine)。尽管李明在中国停留的时间很短暂,但是回到法国后出版的十四封长信已经对中国社会进行了颇为详细的介绍,而且他分析的内容不但全面详细,而且不少内容是对当时中国和法国的情况进行的文化和历史的对比。本文着重研究李明关于北京城特点的分析和描述,特别是他对中、法城市区别的对比。李明对北京城的观察和分析为当今学者的北京历史研究提供了第一手真实的史料。