Euclidean embedding of the 11-dimensional M-theory turned out to require a very large space leaving lavish amounts of 242 dimensional pseudo truly empty “regions” devoid of space and time and consequently of anythin...Euclidean embedding of the 11-dimensional M-theory turned out to require a very large space leaving lavish amounts of 242 dimensional pseudo truly empty “regions” devoid of space and time and consequently of anything resembling ordinary physical energy density. It is shown here using Nash embedding that the ratio of “solid” M-theory spacetime to its required embedding “non-spacetime” is 1/22 for a classical theory and 1/22.18033989 for an analogous fractal theory. This then leads to a maximal ordinary energy density equation equal to that of Einstein’s famous formula E=mc2 but multiplied with in full agreement with previous results obtained using relatively more conventional methods including running the electromagnetic fine structure constant in the exact solution of the hydrogen atom. Consequently, the new equation corresponds to a quantum relativity theory which unlike Einstein’s original equation gives quantitative predictions which agree perfectly with the cosmological measurements of WMAP and the analysis of certain supernova events. Never the less in our view dark energy also exists being the energy of the quantum wave amounting to 95.5 present of the total Einstein theoretical energy which is blind to any distinction between ordinary energy of the quantum particle and the dark energy of the quantum wave. However, since measurement leads to the collapse of the Hawking-Hartle quantum wave, dark energy being a quantum wave non-ordinary energy could not possibly be measured in the usual way unless highly refined quantum wave non-demolition technology is developed if possible. It is a further reason that dark energy having a different sign to ordinary energy is the cause behind the anti gravity force which is pushing the universe apart and accelerating cosmic expansion. Consequently it can be seen as the result of anticlastic Cartan-like curvature caused by extra compactified dimensions of spacetime. A simple toy model demonstration of the effect of curvature in a “material” space is briefly discussed.展开更多
Starting from Witten’s eleven dimensional M-theory, the present work develops in an analogous way a corresponding dimensional fractal version where . Subsequently, the new fractal formalism is utilized to determine t...Starting from Witten’s eleven dimensional M-theory, the present work develops in an analogous way a corresponding dimensional fractal version where . Subsequently, the new fractal formalism is utilized to determine the measured ordinary energy density of the cosmos which turns out to be intimately linked to the new theory’s fractal dimension via non-integer irrational Lorentzian-like factor: where is Hardy’s probability of quantum entanglement. Consequently, the energy density is found from a limiting classical kinetic energy to be Here, is ‘tHooft’s renormalon of dimensional regularization. The immediate logical, mathematical and physical implication of this result is that the dark energy density of the cosmos must be in astounding agreement with cosmic measurements and observations.展开更多
We examine a natural supersymmetric extension of the bosonic covariant 3-algebra model for M-theory proposed in [1]. It possesses manifest SO(1,10) symmetry and is constructed based on the Lorentzian Lie 3-algebra ass...We examine a natural supersymmetric extension of the bosonic covariant 3-algebra model for M-theory proposed in [1]. It possesses manifest SO(1,10) symmetry and is constructed based on the Lorentzian Lie 3-algebra associated with the U(N) Lie algebra. There is no ghost related to the Lorentzian signature in this model. It is invariant under 64 supersymmetry transformations although the supersymmetry algebra does not close. From the model, we derive the BFSS matrix theory and the IIB matrix model in a large N limit by taking appropriate vacua.展开更多
We review on Zariski 3-algebra model of M-theory. The model is obtained by Zariski quantization of a semi-light-cone supermembrane action. The model has manifest N=1 supersymmetry in eleven dimensions and its relation...We review on Zariski 3-algebra model of M-theory. The model is obtained by Zariski quantization of a semi-light-cone supermembrane action. The model has manifest N=1 supersymmetry in eleven dimensions and its relation to the supermembrane action is clear.展开更多
Using N=2 supergravity formalism,we investigate certain behaviors of five-dimensional black objects from the compactification of M-theory on a Calabi-Yau three-fold.The manifold has been constructed as the intersectio...Using N=2 supergravity formalism,we investigate certain behaviors of five-dimensional black objects from the compactification of M-theory on a Calabi-Yau three-fold.The manifold has been constructed as the intersection of two homogeneous polynomials of degrees(ω+2,1)and(2,1)in a product of two weighted projective spaces given by WP^(4)(ω,1,1,1,1)×P^(1).First,we determine the allowed electric charge regions of the BPS and non BPS black holes obtained by wrapping M2-branes on appropriate two cycles in such a proposed Calabi-Yau three-fold.After that,we calculate the entropy of these solutions which takes a maximal value corresponding to ω=1 defining the ordinary projective space P^(4).For generic values of ω,we show that the non BPS states are unstable.Then,we conduct a similar study of five-dimensional black strings.Concerning the allowed magnetic charge regions of the BPS and non BPS black stringy solutions derived from M5-branes on dual divisors,we calculate the tension taking a minimal value for P^(4).By determining the recombination factor,we show that the non-BPS black string states are stable in the allowed regions in the magnetic charge space.展开更多
M-theory and loop quantum gravity (LQG)are usually accounted as the favored candidates to solve the problem of quantum gravity.Nonetheless,both the frameworks are still concerned with several technical and conceptual ...M-theory and loop quantum gravity (LQG)are usually accounted as the favored candidates to solve the problem of quantum gravity.Nonetheless,both the frameworks are still concerned with several technical and conceptual issues,and the lack of any direct experimental data on the string/Planck scale only allows to focus on the mathematical self-consistency of the two frameworks.展开更多
Borrowing ideas from elliptic complex geometry, we approach M-theory compactifications on real fibrations. Precisely, we explore real toric equations rather than complex ones exploited in F-theory and related dual mod...Borrowing ideas from elliptic complex geometry, we approach M-theory compactifications on real fibrations. Precisely, we explore real toric equations rather than complex ones exploited in F-theory and related dual models. These geometries have been built by moving real toric manifolds over real bases. Using topological changing behaviors, we unveil certain data associated with gauge sectors relying on affine lie symmetries.展开更多
This paper is a review, a thesis, of some interesting results that have been obtained in various research concerning the “brane collisions in string and M-theory” (Cyclic Universe), p-adic inflation and p-adic cosmo...This paper is a review, a thesis, of some interesting results that have been obtained in various research concerning the “brane collisions in string and M-theory” (Cyclic Universe), p-adic inflation and p-adic cosmology. In Section 2, we have described some equations concerning cosmic evolution in a Cyclic Universe. In Section 3, we have described some equations concerning the cosmological perturbations in a Big Crunch/Big Bang space-time, the M-theory model of a Big Crunch/Big Bang transition and some equations concerning the solution of a braneworld Big Crunch/Big Bang Cosmology. In Section 4, we have described some equations concerning the generating ekpyrotic curvature perturbations before the Big Bang, some equations concerning the effective five-dimensional theory of the strongly coupled heterotic string as a gauged version of N=1five-dimensional supergravity with four-dimensional boundaries, and some equations concerning the colliding branes and the origin of the Hot Big Bang. In Section 5, we have described some equations regarding the “null energy condition” violation concerning the inflationary models and some equations concerning the evolution to a smooth universe in an ekpyrotic contracting phase with w>1. In Section 6, we have described some equations concerning the approximate inflationary solutions rolling away from the unstable maximum of p-adic string theory. In Section 7, we have described various equations concerning the p-adic minisuperspace model, zeta strings, zeta nonlocal scalar fields and p-adic and adelic quantum cosmology. In Section 8, we have shown various and interesting mathematical connections between some equations concerning the p-adic inflation, the p-adic quantum cosmology, the zeta strings and the brane collisions in string and M-theory. Furthermore, in each section, we have shown the mathematical connections with various sectors of Number Theory, principally the Ramanujan’s modular equations, the Aurea Ratio and the Fibonacci’s numbers.展开更多
Condense matter methods and mathematical models used in solving problems in solid state physics are transformed to high energy quantum cosmology in order to estimate the magnitude of the missing dark energy of the uni...Condense matter methods and mathematical models used in solving problems in solid state physics are transformed to high energy quantum cosmology in order to estimate the magnitude of the missing dark energy of the universe. Looking at the problem from this novel viewpoint was rewarded by a rather unexpected result, namely that the gap labelling method of integrated density of states for three dimensional icosahedral quasicrystals is identical to the previously measured and theoretically concluded ordinary energy density of the universe, namely a mere 4.5 percent of Einstein’s energy density, i.e. E(O) = mc2/22 where E is the energy, m is the mass and c is the speed of light. Consequently we conclude that the missing dark energy density must be E(D) = 1 - E(O) = mc2(21/22) in agreement with all known cosmological measurements and observations. This result could also be interpreted as a strong evidence for the self similarity of the geometry of spacetime, which is an expression of its basic fractal nature.展开更多
The aim of the present paper is to explain and accurately calculate the missing dark energy density of the cosmos by scaling the Planck scale and using the methodology of the relatively novel discipline of cosmic crys...The aim of the present paper is to explain and accurately calculate the missing dark energy density of the cosmos by scaling the Planck scale and using the methodology of the relatively novel discipline of cosmic crystallography and Hawking-Hartle quantum wave solution of Wheeler-DeWitt equation. Following this road we arrive at a modified version of Einstein’s energy mass relation E = mc2 which predicts a cosmological energy density in astonishing accord with the WMAP and supernova measurements and analysis. We develop non-constructively what may be termed super symmetric Penrose fractal tiling and find that the isomorphic length of this tiling is equal to the self affinity radius of a universe which resembles an 11 dimensional Hilbert cube or a fractal M-theory with a Hausdorff dimension where. It then turns out that the correct maximal quantum relativity energy-mass equation for intergalactic scales is a simple relativistic scaling, in the sense of Weyl-Nottale, of Einstein’s classical equation, namely EQR = (1/2)(1/) moc2 = 0.0450849 mc2 and that this energy is the ordinary measurable energy density of the quantum particle. This means that almost 95.5% of the energy of the cosmos is dark energy which by quantum particle-wave duality is the absolute value of the energy of the quantum wave and is proportional to the square of the curvature of the curled dimension of spacetime namely where and is Hardy’s probability of quantum entanglement. Because of the quantum wave collapse on measurement this energy cannot be measured using our current technologies. The same result is obtained by involving all the 17 Stein spaces corresponding to 17 types of the wallpaper groups as well as the 230-11=219 three dimensional crystallographic group which gives the number of the first level of massless particle-like states in Heterotic string theory. All these diverse subjects find here a unified view point leading to the same result regarding the missing dark energy of the universe, which turned out to by synonymous with the absolute value of the energy of the Hawking-Hartle quantum wave solution of Wheeler-DeWitt equation while ordinary energy is the energy of the quantum particle into which the Hawking-Hartle wave collapse at cosmic energy measurement. In other words it is in the very act of measurement which causes our inability to measure the “Dark energy of the quantum wave” in any direct way. The only hope if any to detect dark energy and utilize it in nuclear reactors is future development of sophisticated quantum wave non-demolition measurement instruments.展开更多
The four-dimensional character of Einstein’s spacetime is generally accepted in mainstream physics as beyond reasonable doubt correct. However the real problem is when we require scale invariance and that this spacet...The four-dimensional character of Einstein’s spacetime is generally accepted in mainstream physics as beyond reasonable doubt correct. However the real problem is when we require scale invariance and that this spacetime be four-dimensional on all scales. It is true that on our classical scale, the 4D decouples into 3D plus one time dimension and that on very large scale only the curvature of spacetime becomes noticeable. However the critical problem is that such spacetime must remain 4D no matter how small the scale we are probing is. This is something of crucial importance for quantum physics. The present work addresses this basic, natural and logical requirement and shows how many contradictory results and shortcomings of relativity and quantum gravity could be eliminated when we “complete” Einstein’s spacetime in such a geometrical gauge invariant way. Concurrently the work serves also as a review of the vast Literature on E-Infinity theory used here.展开更多
The three postulates of the posited dynamic and reversible theory of everything are: 1) the oscil-lating M-theory postulate for the oscillating matter structure, 2) the digital transitional Higgs-reversed Higgs fields...The three postulates of the posited dynamic and reversible theory of everything are: 1) the oscil-lating M-theory postulate for the oscillating matter structure, 2) the digital transitional Higgs-reversed Higgs fields postulate for the digital space structure, and 3) the reversible multiverse post-ulate for all physical laws and phenomena. The posited theory of everything based on the three postulates explains cosmology, the composition (baryonic matter, dark matter, and dark energy) in the universe, the periodic table of elementary particles (quarks, leptons, and bosons), the galaxy evolution, superconductivity, black hole, thermodynamic, and quantum mechanics. Oscillating M-theory is derived from oscillating membrane-string-particle whose space-time dimension number oscillates between 11D and 10D and between 10D and 4D. Space-time dimension number between 10 and 4 decreases with decreasing speed of light, decreasing vacuum energy, and in-creasing rest mass. The digital transitional Higgs-reversed Higgs fields are derived from digital attachment-detachment spaces which couple to particles. Under spontaneous symmetry breaking, the coupling of massless particle to zero-energy attachment space (the space for mass) produces the transitional nonzero-energy Higgs field-particle composite which under spontaneous symmetry restoring produces massive particle on zero-energy attachment space with the longitudinal component. The opposite of attachment space is detachment space as the space for kinetic energy and the nonzero-energy reverse Higgs field. The combination of n units of attachment space (de-noted as 1) and n units of detachment space (denoted as 0) brings about the three digital structures: binary partition space (1)<sub>n</sub>(0)<sub>n</sub>, miscible space (1 + 0)<sub>n</sub>, and binary lattice space (1 0)<sub>n</sub> to account for quantum mechanics, special relativity, and the force fields, respectively. In the third postulate, all physical laws and phenomena are permanently reversible in the multiverse, and temporary irreversible entropy increase is allowed. Our universe is an asymmetrical dual posi-tive-energy-negative-energy universe where the positive-energy universe on attachment space absorbed the interuniversal void on detachment space to result in the combination of attachment space and detachment space, while the negative-energy universe did not absorb the interuniversal void, resulting in temporary irreversible entropy increase through reversibility breaking, sym-metry violation, and low entropy beginning. Guided by the reversible negative-energy universe, our dual universe is a globally reversible cyclic dual universe.展开更多
This paper posits that we are living in a computer simulation to simulate physical reality which has the same computer simulation process as virtual reality (computer-simulated reality). The computer simulation proces...This paper posits that we are living in a computer simulation to simulate physical reality which has the same computer simulation process as virtual reality (computer-simulated reality). The computer simulation process involves the digital representation of data, the mathematical computation of the digitized data in geometric formation and transformation in space-time, and the selective retention of events in a narrative. Conventional physics cannot explain physical reality clearly, while computer-simulated physics can explain physical reality clearly by using the computer simulation process consisting of the digital representation component, the mathematical computation component, and the selective retention component. For the digital representation component, the three intrinsic data (properties) are rest mass-kinetic energy, electric charge, and spin which are represented by the digital space structure, the digital spin, and the digital electric charge, respectively. The digital representations of rest mass and kinetic energy are 1 as attachment space for the space of matter and 0 as detachment space for the zero-space of matter, respectively, to explain the Higgs field, the reverse Higgs field, quantum mechanics, special relativity, force fields, dark matter, and baryonic matter. The digital representations of the exclusive and the inclusive occupations of positions are 1/2 spin fermion and integer spin boson, respectively, to explain spatial translation by supersymmetry transformation and dark energy. The digital representations of the allowance and the disallowance of irreversible kinetic energy are integral electric charges and fractional electric charges, respectively, to explain the confinements of quarks and quasiparticles. For the mathematical computation component, the mathematical computation involves the reversible multiverse and oscillating M-theory as oscillating membrane-string-particle whose space-time dimension (D) number oscillates between 11D and 10D and between 10D and 4D to explain cosmology. For the selective retention component, gravity, the strong force, electromagnetism, and the weak force are the retained events during the reversible four-stage evolution of our universe, and are unified by the common narrative of the evolution.展开更多
In the posited reversibility theory, 1) all physical laws and phenomena are permanently reversible, 2) all physical laws are derived from the reversible M-theory (extension of string theory) in the reversible multiver...In the posited reversibility theory, 1) all physical laws and phenomena are permanently reversible, 2) all physical laws are derived from the reversible M-theory (extension of string theory) in the reversible multiverse, and 3) temporary irreversible entropy increase is allowed through reversibility breaking, symmetry breaking, and low entropy beginning. Dealing with all physical laws and phenomena, the reversibility theory is the theory of everything, including thermodynamic, cosmology, the composition (baryonic matter, dark matter, and dark energy) in the universe, the periodic table of all elementary particles, the galaxy evolution, superconductivity, and black hole. In the reversible M-theory, space-time dimension number oscillates between 11D (space-time dimension) and 10D and between 10D and 4D. The reversible M-theory includes 11D membrane, 10D string, and variable D particle. Space-time dimension number between 10 and 4 decreases with decreasing speed of light, decreasing vacuum energy, and increasing rest mass. In our dual universe of positive-negative energy universe, the reversible oscillation between 10D with and 4D in the negative energy universe without kinetic energy is the reversible cyclic fractionalization-condensation for the reversible cyclic expansion-contraction of the universe. Without kinetic energy, the individual particles have no individual momenta for entropy increase. The negative energy universe is the locally reversible universe for dark energy. In the positive energy universe where we live, the absorption of the interuniversal void forced the direct transformation from 10D to 4D as the inflation followed by the Big Bang, and created kinetic energy that provided individual momenta for individual particles to produce irreversible entropy increase, resulting in the reversibility breaking of the reversible oscillation. The positive energy universe is the locally irreversible universe. The dual universe as a whole is reversible guided by the reversible negative energy universe. As a result, the irreversible positive energy universe with the irreversible entropy increase is temporary, and will disappear.展开更多
Ordinary energy and dark energy density are determined using a Cosserat-Cartan and killing-Yano reinterpretation of Einstein’s special and general relativity. Thus starting from a maximally symmetric space with 528 k...Ordinary energy and dark energy density are determined using a Cosserat-Cartan and killing-Yano reinterpretation of Einstein’s special and general relativity. Thus starting from a maximally symmetric space with 528 killing vector fields corresponding to Witten’s five Branes model in eleven dimensional M-theory we reason that 504 of the 528 are essentially the components of the relevant killing-Yano tensor. In turn this tensor is related to hidden symmetries and torsional coupled stresses of the Cosserat micro-polar space as well as the Einstein-Cartan connection. Proceeding in this way the dark energy density is found to be that of Einstein’s maximal energy mc2 where m is the mass and c is the speed of light multiplied with a Lorentz factor equal to the ratio of the 504 killing-Yano tensor and the 528 states maximally symmetric space. Thus we have E (dark) = mc2 (504/528) = mc2 (21/22) which is about 95.5% of the total maximal energy density in astounding agreement with COBE, WMAP and Planck cosmological measurements as well as the type 1a supernova analysis. Finally theory and results are validated via a related theory based on the degrees of freedom of pure gravity, the theory of nonlocal elasticity as well as ‘t Hooft-Veltman renormalization method.展开更多
Einstein’s energy mass formula is shown to consist of two basically quantum components E(O) = mc2/22 and E(D) = mc2(21/22). We give various arguments and derivations to expose the quantum entanglement physics residin...Einstein’s energy mass formula is shown to consist of two basically quantum components E(O) = mc2/22 and E(D) = mc2(21/22). We give various arguments and derivations to expose the quantum entanglement physics residing inside a deceptively simple expression E = mc2. The true surprising aspect of the present work is however the realization that all the involved “physics” in deriving the new quantum dissection of Einstein’s famous formula of special relativity is actually a pure mathematical necessity anchored in the phenomena of volume concentration of convex manifold in high dimensional quasi Banach spaces. Only an endophysical experiment encompassing the entire universe such as COBE, WMAP, Planck and supernova analysis could have discovered dark energy and our present dissection of Einstein’s marvelous formula.展开更多
We study the dynamical Myers effect by allowing the fuzzy(or the dynamical dielectric brane)coordinates to be time dependent.We find three novel kinds of the dynamical spherical dielectric branes depending on their re...We study the dynamical Myers effect by allowing the fuzzy(or the dynamical dielectric brane)coordinates to be time dependent.We find three novel kinds of the dynamical spherical dielectric branes depending on their respective excess energies.The first represents a dynamical spherical brane carrying a negative excess energy(having a lower bound)with its radius oscillating periodically between two given non-zero values.The second is the one with zero excess energy and whose time dependence can be expressed in terms of a simple function.This particular dynamical spherical configuration represents the dielectric brane creation and/or annihilation like a photon in the presence of a background creating an electron-position pair and then annihilating back to a photon.The third is the one carrying positive excess energy and the radius can also oscillate periodically between two non-zero values but,unlike the first kind,it passes zero twice for each cycle.Each of the above can also be interpreted as the time evolution of a semi-spherical D-brane–anti semi-spherical D-brane system.展开更多
文摘Euclidean embedding of the 11-dimensional M-theory turned out to require a very large space leaving lavish amounts of 242 dimensional pseudo truly empty “regions” devoid of space and time and consequently of anything resembling ordinary physical energy density. It is shown here using Nash embedding that the ratio of “solid” M-theory spacetime to its required embedding “non-spacetime” is 1/22 for a classical theory and 1/22.18033989 for an analogous fractal theory. This then leads to a maximal ordinary energy density equation equal to that of Einstein’s famous formula E=mc2 but multiplied with in full agreement with previous results obtained using relatively more conventional methods including running the electromagnetic fine structure constant in the exact solution of the hydrogen atom. Consequently, the new equation corresponds to a quantum relativity theory which unlike Einstein’s original equation gives quantitative predictions which agree perfectly with the cosmological measurements of WMAP and the analysis of certain supernova events. Never the less in our view dark energy also exists being the energy of the quantum wave amounting to 95.5 present of the total Einstein theoretical energy which is blind to any distinction between ordinary energy of the quantum particle and the dark energy of the quantum wave. However, since measurement leads to the collapse of the Hawking-Hartle quantum wave, dark energy being a quantum wave non-ordinary energy could not possibly be measured in the usual way unless highly refined quantum wave non-demolition technology is developed if possible. It is a further reason that dark energy having a different sign to ordinary energy is the cause behind the anti gravity force which is pushing the universe apart and accelerating cosmic expansion. Consequently it can be seen as the result of anticlastic Cartan-like curvature caused by extra compactified dimensions of spacetime. A simple toy model demonstration of the effect of curvature in a “material” space is briefly discussed.
文摘Starting from Witten’s eleven dimensional M-theory, the present work develops in an analogous way a corresponding dimensional fractal version where . Subsequently, the new fractal formalism is utilized to determine the measured ordinary energy density of the cosmos which turns out to be intimately linked to the new theory’s fractal dimension via non-integer irrational Lorentzian-like factor: where is Hardy’s probability of quantum entanglement. Consequently, the energy density is found from a limiting classical kinetic energy to be Here, is ‘tHooft’s renormalon of dimensional regularization. The immediate logical, mathematical and physical implication of this result is that the dark energy density of the cosmos must be in astounding agreement with cosmic measurements and observations.
文摘We examine a natural supersymmetric extension of the bosonic covariant 3-algebra model for M-theory proposed in [1]. It possesses manifest SO(1,10) symmetry and is constructed based on the Lorentzian Lie 3-algebra associated with the U(N) Lie algebra. There is no ghost related to the Lorentzian signature in this model. It is invariant under 64 supersymmetry transformations although the supersymmetry algebra does not close. From the model, we derive the BFSS matrix theory and the IIB matrix model in a large N limit by taking appropriate vacua.
文摘We review on Zariski 3-algebra model of M-theory. The model is obtained by Zariski quantization of a semi-light-cone supermembrane action. The model has manifest N=1 supersymmetry in eleven dimensions and its relation to the supermembrane action is clear.
文摘Using N=2 supergravity formalism,we investigate certain behaviors of five-dimensional black objects from the compactification of M-theory on a Calabi-Yau three-fold.The manifold has been constructed as the intersection of two homogeneous polynomials of degrees(ω+2,1)and(2,1)in a product of two weighted projective spaces given by WP^(4)(ω,1,1,1,1)×P^(1).First,we determine the allowed electric charge regions of the BPS and non BPS black holes obtained by wrapping M2-branes on appropriate two cycles in such a proposed Calabi-Yau three-fold.After that,we calculate the entropy of these solutions which takes a maximal value corresponding to ω=1 defining the ordinary projective space P^(4).For generic values of ω,we show that the non BPS states are unstable.Then,we conduct a similar study of five-dimensional black strings.Concerning the allowed magnetic charge regions of the BPS and non BPS black stringy solutions derived from M5-branes on dual divisors,we calculate the tension taking a minimal value for P^(4).By determining the recombination factor,we show that the non-BPS black string states are stable in the allowed regions in the magnetic charge space.
文摘M-theory and loop quantum gravity (LQG)are usually accounted as the favored candidates to solve the problem of quantum gravity.Nonetheless,both the frameworks are still concerned with several technical and conceptual issues,and the lack of any direct experimental data on the string/Planck scale only allows to focus on the mathematical self-consistency of the two frameworks.
文摘Borrowing ideas from elliptic complex geometry, we approach M-theory compactifications on real fibrations. Precisely, we explore real toric equations rather than complex ones exploited in F-theory and related dual models. These geometries have been built by moving real toric manifolds over real bases. Using topological changing behaviors, we unveil certain data associated with gauge sectors relying on affine lie symmetries.
文摘This paper is a review, a thesis, of some interesting results that have been obtained in various research concerning the “brane collisions in string and M-theory” (Cyclic Universe), p-adic inflation and p-adic cosmology. In Section 2, we have described some equations concerning cosmic evolution in a Cyclic Universe. In Section 3, we have described some equations concerning the cosmological perturbations in a Big Crunch/Big Bang space-time, the M-theory model of a Big Crunch/Big Bang transition and some equations concerning the solution of a braneworld Big Crunch/Big Bang Cosmology. In Section 4, we have described some equations concerning the generating ekpyrotic curvature perturbations before the Big Bang, some equations concerning the effective five-dimensional theory of the strongly coupled heterotic string as a gauged version of N=1five-dimensional supergravity with four-dimensional boundaries, and some equations concerning the colliding branes and the origin of the Hot Big Bang. In Section 5, we have described some equations regarding the “null energy condition” violation concerning the inflationary models and some equations concerning the evolution to a smooth universe in an ekpyrotic contracting phase with w>1. In Section 6, we have described some equations concerning the approximate inflationary solutions rolling away from the unstable maximum of p-adic string theory. In Section 7, we have described various equations concerning the p-adic minisuperspace model, zeta strings, zeta nonlocal scalar fields and p-adic and adelic quantum cosmology. In Section 8, we have shown various and interesting mathematical connections between some equations concerning the p-adic inflation, the p-adic quantum cosmology, the zeta strings and the brane collisions in string and M-theory. Furthermore, in each section, we have shown the mathematical connections with various sectors of Number Theory, principally the Ramanujan’s modular equations, the Aurea Ratio and the Fibonacci’s numbers.
文摘Condense matter methods and mathematical models used in solving problems in solid state physics are transformed to high energy quantum cosmology in order to estimate the magnitude of the missing dark energy of the universe. Looking at the problem from this novel viewpoint was rewarded by a rather unexpected result, namely that the gap labelling method of integrated density of states for three dimensional icosahedral quasicrystals is identical to the previously measured and theoretically concluded ordinary energy density of the universe, namely a mere 4.5 percent of Einstein’s energy density, i.e. E(O) = mc2/22 where E is the energy, m is the mass and c is the speed of light. Consequently we conclude that the missing dark energy density must be E(D) = 1 - E(O) = mc2(21/22) in agreement with all known cosmological measurements and observations. This result could also be interpreted as a strong evidence for the self similarity of the geometry of spacetime, which is an expression of its basic fractal nature.
文摘The aim of the present paper is to explain and accurately calculate the missing dark energy density of the cosmos by scaling the Planck scale and using the methodology of the relatively novel discipline of cosmic crystallography and Hawking-Hartle quantum wave solution of Wheeler-DeWitt equation. Following this road we arrive at a modified version of Einstein’s energy mass relation E = mc2 which predicts a cosmological energy density in astonishing accord with the WMAP and supernova measurements and analysis. We develop non-constructively what may be termed super symmetric Penrose fractal tiling and find that the isomorphic length of this tiling is equal to the self affinity radius of a universe which resembles an 11 dimensional Hilbert cube or a fractal M-theory with a Hausdorff dimension where. It then turns out that the correct maximal quantum relativity energy-mass equation for intergalactic scales is a simple relativistic scaling, in the sense of Weyl-Nottale, of Einstein’s classical equation, namely EQR = (1/2)(1/) moc2 = 0.0450849 mc2 and that this energy is the ordinary measurable energy density of the quantum particle. This means that almost 95.5% of the energy of the cosmos is dark energy which by quantum particle-wave duality is the absolute value of the energy of the quantum wave and is proportional to the square of the curvature of the curled dimension of spacetime namely where and is Hardy’s probability of quantum entanglement. Because of the quantum wave collapse on measurement this energy cannot be measured using our current technologies. The same result is obtained by involving all the 17 Stein spaces corresponding to 17 types of the wallpaper groups as well as the 230-11=219 three dimensional crystallographic group which gives the number of the first level of massless particle-like states in Heterotic string theory. All these diverse subjects find here a unified view point leading to the same result regarding the missing dark energy of the universe, which turned out to by synonymous with the absolute value of the energy of the Hawking-Hartle quantum wave solution of Wheeler-DeWitt equation while ordinary energy is the energy of the quantum particle into which the Hawking-Hartle wave collapse at cosmic energy measurement. In other words it is in the very act of measurement which causes our inability to measure the “Dark energy of the quantum wave” in any direct way. The only hope if any to detect dark energy and utilize it in nuclear reactors is future development of sophisticated quantum wave non-demolition measurement instruments.
文摘The four-dimensional character of Einstein’s spacetime is generally accepted in mainstream physics as beyond reasonable doubt correct. However the real problem is when we require scale invariance and that this spacetime be four-dimensional on all scales. It is true that on our classical scale, the 4D decouples into 3D plus one time dimension and that on very large scale only the curvature of spacetime becomes noticeable. However the critical problem is that such spacetime must remain 4D no matter how small the scale we are probing is. This is something of crucial importance for quantum physics. The present work addresses this basic, natural and logical requirement and shows how many contradictory results and shortcomings of relativity and quantum gravity could be eliminated when we “complete” Einstein’s spacetime in such a geometrical gauge invariant way. Concurrently the work serves also as a review of the vast Literature on E-Infinity theory used here.
文摘The three postulates of the posited dynamic and reversible theory of everything are: 1) the oscil-lating M-theory postulate for the oscillating matter structure, 2) the digital transitional Higgs-reversed Higgs fields postulate for the digital space structure, and 3) the reversible multiverse post-ulate for all physical laws and phenomena. The posited theory of everything based on the three postulates explains cosmology, the composition (baryonic matter, dark matter, and dark energy) in the universe, the periodic table of elementary particles (quarks, leptons, and bosons), the galaxy evolution, superconductivity, black hole, thermodynamic, and quantum mechanics. Oscillating M-theory is derived from oscillating membrane-string-particle whose space-time dimension number oscillates between 11D and 10D and between 10D and 4D. Space-time dimension number between 10 and 4 decreases with decreasing speed of light, decreasing vacuum energy, and in-creasing rest mass. The digital transitional Higgs-reversed Higgs fields are derived from digital attachment-detachment spaces which couple to particles. Under spontaneous symmetry breaking, the coupling of massless particle to zero-energy attachment space (the space for mass) produces the transitional nonzero-energy Higgs field-particle composite which under spontaneous symmetry restoring produces massive particle on zero-energy attachment space with the longitudinal component. The opposite of attachment space is detachment space as the space for kinetic energy and the nonzero-energy reverse Higgs field. The combination of n units of attachment space (de-noted as 1) and n units of detachment space (denoted as 0) brings about the three digital structures: binary partition space (1)<sub>n</sub>(0)<sub>n</sub>, miscible space (1 + 0)<sub>n</sub>, and binary lattice space (1 0)<sub>n</sub> to account for quantum mechanics, special relativity, and the force fields, respectively. In the third postulate, all physical laws and phenomena are permanently reversible in the multiverse, and temporary irreversible entropy increase is allowed. Our universe is an asymmetrical dual posi-tive-energy-negative-energy universe where the positive-energy universe on attachment space absorbed the interuniversal void on detachment space to result in the combination of attachment space and detachment space, while the negative-energy universe did not absorb the interuniversal void, resulting in temporary irreversible entropy increase through reversibility breaking, sym-metry violation, and low entropy beginning. Guided by the reversible negative-energy universe, our dual universe is a globally reversible cyclic dual universe.
文摘This paper posits that we are living in a computer simulation to simulate physical reality which has the same computer simulation process as virtual reality (computer-simulated reality). The computer simulation process involves the digital representation of data, the mathematical computation of the digitized data in geometric formation and transformation in space-time, and the selective retention of events in a narrative. Conventional physics cannot explain physical reality clearly, while computer-simulated physics can explain physical reality clearly by using the computer simulation process consisting of the digital representation component, the mathematical computation component, and the selective retention component. For the digital representation component, the three intrinsic data (properties) are rest mass-kinetic energy, electric charge, and spin which are represented by the digital space structure, the digital spin, and the digital electric charge, respectively. The digital representations of rest mass and kinetic energy are 1 as attachment space for the space of matter and 0 as detachment space for the zero-space of matter, respectively, to explain the Higgs field, the reverse Higgs field, quantum mechanics, special relativity, force fields, dark matter, and baryonic matter. The digital representations of the exclusive and the inclusive occupations of positions are 1/2 spin fermion and integer spin boson, respectively, to explain spatial translation by supersymmetry transformation and dark energy. The digital representations of the allowance and the disallowance of irreversible kinetic energy are integral electric charges and fractional electric charges, respectively, to explain the confinements of quarks and quasiparticles. For the mathematical computation component, the mathematical computation involves the reversible multiverse and oscillating M-theory as oscillating membrane-string-particle whose space-time dimension (D) number oscillates between 11D and 10D and between 10D and 4D to explain cosmology. For the selective retention component, gravity, the strong force, electromagnetism, and the weak force are the retained events during the reversible four-stage evolution of our universe, and are unified by the common narrative of the evolution.
文摘In the posited reversibility theory, 1) all physical laws and phenomena are permanently reversible, 2) all physical laws are derived from the reversible M-theory (extension of string theory) in the reversible multiverse, and 3) temporary irreversible entropy increase is allowed through reversibility breaking, symmetry breaking, and low entropy beginning. Dealing with all physical laws and phenomena, the reversibility theory is the theory of everything, including thermodynamic, cosmology, the composition (baryonic matter, dark matter, and dark energy) in the universe, the periodic table of all elementary particles, the galaxy evolution, superconductivity, and black hole. In the reversible M-theory, space-time dimension number oscillates between 11D (space-time dimension) and 10D and between 10D and 4D. The reversible M-theory includes 11D membrane, 10D string, and variable D particle. Space-time dimension number between 10 and 4 decreases with decreasing speed of light, decreasing vacuum energy, and increasing rest mass. In our dual universe of positive-negative energy universe, the reversible oscillation between 10D with and 4D in the negative energy universe without kinetic energy is the reversible cyclic fractionalization-condensation for the reversible cyclic expansion-contraction of the universe. Without kinetic energy, the individual particles have no individual momenta for entropy increase. The negative energy universe is the locally reversible universe for dark energy. In the positive energy universe where we live, the absorption of the interuniversal void forced the direct transformation from 10D to 4D as the inflation followed by the Big Bang, and created kinetic energy that provided individual momenta for individual particles to produce irreversible entropy increase, resulting in the reversibility breaking of the reversible oscillation. The positive energy universe is the locally irreversible universe. The dual universe as a whole is reversible guided by the reversible negative energy universe. As a result, the irreversible positive energy universe with the irreversible entropy increase is temporary, and will disappear.
文摘Ordinary energy and dark energy density are determined using a Cosserat-Cartan and killing-Yano reinterpretation of Einstein’s special and general relativity. Thus starting from a maximally symmetric space with 528 killing vector fields corresponding to Witten’s five Branes model in eleven dimensional M-theory we reason that 504 of the 528 are essentially the components of the relevant killing-Yano tensor. In turn this tensor is related to hidden symmetries and torsional coupled stresses of the Cosserat micro-polar space as well as the Einstein-Cartan connection. Proceeding in this way the dark energy density is found to be that of Einstein’s maximal energy mc2 where m is the mass and c is the speed of light multiplied with a Lorentz factor equal to the ratio of the 504 killing-Yano tensor and the 528 states maximally symmetric space. Thus we have E (dark) = mc2 (504/528) = mc2 (21/22) which is about 95.5% of the total maximal energy density in astounding agreement with COBE, WMAP and Planck cosmological measurements as well as the type 1a supernova analysis. Finally theory and results are validated via a related theory based on the degrees of freedom of pure gravity, the theory of nonlocal elasticity as well as ‘t Hooft-Veltman renormalization method.
文摘Einstein’s energy mass formula is shown to consist of two basically quantum components E(O) = mc2/22 and E(D) = mc2(21/22). We give various arguments and derivations to expose the quantum entanglement physics residing inside a deceptively simple expression E = mc2. The true surprising aspect of the present work is however the realization that all the involved “physics” in deriving the new quantum dissection of Einstein’s famous formula of special relativity is actually a pure mathematical necessity anchored in the phenomena of volume concentration of convex manifold in high dimensional quasi Banach spaces. Only an endophysical experiment encompassing the entire universe such as COBE, WMAP, Planck and supernova analysis could have discovered dark energy and our present dissection of Einstein’s marvelous formula.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11775212,12047502,11947301)。
文摘We study the dynamical Myers effect by allowing the fuzzy(or the dynamical dielectric brane)coordinates to be time dependent.We find three novel kinds of the dynamical spherical dielectric branes depending on their respective excess energies.The first represents a dynamical spherical brane carrying a negative excess energy(having a lower bound)with its radius oscillating periodically between two given non-zero values.The second is the one with zero excess energy and whose time dependence can be expressed in terms of a simple function.This particular dynamical spherical configuration represents the dielectric brane creation and/or annihilation like a photon in the presence of a background creating an electron-position pair and then annihilating back to a photon.The third is the one carrying positive excess energy and the radius can also oscillate periodically between two non-zero values but,unlike the first kind,it passes zero twice for each cycle.Each of the above can also be interpreted as the time evolution of a semi-spherical D-brane–anti semi-spherical D-brane system.