The Nanoindentation is a precise technique for the elucidation of mechanical properties. But such elucidation requires physically based interpretation of the loading curves that is widely still not practiced. The use ...The Nanoindentation is a precise technique for the elucidation of mechanical properties. But such elucidation requires physically based interpretation of the loading curves that is widely still not practiced. The use of indentation hardness <em>H</em> and indentation modulus <em>E<sub>r</sub></em> is unphysical and cannot detect the most important phase-transitions under load that very often occur. The claim that <em>H </em>versus<em> E </em>plots relate linearly for all different materials is neither empirically found nor correctly deduced. It is most dangerous by producing incorrect materials properties and misleading. The use of <em>H/E</em> (that is also called “elasticity index”) in complicated formulas for brittle parameter, yield strength, toughness, and so-called “true hardness” is also in error. The use of<em> H/E </em>cannot reveal the true qualities of materials without considering phase-transitions under load that require the correct exponent 3/2 on <em>h</em> for the loading curves (instead of disproved 2). This is exemplified with the physical data of different mollusk shells that experience phase-transitions, a new bionics model, and different contributions for their strengthening. The data are compared to the ones of aragonite and calcite and vaterite.展开更多
Concentrations of some heavy metals and trace elements such as Cr, Ga, Ni, Zn, Mo, Cu, Pb, Yb, Y, Nb, Ti, Sr, Ba, Mn, Sc, Co, V, Zr, Fe, Al, W, Se, Bi, Sb, As, Cd in recent mollusk shells and factors affecting their d...Concentrations of some heavy metals and trace elements such as Cr, Ga, Ni, Zn, Mo, Cu, Pb, Yb, Y, Nb, Ti, Sr, Ba, Mn, Sc, Co, V, Zr, Fe, Al, W, Se, Bi, Sb, As, Cd in recent mollusk shells and factors affecting their distribution and deposits collected from various depths in the southern and southwestern parts of the Marmara Sea are investigated. The distribution of the elements in the shells is categorized into four groups. Of these, concentrations of 12 elements (As, Bi, Cd, Co, Ga, Mo, Nb, Sb, Se, Sc, W and Yb) are below zero [(0.053-0.79)×10^-6]; concentrations of seven elements (Cr, Ni, Pb, V, Y, Zr and Cu) are (1.0-6.0)×10^-6; concentrations of four elements (Ti, Mn, Ba and Zn) are 10- 20×10^-6; and concentrations of five elements (Si, Al, Fe, Mg and Sr) are (47.44-268.11)×10^-6. The taxonomic characteristics of the 29 elements were studied separately in mollusk shells such as Chamalea gallina (Linn6), Pitar rudis (Poli), Nassarius reticulatus (Linn6), Venerupis senescens (Coocconi), Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck), Mytilaster lineatus (Gemelin in Linne) and Chlamys glabra. It was found that, in mollusk taxonomy, the elements have unique values. In other words, element concentrations in various mollusk shells depend mainly on the taxonomic characteristics of mollusks. In various bionomic environments different element distributions of the same species are attributed to the different geochemical characters of the each environment. Data obtained in this study indicate that the organisms are the most active and deterministic factors of the environment.展开更多
Tyrosinase (Ty) is a common enzyme found in many different animal groups. In our previous study, genome sequencing revealed that the Ty family is expanded in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). Here, we examin...Tyrosinase (Ty) is a common enzyme found in many different animal groups. In our previous study, genome sequencing revealed that the Ty family is expanded in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). Here, we examine the larger number of Ty family members in the Pacific oyster by high-level structure prediction to obtain more information about their function and evolution, especially the unknown role in biomineralization. We verified 12 Ty gene sequences from Crassostrea gigas genome and Pinctadafucata martensii transcriptome. By using phylogenetic analysis of these Tys with functionally known Tys from other molluscan species, eight subgroups were identified (CgTy_sl, CgTy s2, MolTy sl, MolTy-s2, MolTy-s3, PinTy-s 1, PinTy-s2 and PviTy). Structural data and surface pockets of the dinuclear copper center in the eight subgroups of molluscan Ty were obtained using the latest versions of prediction online servers. Structural comparison with other Ty proteins from the protein databank revealed functionally important residues (HA1, HA2, HA3, HB1, HB2, HB3, Z l-Z9) and their location within these protein structures. The structural and chemical features of these pockets which may related to the substrate binding showed considerable variability among mollusks, which undoubtedly defines Ty substrate binding. Finally, we discuss the potential driving forces of Ty family evolution in mollusks. Based on these observations, we conclude that the Ty family has rapidly evolved as a consequence of substrate adaptation in mollusks.展开更多
contents of 23 trace elements (Sc, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Zn, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Sb, I, Ba, La, Ce, Sm, Eu, Hf, Ta) were quantitatively determined in soft tissues and shells of mass non-indigenous bivalve mussels...contents of 23 trace elements (Sc, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Zn, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Sb, I, Ba, La, Ce, Sm, Eu, Hf, Ta) were quantitatively determined in soft tissues and shells of mass non-indigenous bivalve mussels—farmed Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and farmed and wild invasive Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) at the Atlantic coast of South Africa. The study revealed that the contents of the majority of elements in the soft tissues of both species were higher than those in the shells. The tissues of wild invasive Mediterranean mussels contain higher levels of a range of trace elements comparing to farmed mussels. The tissues of Pacific oysters contain much higher levels of almost all elements studied compared to the tissues of Mediterranean mussels. Higher content of zinc in the mussels and oysters from Saldanha Bay may evidence anthropogenic pollution of the bay’s ecosystem by this metal, which necessitates continued monitoring of levels of potentially toxic metals. Both alien species, and especially Pacific oysters, may serve as reliable biomonitors for trace elements in marine ecosystems. Both species are rich in essential elements and provide nutritionally-valuable seafoods.展开更多
Collected in September-October 2016 in the 48th cruise of SRS “Academician Oparin” the plankton samples with the assistance of Norpac net with the cell of 150 μm in the horizon 15-0 m have shown the plenty of pelag...Collected in September-October 2016 in the 48th cruise of SRS “Academician Oparin” the plankton samples with the assistance of Norpac net with the cell of 150 μm in the horizon 15-0 m have shown the plenty of pelagic larvae of bivalve mollusk in Chukchi Sea. Its biggest quantity was found in the period from the 22nd of September until the 1st of October. The most yield area was situated on the opposite side of the Bering Strait and the second maximum of larvae quantity was found on the Herald’s bank. Most valuable factors influencing the territorial allocation of the researched larvae are the water surface temperature and the water depth.展开更多
A brief information about two subspecies mollusks in the bank of Amu Darya river is collected according to the experience. As a result, we identified 9 types and 2 small types of two sub species mollusks live in Amu D...A brief information about two subspecies mollusks in the bank of Amu Darya river is collected according to the experience. As a result, we identified 9 types and 2 small types of two sub species mollusks live in Amu Darya river. Sinanodonta gibba, Sinanodonta orbicularis and Sinanodonta puerorum types for fauna were shown for the first time from the river.展开更多
It has been classed 856 species of the mollusks which belong to 120 families and five classes living in western coast of the Tonkin Gulf. The class Gastropod was the most abundant, with 449 species, the Bivalve with 3...It has been classed 856 species of the mollusks which belong to 120 families and five classes living in western coast of the Tonkin Gulf. The class Gastropod was the most abundant, with 449 species, the Bivalve with 368 species, the Scaphopoda with 10 species, the Cephalopods with 19 species and the Amphineura with eight species. Standing stock was estimated about 366,749 tons, that annually caught 80,000 tons. The causes of the resource depletion were human and natural, but the human factors played a key role. The fundamental orientations for developing the resources include: exploiting during harvest seasons, planning suitable aquaculture, moderate exploitation so the resources can restore themselves, combining exploitation and conservation.展开更多
The present study gives a detailed analysis of HM (heavy metals) accumulation in mollusks Nodularia (Bivalvia, Unionidae) from the transboundary part of the Amur River (Russia-China). This river basin experience...The present study gives a detailed analysis of HM (heavy metals) accumulation in mollusks Nodularia (Bivalvia, Unionidae) from the transboundary part of the Amur River (Russia-China). This river basin experiences different levels of toxic pollution. Differences in the rate of HM bioaccumulation in mollusks are identified depending on their size, sex (male and female), content of HM in environment, and ratio of accumulating macro- and micro-components in tissue. Mollusks' response to the change of HM content in the environment is expressed in the different intensities of their accumulation in tissue. The possibility of estimating toxic danger for mollusk according to the index of HM bioaccumulation with consideration of frequency of pathologies is shown. These indexes permitted estimation of the ecotoxicological condition of the mollusks population in the parts of the Amur, upstream and downstream of the inflow of the Sungari River and before and after the accidental pollution, respectively. It is found out that mollusks are able for bioremediation when pollution of the aquatic environment decreases. Quantitative correlation of HM bioaccumulation index in mollusks to HM content in the environment makes it possible to forecast the population condition, and to substantiate the necessity of ecological control of anthropogenic load on the ecosystem.展开更多
Elements (vanadium and zinc) were determined in the two most abundant species of shell mollusks (Unio tigridis and Fiviparous bengalensis) and the water where they live in five stations in the Iraqi marshes. The s...Elements (vanadium and zinc) were determined in the two most abundant species of shell mollusks (Unio tigridis and Fiviparous bengalensis) and the water where they live in five stations in the Iraqi marshes. The study of concentrations elements was a target organ for aquatic environmental. Comparison between the mean concentrations of the elements in the water concentration levels of all studied elements was the highest with the mollusks. The results show that the station 5 is where the highest concentrations are found in water and in the two species. There is a significant correlation (P = 0.224) for concentrations of vanadium and P = 0.735 for zinc in two species of mollusks relative to their concentrations in surface water. All significant differences were accepted at a level of P 〈 0.05. The potential uptake of elements including V and Zn, as Viviparous bengalensi 〉 Unio tigridis, The mechanism for elements uptake determined by water for organisms confined to the contaminated areas seemed to be largely independent of species, mollusks demonstrated a significant positive relationship with water. These results have important implications for the utility of marshes biota as subjects for elements monitoring program.展开更多
Natural processes in ecosystems shows significant variations in species richness with regular cycles that can be altered by natural or anthropogenic activities;the present research was in order to understand on some o...Natural processes in ecosystems shows significant variations in species richness with regular cycles that can be altered by natural or anthropogenic activities;the present research was in order to understand on some of these variations. The objectives were: 1) determine the species richness of rocky intertidal mollusks;2) track their geographical distribution at State level;and 3) determine the changes in species richness as a result of rainfall on an annual cycle. For these purposes it was sampled in March, June, September and December 2005, the sampled area was 20 m2for each collecting site;the sampling unit was a PVC rectangle frame one by two meter per side. The mollusks found within the sampling units were collected, identified and counted. The species distribution was analyzed by sites and regions, considered species richness per season, and the distributional patterns by rainy season historical records. A total of 62 mollusks species were found, its richness associated with substrate stability and wave intensity on each site, Gastropods had the highest species richness. When analyzing the regional distribution and sites, it was found a pattern of species richness roughly constant in the proportion of species with wide distribution (generalists) versus those of restricted spatial representation (specialists). Gastropods had the highest number of species with restricted spatial representation. Seasonal rainfall differences did not quantitatively altered on the overall the species of mollusks in the rocky intertidal sampled zone however, in the analysis per Class, Gastropoda indicated changes in species richness influenced by rainfall, which were not observed in Bivalvia and Polyplacophora, suggesting that those changes might depend on adaptive processes or the lack of adaptation of gastropod species to the characteristics of the rocky intertidal habitat.展开更多
The aim of the present study was to determine the MICs using broth microdilution method and their combination effect by (minimum inhibitory concentrations) of selected antibiotic agents determination of FICindex (f...The aim of the present study was to determine the MICs using broth microdilution method and their combination effect by (minimum inhibitory concentrations) of selected antibiotic agents determination of FICindex (fractional inhibitory concentrations). Lysozyme Anodonta cygnea was more active than Lysozyme Uniopictorum, especially against Gram-negative bacterias. Combination of Macropen and Lysozyme Unio pictorum has a synergistic effect, while a separation of these antibacterial agents was not active against some of the strains of microorganisms.展开更多
Acapulco, offers for international tourism a variety of mollusks that are delightful to the palate and a source of economic revenue for its residents;however there are no studies on the species consumed. Furthermore, ...Acapulco, offers for international tourism a variety of mollusks that are delightful to the palate and a source of economic revenue for its residents;however there are no studies on the species consumed. Furthermore, data from the State agencies responsible for registration of these products are unclear. This work is aimed to develop an inventory of Gastropoda, Bivalvia and Polyplacophora marketed as food, to gain knowledge on the species native to Acapulco and the introduced ones. The places that sell shellfish were interviewed from 2008 to 2011 in order to determine the geographical origin of their products being offered. We identified 42 species: 15 species of gastropods are captured locally and three are introduced. On Bivalvia, seven species are caught locally and 16 are introduced. There are Bivalvia species caught locally;however, their capture is now unaffordable. It is likely that this situation is due to overfishing and/or the transmission of diseases or parasites caused by the introduction of foreign living organisms to Acapulco. Within the list of species caught locally, there are some listed as of subject protection;all of these organisms are exploited in Acapulco without control. The wealth of marine mollusks for human consumption in Acapulco is very high. The capture does not satisfy local market demand and the amount of introduced species is very high. It is necessary to make a diagnostic analysis of mollusk fishing industry in the state of Guerrero, also implement a management program, including the sanitary measures and control of introduced species, as they arrive alive and stay alive in the waters of Acapulco. A significant number of native species that have aquaculture potential should be studied for commercial culture practice as well as to conduct studies on their biology on those species that are considered over-exploited and allow recovery of the species in its habitat.展开更多
The community of mollusks at three rocky intertidal zone in Oaxaca, Mexico was analyzed. Two samplings per site were conducted. At each sampling the inspected area was 10 m2. The sampling unit was 1 m2. 5862 specimens...The community of mollusks at three rocky intertidal zone in Oaxaca, Mexico was analyzed. Two samplings per site were conducted. At each sampling the inspected area was 10 m2. The sampling unit was 1 m2. 5862 specimens were examined. 68 mollusks species were identified. The families better represented in species richness were: FISSURELLIDAE, MURICIDAE, LOTIIDAE, MYTILIDAE, CHAMIDAE, ISCHNOCHITONIDAE y CHITONIDAE. The species that had the greatest density were Lottia discors, Siphonaria palmata, Lottia acutapex, Chormoytilus palliopunctatus, Brachidontes adamsianus, Chton articulatus e Ischnochiton muscarius. The species with the widest distribution represent 11.76%. With irregular distribution was found in 58.82% of the species. The gastropod Crucibulummonticulus, the bivalve C. palliopunctatus and the polyplacophoran C. articulatus had the greatest size. The value of diversity index was H’ = 4.29 bits/ind. and J’ = 0.72. The mollusks community in the rocky intertidal zone study sites is characterized by small size, because they rarely exceed seventy millimeters. The values of H’ and J’ indicate that the mollusk community in the study area has a high diversity and high uniformity, corresponding to mature and stable communities in a tropical region.展开更多
Species of the ciliate genera Myxophyllum and Conchophthirus are found as endocommensals of terrestrial and freshwater mollusks,respectively.So far,there have been few studies of these genera and morphological data fo...Species of the ciliate genera Myxophyllum and Conchophthirus are found as endocommensals of terrestrial and freshwater mollusks,respectively.So far,there have been few studies of these genera and morphological data for most members are often incomplete.In the present work,two new species,Myxophyllum weishanense sp.nov.and Conchophthirus paracurtus sp.nov.,and a known species,Conchophthirus lamellidens,were isolated from hosts in Lake Weishan Wetland,China.Taxonomic studies indicate that M.weishanense sp.nov.can be recognized mainly by the combination of about 60 somatic kineties on both ventral and dorsal sides and the presence of caudal cilia.Conchophthirus paracurtus sp.nov.differs from congeners in its body shape and size,having a glabrous area on the posterior right side,and having fewer somatic kineties.In addition,differences in their ITS2(Internally Transcribed Spacer 2)secondary structures support the discrimination of the two new species from their highly similar congeners.An improved diagnosis for the poorly known species,C.lamel-lidens is also provided.Phylogenetic analyses reveal that members of the genus Myxophyllum belong to a fully supported clade that is sister to a large,poorly supported clade consisting of Hemispeiridae,Ancistridae,and several lineages of the nonmonophyletic Cyclidiidae.The Myxophyllum clade also includes Protophyra ovicola JQ956552,a possible misidenti-fication.Sequences of the two new Conchophthirus species cluster with other congeners in a fully supported clade that is unrelated to either the‘typical’thigmotrichs or to pleuronematids,thus conflicting with the traditional classification,and may represent an orphan scuticociliate lineage.展开更多
The first near continuous mollusk fossil record from the Qinan Miocene loess-soil se-quence is presented. Results show that mollusk species are abundant in the QA-I section between 22 and 6.2 Ma, and both loess layers...The first near continuous mollusk fossil record from the Qinan Miocene loess-soil se-quence is presented. Results show that mollusk species are abundant in the QA-I section between 22 and 6.2 Ma, and both loess layers and soil layers yield mollusk fossil individuals. All mollusk species are terrestrial and well preserved in the section. Most species are identical to those identified in the Quaternary loess-soil sequence of the Loess Plateau. The thermo-humidiphilous group generally is distributed in soil layers, whereas cold-aridiphilous group can be observed in loess layers. From the Miocene to Quaternary, the occurrence and divergence of new species of Metodontia and Cathaica correspond to the crucial periods of regional and global environmental changes, indicating that mol-lusk species are sensitive to environmental variations. Preliminary study on the QA-I mollusk record indicates that the Qinan Miocene loess-soil sequence may have a similar sedimentary environment to the Quaternary loess-soil sequence of the Loess Plateau.展开更多
Terrestrial mollusk fossil assemblages of the Luochuan loess section have been investigated so as to improve the reconstruction of environmental changes in the last 110ka. A total of 118 samples, taken at an interval ...Terrestrial mollusk fossil assemblages of the Luochuan loess section have been investigated so as to improve the reconstruction of environmental changes in the last 110ka. A total of 118 samples, taken at an interval of 10cm in the S0-S1 portion, have been analyzed. Results show that mollusk fossil assemblages have recorded detailed paleoclimatic and paleoecological changes. The Luochuan area bas experienced cold-dry and warm-humid alternations in the last 110 ka. However, even under the prevailing cold-dry condition, short-term or seasonal warm-humid climates frequently occurred in this area, reflecting the impact of summer monsoons temporarily. Comparison of mollusk records from the Luochuan loess sequence with those of grain-size and aridity index from RC 27-61 core in the Indian Ocean reveals obvious similarities in several time intervals, suggesting that climate variations in the Loess Plateau may have been also subjected to the influences of the Indian monsoon to a certain extent in the geological past. The presence of some specific cold-humid and cold-dry species represents deteriorated climate conditions, which might be the cooling events similar to the Heinrich events recorded in the Northern Atlantic. Six principal factors obtained by correspondence analysis and their related environmental significance have been discussed.展开更多
This note presents a new result of terrestrial mollusk study from the Luochuan loesssection since the last 250 ka. A total of 213 samples, taken at intervals of 10 cm in the S0-L3 portion, were analyzed for fossil mol...This note presents a new result of terrestrial mollusk study from the Luochuan loesssection since the last 250 ka. A total of 213 samples, taken at intervals of 10 cm in the S0-L3 portion, were analyzed for fossil mollusks. Generally, 150-600 individuals were counted in each sample. According to the distribution of mollusk fossil assemblages in the loess section, 11 mollusk fossil zones have been recognized, representing different climatic and ecological conditions. Three main ecological groups were identified according to the temperature and moisture requirements of each taxon. The cold-aridiphilous group shows maxima at about 240-220, 190-182, 150-140 and 74 -66 ka BP. The thermo-humidiphilous set has high abundances for at least 6 times in the section at about 246-240, 220-216, 170-158, 92-86, 60-44 and 10 kaBP. Our results show that variations in mollusk ecological groups are related with changes in the Earth orbital parameters at the 41 and 20 ka frequencies. Maxima in thermo-humidiphilous taxa展开更多
The loess-paleosol sequence in China records abundant and valuable information on the global and regional climate changes. Biological record from the loess sequence is the most direct evidence on variation in pattern ...The loess-paleosol sequence in China records abundant and valuable information on the global and regional climate changes. Biological record from the loess sequence is the most direct evidence on variation in pattern of paleo-atmospheric circulation and changes in winter and summer monsoon. A new record of climatic instability, which occurred in the Loess Plateau during the late glacial period, is presented. Through the study of terrestrial mollusks from three loess sequences, the authors intend to characterize the biological response process to rapid climate change and to learn the mechanisms driving the instable climate changes and the possible linkage in different regions. The result shows the striking consistent variability in the ratio records of three mollusk sequences of the late glacial, indicating apparent rapid climate fluctuations. Correlation of our three mollusk records with the oxygen isotopic records from Greenland ice cores and foraminiferal records from the Northeast Pacific Ocean展开更多
Methylsiloxanes are a class of silicone compounds that have been widely used in various industrial processes and personal care products for several decades. This study investigated the spatial distribution of three cy...Methylsiloxanes are a class of silicone compounds that have been widely used in various industrial processes and personal care products for several decades. This study investigated the spatial distribution of three cyclic methylsiloxanes(D4–D6) and twelve linear methylsiloxanes(L5–L16) in mollusks collected from seven cities along the Bohai Sea. D4–D6(df = 71%–81%) and L8–L16(df = 32%–40%) were frequently detectable in the mollusk samples, while L5–L7 were not found in any mollusk samples. Cyclic methylsiloxanes(D4–D6) were found in mollusks with the mean concentrations of 15.7 ± 12.3 ng/g ww for D4,24.6 ± 15.8 ng/g ww for D5 and 34.0 ± 23.0 ng/g ww for D6. Among the seven sampling cities, the cyclic methylsiloxanes were predominant in mollusks, with the total cyclic methylsiloxanes(sum of D4–D6, ∑ CMS) accounting for 74.2%–80.7% of the total methylsiloxanes. ∑ CMS along the coastline demonstrated a clear gradient, with the highest concentrations in mollusks at the sampling sites located in the western part of the Bohai Sea and the lowest concentrations in mollusks from cities located in the eastern part of the Bohai Sea. The biota-sediment accumulation factors for cyclic methylsiloxanes(D4–D6) and linear methylsiloxanes(L8–L16) were estimated as 0.42 ± 0.06–0.53 ± 0.06 and0.13 ± 0.03–0.19 ± 0.05, respectively.展开更多
The D-quadrant organizer sets up the dorsal–ventral(DV)axis and regulates mesodermal development of spiralians.Studies have revealed an important role of mitogen-activated protein kinase(MAPK)signaling in organizer f...The D-quadrant organizer sets up the dorsal–ventral(DV)axis and regulates mesodermal development of spiralians.Studies have revealed an important role of mitogen-activated protein kinase(MAPK)signaling in organizer function,but the related molecules have not been fully revealed.The association between fibroblast growth factor receptor(FGFR)and MAPK signaling in regulating organizer specification has been established in the annelid Owenia fusiformis.Now,comparable studies in other spiralian phyla are required to decipher whether this organizer-inducing function of FGFR is prevalent in Spiralia.Here,we indicate that treatment with the FGFR inhibitor SU5402 resulted in deficiency of organizer specification in the mollusk Lottia peitaihoensis.Subsequently,the bone morphogenetic protein(BMP)signaling gradient and DV patterning were disrupted,suggesting the roles of FGFR in regulating organizer function.Changes in multiple aspects of organizer function(the morphology of vegetal blastomeres,BMP signaling gradient,expression of DV patterning markers,etc.)indicate that these developmental functions have different sensitivities to FGFR/MAPK signaling.Our results reveal a functional role of FGFR in organizer specification as well as DV patterning of Lottia embryos,which expands our knowledge of spiralian organizers.展开更多
文摘The Nanoindentation is a precise technique for the elucidation of mechanical properties. But such elucidation requires physically based interpretation of the loading curves that is widely still not practiced. The use of indentation hardness <em>H</em> and indentation modulus <em>E<sub>r</sub></em> is unphysical and cannot detect the most important phase-transitions under load that very often occur. The claim that <em>H </em>versus<em> E </em>plots relate linearly for all different materials is neither empirically found nor correctly deduced. It is most dangerous by producing incorrect materials properties and misleading. The use of <em>H/E</em> (that is also called “elasticity index”) in complicated formulas for brittle parameter, yield strength, toughness, and so-called “true hardness” is also in error. The use of<em> H/E </em>cannot reveal the true qualities of materials without considering phase-transitions under load that require the correct exponent 3/2 on <em>h</em> for the loading curves (instead of disproved 2). This is exemplified with the physical data of different mollusk shells that experience phase-transitions, a new bionics model, and different contributions for their strengthening. The data are compared to the ones of aragonite and calcite and vaterite.
基金the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey(TBITAK)for financial support(Project No.105Y249) and for the invitation of Prof.Dr.Saday Azadoglu Aliyev within the frame of Türkish Scientific and Technological Research Council visiting scientist program from Azerbaijan to Turkey
文摘Concentrations of some heavy metals and trace elements such as Cr, Ga, Ni, Zn, Mo, Cu, Pb, Yb, Y, Nb, Ti, Sr, Ba, Mn, Sc, Co, V, Zr, Fe, Al, W, Se, Bi, Sb, As, Cd in recent mollusk shells and factors affecting their distribution and deposits collected from various depths in the southern and southwestern parts of the Marmara Sea are investigated. The distribution of the elements in the shells is categorized into four groups. Of these, concentrations of 12 elements (As, Bi, Cd, Co, Ga, Mo, Nb, Sb, Se, Sc, W and Yb) are below zero [(0.053-0.79)×10^-6]; concentrations of seven elements (Cr, Ni, Pb, V, Y, Zr and Cu) are (1.0-6.0)×10^-6; concentrations of four elements (Ti, Mn, Ba and Zn) are 10- 20×10^-6; and concentrations of five elements (Si, Al, Fe, Mg and Sr) are (47.44-268.11)×10^-6. The taxonomic characteristics of the 29 elements were studied separately in mollusk shells such as Chamalea gallina (Linn6), Pitar rudis (Poli), Nassarius reticulatus (Linn6), Venerupis senescens (Coocconi), Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck), Mytilaster lineatus (Gemelin in Linne) and Chlamys glabra. It was found that, in mollusk taxonomy, the elements have unique values. In other words, element concentrations in various mollusk shells depend mainly on the taxonomic characteristics of mollusks. In various bionomic environments different element distributions of the same species are attributed to the different geochemical characters of the each environment. Data obtained in this study indicate that the organisms are the most active and deterministic factors of the environment.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.31530079)the Western Pacifi c Ocean System:Structure,Dynamics and Consequences(No.XDA11000000)+1 种基金the Technological Innovation Project(No.2015ASKJ02-03,fi nancially supported by Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology)the Earmarked Fund for Modern Agro-Industry Technology Research System(No.CARS-48)
文摘Tyrosinase (Ty) is a common enzyme found in many different animal groups. In our previous study, genome sequencing revealed that the Ty family is expanded in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). Here, we examine the larger number of Ty family members in the Pacific oyster by high-level structure prediction to obtain more information about their function and evolution, especially the unknown role in biomineralization. We verified 12 Ty gene sequences from Crassostrea gigas genome and Pinctadafucata martensii transcriptome. By using phylogenetic analysis of these Tys with functionally known Tys from other molluscan species, eight subgroups were identified (CgTy_sl, CgTy s2, MolTy sl, MolTy-s2, MolTy-s3, PinTy-s 1, PinTy-s2 and PviTy). Structural data and surface pockets of the dinuclear copper center in the eight subgroups of molluscan Ty were obtained using the latest versions of prediction online servers. Structural comparison with other Ty proteins from the protein databank revealed functionally important residues (HA1, HA2, HA3, HB1, HB2, HB3, Z l-Z9) and their location within these protein structures. The structural and chemical features of these pockets which may related to the substrate binding showed considerable variability among mollusks, which undoubtedly defines Ty substrate binding. Finally, we discuss the potential driving forces of Ty family evolution in mollusks. Based on these observations, we conclude that the Ty family has rapidly evolved as a consequence of substrate adaptation in mollusks.
文摘contents of 23 trace elements (Sc, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Zn, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Sb, I, Ba, La, Ce, Sm, Eu, Hf, Ta) were quantitatively determined in soft tissues and shells of mass non-indigenous bivalve mussels—farmed Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and farmed and wild invasive Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) at the Atlantic coast of South Africa. The study revealed that the contents of the majority of elements in the soft tissues of both species were higher than those in the shells. The tissues of wild invasive Mediterranean mussels contain higher levels of a range of trace elements comparing to farmed mussels. The tissues of Pacific oysters contain much higher levels of almost all elements studied compared to the tissues of Mediterranean mussels. Higher content of zinc in the mussels and oysters from Saldanha Bay may evidence anthropogenic pollution of the bay’s ecosystem by this metal, which necessitates continued monitoring of levels of potentially toxic metals. Both alien species, and especially Pacific oysters, may serve as reliable biomonitors for trace elements in marine ecosystems. Both species are rich in essential elements and provide nutritionally-valuable seafoods.
文摘Collected in September-October 2016 in the 48th cruise of SRS “Academician Oparin” the plankton samples with the assistance of Norpac net with the cell of 150 μm in the horizon 15-0 m have shown the plenty of pelagic larvae of bivalve mollusk in Chukchi Sea. Its biggest quantity was found in the period from the 22nd of September until the 1st of October. The most yield area was situated on the opposite side of the Bering Strait and the second maximum of larvae quantity was found on the Herald’s bank. Most valuable factors influencing the territorial allocation of the researched larvae are the water surface temperature and the water depth.
文摘A brief information about two subspecies mollusks in the bank of Amu Darya river is collected according to the experience. As a result, we identified 9 types and 2 small types of two sub species mollusks live in Amu Darya river. Sinanodonta gibba, Sinanodonta orbicularis and Sinanodonta puerorum types for fauna were shown for the first time from the river.
文摘It has been classed 856 species of the mollusks which belong to 120 families and five classes living in western coast of the Tonkin Gulf. The class Gastropod was the most abundant, with 449 species, the Bivalve with 368 species, the Scaphopoda with 10 species, the Cephalopods with 19 species and the Amphineura with eight species. Standing stock was estimated about 366,749 tons, that annually caught 80,000 tons. The causes of the resource depletion were human and natural, but the human factors played a key role. The fundamental orientations for developing the resources include: exploiting during harvest seasons, planning suitable aquaculture, moderate exploitation so the resources can restore themselves, combining exploitation and conservation.
文摘The present study gives a detailed analysis of HM (heavy metals) accumulation in mollusks Nodularia (Bivalvia, Unionidae) from the transboundary part of the Amur River (Russia-China). This river basin experiences different levels of toxic pollution. Differences in the rate of HM bioaccumulation in mollusks are identified depending on their size, sex (male and female), content of HM in environment, and ratio of accumulating macro- and micro-components in tissue. Mollusks' response to the change of HM content in the environment is expressed in the different intensities of their accumulation in tissue. The possibility of estimating toxic danger for mollusk according to the index of HM bioaccumulation with consideration of frequency of pathologies is shown. These indexes permitted estimation of the ecotoxicological condition of the mollusks population in the parts of the Amur, upstream and downstream of the inflow of the Sungari River and before and after the accidental pollution, respectively. It is found out that mollusks are able for bioremediation when pollution of the aquatic environment decreases. Quantitative correlation of HM bioaccumulation index in mollusks to HM content in the environment makes it possible to forecast the population condition, and to substantiate the necessity of ecological control of anthropogenic load on the ecosystem.
文摘Elements (vanadium and zinc) were determined in the two most abundant species of shell mollusks (Unio tigridis and Fiviparous bengalensis) and the water where they live in five stations in the Iraqi marshes. The study of concentrations elements was a target organ for aquatic environmental. Comparison between the mean concentrations of the elements in the water concentration levels of all studied elements was the highest with the mollusks. The results show that the station 5 is where the highest concentrations are found in water and in the two species. There is a significant correlation (P = 0.224) for concentrations of vanadium and P = 0.735 for zinc in two species of mollusks relative to their concentrations in surface water. All significant differences were accepted at a level of P 〈 0.05. The potential uptake of elements including V and Zn, as Viviparous bengalensi 〉 Unio tigridis, The mechanism for elements uptake determined by water for organisms confined to the contaminated areas seemed to be largely independent of species, mollusks demonstrated a significant positive relationship with water. These results have important implications for the utility of marshes biota as subjects for elements monitoring program.
文摘Natural processes in ecosystems shows significant variations in species richness with regular cycles that can be altered by natural or anthropogenic activities;the present research was in order to understand on some of these variations. The objectives were: 1) determine the species richness of rocky intertidal mollusks;2) track their geographical distribution at State level;and 3) determine the changes in species richness as a result of rainfall on an annual cycle. For these purposes it was sampled in March, June, September and December 2005, the sampled area was 20 m2for each collecting site;the sampling unit was a PVC rectangle frame one by two meter per side. The mollusks found within the sampling units were collected, identified and counted. The species distribution was analyzed by sites and regions, considered species richness per season, and the distributional patterns by rainy season historical records. A total of 62 mollusks species were found, its richness associated with substrate stability and wave intensity on each site, Gastropods had the highest species richness. When analyzing the regional distribution and sites, it was found a pattern of species richness roughly constant in the proportion of species with wide distribution (generalists) versus those of restricted spatial representation (specialists). Gastropods had the highest number of species with restricted spatial representation. Seasonal rainfall differences did not quantitatively altered on the overall the species of mollusks in the rocky intertidal sampled zone however, in the analysis per Class, Gastropoda indicated changes in species richness influenced by rainfall, which were not observed in Bivalvia and Polyplacophora, suggesting that those changes might depend on adaptive processes or the lack of adaptation of gastropod species to the characteristics of the rocky intertidal habitat.
文摘The aim of the present study was to determine the MICs using broth microdilution method and their combination effect by (minimum inhibitory concentrations) of selected antibiotic agents determination of FICindex (fractional inhibitory concentrations). Lysozyme Anodonta cygnea was more active than Lysozyme Uniopictorum, especially against Gram-negative bacterias. Combination of Macropen and Lysozyme Unio pictorum has a synergistic effect, while a separation of these antibacterial agents was not active against some of the strains of microorganisms.
基金the Universidad Autonoma de Guerrero for the support and partial funding of this study and the research projects.
文摘Acapulco, offers for international tourism a variety of mollusks that are delightful to the palate and a source of economic revenue for its residents;however there are no studies on the species consumed. Furthermore, data from the State agencies responsible for registration of these products are unclear. This work is aimed to develop an inventory of Gastropoda, Bivalvia and Polyplacophora marketed as food, to gain knowledge on the species native to Acapulco and the introduced ones. The places that sell shellfish were interviewed from 2008 to 2011 in order to determine the geographical origin of their products being offered. We identified 42 species: 15 species of gastropods are captured locally and three are introduced. On Bivalvia, seven species are caught locally and 16 are introduced. There are Bivalvia species caught locally;however, their capture is now unaffordable. It is likely that this situation is due to overfishing and/or the transmission of diseases or parasites caused by the introduction of foreign living organisms to Acapulco. Within the list of species caught locally, there are some listed as of subject protection;all of these organisms are exploited in Acapulco without control. The wealth of marine mollusks for human consumption in Acapulco is very high. The capture does not satisfy local market demand and the amount of introduced species is very high. It is necessary to make a diagnostic analysis of mollusk fishing industry in the state of Guerrero, also implement a management program, including the sanitary measures and control of introduced species, as they arrive alive and stay alive in the waters of Acapulco. A significant number of native species that have aquaculture potential should be studied for commercial culture practice as well as to conduct studies on their biology on those species that are considered over-exploited and allow recovery of the species in its habitat.
文摘The community of mollusks at three rocky intertidal zone in Oaxaca, Mexico was analyzed. Two samplings per site were conducted. At each sampling the inspected area was 10 m2. The sampling unit was 1 m2. 5862 specimens were examined. 68 mollusks species were identified. The families better represented in species richness were: FISSURELLIDAE, MURICIDAE, LOTIIDAE, MYTILIDAE, CHAMIDAE, ISCHNOCHITONIDAE y CHITONIDAE. The species that had the greatest density were Lottia discors, Siphonaria palmata, Lottia acutapex, Chormoytilus palliopunctatus, Brachidontes adamsianus, Chton articulatus e Ischnochiton muscarius. The species with the widest distribution represent 11.76%. With irregular distribution was found in 58.82% of the species. The gastropod Crucibulummonticulus, the bivalve C. palliopunctatus and the polyplacophoran C. articulatus had the greatest size. The value of diversity index was H’ = 4.29 bits/ind. and J’ = 0.72. The mollusks community in the rocky intertidal zone study sites is characterized by small size, because they rarely exceed seventy millimeters. The values of H’ and J’ indicate that the mollusk community in the study area has a high diversity and high uniformity, corresponding to mature and stable communities in a tropical region.
基金supported by the National Natu-ral Science Foundation of China(Project Nos.32030015,32100404,32000300,32070432)the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(Project No.ZR2021QC045)the King Saud University,Saudi Arabia(Project No.RSP2024R7).
文摘Species of the ciliate genera Myxophyllum and Conchophthirus are found as endocommensals of terrestrial and freshwater mollusks,respectively.So far,there have been few studies of these genera and morphological data for most members are often incomplete.In the present work,two new species,Myxophyllum weishanense sp.nov.and Conchophthirus paracurtus sp.nov.,and a known species,Conchophthirus lamellidens,were isolated from hosts in Lake Weishan Wetland,China.Taxonomic studies indicate that M.weishanense sp.nov.can be recognized mainly by the combination of about 60 somatic kineties on both ventral and dorsal sides and the presence of caudal cilia.Conchophthirus paracurtus sp.nov.differs from congeners in its body shape and size,having a glabrous area on the posterior right side,and having fewer somatic kineties.In addition,differences in their ITS2(Internally Transcribed Spacer 2)secondary structures support the discrimination of the two new species from their highly similar congeners.An improved diagnosis for the poorly known species,C.lamel-lidens is also provided.Phylogenetic analyses reveal that members of the genus Myxophyllum belong to a fully supported clade that is sister to a large,poorly supported clade consisting of Hemispeiridae,Ancistridae,and several lineages of the nonmonophyletic Cyclidiidae.The Myxophyllum clade also includes Protophyra ovicola JQ956552,a possible misidenti-fication.Sequences of the two new Conchophthirus species cluster with other congeners in a fully supported clade that is unrelated to either the‘typical’thigmotrichs or to pleuronematids,thus conflicting with the traditional classification,and may represent an orphan scuticociliate lineage.
基金This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(Grant No.2004CB720203)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.40231001 and 40372083)the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.KZCX3-SW-139).
文摘The first near continuous mollusk fossil record from the Qinan Miocene loess-soil se-quence is presented. Results show that mollusk species are abundant in the QA-I section between 22 and 6.2 Ma, and both loess layers and soil layers yield mollusk fossil individuals. All mollusk species are terrestrial and well preserved in the section. Most species are identical to those identified in the Quaternary loess-soil sequence of the Loess Plateau. The thermo-humidiphilous group generally is distributed in soil layers, whereas cold-aridiphilous group can be observed in loess layers. From the Miocene to Quaternary, the occurrence and divergence of new species of Metodontia and Cathaica correspond to the crucial periods of regional and global environmental changes, indicating that mol-lusk species are sensitive to environmental variations. Preliminary study on the QA-I mollusk record indicates that the Qinan Miocene loess-soil sequence may have a similar sedimentary environment to the Quaternary loess-soil sequence of the Loess Plateau.
基金Projects supported by the CAS-CNRS exchange program and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
文摘Terrestrial mollusk fossil assemblages of the Luochuan loess section have been investigated so as to improve the reconstruction of environmental changes in the last 110ka. A total of 118 samples, taken at an interval of 10cm in the S0-S1 portion, have been analyzed. Results show that mollusk fossil assemblages have recorded detailed paleoclimatic and paleoecological changes. The Luochuan area bas experienced cold-dry and warm-humid alternations in the last 110 ka. However, even under the prevailing cold-dry condition, short-term or seasonal warm-humid climates frequently occurred in this area, reflecting the impact of summer monsoons temporarily. Comparison of mollusk records from the Luochuan loess sequence with those of grain-size and aridity index from RC 27-61 core in the Indian Ocean reveals obvious similarities in several time intervals, suggesting that climate variations in the Loess Plateau may have been also subjected to the influences of the Indian monsoon to a certain extent in the geological past. The presence of some specific cold-humid and cold-dry species represents deteriorated climate conditions, which might be the cooling events similar to the Heinrich events recorded in the Northern Atlantic. Six principal factors obtained by correspondence analysis and their related environmental significance have been discussed.
文摘This note presents a new result of terrestrial mollusk study from the Luochuan loesssection since the last 250 ka. A total of 213 samples, taken at intervals of 10 cm in the S0-L3 portion, were analyzed for fossil mollusks. Generally, 150-600 individuals were counted in each sample. According to the distribution of mollusk fossil assemblages in the loess section, 11 mollusk fossil zones have been recognized, representing different climatic and ecological conditions. Three main ecological groups were identified according to the temperature and moisture requirements of each taxon. The cold-aridiphilous group shows maxima at about 240-220, 190-182, 150-140 and 74 -66 ka BP. The thermo-humidiphilous set has high abundances for at least 6 times in the section at about 246-240, 220-216, 170-158, 92-86, 60-44 and 10 kaBP. Our results show that variations in mollusk ecological groups are related with changes in the Earth orbital parameters at the 41 and 20 ka frequencies. Maxima in thermo-humidiphilous taxa
文摘The loess-paleosol sequence in China records abundant and valuable information on the global and regional climate changes. Biological record from the loess sequence is the most direct evidence on variation in pattern of paleo-atmospheric circulation and changes in winter and summer monsoon. A new record of climatic instability, which occurred in the Loess Plateau during the late glacial period, is presented. Through the study of terrestrial mollusks from three loess sequences, the authors intend to characterize the biological response process to rapid climate change and to learn the mechanisms driving the instable climate changes and the possible linkage in different regions. The result shows the striking consistent variability in the ratio records of three mollusk sequences of the late glacial, indicating apparent rapid climate fluctuations. Correlation of our three mollusk records with the oxygen isotopic records from Greenland ice cores and foraminiferal records from the Northeast Pacific Ocean
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.21537004,21777182,21621064,21407159)the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No.XDB14010201)
文摘Methylsiloxanes are a class of silicone compounds that have been widely used in various industrial processes and personal care products for several decades. This study investigated the spatial distribution of three cyclic methylsiloxanes(D4–D6) and twelve linear methylsiloxanes(L5–L16) in mollusks collected from seven cities along the Bohai Sea. D4–D6(df = 71%–81%) and L8–L16(df = 32%–40%) were frequently detectable in the mollusk samples, while L5–L7 were not found in any mollusk samples. Cyclic methylsiloxanes(D4–D6) were found in mollusks with the mean concentrations of 15.7 ± 12.3 ng/g ww for D4,24.6 ± 15.8 ng/g ww for D5 and 34.0 ± 23.0 ng/g ww for D6. Among the seven sampling cities, the cyclic methylsiloxanes were predominant in mollusks, with the total cyclic methylsiloxanes(sum of D4–D6, ∑ CMS) accounting for 74.2%–80.7% of the total methylsiloxanes. ∑ CMS along the coastline demonstrated a clear gradient, with the highest concentrations in mollusks at the sampling sites located in the western part of the Bohai Sea and the lowest concentrations in mollusks from cities located in the eastern part of the Bohai Sea. The biota-sediment accumulation factors for cyclic methylsiloxanes(D4–D6) and linear methylsiloxanes(L8–L16) were estimated as 0.42 ± 0.06–0.53 ± 0.06 and0.13 ± 0.03–0.19 ± 0.05, respectively.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant numbers 42206092,42076123)the Earmarked Fund for China Agriculture Research System(grant number CARS-49)the Marine S&T Fund of Shandong Province for Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology(Qingdao)(No.LSKJ202203002).
文摘The D-quadrant organizer sets up the dorsal–ventral(DV)axis and regulates mesodermal development of spiralians.Studies have revealed an important role of mitogen-activated protein kinase(MAPK)signaling in organizer function,but the related molecules have not been fully revealed.The association between fibroblast growth factor receptor(FGFR)and MAPK signaling in regulating organizer specification has been established in the annelid Owenia fusiformis.Now,comparable studies in other spiralian phyla are required to decipher whether this organizer-inducing function of FGFR is prevalent in Spiralia.Here,we indicate that treatment with the FGFR inhibitor SU5402 resulted in deficiency of organizer specification in the mollusk Lottia peitaihoensis.Subsequently,the bone morphogenetic protein(BMP)signaling gradient and DV patterning were disrupted,suggesting the roles of FGFR in regulating organizer function.Changes in multiple aspects of organizer function(the morphology of vegetal blastomeres,BMP signaling gradient,expression of DV patterning markers,etc.)indicate that these developmental functions have different sensitivities to FGFR/MAPK signaling.Our results reveal a functional role of FGFR in organizer specification as well as DV patterning of Lottia embryos,which expands our knowledge of spiralian organizers.