The inventory of benthic macroinvertebrate species was carried out in some streams of the Mefou catchment area, from August 2021 to August 2022, in order to determine the biological groups that make up the population ...The inventory of benthic macroinvertebrate species was carried out in some streams of the Mefou catchment area, from August 2021 to August 2022, in order to determine the biological groups that make up the population and characterise these environments. The dataset acquired during this study made it possible to update the existing database and contribute to the knowledge of the biological groups associated in these environments, and to provide additional information on the existing ones in relation to bioindication. Overall 80 families were identified and, on the basis of frequencies of occurrence greater than 75%, 22 families were retained as potential biological indicators. The remarkable diversity of insects and the low abundance of Diptera reflect the low degradation of environments and the good quality of water. The high diversity indices obtained reflect the maintenance of the favourable ecological conditions that favours the development of a balanced and, integrated biological community capable of adapting to changes.展开更多
Benthic macroinvertebrate communities in Spartina alterniflora zones in the Yangtze Estuary, in China, were investigated seasonally in 2005, and their structure and biodiversity were analyzed. Twenty-one species were ...Benthic macroinvertebrate communities in Spartina alterniflora zones in the Yangtze Estuary, in China, were investigated seasonally in 2005, and their structure and biodiversity were analyzed. Twenty-one species were identified, across four Classes; 10 species of Crustacea, five species of Polychaeta, five species of Gastropoda, and one species of Lamellibranchia. Dominant species included: Assiminea sp., Notomastus latericeus, Cerithidea largillierl, Gtauconome chinensi and Gammaridae sp. Functional groups were comprised of a phytophagous group and a detritivorous group. The average density of all benthic macroinvertebrates was 650.5 ±719.2 inds/m^2 in the survey area. The high value of the standard deviation of the average density was a result of abundant Assiminea sp. at Beihu tidal flats. The average density of macroinvertebrates from Beihu tidal flat, Chongming Dongtan to Jinshanwei tidal flat decreased gradually. There was significant difference between compositions and abundance of macroinvertebrates along the estuary gradient (P 〈 0.05). The density and biodiversity were highest in summer and lowest in winter. The mean biomass of macroinvertebrates was 20.8 ± 6.1 g/m^2. Biomass changed seasonally in the same way as density, with the change in biomass being: summer (Aug.) 〉autumn (Oct.) 〉spring (Apr.) 〉 winter (Dec.). A BIO-ENV analysis showed that the mean grain size of sediment, height of Spartina and salinity were the ma- jor factors which affected the structure of the macroinvertebrate community. Variations in the community structure were probably caused by the population dynamics of S. alterniflora along with the variation in sampling time and location.展开更多
Taudaha Lake is one of the important wetlands in Nepal, as it provides critical habitats for thousands of migratory birds and fishes. Despite being a critically important water body, there is a lack of detail chemical...Taudaha Lake is one of the important wetlands in Nepal, as it provides critical habitats for thousands of migratory birds and fishes. Despite being a critically important water body, there is a lack of detail chemical and biological studies on this lake. The present study investigates the effects of seasonal water quality variations in distribution and abundance of macroinvertebrates in Taudaha Lake, during four different seasons in 2006. The results indicate that all the water quality parameters, except secchi depth, and total alkalinity, significantly varied among seasons. The gross primary productivity of the lake also significantly varied among the seasons, with highest primary production during summer (3.92 ± 0.18 gC/m<sup>3</sup>/day) and lowest during spring (2.44 ± 0.67 gC/m<sup>3</sup>/day). A total of 2166 individual benthic macroinvertebrates from 10 families and 7 orders were collected during the study period. Unlike water quality parameters, the macroinvertebrate species composition did not vary significantly among the seasons. The results suggested that the change in lake water quality did not have significant impacts on community metrics such as species diversity, species richness, and species evenness.展开更多
The area of the city of Meknes (Morocco) undergoes anthropic pressure, which acts mainly on the rivers. River water is used, without preliminary treatment, for farm irrigation. A study of the impacts of anthropogenic ...The area of the city of Meknes (Morocco) undergoes anthropic pressure, which acts mainly on the rivers. River water is used, without preliminary treatment, for farm irrigation. A study of the impacts of anthropogenic activities on the distribution and biodiversity of benthic macroinvertebrates and water quality of the Boufekrane River (Meknes) was conducted. Four pristine stations from the upstream and two stations at the downstream receiving anthropogenic impacts were selected along the River. For 12 consecutive months (from January to December 2010), based on the SEQ-V.2 scoring system, water quality index classes, the upstream stations recorded significantly higher biological monitoring scores and better water quality indices than those of the downstream. Four variables are involved actively in the individualization of the physico-chemical environment: COD, dissolved oxygen, TSS and temperature. The total number of macrobenthic taxa and their overall richness indices and diversity indices were significantly higher at the upstream stations than at the downstream stations. The relationships between the physicochemical and the macrobenthic data were investigated by biotypology analysis (PCA and FCA) and Pearson correlation analysis. The analyses showed that the richness and diversity indices were generally influenced by the total suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand and the electric conductivity of the river water. This study also highlighted the impacts of anthropogenic activities on the distribution and species diversity of macrobenthic invertebrate. Some sensitive (Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera) and resistant species (Oligochaeta such as Tubifex sp.) are identified as potential bioindicators of clean and polluted river ecosystems, respectively, in Morocco rivers. The data obtained in this study supported the use of the bioindicator concept (Innovative Biotechniques for controlling water quality) for North Africa rivers because it is more efficient than conventional methods.展开更多
The influence of water quality on the variation patters of benthic macroin-vertebrate communities in the lakes in the central highlands of Peru was eva-luated. Samples of water and sediments were collected in 23 diffe...The influence of water quality on the variation patters of benthic macroin-vertebrate communities in the lakes in the central highlands of Peru was eva-luated. Samples of water and sediments were collected in 23 different sam-pling sites last 2017. The physiochemical variables of water quality deter-mined on site were: DO, TDS, EC, temperature and pH. The results obtained revealed that the physiochemical indicators are within the environmental quality standards for water, except COD and BOD5. Regarding the benthic macroinvertebrates, four phyla were identified wherein the most common is the phylum Arthropoda having the abundance and richness of taxa. The PCA reduced the variables to a few significant components that caused variation in water quality between lakes. The cluster analysis in relation to the relative abundance of benthic macroinvertibrates grouped the 22 sampling sites into three groups with the similar characteristics. The PCoA analysis of the ben-thic macroinvertebrate communities showed a clear separation of sites. The SIMPER analysis at the family-level showed the distribution of the most common species. Therefore, at a significance level of 0.01 it demonstrates that there are significant differences between the number of species and abun-dance of the areas that were evaluated.展开更多
The Affon River is one of the important rivers of the Ouémé River whose benthic diversity remained unknown. The present study aims to make the relationship between macroinvertebrates and physico-chemical par...The Affon River is one of the important rivers of the Ouémé River whose benthic diversity remained unknown. The present study aims to make the relationship between macroinvertebrates and physico-chemical parameters to access water quality of the Affon River. The measurement of physico-chemical parameters (temperature, pH, conductivity, transparency, depth and TDS, dissolved oxygen, ammonium, nitrite and phosphate) and the sampling of macroinvertebrates using a Surber net were carried out during floods in eight stations. A principal component analysis (PCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) were used. The indices of Shannon, Piélou, Simpson, Hilsenhoff, EPT and EPT/Chironomidae were used to assess the level of water pollution. The study identified 9755 macroinvertebrates divided into 4 classes, 14 orders and 49 families. Pollution-sensitive families (14 families) that are organic pollution indicators, as well as pollution-tolerant families (Chironomidae, Limnaeidae, Bithynidae, Physidae) were captured. Chironomidae were the most predominant and abundant family (FO = 100%). The predominance of Chironomidae coupled with the rarity of the Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Plecoptera would reflect the poor quality of the Affon River waters. The principal components analysis yielded groups of associations: The first group of stations Taneka 2 and 3 characterized by high values of ammonium and phosphate;and low values of conductivity and TDS;the second group of Tanéka 1 and Kolokondé 1 stations with low values of pH, transparency, ammonium and phosphates;and the third group of stations Kolokondé 2, Kpébouko1, Kpébouko 2 and Affon marked by high values of conductivity, TDS, transparency, depth and temperature. The canonical correspondence analysis revealed a strong positive correlation between Nemouridae and ammonium as well as between Perlidae, Taeniopterygidae, Ephemeridae, Heptageniidae, Isonychiidae, Elmidae and phosphate. This study is a crucial step for any management and monitoring of this river.展开更多
Leaf litter input from riparian landscapes has been identified as both a major energy flow to stream ecosystems and as a food source for stream macroinvertebrates. In this study the benthic macroinvertebrate community...Leaf litter input from riparian landscapes has been identified as both a major energy flow to stream ecosystems and as a food source for stream macroinvertebrates. In this study the benthic macroinvertebrate community was used to evaluate the decomposition of organic matter in river systems. The aim of this work was to study the decomposition of organic matter using the benthic macroinvertebrate colonization. The research was developed over five months (January 2011 to May 2011) in four different sites, distributed along the River Ferreira terminal area, northern Portugal. A litter bag experiment was used to examine the role of macroinvertebrate communities in the processing of organic material on the river. Litter bags were placed in the water and collected every 7, 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days. In litter bags was observed a high abundance of Oligochaeta and Chironomidae, which are characterized by being detritivorous-herbivores and filtering collectors, respectively, indicating the benthic macroinvertebrate more involved on the decomposition of organic matter. These results contributed to increase current knowledge about benthic macroinvertebrate communities and may serve as incentive for future research works.展开更多
Rivers are important for aquatic biodiversity. Anthropogenic activities degrade rivers and decrease their capacity to offer ecosystem services. This study used macroinvertebrates to assess the impact of anthropogenic ...Rivers are important for aquatic biodiversity. Anthropogenic activities degrade rivers and decrease their capacity to offer ecosystem services. This study used macroinvertebrates to assess the impact of anthropogenic activities on the Pinyinyi River during dry and wet season. Abundance of macroinvertebrates, average score per taxon and Shannon Weiner Species Diversity Index were used to state the ecological status of Pinyinyi River. Because the abundance of macroinvertebrates can be affected by change in water quality, some of the physicochemical parameters were also measured. A macroinvertebrates hand net is used to collect the macroinvertebrates per sampling point. DO, temperature, pH, turbidity and TDS were measured in-situ using HI-9829 Multiparameter and BOD was measured in the laboratory using Oxydirect levibond method. A total of 164 macroinvertebrates were collected and identified from Pinyinyi River during dry and wet season. They belong to 13 families. The most abundant taxa were mosquito larva, Diptera (41.07%) and aquatic caterpillar, Lepidoptera (23.21%) during dry season representing about 64.28% of the total macroinvertebrates whereas the least abundant taxa were pouch snail (16.07%) and dragonflies, Odonata (19.64%) during dry season representing about 35.72% of the total macroinvertebrates. The most abundant taxa collected during wet season were aquatic earthworm, haplotaxida (19.44%), midges, Diptera (17.59%), black flies, Diptera (15.74%) and creeping water bugs, hemiptera (12.96%) whereas the least abundant were pigmy back swimmers, hemiptera (2.78%), snail (3.7%), predacious dividing beetle (4.63%) and coleopteran (4.63%). Average Score per taxon of Pinyinyi River during dry season was 5.25 and 3.6 during wet season. The Shannon Weiner Species Diversity Index was 1.318 during dry season and 2.138 during wet season. Based on the score, Pinyinyi River is moderately polluted during dry season and seriously polluted during wet season. Based on index, Pinyinyi River has low diversity of macroinvertebrates during dry season and highly in diversity of macroinvertebrates during wet season. Moreover, it was found that, agricultural activities, livestock keeping, bathing and washing alter physicochemical parameters of Pinyinyi River and hence change the abundance of macroinvertebrates as well as the quality of water. The study, therefore, recommends that the source of pollutants should be controlled and the river regularly monitored by the relevant authorities.展开更多
With the aim of assessing the benthic macroinvertebrates’ diversity, a study was carried out in some tropical forest streams of the Nyong River catchment in Cameroon from February 2019 to February 2020. A total of 16...With the aim of assessing the benthic macroinvertebrates’ diversity, a study was carried out in some tropical forest streams of the Nyong River catchment in Cameroon from February 2019 to February 2020. A total of 167 samples were carried out from 13 stations during 13 months. Some environmental variables were measured. These parameters varied more or less from station to station but significantly at the temporal level. In this study, 13,690 benthic macroinvertebrates belonging to 4 phyla, 7 classes, 16 orders and 93 families were collected. The benthic macroinvertebrates were more abundant and more diversified in the stations whose waters are well oxygenated and present a moderate current compared to the stations with a very weak current. The diversity varied significantly from 1.33 ± 0.14 bits/ind to 2.00 ± 0.35 bits/ind and the high values were found in stations with multiple substrates and well-oxygenated waters. Temporally, the diversity varied significantly from 1.10 ± 0.16 bits/ind in NM sampling station in February 2020 to 1.87 ± 0.1 bits/ind in the OB sampling station in September. In addition, the settlement was more abundant during the short dry season, more precisely during the month of August (1471 individuals) but richer during the long dry season during the month of February (54 families). The distribution of the abundances of the benthic fauna in the different stations made it possible to identify five typological groups using the rarefaction curves, the ascending hierarchical classification and the principal component analyses. Each of these five groups is characterized by a specific taxonomic richness, composition and abundance.展开更多
In North America, disturbed riparian zones have had a deleterious effect on the life cycles of anadromous fish, especially the commercially and culturally important salmon and steelhead. The result has been a signific...In North America, disturbed riparian zones have had a deleterious effect on the life cycles of anadromous fish, especially the commercially and culturally important salmon and steelhead. The result has been a significant reduction in the numbers and average size of these fish. Tributaries of the John Day River are important spawning waters for western populations of these fish, and the National Forest Service and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation are cooperating to restore floodplains and riparian zones in a number of these headwater tributaries. Herein we have conducted a pre-restoration study of macroinvertebrates and basic water quality parameters in one of these important spawning locations in central Oregon, Bull Run Creek. Results of the turbidity, pH, dissolved Oxygen, and temperature determinations indicate that overall water quality is good, and benthic macroinvertebrate sampling yielded a number of sensitive organisms, including members of Chloroperlidae, Peltoperlidae, Ryachophilidae, Odontoceridae, and Brachycentridae. At all sites, chironomid larvae (non-biting midge) dominated the assemblages. The EPT Index suggests that Bull Run Creek ranges from fair to excellent in terms of its ability to support sensitive species. Sorensen’s Similarity Coefficient indicates varying degrees of shared diversity between the sites, and Shannon’s entropy calculations suggest moderate to low species diversity at all sites, including the reference site on nearby Boundary Creek. Overall, this study indicates that Bull Run Creek is in fair condition and that it should benefit significantly from the restoration efforts.展开更多
The Nokoue Lake is the largest lake of Benin Republic and it is also considered as one of the most productive lagoon ecosystems in West Africa. This productivity is decreasing and thus raises productivity issue for a ...The Nokoue Lake is the largest lake of Benin Republic and it is also considered as one of the most productive lagoon ecosystems in West Africa. This productivity is decreasing and thus raises productivity issue for a better management and conservation. Macroinvertebrate can be useful for this purpose. A study was conducted to assess the spatial variation of macroinvertebrates during high flood period. A total of 3892 macroinvertebrates of fresh and brackish water were sampled during the survey. Structural analysis of the macroinvertebrate community revealed that it was made up of 16 orders, 48 families and 66 genera dominated by Insecta compared to Mollusca, Crustacea and the Annelida. Insects were dominated by Diptera (Chironomus sp. and Tanytarsus sp.), Coleoptera (Dystiscidae) and accounted for 57.1% of the sampled population. Mollusca, Crustacea, Annelida and Arachnida were the following most abundant and represented 23.9%, 10.7%, 8.1% and 0.2% of the total population, respectively. The Evenness index of Pielou was higher on the Station 8 (0.91 - 0.97), close to Oueme River. However, no significant difference (p > 0.05) was observed neither between station nor between month on the Shannon-Wiener index (2.06 - 4.31), Simpson index (0.04 - 0.40) and the taxa number (10 - 27). Macroinvertebrate assemblages and composition were primarily due to changes in water quality dependent on hydroclimatic changes and probably to anthropogenic actions. This suggests the need for real investigation of the macroinvertebrate biological capacity when formulating conservation strategies for the Nokoue Lake.展开更多
Outdoor education programs frequently offer stream classes that teach students how to assess water quality based on the composition of aquatic macroinvertebrate communities. Repeatedly using the same site for stream c...Outdoor education programs frequently offer stream classes that teach students how to assess water quality based on the composition of aquatic macroinvertebrate communities. Repeatedly using the same site for stream classes can cause disturbance that could negatively impact aquatic macroinvertebrates. However, the impact of outdoor education stream classes on short term temporal trends of aquatic macroinvertebrates has not been evaluated. Our objective was to quantify whether outdoor education stream classes caused localized and short-term impacts on the aquatic macroinvertebrate community. We sampled aquatic macroinvertebrates over a five day period in May 2014 from an impacted riffle subjected to repeated substrate disturbance by outdoor education stream classes and an unimpacted riffle that was not subjected to stream classes within an agricultural stream in central Ohio. We did not observe a difference in macroinvertebrate community response variables between different time periods or among days within the impacted riffle as part of our within riffle analysis. We documented that macroinvertebrate abundance and dorsoventrally flattened clinger abundance was greater within the unimpacted riffle than the impacted riffle. Macroinvertebrate evenness was greater in the impacted riffle than the unimpacted riffle. In the impacted riffle percent clingers was greater on Monday than on Friday. Conversely, in the unimpacted riffle percent clingers was greater on Friday than on Monday. Our results indicated that outdoor education stream classes did not alter short term temporal trends of macroinvertebrate community structure within an impacted riffle, but the stream classes resulted in differences in community structure between an impacted and unimpacted riffle. Our results suggest that outdoor education centers should avoid repeatedly using the same site for their stream classes to prevent negatively impacting aquatic macroinvertebrates.展开更多
As increases in anthropogenic eutrophication and climate change contribute to more severe and frequent cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in freshwater ecosystems worldwide, understanding the effects and consequences...As increases in anthropogenic eutrophication and climate change contribute to more severe and frequent cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in freshwater ecosystems worldwide, understanding the effects and consequences cyanobacterial blooms have on aquatic organisms is crucial. <i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Microcystis aeruginosa </span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">is</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">one of the most common cyanobacteria taxa found in cyanobacterial blooms, producing a number of toxins including Microcystins. This study examined the effects of </span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Microcystis aeruginosa </span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">on aquatic benthic macroinvertebrates, specifically the pollution intolerant taxa Ephemeroptera, the pollution moderately intolerant taxa Zygoptera, and the pollution tolerant taxa Chironomidae. In a controlled lab environment, macroinvertebrates were exposed to approximately 100,000 cells/ml of </span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Microcystis</span></i><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> </span></i><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">aeruginosa</span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">. The survival percentage was lower for macroinvertebrates exposed to </span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Microcystis aeruginosa</span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> in all three tolerance groups</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">(</span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">p</span></i><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> </span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">0.001)</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">while corresponding with the pollution tolerance levels of the species. Mayflies had a survival percentage of 38% in the treatment groups compared to a 98% survival percentage for control groups. Damselflies had a 43% survival percentage in the treatment groups compared to a 98% survival percentage in the control groups. Midges had a 72% survival percentage in the treatment groups compared to a 100% survival percentage in the control groups.</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">These findings support the notion that cyanobacterial blooms have deleterious effects on freshwater ecosystems and can affect aquatic food webs.</span>展开更多
Soil macroinvertebrates play an important role in sustaining production and biodiversity in Australia' s tropical savannas. For example, termites, through their foraging and nesting activities, recycle nutrients and ...Soil macroinvertebrates play an important role in sustaining production and biodiversity in Australia' s tropical savannas. For example, termites, through their foraging and nesting activities, recycle nutrients and carbon and produce soil pores that facilitate water infiltration. The challenge ahead is to quantitatively understand the relationships and processes that drive this. What roles do different species and functional groups of macroinvertebrates play in various landscape processes? What are the effects of different land management practices (e.g., domestic cattle grazing, fire) on these relationships, and the consequences for landscape health? This paper presents preliminary results from studies in northern Australia, that examine the effects of land condition and domestic cattle grazing on soil macroinvertebrates, and the potential for termites to be used as a tool to restore soil function in degraded areas. In northern Australia, increased degradation seems to be associated with declines in the diversity and activity of macroinvertebrates. Termites appear to be one of the most resilient groups, with some species capable of maintaining activity in degraded landscapes.展开更多
Previous studies have found differences between communities of benthic macroinvertebrates living in constructed tidal flats compared with natural ones.We analyzed the distributional characteristics of benthic macroi...Previous studies have found differences between communities of benthic macroinvertebrates living in constructed tidal flats compared with natural ones.We analyzed the distributional characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrates in a blowing sand reclamation area(Area A),a dike-building silting area(Area B),an out-ofsiltation area(Area C),and a natural tidal flat(Area D)in order to characterize the community structure and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates in a human-disturbed estuarine tidal-flat wetland.A total of 32 benthic macroinvertebrate species were identified(Area A=7;Area B=12;Area C=10;Area D=27).The diversity index was variable where:Area B<Area C<Area A<Area D.A higher average annual abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates was found at Area B(840.43±569.23)ind/m^(2) than in Area D(203.00±5.85)ind/m^(2),Area A(42.87±10.21)ind/m^(2),and Area C(17.64±1.50)ind/m^(2).The biomass in Area C(3.18±0.39)g/m^(2) was lower than in the other areas.One-Way ANOVAs detected significant differences(P<0.05)in the abundance and biomass within Area B among seasons;however,there were no significant seasonal differences(P>0.05)in the abundance and biomass of Areas A,C,and D.An abundance/biomass curve showed that the habitat in Areas A,B,and C could be categorized as moderately disturbed,whereas Area D was categorized as undisturbed.The results of cluster analysis suggested distinct assemblages in the four sampling areas.Reclamation raised the altitude of tidal flats,weakening the tidal power and changing the physical and chemical parameters of the water,leading to a change in the community structure of benthic macroinvertebrates.展开更多
Definition of ecological integrity based on community analysis has long been a critical issue in risk assessment for sustainable ecosystem management. In this work, two indices (i.e., Shannon index and exergy) were ...Definition of ecological integrity based on community analysis has long been a critical issue in risk assessment for sustainable ecosystem management. In this work, two indices (i.e., Shannon index and exergy) were selected for the analysis of community properties of benthic macroinvertebrate community in streams in Korea. For this purpose, the means and variances of both indices were analyzed. The results found an extra scope of structural and functional properties in communities in response to environmental variabilities and anthropogenic disturbances. The combination of these two parameters (four indices) was feasible in identification of disturbance agents (e.g., industrial pollution or organic pollution) and specifying states of communities. The four-aforemen- tioned parameters (means and variances of Shannon index and exergy) were further used as input data in a self- organizing map for the characterization of water quality. Our results suggested that Shannon index and exergy in combination could be utilized as a suitable reference system and would be an efficient tool for assessment of the health of aquatic ecosystems exposed to environmental disturbances.展开更多
Objective: To assess the quality of water using biological and chemical information correlation study. Methods: A total of 6 sites, one reference site less impaired to represent natural conditions from upstream, and 5...Objective: To assess the quality of water using biological and chemical information correlation study. Methods: A total of 6 sites, one reference site less impaired to represent natural conditions from upstream, and 5 impaired sites in the downstream were sampled for macroinvertebrates and physicochemical parameters. Results: In the polluted sites with high nutrient enrichment and organic loading, only organisms with special physiological and morphological adaptations were found, such as Hydrobiidae, Physidae and Viviparidae snails. Physicochemical parameters: electrical conductivity, chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, sulphate, orthophosphate and nitrate-nitrogen and metrics: percent of Mollusca, percent of Physidae and percent of dominant taxa were used for monitoring, and expected to have strong positive relation with increasing disturbance. Conclusions: Therefore, floriculture industries wastewater discharged to the nearby rivers has enormous effect on the degradation of the ecosystem. To sustain the ecological conditions of the nearby rivers, wastewater treatment and environmental audit were suggested. Environmental assessment and environmental audit enable the floriculturist to keep humans and the environment safe. Taking care of workers, soil, water and the environment has to be seen with great care and caution because it is difficult to maintain a healthy community and carry out development in a degraded environment.展开更多
This study presents findings of the first systematic analysis of aquatic biotic assemblages in the source region of the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. It provides an initial basis with which to select representative organ...This study presents findings of the first systematic analysis of aquatic biotic assemblages in the source region of the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. It provides an initial basis with which to select representative organisms as indicators to assess the aquatic ecological status of rivers in this region. Macroinvertebrates are considered to be good indicators of long-term environmental changes due to their restricted range and persistence over time. Field investigations of macroinvertebrates were conducted in August 2009 in the source region of the Yellow River, and in July 2010 in the source region of the Yangtze River. Altogether 68 taxa of macroinvertebrates belonging to 29 families and 59 genera were identified. Among them were 8 annelids, 5 mollusks, 54 arthropods and 1 other animal. In the source region of the Yellow River, taxa number, density and biomass of macroinvertebrates were 50, 329 individuals m2 and 0.3966 g dry weight m2, respectively. Equivalent figures for the source region of the Yangtze River were 29, 59 individuals m2 and 0.0307 g dry weight m-2. The lower benthic animal resources in the source region of the Yangtze River are ascribed to higher altitude, higher sediment concentration and wetland degradation. Preliminary findings of this exploratory study indicate that hydroelectric power stations had a weak impact on benthic dwellers but wetland degradation caused by a series of human activities had a catastrophic impact on survival of macroinvertebrates. Ecological protection measures such as conservative grazing and vegetation management are required to minimize grassland degradation and desertification, and reduce soil erosion rate and river sediment discharge.展开更多
This study describes the gradient analysis of the freshwater macroinvertebrate assemblages in eight streams of Tenerife and La Gomera (Canary Islands) over a 16-year period. During this period, a total of 75 taxa belo...This study describes the gradient analysis of the freshwater macroinvertebrate assemblages in eight streams of Tenerife and La Gomera (Canary Islands) over a 16-year period. During this period, a total of 75 taxa belonging to 34 taxonomic families were found. Endemism has an important presence in the streams on both islands, especially regarding Trichoptera and Coleoptera. The overall status of freshwater macroinvertebrates is rather uncertain as recent data on these communities are scarce and focused on a limited number of sites. Overexploitation of aquifers and the diversion of natural water flows for irrigation have resulted in the drying up of numerous natural streams, inevitably endangering the fauna that inhabits them. A reduction in number and abundance of endemic and sensitive species was observed in the majority of the sampled streams resulting in a lower ecological rating. Therefore, it is proposed that the protection of streams of high conservation value is essential to conserve freshwater macroinvertebrate fauna native to the Canary Islands.展开更多
This study elucidates the pivotal role of citizen science-BioBlitz methodologies for rapid assessment of the macro-invertebrate taxa within the threatened River Rwizi of South-western Uganda. Utilizing a comprehensive...This study elucidates the pivotal role of citizen science-BioBlitz methodologies for rapid assessment of the macro-invertebrate taxa within the threatened River Rwizi of South-western Uganda. Utilizing a comprehensive mixed-methods approach, the investigation focused on six distinct river segments to demonstrate the efficacy of participatory citizen science-BioBlitz approaches conducted by experts, students and community volunteers. BioBlitz events included rigorous macro-invertebrate sampling at each of the selected sites along River Rwizi on nine occasions, incorporating collaborative taxonomic identification procedures involving experts, students, and the local community. Analyzing pollution concerns, diversity metrics, and community narratives yielded insights into river health and socio-ecological dynamics. A total of 43 macro-invertebrate families across 17 orders were documented with class Insecta dominating. Participants in BioBlitz events expressed predominantly positive sentiments, emphasizing satisfaction, education, and heightened awareness, besides negative sentiments rooted in historical mistrust. Intriguingly, the study unveiled an unforeseen trend in macro-invertebrate taxa richness, rising from upstream to urban sprawl and diminishing at peri-urban downstream sites. The study underscores the potential of citizen science-BioBlitz methodologies in advancing community science education and unraveling the intricate dynamics of threatened river ecosystems. The insights offered are invaluable for policymakers and conservationists seeking effective strategies to address challenges in the River Rwizi and comparable ecosystems. .展开更多
文摘The inventory of benthic macroinvertebrate species was carried out in some streams of the Mefou catchment area, from August 2021 to August 2022, in order to determine the biological groups that make up the population and characterise these environments. The dataset acquired during this study made it possible to update the existing database and contribute to the knowledge of the biological groups associated in these environments, and to provide additional information on the existing ones in relation to bioindication. Overall 80 families were identified and, on the basis of frequencies of occurrence greater than 75%, 22 families were retained as potential biological indicators. The remarkable diversity of insects and the low abundance of Diptera reflect the low degradation of environments and the good quality of water. The high diversity indices obtained reflect the maintenance of the favourable ecological conditions that favours the development of a balanced and, integrated biological community capable of adapting to changes.
文摘Benthic macroinvertebrate communities in Spartina alterniflora zones in the Yangtze Estuary, in China, were investigated seasonally in 2005, and their structure and biodiversity were analyzed. Twenty-one species were identified, across four Classes; 10 species of Crustacea, five species of Polychaeta, five species of Gastropoda, and one species of Lamellibranchia. Dominant species included: Assiminea sp., Notomastus latericeus, Cerithidea largillierl, Gtauconome chinensi and Gammaridae sp. Functional groups were comprised of a phytophagous group and a detritivorous group. The average density of all benthic macroinvertebrates was 650.5 ±719.2 inds/m^2 in the survey area. The high value of the standard deviation of the average density was a result of abundant Assiminea sp. at Beihu tidal flats. The average density of macroinvertebrates from Beihu tidal flat, Chongming Dongtan to Jinshanwei tidal flat decreased gradually. There was significant difference between compositions and abundance of macroinvertebrates along the estuary gradient (P 〈 0.05). The density and biodiversity were highest in summer and lowest in winter. The mean biomass of macroinvertebrates was 20.8 ± 6.1 g/m^2. Biomass changed seasonally in the same way as density, with the change in biomass being: summer (Aug.) 〉autumn (Oct.) 〉spring (Apr.) 〉 winter (Dec.). A BIO-ENV analysis showed that the mean grain size of sediment, height of Spartina and salinity were the ma- jor factors which affected the structure of the macroinvertebrate community. Variations in the community structure were probably caused by the population dynamics of S. alterniflora along with the variation in sampling time and location.
文摘Taudaha Lake is one of the important wetlands in Nepal, as it provides critical habitats for thousands of migratory birds and fishes. Despite being a critically important water body, there is a lack of detail chemical and biological studies on this lake. The present study investigates the effects of seasonal water quality variations in distribution and abundance of macroinvertebrates in Taudaha Lake, during four different seasons in 2006. The results indicate that all the water quality parameters, except secchi depth, and total alkalinity, significantly varied among seasons. The gross primary productivity of the lake also significantly varied among the seasons, with highest primary production during summer (3.92 ± 0.18 gC/m<sup>3</sup>/day) and lowest during spring (2.44 ± 0.67 gC/m<sup>3</sup>/day). A total of 2166 individual benthic macroinvertebrates from 10 families and 7 orders were collected during the study period. Unlike water quality parameters, the macroinvertebrate species composition did not vary significantly among the seasons. The results suggested that the change in lake water quality did not have significant impacts on community metrics such as species diversity, species richness, and species evenness.
文摘The area of the city of Meknes (Morocco) undergoes anthropic pressure, which acts mainly on the rivers. River water is used, without preliminary treatment, for farm irrigation. A study of the impacts of anthropogenic activities on the distribution and biodiversity of benthic macroinvertebrates and water quality of the Boufekrane River (Meknes) was conducted. Four pristine stations from the upstream and two stations at the downstream receiving anthropogenic impacts were selected along the River. For 12 consecutive months (from January to December 2010), based on the SEQ-V.2 scoring system, water quality index classes, the upstream stations recorded significantly higher biological monitoring scores and better water quality indices than those of the downstream. Four variables are involved actively in the individualization of the physico-chemical environment: COD, dissolved oxygen, TSS and temperature. The total number of macrobenthic taxa and their overall richness indices and diversity indices were significantly higher at the upstream stations than at the downstream stations. The relationships between the physicochemical and the macrobenthic data were investigated by biotypology analysis (PCA and FCA) and Pearson correlation analysis. The analyses showed that the richness and diversity indices were generally influenced by the total suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand and the electric conductivity of the river water. This study also highlighted the impacts of anthropogenic activities on the distribution and species diversity of macrobenthic invertebrate. Some sensitive (Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera) and resistant species (Oligochaeta such as Tubifex sp.) are identified as potential bioindicators of clean and polluted river ecosystems, respectively, in Morocco rivers. The data obtained in this study supported the use of the bioindicator concept (Innovative Biotechniques for controlling water quality) for North Africa rivers because it is more efficient than conventional methods.
文摘The influence of water quality on the variation patters of benthic macroin-vertebrate communities in the lakes in the central highlands of Peru was eva-luated. Samples of water and sediments were collected in 23 different sam-pling sites last 2017. The physiochemical variables of water quality deter-mined on site were: DO, TDS, EC, temperature and pH. The results obtained revealed that the physiochemical indicators are within the environmental quality standards for water, except COD and BOD5. Regarding the benthic macroinvertebrates, four phyla were identified wherein the most common is the phylum Arthropoda having the abundance and richness of taxa. The PCA reduced the variables to a few significant components that caused variation in water quality between lakes. The cluster analysis in relation to the relative abundance of benthic macroinvertibrates grouped the 22 sampling sites into three groups with the similar characteristics. The PCoA analysis of the ben-thic macroinvertebrate communities showed a clear separation of sites. The SIMPER analysis at the family-level showed the distribution of the most common species. Therefore, at a significance level of 0.01 it demonstrates that there are significant differences between the number of species and abun-dance of the areas that were evaluated.
文摘The Affon River is one of the important rivers of the Ouémé River whose benthic diversity remained unknown. The present study aims to make the relationship between macroinvertebrates and physico-chemical parameters to access water quality of the Affon River. The measurement of physico-chemical parameters (temperature, pH, conductivity, transparency, depth and TDS, dissolved oxygen, ammonium, nitrite and phosphate) and the sampling of macroinvertebrates using a Surber net were carried out during floods in eight stations. A principal component analysis (PCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) were used. The indices of Shannon, Piélou, Simpson, Hilsenhoff, EPT and EPT/Chironomidae were used to assess the level of water pollution. The study identified 9755 macroinvertebrates divided into 4 classes, 14 orders and 49 families. Pollution-sensitive families (14 families) that are organic pollution indicators, as well as pollution-tolerant families (Chironomidae, Limnaeidae, Bithynidae, Physidae) were captured. Chironomidae were the most predominant and abundant family (FO = 100%). The predominance of Chironomidae coupled with the rarity of the Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Plecoptera would reflect the poor quality of the Affon River waters. The principal components analysis yielded groups of associations: The first group of stations Taneka 2 and 3 characterized by high values of ammonium and phosphate;and low values of conductivity and TDS;the second group of Tanéka 1 and Kolokondé 1 stations with low values of pH, transparency, ammonium and phosphates;and the third group of stations Kolokondé 2, Kpébouko1, Kpébouko 2 and Affon marked by high values of conductivity, TDS, transparency, depth and temperature. The canonical correspondence analysis revealed a strong positive correlation between Nemouridae and ammonium as well as between Perlidae, Taeniopterygidae, Ephemeridae, Heptageniidae, Isonychiidae, Elmidae and phosphate. This study is a crucial step for any management and monitoring of this river.
文摘Leaf litter input from riparian landscapes has been identified as both a major energy flow to stream ecosystems and as a food source for stream macroinvertebrates. In this study the benthic macroinvertebrate community was used to evaluate the decomposition of organic matter in river systems. The aim of this work was to study the decomposition of organic matter using the benthic macroinvertebrate colonization. The research was developed over five months (January 2011 to May 2011) in four different sites, distributed along the River Ferreira terminal area, northern Portugal. A litter bag experiment was used to examine the role of macroinvertebrate communities in the processing of organic material on the river. Litter bags were placed in the water and collected every 7, 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days. In litter bags was observed a high abundance of Oligochaeta and Chironomidae, which are characterized by being detritivorous-herbivores and filtering collectors, respectively, indicating the benthic macroinvertebrate more involved on the decomposition of organic matter. These results contributed to increase current knowledge about benthic macroinvertebrate communities and may serve as incentive for future research works.
文摘Rivers are important for aquatic biodiversity. Anthropogenic activities degrade rivers and decrease their capacity to offer ecosystem services. This study used macroinvertebrates to assess the impact of anthropogenic activities on the Pinyinyi River during dry and wet season. Abundance of macroinvertebrates, average score per taxon and Shannon Weiner Species Diversity Index were used to state the ecological status of Pinyinyi River. Because the abundance of macroinvertebrates can be affected by change in water quality, some of the physicochemical parameters were also measured. A macroinvertebrates hand net is used to collect the macroinvertebrates per sampling point. DO, temperature, pH, turbidity and TDS were measured in-situ using HI-9829 Multiparameter and BOD was measured in the laboratory using Oxydirect levibond method. A total of 164 macroinvertebrates were collected and identified from Pinyinyi River during dry and wet season. They belong to 13 families. The most abundant taxa were mosquito larva, Diptera (41.07%) and aquatic caterpillar, Lepidoptera (23.21%) during dry season representing about 64.28% of the total macroinvertebrates whereas the least abundant taxa were pouch snail (16.07%) and dragonflies, Odonata (19.64%) during dry season representing about 35.72% of the total macroinvertebrates. The most abundant taxa collected during wet season were aquatic earthworm, haplotaxida (19.44%), midges, Diptera (17.59%), black flies, Diptera (15.74%) and creeping water bugs, hemiptera (12.96%) whereas the least abundant were pigmy back swimmers, hemiptera (2.78%), snail (3.7%), predacious dividing beetle (4.63%) and coleopteran (4.63%). Average Score per taxon of Pinyinyi River during dry season was 5.25 and 3.6 during wet season. The Shannon Weiner Species Diversity Index was 1.318 during dry season and 2.138 during wet season. Based on the score, Pinyinyi River is moderately polluted during dry season and seriously polluted during wet season. Based on index, Pinyinyi River has low diversity of macroinvertebrates during dry season and highly in diversity of macroinvertebrates during wet season. Moreover, it was found that, agricultural activities, livestock keeping, bathing and washing alter physicochemical parameters of Pinyinyi River and hence change the abundance of macroinvertebrates as well as the quality of water. The study, therefore, recommends that the source of pollutants should be controlled and the river regularly monitored by the relevant authorities.
文摘With the aim of assessing the benthic macroinvertebrates’ diversity, a study was carried out in some tropical forest streams of the Nyong River catchment in Cameroon from February 2019 to February 2020. A total of 167 samples were carried out from 13 stations during 13 months. Some environmental variables were measured. These parameters varied more or less from station to station but significantly at the temporal level. In this study, 13,690 benthic macroinvertebrates belonging to 4 phyla, 7 classes, 16 orders and 93 families were collected. The benthic macroinvertebrates were more abundant and more diversified in the stations whose waters are well oxygenated and present a moderate current compared to the stations with a very weak current. The diversity varied significantly from 1.33 ± 0.14 bits/ind to 2.00 ± 0.35 bits/ind and the high values were found in stations with multiple substrates and well-oxygenated waters. Temporally, the diversity varied significantly from 1.10 ± 0.16 bits/ind in NM sampling station in February 2020 to 1.87 ± 0.1 bits/ind in the OB sampling station in September. In addition, the settlement was more abundant during the short dry season, more precisely during the month of August (1471 individuals) but richer during the long dry season during the month of February (54 families). The distribution of the abundances of the benthic fauna in the different stations made it possible to identify five typological groups using the rarefaction curves, the ascending hierarchical classification and the principal component analyses. Each of these five groups is characterized by a specific taxonomic richness, composition and abundance.
文摘In North America, disturbed riparian zones have had a deleterious effect on the life cycles of anadromous fish, especially the commercially and culturally important salmon and steelhead. The result has been a significant reduction in the numbers and average size of these fish. Tributaries of the John Day River are important spawning waters for western populations of these fish, and the National Forest Service and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation are cooperating to restore floodplains and riparian zones in a number of these headwater tributaries. Herein we have conducted a pre-restoration study of macroinvertebrates and basic water quality parameters in one of these important spawning locations in central Oregon, Bull Run Creek. Results of the turbidity, pH, dissolved Oxygen, and temperature determinations indicate that overall water quality is good, and benthic macroinvertebrate sampling yielded a number of sensitive organisms, including members of Chloroperlidae, Peltoperlidae, Ryachophilidae, Odontoceridae, and Brachycentridae. At all sites, chironomid larvae (non-biting midge) dominated the assemblages. The EPT Index suggests that Bull Run Creek ranges from fair to excellent in terms of its ability to support sensitive species. Sorensen’s Similarity Coefficient indicates varying degrees of shared diversity between the sites, and Shannon’s entropy calculations suggest moderate to low species diversity at all sites, including the reference site on nearby Boundary Creek. Overall, this study indicates that Bull Run Creek is in fair condition and that it should benefit significantly from the restoration efforts.
文摘The Nokoue Lake is the largest lake of Benin Republic and it is also considered as one of the most productive lagoon ecosystems in West Africa. This productivity is decreasing and thus raises productivity issue for a better management and conservation. Macroinvertebrate can be useful for this purpose. A study was conducted to assess the spatial variation of macroinvertebrates during high flood period. A total of 3892 macroinvertebrates of fresh and brackish water were sampled during the survey. Structural analysis of the macroinvertebrate community revealed that it was made up of 16 orders, 48 families and 66 genera dominated by Insecta compared to Mollusca, Crustacea and the Annelida. Insects were dominated by Diptera (Chironomus sp. and Tanytarsus sp.), Coleoptera (Dystiscidae) and accounted for 57.1% of the sampled population. Mollusca, Crustacea, Annelida and Arachnida were the following most abundant and represented 23.9%, 10.7%, 8.1% and 0.2% of the total population, respectively. The Evenness index of Pielou was higher on the Station 8 (0.91 - 0.97), close to Oueme River. However, no significant difference (p > 0.05) was observed neither between station nor between month on the Shannon-Wiener index (2.06 - 4.31), Simpson index (0.04 - 0.40) and the taxa number (10 - 27). Macroinvertebrate assemblages and composition were primarily due to changes in water quality dependent on hydroclimatic changes and probably to anthropogenic actions. This suggests the need for real investigation of the macroinvertebrate biological capacity when formulating conservation strategies for the Nokoue Lake.
文摘Outdoor education programs frequently offer stream classes that teach students how to assess water quality based on the composition of aquatic macroinvertebrate communities. Repeatedly using the same site for stream classes can cause disturbance that could negatively impact aquatic macroinvertebrates. However, the impact of outdoor education stream classes on short term temporal trends of aquatic macroinvertebrates has not been evaluated. Our objective was to quantify whether outdoor education stream classes caused localized and short-term impacts on the aquatic macroinvertebrate community. We sampled aquatic macroinvertebrates over a five day period in May 2014 from an impacted riffle subjected to repeated substrate disturbance by outdoor education stream classes and an unimpacted riffle that was not subjected to stream classes within an agricultural stream in central Ohio. We did not observe a difference in macroinvertebrate community response variables between different time periods or among days within the impacted riffle as part of our within riffle analysis. We documented that macroinvertebrate abundance and dorsoventrally flattened clinger abundance was greater within the unimpacted riffle than the impacted riffle. Macroinvertebrate evenness was greater in the impacted riffle than the unimpacted riffle. In the impacted riffle percent clingers was greater on Monday than on Friday. Conversely, in the unimpacted riffle percent clingers was greater on Friday than on Monday. Our results indicated that outdoor education stream classes did not alter short term temporal trends of macroinvertebrate community structure within an impacted riffle, but the stream classes resulted in differences in community structure between an impacted and unimpacted riffle. Our results suggest that outdoor education centers should avoid repeatedly using the same site for their stream classes to prevent negatively impacting aquatic macroinvertebrates.
文摘As increases in anthropogenic eutrophication and climate change contribute to more severe and frequent cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in freshwater ecosystems worldwide, understanding the effects and consequences cyanobacterial blooms have on aquatic organisms is crucial. <i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Microcystis aeruginosa </span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">is</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">one of the most common cyanobacteria taxa found in cyanobacterial blooms, producing a number of toxins including Microcystins. This study examined the effects of </span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Microcystis aeruginosa </span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">on aquatic benthic macroinvertebrates, specifically the pollution intolerant taxa Ephemeroptera, the pollution moderately intolerant taxa Zygoptera, and the pollution tolerant taxa Chironomidae. In a controlled lab environment, macroinvertebrates were exposed to approximately 100,000 cells/ml of </span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Microcystis</span></i><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> </span></i><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">aeruginosa</span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">. The survival percentage was lower for macroinvertebrates exposed to </span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Microcystis aeruginosa</span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> in all three tolerance groups</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">(</span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">p</span></i><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> </span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">0.001)</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">while corresponding with the pollution tolerance levels of the species. Mayflies had a survival percentage of 38% in the treatment groups compared to a 98% survival percentage for control groups. Damselflies had a 43% survival percentage in the treatment groups compared to a 98% survival percentage in the control groups. Midges had a 72% survival percentage in the treatment groups compared to a 100% survival percentage in the control groups.</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">These findings support the notion that cyanobacterial blooms have deleterious effects on freshwater ecosystems and can affect aquatic food webs.</span>
文摘Soil macroinvertebrates play an important role in sustaining production and biodiversity in Australia' s tropical savannas. For example, termites, through their foraging and nesting activities, recycle nutrients and carbon and produce soil pores that facilitate water infiltration. The challenge ahead is to quantitatively understand the relationships and processes that drive this. What roles do different species and functional groups of macroinvertebrates play in various landscape processes? What are the effects of different land management practices (e.g., domestic cattle grazing, fire) on these relationships, and the consequences for landscape health? This paper presents preliminary results from studies in northern Australia, that examine the effects of land condition and domestic cattle grazing on soil macroinvertebrates, and the potential for termites to be used as a tool to restore soil function in degraded areas. In northern Australia, increased degradation seems to be associated with declines in the diversity and activity of macroinvertebrates. Termites appear to be one of the most resilient groups, with some species capable of maintaining activity in degraded landscapes.
基金This work was supported by the“Natural Science Fund”of Shanghai(15ZR1420900),Shanghai Chinathe Public Science and Technology Research Fund of Ocean(201305027-3),Shanghai,Chinathe Fishery Resources Restoration Project of Siltation Zone Outside of Pudong Airport,Shanghai,China.
文摘Previous studies have found differences between communities of benthic macroinvertebrates living in constructed tidal flats compared with natural ones.We analyzed the distributional characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrates in a blowing sand reclamation area(Area A),a dike-building silting area(Area B),an out-ofsiltation area(Area C),and a natural tidal flat(Area D)in order to characterize the community structure and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates in a human-disturbed estuarine tidal-flat wetland.A total of 32 benthic macroinvertebrate species were identified(Area A=7;Area B=12;Area C=10;Area D=27).The diversity index was variable where:Area B<Area C<Area A<Area D.A higher average annual abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates was found at Area B(840.43±569.23)ind/m^(2) than in Area D(203.00±5.85)ind/m^(2),Area A(42.87±10.21)ind/m^(2),and Area C(17.64±1.50)ind/m^(2).The biomass in Area C(3.18±0.39)g/m^(2) was lower than in the other areas.One-Way ANOVAs detected significant differences(P<0.05)in the abundance and biomass within Area B among seasons;however,there were no significant seasonal differences(P>0.05)in the abundance and biomass of Areas A,C,and D.An abundance/biomass curve showed that the habitat in Areas A,B,and C could be categorized as moderately disturbed,whereas Area D was categorized as undisturbed.The results of cluster analysis suggested distinct assemblages in the four sampling areas.Reclamation raised the altitude of tidal flats,weakening the tidal power and changing the physical and chemical parameters of the water,leading to a change in the community structure of benthic macroinvertebrates.
文摘Definition of ecological integrity based on community analysis has long been a critical issue in risk assessment for sustainable ecosystem management. In this work, two indices (i.e., Shannon index and exergy) were selected for the analysis of community properties of benthic macroinvertebrate community in streams in Korea. For this purpose, the means and variances of both indices were analyzed. The results found an extra scope of structural and functional properties in communities in response to environmental variabilities and anthropogenic disturbances. The combination of these two parameters (four indices) was feasible in identification of disturbance agents (e.g., industrial pollution or organic pollution) and specifying states of communities. The four-aforemen- tioned parameters (means and variances of Shannon index and exergy) were further used as input data in a self- organizing map for the characterization of water quality. Our results suggested that Shannon index and exergy in combination could be utilized as a suitable reference system and would be an efficient tool for assessment of the health of aquatic ecosystems exposed to environmental disturbances.
文摘Objective: To assess the quality of water using biological and chemical information correlation study. Methods: A total of 6 sites, one reference site less impaired to represent natural conditions from upstream, and 5 impaired sites in the downstream were sampled for macroinvertebrates and physicochemical parameters. Results: In the polluted sites with high nutrient enrichment and organic loading, only organisms with special physiological and morphological adaptations were found, such as Hydrobiidae, Physidae and Viviparidae snails. Physicochemical parameters: electrical conductivity, chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, sulphate, orthophosphate and nitrate-nitrogen and metrics: percent of Mollusca, percent of Physidae and percent of dominant taxa were used for monitoring, and expected to have strong positive relation with increasing disturbance. Conclusions: Therefore, floriculture industries wastewater discharged to the nearby rivers has enormous effect on the degradation of the ecosystem. To sustain the ecological conditions of the nearby rivers, wastewater treatment and environmental audit were suggested. Environmental assessment and environmental audit enable the floriculturist to keep humans and the environment safe. Taking care of workers, soil, water and the environment has to be seen with great care and caution because it is difficult to maintain a healthy community and carry out development in a degraded environment.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.51209010 No.41001008+2 种基金 International Science & Technology Cooperation Program of China, No.2011DFA20820 2011DFG93160 Fund from Tsinghua University, No.20121080027
文摘This study presents findings of the first systematic analysis of aquatic biotic assemblages in the source region of the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. It provides an initial basis with which to select representative organisms as indicators to assess the aquatic ecological status of rivers in this region. Macroinvertebrates are considered to be good indicators of long-term environmental changes due to their restricted range and persistence over time. Field investigations of macroinvertebrates were conducted in August 2009 in the source region of the Yellow River, and in July 2010 in the source region of the Yangtze River. Altogether 68 taxa of macroinvertebrates belonging to 29 families and 59 genera were identified. Among them were 8 annelids, 5 mollusks, 54 arthropods and 1 other animal. In the source region of the Yellow River, taxa number, density and biomass of macroinvertebrates were 50, 329 individuals m2 and 0.3966 g dry weight m2, respectively. Equivalent figures for the source region of the Yangtze River were 29, 59 individuals m2 and 0.0307 g dry weight m-2. The lower benthic animal resources in the source region of the Yangtze River are ascribed to higher altitude, higher sediment concentration and wetland degradation. Preliminary findings of this exploratory study indicate that hydroelectric power stations had a weak impact on benthic dwellers but wetland degradation caused by a series of human activities had a catastrophic impact on survival of macroinvertebrates. Ecological protection measures such as conservative grazing and vegetation management are required to minimize grassland degradation and desertification, and reduce soil erosion rate and river sediment discharge.
文摘This study describes the gradient analysis of the freshwater macroinvertebrate assemblages in eight streams of Tenerife and La Gomera (Canary Islands) over a 16-year period. During this period, a total of 75 taxa belonging to 34 taxonomic families were found. Endemism has an important presence in the streams on both islands, especially regarding Trichoptera and Coleoptera. The overall status of freshwater macroinvertebrates is rather uncertain as recent data on these communities are scarce and focused on a limited number of sites. Overexploitation of aquifers and the diversion of natural water flows for irrigation have resulted in the drying up of numerous natural streams, inevitably endangering the fauna that inhabits them. A reduction in number and abundance of endemic and sensitive species was observed in the majority of the sampled streams resulting in a lower ecological rating. Therefore, it is proposed that the protection of streams of high conservation value is essential to conserve freshwater macroinvertebrate fauna native to the Canary Islands.
文摘This study elucidates the pivotal role of citizen science-BioBlitz methodologies for rapid assessment of the macro-invertebrate taxa within the threatened River Rwizi of South-western Uganda. Utilizing a comprehensive mixed-methods approach, the investigation focused on six distinct river segments to demonstrate the efficacy of participatory citizen science-BioBlitz approaches conducted by experts, students and community volunteers. BioBlitz events included rigorous macro-invertebrate sampling at each of the selected sites along River Rwizi on nine occasions, incorporating collaborative taxonomic identification procedures involving experts, students, and the local community. Analyzing pollution concerns, diversity metrics, and community narratives yielded insights into river health and socio-ecological dynamics. A total of 43 macro-invertebrate families across 17 orders were documented with class Insecta dominating. Participants in BioBlitz events expressed predominantly positive sentiments, emphasizing satisfaction, education, and heightened awareness, besides negative sentiments rooted in historical mistrust. Intriguingly, the study unveiled an unforeseen trend in macro-invertebrate taxa richness, rising from upstream to urban sprawl and diminishing at peri-urban downstream sites. The study underscores the potential of citizen science-BioBlitz methodologies in advancing community science education and unraveling the intricate dynamics of threatened river ecosystems. The insights offered are invaluable for policymakers and conservationists seeking effective strategies to address challenges in the River Rwizi and comparable ecosystems. .