Four types of soils, including brown coniferous forest soil, dark brown soil, black soil, and black calic soil, sampled from three different places in northeast China were used in this test. The functions of two root-...Four types of soils, including brown coniferous forest soil, dark brown soil, black soil, and black calic soil, sampled from three different places in northeast China were used in this test. The functions of two root-derived organic acids and water were simulated and compared in the activation of mineral nutrients from the rhizosphere soil. The results showed that the organic acids could activate the nutrients and the activated degree of the nutrient elements highly depended on the amount and types of the organic acid excreted and on the physiochemical and biochemical properties of the soil tested. The activation effect of the citric acid was obviously higher than that of malic acid in extracting Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn for all the tested soil types. However, the activation efficiencies of P, K, Ca, and Mg extracting by the citric acid were not much higher, sometimes even lower, than those by malic acid. The solution concentration of all elements increased with increase of amount of the citric acid added.展开更多
[Objective] In this study,the secretion of organic acids from plant roots under soil nutrient and water stress and the effects of organic acids on ecological adaptability of plants were investigated,which provided the...[Objective] In this study,the secretion of organic acids from plant roots under soil nutrient and water stress and the effects of organic acids on ecological adaptability of plants were investigated,which provided theoretical basis for improving the adaptability of plants to a variety of stress conditions.The results showed that,under nutrient and water stress,the content of organic acids secreted from plant roots increased significantly as a common active adaptive response.Organic acids could improve the activities of a variety of antioxidant enzymes,contents of osmotic regulatory substances,contents of chlorophyll and photosynthesis levels,promote nutrient absorption and transportation in plants,and ultimately contribute to plant growth and biomass accumulation,reduce the toxicity of stress conditions to plants and improve the stress resistance and adaptability of plants.展开更多
Larch (Larix olgensis), Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandshurica), Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) and White birch (Betula platyphylla) are the major planting species in northeast China. The samples of forest litters were ...Larch (Larix olgensis), Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandshurica), Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) and White birch (Betula platyphylla) are the major planting species in northeast China. The samples of forest litters were collected from the stands of the above 4 species in Laoyeling and Jianlagou experiment stations of Maorshan Exp. Forest Farm (45?2-45?0N, 127?0-127?8E), Northeast Forestry University, in early October 2002. Quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis were carried out on the organic acids existing in freshly fallen litters (L layer) and hemi-decomposed litters (F layer) of the four forest species by using Gas Chromatogram system. A wide variety of organic acids were identified, including oxalic, malonic, fumaric, succinic, maleic, malic, citric, C16:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2, C18:3 and C20:0 acids. In respect of L litters of all samples, the oxalic acid content (over 30 mg/g) was the highest of the seven low-molecular-weight organic acids identified, while the content of oleic or linoleic (above 40 mg/g) was found to be highest among the six high aliphatic acids identified. As to F litters, oxalic acid content was also the highest, followed by linoleic and oleic. For the same tree species or the same forest, the kinds and contents of organic acids in L litters were more abundant than that in F litters.展开更多
Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of exogenous or-ganic acids on dehydrogenase activity in dark brown forest soils under nutrient defi-ciency. [Method] Different proportions of A1 and B horizon da...Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of exogenous or-ganic acids on dehydrogenase activity in dark brown forest soils under nutrient defi-ciency. [Method] Different proportions of A1 and B horizon dark brown forest soils (A1∶B=1∶2) were utilized to establish soil conditions with nutrient deficiency for cultivation of Larix olgensis seedlings. The effects of oxalic acid, citric acid and succinic acid on dehydrogenase activity in dark brown forest soils under nutrient deficiency were studied systematical y by adding different concentrations of organic acid solutions. [Result] Under nutrient deficiency, dehydrogenase activity in dark brown forest soils was reduced significantly, and the reduction increased with the extension of stress duration. Most organic acid treatments improved dehydrogenase activity in nutrient-deficient dark brown forest soils, and the effects varied with different treatment du-ration and types and concentrations of organic acids. Furthermore, 10.0, 5.0 and 10.0 mmol/L organic acid treatments exhibited the most significant effects on day 10, 20 and 30, respectively. The increment of dehydrogenase activity in different durations showed a downward trend of 30 d〉20 d〉10 d; the improvement effects of three organic acids on dehydrogenase activity showed a downward trend of succinic acid〉 citric acid〉oxalic acid. [Conclusion] Exogenous organic acids improved signifi-cantly dehydrogenase activity in dark brown forest soils under nutrient deficiency and also improved the microbial activity and soil fertility to a certain extent.展开更多
Different proportions of A1 and B horizons dark brown forest soils (A1∶B=1∶2) were utilized to set the soil nutrient deficient conditions, and Larix olgensis seedlings were cultivated. By simulating organic acids ...Different proportions of A1 and B horizons dark brown forest soils (A1∶B=1∶2) were utilized to set the soil nutrient deficient conditions, and Larix olgensis seedlings were cultivated. By simulating organic acids concentrations in forest litter leachates of northeast China, the effects and mechanism of different concentrations of organic acid solutions on phosphorus (P) availability of dark brown forest soils and P absorption of Larix olgensis seedlings with nutrient deficiency were studied. The results showed that, compared with A1 horizon soils, available P contents of mixed soils in A1 and B horizons decreased, and P accumulation and efficiency of P uptake in root and leaves of Larix olgensis seedlings also decreased, but efficiency of P utilization increased. After treatments of exogenous organic acids, available P contents of mixed soils increased and the impact sequence of different organic acids were succinic acid 〉 citric acid 〉 oxalic acid; the concentration of 5.0 mmol/L had the best function, and the best effect of organic acids was at 20 d. Organic acids also increased P accumulation and efficiency of P uptake in roots and leaves of Larix olgensis seedlings, but decreased efficiency of P utilization. The impact strength of organic acids on P accumulation and efficiency of P uptake varied with treatment time, type and concentration of organic acids. The results of 20 d and 30 d in roots were higher than those of 10 d, however, the results of 10 d and 20 d in leaves were higher than those of 30 d, thus, at the earlier stage of organic acids treatments, more P absorbed were transferred to leaves, and at the later stage, more P would be accumulated in roots. The concentration of 10.0 mmol/L had the best function, and the impact sequence of different organic acids was succinic acid 〉 citric acid 〉 oxalic acid. Therefore, organic acids might contribute to P absorption and accumulation by Larix olgensis seedlings, final y increasing the adaptability and endurance of Larix olgensis seedlings to nutrient deficient soils.展开更多
A hydroponic experiment was conducted to study the effect of partial replacement of NO-3-N by NH4+-N on the seedling growth and organic acid content of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). A completely randomized d...A hydroponic experiment was conducted to study the effect of partial replacement of NO-3-N by NH4+-N on the seedling growth and organic acid content of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). A completely randomized design was established with three replications and five treatments, i.e., NO-3-N/NH4+-N of 100/0, 75/25, 50/50, 25/75 and 0/100. Results showed that 25% replacement of NO3--N by NH4+-N significantly (P = 0.05) improved fresh and dry weight, revealing that a proper percentage of NH4+-N was important for tomato nitrogen nutrition. This could increase the plant growth even though tomato was a crop that preferred nitrate nutrition. Also an increase in the proportion of NH4+-N in the nutrient solution led to a significant decrease (P = 0.05) in malate, citrate and fumarate. However, the 25% NH4+-N plus 75% NO3--N treatment had no significant effect (P = 0.05) on the 2-ketoglutarate, succinate or oxalic acid content, showing that only some organic acids in tomato plants were affected. Only pyruvate increased significantly (P = 0.05), and it only increased for 25% and 50% replacement of NO3--N by NH4+-N. Metabolism of these organic acids, especially malate, citrate and fumarate, should be further studied at the molecular level in vegetables applied with different nitrogen forms.展开更多
Effects of organic acids (oxalic, acetic, and citric) on adsorption characteristics of Cadmium (Cd) on soil clay minerals (kaolinite, goethite, and bayerite) were studied under different concentrations and different p...Effects of organic acids (oxalic, acetic, and citric) on adsorption characteristics of Cadmium (Cd) on soil clay minerals (kaolinite, goethite, and bayerite) were studied under different concentrations and different pH values. Although the types of organic acids and minerals were different, the effects of the organic acids on the adsorption of Cd on the minerals were similar, i.e., the amount of adsorbed Cd with an initial solution pH of 5.0 and initial Cd concentration of 35 mg L-1 increased with increasing concentration of the organic acid in solution at lower concentrations, and decreased at higher concentrations. The percentage of Cd adsorbed on the minerals in the presence of the organic acids increased considerably with increasing pH of the solution. Meanwhile, different Cd adsorption in the presence of the organic acids, due to different properties on both organic acids and clay minerals, on kaolinite, goethite, or bayerite for different pHs or organic acid concentrations was found.展开更多
Agrogyron elongatum were grown in nutrient solution containing moderate to high amounts of separate heavy metal of Cd, Cu, Ni and Ph in a greenhouse for a 9 - day. Cd, Cu, Ni and Ph generally led to decrease in the el...Agrogyron elongatum were grown in nutrient solution containing moderate to high amounts of separate heavy metal of Cd, Cu, Ni and Ph in a greenhouse for a 9 - day. Cd, Cu, Ni and Ph generally led to decrease in the elongation of roots although the length of seedlings exposed to Cd and Ph at 0.05 and 0.5 mg/L showed to be slightly greater than that of controls. Of the four metals in the experiment, Ph was absorbed and accumulated to the highest level, with the concentrations of 92754 mg/kg dry weight (DW) in roots and 11683 mg/kg DW in shoots. Cd was moderately accumulated in Agrogyron elongatum, but the maximum bioaccumulation coefficients (BCs) for roots and shoots were observed. The patterns for Cu and Ni uptake and distribution in plants differed from those of Ph and Cd, as it was showed that the shoot accumulation of Cu and Ni was significantly higher than in roots. A. elongation had the highest Ni concentration in shoots (30261 mg/kg DW) at the external concentration of 250 mg/L. Cu ranked second, with a shoot concentration of 12230 mg/kg DW when 50 mg/L Cu in solution was applied. For the four trace elements tested, the highest concentrations in shoots decreased by the order of Ni > Cu > Ph > Cd (mg/kg DW), and those in roots were Ph > Cd > Ni > Cu (mg/kg DW). Malic, oxalic and citric acids exuded by roots exposed to 1 and 50 mg/L of the metals were detected. Release of organic acids from plants significantly differed among the metal treatments. Cu was most effectively in inducing root exudation of the three types of organic acids. Cd, and Ni were also the inducers of secretion of malic and oxalic acids. With reference of Pb, a small amounts of malic and oxalic acids were detected in the root exudates, but few quantities, of citric acid were. found. However, no correlation between alternations in root exudation of organic acids and metal accumulation could be established.展开更多
There is limited information on the release behavior of heavy metals fromnatural soils by organic acids. Thus, cadmium release, due to two organic acids (tartrate andcitrate) that are common in the rhizosphere, from s...There is limited information on the release behavior of heavy metals fromnatural soils by organic acids. Thus, cadmium release, due to two organic acids (tartrate andcitrate) that are common in the rhizosphere, from soils polluted by metal smeltersor tailings andsoils artificially contaminated by adding Cd were analyzed. The presence of tartrate or citrate at alow concentration (<= 6 mmol L^(-1) for tartrate and <= 0.5 mmol L^(-1) for citrate) inhibited Cdrelease, whereas the presence of organic acids in high concentrations (>= 2 mmol L^(-1) for citrateand >= 15 mmol L^(-1) for tartrate) apparently promoted Cd release. Under the same conditions, theCd release in naturally polluted soils was less than that of artificially contaminatedsoils.Additionally, as the initial pH rose from 2 to 8 in the presence of citrate, a sequentialvalley and then peak appeared in the Cd release curve, while in the presence of tartrate the Cdrelease steadily decreased. In addition, Cd release was clearly enhanced as the electrolyteconcentration of KNO_3 or KC1 increased in the presence of 2 mmol L^(-1) tartrate. Moreover, ahigher desorption of Cd was shown with the KCl electrolyte compared to KNO_3 for the sameconcentration levels. This implied that the bioavailability of heavy metals could be promoted withthe addition of suitable types and concentrations of organic acids as well as reasonable fieldconditions.展开更多
Animal production depends on nutrient utilization and if done there is an accelerated momentum towards growth with a low cost to feed ratio Public concern over the consumption of pork with antibiotic residues of the a...Animal production depends on nutrient utilization and if done there is an accelerated momentum towards growth with a low cost to feed ratio Public concern over the consumption of pork with antibiotic residues of the animals fed with antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) has paved the way to use other additives like herbs and their products, probiotics, prebiotics etc. Numerous feed additives are in vogue for achieving this target and one such classical example is the usage of organic acids and their salts. Usage of organic acids was in progress for over four decades. Early weaned piglets are (3-4 weeks age) exposed to stress with a reduced feed intake, little or no weight gain. This post weaning lag period is due to a limited digestive and absorptive capacity due to insufficient production of hydrochloric acid, pancreatic enzymes and sudden changes in feed consistency and intake. Lowering dietary pH by weak organic acids was found to overcome these problems. The main activity of organic acids is associated with a reduction in gastric pH converting the inactive pepsinogen to active pepsin for effective protein hydrolysis. Organic acids are both bacteriostatic and bactericidal. Lactic acid has been reported to reduce gastric pH and delay the multiplication of an enterotoxigenic E. coil These acids are the intermediary products in Kreb's cycle and thus act as an energy source preventing the tissue breakdown resulting from gluconeogenesis and lipolysis. Excretion of supplemental minerals and nitrogen are minimized with organic acids as these form complexes with minerals and aids for their bio-availability. Short chain fatty cids like acetic, propionic and n-butyric acid produced by microbial fermentation of dietary fibre in the large intestines may increase the proliferation of epithelial cells and have stimulatory effects on both endocrine and exocrine pancreatic secretions in pigs. Organic acids also enhances apparent total tract digestibility and improves growth performance. It is concluded that organic acids and their salts increase the protein utilization especially in weaner pigs and improves production indices.展开更多
Low-molecular-weight (LMW) organic acids exist widely in soils and play an important role in soil processes such as mineral weathering, nutrient mobilization and A1 detoxification. In this research, a batch experime...Low-molecular-weight (LMW) organic acids exist widely in soils and play an important role in soil processes such as mineral weathering, nutrient mobilization and A1 detoxification. In this research, a batch experiment was conducted to examine the effects of LMW organic acids on dissolution of aluminum in two variably charged soils, an Ultisol and an Oxisol. The results showed that the LMW organic acids enhanced the dissolution of A1 in the two investigated soils in the following order: citric 〉 oxalic 〉 malonic 〉 malic 〉 tartaric 〉 salicylic 〉 lactic 〉 maleic. This was generally in agreement with the magnitude of the stability constants for the Al-organic complexes. The effects of LMW organic acids on Al dissolution were greater in the Ultisol than in the Oxisol as compared to their controls. Also, the accelerating effects of citric and oxalic acids on dissolution of A1 increased with an increase in pH, while the effects of lactic and salicylic acids decreased. Additionally, when the organic acid concentration was less than 0.2 mmol L-I, the dissolution of A1 changed Iittle with increase in acid concentration. However, when the organic acid concentration was greater than 0.2 mmol L^-1,the dissolution of A1 increased with increase in acid concentration. In addition to the acid first dissociation constant and stability constant of Al-organic complexes, the promoting effects of LMW organic acids on dissolution of A1 were also related to their sorption-desorption equilibrium in the soils.展开更多
Low-molecular-weight(LMW) organic acids widely exist in soils, particularly in the rhizosphere. A series of batch experiments were carried out to investigate the phosphorus release from rock phosphate and iron phospha...Low-molecular-weight(LMW) organic acids widely exist in soils, particularly in the rhizosphere. A series of batch experiments were carried out to investigate the phosphorus release from rock phosphate and iron phosphate by low-molecular-weight organic acids. Results showed that citric acid had the highest capacity to solubilize P from both rock and iron phosphate. P solubilization from rock phosphate and iron phosphate resulted in net proton consumption. P release from rock phosphate was positively correlated with the p K _a values. P release from iron phosphate was positively correlated with Fe-organic acid stability constants except for aromatic acids, but was not correlated with p K _a. Increase in the concentrations of organic acids enhanced P solubilization from both rock and iron phosphate almost linearly. Addition of phenolic compounds further increased the P release from iron phosphate. Initial solution pH had much more substantial effect on P release from rock phosphate than from iron phosphate.展开更多
A pot experiment was conducted to examine the activity of antioxidant enzymes, the content of malondialdehyde (MDA), proline and protein, and Cd uptake in different rice cultivars exposed to Cd (0, 1 and 5 mg/kg) ...A pot experiment was conducted to examine the activity of antioxidant enzymes, the content of malondialdehyde (MDA), proline and protein, and Cd uptake in different rice cultivars exposed to Cd (0, 1 and 5 mg/kg) in the presence of organic acids and ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA). The results showed the increase in activity of dismutase (SOD), contents of proline and protein but a decline in activities of peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT), and MDA content for cultivars Xiushui63 and IIyou527. The resistance to Cd was higher in Xiushui63 than that in IIyou527 under the same Cd treatment. Cadmium contents in grain, straw and roots of both cultivars were markedly reduced in the presence of organic acids and EDTA. Grain Cd contents was the highest for plants treated with organic acids, followed by organic acids + 1/2EDTA, and the lowest with EDTA; Cd contents in straw and root were the lowest for plants treated with organic acids, followed by organic acids + 1/2EDTA, and the highest with EDTA treatment when exposed to Cd.展开更多
Sweet and sour are the most important taste of blueberries,and they are produced by sugar and acid,respectively.Their contributions to the taste depend not only on the levels of sugar and acid,but also on the types an...Sweet and sour are the most important taste of blueberries,and they are produced by sugar and acid,respectively.Their contributions to the taste depend not only on the levels of sugar and acid,but also on the types and relative proportions of sugar and acid.Therefore,it is very important to evaluate the composition and levels of sugar and acid in blueberries.Regional differences and variety diversity also affect the sugar and acid characteristics of fruits.Therefore,this study selected two main producing regions in northern China(Weihai and Yingkou)to examine the sugar and acid characteristics of 11 common blueberry cultivars.The indexes measured included soluble sugars,organic acids,soluble solid content and titratable acidity.The results showed that glucose and fructose were the major sugars,and citric acid and quinic acid were the major organic acids.Correlation analysis showed that glucose,fructose,and sucrose were positively correlated with total sugar content;the citric acid content was positively correlated with the titratable acidity and total organic acids.Titratable acidity,glucose,fructose,sucrose,total sugar content,citric acid,shikimic acid and total acid content of the blueberries varied significantly between regions(P<0.05).In general,compared with Weihai blueberries,Yingkou blueberries had higher sugar content and lower acid content.The results of this study may provide useful references for the evaluation of sweet and sour flavors and cultivar selection of blueberries.展开更多
Background:The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of a combination of microencapsulated essential oils and organic acids(MOA)on growth performance,immuno-antioxidant status,intestinal barrier func...Background:The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of a combination of microencapsulated essential oils and organic acids(MOA)on growth performance,immuno-antioxidant status,intestinal barrier function and microbial structure of the hindgut in piglets.A total of 120 piglets(Duroc×[Landrace×Yorkshire];weighted 7.66±1.79 kg,weaned at d 28)were randomly selected and allocated to 3 treatments with 4 replicates per group and 10 piglets per replicate according to the initial body weight and gender.The dietary treatments were as follows:1)basal diet(Ctrl);2)Ctrl+chlortetracycline(75 mg/kg)(AGP);3)Ctrl+MOA(1500 mg/kg).The experiment period was lasted for 21 d.Results:Compared to the Ctrl group,dietary supplemented MOA alleviated(P<0.05)the diarrhea rate from d 12 to 21,enhanced(P<0.05)the concentration of serum interlukin-10 and glutathione peroxidase in piglets on d 11 after weaning and serum superoxide dismutase in 21-day piglets.The MOA group also improved(P<0.05)the apparent digestibility of dry matter(DM),organic matter(OM)and gross energy(GE),up-regulated(P<0.05)the mRNA expression level of occludin,claudin-1 and mucin-2 in ileum and increased(P<0.05)the contents of propionic and butyric acids in the cecum of piglets.The MOA group modulated the cecal and colonic microbial community structure and increased(P<0.05)the abundance of Faecalibacterium and Muribaculaceae in cecum and Streptococcus and Weissella in colon.Additionally,AGP group decreased(P<0.05)apparent digestibility of DM,OM and GE as well as down-regulated(P<0.05)relative gene expression level of claudin-1 in duodenum and jejunum,ZO-1 and mucin-1 in jejunum of piglets.Conclusion:In summary,dietary supplemented MOA alleviated diarrhea and improved nutrient apparent digestibility in piglets via enhancing immuno-antioxidant properties,increasing digestive enzyme activity,upregulating the expression of intestinal barrier-related genes,and modifying the microbial community structure of the cecum and colon.Therefore,dietary supplementation with MOA as an alternative to antibiotics was feasible to improve intestinal health of piglets in practical production.展开更多
The amounts of soil nonexchangeable K extracted with 0.01 mL/ L oxalic acid and citric acid solutions and that with boiling 1 mL/ L HNO3 for ten minutes were remarkably significantly correlated with each other, and th...The amounts of soil nonexchangeable K extracted with 0.01 mL/ L oxalic acid and citric acid solutions and that with boiling 1 mL/ L HNO3 for ten minutes were remarkably significantly correlated with each other, and the amount extracted with the oxalic acid solution was higher than that with the citric acid solution. The soil nonexchangeable K release was comprised of two first-order kinetic processes. The faster one was ascribed to the interlayer K in outer sphere, while the slower one to that in inner sphere. The rate constants of the soil nonexchageable K were significantly correlated with the amounts of nonexchangeable K extracted with boiling ImL/ L HNO3 for ten minutes. Study on the fitness of different kinetic equations indicated that the first-order, parabolic diffusion and zero-order equations could all describe the release of soil nonexchangeable K. well, but Elovich equation was not suitable to describe it.展开更多
The composition and vertical profiles of low molecular-weight organic acids (LMWOAs) and the contribution of them to dissolved organic matter (DOM) in sediment porewaters in Bosten Lake, Xinjiang, China were inves...The composition and vertical profiles of low molecular-weight organic acids (LMWOAs) and the contribution of them to dissolved organic matter (DOM) in sediment porewaters in Bosten Lake, Xinjiang, China were investigated. The results showed that total concentration of LMWOAs was up to 94.5 μmol/L and their proportion in DOM was 5.6%, suggesting that LMWOAs were important chemical components in DOM in lake sediment porewaters. Among the seven LMWOAs, pyruvic and acetic acid had the highest concentrations with 26.30 and 8.31 μmol/L, accounting for 51.4% and 14.92% of LMWOAs, respectively. Trifluoroacetic and sorbic acid had the lowest concentrations, indicating that the compositions of LMWOAs in relative reducing environments were largely different from those reported in glacier, atmosphere and soils. The concentrations of lactic, acetic, formic, sorbic and oxalic acid decreased with increasing depth, probably relating to stronger microbial activities in the initial stage of early diagenesis. Trifluoroacetic acid was mainly anthropogenic with its concentration, showing a diusive trend from the surface to bottom sediments. The concentrations of lactic acid and nitrate generally showed a consistent profile. The increasing concentration of pyruvic acid in the vertical profile was just opposite to that of sulfate, revealing a significant negative relationship between them. Oxalic acid remained constant except for an obvious peak at 6 cm depth. The results indicated the diversities in sources and behaviors for various LMWOAs during early diagenesis in sediments.展开更多
Background:High stocking density(HSD)stress has detrimental effects on growth performance,intestinal barrier function,and intestinal microbiota in intensive animal production.Organic acids(OA)are widely used as feed a...Background:High stocking density(HSD)stress has detrimental effects on growth performance,intestinal barrier function,and intestinal microbiota in intensive animal production.Organic acids(OA)are widely used as feed addi-tives for their ability to improve growth performance and intestinal health in poultry.However,whether dietary OA can ameliorate HSD stress-induced impaired intestinal barrier in broilers remains elusive.In this study,a total of 528 one-day-old male Arbor Acres broilers were randomly allocated into 3 treatments with 12 replicates per treatment including 10 birds for normal stocking density and 17 birds for HSD.The dietary treatments were as follows:1)Normal stocking density+basal diet;2)HSD+basal diets;3)HSD+OA.Results:HSD stress can induce increased levels of serum corticosterone,lipopolysaccharides,interleukin-1β,tumor necrosis factor-α,and down-regulated mRNA expression of ZO-1,resulting in compromised growth performance of broilers(P<0.05).Dietary OA could significantly reduce levels of serum corticosterone,lipopolysaccharides,interleukin-1β,and tumor necrosis factor-α,which were accompanied by up-regulated interleukin-10,mRNA expres-sion of ZO-1,and growth performance(P<0.05).Moreover,OA could down-regulate the mRNA expression of TLR4 and MyD88 to inhibit the NF-κB signaling pathway(P<0.05).Additionally,HSD stress significantly decreased the abundance of Bacteroidetes and disturbed the balance of microbial ecosystems,whereas OA significantly increased the abundance of Bacteroidetes and restored the disordered gut microbiota by reducing competitive and exploita-tive interactions in microbial communities(P<0.05).Meanwhile,OA significantly increased the content of acetic and butyric acids,which showed significant correlations with intestinal inflammation indicators(P<0.05).Conclusions:Dietary OA ameliorated intestinal inflammation and growth performance of broilers through restor-ing the disordered gut microbial compositions and interactions induced by HSD and elevating short-chain fatty acid production to inhibit the TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway.These findings demonstrated the critical role of intestinal microbiota in mediating the HSD-induced inflammatory responses,contributing to exploring nutritional strategies to alleviate HSD-induced stress in animals.展开更多
Background:The poultry industry is in need of effective antibiotic alternatives to control outbreaks of necrotic enteritis(NE)due to Clostridium perfringens.In the present study,we investigated the effects of dietary ...Background:The poultry industry is in need of effective antibiotic alternatives to control outbreaks of necrotic enteritis(NE)due to Clostridium perfringens.In the present study,we investigated the effects of dietary supplementation with a blend of encapsulated essential oils and organic acids(BLJ)on growth performance and gut health using a coinfection model of NE in broiler chickens.Methods:Two hundred and eighty-eight one-day-old male Arbor Acres broiler chicks were randomly assigned using a 2×2 factorial design into two groups fed either 0 or 500 mg/kg dietary BLJ and co-challenged(or not challenged for the control)with Eimeria spp./C.perfringens.Results:Infected birds fed the BLJ-supplemented diet exhibited an improved feed conversion ratio throughout the trial(P<0.01),a higher villus height and villus height/crypt depth ratio,and reduced intestinal C.perfringens counts,liver C.perfringens carriage,gut lesion scores and serum fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran(FITC-D)concentrations at 7 d postinfection compared with those of birds without BLJ supplementation(P<0.05).NE-infected birds fed BLJ exhibited significantly upregulated claudin-1 and IGF-2 mRNA levels(P<0.05),increased A20 mRNA expression and significantly downregulated TRAF-6,TNFSF15 and TOLLIP mRNA levels in the jejunum at 7 d post-infection compared with those in birds without BLJ supplementation(P<0.05).Compared with the uninfected and untreated birds,the uninfected birds fed BLJ displayed increased relative abundances of Lactobacillus and Coprococcus but reduced Rikenellaceae levels.Compared with the unsupplemented NE-challenged birds,infected birds fed BLJ showed an increased relative abundance of Unclassified_Lachnospiraceae and a significantly decreased relative abundance of Erysipelotrichaceae.Conclusion:BLJ supplementation improved growth performance and gut health in NE-infected broiler chickens by strengthening the intestinal barrier function,positively modulating the gut microbiota community and differentially regulating intestinal immune responses.Our results also suggested that adding BLJ effectively controlled NE infections after experimental Eimeria and Clostridium perfringens coinfection.展开更多
Several organic acids accumulated in Kochia Scoparia shoots and roots were studied by means of reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography with a C18 column. Five types of binary organic acids were separated....Several organic acids accumulated in Kochia Scoparia shoots and roots were studied by means of reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography with a C18 column. Five types of binary organic acids were separated. The organic acid concentrations were determined in K. Scoparia seedlings stressed by saline (NaCI) and alkaline (NaHCO3) at the same Na^+ concentration. Concentrations of organic acids are stimulated by alkaline because the cells will adjust their pH values through the accumulation of organic acids, when the environment is basic. The concentrations of oxalic acid and succinic acid are higher than those of other organic acids, including tartaric acid and malic acid, and the concentration of citric acid is the lowest. The concentrations of the organic acids in the roots are higher than those in the shoots under salt(NaCI) stress, but the results are opposite while the roots are under alkali ( NaHCO3 ) stress. This indicates that there are different adaptive strategies for K. Scopar/a seedlings in organic acid metabolism under salt and alkali stress.展开更多
基金This paper was supported by the Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX1-SW-01) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30070158)
文摘Four types of soils, including brown coniferous forest soil, dark brown soil, black soil, and black calic soil, sampled from three different places in northeast China were used in this test. The functions of two root-derived organic acids and water were simulated and compared in the activation of mineral nutrients from the rhizosphere soil. The results showed that the organic acids could activate the nutrients and the activated degree of the nutrient elements highly depended on the amount and types of the organic acid excreted and on the physiochemical and biochemical properties of the soil tested. The activation effect of the citric acid was obviously higher than that of malic acid in extracting Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn for all the tested soil types. However, the activation efficiencies of P, K, Ca, and Mg extracting by the citric acid were not much higher, sometimes even lower, than those by malic acid. The solution concentration of all elements increased with increase of amount of the citric acid added.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(31370613)Major State Basic Research Development Program of China(973 Program)(2011CB403202)Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(DL12CA01)~~
文摘[Objective] In this study,the secretion of organic acids from plant roots under soil nutrient and water stress and the effects of organic acids on ecological adaptability of plants were investigated,which provided theoretical basis for improving the adaptability of plants to a variety of stress conditions.The results showed that,under nutrient and water stress,the content of organic acids secreted from plant roots increased significantly as a common active adaptive response.Organic acids could improve the activities of a variety of antioxidant enzymes,contents of osmotic regulatory substances,contents of chlorophyll and photosynthesis levels,promote nutrient absorption and transportation in plants,and ultimately contribute to plant growth and biomass accumulation,reduce the toxicity of stress conditions to plants and improve the stress resistance and adaptability of plants.
基金This paper is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (30170768)
文摘Larch (Larix olgensis), Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandshurica), Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) and White birch (Betula platyphylla) are the major planting species in northeast China. The samples of forest litters were collected from the stands of the above 4 species in Laoyeling and Jianlagou experiment stations of Maorshan Exp. Forest Farm (45?2-45?0N, 127?0-127?8E), Northeast Forestry University, in early October 2002. Quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis were carried out on the organic acids existing in freshly fallen litters (L layer) and hemi-decomposed litters (F layer) of the four forest species by using Gas Chromatogram system. A wide variety of organic acids were identified, including oxalic, malonic, fumaric, succinic, maleic, malic, citric, C16:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2, C18:3 and C20:0 acids. In respect of L litters of all samples, the oxalic acid content (over 30 mg/g) was the highest of the seven low-molecular-weight organic acids identified, while the content of oleic or linoleic (above 40 mg/g) was found to be highest among the six high aliphatic acids identified. As to F litters, oxalic acid content was also the highest, followed by linoleic and oleic. For the same tree species or the same forest, the kinds and contents of organic acids in L litters were more abundant than that in F litters.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(31370613)National Program on Key Basic Research Project(973 Program)(2011CB403202)+1 种基金Project of General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine the People’s Republic of China(2009IK177)Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(DL12CA01)~~
文摘Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of exogenous or-ganic acids on dehydrogenase activity in dark brown forest soils under nutrient defi-ciency. [Method] Different proportions of A1 and B horizon dark brown forest soils (A1∶B=1∶2) were utilized to establish soil conditions with nutrient deficiency for cultivation of Larix olgensis seedlings. The effects of oxalic acid, citric acid and succinic acid on dehydrogenase activity in dark brown forest soils under nutrient deficiency were studied systematical y by adding different concentrations of organic acid solutions. [Result] Under nutrient deficiency, dehydrogenase activity in dark brown forest soils was reduced significantly, and the reduction increased with the extension of stress duration. Most organic acid treatments improved dehydrogenase activity in nutrient-deficient dark brown forest soils, and the effects varied with different treatment du-ration and types and concentrations of organic acids. Furthermore, 10.0, 5.0 and 10.0 mmol/L organic acid treatments exhibited the most significant effects on day 10, 20 and 30, respectively. The increment of dehydrogenase activity in different durations showed a downward trend of 30 d〉20 d〉10 d; the improvement effects of three organic acids on dehydrogenase activity showed a downward trend of succinic acid〉 citric acid〉oxalic acid. [Conclusion] Exogenous organic acids improved signifi-cantly dehydrogenase activity in dark brown forest soils under nutrient deficiency and also improved the microbial activity and soil fertility to a certain extent.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China(31370613)Research Program of China(973 Program)(2011CB403202)+1 种基金General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China(2009IK177)Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(DL12CA01)~~
文摘Different proportions of A1 and B horizons dark brown forest soils (A1∶B=1∶2) were utilized to set the soil nutrient deficient conditions, and Larix olgensis seedlings were cultivated. By simulating organic acids concentrations in forest litter leachates of northeast China, the effects and mechanism of different concentrations of organic acid solutions on phosphorus (P) availability of dark brown forest soils and P absorption of Larix olgensis seedlings with nutrient deficiency were studied. The results showed that, compared with A1 horizon soils, available P contents of mixed soils in A1 and B horizons decreased, and P accumulation and efficiency of P uptake in root and leaves of Larix olgensis seedlings also decreased, but efficiency of P utilization increased. After treatments of exogenous organic acids, available P contents of mixed soils increased and the impact sequence of different organic acids were succinic acid 〉 citric acid 〉 oxalic acid; the concentration of 5.0 mmol/L had the best function, and the best effect of organic acids was at 20 d. Organic acids also increased P accumulation and efficiency of P uptake in roots and leaves of Larix olgensis seedlings, but decreased efficiency of P utilization. The impact strength of organic acids on P accumulation and efficiency of P uptake varied with treatment time, type and concentration of organic acids. The results of 20 d and 30 d in roots were higher than those of 10 d, however, the results of 10 d and 20 d in leaves were higher than those of 30 d, thus, at the earlier stage of organic acids treatments, more P absorbed were transferred to leaves, and at the later stage, more P would be accumulated in roots. The concentration of 10.0 mmol/L had the best function, and the impact sequence of different organic acids was succinic acid 〉 citric acid 〉 oxalic acid. Therefore, organic acids might contribute to P absorption and accumulation by Larix olgensis seedlings, final y increasing the adaptability and endurance of Larix olgensis seedlings to nutrient deficient soils.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30270790) and National Post-doctoral Foundation of China (No. 2003033494).
文摘A hydroponic experiment was conducted to study the effect of partial replacement of NO-3-N by NH4+-N on the seedling growth and organic acid content of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). A completely randomized design was established with three replications and five treatments, i.e., NO-3-N/NH4+-N of 100/0, 75/25, 50/50, 25/75 and 0/100. Results showed that 25% replacement of NO3--N by NH4+-N significantly (P = 0.05) improved fresh and dry weight, revealing that a proper percentage of NH4+-N was important for tomato nitrogen nutrition. This could increase the plant growth even though tomato was a crop that preferred nitrate nutrition. Also an increase in the proportion of NH4+-N in the nutrient solution led to a significant decrease (P = 0.05) in malate, citrate and fumarate. However, the 25% NH4+-N plus 75% NO3--N treatment had no significant effect (P = 0.05) on the 2-ketoglutarate, succinate or oxalic acid content, showing that only some organic acids in tomato plants were affected. Only pyruvate increased significantly (P = 0.05), and it only increased for 25% and 50% replacement of NO3--N by NH4+-N. Metabolism of these organic acids, especially malate, citrate and fumarate, should be further studied at the molecular level in vegetables applied with different nitrogen forms.
基金Supported by the National Key Basic Research Support Foundation of China (No. 2002CB410804) the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40201026).
文摘Effects of organic acids (oxalic, acetic, and citric) on adsorption characteristics of Cadmium (Cd) on soil clay minerals (kaolinite, goethite, and bayerite) were studied under different concentrations and different pH values. Although the types of organic acids and minerals were different, the effects of the organic acids on the adsorption of Cd on the minerals were similar, i.e., the amount of adsorbed Cd with an initial solution pH of 5.0 and initial Cd concentration of 35 mg L-1 increased with increasing concentration of the organic acid in solution at lower concentrations, and decreased at higher concentrations. The percentage of Cd adsorbed on the minerals in the presence of the organic acids increased considerably with increasing pH of the solution. Meanwhile, different Cd adsorption in the presence of the organic acids, due to different properties on both organic acids and clay minerals, on kaolinite, goethite, or bayerite for different pHs or organic acid concentrations was found.
文摘Agrogyron elongatum were grown in nutrient solution containing moderate to high amounts of separate heavy metal of Cd, Cu, Ni and Ph in a greenhouse for a 9 - day. Cd, Cu, Ni and Ph generally led to decrease in the elongation of roots although the length of seedlings exposed to Cd and Ph at 0.05 and 0.5 mg/L showed to be slightly greater than that of controls. Of the four metals in the experiment, Ph was absorbed and accumulated to the highest level, with the concentrations of 92754 mg/kg dry weight (DW) in roots and 11683 mg/kg DW in shoots. Cd was moderately accumulated in Agrogyron elongatum, but the maximum bioaccumulation coefficients (BCs) for roots and shoots were observed. The patterns for Cu and Ni uptake and distribution in plants differed from those of Ph and Cd, as it was showed that the shoot accumulation of Cu and Ni was significantly higher than in roots. A. elongation had the highest Ni concentration in shoots (30261 mg/kg DW) at the external concentration of 250 mg/L. Cu ranked second, with a shoot concentration of 12230 mg/kg DW when 50 mg/L Cu in solution was applied. For the four trace elements tested, the highest concentrations in shoots decreased by the order of Ni > Cu > Ph > Cd (mg/kg DW), and those in roots were Ph > Cd > Ni > Cu (mg/kg DW). Malic, oxalic and citric acids exuded by roots exposed to 1 and 50 mg/L of the metals were detected. Release of organic acids from plants significantly differed among the metal treatments. Cu was most effectively in inducing root exudation of the three types of organic acids. Cd, and Ni were also the inducers of secretion of malic and oxalic acids. With reference of Pb, a small amounts of malic and oxalic acids were detected in the root exudates, but few quantities, of citric acid were. found. However, no correlation between alternations in root exudation of organic acids and metal accumulation could be established.
基金Project supported by the National Key Basic Research Support Foundation of China (No. 2002CB410804) and the National Natural Science Foundation (No. 40201026).
文摘There is limited information on the release behavior of heavy metals fromnatural soils by organic acids. Thus, cadmium release, due to two organic acids (tartrate andcitrate) that are common in the rhizosphere, from soils polluted by metal smeltersor tailings andsoils artificially contaminated by adding Cd were analyzed. The presence of tartrate or citrate at alow concentration (<= 6 mmol L^(-1) for tartrate and <= 0.5 mmol L^(-1) for citrate) inhibited Cdrelease, whereas the presence of organic acids in high concentrations (>= 2 mmol L^(-1) for citrateand >= 15 mmol L^(-1) for tartrate) apparently promoted Cd release. Under the same conditions, theCd release in naturally polluted soils was less than that of artificially contaminatedsoils.Additionally, as the initial pH rose from 2 to 8 in the presence of citrate, a sequentialvalley and then peak appeared in the Cd release curve, while in the presence of tartrate the Cdrelease steadily decreased. In addition, Cd release was clearly enhanced as the electrolyteconcentration of KNO_3 or KC1 increased in the presence of 2 mmol L^(-1) tartrate. Moreover, ahigher desorption of Cd was shown with the KCl electrolyte compared to KNO_3 for the sameconcentration levels. This implied that the bioavailability of heavy metals could be promoted withthe addition of suitable types and concentrations of organic acids as well as reasonable fieldconditions.
文摘Animal production depends on nutrient utilization and if done there is an accelerated momentum towards growth with a low cost to feed ratio Public concern over the consumption of pork with antibiotic residues of the animals fed with antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) has paved the way to use other additives like herbs and their products, probiotics, prebiotics etc. Numerous feed additives are in vogue for achieving this target and one such classical example is the usage of organic acids and their salts. Usage of organic acids was in progress for over four decades. Early weaned piglets are (3-4 weeks age) exposed to stress with a reduced feed intake, little or no weight gain. This post weaning lag period is due to a limited digestive and absorptive capacity due to insufficient production of hydrochloric acid, pancreatic enzymes and sudden changes in feed consistency and intake. Lowering dietary pH by weak organic acids was found to overcome these problems. The main activity of organic acids is associated with a reduction in gastric pH converting the inactive pepsinogen to active pepsin for effective protein hydrolysis. Organic acids are both bacteriostatic and bactericidal. Lactic acid has been reported to reduce gastric pH and delay the multiplication of an enterotoxigenic E. coil These acids are the intermediary products in Kreb's cycle and thus act as an energy source preventing the tissue breakdown resulting from gluconeogenesis and lipolysis. Excretion of supplemental minerals and nitrogen are minimized with organic acids as these form complexes with minerals and aids for their bio-availability. Short chain fatty cids like acetic, propionic and n-butyric acid produced by microbial fermentation of dietary fibre in the large intestines may increase the proliferation of epithelial cells and have stimulatory effects on both endocrine and exocrine pancreatic secretions in pigs. Organic acids also enhances apparent total tract digestibility and improves growth performance. It is concluded that organic acids and their salts increase the protein utilization especially in weaner pigs and improves production indices.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40271062).
文摘Low-molecular-weight (LMW) organic acids exist widely in soils and play an important role in soil processes such as mineral weathering, nutrient mobilization and A1 detoxification. In this research, a batch experiment was conducted to examine the effects of LMW organic acids on dissolution of aluminum in two variably charged soils, an Ultisol and an Oxisol. The results showed that the LMW organic acids enhanced the dissolution of A1 in the two investigated soils in the following order: citric 〉 oxalic 〉 malonic 〉 malic 〉 tartaric 〉 salicylic 〉 lactic 〉 maleic. This was generally in agreement with the magnitude of the stability constants for the Al-organic complexes. The effects of LMW organic acids on Al dissolution were greater in the Ultisol than in the Oxisol as compared to their controls. Also, the accelerating effects of citric and oxalic acids on dissolution of A1 increased with an increase in pH, while the effects of lactic and salicylic acids decreased. Additionally, when the organic acid concentration was less than 0.2 mmol L-I, the dissolution of A1 changed Iittle with increase in acid concentration. However, when the organic acid concentration was greater than 0.2 mmol L^-1,the dissolution of A1 increased with increase in acid concentration. In addition to the acid first dissociation constant and stability constant of Al-organic complexes, the promoting effects of LMW organic acids on dissolution of A1 were also related to their sorption-desorption equilibrium in the soils.
文摘Low-molecular-weight(LMW) organic acids widely exist in soils, particularly in the rhizosphere. A series of batch experiments were carried out to investigate the phosphorus release from rock phosphate and iron phosphate by low-molecular-weight organic acids. Results showed that citric acid had the highest capacity to solubilize P from both rock and iron phosphate. P solubilization from rock phosphate and iron phosphate resulted in net proton consumption. P release from rock phosphate was positively correlated with the p K _a values. P release from iron phosphate was positively correlated with Fe-organic acid stability constants except for aromatic acids, but was not correlated with p K _a. Increase in the concentrations of organic acids enhanced P solubilization from both rock and iron phosphate almost linearly. Addition of phenolic compounds further increased the P release from iron phosphate. Initial solution pH had much more substantial effect on P release from rock phosphate than from iron phosphate.
基金supported by the China National Science and Technology Pillar Program in the Eleventh Five-Fear Plan (No. 2007BAD87B10)
文摘A pot experiment was conducted to examine the activity of antioxidant enzymes, the content of malondialdehyde (MDA), proline and protein, and Cd uptake in different rice cultivars exposed to Cd (0, 1 and 5 mg/kg) in the presence of organic acids and ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA). The results showed the increase in activity of dismutase (SOD), contents of proline and protein but a decline in activities of peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT), and MDA content for cultivars Xiushui63 and IIyou527. The resistance to Cd was higher in Xiushui63 than that in IIyou527 under the same Cd treatment. Cadmium contents in grain, straw and roots of both cultivars were markedly reduced in the presence of organic acids and EDTA. Grain Cd contents was the highest for plants treated with organic acids, followed by organic acids + 1/2EDTA, and the lowest with EDTA; Cd contents in straw and root were the lowest for plants treated with organic acids, followed by organic acids + 1/2EDTA, and the highest with EDTA treatment when exposed to Cd.
基金This research was supported by theAgricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(CAAS-ASTIP-2018-RIP-O7).
文摘Sweet and sour are the most important taste of blueberries,and they are produced by sugar and acid,respectively.Their contributions to the taste depend not only on the levels of sugar and acid,but also on the types and relative proportions of sugar and acid.Therefore,it is very important to evaluate the composition and levels of sugar and acid in blueberries.Regional differences and variety diversity also affect the sugar and acid characteristics of fruits.Therefore,this study selected two main producing regions in northern China(Weihai and Yingkou)to examine the sugar and acid characteristics of 11 common blueberry cultivars.The indexes measured included soluble sugars,organic acids,soluble solid content and titratable acidity.The results showed that glucose and fructose were the major sugars,and citric acid and quinic acid were the major organic acids.Correlation analysis showed that glucose,fructose,and sucrose were positively correlated with total sugar content;the citric acid content was positively correlated with the titratable acidity and total organic acids.Titratable acidity,glucose,fructose,sucrose,total sugar content,citric acid,shikimic acid and total acid content of the blueberries varied significantly between regions(P<0.05).In general,compared with Weihai blueberries,Yingkou blueberries had higher sugar content and lower acid content.The results of this study may provide useful references for the evaluation of sweet and sour flavors and cultivar selection of blueberries.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31772612)Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation(6202019).
文摘Background:The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of a combination of microencapsulated essential oils and organic acids(MOA)on growth performance,immuno-antioxidant status,intestinal barrier function and microbial structure of the hindgut in piglets.A total of 120 piglets(Duroc×[Landrace×Yorkshire];weighted 7.66±1.79 kg,weaned at d 28)were randomly selected and allocated to 3 treatments with 4 replicates per group and 10 piglets per replicate according to the initial body weight and gender.The dietary treatments were as follows:1)basal diet(Ctrl);2)Ctrl+chlortetracycline(75 mg/kg)(AGP);3)Ctrl+MOA(1500 mg/kg).The experiment period was lasted for 21 d.Results:Compared to the Ctrl group,dietary supplemented MOA alleviated(P<0.05)the diarrhea rate from d 12 to 21,enhanced(P<0.05)the concentration of serum interlukin-10 and glutathione peroxidase in piglets on d 11 after weaning and serum superoxide dismutase in 21-day piglets.The MOA group also improved(P<0.05)the apparent digestibility of dry matter(DM),organic matter(OM)and gross energy(GE),up-regulated(P<0.05)the mRNA expression level of occludin,claudin-1 and mucin-2 in ileum and increased(P<0.05)the contents of propionic and butyric acids in the cecum of piglets.The MOA group modulated the cecal and colonic microbial community structure and increased(P<0.05)the abundance of Faecalibacterium and Muribaculaceae in cecum and Streptococcus and Weissella in colon.Additionally,AGP group decreased(P<0.05)apparent digestibility of DM,OM and GE as well as down-regulated(P<0.05)relative gene expression level of claudin-1 in duodenum and jejunum,ZO-1 and mucin-1 in jejunum of piglets.Conclusion:In summary,dietary supplemented MOA alleviated diarrhea and improved nutrient apparent digestibility in piglets via enhancing immuno-antioxidant properties,increasing digestive enzyme activity,upregulating the expression of intestinal barrier-related genes,and modifying the microbial community structure of the cecum and colon.Therefore,dietary supplementation with MOA as an alternative to antibiotics was feasible to improve intestinal health of piglets in practical production.
文摘The amounts of soil nonexchangeable K extracted with 0.01 mL/ L oxalic acid and citric acid solutions and that with boiling 1 mL/ L HNO3 for ten minutes were remarkably significantly correlated with each other, and the amount extracted with the oxalic acid solution was higher than that with the citric acid solution. The soil nonexchangeable K release was comprised of two first-order kinetic processes. The faster one was ascribed to the interlayer K in outer sphere, while the slower one to that in inner sphere. The rate constants of the soil nonexchageable K were significantly correlated with the amounts of nonexchangeable K extracted with boiling ImL/ L HNO3 for ten minutes. Study on the fitness of different kinetic equations indicated that the first-order, parabolic diffusion and zero-order equations could all describe the release of soil nonexchangeable K. well, but Elovich equation was not suitable to describe it.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program (973) of China (No. 2008CB418200)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.U0833603, 40632011, 40873080)
文摘The composition and vertical profiles of low molecular-weight organic acids (LMWOAs) and the contribution of them to dissolved organic matter (DOM) in sediment porewaters in Bosten Lake, Xinjiang, China were investigated. The results showed that total concentration of LMWOAs was up to 94.5 μmol/L and their proportion in DOM was 5.6%, suggesting that LMWOAs were important chemical components in DOM in lake sediment porewaters. Among the seven LMWOAs, pyruvic and acetic acid had the highest concentrations with 26.30 and 8.31 μmol/L, accounting for 51.4% and 14.92% of LMWOAs, respectively. Trifluoroacetic and sorbic acid had the lowest concentrations, indicating that the compositions of LMWOAs in relative reducing environments were largely different from those reported in glacier, atmosphere and soils. The concentrations of lactic, acetic, formic, sorbic and oxalic acid decreased with increasing depth, probably relating to stronger microbial activities in the initial stage of early diagenesis. Trifluoroacetic acid was mainly anthropogenic with its concentration, showing a diusive trend from the surface to bottom sediments. The concentrations of lactic acid and nitrate generally showed a consistent profile. The increasing concentration of pyruvic acid in the vertical profile was just opposite to that of sulfate, revealing a significant negative relationship between them. Oxalic acid remained constant except for an obvious peak at 6 cm depth. The results indicated the diversities in sources and behaviors for various LMWOAs during early diagenesis in sediments.
基金supported by the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program(ASTIP)of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,and Trouw Nutrition Research&Development Centers.
文摘Background:High stocking density(HSD)stress has detrimental effects on growth performance,intestinal barrier function,and intestinal microbiota in intensive animal production.Organic acids(OA)are widely used as feed addi-tives for their ability to improve growth performance and intestinal health in poultry.However,whether dietary OA can ameliorate HSD stress-induced impaired intestinal barrier in broilers remains elusive.In this study,a total of 528 one-day-old male Arbor Acres broilers were randomly allocated into 3 treatments with 12 replicates per treatment including 10 birds for normal stocking density and 17 birds for HSD.The dietary treatments were as follows:1)Normal stocking density+basal diet;2)HSD+basal diets;3)HSD+OA.Results:HSD stress can induce increased levels of serum corticosterone,lipopolysaccharides,interleukin-1β,tumor necrosis factor-α,and down-regulated mRNA expression of ZO-1,resulting in compromised growth performance of broilers(P<0.05).Dietary OA could significantly reduce levels of serum corticosterone,lipopolysaccharides,interleukin-1β,and tumor necrosis factor-α,which were accompanied by up-regulated interleukin-10,mRNA expres-sion of ZO-1,and growth performance(P<0.05).Moreover,OA could down-regulate the mRNA expression of TLR4 and MyD88 to inhibit the NF-κB signaling pathway(P<0.05).Additionally,HSD stress significantly decreased the abundance of Bacteroidetes and disturbed the balance of microbial ecosystems,whereas OA significantly increased the abundance of Bacteroidetes and restored the disordered gut microbiota by reducing competitive and exploita-tive interactions in microbial communities(P<0.05).Meanwhile,OA significantly increased the content of acetic and butyric acids,which showed significant correlations with intestinal inflammation indicators(P<0.05).Conclusions:Dietary OA ameliorated intestinal inflammation and growth performance of broilers through restor-ing the disordered gut microbial compositions and interactions induced by HSD and elevating short-chain fatty acid production to inhibit the TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway.These findings demonstrated the critical role of intestinal microbiota in mediating the HSD-induced inflammatory responses,contributing to exploring nutritional strategies to alleviate HSD-induced stress in animals.
基金This research was funded by the National Key Research and Development Plan(No.2107YFD0500506)the National Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest(20140304–07).
文摘Background:The poultry industry is in need of effective antibiotic alternatives to control outbreaks of necrotic enteritis(NE)due to Clostridium perfringens.In the present study,we investigated the effects of dietary supplementation with a blend of encapsulated essential oils and organic acids(BLJ)on growth performance and gut health using a coinfection model of NE in broiler chickens.Methods:Two hundred and eighty-eight one-day-old male Arbor Acres broiler chicks were randomly assigned using a 2×2 factorial design into two groups fed either 0 or 500 mg/kg dietary BLJ and co-challenged(or not challenged for the control)with Eimeria spp./C.perfringens.Results:Infected birds fed the BLJ-supplemented diet exhibited an improved feed conversion ratio throughout the trial(P<0.01),a higher villus height and villus height/crypt depth ratio,and reduced intestinal C.perfringens counts,liver C.perfringens carriage,gut lesion scores and serum fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran(FITC-D)concentrations at 7 d postinfection compared with those of birds without BLJ supplementation(P<0.05).NE-infected birds fed BLJ exhibited significantly upregulated claudin-1 and IGF-2 mRNA levels(P<0.05),increased A20 mRNA expression and significantly downregulated TRAF-6,TNFSF15 and TOLLIP mRNA levels in the jejunum at 7 d post-infection compared with those in birds without BLJ supplementation(P<0.05).Compared with the uninfected and untreated birds,the uninfected birds fed BLJ displayed increased relative abundances of Lactobacillus and Coprococcus but reduced Rikenellaceae levels.Compared with the unsupplemented NE-challenged birds,infected birds fed BLJ showed an increased relative abundance of Unclassified_Lachnospiraceae and a significantly decreased relative abundance of Erysipelotrichaceae.Conclusion:BLJ supplementation improved growth performance and gut health in NE-infected broiler chickens by strengthening the intestinal barrier function,positively modulating the gut microbiota community and differentially regulating intestinal immune responses.Our results also suggested that adding BLJ effectively controlled NE infections after experimental Eimeria and Clostridium perfringens coinfection.
文摘Several organic acids accumulated in Kochia Scoparia shoots and roots were studied by means of reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography with a C18 column. Five types of binary organic acids were separated. The organic acid concentrations were determined in K. Scoparia seedlings stressed by saline (NaCI) and alkaline (NaHCO3) at the same Na^+ concentration. Concentrations of organic acids are stimulated by alkaline because the cells will adjust their pH values through the accumulation of organic acids, when the environment is basic. The concentrations of oxalic acid and succinic acid are higher than those of other organic acids, including tartaric acid and malic acid, and the concentration of citric acid is the lowest. The concentrations of the organic acids in the roots are higher than those in the shoots under salt(NaCI) stress, but the results are opposite while the roots are under alkali ( NaHCO3 ) stress. This indicates that there are different adaptive strategies for K. Scopar/a seedlings in organic acid metabolism under salt and alkali stress.