A resilience-incorporated risk assessment framework is proposed and demonstrated in this study to manifest the advantageous seismic resilience of precast concrete frame(PCF)structures with“dry”connections in terms o...A resilience-incorporated risk assessment framework is proposed and demonstrated in this study to manifest the advantageous seismic resilience of precast concrete frame(PCF)structures with“dry”connections in terms of their low damage and rapid recovery.The framework integrates various uncertainties in the seismic hazard,fragility,capacity,demand,loss functions,and post-earthquake recovery.In this study,the PCF structures are distinguished from ordinary reinforced concrete frame(RCF)structures by characterizing multiple limit states for the PCF based on its unique damage mechanisms.Accordingly,probabilistic story-wise pushover analyses are performed to yield story-wise capacities for the predefined limit states.In the seismic resilience analysis,a step-wise recovery model is proposed to idealize the functionality recovery process,with separate considerations of the repair and non-repair events.The recovery model leverages the economic loss and downtime to delineate the stochastic post-earthquake recovery curves for the resilience loss estimation.As such,contingencies in the probabilistic post-earthquake repairs are incorporated and the empirical judgments on the recovery parameters are largely circumvented.The proposed framework is demonstrated through a comparative study between two“dry”connected PCFs and one RCF designed as alternative structural systems for a prototype building.The results from the risk quantification indicate that the PCFs show reduced loss hazards and lower expected losses relative to the RCF.Particularly,the PCF equipped with energy dissipation devices at the“dry”connections largely reduces the expected economic loss,downtime,and resilience loss by 29%,56%,and 60%,respectively,compared to the RCF.展开更多
To investigate the feasibility and seismic performance of the horizontal joints in an innovative precast shear wall system, two test walls were fabricated, and the monotonic and cyclic loading tests were performed on ...To investigate the feasibility and seismic performance of the horizontal joints in an innovative precast shear wall system, two test walls were fabricated, and the monotonic and cyclic loading tests were performed on the two test walls, respectively. Then, the lateral load-top displacement curves, load beating capacity, ductility, lateral stiffness, strains of steel bars, strain distribution on the connecting steel frame (CSF), and relative slippages between the CSF and embedded limbic steel frame (ELSF) were discussed in detail. The test results show that the load bearing capacity and ductility of the test wall are both favorable with a displacement ductility factor of more than 3.7. The normal and shear stresses in the CSF except for the compression end are far smaller than the yield stresses throughout the test procedure. Certain slippages of about 1.13 mm occurs between the CSF and ELSF on the compression side of the test wall, while almost no slippages occurs on the tension side. The seismic performance of the test wall is favorable and the new-type scheme of the horizontal joints is both feasible and reliable.展开更多
The Industrialized Building System (IBS) was recently introduced to minimize the time and cost of project construction. Accordingly, ensuring the integration of the connection of precast components in IBS structures...The Industrialized Building System (IBS) was recently introduced to minimize the time and cost of project construction. Accordingly, ensuring the integration of the connection of precast components in IBS structures is an important factor that ensures stability of buildings subjected to dynamic loads from earthquakes, vehicles, and machineries. However, structural engineers still lack knowledge on the proper connection and detailed joints o fiBS structure construction. Therefore, this study proposes a special precast concrete wall-to-wall connection system for dynamic loads that resists multidirectional imposed loads and reduces vibration effects (PI2014701723). This system is designed to connect two adjacent precast wall panels by using two steel U-shaped channels (i.e., male and female joints). During casting, each joint is adapted for incorporation into a respective wall panel after considering the following conditions: one side of the steel channel opens into the thickness face of the panel; a U-shaped rubber is implemented between the two channels to dissipate the vibration effect; and bolts and nuts are used to create an extension between the two U-shaped male and female steel channels. The developed finite element model of the precast wall is subjected to cyclic loads to evaluate the performance of the proposed connection during an imposed dynamic load. Connection performance is then compared with conventional connections based on the energy dissipation, stress, deformation, and concrete damage in the plastic range. The proposed precast connection is capable of exceeding the energy absorption of precast walls subjected to dynamic load, thereby improving its resistance behavior in all principal directions.展开更多
The comparative research on the seismic performance of grouted sleeve connected pier(GS)and prestressed precast segmental concrete pier(PC)is mostly carried out by numerical simulation.In this study,the GS pier and th...The comparative research on the seismic performance of grouted sleeve connected pier(GS)and prestressed precast segmental concrete pier(PC)is mostly carried out by numerical simulation.In this study,the GS pier and the PC pier of the new railway project from Hetian to Ruoqiang are taken into consideration.Two kinds of 1/5-scale assembled double-column specimens are made,and the quasi-static tests are carried out.The overall seismic performance of the two spliced piers is studied,and compared in terms of failure mechanism,bearing capacity,ductility,stiffness and energy dissipation capacity.The results show that the failure modes of both GS pier and PC pier are characterized by bending.However,the specific failure location and form are different.The GS pier presents a complete hysteretic curve,large equivalent stiffness and strong energy dissipation capacity.The hysteretic area of the PC pier is small.However,it has good self-reset ability and quasi-static residual displacement.Finite element models are set up using DispBeamColumn fiber elements and ZeroLength elements.The models that are calibrated with the test data can effectively simulate the damage development under monotonic loading.The load−displacement curves are in good agreement with the backbone curves of the test results.展开更多
The unique features of jointed post-tensioned wall systems, which include minimum structural damage and re-centering capability when subjected to earthquake lateral loads, are the result of using unbonded post-tension...The unique features of jointed post-tensioned wall systems, which include minimum structural damage and re-centering capability when subjected to earthquake lateral loads, are the result of using unbonded post-tensioning to attach the walls to the foundation, along with employing energy dissipating shear connectors between the walls. Using acceptance criteria defined in terms of inter-story drift, residual drift, and floor acceleration, this study presents a multiplelevel performance-based seismic evaluation of two five-story unbonded post-tensioned jointed precast wall systems. The design and analysis of these two wall systems, established as the direct displacement-based and force-based solutions for a prototype building used in the PREcast Seismic Structural Systems (PRESSS) program, were performed at 60% scale so that the analysis model could be validated using the PRESSS test data. Both buildings satisfied the performance criteria at four levels of earthquake motions although the design base shear of the direct displacement-based jointed wall system was 50% of that demanded by the force-based design method. The study also investigated the feasibility of controlling the maximum transient inter-story drift in a jointed wall system by increasing the number of energy dissipating shear connectors between the walls but without significantly affecting its re-centering capability.展开更多
In recent years, precast segmental concrete bridge columns became prevalent because of the benefits of accelerated construction, low environmental impact, high quality and low life cycle costs. The lack of a detailed ...In recent years, precast segmental concrete bridge columns became prevalent because of the benefits of accelerated construction, low environmental impact, high quality and low life cycle costs. The lack of a detailed configuration and appropriate design procedure to ensure a comparable performance with monolithic construction has impeded this structural system from being widely used in areas of high seismicity. In this study, precast segmental bridge column cyclic loading tests were conducted to investigate the performance of unbonded post-tensioned segmental bridge columns. One monolithic and two precast segmental columns were tested. The preeast segmental column exhibited minor damage and small residual displacement after the maximum 7% cyclic drift; energy dissipation (ED) can be enhanced byadding ED bars. The experimental results were modeled by a simplified pushover method (SPOM), as well as a fiber model (FIBM) finite element method. Forty-five cases of columns with different aspect ratios, axial load ratios and ED bar ratios were analyzed with the SPOM and FIBM, respectively. Using these parametric results, a simplified design method was suggested by regressive analysis. Satisfactory correlation was found between the experimental results and the simplified design method for preeast segmental columns with different design parameters.展开更多
An experimental investigation was conducted to study the performance of precast beam-column concrete connections using T-section steel inserts into the concrete beam and joint core,under reversed cyclic loading.Six 2/...An experimental investigation was conducted to study the performance of precast beam-column concrete connections using T-section steel inserts into the concrete beam and joint core,under reversed cyclic loading.Six 2/3-scale interior beam-column subassemblies,one monolithic concrete specimen and five precast concrete specimens were tested.One precast specimen was a simple connection for a gravity load resistant design.Other precast specimens were developed with different attributes to improve their seismic performance.The test results showed that the performance of the monolithic specimen M1 represented ductile seismic behavior.Failure of columns and joints could be prevented,and the failure of the frame occurred at the flexural plastic hinge formation at the beam ends,close to the column faces.For the precast specimens,the splitting crack along the longitudinal lapped splice was a major failure.The precast P5 specimen with double steel T-section inserts showed better seismic performance compared to the other precast models.However,the dowel bars connected to the steel inserts were too short to develop a bond.The design of the precast concrete beams with lap splice is needed for longer lap lengths and should be done at the beam mid span or at the low flexural stress region.展开更多
The seismic performance of a self-centering precast reinforced concrete (RC) frame with shear walls was investigated in this paper. The lateral force resistance was provided by self-centering precast RC shear walls ...The seismic performance of a self-centering precast reinforced concrete (RC) frame with shear walls was investigated in this paper. The lateral force resistance was provided by self-centering precast RC shear walls (SPCW), which utilize a combination ofunbonded prestressed post-tensioned (PT) tendons and mild steel reinforcing bars for flexural resistance across base joints. The structures concentrated deformations at the bottom joints and the unbonded PT tendons provided the self-centering restoring force. A 1/3-scale model of a five-story self-centering RC frame with shear walls was designed and tested on a shake-table under a series of bi-directional earthquake excitations with increasing intensity. The acceleration response, roof displacement, inter-story drifts, residual drifts, shear force ratios, hysteresis curves, and local behaviour of the test specimen were analysed and evaluated. The results demonstrated that seismic performance of the test specimen was satisfactory in the plane of the shear wall; however, the structure sustained inter-story drift levels up to 2.45%. Negligible residual drifts were recorded after all applied earthquake excitations. Based on the shake-table test results, it is feasible to apply and popularize a self-centering precast RC frame with shear walls as a structural system in seismic regions.展开更多
This study proposes an innovative precast shear wall system, called an EVE precast hollow shear wall structure (EVE-PHSW). Precast panels in EVE-PHSW are simultaneously precast with vertical and horizontal holes. Nonc...This study proposes an innovative precast shear wall system, called an EVE precast hollow shear wall structure (EVE-PHSW). Precast panels in EVE-PHSW are simultaneously precast with vertical and horizontal holes. Noncontact lap splices of rebars are used in vertical joints connecting adjacent precast panels for automated prefabrication and easy in situ erection. The seismic behavior of EVE walls was examined through a series of tests on six wall specimens with aspect ratios of 1.0~1.3. Test results showed that EVE wall specimens with inside cast-in situ concrete achieved the desired “strong bending and weak shear” and failed in shear mode. Common main diagonal cracks and brittle shear failure in squat cast-in situ walls were prevented. Inside cast-in situ concrete could signifi cantly improve the shear strength and stiff ness of EVE walls. The details of boundary elements (cast-in situ or prefabricated) and vertical joints (contiguous or spaced) had little eff ect on the global behavior of EVE walls. Noncontact lap splices in vertical joints could enable EVE walls to exhibit stable load-carrying capacity through extensive deformations. Evaluation on design codes revealed that both JGJ 3-2010 and ACI 318-14 provide conservative estimation of shear strength of EVE walls, and EVE walls achieved shear strength reserves comparative to cast-in situ walls. The recommended eff ective stiff ness for cast-in situ walls in ASCE 41-17 appeared to be appropriate for EVE walls.展开更多
A retrofitting technology using precast steel reinforced concrete(PSRC) panels is developed to improve the seismic performance of old masonry buildings. The PSRC panels are built up as an external PSRC wall system s...A retrofitting technology using precast steel reinforced concrete(PSRC) panels is developed to improve the seismic performance of old masonry buildings. The PSRC panels are built up as an external PSRC wall system surrounding the existing masonry building. The PSRC walls are well connected to the existing masonry building, which provides enough confinement to effectively improve the ductility, strength, and stiffenss of old masonry structures. The PSRC panels are prefabricated in a factory, significantly reducing the situ work and associated construction time. To demonstrate the feasibility and mechanical effectivenss of the proposed retrofitting system, a full-scale five-story specimen was constructed. The retrofitting process was completed within five weeks with very limited indoor operation. The specimen was then tested in the lateral direction, which could potentially suffer sigifnicant damage in a large earthquake. The technical feasibility, construction workability, and seismic performance were thoroughly demonstrated by a full-scale specimen construction and pseudo-dynamic tests.展开更多
Effi cient tools capable of using uncertain data to produce fast and approximate results are more practical in rapid decision-making applications when compared to conventional methods. From this point of view, this st...Effi cient tools capable of using uncertain data to produce fast and approximate results are more practical in rapid decision-making applications when compared to conventional methods. From this point of view, this study introduces a risk assessment model for one-story precast industrial buildings by fuzzy logic which builds a bridge between uncertainty and precision. The input, output and relations of the fuzzy based risk assessment model (FBRAM) were determined by reference buildings. The Monte Carlo simulation method was used to handle uncertainties associated with the structural characteristics of the reference buildings. Section dimension, longitudinal reinforcement ratio, column height related to building elevation, confi nement ratio and seismic hazard are regarded as input and the plastic demand ratio is considered as the output parameter by the mathematical formulation of strength and deformation capacity of the buildings. The supervised learning method was used to determine the membership function of fuzzy sets. Fuzzy rules of FBRAM were constructed from Monte Carlo simulation by mapping of inputs and output. FBRAM was evaluated by a group of simulated buildings and two existing precast industrial buildings. Comparisons have shown signifi cant agreement with analytical model results in both cases. Consequently, it is anticipated that the proposed model can be used for the seismic risk mitigation of precast buildings.展开更多
In this paper,the seismic behaviors of precast bridge columns connected with grouted corrugated-metal duct(GCMD)were investigated through the biaxial quasi-static experiment and numerical simulation.With a geometric s...In this paper,the seismic behaviors of precast bridge columns connected with grouted corrugated-metal duct(GCMD)were investigated through the biaxial quasi-static experiment and numerical simulation.With a geometric scale ratio of 1:5,five specimens were fabricated,including four precast bridge columns connected with GCMD and one cast-in-place(CIP)bridge column.A finite element analysis model was also established by using OpenSees and was then calibrated by using the experimental results for parameter analysis.The results show the biaxial seismic performance of the precast bridge columns connected with GCMD was similar to the CIP bridge columns regarding ultimate bearing capacity and hysteresis energy,and further,that it could meet the design goal of equivalent performance.The seismic performance of the precast bridge columns connected with GCMD deteriorated more significantly under bi-directional load than under uni-directional load.A proper slenderness ratio(e.g.,7.0-10.0)and longitudinal reinforcement ratio could significantly improve the energy dissipation capacity and deformation capacity of the precast bridge columns,while the axial load ratio and concrete strength had little influence on the above properties.The research results could bring insights to the development of the seismic design of precast bridge columns connected with GCMD.展开更多
The seismic performance of a five-story,four-bay,self-centering precast reinforced concrete frame(SC-RCF),which was redesigned using the direct displacement-based design method,was analytically investigated.The analyt...The seismic performance of a five-story,four-bay,self-centering precast reinforced concrete frame(SC-RCF),which was redesigned using the direct displacement-based design method,was analytically investigated.The analytical model of the overall structure was developed in OpenSees.The multi-spring contact element was adopted to simulate gap open-close behavior at connection interfaces.The limit states of external mild steel dampers and unbonded post-tensioning strands were considered.Static pushover analyses were performed up to the roof drift of 10%.The nonlinear dynamic responses under four groups of ground motions(with different fault distances and site conditions)at six hazard levels(from the service to the very rare earthquake(VRE))were compared.Incremental dynamic analyses were implemented to quantify the structural collapse risk.The results showed that the structural responses of SC-RCF were satisfactory under all levels of earthquakes.The collapse safety of the structure under earthquakes up to VRE1 was adequate,while the structure would collapse to a large extent under VRE2 and VRE3.展开更多
The structural behaviour of precast shear wall-diaphragm connection was compared with the monolithic connection under seismic loading.The monolithic connection was made by using U-bars connecting shear wall and slab,a...The structural behaviour of precast shear wall-diaphragm connection was compared with the monolithic connection under seismic loading.The monolithic connection was made by using U-bars connecting shear wall and slab,and the precast connection was made by using dowel bars in two steps.Firstly,U-shaped dowel bars from the precast shear wall lower panel and precast slab were connected by the longitudinal reinforcement,and screed concreting was done above the precast slab.Secondly,the shear wall upper panel was connected using the dowel bar protruding from the shear wall lower panel.The gap between the dowel bars and the duct was filled with non-shrink grout.The specimens were subjected to reverse cyclic loading at the ends of the slab.This study also aimed to develop a 3-D numerical model using ABAQUS software.The non-linear properties of concrete were defined by using the concrete damaged plasticity(CDP)model to analyse the response of the structure.The precast dowel connection between the shear wall and slab showed superior performance concerning ductility,strength,stiffness and energy dissipation.The developed finite element model exactly predicted the behaviour of connections as similar to that of experimental testing in the laboratory.The average difference between the results from finite element analysis and experimental testing was less than 20%.The results point to the conclusion that the shear resistance is provided by the dowel bars and the stiffness of the precast specimen is due to the diaphragm action of the precast slab.The damage parameter and the interaction between structural members play a crucial role in the modelling of precast connections.展开更多
Precast reinforced concrete buildings have been well received in some seismic zones worldwide due to advantages such as the ease and the speed of implementation,and the possibility of working in inappropriate atmosphe...Precast reinforced concrete buildings have been well received in some seismic zones worldwide due to advantages such as the ease and the speed of implementation,and the possibility of working in inappropriate atmospheric conditions.In this research,seismic fragility curves were developed for precast concrete frames with a cast-in-situ concrete shear-wall,concerning the important issues of modeling the precast beam-column joints,construction quality,and soil type effects.For this purpose,the incremental dynamic analysis(IDA)was conducted for three-dimensional models of 3-,5-,and 8-story buildings under two record sets corresponding to soil types C and D of the NEHRP code.Beam-column joints were modeled using nonlinear rotational springs with rigid links with respect to the finite size of the joint panel.Results demonstrate that the Weibull distribution can be fitted to the damage state capacities better than the lognormal distribution at the intensities that are more than one standard deviation away from the median damage capacity.The seismic vulnerability of precast structures increases at all damage states as the height of the building increases.It is also observed that soil type has almost no considerable effect on the fragility curve parameters for all damage states considered herein.展开更多
To promote the visualisation and informatisation of the construction process of precast foamed lightweight concrete wallboards(PFLCWs),from the analysis of the construction requirements of PFLCWs,three key constructio...To promote the visualisation and informatisation of the construction process of precast foamed lightweight concrete wallboards(PFLCWs),from the analysis of the construction requirements of PFLCWs,three key construction technologies based on building information modelling(BIM),namely,parameterised modelling for the PFLCW layout design,drawing generation to draw the PFLCW layout and quantity statistics for extracting PFLCW quantities,are proposed.Then,a reinforced concrete(RC)frame infilled with PFLCW is considered the test model to verify the feasibility of the aforementioned technologies.The results show that PFLCW layout design can be accomplished rapidly and visually using parameterised modelling technology.The PFLCW layout diagram can be generated directly using drawing generation technology.The proposed quantity statistics technology enables the automatic export of PFLCW bills of quantities.The built parameterised model helps construction workers rapidly and intuitively understand the specific layout details of PFLCWs.Moreover,the generated layout drawing and the bills of quantities based on the parameterised model can guide the production and on-site installation of PFLCWs.The research conclusions can serve as a practical guide and technical support for PFLCW engineering applications.展开更多
A simplified full-depth precast concrete deck panel system for accelerating bridge construction (ABC) is introduced and a finite dement analysis (FEA) is con- ducted to investigate the static and dynamic responses...A simplified full-depth precast concrete deck panel system for accelerating bridge construction (ABC) is introduced and a finite dement analysis (FEA) is con- ducted to investigate the static and dynamic responses of this conceptual deck system. The FEA results are compared to those of the traditional full-depth precast concrete deck panel system. The comparison results show that the mechanical behavior of the new deck system is different from that of the traditional deck system. The concrete decks in the new system act as two-way slabs, instead of the one-way slab in the traditional system. Meanwhile, the connections in both the longitudinal and transverse direc- tions may need to accommodate the negative moments. Compared to those in the traditional system, the longitu- dinal nominal stress at middle span increases a lot in the new deck system and the effective flange width varies significantly. In addition, the dynamic results show that the impact factor is influenced by the spacing of connections. Finally, some design concerns of the new deck system are proposed.展开更多
A multiple rocking wall-frame(MRWF)system,in which the wall panels are directly connected to the adjacent beams and foundation is presented herein.In the MRWF system,the unbonded post-tensioned(PT)tendons are used to ...A multiple rocking wall-frame(MRWF)system,in which the wall panels are directly connected to the adjacent beams and foundation is presented herein.In the MRWF system,the unbonded post-tensioned(PT)tendons are used to promote the self-centering ability,and O-shaped steel dampers are applied to enhance the energy dissipation capacity and reparability of the structure.First,analytical equations are proposed to determine the behavior of the O-shaped dampers.Then,the MRWF system is numerically evaluated for five different models consisting of rocking walls with varying numbers and arrangements while keeping the total effective width of wall panels constant.The numerical results show that with an increase in the number of wall panels and a decrease in the wall width,the hysteretic behavior of the MRWF system tends to the ideal flag-shaped pattern,resulting in little damage to the beams,insignificant strain in the wall toe,negligible residual drifts and damage index of less than 0.2 under severe earthquakes.In contrast,the conventional model demonstrates extensive damage to the structural elements due to undesirable wall-to-frame interaction,which leads to a damage index of 0.78 and residual drifts of 0.42%under seismic loads.展开更多
Precast segmental column bridges exhibit various construction advantages in comparison to traditional monolithic column bridges.However,the lack of cognitions on seismic behaviors has seriously restricted their applic...Precast segmental column bridges exhibit various construction advantages in comparison to traditional monolithic column bridges.However,the lack of cognitions on seismic behaviors has seriously restricted their applications and developments.In this paper,comprehensive investigations are conducted to analyze the dynamic characteristics of precast segmental column bridges under near-fault,forward-directivity ground motions.First,the finite-element models of two comparable bridges with precast segmental columns and monolithic columns are constructed by using OpenSees software,and the nonlinearities of the bridges are considered.Next,three different earthquake loadings are meticulously set up to handle engineering problems,namely recorded near-and far-field ground motions,parameterized pulses,and pulse and residual components extracted from real records.Finally,based on the models and earthquake sets,extensive explorations are carried out.The results show that near-fault forward-directivity ground motions are more threatening than far-field ones;precast segmental column bridges may suffer more pounding impacts than monolithic bridges;the“narrow band”effect caused by near-fault,forward-directivity ground motions may occur in bridges with shorter periods than pulse periods;and pulse and residual components play different roles in seismic responses.展开更多
基金National Key Research and Development Program of China under Grant No.2022YFC3803004Postgraduate Research&Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province under Grant No.SJCX20_0031Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grant No.3205002108D。
文摘A resilience-incorporated risk assessment framework is proposed and demonstrated in this study to manifest the advantageous seismic resilience of precast concrete frame(PCF)structures with“dry”connections in terms of their low damage and rapid recovery.The framework integrates various uncertainties in the seismic hazard,fragility,capacity,demand,loss functions,and post-earthquake recovery.In this study,the PCF structures are distinguished from ordinary reinforced concrete frame(RCF)structures by characterizing multiple limit states for the PCF based on its unique damage mechanisms.Accordingly,probabilistic story-wise pushover analyses are performed to yield story-wise capacities for the predefined limit states.In the seismic resilience analysis,a step-wise recovery model is proposed to idealize the functionality recovery process,with separate considerations of the repair and non-repair events.The recovery model leverages the economic loss and downtime to delineate the stochastic post-earthquake recovery curves for the resilience loss estimation.As such,contingencies in the probabilistic post-earthquake repairs are incorporated and the empirical judgments on the recovery parameters are largely circumvented.The proposed framework is demonstrated through a comparative study between two“dry”connected PCFs and one RCF designed as alternative structural systems for a prototype building.The results from the risk quantification indicate that the PCFs show reduced loss hazards and lower expected losses relative to the RCF.Particularly,the PCF equipped with energy dissipation devices at the“dry”connections largely reduces the expected economic loss,downtime,and resilience loss by 29%,56%,and 60%,respectively,compared to the RCF.
文摘To investigate the feasibility and seismic performance of the horizontal joints in an innovative precast shear wall system, two test walls were fabricated, and the monotonic and cyclic loading tests were performed on the two test walls, respectively. Then, the lateral load-top displacement curves, load beating capacity, ductility, lateral stiffness, strains of steel bars, strain distribution on the connecting steel frame (CSF), and relative slippages between the CSF and embedded limbic steel frame (ELSF) were discussed in detail. The test results show that the load bearing capacity and ductility of the test wall are both favorable with a displacement ductility factor of more than 3.7. The normal and shear stresses in the CSF except for the compression end are far smaller than the yield stresses throughout the test procedure. Certain slippages of about 1.13 mm occurs between the CSF and ELSF on the compression side of the test wall, while almost no slippages occurs on the tension side. The seismic performance of the test wall is favorable and the new-type scheme of the horizontal joints is both feasible and reliable.
基金financial support from the Housing Research Center of UPMNAEIM Company
文摘The Industrialized Building System (IBS) was recently introduced to minimize the time and cost of project construction. Accordingly, ensuring the integration of the connection of precast components in IBS structures is an important factor that ensures stability of buildings subjected to dynamic loads from earthquakes, vehicles, and machineries. However, structural engineers still lack knowledge on the proper connection and detailed joints o fiBS structure construction. Therefore, this study proposes a special precast concrete wall-to-wall connection system for dynamic loads that resists multidirectional imposed loads and reduces vibration effects (PI2014701723). This system is designed to connect two adjacent precast wall panels by using two steel U-shaped channels (i.e., male and female joints). During casting, each joint is adapted for incorporation into a respective wall panel after considering the following conditions: one side of the steel channel opens into the thickness face of the panel; a U-shaped rubber is implemented between the two channels to dissipate the vibration effect; and bolts and nuts are used to create an extension between the two U-shaped male and female steel channels. The developed finite element model of the precast wall is subjected to cyclic loads to evaluate the performance of the proposed connection during an imposed dynamic load. Connection performance is then compared with conventional connections based on the energy dissipation, stress, deformation, and concrete damage in the plastic range. The proposed precast connection is capable of exceeding the energy absorption of precast walls subjected to dynamic load, thereby improving its resistance behavior in all principal directions.
基金Project(N2018G034)supported by China Railway Corporation。
文摘The comparative research on the seismic performance of grouted sleeve connected pier(GS)and prestressed precast segmental concrete pier(PC)is mostly carried out by numerical simulation.In this study,the GS pier and the PC pier of the new railway project from Hetian to Ruoqiang are taken into consideration.Two kinds of 1/5-scale assembled double-column specimens are made,and the quasi-static tests are carried out.The overall seismic performance of the two spliced piers is studied,and compared in terms of failure mechanism,bearing capacity,ductility,stiffness and energy dissipation capacity.The results show that the failure modes of both GS pier and PC pier are characterized by bending.However,the specific failure location and form are different.The GS pier presents a complete hysteretic curve,large equivalent stiffness and strong energy dissipation capacity.The hysteretic area of the PC pier is small.However,it has good self-reset ability and quasi-static residual displacement.Finite element models are set up using DispBeamColumn fiber elements and ZeroLength elements.The models that are calibrated with the test data can effectively simulate the damage development under monotonic loading.The load−displacement curves are in good agreement with the backbone curves of the test results.
文摘The unique features of jointed post-tensioned wall systems, which include minimum structural damage and re-centering capability when subjected to earthquake lateral loads, are the result of using unbonded post-tensioning to attach the walls to the foundation, along with employing energy dissipating shear connectors between the walls. Using acceptance criteria defined in terms of inter-story drift, residual drift, and floor acceleration, this study presents a multiplelevel performance-based seismic evaluation of two five-story unbonded post-tensioned jointed precast wall systems. The design and analysis of these two wall systems, established as the direct displacement-based and force-based solutions for a prototype building used in the PREcast Seismic Structural Systems (PRESSS) program, were performed at 60% scale so that the analysis model could be validated using the PRESSS test data. Both buildings satisfied the performance criteria at four levels of earthquake motions although the design base shear of the direct displacement-based jointed wall system was 50% of that demanded by the force-based design method. The study also investigated the feasibility of controlling the maximum transient inter-story drift in a jointed wall system by increasing the number of energy dissipating shear connectors between the walls but without significantly affecting its re-centering capability.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants Nos.51208268 and 51178429K.C.Wong Magna Fund in Ningbo University+1 种基金Transportation Science and Technology Project of Ningbo City under Grant No.201507Natural Science Foundation of Ningbo City under Grant No.2015A610293
文摘In recent years, precast segmental concrete bridge columns became prevalent because of the benefits of accelerated construction, low environmental impact, high quality and low life cycle costs. The lack of a detailed configuration and appropriate design procedure to ensure a comparable performance with monolithic construction has impeded this structural system from being widely used in areas of high seismicity. In this study, precast segmental bridge column cyclic loading tests were conducted to investigate the performance of unbonded post-tensioned segmental bridge columns. One monolithic and two precast segmental columns were tested. The preeast segmental column exhibited minor damage and small residual displacement after the maximum 7% cyclic drift; energy dissipation (ED) can be enhanced byadding ED bars. The experimental results were modeled by a simplified pushover method (SPOM), as well as a fiber model (FIBM) finite element method. Forty-five cases of columns with different aspect ratios, axial load ratios and ED bar ratios were analyzed with the SPOM and FIBM, respectively. Using these parametric results, a simplified design method was suggested by regressive analysis. Satisfactory correlation was found between the experimental results and the simplified design method for preeast segmental columns with different design parameters.
文摘An experimental investigation was conducted to study the performance of precast beam-column concrete connections using T-section steel inserts into the concrete beam and joint core,under reversed cyclic loading.Six 2/3-scale interior beam-column subassemblies,one monolithic concrete specimen and five precast concrete specimens were tested.One precast specimen was a simple connection for a gravity load resistant design.Other precast specimens were developed with different attributes to improve their seismic performance.The test results showed that the performance of the monolithic specimen M1 represented ductile seismic behavior.Failure of columns and joints could be prevented,and the failure of the frame occurred at the flexural plastic hinge formation at the beam ends,close to the column faces.For the precast specimens,the splitting crack along the longitudinal lapped splice was a major failure.The precast P5 specimen with double steel T-section inserts showed better seismic performance compared to the other precast models.However,the dowel bars connected to the steel inserts were too short to develop a bond.The design of the precast concrete beams with lap splice is needed for longer lap lengths and should be done at the beam mid span or at the low flexural stress region.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)under Grant Nos.51638012 and 51578401
文摘The seismic performance of a self-centering precast reinforced concrete (RC) frame with shear walls was investigated in this paper. The lateral force resistance was provided by self-centering precast RC shear walls (SPCW), which utilize a combination ofunbonded prestressed post-tensioned (PT) tendons and mild steel reinforcing bars for flexural resistance across base joints. The structures concentrated deformations at the bottom joints and the unbonded PT tendons provided the self-centering restoring force. A 1/3-scale model of a five-story self-centering RC frame with shear walls was designed and tested on a shake-table under a series of bi-directional earthquake excitations with increasing intensity. The acceleration response, roof displacement, inter-story drifts, residual drifts, shear force ratios, hysteresis curves, and local behaviour of the test specimen were analysed and evaluated. The results demonstrated that seismic performance of the test specimen was satisfactory in the plane of the shear wall; however, the structure sustained inter-story drift levels up to 2.45%. Negligible residual drifts were recorded after all applied earthquake excitations. Based on the shake-table test results, it is feasible to apply and popularize a self-centering precast RC frame with shear walls as a structural system in seismic regions.
基金Beijing Everest Green Building Technology Ltd. for the funding
文摘This study proposes an innovative precast shear wall system, called an EVE precast hollow shear wall structure (EVE-PHSW). Precast panels in EVE-PHSW are simultaneously precast with vertical and horizontal holes. Noncontact lap splices of rebars are used in vertical joints connecting adjacent precast panels for automated prefabrication and easy in situ erection. The seismic behavior of EVE walls was examined through a series of tests on six wall specimens with aspect ratios of 1.0~1.3. Test results showed that EVE wall specimens with inside cast-in situ concrete achieved the desired “strong bending and weak shear” and failed in shear mode. Common main diagonal cracks and brittle shear failure in squat cast-in situ walls were prevented. Inside cast-in situ concrete could signifi cantly improve the shear strength and stiff ness of EVE walls. The details of boundary elements (cast-in situ or prefabricated) and vertical joints (contiguous or spaced) had little eff ect on the global behavior of EVE walls. Noncontact lap splices in vertical joints could enable EVE walls to exhibit stable load-carrying capacity through extensive deformations. Evaluation on design codes revealed that both JGJ 3-2010 and ACI 318-14 provide conservative estimation of shear strength of EVE walls, and EVE walls achieved shear strength reserves comparative to cast-in situ walls. The recommended eff ective stiff ness for cast-in situ walls in ASCE 41-17 appeared to be appropriate for EVE walls.
基金Scientific Research Fund of Institute of Engineering Mechanics,CEA under Grant No.2016A06International Science & Technology Cooperation Program of China under Grant No.2014DFA70950National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.51378478,51161120360
文摘A retrofitting technology using precast steel reinforced concrete(PSRC) panels is developed to improve the seismic performance of old masonry buildings. The PSRC panels are built up as an external PSRC wall system surrounding the existing masonry building. The PSRC walls are well connected to the existing masonry building, which provides enough confinement to effectively improve the ductility, strength, and stiffenss of old masonry structures. The PSRC panels are prefabricated in a factory, significantly reducing the situ work and associated construction time. To demonstrate the feasibility and mechanical effectivenss of the proposed retrofitting system, a full-scale five-story specimen was constructed. The retrofitting process was completed within five weeks with very limited indoor operation. The specimen was then tested in the lateral direction, which could potentially suffer sigifnicant damage in a large earthquake. The technical feasibility, construction workability, and seismic performance were thoroughly demonstrated by a full-scale specimen construction and pseudo-dynamic tests.
文摘Effi cient tools capable of using uncertain data to produce fast and approximate results are more practical in rapid decision-making applications when compared to conventional methods. From this point of view, this study introduces a risk assessment model for one-story precast industrial buildings by fuzzy logic which builds a bridge between uncertainty and precision. The input, output and relations of the fuzzy based risk assessment model (FBRAM) were determined by reference buildings. The Monte Carlo simulation method was used to handle uncertainties associated with the structural characteristics of the reference buildings. Section dimension, longitudinal reinforcement ratio, column height related to building elevation, confi nement ratio and seismic hazard are regarded as input and the plastic demand ratio is considered as the output parameter by the mathematical formulation of strength and deformation capacity of the buildings. The supervised learning method was used to determine the membership function of fuzzy sets. Fuzzy rules of FBRAM were constructed from Monte Carlo simulation by mapping of inputs and output. FBRAM was evaluated by a group of simulated buildings and two existing precast industrial buildings. Comparisons have shown signifi cant agreement with analytical model results in both cases. Consequently, it is anticipated that the proposed model can be used for the seismic risk mitigation of precast buildings.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.51408360the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian(NSFF)under Grant No.2020J01477the Technology Project of Fuzhou Science and Technology Bureau(TPFB)under Grant No.2020-GX-18。
文摘In this paper,the seismic behaviors of precast bridge columns connected with grouted corrugated-metal duct(GCMD)were investigated through the biaxial quasi-static experiment and numerical simulation.With a geometric scale ratio of 1:5,five specimens were fabricated,including four precast bridge columns connected with GCMD and one cast-in-place(CIP)bridge column.A finite element analysis model was also established by using OpenSees and was then calibrated by using the experimental results for parameter analysis.The results show the biaxial seismic performance of the precast bridge columns connected with GCMD was similar to the CIP bridge columns regarding ultimate bearing capacity and hysteresis energy,and further,that it could meet the design goal of equivalent performance.The seismic performance of the precast bridge columns connected with GCMD deteriorated more significantly under bi-directional load than under uni-directional load.A proper slenderness ratio(e.g.,7.0-10.0)and longitudinal reinforcement ratio could significantly improve the energy dissipation capacity and deformation capacity of the precast bridge columns,while the axial load ratio and concrete strength had little influence on the above properties.The research results could bring insights to the development of the seismic design of precast bridge columns connected with GCMD.
基金Key Project of the Key Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,China Earthquake Administration under Grant No.2019EEEVL0304National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)under Grant No.51678543。
文摘The seismic performance of a five-story,four-bay,self-centering precast reinforced concrete frame(SC-RCF),which was redesigned using the direct displacement-based design method,was analytically investigated.The analytical model of the overall structure was developed in OpenSees.The multi-spring contact element was adopted to simulate gap open-close behavior at connection interfaces.The limit states of external mild steel dampers and unbonded post-tensioning strands were considered.Static pushover analyses were performed up to the roof drift of 10%.The nonlinear dynamic responses under four groups of ground motions(with different fault distances and site conditions)at six hazard levels(from the service to the very rare earthquake(VRE))were compared.Incremental dynamic analyses were implemented to quantify the structural collapse risk.The results showed that the structural responses of SC-RCF were satisfactory under all levels of earthquakes.The collapse safety of the structure under earthquakes up to VRE1 was adequate,while the structure would collapse to a large extent under VRE2 and VRE3.
基金Supported by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR)-SRF under Award Letter No.09/468/0494/2016 EMR-I。
文摘The structural behaviour of precast shear wall-diaphragm connection was compared with the monolithic connection under seismic loading.The monolithic connection was made by using U-bars connecting shear wall and slab,and the precast connection was made by using dowel bars in two steps.Firstly,U-shaped dowel bars from the precast shear wall lower panel and precast slab were connected by the longitudinal reinforcement,and screed concreting was done above the precast slab.Secondly,the shear wall upper panel was connected using the dowel bar protruding from the shear wall lower panel.The gap between the dowel bars and the duct was filled with non-shrink grout.The specimens were subjected to reverse cyclic loading at the ends of the slab.This study also aimed to develop a 3-D numerical model using ABAQUS software.The non-linear properties of concrete were defined by using the concrete damaged plasticity(CDP)model to analyse the response of the structure.The precast dowel connection between the shear wall and slab showed superior performance concerning ductility,strength,stiffness and energy dissipation.The developed finite element model exactly predicted the behaviour of connections as similar to that of experimental testing in the laboratory.The average difference between the results from finite element analysis and experimental testing was less than 20%.The results point to the conclusion that the shear resistance is provided by the dowel bars and the stiffness of the precast specimen is due to the diaphragm action of the precast slab.The damage parameter and the interaction between structural members play a crucial role in the modelling of precast connections.
文摘Precast reinforced concrete buildings have been well received in some seismic zones worldwide due to advantages such as the ease and the speed of implementation,and the possibility of working in inappropriate atmospheric conditions.In this research,seismic fragility curves were developed for precast concrete frames with a cast-in-situ concrete shear-wall,concerning the important issues of modeling the precast beam-column joints,construction quality,and soil type effects.For this purpose,the incremental dynamic analysis(IDA)was conducted for three-dimensional models of 3-,5-,and 8-story buildings under two record sets corresponding to soil types C and D of the NEHRP code.Beam-column joints were modeled using nonlinear rotational springs with rigid links with respect to the finite size of the joint panel.Results demonstrate that the Weibull distribution can be fitted to the damage state capacities better than the lognormal distribution at the intensities that are more than one standard deviation away from the median damage capacity.The seismic vulnerability of precast structures increases at all damage states as the height of the building increases.It is also observed that soil type has almost no considerable effect on the fragility curve parameters for all damage states considered herein.
基金The National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2020YFD1100404-4)the National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists of China(No.52108120)the National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists of Jiangsu Province(No.BK20210258)。
文摘To promote the visualisation and informatisation of the construction process of precast foamed lightweight concrete wallboards(PFLCWs),from the analysis of the construction requirements of PFLCWs,three key construction technologies based on building information modelling(BIM),namely,parameterised modelling for the PFLCW layout design,drawing generation to draw the PFLCW layout and quantity statistics for extracting PFLCW quantities,are proposed.Then,a reinforced concrete(RC)frame infilled with PFLCW is considered the test model to verify the feasibility of the aforementioned technologies.The results show that PFLCW layout design can be accomplished rapidly and visually using parameterised modelling technology.The PFLCW layout diagram can be generated directly using drawing generation technology.The proposed quantity statistics technology enables the automatic export of PFLCW bills of quantities.The built parameterised model helps construction workers rapidly and intuitively understand the specific layout details of PFLCWs.Moreover,the generated layout drawing and the bills of quantities based on the parameterised model can guide the production and on-site installation of PFLCWs.The research conclusions can serve as a practical guide and technical support for PFLCW engineering applications.
文摘A simplified full-depth precast concrete deck panel system for accelerating bridge construction (ABC) is introduced and a finite dement analysis (FEA) is con- ducted to investigate the static and dynamic responses of this conceptual deck system. The FEA results are compared to those of the traditional full-depth precast concrete deck panel system. The comparison results show that the mechanical behavior of the new deck system is different from that of the traditional deck system. The concrete decks in the new system act as two-way slabs, instead of the one-way slab in the traditional system. Meanwhile, the connections in both the longitudinal and transverse direc- tions may need to accommodate the negative moments. Compared to those in the traditional system, the longitu- dinal nominal stress at middle span increases a lot in the new deck system and the effective flange width varies significantly. In addition, the dynamic results show that the impact factor is influenced by the spacing of connections. Finally, some design concerns of the new deck system are proposed.
文摘A multiple rocking wall-frame(MRWF)system,in which the wall panels are directly connected to the adjacent beams and foundation is presented herein.In the MRWF system,the unbonded post-tensioned(PT)tendons are used to promote the self-centering ability,and O-shaped steel dampers are applied to enhance the energy dissipation capacity and reparability of the structure.First,analytical equations are proposed to determine the behavior of the O-shaped dampers.Then,the MRWF system is numerically evaluated for five different models consisting of rocking walls with varying numbers and arrangements while keeping the total effective width of wall panels constant.The numerical results show that with an increase in the number of wall panels and a decrease in the wall width,the hysteretic behavior of the MRWF system tends to the ideal flag-shaped pattern,resulting in little damage to the beams,insignificant strain in the wall toe,negligible residual drifts and damage index of less than 0.2 under severe earthquakes.In contrast,the conventional model demonstrates extensive damage to the structural elements due to undesirable wall-to-frame interaction,which leads to a damage index of 0.78 and residual drifts of 0.42%under seismic loads.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.U1434205 and 51678490the Major Research Plan of China National Railway Ministry of China under Grant Nos.2015G002-B and P2018G007the National Key R&D Program of China under Grant No.2017YFC1500803。
文摘Precast segmental column bridges exhibit various construction advantages in comparison to traditional monolithic column bridges.However,the lack of cognitions on seismic behaviors has seriously restricted their applications and developments.In this paper,comprehensive investigations are conducted to analyze the dynamic characteristics of precast segmental column bridges under near-fault,forward-directivity ground motions.First,the finite-element models of two comparable bridges with precast segmental columns and monolithic columns are constructed by using OpenSees software,and the nonlinearities of the bridges are considered.Next,three different earthquake loadings are meticulously set up to handle engineering problems,namely recorded near-and far-field ground motions,parameterized pulses,and pulse and residual components extracted from real records.Finally,based on the models and earthquake sets,extensive explorations are carried out.The results show that near-fault forward-directivity ground motions are more threatening than far-field ones;precast segmental column bridges may suffer more pounding impacts than monolithic bridges;the“narrow band”effect caused by near-fault,forward-directivity ground motions may occur in bridges with shorter periods than pulse periods;and pulse and residual components play different roles in seismic responses.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation (51208268)the Pubiic-Welfare-Technology Research Industry Project of Science Technology Department of Zhejiang (2011 C21078) the Social Development Project of Science Technology Bureau of Ningbo (2011CS0017).