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作者 王燕 张陆行 李国强 《产业与科技论坛》 2024年第11期18-21,共4页
R&D经费投入强度,是国际上通用的衡量一个国家或者地区科技投入强度的重要指标,成为评价其科技实力、核心竞争力和创新程度的重要标准。本文在对石家庄市研发投入开展调研的基础上,对R&D经费投入开展总体分析、结构分析、横纵... R&D经费投入强度,是国际上通用的衡量一个国家或者地区科技投入强度的重要指标,成为评价其科技实力、核心竞争力和创新程度的重要标准。本文在对石家庄市研发投入开展调研的基础上,对R&D经费投入开展总体分析、结构分析、横纵向比较分析,找出存在的问题,提出加大政府对科研活动的支持、大力发展新兴产业、重视研发投入统计等对策与建议。 展开更多
关键词 r&d经费投入 科研活动 科技实力
作者 臧传琴 《山东商业职业技术学院学报》 2024年第4期1-8,共8页
政府R&D补贴既可以通过提供公共服务的方式直接作用于技术创新,也可以通过对社会资本的引导作用间接影响技术创新,其总效应取决于两种影响的方向与大小。基于2009—2021年中国的经验数据,建立了由技术创新方程和引致方程共同组成的... 政府R&D补贴既可以通过提供公共服务的方式直接作用于技术创新,也可以通过对社会资本的引导作用间接影响技术创新,其总效应取决于两种影响的方向与大小。基于2009—2021年中国的经验数据,建立了由技术创新方程和引致方程共同组成的动态模型,对政府R&D补贴的技术创新效应进行了实证分析。结果发现:持续增加的政府R&D补贴带来了国内专利授权数量的稳定增加,技术创新效应较为显著;政府R&D补贴不仅对技术创新产生了积极的直接影响,也通过引导社会资本投资于研发领域而对技术创新产生了积极的间接影响;政府R&D补贴的技术创新效应存在区域差异,中东部地区为正,而西部地区为负。提高资金使用效率、积极引导社会资本投资技术研发、努力改善欠发达地区的研发环境,无疑是提高政府R&D补贴技术创新效应的必要选择。 展开更多
关键词 r&d补贴 技术创新 直接效应 间接效应
R&D资本化背景下我国TFP增长率再测算 被引量:1
作者 杜瑶 许永洪 《统计研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期33-45,共13页
研究与试验发展(R&D)资本对经济增长和科技创新作用日益凸显,但对于R&D资本的核算亟待完善。本文基于SNA2008和CSNA2016框架,将R&D支出作为资本形成,对我国各省份物质资本存量和R&D资本存量进行规范化测算,使用随机前... 研究与试验发展(R&D)资本对经济增长和科技创新作用日益凸显,但对于R&D资本的核算亟待完善。本文基于SNA2008和CSNA2016框架,将R&D支出作为资本形成,对我国各省份物质资本存量和R&D资本存量进行规范化测算,使用随机前沿分析法重新估算1991—2019年间的全要素生产率(TFP)增长率。研究发现:第一,我国R&D资本存量规模呈总体递增和地区聚集趋势;第二,1991—2019年间,我国广义TFP增长率年平均增幅为2.10%,对经济增长存在正向作用;第三,将TFP增长率分解为技术进步、前沿技术效率和规模效应,发现技术进步对TFP增长率的贡献最大,是推动我国TFP增长的主导力量,但却呈现逐年递减的趋势;第四,随着我国对R&D投入的不断增加与重视,R&D对我国广义TFP增长率的贡献呈现递增的趋势,R&D的贡献逐渐成为推动我国科技进步的主要力量。 展开更多
关键词 r&d资本化 r&d资本存量 TFP增长率 随机前沿分析
云南省R&D经费投入结构动态研究 被引量:1
作者 张和平 钟翔 +1 位作者 段江涛 贺新华 《中国科技资源导刊》 2024年第1期92-99,共8页
为研究云南省“十二五”以来R&D经费投入结构变化,分析R&D经费投入现状,并与全国,东、中、西部地区及临近省份进行了对比;从资金来源和资金配置视角,运用Cobb-Douglas效用函数及其修正模型对R&D经费投入结构展开动态分析。... 为研究云南省“十二五”以来R&D经费投入结构变化,分析R&D经费投入现状,并与全国,东、中、西部地区及临近省份进行了对比;从资金来源和资金配置视角,运用Cobb-Douglas效用函数及其修正模型对R&D经费投入结构展开动态分析。结果表明:云南省R&D经费投入结构不尽合理,资金来源中政府资金占比较低且呈下降趋势,资金配置中基础研究和应用研究投入不足,与最优结构偏离程度较大。针对存在的问题,提出持续加大政府R&D经费投入力度、围绕产业链提升基础研究和应用研究比重的建议。 展开更多
关键词 r&d经费 政府r&d投入 资源配置 活动类型 云南省 Cobb-douglas效用函数
政府R&D资助对OFDI逆向绿色创新的影响机制研究 被引量:1
作者 韩先锋 刘娟 李勃昕 《运筹与管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期158-164,共7页
应用中国分省区层面数据并采用面板门槛模型,实证考察了政府R&D资助影响OFDI逆向绿色创新的动态效应。研究发现,OFDI对国内绿色创新产生了显著的驱动效应,但这种影响呈现出明显的先负后正的“U”型动态演化特征;政府R&D资助会... 应用中国分省区层面数据并采用面板门槛模型,实证考察了政府R&D资助影响OFDI逆向绿色创新的动态效应。研究发现,OFDI对国内绿色创新产生了显著的驱动效应,但这种影响呈现出明显的先负后正的“U”型动态演化特征;政府R&D资助会正向调节OFDI逆向绿色创新溢出,且存在最适宜于OFDI逆向绿色创新的政府R&D资助区间(0.366,0.428],过高或过低强度的政府R&D资助均会在一定程度上造成OFDI逆向绿色创新的红利损失;政府R&D资助调节下OFDI对绿色创新的动态影响具有显著时空异质性,即在时空维度上存在“激励效应”与“挤出效应”交替演化的鲜明特征。 展开更多
关键词 政府r&d资助 对外直接投资 绿色创新
作者 吕新兵 孟丽萍 +4 位作者 潘春华 郭子洵 耿晓坤 申喜凤 吴英锋 《中国医院》 北大核心 2024年第9期78-81,共4页
目的:研究CHS-DRG付费联合人工关节集采改革措施实施前后关节置换病组(IC29)住院患者费用结构变化情况及影响因素,揭示改革给医院运营带来的影响。方法:分析北京某三级医院改革实施前后IC29病组住院患者的信息以及住院费用变化情况;运... 目的:研究CHS-DRG付费联合人工关节集采改革措施实施前后关节置换病组(IC29)住院患者费用结构变化情况及影响因素,揭示改革给医院运营带来的影响。方法:分析北京某三级医院改革实施前后IC29病组住院患者的信息以及住院费用变化情况;运用结构变动度分析法,分析病组费用变化的主要类别和方向。结果:改革前后IC29病组次均住院费的结构变动度为39.4%,其中耗材费、手术费是影响住院费用变动的主要项目,累计贡献率为80.15%。改革后月均住院患者人次增加,次均住院费与耗材费下降,手术费占比升高,DRG医保盈余升高。结论:改革措施推进了CHS-DRG落地实施,使IC29病组住院费用结构趋于合理化,增加了医院可支配收入,降低了患者就医负担。但体现医务人员劳动技术价值的手术治疗费增幅有限,改革面临可能出现的诸多负性问题,需要进一步研究制定配套政策。 展开更多
关键词 医院集采 CHS-drG 人工关节 费用结构
作者 姚慧娴 徐荣 《安徽工程大学学报》 CAS 2024年第4期73-81,共9页
本文基于中国部分上市公司的数据,选取R&D支出全部费用化、全部资本化、部分资本化3个虚拟变量及R&D支出费用化金额、资本化金额用以表征R&D支出披露形式,研究上市公司R&D支出会计政策选择是否与盈余管理程度相关,进而... 本文基于中国部分上市公司的数据,选取R&D支出全部费用化、全部资本化、部分资本化3个虚拟变量及R&D支出费用化金额、资本化金额用以表征R&D支出披露形式,研究上市公司R&D支出会计政策选择是否与盈余管理程度相关,进而检验R&D支出会计处理盈余管理路径,即检验R&D支出费用化、资本化的确定依据是否受其他非准则因素影响。研究结果显示,有条件资本化会计处理可能成为管理层盈余管理手段,包括应计盈余管理和真实盈余管理。在确定R&D支出费用化金额、资本化金额及R&D支出费用化强度上,管理层除了依据会计准则,还要依据当期利润情况、所得税负、利润质量、审计成本、利润平滑和公司独立性的影响。 展开更多
关键词 r&d支出 应计盈余管理 真实盈余管理 利润平滑
粤港澳大湾区企业R&D活动特征研究 被引量:1
作者 雷钦礼 《统计理论与实践》 2024年第3期11-20,共10页
基于上市公司数据,对粤港澳大湾区企业R&D活动的行业、规模、经济类型以及研发效益的时滞特征进行研究。发现的典型事实有:(1)企业R&D活动具有明显的行业特征,高强度的研发企业主要聚集于信息通信技术(ICT)、医药制造、仪器仪... 基于上市公司数据,对粤港澳大湾区企业R&D活动的行业、规模、经济类型以及研发效益的时滞特征进行研究。发现的典型事实有:(1)企业R&D活动具有明显的行业特征,高强度的研发企业主要聚集于信息通信技术(ICT)、医药制造、仪器仪表和设备制造等高新技术行业;(2)企业研发活动与企业规模有关,大型企业的研发规模大,但是小型企业研发强度最高,大型企业最低;(3)经济类型不同企业的研发投入强度没有显著差异,长期以来认为“国有企业研发强度和效率不如民营企业”的断言不符合实际;(4)企业研发强度与自身经营状况联系密切,盈利能力越强的企业R&D投入强度通常越高,盈利不佳的企业通常难以进行高强度的研发;(5)企业R&D研发效益的产生往往具有相当长的时滞,ICT行业中软件服务业研发效益的产生通常需要两年的滞后期,硬件设备制造业通常在五年以上。为促使企业持续加大R&D投入,尽快实现将粤港澳大湾区建成全球科技创新高地和新兴产业重要策源地的目标,一方面要大力培育企业经营者的企业家精神,另一方面应进一步改革税制,降低制造业增值税税率,增强企业的盈利能力和持续加大研发投入强度的能力。 展开更多
关键词 粤港澳大湾区 企业r&d 研发强度 研发效益
作者 王春 王艳 吕海刚 《行政事业资产与财务》 2024年第4期34-36,共3页
2017—2021年,副省级城市的R&D经费投入都保持持续增长的态势。深圳的R&D经费投入在副省级城市中一直处于遥遥领先的地位,西安由于科研院所和高校众多,2017年R&D经费投入总量在副省级城市中排名第四,2021年排名第七,被资源... 2017—2021年,副省级城市的R&D经费投入都保持持续增长的态势。深圳的R&D经费投入在副省级城市中一直处于遥遥领先的地位,西安由于科研院所和高校众多,2017年R&D经费投入总量在副省级城市中排名第四,2021年排名第七,被资源禀赋相似的南京、成都、武汉等城市超越。西安由于GDP总量不高,R&D经费投入强度一直保持在5%左右,2020年被深圳反超。基于数据的可获得性,本文从2021年副省级城市的R&D经费投入总量、R&D经费投入强度等方面进行解读和分析,并结合分析结果提出相关建议,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 副省级城市 r&d经费投入总量 r&d经费投入强度
REDISSE in Benin and Lessons Learned for the Management of Public Health Emergencies after Five Years of Implementation
作者 Fidelia Hinson Arthur Dagan +3 位作者 Dorine Laura Danmitondé Blaise Hounyo Isidore Domanou David Houéto 《Open Journal of Epidemiology》 2024年第3期493-507,共15页
Introduction: Benin was embarked on phase 3 of the REDISSE Benin project (Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement) which began in 2018. The objectives were in five key components namely, Surveillance and hea... Introduction: Benin was embarked on phase 3 of the REDISSE Benin project (Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement) which began in 2018. The objectives were in five key components namely, Surveillance and health information;Laboratory capacity building;Emergency preparedness and response;Human resources management for effective disease surveillance and epidemic preparedness;and Institutional Capacity Building, Project Management, Coordination and Advocacy. After five years of implementation, this study aimed at the documentation of lessons learned and best practices. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study. Apart from individual semi-structured interviews, a thematic workshops bringing together the project’s main stakeholders recruited on an exhaustive way by component to identify and validate lessons learned, good practices and propose improvement mechanisms to be taken into account by the sector. Criteria were set up and used to validate best practices and lessons learned. Results: A total 54 (Surveillance workshop), 47 (Preparedness & response workshop), 53 (Human Resources workshop), 26 (Laboratories workshop) participated to the thematic workshops, and five interviews. The good practices (33: 9 for animal health, 7 for human health and 17 crosscutting) and lessons learned (10: 3 for animal health and 7 for human health) have been identified and have been the subject, depending on the case, of proposals for improvement or conditions necessary for their maintenance. Discussion: The richness of a project lies not only in the immediate achievement of its results, but also and above all, in its usefulness for similar interventions, whether in the local, regional, national or international context. It is in this context that the REDISSE project has set out to make public the various lessons learned and best practices from the implementation of its activities over a period of some five consecutive years. 展开更多
关键词 Public Health Emergency Events Preparedness and response capitalization rEdISSE BENIN
Mixed-ownership Reform:Private Firms’Role in Targeted Poverty Alleviation-A Perspective on Resource Complementarity and Check&Balance
作者 Ding Hui He Dongxin +1 位作者 Jiang Fuwei Zhang Zhining 《China Economist》 2024年第5期25-47,共23页
Targeted poverty alleviation(TPA)serves as a winning formula for fighting poverty and has generated valuable experiences for achieving common prosperity.The mixed-ownership reform has enhanced corporate economic perfo... Targeted poverty alleviation(TPA)serves as a winning formula for fighting poverty and has generated valuable experiences for achieving common prosperity.The mixed-ownership reform has enhanced corporate economic performance.However,further testing is required to assess whether enterprises contribute to the improvement of distribution by participating in TPA.Taking A-share-listed private enterprises between 2016 and 2021 as research samples,we conducted an investigation into the extent and manner in which the mixed-ownership reform contributes to TPA.Our research reveals that a higher proportion of state capital equity participation is correlated with a greater level of private enterprises’contribution to TPA.This indicates that the mixed-ownership reform is beneficial for prompting private enterprises to shoulder responsibilities for building a society of common prosperity.As shown by the mechanism test,state capital equity participation encourages private enterprises to contribute to TPA primarily by alleviating corporate financing constraints through the resource complementarity effect.In contrast,the check&balance effect of promoting corporate poverty alleviation by mitigating the principal-agent problem has not yet been significantly demonstrated.Regarding the poverty alleviation model,state capital equity participation prompts private enterprises to contribute to TPA through industrial development,educational investment,and environmental protection,emphasizing a combination of providing external assistance and cultivating endogenous development capacity.In terms of TPA regions,state capital equity participation plays a significant role in supporting economically less-developed regions,regions with high unemployment rates,and central and western regions.This paper provides new empirical evidence for deepening mixed-ownership reforms and advancing common prosperity. 展开更多
关键词 Mixed ownership TPA state capital resource complementarity check&balance
Mindfulness training in medical education as a means to improve resilience,empathy,and mental health in the medical profession
作者 Edison Iglesias de Oliveira Vidal Luiz Fernando Alvarenga Ribeiro +1 位作者 Marco Antonio de Carvalho-Filho Fernanda Bono Fukushima 《World Journal of Psychiatry》 SCIE 2024年第4期489-493,共5页
The high rates of depression,burnout,and increased risk of suicide among medical students,residents,and physicians in comparison with other careers signal a mental health crisis within our profession.We contend that t... The high rates of depression,burnout,and increased risk of suicide among medical students,residents,and physicians in comparison with other careers signal a mental health crisis within our profession.We contend that this crisis coupled with the inadequate acquisition of interpersonal skills during medical education results from the interaction between a challenging environment and the mental capital of individuals.Additionally,we posit that mindfulness-based practices are instrumental for the development of major components of mental capital,such as resilience,flexibility of mind,and learning skills,while also serving as a pathway to enhance empathy,compassion,self-awareness,conflict resolution,and relational abilities.Importantly,the evidence base supporting the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions has been increasing over the years,and a growing number of medical schools have already integrated mindfulness into their curricula.While we acknowledge that mindfulness is not a panacea for all educational and mental health problems in this field,we argue that there is currently an unprecedented opportunity to gather momentum,spread and study mindfulness-based programs in medical schools around the world as a way to address some longstanding shortcomings of the medical profession and the health and educational systems upon which it is rooted. 展开更多
关键词 MINdFULNESS Medical education Mental capital Mental health Medical students rESILIENCE
Promoting Post-Traumatic Growth in Colorectal Cancer Patients:Exploring the Role of Social Support through a Chain Mediation Model
作者 Xia Sun Qin Li +3 位作者 Yang Li Wenjun Yan Shuai Gong Wenjing Yan 《Psycho-Oncologie》 SCIE 2024年第3期233-240,共8页
Colorectal cancer(CRC)poses significant physical and psychological challenges that necessitate an exploration of factors influencing post-traumatic growth(PTG)for patient well-being.This study aims to investigate the ef... Colorectal cancer(CRC)poses significant physical and psychological challenges that necessitate an exploration of factors influencing post-traumatic growth(PTG)for patient well-being.This study aims to investigate the effects of positive psychological capital(PsyCap)and perceived stress on mediating the social support-PTG relation among 673 CRC patients.Social support,positive PsyCap,perceived stress,and PTG were assessed through questionnaires.The results indicated a direct prediction effect of social support on PTG(LICI=0.481,ULCI=0.644),with the direct effect being 59.5%.Both positive PsyCap and perceived stress exerted a mediating role in the correlation between social support and PTG,with the mediating effects occupying 29.4%(LICI=0.217,ULCI=0.343)and 5.7%(LICI=0.030,ULCI=0.082),respectively.Positive PsyCap further had a chain mediating effect on perceived stress(LICI=0.031,ULCI=0.074),with the chain effect accounting for 5.4%.The total impact of social support on PTG was 100%(LICI=0.882,ULCI=1.008).This model underscores the pivotal role of social support in promoting PTG in CRC patients.Positive PsyCap serves as a crucial mediator in the social support-PTG link,with perceived stress playing a sequential mediating role.Thesefindings suggest that strengthening social support networks and cultivating positive PsyCap may reduce perceived stress and promote the development of PTG in CRC patients.Consequently,intervention programs are recommended to improve the psychosocial well-being of CRC patients. 展开更多
关键词 Social support positive psychological capital perceived stress mediating effect post-traumatic growth
State-Owned Capital Participation in Private Enterprises:A Perspective of Debt Financing
作者 He Dexu Zeng Min Zhang Shuonan 《China Economist》 2024年第1期14-42,共29页
This study takes debt financing as the entry point and explores the impact of state-owned capital participation in private enterprises from the perspectives of“unarticulated rules”and“articulated rules”.The study ... This study takes debt financing as the entry point and explores the impact of state-owned capital participation in private enterprises from the perspectives of“unarticulated rules”and“articulated rules”.The study finds that state-owned capital participation significantly reduces the debt financing costs of private enterprises and expands the scale of their debt financing.This conclusion remains valid after a series of endogeneity and robustness tests.Further analysis of the mechanism reveals that state-owned capital participation improves the debt financing of private enterprises through multiple channels:Enhancing their social reputation,mitigating the“statistical bias”they face,optimizing their information quality,and reducing the“shareholder-creditor”agency problems.This paper conceptualizes these benefits as the“complementary advantages of heterogeneous shareholders”.This not only constructs a theoretical framework for“reverse mixed-ownership reform”but also better narrates the Chinese story of“mixed-ownership reform”by adopting a more universally applicable theory of equity structure.Additionally,the paper supplements existing research on the macro-and meso-level relationship between the government and the market by exploring the government’s positive role at the micro-level. 展开更多
关键词 Mixed-ownership reform reverse mixed-ownership reform state-owned capital debt financing heterogeneous shareholders
Impact of web-based positive psychological intervention on emotions,psychological capital,and quality of life in gastric cancer patients on chemotherapy
作者 Yu-Yu Xin Dan Zhao 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2024年第26期5877-5884,共8页
BACKGROUND Gastric cancer is a malignant digestive tract tumor that originates from the epithelium of the gastric mucosa and occurs in the gastric antrum,particularly in the lower curvature of the stomach.AIM To evalu... BACKGROUND Gastric cancer is a malignant digestive tract tumor that originates from the epithelium of the gastric mucosa and occurs in the gastric antrum,particularly in the lower curvature of the stomach.AIM To evaluate the impact of a positive web-based psychological intervention on emotions,psychological capital,and quality of survival in gastric cancer patients on chemotherapy.METHODS From January 2020 to October 2023,121 cases of gastric cancer patients on chemotherapy admitted to our hospital were collected and divided into a control group(n=60)and an observation group(n=61)according to the admission order.They were given either conventional nursing care alone and conventional nursing care combined with web-based positive psychological interventions,respectively.The two groups were compared in terms of negative emotions,psychological capital,degree of cancer-caused fatigue,and quality of survival.RESULTS After intervention,the number of patients in the observation group who had negative feelings toward chemotherapy treatment was significantly lower than that of the control group(P<0.05);the Positive Psychological Capital Questionnaire score was considerably higher than that of the control group(P<0.05);the degree of cancer-caused fatigue was significantly lower than that of the control group(P<0.05);and the Quality of Life Scale for Cancer Patients(QLQ-30)score was significantly higher than that of the control group(P<0.05).CONCLUSION Implementing a web-based positive psychological intervention for gastric cancer chemotherapy patients can effectively improve negative emotions,enhance psychological capital,and improve the quality of survival. 展开更多
关键词 Internet Positive psychology Gastric cancer chemotherapy Negative emotions Psychological capital Quality of survival
The Impact of the Digital Economy on Rural Residents’Working Hours:Mechanisms and Empirical Evidence
作者 Peng Su Li Jing Wang Jue 《Contemporary Social Sciences》 2024年第2期34-51,共18页
The rapid development of the digital economy has provided a new impetus for rural residents to extend their working hours.Based on the data collected by the China Labor-force Dynamics Survey(CLDS)in 2014,2016,and 2018... The rapid development of the digital economy has provided a new impetus for rural residents to extend their working hours.Based on the data collected by the China Labor-force Dynamics Survey(CLDS)in 2014,2016,and 2018,this paper measured the development level of the digital economy in China from the perspectives of internet development and digital financial inclusion,and tested the mechanisms of how the digital economy affected rural residents’working hours.The results showed that the digital economy extended rural residents’working hours by expanding information channels and enhancing human capital,and this mechanism was affected by heterogeneity in rural residents’educational background,age,and social capital.Building on these findings,this paper holds that to increase rural residents’income by extending their working hours and achieving common prosperity for all,it is necessary to expand the opportunities for rural residents to participate in skills training and promote their accumulation of human capital. 展开更多
关键词 digital economy rural residents’working hours information channels human capital
Selective Technology Importation and the Convergence in the Late Qing Dynasty: Evidence from Wired Telegraph
作者 Jiao Yinyi Cai Meng 《China Economist》 2024年第5期117-136,共20页
Using the adoption and expansion of wired telegraph in China during the late 19^(th) century,this paper investigates the effect of cost reductions for knowledge exchange on China’s industrial growth before the outbre... Using the adoption and expansion of wired telegraph in China during the late 19^(th) century,this paper investigates the effect of cost reductions for knowledge exchange on China’s industrial growth before the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression(1931-1945),thus testing Baldwin’s theory of“the Great Convergence”in which developing countries are empowered by information and communication technologies.Based on panel data of 1858-1937,we found that wired telegraph access had a significantly positive effect,as well as a long-term growth effect,on the entry of industrial enterprises.Our mechanism analysis indicates that wired telegraph access accelerated early-stage industrialization in localities by encouraging market integration,human capital accumulation,and auxiliary commercial organizations.Only a few countries firmly asserted their telegraph sovereignty and set up their own workforce educational system during telegraph adoption.This explains why the Great Convergence arising from technology importation only occurred in a small number of countries.Our findings contribute to understanding the source of China’s modern industrial progress,as well as why global inequities remain. 展开更多
关键词 wired telegraph entry of industrial enterprises the Great Convergence human capital
Defining Cities by Water: Addressing Capital Misallocation in a Race to Conserve Resources
作者 Yao Peng Li Jinze 《China Economist》 2024年第1期86-102,共17页
As part of its efforts to promote a sustainable and high-quality development,China has pledged to reduce water consumption and create a water-efficient society.On the basis of identifying the institutional root causes... As part of its efforts to promote a sustainable and high-quality development,China has pledged to reduce water consumption and create a water-efficient society.On the basis of identifying the institutional root causes of excessive capital allocation and excessive water consumption in China’s water-intensive industrial sectors,this study elaborates how the national water-efficient cities assessment contributes to optimized capital allocation.Our research shows that national water-efficient cities assessment has motivated local governments to compete for water efficiency.To conserve water,local governments regulated the entry and exit of water-intensive enterprises,discouraged excessive investments in water-intensive sectors,and phased out obsolete water-intensive capacities within their jurisdictions.This approach has resulted in mutually beneficial outcomes,including improved allocation of capital,enhanced water efficiency,and reduced emissions.This paper offers policy recommendations for establishing a water-efficient society throughout the 14^(th) Five-Year Plan(2021-2025)period by presenting empirical evidence on the policy effects of resource efficiency evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 Competitive evaluation for resource efficiency national water-efficient cities assessment capital misallocation water efficiency emissions abatement
Simulation Modelling and Techno-Economics of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Recompression Closed Brayton Cycle
作者 Ken Amaale Atinga 《Energy and Power Engineering》 2024年第10期325-344,共20页
In recent years, there has been global interest in meeting targets relating to energy affordability and security while taking into account greenhouse gas emissions. This has heightened major interest in potential inve... In recent years, there has been global interest in meeting targets relating to energy affordability and security while taking into account greenhouse gas emissions. This has heightened major interest in potential investigations into the use of supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) power cycles. Climate change mitigation is the ultimate driver for this increased interest;other relevant issues include the potential for high cycle efficiency and a circular economy. In this study, a 25 MWe recompression closed Brayton cycle (RCBC) has been assessed, and sCO2 has been proposed as the working fluid for the power plant. The methodology used in this research work comprises thermodynamic and techno-economic analysis for the prospective commercialization of this sCO2 power cycle. An evaluated estimation of capital expenditure, operational expenditure, and cost of electricity has been considered in this study. The ASPEN Plus simulation results have been compared with theoretical and mathematical calculations to assess the performance of the compressors, turbine, and heat exchangers. The results thus reveal that the cycle efficiency for this prospective sCO2 recompression closed Brayton cycle increases (39% - 53.6%) as the temperature progressively increases from 550˚C to 900˚C. Data from the Aspen simulation model was used to aid the cost function calculations to estimate the total capital investment cost of the plant. Also, the techno-economic results have shown less cost for purchasing equipment due to fewer components being required for the cycle configuration as compared to the conventional steam power plant. 展开更多
关键词 Supercritical Carbon dioxide (sCO2) Closed Brayton Cycle TECHNO-ECONOMICS Simulation Capital Expenditure Gas Turbine THErMOdYNAMIC Equipment Cost Optimization and Sensitivity
作者 魏杰 《城市学刊》 2024年第4期49-55,共7页
如何促进城市经济高质量发展是目前社会各界关注的重要议题,R&D投入和科技创新一直是经济发展需要考虑的两个重要影响因素。利用2017—2019年280个地级及以上城市的相关数据,实证分析R&D投入对经济发展质量的影响。研究发现,R&a... 如何促进城市经济高质量发展是目前社会各界关注的重要议题,R&D投入和科技创新一直是经济发展需要考虑的两个重要影响因素。利用2017—2019年280个地级及以上城市的相关数据,实证分析R&D投入对经济发展质量的影响。研究发现,R&D投入和经济发展质量之间存在倒“U”型关系,即一定数量的R&D投入可以促进经济发展质量的提升;但R&D投入超过一定阈值后,更多数量的R&D投入则会给经济发展质量带来负面影响;科技创新是R&D投入影响经济发展质量的一个重要传导渠道;在大中城市中,科技创新在R&D投入和经济发展质量之间的中介作用会更加明显;在小城市中,R&D投入和经济发展质量之间的倒“U”型关系更加显著。因此,通过加大R&D投入来提升科技创新水平进而提升经济发展质量是一条切实可行的路径,但R&D投入并不是越多越好,而是只有将R&D投入有效地转化为科技创新产出,才能更好地实现经济高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 r&d投入 科技创新 经济发展质量 地级城市
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