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作者 赫晓磊 青璐 王佳 《中国性科学》 2024年第6期70-73,共4页
目的对比全腹CT评分与Fagotti评分在晚期卵巢癌(OC)患者行R0减灭术术前评估中的效果。方法选取2021年1月至2022年6月新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院收治的60例晚期OC患者作为研究对象,均行全腹CT评分,之后对患者行腹腔镜探查术,术中行Fagott... 目的对比全腹CT评分与Fagotti评分在晚期卵巢癌(OC)患者行R0减灭术术前评估中的效果。方法选取2021年1月至2022年6月新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院收治的60例晚期OC患者作为研究对象,均行全腹CT评分,之后对患者行腹腔镜探查术,术中行Fagotti评分。对比不同Fagotti评分患者的基线资料及全腹CT评分,分析Fagotti评分的影响因素,对比两种评分对晚期OC患者行R0减灭术术前评估效果的一致性。结果60例患者全腹CT评分为0~9分,平均(3.05±1.02)分。≥3分者27例,占45.00%;<3分者占33例,占55.00%。Fagotti评分为0~14分,平均(7.79±2.01)分。≥8分者29例,占48.33%;<8分者占31例,占51.67%。校正国际妇产科联盟(FIGO)分期、肿瘤位置、分化程度、恶性腹水因素后,晚期OC患者全腹CT评分仍与Fagotti评分有关(P<0.05);全腹CT评分与Fagotti评分术前评估晚期OC患者行R0减灭术具有较高的一致性(Kappa指数=0.799,95%CI:0.547~1.052,χ^(2)=35.353,P<0.001)。结论全腹CT评分与Fagotti评分在术前评估晚期OC患者行R0减灭术方面具有较高的一致性,全腹CT评分在一定程度上可取代Fagotti评分对晚期OC患者行R0减灭术的术前评估。 展开更多
关键词 全腹CT评分 Fagotti评分 晚期 卵巢癌 r0减灭术 术前评估
HPLC-DAD-ELSD法同时测定牛膝中β-蜕皮甾酮、人参皂苷R0、竹节参皂苷Ⅳa的含量 被引量:10
作者 杨柳 姜海 +5 位作者 苏晓琳 颜美玲 邢绪东 郭新月 侯阿娇 满文静 《中医药信息》 2019年第3期87-91,共5页
目的:采用高效液相色谱-二极管阵列检测器-蒸发光散射检测器(HPLC-DAD-ELSD)法同时测定牛膝中3种化合物β-蜕皮甾酮、人参皂苷R0、竹节参皂苷Ⅳa的含量。方法:采用Agilent 5 TC-C18(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm)色谱柱,流动相为乙腈-0.08%... 目的:采用高效液相色谱-二极管阵列检测器-蒸发光散射检测器(HPLC-DAD-ELSD)法同时测定牛膝中3种化合物β-蜕皮甾酮、人参皂苷R0、竹节参皂苷Ⅳa的含量。方法:采用Agilent 5 TC-C18(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm)色谱柱,流动相为乙腈-0.08%甲酸(A),水-2.5%异丙醇-0.08%甲酸(B)不同比例进行梯度洗脱;流速为0.9 mL/min,运行时间80 min,β-蜕皮甾酮采用DAD进行检测,检测波长为248 nm;人参皂苷R0和竹节参皂苷Ⅳa采用ELSD进行检测,漂移管温度为110℃,载气流速3.2 L/min。结果:β-蜕皮甾酮在0.001 9~0.096 3 mg/mL浓度范围内浓度与峰面积间呈良好的线性关系(r^2=0.999 9);人参皂苷R0、竹节参皂苷Ⅳa分别在0.002 2~0.469 5 mg/mL和0.004 7~0.483 0 mg/mL浓度范围内浓度的对数与峰面积的对数间呈良好的线性关系(r^2=0.999 5,r^2=0.999 4)。牛膝中三种化合物(β-蜕皮甾酮、人参皂苷R0、竹节参皂苷Ⅳa)的平均加样回收率分别为99.29%(RSD为2.14%)、99.13%(RSD为2.04%)和98.30%(RSD为2.11%)。结论:本研究所建立的方法简便,快速,且稳定性、精密度、重复性良好,适用于牛膝中甾酮类和皂苷类成分的同时测定,也可用于牛膝药材的质量控制。 展开更多
关键词 牛膝 HPLC-DAD-ELSD 含量测定 β-蜕皮甾酮 人参皂苷r0 竹节参皂苷Ⅳa
基础R0-代数与基础L^*系统 被引量:129
作者 吴洪博 《数学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期565-576,共12页
研究了王国俊教授建立的模糊命题演算的形式演绎系统L*和与之在语义上相匹配的R0-代数,以及Petr Hajek建立的模糊命题演算系统BL和BL-代数,提出了基础R0-代数和基础L*系统的观点,讨论了基础R0-代数与BL代数,基础L*系统与BL系统之间的相... 研究了王国俊教授建立的模糊命题演算的形式演绎系统L*和与之在语义上相匹配的R0-代数,以及Petr Hajek建立的模糊命题演算系统BL和BL-代数,提出了基础R0-代数和基础L*系统的观点,讨论了基础R0-代数与BL代数,基础L*系统与BL系统之间的相互关系及相对独立性,讨论了基础L*系统关于基础R0-代数的完备性问题,证明了MV-代数是特殊的基础R0-代数,指出了Lukasiewicz模糊命题演算系统是基础L*系统的扩张,最后作为基础R0-代数与基础L*系统的一个应用,证明了L*系统关于语义ΩW的完备性,并在将模糊命题演算系统中的推演证明转化为相应逻辑代数中的代数运算方面作了一些尝试. 展开更多
关键词 基础r0-代数 基础L^*系统 模糊命题演算 形式演绎系统 BL-代数 MV-代数 完备性 逻辑代数
胰头癌R0切除时手术切缘的界定及影响因素 被引量:1
作者 王刚 李宗倍 +1 位作者 曲凤智 孙备 《世界华人消化杂志》 CAS 2016年第9期1315-1320,共6页
胰头癌早期诊断困难,确诊时常已发展至晚期,预后差,5年生存率不超过6%.R0切除是胰头癌患者可能获得长期生存机会的唯一方法.大量临床研究表明,腹膜后组织清扫范围不够是胰头癌患者无法达到R0切除的重要原因.胰腺系膜和胰腺全系膜切除(to... 胰头癌早期诊断困难,确诊时常已发展至晚期,预后差,5年生存率不超过6%.R0切除是胰头癌患者可能获得长期生存机会的唯一方法.大量临床研究表明,腹膜后组织清扫范围不够是胰头癌患者无法达到R0切除的重要原因.胰腺系膜和胰腺全系膜切除(total mesopancreas excision,TMpE)概念的提出更好地定义了手术中腹膜后的清扫范围,从而更有效地提高了R0切除率. 展开更多
关键词 r0切除 胰腺系膜 胰腺全系膜切除 胰头癌 胰十二指肠切除术
R0代数,MV代数的等价刻画 被引量:2
作者 段景瑶 《兰州理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第3期169-172,共4页
关键词 r0代数 MV代数
术后辅助放疗在R0切除的Ⅰ~Ⅱ期非小细胞肺癌中的地位——基于美国国家癌症数据库分析 被引量:1
作者 熊乐 刘安文 刘克军 《循证医学》 2020年第6期329-332,共4页
1文献来源Pezzi TA,Mohamed ASR,Fuller CD,et al.Radiation therapy is independently associated with worse survival after R0-resection for stageⅠ~Ⅱnon-small cell lung cancer:An analysis of the National Cancer Data Base[... 1文献来源Pezzi TA,Mohamed ASR,Fuller CD,et al.Radiation therapy is independently associated with worse survival after R0-resection for stageⅠ~Ⅱnon-small cell lung cancer:An analysis of the National Cancer Data Base[J].Ann Surg Oncol,2017,24(5):1419-1427.2证据水平2a。3背景1998年发表的一篇针对肺癌术后放射治疗的荟萃分析显示,Ⅰ~Ⅱ期手术切除的非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung cancer,NSCLC)患者接受术后放射治疗(postoperative radiotherapy,PORT)与更差的生存预后相关,但考虑与当时落后的放疗仪器及技术也有一定关系。已有利用美国国家癌症数据库(National Cancer Data Base,NCDB)的真实世界研究发现pN2的NSCLC患者行PORT能够获得生存获益,因此,本文旨在运用该数据库分析早期(Ⅰ~Ⅱ期)NSCLC行PORT获益情况。随着放疗仪器及技术改进后,R0切除的Ⅰ~Ⅱ期NSCLC行PORT与预后关系尚未可知。 展开更多
关键词 非小细胞肺癌 r0切除 术后放疗
基于犹豫模糊集的R0-代数区间隶属度计算 被引量:2
作者 姜曼 《电子设计工程》 2020年第21期75-78,83,共5页
传统的R0-代数区间隶属度计算方法计算准确率低、运行完整度差,为了解决上述问题,提出基于犹豫模糊集的R0-代数区间隶属度计算方法,对R0-代数区间隶属度数据进行初步分析,查找数据计算误差产生的基础性原因;采用模糊综合评判法识别R0-... 传统的R0-代数区间隶属度计算方法计算准确率低、运行完整度差,为了解决上述问题,提出基于犹豫模糊集的R0-代数区间隶属度计算方法,对R0-代数区间隶属度数据进行初步分析,查找数据计算误差产生的基础性原因;采用模糊综合评判法识别R0-代数区间隶属度的权重特征。最后通过模糊犹豫集对隶属度权重特征进行隶属度判定,完成R0-代数区间隶属度的计算。实验结果表明,与传统的隶属度计算方法相比,所提计算方法具有较高的计算准确率与运行完整度,可以实现R0-代数区间隶属度的精准计算。 展开更多
关键词 犹豫模糊集 r0-代数区间 区间隶属度 权重特征
肝R0切除术后发生胆漏危险因素的多元回归分析 被引量:2
作者 翟中山 《肝脏》 2015年第5期404-407,共4页
目的探讨肝R0切除术后合并胆漏的相关危险因素。方法前瞻性收集我院2005年1月至2011年12月316例肝切除患者的临床资料,利用单因素回归分析筛选肝R0切除术后胆漏的相关因素,然后进一步用多元回归分析法对相关因素进行分析,确定其独立危... 目的探讨肝R0切除术后合并胆漏的相关危险因素。方法前瞻性收集我院2005年1月至2011年12月316例肝切除患者的临床资料,利用单因素回归分析筛选肝R0切除术后胆漏的相关因素,然后进一步用多元回归分析法对相关因素进行分析,确定其独立危险因素。结果肝R0切除术后并发胆漏47例,占总数的14.87%。单因素分析术后并发胆漏相关因素包括脂肪肝、肝硬化、门静脉高压、Child-Pugh分级、手术时间、术中出血量、肝门阻断时间、术中微波热凝、术中甲基蓝实验、T管留置时间、肿瘤包膜、肿瘤大小和腹腔引流管数量等。多元回归分析发现,脂肪肝[OR=51.8(17.1,301.5),P=0.000]、肝硬化[OR=81.4(10.3,171.7),P=0.001]、术中甲基蓝实验[OR=3.2(1.4,4.6),P=0.001]、肿瘤直径大小[OR=1.2(1.1,1.3),P=0.002]是术后胆漏的独立危险因素。结论脂肪肝、肝硬化、术中甲基蓝实验、肿瘤大小是术后胆漏的独立危险因素,充分的术前准备、熟练的技术操作、术后充分引流是预防术后胆漏的关键。 展开更多
关键词 r0切除术 胆漏 危险因素
作者 姜曼 刘文娟 《贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2022年第5期94-98,113,共6页
把双极值模糊集和R0代数相结合,首先给出R0代数的双极值模糊子代数的概念并讨论其性质,研究双极值模糊集的截集与双极值模糊子代数的关系,得到了R0代数中两个双极值模糊子代数的交仍然是双极值模糊子代数的结论;其次,引入了R0代数同态... 把双极值模糊集和R0代数相结合,首先给出R0代数的双极值模糊子代数的概念并讨论其性质,研究双极值模糊集的截集与双极值模糊子代数的关系,得到了R0代数中两个双极值模糊子代数的交仍然是双极值模糊子代数的结论;其次,引入了R0代数同态的概念,证明了R0代数的双极值模糊子代数在同态下的像(原像)仍然是双极值模糊子代数;最后,在R0代数中引入双极值模糊子代数直积的定义,并讨论了R0代数中双极值模糊子代数直积的性质。 展开更多
关键词 r0代数 双极值模糊集 双极值模糊子代数 同态
肝细胞癌R0切除术后患者预后与细胞外基质重构相关蛋白和缝隙连接蛋白水平相关性研究 被引量:2
作者 刘雪梅 骆雯 刘黎 《中西医结合肝病杂志》 CAS 2018年第3期145-147,161,共4页
目的:本研究对肝细胞癌R0切除术后患者预后与血清中细胞外基质重构酶和缝隙连接蛋白(Connexins)水平相关性进行研究,为临床诊断和治疗提供实验依据。方法:回顾性分析2006年1月至2016年12月我院接受肝R0切除的120例患者的临床资料,检测... 目的:本研究对肝细胞癌R0切除术后患者预后与血清中细胞外基质重构酶和缝隙连接蛋白(Connexins)水平相关性进行研究,为临床诊断和治疗提供实验依据。方法:回顾性分析2006年1月至2016年12月我院接受肝R0切除的120例患者的临床资料,检测患者血清中细胞外基质重构相关蛋白和Connexins蛋白水平与患者预后的相关性。结果:肝细胞癌R0切除术后患者预后与MMP2、MMP9、TIMP1、TIMP2、Connexin40、Connexin43、淋巴细胞计数、AFP和CEA水平密切相关,且随着MMP2、MMP9、TIMP1、TIMP2、AFP和CEA蛋白表达的增强及Connexin40、Connexin43、淋巴细胞计数的降低,患者的预后变差。结论:肝细胞癌R0切除术后患者预后与基质金属蛋白酶及其抑制剂表达呈负相关,而与Connexins水平呈正相关。 展开更多
关键词 肝细胞癌 r0切除 细胞外基质重构 缝隙连接蛋白 预后
术前丙氨酸氨基转移酶水平对合并肝硬化的肝癌患者R0切除术预后的影响 被引量:2
作者 杨以通 吴力群 《肝胆胰外科杂志》 CAS 2015年第4期280-284,共5页
目的研究分析术前血清丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)水平对合并肝硬化的肝细胞癌(LC-HCC)患者R0切除术预后的影响。方法回顾性分析2000年1月至2012年12月于我院获R0切除术的724例合并肝硬化的肝癌患者临床和随访资料。根据术前血清ALT水平,将... 目的研究分析术前血清丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)水平对合并肝硬化的肝细胞癌(LC-HCC)患者R0切除术预后的影响。方法回顾性分析2000年1月至2012年12月于我院获R0切除术的724例合并肝硬化的肝癌患者临床和随访资料。根据术前血清ALT水平,将患者分为增高组(ALT>50 U/L)和对照组(ALT≤50 U/L),并对比分析两组肝癌术后的结局。结果与对照组相比,增高组男性比例、年龄≤60岁比例、血小板<100×109/L比例、乙肝表面抗原(HBs Ag)阳性比例、侵及肝被膜比例、随访期间复发率和病死率较多。单因素分析显示,增高组的1、2、5、10年总体生存率和无瘤生存率明显比对照组要低(P<0.05)。Cox多因素分析显示,术前血小板<100×109/L、肿瘤多发、肿瘤直径>5 cm、血管癌栓及术前血清ALT>50 U/L是影响患者生存的独立危险因素;手术切缘<0.5 cm、肿瘤多发、肿瘤直径>5 cm、血管癌栓及术前血清ALT>50 U/L是影响患者复发的独立危险因素。结论术前血清ALT水平增高是预示合并肝硬化的肝癌患者R0切除术后预后的重要因素之一,其临床价值应被充分重视。 展开更多
关键词 肝细胞 丙氨酸氨基转移酶 r0切除 预后
R0代数中的布尔原子及其应用 被引量:1
作者 樊丰丽 颉永建 《陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期94-99,共6页
关键词 r0代数 布尔代数 原子 替换
新辅助化疗对进展期胃癌患者肿瘤术前分期、R0手术切除率、3年无病生存率的影响 被引量:1
作者 黄卫彬 彭晋 洪琳 《中外医学研究》 2021年第12期151-153,共3页
目的:探讨新辅助化疗对进展期胃癌患者肿瘤术前分期、R0手术切除术及3年无病生存率的影响。方法:选取武汉大学中南医院2015年1月-2017年6月接受新辅助化疗+手术治疗、直接手术治疗的进展期胃癌患者各48例,分别纳入观察组与对照组。统计... 目的:探讨新辅助化疗对进展期胃癌患者肿瘤术前分期、R0手术切除术及3年无病生存率的影响。方法:选取武汉大学中南医院2015年1月-2017年6月接受新辅助化疗+手术治疗、直接手术治疗的进展期胃癌患者各48例,分别纳入观察组与对照组。统计观察组新辅助化疗近期疗效、毒副反应及化疗前后分期情况,同时比较两组手术切除情况及3年生存率。结果:观察组新辅助化疗治疗有效率为72.92%,临床控制率为87.50%;毒副反应方面,3~4级恶心呕吐、白细胞减少发生率分别为6.25%、2.08%。化疗后,观察组分期较化疗前显著下降(P<0.05)。观察组手术R0切除率为89.58%,显著高于对照组的72.92%(P<0.05)。观察组3年总生存率、无病生存率分别为66.67%、60.42%,高于对照组的43.75%、39.58%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:SOX新辅助化疗治疗进展期胃癌安全有效,能明显提高手术R0切除率及患者3年无病生存率。 展开更多
关键词 进展期胃癌 新辅助化疗 术前分期 r0切除 随访结果
Association of HER2 status with prognosis in gastric cancer patients undergoing R0 resection: A large-scale multicenter study in China 被引量:8
作者 Guo-Shuang Shen Jiu-Da Zhao +8 位作者 Jun-Hui Zhao Xin-Fu Ma Feng Du Jie Kan Fa-Xiang Ji Fei Ma Fang-Chao Zheng Zi-Yi Wang Bing-He Xu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第23期5406-5414,共9页
AIM: To determine whether the positive status of human epidermal growth receptor 2(HER2) can be regarded as an effective prognostic factor for patients with gastric cancer(GC) undergoing R0 resection.METHODS: A total ... AIM: To determine whether the positive status of human epidermal growth receptor 2(HER2) can be regarded as an effective prognostic factor for patients with gastric cancer(GC) undergoing R0 resection.METHODS: A total of 1562 GC patients treated by R0 resection were recruited. HER2 status was evaluated in surgically resected samples of all the patients using immunohistochemical(IHC) staining. Correlations between HER2 status and clinicopathological characteristics were retrospective analyzed. Hazard ratios(HRs) and 95% confidence intervals(CIs) were estimated using Cox proportional hazard model, stratified by age, gender, tumor location and tumor-nodemetastasis(TNM) stage, with additional adjustment for potential prognostic factors.RESULTS: Among 1562 patients, 548(positive rate = 35.08%, 95%CI: 32.72%-37.45%) were HER2 positive. Positive status of HER2 was significantly correlated with gender(P = 0.004), minority(P < 0.001), tumor location(P = 0.001), pathological grade(P < 0.001), TNM stage(P < 0.001) and adjuvant radiotherapy(74.67% vs 23.53%, P = 0.011). No significant associations were observed between HER2 status and disease free survival(HR = 0.19, 95%CI: 0.96-1.46, P = 0.105) or overall survival(HR = 1.19, 95%CI: 0.96-1.48, P = 0.118) using multivariate analysis, although stratified analyses showed marginally statistically significant associations both in disease free survival and overall survival, especially among patients aged < 60 years or with early TNM stages(Ⅰ and Ⅱ). Categorical age, TNM stage, neural invasion, and adjuvant chemotherapy were, as expected, independent prognostic factors for both disease free survival and overall survival. CONCLUSION: The positive status of HER2 based on IHC staining was not related to the survival in patients with GC among the Chinese population. 展开更多
关键词 Human EPIDERMAL growth RECEPTOR 2 GASTRIC cancer r0 RESECTION Chinese population PROGNOSTIC factors
Prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma with bile duct tumor thrombus after R0 resection:a matched study 被引量:11
作者 Ding-Ding Wang Li-Qun Wu Zu-Sen Wang 《Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第6期626-632,共7页
BACKGROUND: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with bile duct tumor thrombus (BDTT) is rare. The present study aimed to determine post-surgical prognoses in HCC patients with BDTT, as outcomes are currently unclear. ... BACKGROUND: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with bile duct tumor thrombus (BDTT) is rare. The present study aimed to determine post-surgical prognoses in HCC patients with BDTT, as outcomes are currently unclear. METHODS: We compared the prognoses of 110 HCC patients without BDTT (group A) to 22 cases with BDTT (group B). The two groups were matched in age, gender, tumor etiology, size, number, portal vascular invasion, and TNM stage. Additionally, 28 HCC patients with BDTT were analyzed to identify prognostic risk factors. RESULTS: The 1-, 3-, and 5-year overall survival rates were 90.9%, 66.9%, and 55.9% for group A and 81.8%, 50.0%, and 37.5% for group B, respectively. The median survival time in groups A and B was 68.8 and 31.4 months, respectively (P=0.043). The patients for group B showed higher levels of serum total bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase and gammaglutamyl transferase, a larger hepatectomy range, and a higher rate of anatomical resection. In subgroup analyses of patients with BDTT who underwent R0 resection, TNM stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ was an independent risk factor for overall survival; these patients had worse prognoses than those with TNM stage Ⅰ-Ⅱ after R0 resection (hazard ratio=6.056, P=0.014). Besides, univariate and multivariate analyses revealed that non-R0 resection and TNM stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ were independent risk factors for both disease-free survival and overall survival of 28 HCC patients with BDTT. The median overall survival time of patients with BDTT who underwent R0 resection was longer than that of patients who did not undergo R0 resection (31.0 vs 4.0 months, P=0.007).CONCLUSIONS: R0 resection prolonged survival time in HCC patients with BDTT, although prognosis remains poor. For such patients, R0 resection is an important treatment that determines long-term survival. 展开更多
关键词 hepatocellular carcinoma bile duct tumor thrombus PROGNOSIS RECURRENCE r0 resection
R0 resection in the treatment of gastric cancer:Room for improvement 被引量:5
作者 Alberto Biondi Roberto Persiani +5 位作者 Ferdinando Cananzi Marco Zoccali Vincenzo Vigorita Andrea Tufo Domenico D'Ugo 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第27期3358-3370,共13页
Gastric carcinoma is one of the most frequent malignancies in the world and its clinical behavior especially depends on the metastatic potential of the tumor.In particular,lymphatic metastasis is one of the main predi... Gastric carcinoma is one of the most frequent malignancies in the world and its clinical behavior especially depends on the metastatic potential of the tumor.In particular,lymphatic metastasis is one of the main predictors of tumor recurrence and survival,and current pathological staging systems reflect the concept that lymphatic spread is the most relevant prognostic factor in patients undergoing curative resection.This is compounded by the observation that two-thirds of gastric cancer in the Western world presents at an advanced stage,with lymph node metastasis at diagnosis.All current therapeutic efforts in gastric cancer are directed toward individualization of therapeutic protocols,tailoring the extent of resection and the administration of preoperative and postoperative treatment.The goals of all these strategies are to improve prognosis towards the achievement of a curative resection(R0 resection) with minimal morbidity and mortality,and better postoperative quality of life. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric cancer r0 resection Total gastrectomy Lymph node dissection Adjuvant therapy Preoperative therapy
The efficacy of fluoropyrimidine.based adjuvant chemotherapy on biliary tract cancer after R0 resection 被引量:3
作者 Young Saing Kim Chi-Young Jeong +4 位作者 Haa-Na Song Tae Hyo Kim Hong Jun Kim Young-Joon Lee Soon Chan Hong 《Chinese Journal of Cancer》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第5期222-230,共9页
Background: The optimal treatment strategy for biliary tract cancer(BTC) after curative?intent resection remains con?troversial. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of fluoropyrimidine?based adjuvan... Background: The optimal treatment strategy for biliary tract cancer(BTC) after curative?intent resection remains con?troversial. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of fluoropyrimidine?based adjuvant chemotherapy for BTC patients undergoing microscopically margin?negative(R0) resection.Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of BTC patients who underwent curative?intent R0 resection. Patients were eligible if they received either fluoropyrimidine?based adjuvant chemotherapy or observation after R0 resection.Results: A total of 153 patients were included. In the entire patient cohort, no significant differences were observed in 5?year overall survival(OS) rates(48.4% vs. 39.6%, P = 0.439) or 3?year recurrence?free survival(RFS) rates(49.1% vs. 39.5%, P = 0.299) between patients who received fluoropyrimidine?based adjuvant chemotherapy or observation. However, for patients with stages Ⅱ and Ⅲ BTC, chemotherapy significantly improved 5?year OS rate(52.4% vs. 35.6%, P = 0.002) and 3?year RFS rate(55.5% vs. 39.1%, P = 0.021) compared with observation.Conclusion: Fluoropyrimidine?based adjuvant chemotherapy may prolong the survival of patients with stages Ⅱ and Ⅲ BTC after R0 resection. 展开更多
Prognostic value of the preoperative fibrinogen-to-albumin ratio in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients undergoing R0 resection 被引量:6
作者 Li-Peng Zhang Hu Ren +1 位作者 Yong-Xing Du Cheng-Feng Wang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2020年第46期7382-7404,共23页
BACKGROUND Inflammation plays an important role in tumor progression,and growing evidence has confirmed that the fibrinogen-to-albumin ratio(FAR)is an important prognostic factor for overall survival in malignant tumo... BACKGROUND Inflammation plays an important role in tumor progression,and growing evidence has confirmed that the fibrinogen-to-albumin ratio(FAR)is an important prognostic factor for overall survival in malignant tumors.AIM To investigate the prognostic significance of FAR in patients undergoing radical R0 resection of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma(PDAC).METHODS We retrospectively analyzed the data of 282 patients with PDAC who underwent radical R0 resection at The Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences from January 2010 to December 2019.The surv_cutpoint function of the R package survminer via RStudio software(version 1.3.1073,http://www.rstudio.org)was used to determine the optimal cut-off values of biological markers,such as preoperative FAR.The Kaplan-Meier method and log-rank tests were used for univariate survival analysis,and a Cox regression model was used for multivariate survival analysis for PDAC patients who underwent radical R0 resection.RESULTS The optimal cut-off value of FAR was 0.08 by the surv_cutpoint function.Higher preoperative FAR was significantly correlated with clinical symptoms(P=0.001),tumor location(P<0.001),surgical approaches(P<0.001),preoperative plasma fibrinogen concentration(P<0.001),and preoperative plasma albumin level(P<0.001).Multivariate analysis showed that degree of tumor differentiation(P<0.001),number of metastatic lymph nodes[hazard ratio(HR):0.678,95%confidence interval(CI):0.509-0.904,P=0.008],adjuvant therapy(HR:1.604,95%CI:1.214-2.118,P=0.001),preoperative cancer antigen 19-9 level(HR:1.740,95%CI:1.288-2.352,P<0.001),and preoperative FAR(HR:2.258,95%CI:1.720-2.963,P<0.001)were independent risk factors for poor prognosis in patients with PDAC who underwent radical R0 resection.CONCLUSION The increase in preoperative FAR was significantly related to poor prognosis in patients undergoing radical R0 resection for PDAC.Preoperative FAR can be used clinically to predict the prognosis of PDAC patients undergoing radical R0 resection. 展开更多
关键词 Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma r0 resection Fibrinogen-to-albumin ratio Biomarker Prognosis Survival
Combination of preoperative fibrinogen and D-dimer as a prognostic indicator in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients undergoing R0 resection 被引量:5
作者 Li-Peng Zhang Hu Ren +3 位作者 Yong-Xing Du Xiao-Hao Zheng Zong-Ming Zhang Cheng-Feng Wang 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery》 SCIE 2021年第3期279-302,共24页
BACKGROUND Patients with malignant tumors frequently exhibit hyperactivation of the coagulation system and secondary increased fibrinolytic activity.Fibrinogen and D-dimer are common indicators that are crucial in the... BACKGROUND Patients with malignant tumors frequently exhibit hyperactivation of the coagulation system and secondary increased fibrinolytic activity.Fibrinogen and D-dimer are common indicators that are crucial in the coagulation/fibrinolysis system.Both indicators have been verified to have predictive value in the overall survival(OS)of many patients with solid malignancies.AIM To explore the prognostic significance of fibrinogen combined with D-dimer in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma(PDAC)patients undergoing radical R0 resection.METHODS We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 282 patients with PDAC undergoing radical R0 resection in the Cancer Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,between January 2010 and December 2019.The surv_cutpoint function of R language was used to determine the optimal cutoff values of the preoperative fibrinogen concentration and preoperative D-dimer concentration.Enrolled patients were further divided into the any-high group(high preoperative fibrinogen concentration and/or high preoperative D-dimer concentration)and the low-low group(low preoperative fibrinogen and D-dimer concentrations)according to the optimal cutoff values.RESULTS The optimal cutoff values of the preoperative fibrinogen concentration and preoperative D-dimer concentration were 3.31 g/L and 0.53 mg/L,respectively.Furthermore,multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that the preoperative fibrinogen concentration(HR:1.603,95%CI:1.201-2.140,P=0.001)and preoperative D-dimer concentration(HR:1.355,95%CI:1.019-1.801,P=0.036)exhibited obvious correlations with the OS of PDAC patients undergoing radical R0 resection.A prognostic analysis was further performed based on the subgroup results by using fibrinogen combined with D-dimer.The median OS duration of the low-low group(31.17 mo)was significantly longer than that of the any-high group(15.43 mo).Additionally,multivariate Cox regression analysis revealed that the degree of differentiation(P<0.001),lymph node metastasis(HR:0.663,95%CI:0.497-0.883,P=0.005),preoperative CA19-9 level(HR:1.699,95%CI:1.258-2.293,P=0.001),adjuvant therapy(HR:1.582,95%CI:1.202-2.081,P=0.001)and preoperative combined grouping(HR:2.397,95%CI:1.723-3.335,P<0.001)were independent predictors of OS in PDAC patients undergoing radical R0 resection.CONCLUSION Preoperative fibrinogen combined with D-dimer plays a predictive role in OS,and low preoperative fibrinogen and D-dimer concentrations can indicate prolonged OS in PDAC patients undergoing radical R0 resection. 展开更多
关键词 Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma r0 resection FIBRINOGEN D-DIMER PROGNOSIS SURVIVAL
作者 兰川 吴斌 +4 位作者 邓大炜 张光年 严舒 李敬东 李建水 《肝癌电子杂志》 2016年第4期19-22,共4页
目的研究影响不伴肉眼血管侵犯的单个大肝癌行R0切除术后早期复发及后期复发的危险因素。方法回顾性分析2008年1月至2012年12月川北医学院附属医院普外科收治的116例不伴肉眼血管侵犯的行R0切除术的单个大肝癌患者的临床资料。其中男性9... 目的研究影响不伴肉眼血管侵犯的单个大肝癌行R0切除术后早期复发及后期复发的危险因素。方法回顾性分析2008年1月至2012年12月川北医学院附属医院普外科收治的116例不伴肉眼血管侵犯的行R0切除术的单个大肝癌患者的临床资料。其中男性99例,女性17例,年龄20~72岁,中位年龄45岁。采用单因素及多因素Logistic回归分析包括年龄、性别、乙型病毒性肝炎标志物、是否有肝硬化、AFP水平、ALT、Child-Pugh评分等术前指标,手术切缘距离、是否解剖性切除、肿瘤大小、是否有微血管侵犯、是否有微卫星灶以及分化程度等术中术后指标对患者早期复发及晚期复发的影响。结果截止于2015年12月,随访时间为1.1~98.6个月,中位随访时间为37.8个月。共76例出现肝癌复发,其中早期肝癌复发51例,占67.1%(51/76);晚期复发25例,占32.9%(25/76)。经单因素及多因素Logistic回归分析,肿瘤直径≥8cm(P=0.017)、存在微血管侵犯(P=0.005)以及微卫星灶(P<0.001)是早期复发的独立危险因素;AFP>400ng/ml(P=0.036)及存在肝硬化(P=0.008)是晚期复发的独立危险因素。结论不伴肉眼血管侵犯的单个大肝癌行R0切除术效果较好,肿瘤大小、微血管侵犯、微卫星灶、术前AFP及肝硬化可能是导致肝癌复发的危险因素。 展开更多
关键词 大肝癌r0切除 早期复发 后期复发 危险因素
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