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作者 张雯哲 张荣华 +3 位作者 高川 田丰 于洋 王宏娜 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1368-1379,共12页
关于热带太平洋海洋叶绿素对海表面温度(sea surface temperature, SST)年平均场和年际变率的影响,学术界存在着广泛的争议,模拟结果表现出明显的模式依赖性;且对于季节变化上叶绿素如何影响SST的关注较少。为深入研究热带太平洋叶绿素... 关于热带太平洋海洋叶绿素对海表面温度(sea surface temperature, SST)年平均场和年际变率的影响,学术界存在着广泛的争议,模拟结果表现出明显的模式依赖性;且对于季节变化上叶绿素如何影响SST的关注较少。为深入研究热带太平洋叶绿素的气候效应,本文基于区域海洋模式系统(Regional Ocean Modeling System, ROMS)构建了海洋物理-生态耦合模式;通过在敏感性试验中设置不同的叶绿素浓度分布,分析了叶绿素对热带太平洋SST的年平均和季节变化的影响。结果表明,叶绿素会导致热带太平洋大部分区域SST升高,但赤道东太平洋区域SST降低。其中,前者由叶绿素的直接加热效应所引起:叶绿素的存在使得海洋表层吸收的短波辐射明显增多,更多的热量被保留在了混合层中,引起SST的升高;后者由动力冷却效应占主导:叶绿素使得混合层中吸收更多的短波辐射,导致穿透到混合层以下的短波辐射明显减少,所引起的热量垂向重新分配使得海水的层结增强、混合层变浅、上层海流辐散增强,进一步在赤道南北两侧产生异常向西的纬向流、赤道东太平洋的上升流增强,使得SST下降。但是这种冷却效应并未贯穿于全年,叶绿素对赤道东太平洋SST变化的影响呈现出明显的季节依赖性:在1~4月期间表现为SST增暖(即直接加热效应占主导作用);此后加热效应减弱,垂向冷平流的作用愈发强劲,间接动力冷却效应占主导。综合来看,叶绿素会使赤道东太平洋SST降低约0.5℃,并加强其季节变率。本文得到了叶绿素影响赤道东太平洋SST的两种不同的结果(变冷和变暖),这一发现为理解不同模式中叶绿素冷却或加热效应主导作用的差异提供了新的视角,为改进模式、合理表征叶绿素的影响提供了重要的科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 热带太平洋 叶绿素效应 季节依赖性 直接加热 间接冷却 海洋物理-生态耦合模式 区域海洋模式系统(roms)
作者 肖来祥 于兆磊 +1 位作者 朱智林 段宇涵 《物联网技术》 2024年第2期52-54,共3页
复杂多变的海洋环境是影响声呐性能的主要因素,水下声场的计算对声呐布放、航路规划等反潜工作具有指导意义。本文基于ROMS模型对海洋数据进行模拟,并使用并行化技术改进后的BELLHOP模型对其进行仿真,实现对水下声场的快速预报。文章通... 复杂多变的海洋环境是影响声呐性能的主要因素,水下声场的计算对声呐布放、航路规划等反潜工作具有指导意义。本文基于ROMS模型对海洋数据进行模拟,并使用并行化技术改进后的BELLHOP模型对其进行仿真,实现对水下声场的快速预报。文章通过实验验证了该方法的可行性以及结果的准确性,利用并行化技术改进后的计算速度也有显著提升。仿真实验表明,此方法可以快速准确地预报水下声场,对声呐设备的工作具有评估和指导作用,为后续反潜作战方案制定提供了数据参考。 展开更多
关键词 roms模型 水声信道建模 BELLHOP模型 声呐性能评估 声场快速预报 并行化分析
基于水动力ROMS与BOX耦合模型的长江口及邻近水域水通量及水体交换特性 被引量:3
作者 王晓红 俞志明 +3 位作者 樊伟 宋秀贤 曹西华 袁涌铨 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期118-132,共15页
本研究将水动力模型ROMS(regional oceanic modeling system,区域海洋模式系统)与箱式(box)模型结合,详细阐述了长江口及邻近水域四个季节的水通量特征及水体交换特性。研究发现:总的水通量整体受季风控制,季风的作用在于使水体在南北... 本研究将水动力模型ROMS(regional oceanic modeling system,区域海洋模式系统)与箱式(box)模型结合,详细阐述了长江口及邻近水域四个季节的水通量特征及水体交换特性。研究发现:总的水通量整体受季风控制,季风的作用在于使水体在南北方向上交替输送,而台湾暖流对春夏季底层水南向输运具有重要作用;直接进入123.5°E以东外海区域的水通量很小,而是先从南边界流出研究区域,然后通过海洋环流系统进入外海。在强烈季风下,水体更新依赖于季风方向的水平通量,主要是同层水体而不是表底层水体之间的交换。虽然水体更新时间较长的区域与缺氧区基本一致,但本研究认为该区域底层水体缺氧的本质原因是跃层阻隔了表底层水体之间的交换。 展开更多
关键词 长江口 roms(the regional OCEANIC modeling system 区域海洋模式系统) 箱式(box)模型 水通量 水体交换特性
气象强迫场时间频率对ROMS模式高分辨率数值模拟的影响分析 被引量:2
作者 周立佳 党振中 +2 位作者 董慧超 白东宇 艾阳 《海洋技术学报》 2017年第2期83-88,共6页
利用海洋数值模式对海洋环流、潮汐、温盐场等进行模拟,是目前海洋科学研究中的重点方向。覆盖渤海、黄海、东海的中国近海广阔海域是海-气相互作用的显著作用区,气象场对数值模式的驱动对该海域模拟的效果具有显著的影响。通过设计对... 利用海洋数值模式对海洋环流、潮汐、温盐场等进行模拟,是目前海洋科学研究中的重点方向。覆盖渤海、黄海、东海的中国近海广阔海域是海-气相互作用的显著作用区,气象场对数值模式的驱动对该海域模拟的效果具有显著的影响。通过设计对比实验,在不同时间频率气象强迫场条件下,利用ROMS模式对中国近海海域的数值模拟研究进行对比分析,为中国近海海域高分辨率海洋再分析和数值预报提供理论支持。 展开更多
关键词 渤海 黄海 东海 roms模式 海气相互作用
基于ROMS模式的东海黑潮季节变化特征模拟研究 被引量:1
作者 周立佳 党振中 +3 位作者 董慧超 牛洪暄 刘昕 周镇 《舰船电子工程》 2016年第7期91-94,153,共5页
黑潮是一支高温、高盐的西边界暖流,也是北太平洋副热带环流的重要组成部分;同时,黑潮也是影响潜艇航速、定位和行动隐蔽性的重要海洋环境现象。黑潮将高温、高盐的海水输送至东海,会对我国东部沿海地区的气候产生重要影响。利用ROMS模... 黑潮是一支高温、高盐的西边界暖流,也是北太平洋副热带环流的重要组成部分;同时,黑潮也是影响潜艇航速、定位和行动隐蔽性的重要海洋环境现象。黑潮将高温、高盐的海水输送至东海,会对我国东部沿海地区的气候产生重要影响。利用ROMS模式以较高的分辨率模拟东海海表面和PN断面温度结构的季节变化特征,并结合WOA13数据进行对比分析,为开展东海黑潮相关研究提供基础。结果表明ROMS模式对东海黑潮具有较好的模拟效果,模式模拟的海表面温度的季节变化趋势与WOA13数据较为一致,冬、春季黑潮路径较为明显;同时,模式较好地模拟了PN断面温度结构的季节变化特征,流核结构明显。 展开更多
关键词 roms 东海 黑潮 海表面温度 PN断面
FVCOM与ROMS在美国东海岸洋流模拟的对比研究 被引量:1
作者 刘晓建 邹慧敏 《北京测绘》 2018年第5期590-593,共4页
ROMS与FVCOM是在美国东海地区应用较为普遍的两种海洋模型,常采用模拟粒子轨迹的手段解决沿海海洋问题。在实际应用前,对模型在洋流模拟上精度的验证是至关重要的。本文使用2004至2010年在美国东海岸部署的drifter,通过与模型模拟轨迹... ROMS与FVCOM是在美国东海地区应用较为普遍的两种海洋模型,常采用模拟粒子轨迹的手段解决沿海海洋问题。在实际应用前,对模型在洋流模拟上精度的验证是至关重要的。本文使用2004至2010年在美国东海岸部署的drifter,通过与模型模拟轨迹对比的方法对第三代FVCOM海洋模型(GOM3)与ROMS(GOMOFS)模型的表层洋流模拟能力进行评定,采用分离率与距离比两种精度指标,得出ROMS模型的表层洋流模拟能力优于FVCOM模型。 展开更多
关键词 有限体积海岸海洋模型(FVCOM) 三维区域海洋模型(roms) 分离率 距离比 对比
基于ROMS模式的南海SST与SSH四维变分同化研究 被引量:5
作者 周超杰 张杰 +2 位作者 杨俊钢 徐明明 张庆君 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期32-40,共9页
卫星遥感观测获得了大量高分辨率的海面实时信息,包括海面温度(SST)和海面高度(SSH)等,同化进入数值模式可有效提升模拟精度。本文基于ROMS模式与四维变分同化方法(4DVAR),使用AVHRR SST和AVISO SSH数据,开展了南海区域同化实验。为检... 卫星遥感观测获得了大量高分辨率的海面实时信息,包括海面温度(SST)和海面高度(SSH)等,同化进入数值模式可有效提升模拟精度。本文基于ROMS模式与四维变分同化方法(4DVAR),使用AVHRR SST和AVISO SSH数据,开展了南海区域同化实验。为检验同化的效果,分别利用HYCOM再分析资料和Argo温盐实测数据分析了同化结果的海面高度、流场及温盐剖面的精度。对比结果表明,SST和SSH的同化能够改善ROMS的模拟结果:同化后海面高度场能够更为准确地捕捉海洋的中尺度特征,与HYCOM海面高度再分析资料相比,平均绝对偏差和均方根误差分别为0.054 m和0.066 m;与HYCOM 10 m层流场相比,东向与北向流速平均绝对偏差分别为0.12 m/s和0.11 m/s,相比未同化均提升约0.01 m/s;温盐同化结果与Argo温盐实测具有较高的一致性,温度和盐度平均绝对偏差为0.45℃、0.077,均方根误差为0.91℃、0.11,单个的温盐廓线对比说明,同化结果与HYCOM再分析资料精度相当。 展开更多
关键词 南海 roms模式 四维变分同化 海面温度 海面高度
作者 任善恂 周奕 +2 位作者 马亮 郑春胜 张川 《管理信息系统》 1997年第10期12-18,共7页
目前,一些信息系统的开发已将管理信息系统和办公自动化统一设计,综合考虑。笔者认为,由于信息是一种资源,而办公自动化与管理信息系统都是通过计算机系统对这种资源的管理和利用。因此,应该把办公自动化和管理信息系统作为一种信息资... 目前,一些信息系统的开发已将管理信息系统和办公自动化统一设计,综合考虑。笔者认为,由于信息是一种资源,而办公自动化与管理信息系统都是通过计算机系统对这种资源的管理和利用。因此,应该把办公自动化和管理信息系统作为一种信息资源管理系统来考虑。基于此。 展开更多
关键词 高校 办公自动化 管理信息系统 roms
A numerical study on seasonal variations of the thermocline in the South China Sea based on the ROMS 被引量:6
作者 FAN Wei SONG Jinbao LI Shuang 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第7期56-64,共9页
On the basis of the regional ocean modeling system (ROMS), the seasonal variations of the thermocline in the South China Sea (SCS) were numerically investigated. The simulated hydrodynamics are in accordance with ... On the basis of the regional ocean modeling system (ROMS), the seasonal variations of the thermocline in the South China Sea (SCS) were numerically investigated. The simulated hydrodynamics are in accordance with previous studies: the circulation pattern in the SCS is cyclonic in winter and anticyclonic in summer, and such a change is mostly driven by the monsoon winds. The errors between the modeled temperature profiles and the observations obtained by cruises are quite small in the upper layers of the ocean, indicating that the ocean status is reasonably simulated. On the basis of the shapes of the vertical temperature profiles, five thermocline types (shallow thermocline, deep thermocline, hybrid thermocline, double thermocline, and multiple thermocline) are defined herein. In winter, when the northeasterly monsoon prevails, most shallow shelf seas in the northwest of the SCS are well mixed, and there is no obvious thermocline. The deep region generally has a deep thermocline, and the hybrid or double thermocline often occurs in the areas near the cold eddy in the south of the SCS. In summer, when the southwesterly monsoon prevails, the shelf sea area with a shallow thermocline greatly expands. The distribution of different thermocline types shows a relationship with ocean bathymetry: from shallow to deep waters, the thermocline types generally change from shallow or hybrid to deep thermocline, and the double or multiple thermocline usually occurs in the steep regions. The seasonal variations of the three major thermocline characteristics (the upper bound depth, thickness, and intensity) are also discussed. Since the SCS is also an area where tropical cyclones frequently occur, the response of thermocline to a typhoon process in a short time scale is also analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 THERMOCLINE South China Sea roms TYPHOON
CNOP-P-based parameter sensitivity for double-gyre variation in ROMS with simulated annealing algorithm 被引量:3
作者 YUAN Shijin ZHANG Huazhen +1 位作者 LI Mi MU Bin 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第3期957-967,共11页
Reducing the error of sensitive parameters by studying the parameters sensitivity can reduce the uncertainty of the model,while simulating double-gyre variation in Regional Ocean Modeling System(ROMS).Conditional Nonl... Reducing the error of sensitive parameters by studying the parameters sensitivity can reduce the uncertainty of the model,while simulating double-gyre variation in Regional Ocean Modeling System(ROMS).Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation related to Parameter(CNOP-P)is an effective method of studying the parameters sensitivity,which represents a type of parameter error with maximum nonlinear development at the prediction time.Intelligent algorithms have been widely applied to solving Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation(CNOP).In the paper,we proposed an improved simulated annealing(SA)algorithm to solve CNOP-P to get the optimal parameters error,studied the sensitivity of the single parameter and the combination of multiple parameters and verified the effect of reducing the error of sensitive parameters on reducing the uncertainty of model simulation.Specifically,we firstly found the non-period oscillation of kinetic energy time series of double gyre variation,then extracted two transition periods,which are respectively from high energy to low energy and from low energy to high energy.For every transition period,three parameters,respectively wind amplitude(WD),viscosity coefficient(VC)and linear bottom drag coefficient(RDRG),were studied by CNOP-P solved with SA algorithm.Finally,for sensitive parameters,their effect on model simulation is verified.Experiments results showed that the sensitivity order is WD>VC>>RDRG,the effect of the combination of multiple sensitive parameters is greater than that of single parameter superposition and the reduction of error of sensitive parameters can effectively reduce model prediction error which confirmed the importance of sensitive parameters analysis. 展开更多
关键词 parameter sensitivity DOUBLE GYRE Regional Ocean Modeling System(roms) CONDITIONAL Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation(CNOP-P) simulated annealing(SA)algorithm
Preliminary Results of Assessing the Mixing of Wave Transport Flux Residualin the Upper Ocean with ROMS 被引量:2
作者 SHI Yongfang WU Kejian YANG Yongzeng 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2016年第2期193-200,共8页
The effects of the mixing of wave transport flux residual(Bvl) on the upper ocean is studied through carrying out the control run(CR) and a series of sensitive runs(SR) with ROMS model.In this study,the important role... The effects of the mixing of wave transport flux residual(Bvl) on the upper ocean is studied through carrying out the control run(CR) and a series of sensitive runs(SR) with ROMS model.In this study,the important role of Bvl is revealed by comparing the ocean temperature,statistical analysis of errors and evaluating the mixed layer depth.It is shown that the overestimated SST is improved effectively when the wave-induced mixing is incorporated to the vertical mixing scheme.As can be seen from the vertical structure of temperature 28℃ isotherm changes from 20 min CR to 35 m in SR3,which is more close to the observation.Statistic analysis shows that the root-mean-square errors of the temperature in 10 m are reduced and the correlation between model results and observation data are increased after considering the effect of Bvl.The numerical results of the ocean temperature show improvement in summer and in tropical zones in winter,especially in the strong current regions in summer.In August the mixed layer depth(MLD) which is defined as the depth that the temperature has changed 0.5℃ from the reference depth of 10 m is further analyzed.The simulation results have a close relationship with undetermined coefficient of Bvl,sensitivity studies show that a coefficient about 0.1 is reasonable value in the model. 展开更多
关键词 Bvl ocean temperature mixed layer depth roms model
An evaluation of sea surface height assimilation using along-track and gridded products based on the Regional Ocean Modeling System(ROMS) and the four-dimensional variational data assimilation 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU Chaojie DING Xiaohua +2 位作者 ZHANG Jie YANG Jungang MA Qiang 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第9期50-58,共9页
Remote sensing products are significant in the data assimilation of an ocean model. Considering the resolution and space coverage of different remote sensing data, two types of sea surface height(SSH) product are em... Remote sensing products are significant in the data assimilation of an ocean model. Considering the resolution and space coverage of different remote sensing data, two types of sea surface height(SSH) product are employed in the assimilation, including the gridded products from AVISO and the original along-track observations used in the generation. To explore their impact on the assimilation results, an experiment focus on the South China Sea(SCS) is conducted based on the Regional Ocean Modeling System(ROMS) and the four-dimensional variational data assimilation(4 DVAR) technology. The comparison with EN4 data set and Argo profile indicates that, the along-track SSH assimilation result presents to be more accurate than the gridded SSH assimilation, because some noises may have been introduced in the merging process. Moreover, the mesoscale eddy detection capability of the assimilation results is analyzed by a vector geometry–based algorithm. It is verified that, the assimilation of the gridded SSH shows superiority in describing the eddy's characteristics, since the complete structure of the ocean surface has been reconstructed by the original data merging. 展开更多
关键词 roms 4DVAR sea surface height assimilation along-track gridded product
Recent Advances in Japanese Fisheries Science in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Region through Development of the FRA-ROMS Ocean Forecast System: Overview of the Reproducibility of Reanalysis Products
作者 Hiroshi Kuroda Takashi Setou +13 位作者 Shigeho Kakehi Shin-ichi Ito Takeshi Taneda Tomonori Azumaya Denzo Inagake Yutaka Hiroe Kenji Morinaga Makoto Okazaki Takashi Yokota Takeshi Okunishi Kazuhiro Aoki Yugo Shimizu Daisuke Hasegawa Tomowo Watanabe 《Open Journal of Marine Science》 2017年第1期62-90,共29页
To address various fisheries science problems around Japan, the Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency (FRA) has developed an ocean forecast system by combining an ocean circulation model based on the Regional ... To address various fisheries science problems around Japan, the Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency (FRA) has developed an ocean forecast system by combining an ocean circulation model based on the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) with three-dimensional variational analysis schemes. This system, which is called FRA-ROMS, is a basic and essential tool for the systematic conduct of fisheries science. The main aim of FRA-ROMS is to realistically simulate mesoscale variations over the Kuroshio-Oyashio region. Here, in situ oceanographic and satellite data were assimilated into FRA-ROMS using a weekly time window. We first examined the reproducibility through comparison with several oceanographic datasets with an Eulerian reference frame. FRA-ROMS was able to reproduce representative features of mesoscale variations such as the position of the Kuroshio path, variability of the Kuroshio Extension, and southward intrusions of the Oyashio. Second, using a Lagrangian reference frame, we estimated position errors between ocean drifters and particles passively transported by simulated currents, because particle tracking is an essential technique used in applications of reanalysis products to fisheries science. Finally, we summarize recent and ongoing fisheries studies that use FRA-ROMS and mention several new developments and enhancements that will be implemented in the near future. 展开更多
关键词 roms 3D-VAR Objective Analysis REANALYSIS Data FISHERIES SCIENCE Particle-Tracking Experiment
作者 扒神庵 《家庭电脑世界》 2004年第05X期38-38,共1页
模拟器刚刚开始风行的时候是将近10年前的事情了。当时的玩家都是从小在街机厅里泡出来的人(包括本人)。而当时也是国家下决心整治街头游戏厅的时候.所以在PC上玩摸拟器就成了一种怀旧的行为。模拟器界也一直遵循着一条规定不提供和... 模拟器刚刚开始风行的时候是将近10年前的事情了。当时的玩家都是从小在街机厅里泡出来的人(包括本人)。而当时也是国家下决心整治街头游戏厅的时候.所以在PC上玩摸拟器就成了一种怀旧的行为。模拟器界也一直遵循着一条规定不提供和模拟三年内的ROMS但是这条规定最终还是被打破了。现在我们常见的ROMS都是最新的游戏作品例如PS2.X-BOX的镜像几乎和正版同期推出。此时. 展开更多
关键词 模拟器 游戏机 roms X-BOX
《家庭电脑世界》 2004年第07X期38-38,共1页
现在的游戏有一个很奇怪的现象——旧作新出,不论是游戏机还是PC机的游戏都是如此。虽然这些作品是建立在旧有游戏的基础上.但是除了剧情没有变化以外,无论是引擎还是游戏性都有很大的突破.所以无论是新玩家还是老玩家都可以很容易... 现在的游戏有一个很奇怪的现象——旧作新出,不论是游戏机还是PC机的游戏都是如此。虽然这些作品是建立在旧有游戏的基础上.但是除了剧情没有变化以外,无论是引擎还是游戏性都有很大的突破.所以无论是新玩家还是老玩家都可以很容易地从这些作品里找到乐趣。 展开更多
关键词 DC模拟器 PC机 游戏机 roms
A high-performance MUX-direct digital frequency synthesizer with quarter ROMs
作者 Hao Zhikun Zhang Qiang +1 位作者 Ni weining Shi Yin 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 2012年第1期127-130,共4页
This paper presents a detailed description of a high-performance direct digital frequency synthesizer (DDFS) using optimized quarter ROMs. To improve the working frequency and spectral purity, an original quarter RO... This paper presents a detailed description of a high-performance direct digital frequency synthesizer (DDFS) using optimized quarter ROMs. To improve the working frequency and spectral purity, an original quarter ROMs structure in 0.13 μm CMOS is brought forward and implemented. The working frequency is increased by 40% compared with Yuan Ling's methodIll of implementing a segmented DAC based DDFS. It has been implemented in 0.13 μm CMOS technology. The DDFS has a resolution of 10 bits with a measured SFDR 54 dBc. Its maximum operating frequency is 1.2 GHz by using six pipelining stages. Analytical investigation of improving spectral performances by using dual-slope approximation and pipeline is also presented. 展开更多
关键词 MUX-direct digital frequency synthesizers quarter roms dual-slope approximation
Risk assessment of coastal flooding disaster by storm surge based on Elevation-Area method and hydrodynamic models:Taking Bohai Bay as an example
作者 Fu Wang Xue-zheng Liu +3 位作者 Yong Li Heng Yu Ming-zheng Wen Yun-zhuang Hu 《China Geology》 CAS CSCD 2024年第3期494-504,共11页
The future inundation by storm surge on coastal areas are currently ill-defined.With increasing global sealevel due to climate change,the coastal flooding by storm surge is more and more frequently,especially in coast... The future inundation by storm surge on coastal areas are currently ill-defined.With increasing global sealevel due to climate change,the coastal flooding by storm surge is more and more frequently,especially in coastal lowland with land subsidence.Therefore,the risk assessment of such inundation for these areas is of great significance for the sustainable socio-economic development.In this paper,the authors use Elevation-Area method and Regional Ocean Model System(ROMS)model to assess the risk of the inundation of Bohai Bay by storm surge.The simulation results of Elevation-Area method show that either a 50-year or 100-year storm surge can inundate coastal areas exceeding 8000 km^(2);the numerical simulation results based on hydrodynamics,considering ground friction and duration of the storm surge high water,show that a 50-year or 100-year storm surge can only inundate an area of over 2000 km^(2),which is far less than 8000 km^(2);while,when taking into account the land subsidence and sea level rise,the very inundation range will rapidly increase by 2050 and 2100.The storm surge will greatly impact the coastal area within about 10-30 km of the Bohai Bay,in where almost all major coastal projects are located.The prompt response to flood disaster due to storm surge is urgently needed,for which five suggestions have been proposed based on the geological background of Bohai Bay.This study may offer insight into the development of the response and adaptive plans for flooding disasters caused by storm surge. 展开更多
关键词 Storm surge roms Elevation-Area method Numerical simulation Land subsidence Flooding disaster Sea level rise Marine geological survey engineering Geological disaster survey engineering Bohai Bay
Spatiotemporal characteristics of water exchange between the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal
作者 Yihao Wang Feng Zhou +5 位作者 Xueming Zhu Ruijie Ye Yingyu Peng Zhentao Hu Haoran Tian Na Li 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第5期1-15,共15页
A high-resolution customized numerical model is used to analyze the water transport in the three major water passages between the Andaman Sea(AS)and the Bay of Bengal,i.e.,the Preparis Channel(PC),the Ten Degree Chann... A high-resolution customized numerical model is used to analyze the water transport in the three major water passages between the Andaman Sea(AS)and the Bay of Bengal,i.e.,the Preparis Channel(PC),the Ten Degree Channel(TDC),and the Great Channel(GC),based on the daily averaged simulation results ranging from 2010 to 2019.Spectral analysis and Empirical Orthogonal Function(EOF)methods are employed to investigate the spatiotemporal variability of the water exchange and controlling mechanisms.The results of model simulation indicate that the net average transports of the PC and GC,as well as their linear trend,are opposite to that of the TDC.This indicates that the PC and the GC are the main inflow channels of the AS,while the TDC is the main outflow channel of the AS.The transport variability is most pronounced at surface levels and between 100 m and 200 m depth,likely affected by monsoons and circulation.A 182.4-d semiannual variability is consistently seen in all three channels,which is also evident in their second principal components.Based on sea level anomalies and EOF analysis results,this is primarily due to equatorial winds during the monsoon transition period,causing eastward movement of Kelvin waves along the AS coast,thereby affecting the spatiotemporal characteristics of the flow in the AS.The first EOF of the PC flow field section shows a split at 100 m deep,likely due to topography.The first EOF of the TDC flow field section is steady but has potent seasonal oscillations in its time series.Meanwhile,the first EOF of the GC flow field section indicates a stable surface inflow,probably influenced by the equatorial Indian Ocean’s eastward current. 展开更多
关键词 Andaman Sea water exchange Regional Ocean Modeling Systems(roms) Kelvin waves spatiotemporal characteristics
作者 杨正军 牛珲 +8 位作者 常虹 李成 郭鲜妮 邓兴星 文金凤 赵翊君 张倩 张峰 吴翠艳 《西安交通大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期470-477,共8页
目的描述陕西地区大骨节病(Kashin-Beck disease,KBD)患者膝、踝关节活动度(range of motion,ROM)和肌肉萎缩相关指标的分布特征,探究膝、踝ROM和肌肉萎缩指标的相关性,为KBD患者临床特征分析提供可参考依据。方法对来自陕西省KBD病区在... 目的描述陕西地区大骨节病(Kashin-Beck disease,KBD)患者膝、踝关节活动度(range of motion,ROM)和肌肉萎缩相关指标的分布特征,探究膝、踝ROM和肌肉萎缩指标的相关性,为KBD患者临床特征分析提供可参考依据。方法对来自陕西省KBD病区在册KBD患者进行抽样调查。采集KBD患者一般人口学资料,测量患者膝关节(屈曲、伸展),踝关节(背屈、跖屈)活动度以及患者上臂围、大腿围、小腿围和握力等肌肉萎缩相关指标。按照人群特征[性别、年龄、体质量指数(BMI)]和KBD分度分组,报告KBD患者ROM和肌肉萎缩指标的中位数和四分位数,分析不同组间各指标的差异。控制性别、年龄和BMI等变量后,采用偏相关分析探索各指标间的相关性。结果本研究共调查KBD患者480例,其中男性249(51.9%)例,女性231(48.1%)例,平均年龄(63.10±7.32)岁,平均BMI(23.49±8.90)kg/m^(2)。结果显示,KBD患者膝关节屈曲活动度[105.0(95.0,120.0)]°,膝关节伸展活动度[0.0(-15.0,0.0)]°,踝关节背屈活动度[5.0(0.0,15.0)]°,踝关节跖屈活动度[20.0(15.0,30.0)]°,左侧大腿围[43.0(40.0,47.0)]cm,右侧大腿围[43.0(39.0,47.0)]cm,左侧小腿围[29.0(27.0,32.0)]cm,右侧小腿围[29.5(27.0,32.0)]cm,左侧和右侧上臂围均为[27.0(25.0,30.0)]cm,左手握力[13.4(9.5,18.4)]kg,右手握力[13.9(9.8,18.2)]kg。随着年龄的增加,KBD患者两侧膝关节伸展活动度呈现降低趋势(H=31.499、31.847;P均<0.001)。BMI正常组两侧膝关节屈曲活动度高于超重或肥胖组,差异均有统计学意义(H=7.753、12.333;P=0.021、0.002)。不同KBD分度下,两侧膝关节屈曲、大腿围和小腿围均呈现降低趋势(H=14.345、17.256、8.000、8.462、8.558、9.633;P均<0.05)。相关性分析显示,KBD患者膝关节屈曲活动度与大腿围、小腿围和握力呈正相关关系(P均<0.05)。KBD患者膝关节伸展活动度与大腿围呈正相关关系(P均<0.01)。结论陕西省KBD患者ROM受损和肌肉萎缩较为严重,且ROM与肌肉萎缩存在相关关系。 展开更多
关键词 大骨节病(KBD) 关节活动度(ROM) 肌肉萎缩 四肢围度
作者 吴文森 张昊丹 +1 位作者 刘嘉欢 龚文平 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期37-50,共14页
河口羽流是河口冲淡水在陆架中扩展的主要形式,其扩展受到诸多动力与地形因素的影响,口门拦门沙就是其中之一。以一个理想化的河口为例,采用区域海洋模型(regional ocean modelling system,ROMS),研究口门拦门沙对河口羽流扩展的影响,... 河口羽流是河口冲淡水在陆架中扩展的主要形式,其扩展受到诸多动力与地形因素的影响,口门拦门沙就是其中之一。以一个理想化的河口为例,采用区域海洋模型(regional ocean modelling system,ROMS),研究口门拦门沙对河口羽流扩展的影响,具体包括拦门沙对羽流的出流状态、扩展范围以及远场区沿岸流淡水输运的影响。研究结果表明,拦门沙增加了口门处的水体分层,减小了羽流出流速度,增大了羽流凸出体的半径,减小了远场区沿岸流宽度,并进而减少了沿岸流中的淡水输送。本项研究对地形因素对河口羽流的扩展研究以及陆源物质的向海输运等均具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 河口羽流 拦门沙 roms海洋模式
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