In this paper, we examine the performance of the 26-level version of the SAMIL/LASG GCM (R42/L26) in simulating the seasonal cycle and perpetual winter mean stratospheric circulation as well as its variability by co...In this paper, we examine the performance of the 26-level version of the SAMIL/LASG GCM (R42/L26) in simulating the seasonal cycle and perpetual winter mean stratospheric circulation as well as its variability by comparing them with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. The results show that the model is capable of repro- ducing many key features of the climatology and seasonal variation of the stratospheric circulation despite that the model's mean polar vortex is stronger and more zonally symmetric compared to the observation. ~rther diagnosis of the results from a perpetual-January-run of the SAMIL/LASG GCM indicates that the dominant winter-season oscillation mode in the model's stratosphere exhibits a similar inter-seasonal timescale with similar spatial patterns as those inferred from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. In particular, the simulated polar vortex oscillation mode exhibits a dominant inter-seasonal timescale of about 120 days, and is accompanied with the simultaneous poleward and downward propagation of temperature anomalies in the stratosphere and the equatorward propagation of temperature anomalies in the troposphere. More encouragingly, the 26-layer version of the SAMIL/LASG GCM is able to produce three strong Stratospheric Sudden Warming events during the 1825 days of perpetual-January integration, with the polar westerly jet completely reversed for a few weeks without imposing any prescribed anomalous forcing at the lower boundary.展开更多
Characteristics of the total clear-sky greenhouse effect (GA) and cloud radiative forcings (CRFs), along with the radiative-related water vapor and cloud properties simulated by the Spectral Atmospheric Model deve...Characteristics of the total clear-sky greenhouse effect (GA) and cloud radiative forcings (CRFs), along with the radiative-related water vapor and cloud properties simulated by the Spectral Atmospheric Model developed by LASGIAP (SAMIL) are evaluated. Impacts of the convection scheme on the simulation of CRFs are discussed by using two AMIP (Atmospheric Model Inter-comparison Project) type simulations employing different convection schemes: the new Zhang-McFarlane (NZH) and Tiedtke (TDK) convection schemes. It shows that both the climatological GA and its response to El Nio warming are simulated well, both in terms of spatial pattern and magnitude. The impact of the convection scheme on GA is not significant. The climatological longwave CRF (LWCRF) and its response to El Nio warming are simulated well, but with a prominently weaker magnitude. The simulation of the climatology (response) of LWCRF in the NZH (TDK) run is slightly more realistic than in the TDK (NZH) simulation, indicating significant impacts of the convection scheme. The shortwave CRF (SWCRF) shows large biases in both spatial pattern and magnitude, and the results from the TDK run are better than those from the NZH run. A spuriously excessive negative climatological SWCRF over the southeastern Pacific and an insufficient response of SWCRF to El Nio warming over the tropical Pacific are seen in the NZH run. These two biases are alleviated in the TDK run, since it produces vigorous convection, which is related to the low threshold for convection to take place. Also, impacts of the convection scheme on the cloud profile are discussed.展开更多
Performances of two LASG/IAP (State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics/Institute of Atmospheric Physics) Atmospheric General Circulation Models (AGCMs), na...Performances of two LASG/IAP (State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics/Institute of Atmospheric Physics) Atmospheric General Circulation Models (AGCMs), namely GAMIL and SAMIL, in simulating the major characteristics of the East Asian subtropical westerly jet (EASWJ) in the upper troposphere are examined in this paper. The mean vertical and horizontal structures and the correspondence of the EASWJ location to the meridional temperature gradient in the upper troposphere are well simulated by two models. However, both models underestimate the EASWJ intensity in winter and summer, and are unable to simulate the bimodal distribution of the major EASWJ centers in mid-summer, relative to the observation, especially for the SAMIL model. The biases in the simulated EASWJ intensity are found to be associated with the biases of the meridional temperature gradients in the troposphere, and furthermore with the surface sensible heat flux and condensation latent heating. The models capture the major characteristics of the seasonal evolution of the diabatic heating rate averaged between 30°-45°N, and its association with the westerly jet. However, the simulated maximum diabatic heating rate in summer is located westward in comparison with the observed position, with a relatively strong diabatic heating intensity, especially in GAMIL. The biases in simulating the diabatic heating fields lead to the biases in simulating the temperature distribution in the upper troposphere, which may further affect the EASWJ simulations. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the simulation of the meridional temperature gradient as well as the diabatic heating field in the troposphere for the improvement of the EASWJ simulation by GAMIL and SAMIL models.展开更多
A flux-form semi-Lagrangian transport scheme (FFSL) was implemented in a spectral atmospheric GCM developed and used at IAP/LASG. Idealized numerical experiments show that the scheme is good at shape preserving with...A flux-form semi-Lagrangian transport scheme (FFSL) was implemented in a spectral atmospheric GCM developed and used at IAP/LASG. Idealized numerical experiments show that the scheme is good at shape preserving with less dissipation and dispersion, in comparison with other conventional schemes, hnportantly, FFSL can automatically maintain the positive definition of the transported tracers, which was an underlying problem in the previous spectral composite method (SCM). To comprehensively investigate the impact of FFSL on GCM results, we conducted sensitive experiments. Three main improvements resulted: first, rainfall simulation in both distribution and intensity was notably improved, which led to an improvement in precipitation frequency. Second, the dry bias in the lower troposphere was significantly reduced compared with SCM simulations. Third, according to the Taylor diagram, the FFSL scheme yields simulations that are superior to those using the SCM: a higher correlation between model output and observation data was achieved with the FFSL scheme, especially for humidity in lower troposphere. However, the moist bias in the middle and upper troposphere was more pronounced with the FFSL scheme. This bias led to an over-simulation of precipitable water in comparison with reanalysis data. Possible explanations, as well as solutions, are discussed herein.展开更多
Based on the aqua-planet experiments, the wavenumber-frequency characteristics of tropical waves and their influencing factors in SST distribution and the convective parameterization scheme are investigated using the ...Based on the aqua-planet experiments, the wavenumber-frequency characteristics of tropical waves and their influencing factors in SST distribution and the convective parameterization scheme are investigated using the spectral atmospheric general circulation model (SAMIL). Space-time spectral analysis is used to obtain the variance of convectively coupled tropical waves. In the Control experiment with maximum SST located at the equator the simulated tropical-wave behaviors are in agreement with those in observations and theoretical solutions. When the maximum SST is located at 5°N, the symmetric and antisymmetric waves are much weaker than those in the control experiment, suggesting that tropical wave activities are very sensitive to the SST distributions. Importantly, the variance maximum of Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) is found to occur around 5°N, which suggests that the development of the MJO depends largely on the latitude of maximum SST. Furthermore, the seasonal variations of MJO may be mainly caused by the seasonal variations of the maximum SST. The experiment results with two different cumulus schemes the Manabe moist convective adjustment and Zhang-McFarlane (ZM) convective scheme, were also compared to examine the impacts of convective parameterization. Weakened variances of each individual tropical wave when the ZM scheme is used suggest that the ZM scheme is not favorable for the tropical wave activities. However, the wave characteristics are different when the ZM scheme is used in different models, which may imply that the simulated basic state is important to the meridional distributions of the waves. The MJO signals suggest that the parameterization scheme may have great influence on the strength, but have less direct impact on the MJO distribution. The frequency of the tropical waves may be associated with the moisture control of convection and the large-scale condensation scheme used in the model.展开更多
In Part I, the authors succeeded in coupling the spectral atmospheric model (SAMIL_R42L9) developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institut...In Part I, the authors succeeded in coupling the spectral atmospheric model (SAMIL_R42L9) developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (LASG/IAP/CAS) with the land surface model, Atmosphere-Vegetation-Interaction-Model (AVIM) and analyzed the climate basic state and land surface physical fluxes simulated by R42_AVIM. In this Part Ⅱ, we further evaluate the simulated results of the biological processes, including leaf area index (LAI), biomass and net primary productivity (NPP) etc. Results indicate that R42_AVIM can simulate the global distribution of LAI and has good consistency with the monthly mean LAI provided by Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. The simulated biomass corresponds reasonably to the vegetation classifications. In addition, the simulated annual mean NPP has a consistent distribution with the data provided by IGBP and MODIS, and compares well with the work in literature. This land-atmosphere coupled model will offer a new experiment tool for the research on the two-way interaction between climate and biosphere, and the global terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle.展开更多
A new two-way land-atmosphere interaction model (R42_AVIM) is fulfilled by coupling the spectral atmospheric model (SAMIL_R42L9) developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences...A new two-way land-atmosphere interaction model (R42_AVIM) is fulfilled by coupling the spectral atmospheric model (SAMIL_R42L9) developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (LASG/IAP/CAS) with the land surface model, Atmosphere-Vegetation-Interaction-Model (AVIM). In this coupled model, physical and biological components of AVIM are both included. Climate base state and land surface physical fluxes simulated by R42_AVIM are analyzed and compared with the results of R42_SSIB [which is coupled by SAMIL_R42L9 and Simplified Simple Biosphere (SSIB) models]. The results show the performance of the new model is closer to the observations. It can basically guarantee that the land surface energy budget is balanced, and can simulate June-July-August (JJA) and December-January- February (DJF) land surface air temperature, sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, precipitation, sea level pressure and other variables reasonably well. Compared with R42_SSIB, there are obvious improvements in the JJA simulations of surface air temperature and surface fluxes. Thus, this land-atmosphere coupled model will offer a good experiment platform for land-atmosphere interaction research.展开更多
This paper focuses on the impacts of convective momentum transport(CMT) on simulations of the tropical intraseasonal oscillation(TIO) in SAMIL. Two sets of experiments are performed, which give different reality of th...This paper focuses on the impacts of convective momentum transport(CMT) on simulations of the tropical intraseasonal oscillation(TIO) in SAMIL. Two sets of experiments are performed, which give different reality of the Madden-Julian Oscillation(MJO). The Tiedtke cumulus parameterization scheme is used for all experiments. It is found that simulations of the TIO can be influenced by CMT, and the impacts on the simulated TIO depend on the model capability in simulating the MJO. CMT tends to have large influences to the model that can simulate the eastward propagation of the MJO. CMT can further influence the long-term mean of zonal wind and its vertical shear. Zonal wind suffers from easterlies biases at low level and westerlies biases at upper level when CMT is introduced. Such easterlies biases at low level reduce the reality of the simulated tropical intraseasonal oscillation. When CMT is introduced in the model, MJO signals disappear but the model's mean state improves. Therefore, a more appropriate way is needed to introduce CMT to the model to balance the simulated mean state and TIO signals.展开更多
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG/IAP)新版大气环流模式SAMIL(Spectral Atmosphere Model of IAP LASG),分析比较了Manabe和Tiedtke两种对流方案对降水和潜热加热空间结构的模拟性能....利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG/IAP)新版大气环流模式SAMIL(Spectral Atmosphere Model of IAP LASG),分析比较了Manabe和Tiedtke两种对流方案对降水和潜热加热空间结构的模拟性能.结果表明,Tiedtke方案模拟的对流降水偏强,层状降水偏弱,致使层状降水占总降水比例低于观测.与此相比,Manabe方案较为合理地再现了沿赤道的层状降水中心,但其模拟的孟加拉湾降水中心向东向北伸展,在高原下游有虚假强降水出现.通过比较两种对流方案模拟的潜热加热空间结构,结果表明Tiedtke方案的模拟结果远较Manabe方案合理,表现为与观测一致的位于对流层中层的对流加热峰值,以及0℃层之上的层状加热与其下的冷却.而Manabe方案模拟的对流加热峰值所在高度较观测偏低,大致位于700 hPa.另外对于层状加热,Manabe方案模拟不出0℃层以下的冷却,而表现为整层加热.温度、比湿等要素的Taylor图表明:Tiedtke方案的模拟结果与ERA40,NCEP再分析资料的相关系数更高,尤其是对流层高层200 hPa温度的模拟.文中同时提出Tiedtke方案下层状降水模拟失真的可能原因是层状降水方案忽略了积云对流过程中卷出水凝物的影响,该猜想通过敏感性试验得到证实.展开更多
Using the latest version of SAMIL (Spectral Atmosphere Model of IAP LASG) developed by LASG/IAP,we evaluate the model performance by analyzing rainfall,latent heating structure and other basic fields with two differen...Using the latest version of SAMIL (Spectral Atmosphere Model of IAP LASG) developed by LASG/IAP,we evaluate the model performance by analyzing rainfall,latent heating structure and other basic fields with two different convective parameterization schemes:Manabe Scheme and Tiedtke Scheme.Results show that convective precipitation is excessively overestimated while stratiform precipitation is underestimated by Tiedtke scheme,thus causing less stratiform rainfall proportion compared with TRMM observation.In contrast,for Manabe scheme stratiform rainfall belt is well simulated,although precipitation center near Bay of Bengal (BOB) spreads eastward and northward associated with unrealistic strong rainfall downstream of the Tibet Plateau.The simulated latent heating structure indicates that Tiedtke scheme has an advantage over Manabe scheme,as the maximum convective latent heating near middle of troposphere is well reproduced.Moreover,the stratiform latent heating structure is also well simulated by Tiedtke scheme with warming above freezing level and cooling beneath freezing level.As for Manabe scheme,the simulated maximum convective latent heating lies near 700 hPa,lower than the observation.Additionally,the warming due to stratiform latent heating extends to the whole vertical levels,which is unreasonable compared with observation.Taylor diagram further indicates that Tiedtke scheme is superior to Manabe scheme as higher correlation between model output and observation data is achieved when Tiedtke scheme is employed,especially for the temperature near 200 hPa.Finally,a possible explanation is addressed for the unrealistic stratiform rainfall by Tiedtke scheme,which is due to the neglect of detrained cloud water and cloud ice during convective process.The speculation is verified through an established sensitivity experiment.展开更多
A single-column model is constructed based on parameterizations inherited from the Finite-volume/Spectral Atmospheric Model F/SAMIL and tested in simulations of tropical convective systems. Two representative convecti...A single-column model is constructed based on parameterizations inherited from the Finite-volume/Spectral Atmospheric Model F/SAMIL and tested in simulations of tropical convective systems. Two representative convection schemes are compared in terms of their performances on precipitation types, individual physical tendencies, and temperature and moisture fields. The main difference between the two selected schemes is in their representation of entraining/detraining process. The Tiedtke scheme assumes bulk entrainment, while the Zhang–Mc Farlane scheme parameterizes entrainment/detrainment rates under the spectrum concept. Large-scale forcing and verification data are taken from the GATE phase III field campaign, during which abundant convective events were observed. Given the same triggering function and closure assumption, results show that entrainment/detrainment representation remains the dominant factor on the simulation of cumulus mass flux and of temperature and moisture fields. By analyzing sources and sinks of heat and moisture, this study reveals how parameterization components compensate for each other and make model results insensitive to parameterization changes in certain fields, thus suggesting the need to treat parameterizations as systems rather than individual components.展开更多
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (2006CB403600)the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 40575041, 40523001, 40221503the Public Sector Special project GYHY200806006
文摘In this paper, we examine the performance of the 26-level version of the SAMIL/LASG GCM (R42/L26) in simulating the seasonal cycle and perpetual winter mean stratospheric circulation as well as its variability by comparing them with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. The results show that the model is capable of repro- ducing many key features of the climatology and seasonal variation of the stratospheric circulation despite that the model's mean polar vortex is stronger and more zonally symmetric compared to the observation. ~rther diagnosis of the results from a perpetual-January-run of the SAMIL/LASG GCM indicates that the dominant winter-season oscillation mode in the model's stratosphere exhibits a similar inter-seasonal timescale with similar spatial patterns as those inferred from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. In particular, the simulated polar vortex oscillation mode exhibits a dominant inter-seasonal timescale of about 120 days, and is accompanied with the simultaneous poleward and downward propagation of temperature anomalies in the stratosphere and the equatorward propagation of temperature anomalies in the troposphere. More encouragingly, the 26-layer version of the SAMIL/LASG GCM is able to produce three strong Stratospheric Sudden Warming events during the 1825 days of perpetual-January integration, with the polar westerly jet completely reversed for a few weeks without imposing any prescribed anomalous forcing at the lower boundary.
基金supported jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos 40890054 and 40821092)the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No 2010CB951904)National Key Technologies R&D Program (Grant No 2007BAC29B03)
文摘Characteristics of the total clear-sky greenhouse effect (GA) and cloud radiative forcings (CRFs), along with the radiative-related water vapor and cloud properties simulated by the Spectral Atmospheric Model developed by LASGIAP (SAMIL) are evaluated. Impacts of the convection scheme on the simulation of CRFs are discussed by using two AMIP (Atmospheric Model Inter-comparison Project) type simulations employing different convection schemes: the new Zhang-McFarlane (NZH) and Tiedtke (TDK) convection schemes. It shows that both the climatological GA and its response to El Nio warming are simulated well, both in terms of spatial pattern and magnitude. The impact of the convection scheme on GA is not significant. The climatological longwave CRF (LWCRF) and its response to El Nio warming are simulated well, but with a prominently weaker magnitude. The simulation of the climatology (response) of LWCRF in the NZH (TDK) run is slightly more realistic than in the TDK (NZH) simulation, indicating significant impacts of the convection scheme. The shortwave CRF (SWCRF) shows large biases in both spatial pattern and magnitude, and the results from the TDK run are better than those from the NZH run. A spuriously excessive negative climatological SWCRF over the southeastern Pacific and an insufficient response of SWCRF to El Nio warming over the tropical Pacific are seen in the NZH run. These two biases are alleviated in the TDK run, since it produces vigorous convection, which is related to the low threshold for convection to take place. Also, impacts of the convection scheme on the cloud profile are discussed.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 40675041Open Research Program of State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG), Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
文摘Performances of two LASG/IAP (State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics/Institute of Atmospheric Physics) Atmospheric General Circulation Models (AGCMs), namely GAMIL and SAMIL, in simulating the major characteristics of the East Asian subtropical westerly jet (EASWJ) in the upper troposphere are examined in this paper. The mean vertical and horizontal structures and the correspondence of the EASWJ location to the meridional temperature gradient in the upper troposphere are well simulated by two models. However, both models underestimate the EASWJ intensity in winter and summer, and are unable to simulate the bimodal distribution of the major EASWJ centers in mid-summer, relative to the observation, especially for the SAMIL model. The biases in the simulated EASWJ intensity are found to be associated with the biases of the meridional temperature gradients in the troposphere, and furthermore with the surface sensible heat flux and condensation latent heating. The models capture the major characteristics of the seasonal evolution of the diabatic heating rate averaged between 30°-45°N, and its association with the westerly jet. However, the simulated maximum diabatic heating rate in summer is located westward in comparison with the observed position, with a relatively strong diabatic heating intensity, especially in GAMIL. The biases in simulating the diabatic heating fields lead to the biases in simulating the temperature distribution in the upper troposphere, which may further affect the EASWJ simulations. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the simulation of the meridional temperature gradient as well as the diabatic heating field in the troposphere for the improvement of the EASWJ simulation by GAMIL and SAMIL models.
基金supported by the Chinese Academy of Science Strategic Priority Research Program (Grant No. XDA05110303)"973" Program (Grant Nos. 2010CB950403,2012CB417203,and 2013CB955803)+1 种基金"863" Program(Grant No. 2010AA012305)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40925015,40875034,and 41023002)
文摘A flux-form semi-Lagrangian transport scheme (FFSL) was implemented in a spectral atmospheric GCM developed and used at IAP/LASG. Idealized numerical experiments show that the scheme is good at shape preserving with less dissipation and dispersion, in comparison with other conventional schemes, hnportantly, FFSL can automatically maintain the positive definition of the transported tracers, which was an underlying problem in the previous spectral composite method (SCM). To comprehensively investigate the impact of FFSL on GCM results, we conducted sensitive experiments. Three main improvements resulted: first, rainfall simulation in both distribution and intensity was notably improved, which led to an improvement in precipitation frequency. Second, the dry bias in the lower troposphere was significantly reduced compared with SCM simulations. Third, according to the Taylor diagram, the FFSL scheme yields simulations that are superior to those using the SCM: a higher correlation between model output and observation data was achieved with the FFSL scheme, especially for humidity in lower troposphere. However, the moist bias in the middle and upper troposphere was more pronounced with the FFSL scheme. This bias led to an over-simulation of precipitable water in comparison with reanalysis data. Possible explanations, as well as solutions, are discussed herein.
文摘Based on the aqua-planet experiments, the wavenumber-frequency characteristics of tropical waves and their influencing factors in SST distribution and the convective parameterization scheme are investigated using the spectral atmospheric general circulation model (SAMIL). Space-time spectral analysis is used to obtain the variance of convectively coupled tropical waves. In the Control experiment with maximum SST located at the equator the simulated tropical-wave behaviors are in agreement with those in observations and theoretical solutions. When the maximum SST is located at 5°N, the symmetric and antisymmetric waves are much weaker than those in the control experiment, suggesting that tropical wave activities are very sensitive to the SST distributions. Importantly, the variance maximum of Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) is found to occur around 5°N, which suggests that the development of the MJO depends largely on the latitude of maximum SST. Furthermore, the seasonal variations of MJO may be mainly caused by the seasonal variations of the maximum SST. The experiment results with two different cumulus schemes the Manabe moist convective adjustment and Zhang-McFarlane (ZM) convective scheme, were also compared to examine the impacts of convective parameterization. Weakened variances of each individual tropical wave when the ZM scheme is used suggest that the ZM scheme is not favorable for the tropical wave activities. However, the wave characteristics are different when the ZM scheme is used in different models, which may imply that the simulated basic state is important to the meridional distributions of the waves. The MJO signals suggest that the parameterization scheme may have great influence on the strength, but have less direct impact on the MJO distribution. The frequency of the tropical waves may be associated with the moisture control of convection and the large-scale condensation scheme used in the model.
文摘In Part I, the authors succeeded in coupling the spectral atmospheric model (SAMIL_R42L9) developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (LASG/IAP/CAS) with the land surface model, Atmosphere-Vegetation-Interaction-Model (AVIM) and analyzed the climate basic state and land surface physical fluxes simulated by R42_AVIM. In this Part Ⅱ, we further evaluate the simulated results of the biological processes, including leaf area index (LAI), biomass and net primary productivity (NPP) etc. Results indicate that R42_AVIM can simulate the global distribution of LAI and has good consistency with the monthly mean LAI provided by Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. The simulated biomass corresponds reasonably to the vegetation classifications. In addition, the simulated annual mean NPP has a consistent distribution with the data provided by IGBP and MODIS, and compares well with the work in literature. This land-atmosphere coupled model will offer a new experiment tool for the research on the two-way interaction between climate and biosphere, and the global terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle.
基金This study is jointly supported by the National Key Basic Research 2006CB403607the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)International Partnership Creative Group"The climate system model development and application studies"and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.40221503,40475027 and 40523001.
文摘A new two-way land-atmosphere interaction model (R42_AVIM) is fulfilled by coupling the spectral atmospheric model (SAMIL_R42L9) developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (LASG/IAP/CAS) with the land surface model, Atmosphere-Vegetation-Interaction-Model (AVIM). In this coupled model, physical and biological components of AVIM are both included. Climate base state and land surface physical fluxes simulated by R42_AVIM are analyzed and compared with the results of R42_SSIB [which is coupled by SAMIL_R42L9 and Simplified Simple Biosphere (SSIB) models]. The results show the performance of the new model is closer to the observations. It can basically guarantee that the land surface energy budget is balanced, and can simulate June-July-August (JJA) and December-January- February (DJF) land surface air temperature, sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, precipitation, sea level pressure and other variables reasonably well. Compared with R42_SSIB, there are obvious improvements in the JJA simulations of surface air temperature and surface fluxes. Thus, this land-atmosphere coupled model will offer a good experiment platform for land-atmosphere interaction research.
基金sponsored by the Joint Project of Natural Science Foundation of China and Yunnan Province (U0833602)
文摘This paper focuses on the impacts of convective momentum transport(CMT) on simulations of the tropical intraseasonal oscillation(TIO) in SAMIL. Two sets of experiments are performed, which give different reality of the Madden-Julian Oscillation(MJO). The Tiedtke cumulus parameterization scheme is used for all experiments. It is found that simulations of the TIO can be influenced by CMT, and the impacts on the simulated TIO depend on the model capability in simulating the MJO. CMT tends to have large influences to the model that can simulate the eastward propagation of the MJO. CMT can further influence the long-term mean of zonal wind and its vertical shear. Zonal wind suffers from easterlies biases at low level and westerlies biases at upper level when CMT is introduced. Such easterlies biases at low level reduce the reality of the simulated tropical intraseasonal oscillation. When CMT is introduced in the model, MJO signals disappear but the model's mean state improves. Therefore, a more appropriate way is needed to introduce CMT to the model to balance the simulated mean state and TIO signals.
文摘利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG/IAP)新版大气环流模式SAMIL(Spectral Atmosphere Model of IAP LASG),分析比较了Manabe和Tiedtke两种对流方案对降水和潜热加热空间结构的模拟性能.结果表明,Tiedtke方案模拟的对流降水偏强,层状降水偏弱,致使层状降水占总降水比例低于观测.与此相比,Manabe方案较为合理地再现了沿赤道的层状降水中心,但其模拟的孟加拉湾降水中心向东向北伸展,在高原下游有虚假强降水出现.通过比较两种对流方案模拟的潜热加热空间结构,结果表明Tiedtke方案的模拟结果远较Manabe方案合理,表现为与观测一致的位于对流层中层的对流加热峰值,以及0℃层之上的层状加热与其下的冷却.而Manabe方案模拟的对流加热峰值所在高度较观测偏低,大致位于700 hPa.另外对于层状加热,Manabe方案模拟不出0℃层以下的冷却,而表现为整层加热.温度、比湿等要素的Taylor图表明:Tiedtke方案的模拟结果与ERA40,NCEP再分析资料的相关系数更高,尤其是对流层高层200 hPa温度的模拟.文中同时提出Tiedtke方案下层状降水模拟失真的可能原因是层状降水方案忽略了积云对流过程中卷出水凝物的影响,该猜想通过敏感性试验得到证实.
基金supported by Special Fund Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology (Grant No. GYHY200806006)Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-YW-Q11-01)National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40925015,40875034 and 40821092)
文摘Using the latest version of SAMIL (Spectral Atmosphere Model of IAP LASG) developed by LASG/IAP,we evaluate the model performance by analyzing rainfall,latent heating structure and other basic fields with two different convective parameterization schemes:Manabe Scheme and Tiedtke Scheme.Results show that convective precipitation is excessively overestimated while stratiform precipitation is underestimated by Tiedtke scheme,thus causing less stratiform rainfall proportion compared with TRMM observation.In contrast,for Manabe scheme stratiform rainfall belt is well simulated,although precipitation center near Bay of Bengal (BOB) spreads eastward and northward associated with unrealistic strong rainfall downstream of the Tibet Plateau.The simulated latent heating structure indicates that Tiedtke scheme has an advantage over Manabe scheme,as the maximum convective latent heating near middle of troposphere is well reproduced.Moreover,the stratiform latent heating structure is also well simulated by Tiedtke scheme with warming above freezing level and cooling beneath freezing level.As for Manabe scheme,the simulated maximum convective latent heating lies near 700 hPa,lower than the observation.Additionally,the warming due to stratiform latent heating extends to the whole vertical levels,which is unreasonable compared with observation.Taylor diagram further indicates that Tiedtke scheme is superior to Manabe scheme as higher correlation between model output and observation data is achieved when Tiedtke scheme is employed,especially for the temperature near 200 hPa.Finally,a possible explanation is addressed for the unrealistic stratiform rainfall by Tiedtke scheme,which is due to the neglect of detrained cloud water and cloud ice during convective process.The speculation is verified through an established sensitivity experiment.
基金jointly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41305102)the National Basic Research Program of China(2014CB441202,2013CB955803)
文摘A single-column model is constructed based on parameterizations inherited from the Finite-volume/Spectral Atmospheric Model F/SAMIL and tested in simulations of tropical convective systems. Two representative convection schemes are compared in terms of their performances on precipitation types, individual physical tendencies, and temperature and moisture fields. The main difference between the two selected schemes is in their representation of entraining/detraining process. The Tiedtke scheme assumes bulk entrainment, while the Zhang–Mc Farlane scheme parameterizes entrainment/detrainment rates under the spectrum concept. Large-scale forcing and verification data are taken from the GATE phase III field campaign, during which abundant convective events were observed. Given the same triggering function and closure assumption, results show that entrainment/detrainment representation remains the dominant factor on the simulation of cumulus mass flux and of temperature and moisture fields. By analyzing sources and sinks of heat and moisture, this study reveals how parameterization components compensate for each other and make model results insensitive to parameterization changes in certain fields, thus suggesting the need to treat parameterizations as systems rather than individual components.