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一例Takayasu动脉炎血管旁路术的麻醉及围手术期处理 被引量:1
作者 倪文 徐美英 +2 位作者 李永庆 许华 于布为 《临床麻醉学杂志》 CAS CSCD 1999年第1期56-57,共2页
临床资料患者女,31岁,体重52kg,10个月前出现左眼黑朦、视物模糊、发作渐频繁。3个月前出现短暂突发性意识消失,双手持物不稳。入院后右股动脉血压在18~24/9~13kPa间波动。眼底镜示左眼视网膜静脉扩张、走行... 临床资料患者女,31岁,体重52kg,10个月前出现左眼黑朦、视物模糊、发作渐频繁。3个月前出现短暂突发性意识消失,双手持物不稳。入院后右股动脉血压在18~24/9~13kPa间波动。眼底镜示左眼视网膜静脉扩张、走行纤曲。超声及造影检查提示双侧颈总动... 展开更多
关键词 动脉炎 takayasu动脉炎 血管旁路术 麻醉
作者 周建军 周康荣 +3 位作者 陈祖望 曾蒙苏 严福华 王建华 《临床放射学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期1198-1202,共5页
目的分析头臂型Takayasu’s动脉炎弓上分支及颈动脉多层螺旋cT血管成像(MDCTA)表现,探讨MDCTA在头臂型大动脉炎诊断中的价值。资料与方法临床已确诊头臂型Takayasu’s动脉炎21例,行MDC.TA,范围从主动脉弓到颅底颈动脉,注射流率4m... 目的分析头臂型Takayasu’s动脉炎弓上分支及颈动脉多层螺旋cT血管成像(MDCTA)表现,探讨MDCTA在头臂型大动脉炎诊断中的价值。资料与方法临床已确诊头臂型Takayasu’s动脉炎21例,行MDC.TA,范围从主动脉弓到颅底颈动脉,注射流率4ml/s,有效层厚为1.3mm,获得的容积数据采用最大密度投影重组。将头臂型Takayasu’s动脉炎弓上分支及颈动脉分段评价,采用NASCET标准判断颈动脉的狭窄程度。结果21例大动脉炎中,左侧弓上分支及颈动脉段正常或轻度狭窄31段,中度狭窄32段,重度狭窄45段,闭塞16段,瘤样扩张2段。累及右侧依次为60,26,29,8,3段。弓上分支及颈动脉近心段病变发病率为57.1%,中远段为61.9%。动脉管壁厚度为1.2—4.1mm,平均3.2mm。其他征象包括管壁模糊47段,管壁环状强化35段,管壁不均匀强化23段,双环征12段。结论头臂型Takayasu’s动脉炎弓上分支及颈动脉狭窄比闭塞多见,闭塞比动脉瘤样扩张多见。其中,左侧颈总动脉受累的概率高于右侧,狭窄程度重于右侧。原始横断面图像可显示大动脉炎特有的管壁改变,准确显示病变范围以及判断病变是否活动。 展开更多
关键词 takayasu’s动脉炎 颈动脉 体层摄影术 x线计算机诊断
作者 惠品晶 李勋 +1 位作者 陈谋森 刘春风 《中风与神经疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期266-267,i002,共3页
目的Takayasu氏动脉炎是主动脉及其主要分支的炎性血管病变,本研究用经颅超声多普勒(TCD)探测16例大动脉炎患者脑血流动力学的特征性改变。方法16例患者均行TCD检测,分析其收缩期血流速度(Vs)、舒张期血流速度(Vd)、脉动指数(PI)、频谱... 目的Takayasu氏动脉炎是主动脉及其主要分支的炎性血管病变,本研究用经颅超声多普勒(TCD)探测16例大动脉炎患者脑血流动力学的特征性改变。方法16例患者均行TCD检测,分析其收缩期血流速度(Vs)、舒张期血流速度(Vd)、脉动指数(PI)、频谱形态等改变,5例患者同时行主动脉造影。结果累及主动脉弓多支血管者,TCD表现为Willis环主干血管的Vd升高(P<0.05和P<0.01),PI均降低(P<0.001),频谱表现为波型衰减、波峰变钝、峰值后移,呈几乎无波动的频谱改变;累及主动脉弓单支血管者,TCD仅表现为锁骨下动脉狭窄伴颈内动脉及椎动脉、基底动脉分叉处狭窄。结论TCD检测显示颅内出现异常的血流动力学改变,即Vd升高、PI明显减低或锁骨下动脉狭窄、频谱出现特征性的改变等,结合临床即可诊断为Takayasu氏动脉炎。 展开更多
关键词 经颅超声多普勒 takayasu氏动脉炎 主动脉造影 血流动力学改变
作者 花少栋 刘改英 赵玉娟 《实用儿科临床杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期410-411,共2页
目的 探讨多发性大动脉炎 (Takayasu病 )的临床特点。方法 回顾性分析 16例Takayasu病的临床资料。结果 本病临床表现为乏力 ,肢体痛 ,高血压 ,无脉或脉弱 ,血管杂音 ,PPD阳性 ,血沉、CRP升高 ,蛋白尿等。结论 对于多系统、多器官... 目的 探讨多发性大动脉炎 (Takayasu病 )的临床特点。方法 回顾性分析 16例Takayasu病的临床资料。结果 本病临床表现为乏力 ,肢体痛 ,高血压 ,无脉或脉弱 ,血管杂音 ,PPD阳性 ,血沉、CRP升高 ,蛋白尿等。结论 对于多系统、多器官损害的疾病 ,应全面体检 ,尤其检查四肢血压、脉搏及血管杂音 ,常规除外大动脉炎。心电图、超声心动图。 展开更多
关键词 多发性大动脉炎 takayasu 临床特点 诊断 治疗 儿童
作者 刘颖宏 杨晓娟 《中国全科医学》 北大核心 2023年第35期4483-4486,共4页
Takayasu动脉炎是一种慢性肉芽肿性血管炎,主要累及主动脉及其主要分支,引起血管狭窄、闭塞和动脉瘤形成,对育龄期妇女有重要影响。大多数研究表明Takayasu动脉炎患者在妊娠期间病情较为稳定,但其仍有可能导致妊娠并发症,如妊娠期高血... Takayasu动脉炎是一种慢性肉芽肿性血管炎,主要累及主动脉及其主要分支,引起血管狭窄、闭塞和动脉瘤形成,对育龄期妇女有重要影响。大多数研究表明Takayasu动脉炎患者在妊娠期间病情较为稳定,但其仍有可能导致妊娠并发症,如妊娠期高血压、先兆子痫、早产及胎儿宫内生长受限等。为了降低Takayasu动脉炎对孕产妇和胎儿的不利影响,在妊娠期间控制疾病活动是非常有意义的。本文就Takayasu动脉炎对生殖系统的影响、与妊娠的相互作用以及对胎儿的影响进行详细阐述,同时对妊娠期及围生期的管理措施进行探讨,为今后Takayasu动脉炎妊娠期患者改善临床结局、提供多学科管理措施提供一定的参考。 展开更多
关键词 takayasu动脉炎 妊娠并发症 妊娠 高血压 妊娠性 临床管理 综述
作者 姜磊 刘江华 +2 位作者 刘麒麟 靳晶 潘德祥 《神经损伤与功能重建》 2019年第7期374-375,共2页
Takayasu 病(Takayasu arteritis,TA)又称为无脉病,是一种原因不明的动脉炎。本文报道1 例TA患者病程中出现蛛网膜下腔出血、脑梗死等并发症,并结合文献讨论TA各种并发症的可能原因。
关键词 takayasu 蛛网膜下腔出血 脑梗死
作者 姜亚平 高琼 郭光 《同济医科大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1995年第1期79-79,共1页
Takayasu动脉炎的经颅多普勒超声表现(附2例报告)武汉同济医科大学附属同济医院神经科,武汉430030姜亚平,高琼,郭光关键词Takayasu动脉炎;超声诊断中图法分类号R543.5,R445.1经颅多普勒超声... Takayasu动脉炎的经颅多普勒超声表现(附2例报告)武汉同济医科大学附属同济医院神经科,武汉430030姜亚平,高琼,郭光关键词Takayasu动脉炎;超声诊断中图法分类号R543.5,R445.1经颅多普勒超声(TCD)是一种无创伤性检测脑血管... 展开更多
关键词 takayasu动脉炎 动脉炎 超声波诊断
作者 栾青霞 张效艳 王巧燕 《河南医学研究》 CAS 2022年第13期2493-2496,共4页
Takayasu动脉炎(TA)是累及主动脉及其分支的特发性慢性血管炎,可造成相应部位血管的狭窄乃至闭塞,从而引起局部缺血症状。但其发病初期临床特征不典型,难以评估疾病活动,疾病诊断依旧是一个重大难题。在治疗方面,药物主要基于皮质类固... Takayasu动脉炎(TA)是累及主动脉及其分支的特发性慢性血管炎,可造成相应部位血管的狭窄乃至闭塞,从而引起局部缺血症状。但其发病初期临床特征不典型,难以评估疾病活动,疾病诊断依旧是一个重大难题。在治疗方面,药物主要基于皮质类固醇、免疫抑制剂和生物制剂,当疾病较重或合并相关并发症致保守治疗无效时,需要手术治疗,其中创伤小的微创手术表现出了广阔的应用前景。本文主要概括了TA的病因、临床表现、目前诊断标准、影像学检查结果、实验室检查潜在的标志物和现今的治疗方式,以期为该病的诊断治疗提供指导。 展开更多
关键词 takayasu动脉炎 病因 临床表现 诊断 治疗
Tuberculosis in Takayasu arteritis: a retrospective study in 1105 Chinese patients 被引量:5
作者 Ying ZHANG Peng FAN +7 位作者 Fang LUO Hui-Min ZHANG Lei SONG Wen-Jun MA Hai-Ying WU Jun CAI Lin-Ping WANG Xian-Liang ZHOU 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第8期648-655,共8页
Background Tuberculosis (TB) infection has been reported to have a possible relationship with the occurrence and clinical course of Takayasu arteritis (TA). We aimed to describe the characteristics of TB in a large po... Background Tuberculosis (TB) infection has been reported to have a possible relationship with the occurrence and clinical course of Takayasu arteritis (TA). We aimed to describe the characteristics of TB in a large population of TA patients. Methods We included a total of 1105 patients with TA, who were hospitalized between January 1992 and December 2017. Comparisons of clinical features were made according to the presence of TB. Results Among the 1105 patients, 109 (9.9%) had TB, including 53 patients (48.6%) diagnosed with TB before the onset of TA, 23 (21.1%) with a concurrent diagnosis of TB and TA, and 24 patients (22.0%) who developed TB after TA. Pulmonary TB was the most frequently identified (97 patients, 89.0%). Patients with TB had more frequent involvement of the pulmonary artery and experienced more chest discomfort and constitutional symptoms but had less interventional treatment. Demographic characteristics, comorbid diseases, and use of steroids were similar between patients with and without TB. Conclusions The proportion of Chinese TA patients with TB was not low, and about half of the patients had TB before TA. Pulmonary TB was the most common. Pulmonary artery involvement and pulmonary hypertension was more frequent in TA patients with TB. 展开更多
Anemia in patients with Takayasu arteritis: prevalence, clinical features, and treatment 被引量:3
作者 Ying ZHANG Di ZHANG +11 位作者 Yi QU Peng FAN Ya-Xin LIU Hui-Min ZHANG Lei SONG Wen-Jun MA Hai-Ying WU Jun CAI Fang LUO Xian-Liang ZHOU De-Yu ZHENG Li-Sheng LIU 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第9期689-694,共6页
Background Anemia is a common comorbidity of patients with Takayasu arteritis(TA). This study evaluated the prevalence, clinical characteristics, and treatment in Chinese TA patients with anemia. Methods This retrospe... Background Anemia is a common comorbidity of patients with Takayasu arteritis(TA). This study evaluated the prevalence, clinical characteristics, and treatment in Chinese TA patients with anemia. Methods This retrospective study included 533 consecutive patients hospitalized for TA from January 2009 to April 2018. Anemia was diagnosed on the basis of hemoglobin level, according to World Health Organization criteria. Results A total of 194 patients(36.4%) were diagnosed with anemia. Most had mild anemia(177, 91.2%). Female patients were predominant(92.8% of anemic patients). Normocytic anemia(62.9%) was the most common pattern. Anemic patients were more likely than non-anemic patients to have dizziness(29.4% vs. 21.2%), low body mass index(22.0 ± 3.6 vs. 22.9 ± 3.4 kg/m2), and active disease stage(64.9% vs. 50.1%);pulmonary involvement(12.4% vs. 26.8%), pulmonary hypertension(12.9% vs. 20.1%) and pulmonary hypertensive-target drugs(2.8% vs. 11.6%) were less common among anemic than non-anemic patients(all P < 0.05). Larger left ventricular end-diastolic diameter and lower left ventricular ejection fraction were observed in anemic patients. Over a median follow-up of four months, the increase of hemoglobin in anemic patients was associated with the use of iron supplementation. Conclusions Anemia is a very common concurrent condition in TA, especially in young, female patients. Patients with anemia are more likely to be in the active disease stage. Iron supplementation helps increase hemoglobin. 展开更多
关键词 ANEMIA Disease activity ORAL iron supplementation takayasu ARTERITIS
Crohn's disease and Takayasu's arteritis: An uncommon association 被引量:3
作者 Andrea Taddio Massimo Maschio +2 位作者 Stefano Martelossi Egidio Barbi Alessandro Ventura 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2013年第35期5933-5935,共3页
Takayasu’s arteritis(TA)and Crohn’s disease(CD)are two rare autoimmune disorders;however some reports describe the presence of both diseases in the same patient.This finding has suggested the possibility that both d... Takayasu’s arteritis(TA)and Crohn’s disease(CD)are two rare autoimmune disorders;however some reports describe the presence of both diseases in the same patient.This finding has suggested the possibility that both diseases could share some common etiologic origin.We describe a case of a 13-year-old male affected by CD characterized by fever,diarrhea,weight loss,abdominal pain and elevation of inflammatory markers.Clinical and histological features from colonic specimens were consistent with CD.Treatment with steroids and azathioprine was started,however disease flared every time steroids were tapered.One year later,while still on treatment,he came back to our attention for dyspnea at rest and at night,tiredness and weakness.At physical examination a diastolic heart murmur was found as well as a left carotid artery bruit.A transthoracic echocardiography showed mild aortic valve insufficiency,left ventricular hypertrophy and a dilated ascending aorta with same findings at the aortic arch.A computed tomography scan showed abdominal aortathickening,dilated thoracic aorta and the presence of a thoracic aortic aneurysm.TA associated with CD was diagnosed and medical treatment with cyclophosphamide,steroids and aminosalicylic acid was started,with good clinical response at 6 mo follow-up.We discuss the presence of possible common causes for the two diseases and the importance of differential diagnosis in those patients characterized for intractable disease. 展开更多
关键词 Crohn’s DISEASE takayasu ARTERITIS INTRACTABLE inflammatory BOWEL DISEASE children Treatment
Drug coated balloon angioplasty for renal artery stenosis due to Takayasu arteritis: Report of five cases 被引量:3
作者 Yong-Hua Bi Jian-Zhuang Ren +2 位作者 Meng-Fei Yi Jin-Dong Li Xin-Wei Han 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2019年第18期2888-2893,共6页
BACKGROUND Takayasu arteritis is a rare but intractable chronic disease in young female patients. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the involved renal arteries has been reported;however, few studies have report... BACKGROUND Takayasu arteritis is a rare but intractable chronic disease in young female patients. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the involved renal arteries has been reported;however, few studies have reported the use of drug coated balloon angioplasty in the treatment of Takayasu arteritis. We aimed to demonstrate five young female patients who presented with a history of hypertension due to Takayasu arteritis. CASE SUMMARY From April 2017 to October 2018, five female patients were diagnosed with hypertension due to Takayasu arteritis by computed tomography angiography (CTA) and laboratory tests. Four patients had a complaint of headache with or without dizziness, and one patient showed no symptom. There was no significant family or past history of hypertension or kidney disease, and the physical examinations were almost normal on admission. We performed a treatment by drug coated balloon angioplasty. Blood pressure decreased dramatically in all patients after balloon angioplasty, and the patency of treated renal artery was demonstrated with CTA over 5 months after the angioplasty procedure. CONCLUSION Drug coated balloon angioplasty is safe and effective for renal artery stenosis due to Takayasu arteritis. A prospective study with a larger sample size is necessary to further demonstrate the effectiveness of the treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Hypertension Renal artery STENOSIS takayasu ARTERITIS BALLOON ANGIOPLASTY Case REPORT
作者 卢晓峰 李俊玮 +2 位作者 王旭 高秉仁 柳德斌 《中国循证心血管医学杂志》 2021年第12期1438-1442,共5页
目的本文通过Meta分析对比主动脉瓣置换和主动脉根部置换治疗Takayasu动脉炎引起主动脉瓣反流的疗效和预后,为临床实践提供最新依据。方法系统性检索在PubMed、EMbase、Cochrane Library,万方、中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)和中国生物医学... 目的本文通过Meta分析对比主动脉瓣置换和主动脉根部置换治疗Takayasu动脉炎引起主动脉瓣反流的疗效和预后,为临床实践提供最新依据。方法系统性检索在PubMed、EMbase、Cochrane Library,万方、中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)和中国生物医学文献(CBM)关于Takayasu动脉炎和主动脉瓣反流的文献,检索截止2020年9月。由两名独立研究者筛选、评估文献质量,采用R软件Meta包进行Meta分析。结果检索结果共计1217篇文献,纳入Meta分析8篇文献,共计237例患者。主动脉瓣置换患者中发生瓣膜脱落/瓣周漏比主动脉根部置换患者更常见(OR=5.85,95%CI:2.00~17.14;P=0.0013,I^(2)=0%)。而假性动脉瘤发生率(OR=2.89,95%CI:0.83~10.02;P=0.0945,I^(2)=0%)、早期死亡率(OR=0.83,95%CI:0.22~3.11;P=0.7879,I^(2)=0%)和晚期死亡率(OR=0.83,95%CI:0.22~3.11;P=0.4904,I^(2)=0%)在两种术式中无明显差异。结论通过合成目前已有的回顾性队列研究数据,结果表明在Takayasu动脉炎造成主动脉瓣反流患者中,主动脉根部置换术在术后瓣膜脱落发生风险明显低于主动脉瓣置换术。然而两种术式在假性动脉瘤发生率、早期死亡率和晚期死亡率上并无显著性差异。目前仍需开展更多高质量临床研究比较这两种术式的疗效和预后。 展开更多
关键词 takayasu动脉炎 主动脉瓣置换 主动脉根部置换 系统评价 META分析
Glomerular Disease Associated with Takayasu Arteritis:6 Cases Analysis and Review of the Literature 被引量:4
作者 Xue-mei Li Wen-ling Ye +5 位作者 Yu-bing Wen Hang Li Li-meng Chen Dong-yan Liu Xue-jun Zeng Xue-wang Li 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2009年第2期69-75,共7页
Objective To evaluate the clinical features,renal histopathology and therapeutic response to glucocorticoid and immunosuppressive agents in patients with glomerular disease associated with Takayasu arteritis(TA).Metho... Objective To evaluate the clinical features,renal histopathology and therapeutic response to glucocorticoid and immunosuppressive agents in patients with glomerular disease associated with Takayasu arteritis(TA).Methods Patients with TA and renal biopsy-confirmed glomerular disease were investigated retrospectively.None of them had renal artery stenosis or occlusive changes.Results Six patients with glomerulopathy,accounting for 3.75% of the 160 TA patients admitted to our hospital at the same period,were analyzed.All of them were females with a mean age of 35.5 ± 10.0 years.Four cases presented with lower extremity edema.Laboratory tests showed that one was nephrotic syndrome,three were nephrotic range proteinuria,and two of them had mild renal dysfunction.The other two patients were asymptomatic microscopic hematuria and proteinuria.Renal pathology revealed mild immunoglobulin A nephropathy in two cases,mild mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis(GN),membranoproliferative GN,minimal change disease,and fibrillary GN in one case respectively.Five cases received glucocorticoids and cyclophosphamide therapy.Proteinuria and microscopic hematuria disappeared in 2 to 4 weeks after the initiation of therapy in three cases.The patient with membranoproliferative GN also reached complete remission of proteinuria and recovered renal function 6 months after the treatment.Conclusions TA may induce glomerular disease as a part of its histological spectrum.Apart from ischemic glomerular disease,glomerular disease should be suspected when TA patients have microscopic hematuria or proteinuria,that may be therapeutically responsive to glucocorticoids and immunosuppressive agent in relative early phase. 展开更多
关键词 takayasu arteritis glomerular disease GLOMERULONEPHRITIS
Neurological Manifestations of Takayasu Arteritis 被引量:2
作者 Li-xin Zhou Jun Ni Shan Gao Bin Peng Li-ying Cui 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2011年第4期227-230,共4页
Objective To investigate the clinical neurological manifestations of Takayasu arteritis (TA). Methods A retrospective study was conducted with 63 consecutive TA cases admitted to Peking Union Medical College Hospital ... Objective To investigate the clinical neurological manifestations of Takayasu arteritis (TA). Methods A retrospective study was conducted with 63 consecutive TA cases admitted to Peking Union Medical College Hospital from January 2009 to May 2010. All the patients fulfilled the diagnostic criteria of TA by the American College of Rheumatology. Among the 63 TA patients, 27 with neurological manifestations were included in the present study. All the patients were evaluated using standardized neurological examination, sonography, computed tomography (CT) angiography, and cerebral CT or magnetic resonance imaging. Results Dizziness and visual disturbance were the most common symptoms, which occurred in 20 (74.1%) and 16 (59.3%) patients respectively. Another common symptom was headache, observed in 15 (55.6%) patients. Six (22.2%) patients had suffered from ischemic stroke; 7 (25.9%) patients had epileptic seizures. Two (7.4%) patients were diagnosed as reversible posterior encephalopathy syndrome (RPES) based on typical clinical and imaging manifestations. Conclusions Neurological manifestations are common symptoms in TA patients in the chronic phase, including dizziness, visual disturbance, headache, ischemic stroke, seizures, and some unusual ones such as RPES. We suggested RPES be included into the differential diagnosis of acute neurological changes in TA. 展开更多
关键词 takayasu arteritis neurological manifestation epileptic seizures reversible posterior encephalopathy syndrome
Clinical features of aortic dissection associated with Takayasu's arteritis 被引量:2
作者 Xue-Ping WU Ping ZHU 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第7期485-487,共3页
Takayasu's arteritis (TA) is a chronic and nonspecific in- flammatory vessel disease that involves the aorta and its major branches. TA results in stenosis, occlusion or aneu- rysmal degeneration of large arteries ... Takayasu's arteritis (TA) is a chronic and nonspecific in- flammatory vessel disease that involves the aorta and its major branches. TA results in stenosis, occlusion or aneu- rysmal degeneration of large arteries pathologically. Al- though TA is an unusual disease, it is more commonly ob- served to occur in Asian females compared to the general population worldwide. Aortic dissection is a very rare com- plication of TA, and only a limited number of TA cases presenting with aortic dissection have been published so far. 展开更多
关键词 Aortic dissection CT takayasu's arteritis
Takayasu's arteritis following Crohn's disease in a young woman:Any evidence for a common pathogenesis? 被引量:1
作者 Melissa AL Farrant Justin C Mason +1 位作者 Newton ACS Wong Robert J Longman 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第25期4087-4090,共4页
Takayasu's arteritis and Crohn's disease are chronic in-flammatory diseases of uncertain aetiology. They rarely occur together, with only twenty nine cases of co-ex-istent Takayasu's arteritis and Crohn... Takayasu's arteritis and Crohn's disease are chronic in-flammatory diseases of uncertain aetiology. They rarely occur together, with only twenty nine cases of co-ex-istent Takayasu's arteritis and Crohn's disease reported in the literature. In 88% of these cases, Takayasu's arteritis was diagnosed simultaneously or following a diagnosis of Crohn's disease. We present a case of a young Caucasian medical student, incidentally found to have bilateral carotid bruits on auscultation by a colleague. Magnetic resonance angiography revealed stenoses of the common carotid arteries with estab-lished collaterals, and a diagnosis of Type 1 Takayasu's arteritis was made. An 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography scan revealed no active disease. Nine months later, she presented with a short history of abdominal pain, vomiting and abdominal disten-sion. Barium follow-through and computer tomography revealed a terminal ileal stricture and proximal small bowel dilation. An extended right hemicoloectomy was performed and histopathology supported a diagnosis of Crohn's disease. This case report is presented with a particular focus on the temporal relationship between these two disease processes and explores whether their concurrence is more than just co-incidence. 展开更多
关键词 Crohn's disease GRANULOMA takayasu'sarteritis
A complicated case of innominate and right common arterial aneurysms due to Takayasu’s arteritis 被引量:1
作者 Wen-Da Wang Rui Sun +3 位作者 Meng-Xin Zhou Xing-Rong Liu Yue-Hong Zheng Yue-Xin Chen 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2019年第13期1671-1676,共6页
BACKGROUND Innominate artery aneurysms (IAAs) are relatively rare. Endovascular therapy has been an alternative to open surgery in some IAA cases, but open repair is still necessary in complicated cases. CASE SUMMARY ... BACKGROUND Innominate artery aneurysms (IAAs) are relatively rare. Endovascular therapy has been an alternative to open surgery in some IAA cases, but open repair is still necessary in complicated cases. CASE SUMMARY We report a 35-year-old female who suffered from Takayasu’s arteritis. The patient did not get regular treatment, and IAA and right common carotid artery aneurysm developed, which complicated with occlusion of the left carotid artery, subclavian artery, and the initial part of the left vertebral artery. The patient also had moderate aortic valve insufficiency. With inflammation being controlled well, the patient received the surgery for arterial aneurysms of innominate and right common carotid arteries and aortic valve insufficiency. The shunts for cerebral blood supply were designed to protect the brain and the surgery was conducted successfully under extracorporeal circulation. CONCLUSION The case illustrates that open surgery may be appropriate for some complicated IAAs, and brain protection is important. 展开更多
关键词 CASE report Innominate artery ANEURYSM takayasu's ARTERITIS SHUNTS Brain protection
Accelerated Atherosclerosis in Takayasu Disease: Case-Control Study 被引量:1
作者 Ahmed Hatri Rachida Guermaz +6 位作者 Jean-Pierre Laroche Said Taharboucht Fouzia Kessal Ferial Hamrour S. Zekri Amel Mameri Mansour Brouri 《Open Journal of Internal Medicine》 2017年第1期12-24,共13页
Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the atherosclerosis prevalence in Takayasu’s disease. Patients and Method: We analyzed prospectively in a case-control study a group of 64 patients with Takayasu disease aged... Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the atherosclerosis prevalence in Takayasu’s disease. Patients and Method: We analyzed prospectively in a case-control study a group of 64 patients with Takayasu disease aged 41 years [±11.94], a group of 50 rhumatoide arthritis (RA) patients. All women aged 45 years [±10.27] and a control group with an average age of 44 years [±12.63]. We performed a measurement of the intima-media thickness (IMT) in carotid level and we looked for the presence of carotid, aortic and femoral atheroma. Results: We found more plaques of atheroma in the Takayasu group;the carotid intima-media thickness was significantly higher in the Takayasu group and the RA group compared with the control group. The mean IMT of the Takayasu group was 0.91 mm [±0.368]. It was 0.76 mm [±0.151] for the RA group. And 0.71 mm [±0.141] for the controls. (P: 0.000). CRP > 12 mg was identified as the most strongly associated with the development of accelerated atherosclerosis in Takayasu’s disease and RA (p: 0.002) with an odds ratio of 14.5 (IC: 95%). Conclusion: The high prevalence of atherosclerosis discovered in Takayasu’s disease is not explained by the traditional vascular risk factors. It is not also explained by the corticoids and immuno-suppression treatments. The systemic inflammation associated with parietal local inflammation, observed in Takayasu arteritis appears to be responsible of premature and accelerated atherosclerosis. 展开更多
Forty-two Patients with Takayasu Arteritis: Clinical,Laboratory and Angiographic Studies
作者 刘晓华 刘嘉玲 +1 位作者 庄振武 李麟荪 《The Journal of Biomedical Research》 CAS 1999年第1期29-32,共4页
This study was to analyze 42 cases of Takayasu arteritis, and to discuss its early diagnosis and treatment. The clinical differentiation, conventional laboratory study, immunology test and angiography of 42 patients d... This study was to analyze 42 cases of Takayasu arteritis, and to discuss its early diagnosis and treatment. The clinical differentiation, conventional laboratory study, immunology test and angiography of 42 patients dispersed in 9 clinic departments were analyzed. The first symptoms of these patients were pulseless (21.4%) and secondary hypertension (78.6%) were found. The murmur could be heard in the area corresponding to the narrowed artery in 70%. Conventional laboratory study and immunology tests were not valuable. The sensitivity for arterial stenosis by Doppler color Bultrasonography and radioisotopic nephrography was about 80%. Angiography could show the type of brachiocephalic trunk 8 cases, renal 29 cases and widespread 5 cases. Eighteen cases were treated with angioplasty, and 14 of them were successful. Nine cases in early stage were treated with medicine, and 7 cases of them got remission. Early diagnosis still remains a key problem for further study. Antiendothelial cell antibodies (AE CA) and thrombomodulin are suggested as a helpful basis for early diagnosis. Angiography could explicate the degree of the lesions and indicate angioplasty for them, and should be adopted earlier. 展开更多
关键词 takayasu arteritis DIAGNOSIS treatment ANGIOGRAPHY
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