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Independent risk factors for twin pregnancy adverse fetal outcomes before 28 gestational week by first trimester ultrasound screening
作者 Hui-Ping Zhang Li Bao +1 位作者 Jing-Jing Wu Yu-Qing Zhou 《World Journal of Radiology》 2025年第1期41-48,共8页
BACKGROUND The incidence of multiple pregnancies has increased worldwide recently and women with a twin pregnancy are at higher risk of adverse outcomes compared with women with a singleton pregnancy.It is important t... BACKGROUND The incidence of multiple pregnancies has increased worldwide recently and women with a twin pregnancy are at higher risk of adverse outcomes compared with women with a singleton pregnancy.It is important to understand the risk factors for adverse fetal outcomes in twin pregnancy in order to guide clinical management.AIM To identify the independent risk factors,including maternal personal and family medical histories and first trimester ultrasound screening findings,for adverse fetal outcomes of twin pregnancy before 28 weeks of gestation.METHODS The data of 126 twin pregnancies in our hospital,including pregnancy outcomes,first trimester ultrasound screening findings and maternal medical history,were retrospectively collected.Twenty-nine women with adverse outcomes were included in the abnormal group and the remaining 97 women were included in the control group.RESULTS Patients in the abnormal group were more likely to be monochorionic diamniotic(13/29 vs 20/97,P=0.009),with a higher mean pulsatility index(PI,1.57±0.55 vs 1.28±0.42,P=0.003;cutoff value:1.393)or a higher mean resistance index(0.71±0.11 vs 0.65±0.11,P=0.008;cutoff value:0.683)or early diastolic notch of bilateral uterine arteries(UtAs,10/29 vs 15/97,P=0.024)or with abnormal ultrasound findings(13/29 vs 2/97,P<0.001),compared with the control group.Monochorionic diamnioticity,higher mean PI of bilateral UtAs and abnormal ultrasound findings during first trimester screening were independent risk factors for adverse fetal outcomes(P<0.05).CONCLUSION First trimester ultrasound screening for twin pregnancy identifies independent risk factors and is useful for the prediction of fetal outcomes. 展开更多
关键词 twin pregnancy First trimester ultrasound screening Uterine artery Pulsatility index Monochorionic diamniotic twin
作者 李帅 刘桦 +3 位作者 商永慧 刘义琮 赵启航 刘文 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第5期881-887,共7页
背景:Twin-block矫治器常用于安氏Ⅱ类错[牙合]畸形的矫治,其刺激下颌骨生长的作用机制已得到许多研究证实,但对上颌骨生长的影响尚不清楚。目的:通过有限元法分析安氏Ⅱ类错[牙合]畸形患者佩戴Twin-block矫治器时上颌骨复合体、周围骨... 背景:Twin-block矫治器常用于安氏Ⅱ类错[牙合]畸形的矫治,其刺激下颌骨生长的作用机制已得到许多研究证实,但对上颌骨生长的影响尚不清楚。目的:通过有限元法分析安氏Ⅱ类错[牙合]畸形患者佩戴Twin-block矫治器时上颌骨复合体、周围骨缝及上颌牙列的应力分布。方法:选择在山东省康复大学青岛医院/青岛市市立医院口腔正畸科进行正畸治疗的安氏Ⅱ类错[牙合]畸形患者1例,测量患者佩戴Twin-block矫治器时的咬合力数据,采集其锥形束CT数据,建立包含上颌骨复合体、周边各骨缝、Twin-block矫治器及上颌牙列在内的有限元模型,通过ABAQUS软件模拟患者戴入Twin-block时上颌骨、骨缝及上颌牙列的应力分布与位移。结果与结论:①上颌前牙受到的等效应力明显小于后牙,两侧牙齿的最大等效应力分别为4.7975 MPa和8.7161 MPa,均位于第一前磨牙处;最大位移呈现在两侧上颌切牙处,分别为0.0805 mm和0.0810 mm;②骨缝的最大等效应力为1.284 MPa,主要集中在两侧翼腭缝及额颌缝,其余骨缝受力情况几乎无差异;骨缝的最大位移为0.07 mm,其中翼腭缝的位移量最大,其次是额颌缝;③上颌骨复合体受到的最大等效应力为27.18 MPa,主要集中在上颌骨前面梨状孔两侧、鼻额缝周边及颚骨后部翼腭缝附近;上颌骨的最大位移值为0.07 mm,主要集中于上颌牙槽骨;④结果显示,咬合力通过Twin-block矫治器作用于上颌骨复合体,导致上颌骨顺时针旋转、牙合平面变陡,应采取相应措施补偿这种趋势,例如建牙合过程中考虑上颌磨牙伸长、下颌磨牙压低,不仅能够将牙合平面整平,同时有利于下颌前伸,这将进一步提高Ⅱ类错[牙合]正畸治疗效果。 展开更多
关键词 错牙合畸形 组织构建 骨组织工程 twin-BLOCK矫治器 功能矫治 有限元分析
安德里茨TwinFlo Prime新型低浓双盘磨于P-RC APMP化机浆线上的应用
作者 韩政军 李伟峰 +1 位作者 易太阳 郑辉龙 《中华纸业》 2025年第1期51-52,共2页
2023年,东莞建晖纸业有限公司在其P-RC APMP生产线上安装了安德里茨的TwinFlo Prime新型低浓双盘磨浆机(型号:TF42)。该低浓磨浆机是控制纸浆质量的关键设备,定子和转子之间间隙的控制决定了纸浆品质特性和最终纸浆的游离度。双盘磨浆... 2023年,东莞建晖纸业有限公司在其P-RC APMP生产线上安装了安德里茨的TwinFlo Prime新型低浓双盘磨浆机(型号:TF42)。该低浓磨浆机是控制纸浆质量的关键设备,定子和转子之间间隙的控制决定了纸浆品质特性和最终纸浆的游离度。双盘磨浆机的选择应根据最终产品、产能、原料、磨浆要求等,确定具体能耗、有效功率、有效边缘负载、剪切角度,从而选择磨浆机的数量、磨片类型和磨浆机尺寸。 展开更多
关键词 磨浆机 双盘磨 游离度 化机浆 APMP twin 有效功率 品质特性
基于Twin Builder的110kV油浸式变压器3维磁场降阶模型及损耗分析 被引量:1
作者 张重远 刘迪程 +2 位作者 高成龙 刘云鹏 刘刚 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期941-951,共11页
为解决3维变压器磁场有限元仿真计算效率低的问题,提出基于本征正交分解法的磁场降阶模型与基于二次多项式的损耗响应面模型。以1台110 kV变压器为算例,首先建立了考虑绕组涡流损耗的变压器磁场仿真模型,通过仿真分析了其在额定工况下... 为解决3维变压器磁场有限元仿真计算效率低的问题,提出基于本征正交分解法的磁场降阶模型与基于二次多项式的损耗响应面模型。以1台110 kV变压器为算例,首先建立了考虑绕组涡流损耗的变压器磁场仿真模型,通过仿真分析了其在额定工况下的磁场及损耗分布;其次,通过仿真试验设计获取了多组工况下的磁场与损耗数据,在Twin Builder中训练得到变压器磁场的各降阶模块;最后,搭建面向数字孪生应用的变压器3维磁场降阶模型,实现了变压器磁场损耗的快速计算与云图分布的可视化。与计算单数据相比,仿真结果考虑了涡流效应的绕组损耗在靠近端部时有明显升高,最大值分别出现在高、低压绕组两端,约为绕组中部损耗的1.3~1.65倍。基于该磁场结果建立的降阶模型在计算效率方面较全阶模型有显著提升,将实际仿真时间缩短至0.76s,可满足数字孪生应用场景下的磁场快速计算需求。 展开更多
关键词 油浸式变压器 数字孪生 twin Builder 本征正交分解 响应面法 降阶模型
螺旋扩弓器联合Twin-block矫治器早期矫治在青少年下颌后缩中的应用效果及对气道形态的影响研究 被引量:2
作者 张静 刘全惠 《中国医学工程》 2024年第2期70-73,共4页
目的探讨螺旋扩弓器联合Twin-block矫治器早期矫治在青少年下颌后缩中的应用效果及对气道形态的影响研究。方法将河南大学赛思口腔医院2021年5月至2022年5月收治的63例青少年下颌后缩患者,根按照随机数字表法分为两组,对照组(32例)、观... 目的探讨螺旋扩弓器联合Twin-block矫治器早期矫治在青少年下颌后缩中的应用效果及对气道形态的影响研究。方法将河南大学赛思口腔医院2021年5月至2022年5月收治的63例青少年下颌后缩患者,根按照随机数字表法分为两组,对照组(32例)、观察组(31例),对照组早期给予Twin-block矫治器治疗,观察组早期给予螺旋扩弓器联合Twin-block矫治器矫治治疗,观察两组牙齿角度相关指标、气道形态指标及舌骨位置变化。结果矫治前,两组上下齿槽座角(ANB)、颅底-下齿槽座角(SNB)、前下中切牙下颌平面(T-MP)、颅底-上齿槽座角(SNA)比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),矫治后3个月,观察组ANB、SNB、T-MP、SNA均大于对照组(P<0.05);矫治前,两组后鼻脊-咽顶点距(PNS-R)、软腭后-软腭后咽壁距(SPP-SPPW)、后鼻脊-上咽壁距(PNS-UPW)、会厌骨-下咽壁距(V-LPW)比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),矫治后3个月,观察组PNS-R、SPP-SPPW、PNS-UPW、V-LPW均大于对照组(P<0.05);矫治前,两组舌骨-眶耳平面距(H-FH)、舌骨-下颌平面距(H-MP)、舌骨-颈椎前平面距(H-VL)、舌骨-颅底平面距(H-S)比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),矫治后3个月,观察组H-FH、H-MP、H-VL、H-S均大于对照组(P<0.05)。结论螺旋扩弓器联合Twin-block矫治器早期矫治可以有效改善青少年下颌后缩患者牙齿角度、气道形态,纠正舌骨的位置,改善通气功能。 展开更多
关键词 早期矫治 下颌后缩 气道形态 螺旋扩弓器 twin-BLOCK矫治器
作者 陈菁菁 王密 +2 位作者 刘芳 乔柱 赵虎 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2024年第9期53-57,共5页
目的:探讨Twin-block在骨性Ⅱ类错[牙合]下颌后缩患儿中的应用效果。方法:选取2019年1月-2021年1月笔者医院接收的84例骨性Ⅱ类错[牙合]下颌后缩患儿设置为研究对象,按随机抽签法分为对照组、研究组,各42例,对照组采用直丝弓矫治器,研... 目的:探讨Twin-block在骨性Ⅱ类错[牙合]下颌后缩患儿中的应用效果。方法:选取2019年1月-2021年1月笔者医院接收的84例骨性Ⅱ类错[牙合]下颌后缩患儿设置为研究对象,按随机抽签法分为对照组、研究组,各42例,对照组采用直丝弓矫治器,研究组采用Twin-block矫治器。比较两组治疗前后咀嚼功能、牙齿咬合力、下颌骨变化、软组织面型变化、上气道矢状径,并统计家属治疗满意度。结果:治疗后,研究组咀嚼功能、牙齿咬合力、下颌骨变化指标、软组织面型变化指标均优于对照组(P<0.05);治疗后,研究组上气道矢状径高于对照组(P<0.05);研究组家属治疗满意度(95.24%)明显高于对照组(73.81%)(P<0.05)。结论:Twin-block应用于骨性Ⅱ类错[牙合]下颌后缩患儿治疗中,能改善咀嚼功能,增强牙齿咬合力,促进下颌骨生长,提高面型美观度,扩大上气道矢状径,利于改善呼吸功能,获得家属对治疗效果的高度评价。 展开更多
关键词 twin-BLOCK 直丝弓矫治器 骨性Ⅱ类错[牙合] 下颌后缩 软组织面型变化 上气道矢状径
作者 田华 邓刚 郝天喜 《中国医疗美容》 2024年第1期66-70,共5页
目的探讨Twin-Block双期矫治与单纯直丝弓矫正技术在替牙及恒牙早期错(牙合)畸形矫正患儿中的疗效对比。方法选取我院2020年9月到2023年9月收治的60例恒牙早期错(牙合)畸形患儿作为研究对象,按照治疗方法不同分为观察组与对照组,各组均... 目的探讨Twin-Block双期矫治与单纯直丝弓矫正技术在替牙及恒牙早期错(牙合)畸形矫正患儿中的疗效对比。方法选取我院2020年9月到2023年9月收治的60例恒牙早期错(牙合)畸形患儿作为研究对象,按照治疗方法不同分为观察组与对照组,各组均为30例。所有患儿均采取矫正治疗,对照组患儿采取直丝弓矫正技术进行治疗,观察组患儿采取Twin-Block矫治器及直丝弓矫治技术进行双期治疗。对比两组患儿临床疗效,及矫治时间,治疗前头影测量及关节改建情况,采用口腔锥形束扫描成像进行检测两组患儿关节窝宽径、关节前间隙、关节后间隙、关节上间隙、髁突前后径、髁突高度相关参数表达水平,最后对比两组患儿治疗前后上下齿槽座(ANB)角、下齿槽座(SNB)角、上齿槽座(SNA)角、下颌平面角(Mp-SN)、下颌综合长度(Ar-Po)、下颌升支高度(Ar-Go)、下颌体长(Go-Gn)、上中切牙-SN平面角(U1-SN)、下中切牙-下颌平面角(L1-Mp)、上唇审美平面距(Ls-E)、下唇审美平面距(Li-E)、鼻唇角。结果观察组治疗总有效率96.67%明显高于对照组76.67%(P<0.05);治疗后,观察组矫治时间长于对照组(P<0.05);治疗前,两组患儿关节窝宽径、关节前间隙、关节后间隙、关节上间隙、髁突前后径、髁突高度对比无明显差异(P>0.05),治疗后,两组患儿关节窝宽径对比无明显差异,关节前间隙减小,观察组(1.21±0.28)mm高于对照组,关节后间隙、关节上间隙、髁突前后径、髁突高度均增加,且观察组高于对照组(P<0.05);治疗前,两组患儿ANB角、SNB角、SNA角、Mp-SN、Ar-Po、Ar-Go、Go-Gn、U1-SN、L1-Mp、Ls-E、Li-E、鼻唇角对比无明显差异(P>0.05),治疗后,两组患儿SNB、Mp-SN、Ar-Po、Ar-Go、Go-Gn、鼻唇角均增大,ANB、U1-SN、L1-Mp、Li-E、Ls-E减小,且观察组变化大于对照组(P<0.05)。结论Twin-Block矫治器配合直丝弓矫治技术双期矫治器与单纯直丝弓矫正技术相比治疗替牙及恒牙早期错(牙合)畸形疗效显著,可作为儿童恒牙早期错(牙合)畸形的首选治疗方案。 展开更多
关键词 twin-BLOCK矫治器 直丝弓矫正 恒牙早期 错(牙合)畸形 咀嚼功能
基于TwinCAT3的一种开源机器人控制系统设计 被引量:1
作者 黄睿 张新 +2 位作者 朱华炳 张涛 曾亿山 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2024年第4期1561-1569,共9页
目前主流工业机器人为封闭式控制结构,存在不开源、二次开发难的问题,因此设计一种基于TwinCAT3(the windows control and automation technology)的跨平台、可移植性好的机器人控制系统架构。该架构包含视觉、运动控制和算法集成与仿... 目前主流工业机器人为封闭式控制结构,存在不开源、二次开发难的问题,因此设计一种基于TwinCAT3(the windows control and automation technology)的跨平台、可移植性好的机器人控制系统架构。该架构包含视觉、运动控制和算法集成与仿真控制模块,采用倍福自动化设备规范(automation device specification,ADS)通信技术和实时工业以太网总线技术(ethernet for control automation technology,EtherCAT),建立以计算机(personal computer,PC)和倍福控制器为EtherCAT主站,控制多组从站执行器的一主多从工作模式。该模式结合离线与在线控制、集成数字孪生技术,完成虚拟样机与物理样机的联动;采用开源可扩展架构,便于视觉算法、智能算法等算法集成。经实验验证,此架构具有拓展性好、实时性强的特点。 展开更多
关键词 twinCAT3 开源机器人 控制系统 视觉 数字孪生
U型Twin-PBL剪力键极限承载力的数值分析 被引量:1
作者 李志勇 王银辉 +1 位作者 张乾坤 王松林 《城市道桥与防洪》 2024年第1期209-213,220,M0018,共7页
根据端部承压混凝土可提高Twin-PBL剪力键承载能力的特点,提出一种新型的可用于装配式钢混组合结构的间断式U型Twin-PBL剪力键。通过3组推出试验试件的非线性数值模拟分析,研究了这种新型剪力键的极限承载特点和承载力。结果表明:U型Twi... 根据端部承压混凝土可提高Twin-PBL剪力键承载能力的特点,提出一种新型的可用于装配式钢混组合结构的间断式U型Twin-PBL剪力键。通过3组推出试验试件的非线性数值模拟分析,研究了这种新型剪力键的极限承载特点和承载力。结果表明:U型Twin-PBL剪力键极限承载能力较普通承压型Twin-PBL剪力键有显著提高,且提高主要来源于端部混凝土承压面积增大,所以混凝土强度的提高对该剪力键承载能力影响明显,而孔中混凝土榫和贯穿钢筋两部分对承载力贡献无明显变化,故而通过修正端承压混凝土面积得到了这种剪力键承载力计算公式。研究结果为装配式钢-混凝土组合梁桥的间断式剪力键提供了新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 U型twin-PBL剪力键 钢-混组合结构 数值模拟 极限承载力
Digital Twin Technology of Human-Machine Integration in Cross-Belt Sorting System 被引量:1
作者 Yanbo Qu Ning Zhao Haojue Zhang 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期195-212,共18页
The Chinese express delivery industry processes nearly 110 billion items in 2022,averaging an annual growth rate of 200%.Among the various types of sorting systems used for handling express items,cross-belt sorting sy... The Chinese express delivery industry processes nearly 110 billion items in 2022,averaging an annual growth rate of 200%.Among the various types of sorting systems used for handling express items,cross-belt sorting systems stand out as the most crucial.However,despite their high degree of automation,the workload for operators has intensified owing to the surging volume of express items.In the era of Industry 5.0,it is imperative to adopt new technologies that not only enhance worker welfare but also improve the efficiency of cross-belt systems.Striking a balance between efficiency in handling express items and operator well-being is challenging.Digital twin technology offers a promising solution in this respect.A realization method of a human-machine integrated digital twin is proposed in this study,enabling the interaction of biological human bodies,virtual human bodies,virtual equipment,and logistics equipment in a closed loop,thus setting an operating framework.Key technologies in the proposed framework include a collection of heterogeneous data from multiple sources,construction of the relationship between operator fatigue and operation efficiency based on physiological measurements,virtual model construction,and an online optimization module based on real-time simulation.The feasibility of the proposed method was verified in an express distribution center. 展开更多
关键词 Industry 5.0 Cross-belt sorting system Human-machine integrated Digital twin Online optimization
Origin of nucleation and growth of extension twins in grains unsuitably oriented for twinning during deformation of Mg-1%Al 被引量:1
作者 Biaobiao Yang Javier LLorca 《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期1186-1203,共18页
A large number of anomalous extension twins,with low or even negative twinning Schmid factors,were found to nucleate and grow in a strongly textured Mg-1Al alloy during tensile deformation along the extruded direction... A large number of anomalous extension twins,with low or even negative twinning Schmid factors,were found to nucleate and grow in a strongly textured Mg-1Al alloy during tensile deformation along the extruded direction.The deformation mechanisms responsible for this behaviour were investigated through in-situ electron back-scattered diffraction,grain reference orientation deviation,and slip trace-modified lattice rotation.It was found that anomalous extension twins nucleated mainly at the onset of plastic deformation at or near grain boundary triple junctions.They were associated with the severe strain incompatibility between neighbour grains as a result from the differentbasal slip-induced lattice rotations.Moreover,the anomalous twins were able to grow with the applied strain due to the continuous activation ofbasal slip in different neighbour grains,which enhanced the strain incompatibility.These results reveal the complexity of the deformation mechanisms in Mg alloys at the local level when deformed along hard orientations. 展开更多
关键词 Magnesium Extension twinning In-situ electron back-scattered diffraction basal slip Deformation mechanisms.
Natural Disaster Risk Monitoring for Immovable Cultural Relics Based on Digital Twin 被引量:1
作者 LI Bolun DONG Youqiang +2 位作者 QIAO Yunfei HOU Miaole WEN Caihuan 《Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science》 CSCD 2024年第1期90-104,共15页
Natural disaster risk monitoring is an important task for disaster prevention and reduction.In the case of immovable cultural relics,however,the feedback mechanism,risk factors,monitoring logic,and monitoring indicato... Natural disaster risk monitoring is an important task for disaster prevention and reduction.In the case of immovable cultural relics,however,the feedback mechanism,risk factors,monitoring logic,and monitoring indicators of natural disaster risk monitoring are complex.How to achieve intelligent perception and monitoring of natural disaster risk for immovable cultural relics has always been a focus and a challenge for researchers.Based on the analysis of the concepts and issues related to the natural disaster risk of immovable cultural relics,this paper proposes a framework for natural disaster risk monitoring for immovable cultural relics based on the digital twin.This framework focuses on risk monitoring,including the physical entities of natural disaster risk for immovable cultural relics,monitoring indicators,and virtual entity construction.A platform for monitoring the natural disaster risk of immovable cultural relics is proposed.Using the Puzhou Ancient City Site as a test bed,the proposed concept can be used for monitoring the natural disaster risk of immovable cultural relics at different scales. 展开更多
关键词 immovable cultural relics natural disaster risk digital twin risk monitoring
作者 杜雅晶 喻琼琼 +1 位作者 田欣欣 刘朝 《海南医学》 CAS 2024年第21期3112-3116,共5页
目的探讨数字化Twin-block矫治器用于骨性安氏Ⅱ类错颌畸形对患儿口颌系统结构形态、舒适度的影响。方法选取2021年5月至2023年5月郑州大学第一附属医院收治的106例骨性安氏Ⅱ类错颌畸形正畸患儿作为研究对象,按随机数表法分为对照组和... 目的探讨数字化Twin-block矫治器用于骨性安氏Ⅱ类错颌畸形对患儿口颌系统结构形态、舒适度的影响。方法选取2021年5月至2023年5月郑州大学第一附属医院收治的106例骨性安氏Ⅱ类错颌畸形正畸患儿作为研究对象,按随机数表法分为对照组和观察组各53例。对照组患儿使用传统Twin-block矫治器治疗,观察组患儿使用数字化Twin-block矫治器治疗。比较两组患儿的临床效果以及矫治前、矫治6个月后的正畸标准指数(PAR)、牙齿位置、下颌骨结构,同时比较两组患儿的牙齿舒适度。结果观察组患儿的治疗总有效率为96.23%,明显高于对照组的81.13%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);矫治6个月后,观察组患儿的前牙排列、后牙排列、颊侧咬合、覆颌、中线和PAR指数总分分别为(1.03±0.10)分、(1.01±0.33)分、(0.63±0.12)分、(0.18±0.06)分、(0.14±0.05)分、(4.19±1.08)分,明显低于对照组的(1.37±0.16)分、(1.42±0.41)分、(0.90±0.15)分、(0.36±0.10)分、(0.21±0.07)分、(5.61±1.24)分,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);矫治6个月后,观察组患儿的覆盖(OJ)、上齿槽座点-鼻根点-下齿槽座点(ANB)分别为(1.72±0.29)mm、(3.43±0.37)°,明显低于对照组的(2.15±0.34)mm、(3.86±0.42)°,而SNB为(81.17±2.04)°,大于对照组的(79.35±1.43)°,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);矫治6个月后,观察组患儿的下颌长度(Go-Gn)、下颌升支长度(Co-Go)、面角(NP-FH)分别为(66.69±2.01)mm、(55.56±2.59)mm、(86.64±1.44)°,明显高于对照组的(65.12±1.54)mm、(53.24±2.11)mm、(85.32±1.21)°,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患儿的牙齿舒适度优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论数字化Twin-block矫治器治疗骨性安氏Ⅱ类错颌畸形临床正畸效果更为有效,可改善下颌后缩、深覆颌,且舒适度高。 展开更多
关键词 数字化 骨性 错颌畸形 安氏Ⅱ类 下颌骨结构 twin-BLOCK矫治器 牙齿位置
Twinning aspects and their efficient roles in wrought Mg alloys:A comprehensive review
作者 S.S.A.Shah Manping Liu +5 位作者 Azim Khan Farooq Ahmad M.R.Abdullah Xingquan Zhang Shiwei Xu Zhen Peng 《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期2201-2230,共30页
Twinning is widely recognized as an effective and cost-efficient method for controlling the microstructure and properties of wrought magnesium(Mg)alloys.Specifically,twins play a crucial role in initiating dynamic rec... Twinning is widely recognized as an effective and cost-efficient method for controlling the microstructure and properties of wrought magnesium(Mg)alloys.Specifically,twins play a crucial role in initiating dynamic recrystallization(DRX),while twin regions experience rapid recrystallization during static recrystallization(SRX).The activation of twinning can lead to changes in lattice orientation,significantly impacting the final texture in Mg alloys.The active roles of twinning are influenced by various factors during the activation process,and the mobility of twin boundaries(TB)can be amplified by stress effects,dislocation interactions,and thermal effects.Conversely,annealing treatments that involve proper segregation or precipitation on TBs serve to stabilize them,restraining their motion.Events such as segregation may also alter the twinning propensity in Magnesium-rare earth(Mg-RE)alloys.While{10–11}contraction twins(CT)and{10–11}-{10–12}double twins(DT)can promote dynamic recrystallization(DRX),they also pose a risk as potential sources of voids and cracks.Additionally,understanding the nucleation and growth mechanisms of twinning is crucial,and these aspects are briefly reviewed in this article.Considering the factors mentioned above,this article summarizes the recent research progress in this field,shedding light on advancements in recent eras. 展开更多
关键词 Mg alloys twinNING RECRYSTALLIZATION TEXTURE Mechanical properties
Effect of pre-deformation on precipitation behavior of AZ80 alloy:Comparison of slip-and twinning-dominant deformation
作者 Hyun Ji Kim Sang Cheol Jin +1 位作者 Sumi Jo Sung Hyuk Park 《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期3616-3630,共15页
This study investigates the effect of the deformation mode on the precipitation behavior of an extruded Mg-8.0Al-0.5Zn-0.2Mn(AZ80)alloy.The alloy samples are compared after the application of 3.5%tension and 3.5%compr... This study investigates the effect of the deformation mode on the precipitation behavior of an extruded Mg-8.0Al-0.5Zn-0.2Mn(AZ80)alloy.The alloy samples are compared after the application of 3.5%tension and 3.5%compression along the extrusion direction to induce slip-dominant and twinning-dominant deformation modes,respectively.The pre-compressed(PC)sample,which contained numerous{10-12}tension twins,has a reduced grain size and a higher internal strain than the pre-tensioned(PT)sample,which is attributed to the inherent internal strain that occurs during the formation and growth of the twins.As a result,the precipitation behavior of the PC sample is accelerated,leading to its short peak aging time of 32 h,which is lower than those of the PT and as-extruded samples(48 and 100 h,respectively).Furthermore,fine continuous precipitates(CPs)rapidly form within the{10-12}twins,contributing to the enhanced hardness.Discontinuous precipitates(DPs),which have a hardness comparable to the CP-containing twinned regions,in the PC sample experience less coarsening during aging than those in the PT sample due to growth inhibition by the{10-12}twins.Ultimately,the{10-12}twins generated under the twinning-dominant deformation condition lead to enhanced precipitation behaviors,including the preferential formation and refinement of CPs and the suppressed coarsening of DPs.Consequently,pre-deformation that occurs{10-12}twinning exhibits more pronounced effects on precipitation acceleration and microstructural modification than slip-inducing pre-deformation. 展开更多
关键词 AZ80 alloy Slip twinNING Precipitation Hardness
Twinning mediated anisotropic fracture behavior in bioimplant grade hot-rolled pure magnesium
作者 Prakash C.Gautam Somjeet Biswas 《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期3806-3822,共17页
Bioimplant grade hot-rolled magnesium with equiaxed microstructure and basal texture was examined for fracture toughness(FT)anisotropy using fatigue pre-cracked single-edge notch bending specimens with the notch,an||,... Bioimplant grade hot-rolled magnesium with equiaxed microstructure and basal texture was examined for fracture toughness(FT)anisotropy using fatigue pre-cracked single-edge notch bending specimens with the notch,an||,⊥and 45°to rolling direction(RD).Due to adequate crack-tip plasticity,the size-independent elastic-plastic fracture toughness(JIC)were determined.Anisotropic JIC was ob-served due to different twin lamellae formation w.r.t.notch owing to the initial basal texture with{10¯10}and{11¯20}poles mostlyand⊥to RD.The out-of-plane tensile stresses activated the{10¯12}||10¯11||extension twins(ET)as usual with matrix-ET∑15b coincident site lattice boundary(CSLB)interfaces.While the in-plane tensile stress⊥to the crack-tip activated{10¯11}||10¯12||contraction twins(CT)that transform into{10¯11}-{10¯12}double twins(DT)with matrix-DT∑23b and∑15a CSLBs.For an||RD,large DT lamellae fraction formed at∼30°and few ETs at∼30°and∼90°to the notch with crack growth mainly via the∑23b/∑15a CSLB interfaces during FT.While,significant DT and ET lamellae developed at∼0°and∼60°with cracking via the matrix-DT∑23b/∑15a and matrix-ET||15b CSLBs for an⊥RD.The DT and ET lamellae activated at∼15°,and the crack propagated through∑15b for an∼45°to RD.The JIC and the crack-tip plastic zone decreases,while the elastic component of the J-integral(Jel)and the ET formation increases from an||,⊥,to∼45°to RD.The strain incompatibility of matrices was higher with the geometrically hard ETs than DTs.Thus,brittle interlamellar cracking occurred through the∑15b interfaces.In contrast,almost similar and higher crack-tip plasticity occurred in matrix and DT domains during crack propagation via||23b/||15a CSLBs.Crack growth through∑23b/||15a led to high JIC,both∑15b and||23b/||15a led to moderate JIC,and∑15b least JIC for an||,⊥and 45°to RD,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Magnesium Elastic-plastic fracture toughness twinS Texture Strain incompatibility
Digital Twin Modeling Enabled Machine Tool Intelligence:A Review
作者 Lei Zhang Jianhua Liu Cunbo Zhuang 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期29-54,共26页
Machine tools,often referred to as the“mother machines”of the manufacturing industry,are crucial in developing smart manufacturing and are increasingly becoming more intelligent.Digital twin technology can promote m... Machine tools,often referred to as the“mother machines”of the manufacturing industry,are crucial in developing smart manufacturing and are increasingly becoming more intelligent.Digital twin technology can promote machine tool intelligence and has attracted considerable research interest.However,there is a lack of clear and systematic analyses on how the digital twin technology enables machine tool intelligence.Herein,digital twin modeling was identified as an enabling technology for machine tool intelligence based on a comparative study of the characteristics of machine tool intelligence and digital twin.The review then delves into state-of-the-art digital twin modelingenabled machine tool intelligence,examining it from the aspects of data-based modeling and mechanism-data dual-driven modeling.Additionally,it highlights three bottleneck issues facing the field.Considering these problems,the architecture of a digital twin machine tool(DTMT)is proposed,and three key technologies are expounded in detail:Data perception and fusion technology,mechanism-data-knowledge hybrid-driven digital twin modeling and virtual-real synchronization technology,and dynamic optimization and collaborative control technology for multilevel parameters.Finally,future research directions for the DTMT are discussed.This work can provide a foundation basis for the research and implementation of digital-twin modeling-enabled machine tool intelligence,making it significant for developing intelligent machine tools. 展开更多
关键词 Machine tool Digital twin Smart manufacturing SYNCHRONIZATION
Mechanical Behavior and Microstructure Evolution during Tensile Deformation of Twinning Induced Plasticity Steel Processed by Warm Forgings
作者 王文 ZHAO Modi +2 位作者 WANG Xingfu 汪聃 韩福生 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期417-424,共8页
The mechanical behavior and microstructural evolution of an Fe-30Mn-3Al-3Si twinninginduced plasticity(TWIP)steel processed using warm forging was investigated.It is found that steel processed via warm forging improve... The mechanical behavior and microstructural evolution of an Fe-30Mn-3Al-3Si twinninginduced plasticity(TWIP)steel processed using warm forging was investigated.It is found that steel processed via warm forging improves comprehensive mechanical properties compared to the TWIP steel processed via cold rolling,with a high tensile strength(R_(m))of 793 MPa,a yield strength(R_(P))of 682 MPa,an extremely large R_(P)/R_(m)ratio as high as 0.86 as well as an excellent elongation rate of 46.8%.The microstructure observation demonstrates that steel processed by warm forging consists of large and elongated grains together with fine,equiaxed grains.Complicated micro-defect configurations were also observed within the steel,including dense dislocation networks and a few coarse deformation twins.As the plastic deformation proceeds,the densities of dislocations and deformation twins significantly increase.Moreover,a great number of slip lines could be observed in the elongated grains.These findings reveal that a much more dramatic interaction between microstructural defect and dislocations glide takes place in the forging sample,wherein the fine and equiaxed grains propagated dislocations more rapidly,together with initial defect configurations,are responsible for enhanced strength properties.Meanwhile,larger,elongated grains with more prevalently activated deformation twins result in high plasticity. 展开更多
关键词 TWIP steel twinNING mechanical property deformation mechanism MICROSTRUCTURE
Digital twin driven and intelligence enabled content delivery in end-edge-cloud collaborative 5G networks
作者 Bo Yi Jianhui Lv +2 位作者 Xingwei Wang Lianbo Ma Min Huang 《Digital Communications and Networks》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第2期328-336,共9页
The rapid development of 5G/6G and AI enables an environment of Internet of Everything(IoE)which can support millions of connected mobile devices and applications to operate smoothly at high speed and low delay.Howeve... The rapid development of 5G/6G and AI enables an environment of Internet of Everything(IoE)which can support millions of connected mobile devices and applications to operate smoothly at high speed and low delay.However,these massive devices will lead to explosive traffic growth,which in turn cause great burden for the data transmission and content delivery.This challenge can be eased by sinking some critical content from cloud to edge.In this case,how to determine the critical content,where to sink and how to access the content correctly and efficiently become new challenges.This work focuses on establishing a highly efficient content delivery framework in the IoE environment.In particular,the IoE environment is re-constructed as an end-edge-cloud collaborative system,in which the concept of digital twin is applied to promote the collaboration.Based on the digital asset obtained by digital twin from end users,a content popularity prediction scheme is firstly proposed to decide the critical content by using the Temporal Pattern Attention(TPA)enabled Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM)model.Then,the prediction results are input for the proposed caching scheme to decide where to sink the critical content by using the Reinforce Learning(RL)technology.Finally,a collaborative routing scheme is proposed to determine the way to access the content with the objective of minimizing overhead.The experimental results indicate that the proposed schemes outperform the state-of-the-art benchmarks in terms of the caching hit rate,the average throughput,the successful content delivery rate and the average routing overhead. 展开更多
关键词 Digital twin IoE Content delivery CACHING Routing
Suitability of SDN and MEC to facilitate digital twin communication over LTE-A
作者 Hikmat Adhami Mohammad Alja’afreh +3 位作者 Mohamed Hoda Jiaqi Zhao Yong Zhou Abdulmotaleb El Saddik 《Digital Communications and Networks》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第2期347-354,共8页
Haptic is the modality that complements traditional multimedia,i.e.,audiovisual,to evolve the next wave of innovation at which the Internet data stream can be exchanged to enable remote skills and control applications... Haptic is the modality that complements traditional multimedia,i.e.,audiovisual,to evolve the next wave of innovation at which the Internet data stream can be exchanged to enable remote skills and control applications.This will require ultra-low latency and ultra-high reliability to evolve the mobile experience into the era of Digital Twin and Tactile Internet.While the 5th generation of mobile networks is not yet widely deployed,Long-Term Evolution(LTE-A)latency remains much higher than the 1 ms requirement for the Tactile Internet and therefore the Digital Twin.This work investigates an interesting solution based on the incorporation of Software-defined networking(SDN)and Multi-access Mobile Edge Computing(MEC)technologies in an LTE-A network,to deliver future multimedia applications over the Tactile Internet while overcoming the QoS challenges.Several network scenarios were designed and simulated using Riverbed modeler and the performance was evaluated using several time-related Key Performance Indicators(KPIs)such as throughput,End-2-End(E2E)delay,and jitter.The best scenario possible is clearly the one integrating MEC and SDN approaches,where the overall delay,jitter,and throughput for haptics-attained 2 ms,0.01 ms,and 1000 packets per second.The results obtained give clear evidence that the integration of,both SDN and MEC,in LTE-A indicates performance improvement,and fulfills the standard requirements in terms of the above KPIs,for realizing a Digital Twin/Tactile Internet-based system. 展开更多
关键词 LTE-A 5G Digital twin Tactile Internet KPIs SDN MEC NFV Haptic
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