Background: Orphans are potentially at greater risk of malnutrition because they are more likely to be extremely poor and receive less medical and social care. Children living in orphanages tend to be neglected and ma...Background: Orphans are potentially at greater risk of malnutrition because they are more likely to be extremely poor and receive less medical and social care. Children living in orphanages tend to be neglected and may be malnourished and they’re at risk of losing their full potential, with consequences to the child, nation and worldwide. Despite the nutritional concerns raised globally and in neighboring countries among these children, there exists an inadequate body of information about orphans’ nutritional status and feeding practices in Tanzania. This study aimed to assess the nutritional status, feeding practices and factors contributing to malnutrition among children aged 6 - 59 months in Arusha region orphanages, Tanzania. Study Objective: To assess the nutritional status, feeding practices and factors contributing to undernutrition among children aged 6 - 59 months in Arusha region orphanages, Tanzania. Methodology: This was an institution-based cross-sectional study conducted in selected orphanage Centre in the Arusha region. A representative sample size of 216 children aged 6 - 59 months in Arusha orphanages was selected to participate in the study. Multistaging sampling was used to select the study participants. Interviewer-administered questionnaires and anthropometric measurements were used during data collection. The data collected were entered, processed, and analyzed;continuous variables were summarized by use of mean and Standard deviation, while categorical variables were summarized by use of frequency, percentages and figures. Multivariable logistic regression was used to estimate the Odds Ratio with 95% CI and measure the strength of association between the outcomes with respect to selected independent variables. Variables with a p-value of less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: A total of 216 children from the orphanage Centre were involved in this study. Prevalence of Stunting, underweight and wasting among orphan children were 23.60%, 15.30% and 9.30%. The proportions of MDD and MMF were 89% and 99%. Children being on medication for any kind of illness during the survey (AOR: 7.9;95% CI: 1.95, 31.78), unmarried caregivers (AOR: 1.9;95% CI: 1.32, 10.86), fever 2 weeks before the survey (AOR: 2.9;95% CI: 1.09, 9.24) and orphanage Centre with more than 30 children (AOR: 1.8;95% CI: 1.08, 6.86) were found to be associated with undernutrition. Conclusion: In Arusha orphanages, the prevalence of stunting, underweight, and wasting among children exceeded WHO standards. Despite adequate feeding practices, the child’s illness, the number of children in the orphanage, and the marital status of caregivers were factors influencing the nutritional status of the orphans.展开更多
Background: Our study aimed to examine cardiovascular mortality within the working-age population, exploring epidemiological, clinical, and paraclinical features, complications, and identifying etiological factors lin...Background: Our study aimed to examine cardiovascular mortality within the working-age population, exploring epidemiological, clinical, and paraclinical features, complications, and identifying etiological factors linked to mortality. Methods: We conducted a descriptive and analytical retrospective study from September 2019 to August 2022 at the General Hospital Idrissa POUYE in Dakar, we reviewed all the medical records of patients from 15 to 60 years old who died while admitted in the cardiology department. Data collected were socioeconomic status, clinical history, type of cardiovascular disaese, length of hospitalization, circumstances and timing of death. The data were analyzed with R. Studio version 2022.12.0 + 353 and Excel 2019, with a P-value Results: The study included 73 patients, indicating a specific mortality rate of 8.8% and a proportional mortality of 39%. Predominantly male (sex ratio 1.2), the average age was 44. Key cardiovascular risk factors identified were sedentarism (76.7%), hypertension (28.8%), and smoking (21.9%). The leading cause for consultation was dyspnea (72.6%). Notable findings included a majority of patients presenting with general condition deterioration (90%) and cardiovascular collapse upon admission (23.3%). Physical exam revealed signs of heart failure in 63%. Echocardiography showed left ventricular ejection fraction impairment (81%) and pulmonary hypertension (78%). Immediate causes of death were primarily cardiogenic shock (45.2%) and septic shock (37%). The analytical study indicates that the data most closely associated with mortality were age, socio-economic level, ischemic heart disease (p = 0.034), rheumatic valvulopathies, pulmonary embolism (p = 0.034), hypertension (HTA) (p = 0.009), smoking (p = 0.011), diabetes (p = 0.011), dyslipidemias, prolonged bedrest (p = 0.001), morbid obesity (p = 0.001), and COVID-19 infection (p = 0.017). Conclusion: The prevalence of ischemic heart diseases, pulmonary embolisms, and valvulopathies in premature mortality statistics underscores the need for enhanced cardiovascular prevention efforts.展开更多
Rotavirus is the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis and responsible for 20% of death in children under 5 years of age approximately 111 million episodes of gastroenteritis due to Rotavirus in under 5 children, whi...Rotavirus is the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis and responsible for 20% of death in children under 5 years of age approximately 111 million episodes of gastroenteritis due to Rotavirus in under 5 children, which result in 25 million visits to clinic, 2 million hospitalization and 352,000 - 592,000 deaths. Children in the poorest countries account 82% of rotaviruses death. Diarrhea disease are major cause of death and disease among children under five years, a child on average suffers 2 to 3 attacks of diarrhea every year. Stools samples were collected from 196 children suffering from diarrhea and were tested for rotaviruses by immune chromatography test antigen (ICT-Ag), ELISA and RT PCR The data were analyzed using statistical package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The results showed that prevalence of rotavirus was 26/196 (13.3%) by ICT Ag and ELISA and confirmed by RT-PC R. 87.8% of the children were vaccinated by Rota vaccine, 70% of their mothers not using soap for cleaning the children and thought diarrhea not infectious disease and believed it was caused by teething. In conclusion there was a decrease in prevalence of diarrhea by Rotavirus due to insertion of Rota vaccine in routine vaccination, rotavirus infection mostly occurs in poor family that not able to provide safe water and due to poor sanitation and low education of mother beside that some children suffered from malnutrition, so it recommended to incorporate ELISA as a diagnostic tool in routine diagnosis of rotavirus among children suffered from gastroenteritis.展开更多
Introduction: Child malnutrition is a major public health problem in Côte d’Ivoire in sub-Saharan Africa. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and factors influencing malnutrition in children under five ...Introduction: Child malnutrition is a major public health problem in Côte d’Ivoire in sub-Saharan Africa. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and factors influencing malnutrition in children under five in the peri-urban area of Abidjan, the economic capital. Patients and Methods: We carried out a prospective cross-sectional analytical study from May 3rd to October 31st 2019 at the General Hospital of Yopougon Attié in a peri-urban district of Abidjan, the economic capital. The study included 522 children aged 0 to 59 months who were received for a consultation, with the informed consent of their parents. The assessment of nutritional status was based on WHO growth standards. Statistical comparisons were made using the Chi-2 test for a significant p-value below 5%. Results: The population was predominantly female (sex ratio of 0.91) with an average age of 8.21 months and overall modest socio-economic conditions. The prevalence of malnutrition was as follows: 3.45% of malnutrition by excess, including 0.57% of obesity, 16.09% of stunting (5.75% severe), 12.07% of underweight (3.45% severe), 8.04% emaciation (1.91% severe). Three risk factors were identified for default malnutrition: age less than 6 months (p = 0.022), low birth weight (p = 0.003), and prematurity (p Conclusion: Malnutrition by deficiency is common in peri-urban areas in Abidjan with the main risk factors being age less than 6 months, low birth weight and prematurity. Fighting against those risk factors could help improve the nutritional status of children under five in the peri-urban environment of Abidjan.展开更多
Background: This study assessed the effect of a nutrition education intervention. This intervention aimed to improve the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of mothers on food safety in the peri-urban areas of Bobo-Di...Background: This study assessed the effect of a nutrition education intervention. This intervention aimed to improve the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of mothers on food safety in the peri-urban areas of Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso. Methods: A total of 243 mothers of children under 5 years in the peri-urban of Bobo-Dioulasso were administered the FAO questionnaire for food safety knowledge, attitudes, and practices assessment during two cross-sectional surveys, before and after the intervention, in January and October 2017. The intervention included two components consisting of a theoretical phase (counselling and discussion) and cooking demonstrations implemented for ten months. To account for the before-and-after design of the study, the McNemar’s test was used to assess the effect of the intervention on food safety KAP of mothers of children under 5 years. Results: The mean age of mothers was 29 ± 6.2 years and 50.6% of them were between 20 and 29 years old. One for knowledge (cooking thoroughly with, p-value = 0.0001) and another for attitudes (perceived benefits of reheating leftovers before eating them, p-value = 0.0001), significantly increased after the intervention. In terms of food safety practices, all the indicators (cleaning of dirty surfaces, plates and utensils and storage of perishable foods) significantly increased (all p = 0.0001 Conclusion: This study provided some evidence of an effective nutrition education intervention for improving maternal KAP on food safety for their child’s feeding.展开更多
Objective To describe the undernutrition status of children under 5-year in China, and study the trend between 2002 and 2013. Methods The study was based on two national surveys. Undernutrition was determined against ...Objective To describe the undernutrition status of children under 5-year in China, and study the trend between 2002 and 2013. Methods The study was based on two national surveys. Undernutrition was determined against WHO's 2006 growth standards. The prevalence in 2013 and 2002 was weighted by China sixth National Population Census (2010). The relationship between undernutrition and gender/age groups/different areas use weighted logistic regression. Results The results indicated the overall prevalence of stunting, underweight, and wasting of Chinese children under S-year was 8.1%, 2.4%, and 1.9% in 2013, respectively. The prevalence of stunting was higher for children aged 12-47 month, while underweight was higher for children aged 48-59 month. The prevalence of undernutrition was higher in rural areas than in urban areas, especially in poor rural areas. There was a decline of stunting, underweight, and wasting between 2002 and 2013 among the children, with greater reduction in rural areas than in urban areas. Conclusion The prevalence of undernutrition of children under 5-year remains high in rural areas especially in poor rural areas in China. It is urgent to take action to control undernutrition in the vulnerable areas and subgroups.展开更多
High salinity in soil can prevent root growth of most plants. To investigate soil salinity dynamics under drip irrigation with mulch film (DI) and its effects on cotton root length, we conducted field experiments in...High salinity in soil can prevent root growth of most plants. To investigate soil salinity dynamics under drip irrigation with mulch film (DI) and its effects on cotton root length, we conducted field experiments in saline soil based on a monolith method using flooding irrigation with mulch film (FI) as a control at the Korla Experimental Station of the Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China in 2009 and 2010. The results showed that the total root length decreased 120 days after sowing (DAS) under DI, and was mainly centered in the 0-30 cm soil layer and at distances of 30-70 cm from the drip-lines. There was almost complete overlap in the area of root length decline and salt accumulation. In the soil depth of 0-30 cm and at distances of 30-70 cm from the drip-lines at 110 to 160 DAS in 2009 and 171 DAS in 2010, the electrical conductivity (EC) in all soil samples was at least 3 mS/cm and in some cases exceeded 5 mS/cm under DI treatment. However, EC barely exceeded 3 mS/cm and no reduction in root length was observed under FI treatment. Correlation analysis of soil EC and root length density indicated that the root length declined when the soil EC exceeded 2.8 mS/cm. The main reason for the decrease of root length in cotton under DI was localized accumulation of salinity.展开更多
One of the main theories of "borrowing scenery" which was "borrowing scenery under the guidance of emotion" was expounded from two aspects.And the second aspect was emphasized,that is,integrating s...One of the main theories of "borrowing scenery" which was "borrowing scenery under the guidance of emotion" was expounded from two aspects.And the second aspect was emphasized,that is,integrating social beauty into natural beauty so as to produce artistic beauty of landscape,and layer beauty was the main content manifested in Chinese landscape garden.展开更多
Clear PKKP, a P wave reflects off the core-mantle boundary on the core side, is recorded by the transcontinental USArray from two deep earthquakes occurred in South America and Tonga, and one intermediatedepth earthqu...Clear PKKP, a P wave reflects off the core-mantle boundary on the core side, is recorded by the transcontinental USArray from two deep earthquakes occurred in South America and Tonga, and one intermediatedepth earthquake in the Hindu Kush region. We compare the PKKP waveforms with the direct P waves to investigate the fine structures near the core-mantle boundary, with a primary focus on the core side. We find no evidence for the existence of a sedimentary layer of lighter elements with a thickness above a few hundreds of meters beneath the reflection points of the two deep events, which are located at the Ninety-East Ridge and South Africa. On the other hand the PKKP wave duration of the Hindu Kush event is almost twice as long as that of the P wave, suggesting that multiple reflections may be occurring at the core-mantle boundary located beneath the Antarctic, which is located inside the so-called tangent cylinder of the outer core. The tangent cylinder is an imaginary cylindrical region suggested by geodynamics studies, which has different flow pattern and may have a higher concentration in lighter elements as compared to the rest of the outer core. One possible explanation of the elongated PKKP is a thin distinct layer with a thickness of a few kilometers at the top of the outer core, suggesting that precipitation of lighter elements may occur at the core-mantle boundary. Our data also indicate an extremely low Qp of 312, approximately 40% of the PREM average (N780), within the large-scale low-velocity anomaly in the lowermost mantle beneath Pacific.展开更多
Desire Under the Elms was a drama written by Eugene O'Neill in 1924,which is called the first greatest drama in American history.Through analyzing the naturalistic features in this drama and the combination of nat...Desire Under the Elms was a drama written by Eugene O'Neill in 1924,which is called the first greatest drama in American history.Through analyzing the naturalistic features in this drama and the combination of naturalism and realism reflected in Desire Under the Elms,this article aims to help readers understand the lines and the relevant connotations better.展开更多
Desire under the Elms reveals a tragedy of spiritual and survival desire of human being. O'Neill creates many Bible archetypes in Desire under the Elms. The thesis analyzes and appreciates Desire under the Elms fr...Desire under the Elms reveals a tragedy of spiritual and survival desire of human being. O'Neill creates many Bible archetypes in Desire under the Elms. The thesis analyzes and appreciates Desire under the Elms from aspect of Bible archetype to highlight the destructive power of improper desires in Desire under the Elms.展开更多
Ultra-fine Ce:YAG phosphors were prepared by homogeneous precipitation under microwave irradiation method . The formation of Ce: YAG was investigated by means of XRD and DTA/TG. The purified YAG crystallized phase was...Ultra-fine Ce:YAG phosphors were prepared by homogeneous precipitation under microwave irradiation method . The formation of Ce: YAG was investigated by means of XRD and DTA/TG. The purified YAG crystallized phase was obtained at a lower temperature (1100℃). Basically spherical Ce:YAG powders were indicated from TEM images, and the size of the particles is about 80 nm. Two peaks of 436 and 473 nm can be seen from the excitation spectrum in the range of 402 -510 nm. A broad emission band located at 480 ~ 630 nm shows the phosphors prepared by this method have good emission properties.展开更多
Effects of soil moisture on cotton root length density (total root length per unit soil volume) and yield under drip irrigation with plastic mulch were studied through field experiments. The results indicate that spat...Effects of soil moisture on cotton root length density (total root length per unit soil volume) and yield under drip irrigation with plastic mulch were studied through field experiments. The results indicate that spatial distributions of root length density of cotton under various water treatments were basically similar. Horizontally, both root length densities of cotton in wide and narrow rows were similar, and higher than that between mulches. Vertically, root length density of cotton decreased with increasing soil depth. The distribution of root length density is different under different irrigation treatments. In conditions of over-irrigation, the root length density of cotton between mulches would increase. However, it would decrease in both the wide rows and narrow rows. The mean root length density of cotton increased with increasing irrigation water. Water stress caused the root length density to increase in lower soil layers. There is a significant correlation between root length density and yields of cotton at the flower-boll and wadding stages. The regression between irrigation amount and yield of cotton can be expressed as y = -0.0026x2+18.015x-24845 (R2 = 0.959). It showed that the irrigation volume of 3,464.4 m3/hm2 led to op-timal root length density. The yield of cotton was 6,360 .8 kg/hm2 under that amount of irrigation.展开更多
Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis) and broadleaved mixed forest in Northeast China has been changed regressively into secondary forest with almost no conifers.Planting Korean pine trees under the canopy of secondary fore...Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis) and broadleaved mixed forest in Northeast China has been changed regressively into secondary forest with almost no conifers.Planting Korean pine trees under the canopy of secondary forest is a feasible approach for recovering Korean pine and broadleaved mixed forest.For establishing an effective growth promotion method for under-canopy planted young Korean pine trees,two stands were selected as the experiment plots,Stand A(planted in 1989) and Stand B(planted in 1982),and an experiment of microenvironment regulation was conducted relying mainly on Opening degree(K=1,K=1.5,K=2,CK) in 2004.The results were shown that the adjustment had promoted growth of diameter and height of Korean pine planted in Stand A and Stand B,and had a significant influence on the growth rate of basal diameter,diameter at breast height and height in the two growth stands.The four years periodic increment of mean diameter and height of Korean pine planted in 1989 and in 1982 after regulation in K=1 level were 63.4%(D0) and 82.7%(H),64.8%(D1.3) and 69.7%(H) higher than that of control respectively.Quantitative regulation had significant influence on specific leaf area of Korean pine planted in 1989,and the current year specific leaf area(SLA) was lager than perennial year SLA.Quality indexes of natural pruning capacity,normal form quotient and crown size was not significantly changed but shown a positive tendency.The regulation scheme of Opening degree K=1 might be proper for adjusting the microenvironment of Korean pine trees planted under the canopy of secondary forest when the Korean pine trees were in the growth period of 15 to 26 years old in the experiment region.展开更多
文摘Background: Orphans are potentially at greater risk of malnutrition because they are more likely to be extremely poor and receive less medical and social care. Children living in orphanages tend to be neglected and may be malnourished and they’re at risk of losing their full potential, with consequences to the child, nation and worldwide. Despite the nutritional concerns raised globally and in neighboring countries among these children, there exists an inadequate body of information about orphans’ nutritional status and feeding practices in Tanzania. This study aimed to assess the nutritional status, feeding practices and factors contributing to malnutrition among children aged 6 - 59 months in Arusha region orphanages, Tanzania. Study Objective: To assess the nutritional status, feeding practices and factors contributing to undernutrition among children aged 6 - 59 months in Arusha region orphanages, Tanzania. Methodology: This was an institution-based cross-sectional study conducted in selected orphanage Centre in the Arusha region. A representative sample size of 216 children aged 6 - 59 months in Arusha orphanages was selected to participate in the study. Multistaging sampling was used to select the study participants. Interviewer-administered questionnaires and anthropometric measurements were used during data collection. The data collected were entered, processed, and analyzed;continuous variables were summarized by use of mean and Standard deviation, while categorical variables were summarized by use of frequency, percentages and figures. Multivariable logistic regression was used to estimate the Odds Ratio with 95% CI and measure the strength of association between the outcomes with respect to selected independent variables. Variables with a p-value of less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: A total of 216 children from the orphanage Centre were involved in this study. Prevalence of Stunting, underweight and wasting among orphan children were 23.60%, 15.30% and 9.30%. The proportions of MDD and MMF were 89% and 99%. Children being on medication for any kind of illness during the survey (AOR: 7.9;95% CI: 1.95, 31.78), unmarried caregivers (AOR: 1.9;95% CI: 1.32, 10.86), fever 2 weeks before the survey (AOR: 2.9;95% CI: 1.09, 9.24) and orphanage Centre with more than 30 children (AOR: 1.8;95% CI: 1.08, 6.86) were found to be associated with undernutrition. Conclusion: In Arusha orphanages, the prevalence of stunting, underweight, and wasting among children exceeded WHO standards. Despite adequate feeding practices, the child’s illness, the number of children in the orphanage, and the marital status of caregivers were factors influencing the nutritional status of the orphans.
文摘Background: Our study aimed to examine cardiovascular mortality within the working-age population, exploring epidemiological, clinical, and paraclinical features, complications, and identifying etiological factors linked to mortality. Methods: We conducted a descriptive and analytical retrospective study from September 2019 to August 2022 at the General Hospital Idrissa POUYE in Dakar, we reviewed all the medical records of patients from 15 to 60 years old who died while admitted in the cardiology department. Data collected were socioeconomic status, clinical history, type of cardiovascular disaese, length of hospitalization, circumstances and timing of death. The data were analyzed with R. Studio version 2022.12.0 + 353 and Excel 2019, with a P-value Results: The study included 73 patients, indicating a specific mortality rate of 8.8% and a proportional mortality of 39%. Predominantly male (sex ratio 1.2), the average age was 44. Key cardiovascular risk factors identified were sedentarism (76.7%), hypertension (28.8%), and smoking (21.9%). The leading cause for consultation was dyspnea (72.6%). Notable findings included a majority of patients presenting with general condition deterioration (90%) and cardiovascular collapse upon admission (23.3%). Physical exam revealed signs of heart failure in 63%. Echocardiography showed left ventricular ejection fraction impairment (81%) and pulmonary hypertension (78%). Immediate causes of death were primarily cardiogenic shock (45.2%) and septic shock (37%). The analytical study indicates that the data most closely associated with mortality were age, socio-economic level, ischemic heart disease (p = 0.034), rheumatic valvulopathies, pulmonary embolism (p = 0.034), hypertension (HTA) (p = 0.009), smoking (p = 0.011), diabetes (p = 0.011), dyslipidemias, prolonged bedrest (p = 0.001), morbid obesity (p = 0.001), and COVID-19 infection (p = 0.017). Conclusion: The prevalence of ischemic heart diseases, pulmonary embolisms, and valvulopathies in premature mortality statistics underscores the need for enhanced cardiovascular prevention efforts.
文摘Rotavirus is the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis and responsible for 20% of death in children under 5 years of age approximately 111 million episodes of gastroenteritis due to Rotavirus in under 5 children, which result in 25 million visits to clinic, 2 million hospitalization and 352,000 - 592,000 deaths. Children in the poorest countries account 82% of rotaviruses death. Diarrhea disease are major cause of death and disease among children under five years, a child on average suffers 2 to 3 attacks of diarrhea every year. Stools samples were collected from 196 children suffering from diarrhea and were tested for rotaviruses by immune chromatography test antigen (ICT-Ag), ELISA and RT PCR The data were analyzed using statistical package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The results showed that prevalence of rotavirus was 26/196 (13.3%) by ICT Ag and ELISA and confirmed by RT-PC R. 87.8% of the children were vaccinated by Rota vaccine, 70% of their mothers not using soap for cleaning the children and thought diarrhea not infectious disease and believed it was caused by teething. In conclusion there was a decrease in prevalence of diarrhea by Rotavirus due to insertion of Rota vaccine in routine vaccination, rotavirus infection mostly occurs in poor family that not able to provide safe water and due to poor sanitation and low education of mother beside that some children suffered from malnutrition, so it recommended to incorporate ELISA as a diagnostic tool in routine diagnosis of rotavirus among children suffered from gastroenteritis.
文摘Introduction: Child malnutrition is a major public health problem in Côte d’Ivoire in sub-Saharan Africa. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and factors influencing malnutrition in children under five in the peri-urban area of Abidjan, the economic capital. Patients and Methods: We carried out a prospective cross-sectional analytical study from May 3rd to October 31st 2019 at the General Hospital of Yopougon Attié in a peri-urban district of Abidjan, the economic capital. The study included 522 children aged 0 to 59 months who were received for a consultation, with the informed consent of their parents. The assessment of nutritional status was based on WHO growth standards. Statistical comparisons were made using the Chi-2 test for a significant p-value below 5%. Results: The population was predominantly female (sex ratio of 0.91) with an average age of 8.21 months and overall modest socio-economic conditions. The prevalence of malnutrition was as follows: 3.45% of malnutrition by excess, including 0.57% of obesity, 16.09% of stunting (5.75% severe), 12.07% of underweight (3.45% severe), 8.04% emaciation (1.91% severe). Three risk factors were identified for default malnutrition: age less than 6 months (p = 0.022), low birth weight (p = 0.003), and prematurity (p Conclusion: Malnutrition by deficiency is common in peri-urban areas in Abidjan with the main risk factors being age less than 6 months, low birth weight and prematurity. Fighting against those risk factors could help improve the nutritional status of children under five in the peri-urban environment of Abidjan.
文摘Background: This study assessed the effect of a nutrition education intervention. This intervention aimed to improve the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of mothers on food safety in the peri-urban areas of Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso. Methods: A total of 243 mothers of children under 5 years in the peri-urban of Bobo-Dioulasso were administered the FAO questionnaire for food safety knowledge, attitudes, and practices assessment during two cross-sectional surveys, before and after the intervention, in January and October 2017. The intervention included two components consisting of a theoretical phase (counselling and discussion) and cooking demonstrations implemented for ten months. To account for the before-and-after design of the study, the McNemar’s test was used to assess the effect of the intervention on food safety KAP of mothers of children under 5 years. Results: The mean age of mothers was 29 ± 6.2 years and 50.6% of them were between 20 and 29 years old. One for knowledge (cooking thoroughly with, p-value = 0.0001) and another for attitudes (perceived benefits of reheating leftovers before eating them, p-value = 0.0001), significantly increased after the intervention. In terms of food safety practices, all the indicators (cleaning of dirty surfaces, plates and utensils and storage of perishable foods) significantly increased (all p = 0.0001 Conclusion: This study provided some evidence of an effective nutrition education intervention for improving maternal KAP on food safety for their child’s feeding.
文摘Objective To describe the undernutrition status of children under 5-year in China, and study the trend between 2002 and 2013. Methods The study was based on two national surveys. Undernutrition was determined against WHO's 2006 growth standards. The prevalence in 2013 and 2002 was weighted by China sixth National Population Census (2010). The relationship between undernutrition and gender/age groups/different areas use weighted logistic regression. Results The results indicated the overall prevalence of stunting, underweight, and wasting of Chinese children under S-year was 8.1%, 2.4%, and 1.9% in 2013, respectively. The prevalence of stunting was higher for children aged 12-47 month, while underweight was higher for children aged 48-59 month. The prevalence of undernutrition was higher in rural areas than in urban areas, especially in poor rural areas. There was a decline of stunting, underweight, and wasting between 2002 and 2013 among the children, with greater reduction in rural areas than in urban areas. Conclusion The prevalence of undernutrition of children under 5-year remains high in rural areas especially in poor rural areas in China. It is urgent to take action to control undernutrition in the vulnerable areas and subgroups.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31000252, 31201681)the Science and Technology Supporting Project of the Department of Science and Technology of Xinjiang, China (200840102-08)
文摘High salinity in soil can prevent root growth of most plants. To investigate soil salinity dynamics under drip irrigation with mulch film (DI) and its effects on cotton root length, we conducted field experiments in saline soil based on a monolith method using flooding irrigation with mulch film (FI) as a control at the Korla Experimental Station of the Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China in 2009 and 2010. The results showed that the total root length decreased 120 days after sowing (DAS) under DI, and was mainly centered in the 0-30 cm soil layer and at distances of 30-70 cm from the drip-lines. There was almost complete overlap in the area of root length decline and salt accumulation. In the soil depth of 0-30 cm and at distances of 30-70 cm from the drip-lines at 110 to 160 DAS in 2009 and 171 DAS in 2010, the electrical conductivity (EC) in all soil samples was at least 3 mS/cm and in some cases exceeded 5 mS/cm under DI treatment. However, EC barely exceeded 3 mS/cm and no reduction in root length was observed under FI treatment. Correlation analysis of soil EC and root length density indicated that the root length declined when the soil EC exceeded 2.8 mS/cm. The main reason for the decrease of root length in cotton under DI was localized accumulation of salinity.
文摘One of the main theories of "borrowing scenery" which was "borrowing scenery under the guidance of emotion" was expounded from two aspects.And the second aspect was emphasized,that is,integrating social beauty into natural beauty so as to produce artistic beauty of landscape,and layer beauty was the main content manifested in Chinese landscape garden.
文摘Clear PKKP, a P wave reflects off the core-mantle boundary on the core side, is recorded by the transcontinental USArray from two deep earthquakes occurred in South America and Tonga, and one intermediatedepth earthquake in the Hindu Kush region. We compare the PKKP waveforms with the direct P waves to investigate the fine structures near the core-mantle boundary, with a primary focus on the core side. We find no evidence for the existence of a sedimentary layer of lighter elements with a thickness above a few hundreds of meters beneath the reflection points of the two deep events, which are located at the Ninety-East Ridge and South Africa. On the other hand the PKKP wave duration of the Hindu Kush event is almost twice as long as that of the P wave, suggesting that multiple reflections may be occurring at the core-mantle boundary located beneath the Antarctic, which is located inside the so-called tangent cylinder of the outer core. The tangent cylinder is an imaginary cylindrical region suggested by geodynamics studies, which has different flow pattern and may have a higher concentration in lighter elements as compared to the rest of the outer core. One possible explanation of the elongated PKKP is a thin distinct layer with a thickness of a few kilometers at the top of the outer core, suggesting that precipitation of lighter elements may occur at the core-mantle boundary. Our data also indicate an extremely low Qp of 312, approximately 40% of the PREM average (N780), within the large-scale low-velocity anomaly in the lowermost mantle beneath Pacific.
文摘Desire Under the Elms was a drama written by Eugene O'Neill in 1924,which is called the first greatest drama in American history.Through analyzing the naturalistic features in this drama and the combination of naturalism and realism reflected in Desire Under the Elms,this article aims to help readers understand the lines and the relevant connotations better.
文摘Desire under the Elms reveals a tragedy of spiritual and survival desire of human being. O'Neill creates many Bible archetypes in Desire under the Elms. The thesis analyzes and appreciates Desire under the Elms from aspect of Bible archetype to highlight the destructive power of improper desires in Desire under the Elms.
基金Project supported by Foundation for the Excellent Middle-Aged or Young Scientists of Shandong Province (02BS049)
文摘Ultra-fine Ce:YAG phosphors were prepared by homogeneous precipitation under microwave irradiation method . The formation of Ce: YAG was investigated by means of XRD and DTA/TG. The purified YAG crystallized phase was obtained at a lower temperature (1100℃). Basically spherical Ce:YAG powders were indicated from TEM images, and the size of the particles is about 80 nm. Two peaks of 436 and 473 nm can be seen from the excitation spectrum in the range of 402 -510 nm. A broad emission band located at 480 ~ 630 nm shows the phosphors prepared by this method have good emission properties.
基金supported by the National 973 project (2009CB421302)the National Project (2007BAC03A0604)the key National Natural Science Foundation (40830640)
文摘Effects of soil moisture on cotton root length density (total root length per unit soil volume) and yield under drip irrigation with plastic mulch were studied through field experiments. The results indicate that spatial distributions of root length density of cotton under various water treatments were basically similar. Horizontally, both root length densities of cotton in wide and narrow rows were similar, and higher than that between mulches. Vertically, root length density of cotton decreased with increasing soil depth. The distribution of root length density is different under different irrigation treatments. In conditions of over-irrigation, the root length density of cotton between mulches would increase. However, it would decrease in both the wide rows and narrow rows. The mean root length density of cotton increased with increasing irrigation water. Water stress caused the root length density to increase in lower soil layers. There is a significant correlation between root length density and yields of cotton at the flower-boll and wadding stages. The regression between irrigation amount and yield of cotton can be expressed as y = -0.0026x2+18.015x-24845 (R2 = 0.959). It showed that the irrigation volume of 3,464.4 m3/hm2 led to op-timal root length density. The yield of cotton was 6,360 .8 kg/hm2 under that amount of irrigation.
基金supported by the Project of AGRFUND from Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China (Project No. 2007GB24320427)
文摘Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis) and broadleaved mixed forest in Northeast China has been changed regressively into secondary forest with almost no conifers.Planting Korean pine trees under the canopy of secondary forest is a feasible approach for recovering Korean pine and broadleaved mixed forest.For establishing an effective growth promotion method for under-canopy planted young Korean pine trees,two stands were selected as the experiment plots,Stand A(planted in 1989) and Stand B(planted in 1982),and an experiment of microenvironment regulation was conducted relying mainly on Opening degree(K=1,K=1.5,K=2,CK) in 2004.The results were shown that the adjustment had promoted growth of diameter and height of Korean pine planted in Stand A and Stand B,and had a significant influence on the growth rate of basal diameter,diameter at breast height and height in the two growth stands.The four years periodic increment of mean diameter and height of Korean pine planted in 1989 and in 1982 after regulation in K=1 level were 63.4%(D0) and 82.7%(H),64.8%(D1.3) and 69.7%(H) higher than that of control respectively.Quantitative regulation had significant influence on specific leaf area of Korean pine planted in 1989,and the current year specific leaf area(SLA) was lager than perennial year SLA.Quality indexes of natural pruning capacity,normal form quotient and crown size was not significantly changed but shown a positive tendency.The regulation scheme of Opening degree K=1 might be proper for adjusting the microenvironment of Korean pine trees planted under the canopy of secondary forest when the Korean pine trees were in the growth period of 15 to 26 years old in the experiment region.