The acupuncture at 13 points along the Du meridian - Baihui, Fengfu, Dazhui, Taodao, Shenzhu, Shendao, Zhiyang, Jinsuo, Jizhong, Xuanshu, Mingmen, Yaoyangguan and Changqiang is an empirical recipe originated by Wang L...The acupuncture at 13 points along the Du meridian - Baihui, Fengfu, Dazhui, Taodao, Shenzhu, Shendao, Zhiyang, Jinsuo, Jizhong, Xuanshu, Mingmen, Yaoyangguan and Changqiang is an empirical recipe originated by Wang Leting, a senior in the acupuncture circles. I used this set of acupoints in the treatment of 98 cases of wind stroke, and its therapeutic result (50cases) was compared with control (48 cases). It is indicated that this therapy is more effective (P< 0.05) than the control.As one of the eight extra-meridians, Du meridian is the governor of all the Yang meridians and connected with the brain and spinal cord. Acupuncture at the points along the Du meridian may regulate flow of many other meridians and effectively treat wind stroke.展开更多
文摘The acupuncture at 13 points along the Du meridian - Baihui, Fengfu, Dazhui, Taodao, Shenzhu, Shendao, Zhiyang, Jinsuo, Jizhong, Xuanshu, Mingmen, Yaoyangguan and Changqiang is an empirical recipe originated by Wang Leting, a senior in the acupuncture circles. I used this set of acupoints in the treatment of 98 cases of wind stroke, and its therapeutic result (50cases) was compared with control (48 cases). It is indicated that this therapy is more effective (P< 0.05) than the control.As one of the eight extra-meridians, Du meridian is the governor of all the Yang meridians and connected with the brain and spinal cord. Acupuncture at the points along the Du meridian may regulate flow of many other meridians and effectively treat wind stroke.