The flashover of insulator strings occurring at normal working voltages undercontaminated/polluted conditions, obviously deserves serious consideration. Though much researchhas been gone into pollution-induced flashov...The flashover of insulator strings occurring at normal working voltages undercontaminated/polluted conditions, obviously deserves serious consideration. Though much researchhas been gone into pollution-induced flashover phenomena but grey areas still exist in ourknowledge. In the present experimental study the breakdown (flashover) voltages across gaps oninsulator top surfaces and gaps between sheds (on the underside of an insulator), also the flashoverstudies on a single unit and a 3-unit insulator strings were carried out. An attempt has been madeto correlate the values obtained for all the cases. From the present investigation it was found thatresistance measurement of individual units of a polluted 3-unit string before and after flashoverindicates that strongly differing resistances could be the cause of flashover of ceramic discinsulator strings.展开更多
Insulator becomes wet partially or completely, and the pollution layer on itbecomes conductive, when collecting pollutants for an extended period during dew, light rain, mist,fog or snow melting. Heavy rain is a compl...Insulator becomes wet partially or completely, and the pollution layer on itbecomes conductive, when collecting pollutants for an extended period during dew, light rain, mist,fog or snow melting. Heavy rain is a complicated factor that it may wash away the pollution layerwithout initiating other stages of breakdown or it may bridge the gaps between sheds to promoteflashover. The insulator with a conducting pollution layer being energized, can cause a surfaceleakage current to flow (also temperature-rise). As the surface conductivity is non-uniform, theconducting pollution layer becomes broken by dry bands (at spots of high current density),interrupting the flow of leakage current. Voltage across insulator gets concentrated across drybands, and causes high electric stress and breakdown (dry band arcing). If the resistance of theinsulator surface is sufficiently low, the dry band arcs can be propagated to bridge the terminalscausing flashover. The present paper concerns the evaluation of the temperature distribution alongthe surface of an energized artificially polluted insulator string.展开更多
输电线路带电水冲洗是电力系统防污闪的主要措施之一。500 k V输电线路4联污秽绝缘子串具有间距小、污秽重、难以清洗等特点,为实现其带电水冲洗,在武汉大学户外带电水冲洗试验场进行了冲洗试验,比较了4个污秽度等级下1冲4回和1冲6回这...输电线路带电水冲洗是电力系统防污闪的主要措施之一。500 k V输电线路4联污秽绝缘子串具有间距小、污秽重、难以清洗等特点,为实现其带电水冲洗,在武汉大学户外带电水冲洗试验场进行了冲洗试验,比较了4个污秽度等级下1冲4回和1冲6回这2种冲洗方法。结果表明:冲洗过程中在较长冲洗时间段泄漏电流幅值都<10 m A;冲洗到绝缘子串上部3/4及5/6位置附近处时出现了泄漏电流突增现象;冲洗泄漏电流基波幅值最大值、结束时刻泄漏电流基波幅值随污秽度等级增大而增大。4种污秽度等级下,1冲4回和1冲6回冲洗过程中泄漏电流基波幅值最大值分别小于61 m A和31 m A,这2种方法用于500 k V输电线路4联污秽绝缘子串的带电水冲洗都是安全的。展开更多
为获得长串绝缘子泄漏电流随盐密及海拔的变化规律,开展了不同海拔高度、不同盐密类型下的绝缘子人工污秽试验,获得了泄漏电流波形数据,通过傅里叶变换将泄漏电流从时域变换到频域。对泄漏电流幅频和相位特性的分析结果表明随着泄漏电...为获得长串绝缘子泄漏电流随盐密及海拔的变化规律,开展了不同海拔高度、不同盐密类型下的绝缘子人工污秽试验,获得了泄漏电流波形数据,通过傅里叶变换将泄漏电流从时域变换到频域。对泄漏电流幅频和相位特性的分析结果表明随着泄漏电流幅值的增大,3次谐波的含量逐渐减少,电流波形越接近正弦波,电流电压相位差也逐渐减小,在泄漏电流幅值为54.23、101.50、355.28 m A时,3次谐波含量分别为47%、38.6%、20.6%,电流电压相位差分别为–18.04°、–17.17°、–13.68°。对不同盐密的绝缘子串的泄漏电流峰值进行分析发现,可用泄漏电流峰值表征绝缘子污秽度。通过对不同海拔下泄漏电流峰值分析发现,泄漏电流峰值与海拔高度满足一定的关系式。研究结果表明不同海拔地区的绝缘子的防污闪预警泄漏电流阈值应进行差异化设定,该研究规律对高海拔地区绝缘子安全稳定运行具有一定的指导意义。展开更多
文摘The flashover of insulator strings occurring at normal working voltages undercontaminated/polluted conditions, obviously deserves serious consideration. Though much researchhas been gone into pollution-induced flashover phenomena but grey areas still exist in ourknowledge. In the present experimental study the breakdown (flashover) voltages across gaps oninsulator top surfaces and gaps between sheds (on the underside of an insulator), also the flashoverstudies on a single unit and a 3-unit insulator strings were carried out. An attempt has been madeto correlate the values obtained for all the cases. From the present investigation it was found thatresistance measurement of individual units of a polluted 3-unit string before and after flashoverindicates that strongly differing resistances could be the cause of flashover of ceramic discinsulator strings.
文摘Insulator becomes wet partially or completely, and the pollution layer on itbecomes conductive, when collecting pollutants for an extended period during dew, light rain, mist,fog or snow melting. Heavy rain is a complicated factor that it may wash away the pollution layerwithout initiating other stages of breakdown or it may bridge the gaps between sheds to promoteflashover. The insulator with a conducting pollution layer being energized, can cause a surfaceleakage current to flow (also temperature-rise). As the surface conductivity is non-uniform, theconducting pollution layer becomes broken by dry bands (at spots of high current density),interrupting the flow of leakage current. Voltage across insulator gets concentrated across drybands, and causes high electric stress and breakdown (dry band arcing). If the resistance of theinsulator surface is sufficiently low, the dry band arcs can be propagated to bridge the terminalscausing flashover. The present paper concerns the evaluation of the temperature distribution alongthe surface of an energized artificially polluted insulator string.
文摘输电线路带电水冲洗是电力系统防污闪的主要措施之一。500 k V输电线路4联污秽绝缘子串具有间距小、污秽重、难以清洗等特点,为实现其带电水冲洗,在武汉大学户外带电水冲洗试验场进行了冲洗试验,比较了4个污秽度等级下1冲4回和1冲6回这2种冲洗方法。结果表明:冲洗过程中在较长冲洗时间段泄漏电流幅值都<10 m A;冲洗到绝缘子串上部3/4及5/6位置附近处时出现了泄漏电流突增现象;冲洗泄漏电流基波幅值最大值、结束时刻泄漏电流基波幅值随污秽度等级增大而增大。4种污秽度等级下,1冲4回和1冲6回冲洗过程中泄漏电流基波幅值最大值分别小于61 m A和31 m A,这2种方法用于500 k V输电线路4联污秽绝缘子串的带电水冲洗都是安全的。
文摘为获得长串绝缘子泄漏电流随盐密及海拔的变化规律,开展了不同海拔高度、不同盐密类型下的绝缘子人工污秽试验,获得了泄漏电流波形数据,通过傅里叶变换将泄漏电流从时域变换到频域。对泄漏电流幅频和相位特性的分析结果表明随着泄漏电流幅值的增大,3次谐波的含量逐渐减少,电流波形越接近正弦波,电流电压相位差也逐渐减小,在泄漏电流幅值为54.23、101.50、355.28 m A时,3次谐波含量分别为47%、38.6%、20.6%,电流电压相位差分别为–18.04°、–17.17°、–13.68°。对不同盐密的绝缘子串的泄漏电流峰值进行分析发现,可用泄漏电流峰值表征绝缘子污秽度。通过对不同海拔下泄漏电流峰值分析发现,泄漏电流峰值与海拔高度满足一定的关系式。研究结果表明不同海拔地区的绝缘子的防污闪预警泄漏电流阈值应进行差异化设定,该研究规律对高海拔地区绝缘子安全稳定运行具有一定的指导意义。