Evergreen broad-leaved forests(EBLFs)are widely distributed in East Asia and play a vital role in ecosystem stability.The occurrence of these forests in East Asia has been a subject of debate across various discipline...Evergreen broad-leaved forests(EBLFs)are widely distributed in East Asia and play a vital role in ecosystem stability.The occurrence of these forests in East Asia has been a subject of debate across various disciplines.In this study,we explored the occurrence of East Asian EBLFs from a paleobotanical perspective.By collecting plant fossils from four regions in East Asia,we have established the evolutionary history of EBLFs.Through floral similarity analysis and paleoclimatic reconstruction,we have revealed a diverse spatio-temporal pattern for the occurrence of EBLFs in East Asia.The earliest occurrence of EBLFs in southern China can be traced back to the middle Eocene,followed by southwestern China during the late Eoceneeearly Oligocene.Subsequently,EBLFs emerged in Japan during the early Oligocene and eventually appeared in central-eastern China around the Miocene.Paleoclimate simulation results suggest that the precipitation of wettest quarter(PWetQ,mm)exceeding 600 mm is crucial for the occurrence of EBLFs.Furthermore,the heterogeneous occurrence of EBLFs in East Asia is closely associated with the evolution of the Asian Monsoon.This study provides new insights into the occurrence of EBLFs in East Asia.展开更多
Global climate change can affect tree growth and carbon sink function by influencing plant carbohydrate synthesis and utilization,while elevation can be used as an ideal setting under natural conditions to simulate cl...Global climate change can affect tree growth and carbon sink function by influencing plant carbohydrate synthesis and utilization,while elevation can be used as an ideal setting under natural conditions to simulate climate change effects.The effect of elevation on tree growth may depend on organ type.However,the allocation patterns of nonstructural and structural carbohydrates(NSCs and SCs,respectively)in different tree organs and their response to elevation remain unclear.We selected four dominant tree species,Schima superba,Castanopsis eyrei,Castanopsis fargesii and Michelia maudiae,along an elevation gradient from 609 to 1,207 m in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests and analyzed leaf,trunk,and fine root NSCs,carbon(C),nitrogen(N)and phosphorus(P)concentrations and the relative abundance of SCs.Leaf NSCs increased initially and then decreased,and trunk NSCs increased with increasing elevation.However,root NSCs decreased with increasing elevation.The relative abundance of SCs in leaves and trunks decreased,while the relative abundance of root SCs increased with increasing elevation.No significant correlations between SCs and NSCs in leaves were detected,while there were negative correlations between SCs and NSCs in trunks,roots,and all organs.Hierarchical partitioning analysis indicated that plant C/N and C/P were the main predictors of changes in SCs and NSCs.Our results suggest that tree organs have divergent responses to elevation and that increasing elevation will inhibit the aboveground part growth and enhance the root growth of trees.A tradeoff between the C distribution used for growth and storage was confirmed along the elevation gradient,which is mainly manifested in the"sink"organs of NSCs.Our results provide insight into tree growth in the context of global climate change scenarios in subtropical forest ecosystems.展开更多
The forest ecosystem plays an important role in the global carbon cycling. A study was conducted to evaluate soil CO2 flux and its seasonal and diurnal variation with the air and soil temperatures by using static clos...The forest ecosystem plays an important role in the global carbon cycling. A study was conducted to evaluate soil CO2 flux and its seasonal and diurnal variation with the air and soil temperatures by using static closed chamber technique in a typical broad-leaved/Korean pine mixed forest area on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province, China. The experiment was carried out through the day and night in the growing season (from June to September) in situ and sample gas was analyzed by a gas chromatograph. Results showed that the forest floor was a large net source of carbon, and soil CO2 fluxes had an obvi-ous law of seasonal and diel variation. The soil CO2 flux of broad-leaved/Korean pine mixed forest was in the range of 0.302.42 mmol穖-2穝-1 with the mean value of 0.98 mmol穖-2穝-1. An examination on the seasonal pattern of soil CO2 emission suggested that the variability in soil CO2 flux could be correlated with variations in soil temperature, and the maximum of mean CO2 flux occurred in July ((1.27±23%) mmol穖-2穝-1) and the minimum was in September ((0.50±28%) mmol穖-2穝-1). The fluctuations in diel soil CO2 flux were also correlated with changes in soil temperature; however, there existed a factor for a time lag. Soil CO2 flux from the forest floor was strongly related to soil temperature and had the highest correlation with temperature at 6-cm depth of soil. Q10 values based on air temperature and soil temperature of different soil depths were at the ranges of 2.09–3.40.展开更多
Structure, species composition, and soil properties of a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Okinawa, Japan, were examined by establishment of plots at thirty sites. The forest was characterized by a relative...Structure, species composition, and soil properties of a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Okinawa, Japan, were examined by establishment of plots at thirty sites. The forest was characterized by a relatively low canopy and a large number of small-diameter trees. Mean canopy height for this forest was 10 m and stands contained an average of 5400 stems-ha^-1 ( -〉 3.0 cm DBH); 64% of those stems were smaller than 10 cm DBH. The total basal area was 54.4 m^2-ha^-1, of which Castanopsis sieboldii contributed 48%. The forest showed high species diversity of trees. 80 tree species (≥ 3.0 cm DBH) from 31 families was identified in the thirty sampling plots. C. sieboldii and Schima wallichii were the dominant and subdominant species in terms of importance value. The mean tree species diversity indices for the plots were, 3.36 for Diversity index (H'), 0.71 for Equitability index (J') and 4.72 for Species richness index (S'), all of which strongly declined with the increase of importance value of the dominant, C. sieboldii. Measures of soil nutrients indicated low fertility, extreme heterogeneity and possible A1 toxicity. Regression analysis showed that stem density and the dominant tree height were significantly correlated with soil pH. There was a significant positive relationship between species diversity index and soil exchangeable K^+, Ca^2+, and Ca^2+/Al^3- ratio (all p values 〈0.001) and a negative relationship with N, C and P. The results suggest that soil property is a major factor influencing forest composition and structure within the subtropical forest in Okinawa.展开更多
A 112 m×8 m sample pot which includes 14 sub-plots was set up along the slope in Hongshi Forestry Farm of Baihe Forestry Bureau (127°55′E, 42°30′ N), Jilin Province in August 2002. Community structure...A 112 m×8 m sample pot which includes 14 sub-plots was set up along the slope in Hongshi Forestry Farm of Baihe Forestry Bureau (127°55′E, 42°30′ N), Jilin Province in August 2002. Community structure, soil moisture contents at 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm in depth, water content of litter as well as the contents of C, N and P of litter, living leaves and branches in the broad-leaved/Korean pine (Pinus korraiensis) forest were measured in each sub-plot on different slope positions. The analytical results showed that there existed an obvious soil moisture gradient along the slope: upper slope <middle slope< lower slope. The difference in soil moisture contents on different positions of slope led to a change of the stand structure of the braod-leaved/Korean pine forest. The proportion ofQuercus mongolica gradually increased with the decrease of soil moisture content and that of other major tree species in the broad-leaved/Korean pine forest gradually decreased or disappeared. The dynamic of soil moisture contents in the litter layer was as same as that in mineral soils. The decomposition rates of the litter on different slope positions were different and the dry weights of existent litter varied significantly. The soil nutrients in the litter on the lower slope was richer than that on the upper slope due to the different stand structure on the different slope positions. The moisture content and nutrient contents of soil had effects on the composition, decomposition, and the nutrient release of litter, thus affecting stands growth and stand structure and finally leading to the change of ecosystem. Key words Soil moisture gradient - nutrient - Stand structure - Broad-leaved/Korean pine forest CLC number S718.5 Document code A Foundation item: This study was supported by the NKBRSF (G1999043407-1), Tackle Key Problem of Science and technology of China (2001BA510B-07), Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-406, SCXZD0101), NKTRDP (2001BA510B-07. 2002BA516A20).Biography: WANG Yan (1970-), female, Ph. D, associate professorResponsible editor: Song Funan展开更多
Earthworms are the important constituents in the decayed food web and the main ecological conditioners in the process of decomposition and nutrient mineralization. The transformation of organic carbon (C) and total ni...Earthworms are the important constituents in the decayed food web and the main ecological conditioners in the process of decomposition and nutrient mineralization. The transformation of organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N) in the broad-leaved litters ingested by earthworms was researched by means of a laboratory experiment. Experimental samples were collected from broad-leaved Korea Pine mixed forest in Liangshui National Natural Reserve (47°10′50″N, 128°53′20″E) in the northeastern Xiao Hinggan Mountains of Northeast China. The contents of organic C and total N in earthworms, leaf litters and earthworm faeces were analyzed. Results show that the organic C content was in the fol- lowing order: leaf litters>faeces>earthworms, while total N content was contrary to that of the organic C. The organic C contents in the different leaf litters were in the following order: Tilia amurensis>Betula costata>Acer mono, whereas the total N contents in the different leaf litters were: Betula costata>Tilia amurensis>Acer mono. The contents of organic C and total N in the faeces from the different leaf litters were almost consistent with the contents of the leaf litters. After the leaf litters were ingested by earthworms, the organic C, which was transformed to increase earthworms' weights, ac- counted for 3.90%-13.31% of the total ingestion by earthworms, while that in the earthworm faeces accounted for 6.14%-13.70%. The transformed organic C through the other metabolism (e.g., respiration) of earthworms accounted for 75.04%-89.92%. The ingested organic C by earthworms was mostly used for metabolic activities. The N ingested by earthworms was less than organic C. It is estimated that 37.08% of total N was transformed to increase the earthworm's weight, 19.97% into earthworm faeces and 47.86% for the consumption of the earthworm's activities. The earthworms not only increased the content of organic C and total N in the soil, but also decreased the values of C/N in the soil and leaf litters. Earthworms play a major role in the leaf litters' decomposition and transformation.展开更多
Active soil organic matter (ASOM) has a main effect on biochemical cycles of soil nutrient elements such as N, P and S, and the quality and quantity of ASOM reflect soil primary productivity. The changes of ASOM fract...Active soil organic matter (ASOM) has a main effect on biochemical cycles of soil nutrient elements such as N, P and S, and the quality and quantity of ASOM reflect soil primary productivity. The changes of ASOM fractions and soil nutrients in the first rotation site and the second rotation site of Chinese fir plantation and the native broad-leaved forest were investigated and analyzed by soil sampling at the Huitong Experimental Station of Forestry Ecology (at latitude 26°48′N and longitude 109°30′E under a subtropical climate conditions), Chinese Academy of Sciences in March, 2004. The results showed that values of ASOM fractions for the Chinese fir plantations were lower than those for the broad-leaved forest. The contents of easily oxidisable carbon (EOC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), water soluble carbohydrate (WSC) and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) for the first rotation of Chinese fir plantation were 35.9%, 13.7%, 87.8% and 50.9% higher than those for the second rotation of Chinese fir plantation, and were 15.8%, 47.3%, 38.1% and 30.2% separately lower than those for the broad-leaved forest. For the three investigated forest sites, the contents of MBC and WSOC had a larger decrease, followed by WSC, and the change of EOC was least. Moreover, soil physico-chemistry properties such as soil nutrients in Chinese fir plantation were lower than those in broad-leaved forest. It suggested that soil fertility declined after Chinese fir plantation replaced native broad-leaved forest through continuous artificial plantation.展开更多
Conversion of natural secondary broad-leaved forest to Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation is a common management practice in subtropical China. In this study, we compared soil physico-chemical properties, microbial bi...Conversion of natural secondary broad-leaved forest to Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation is a common management practice in subtropical China. In this study, we compared soil physico-chemical properties, microbial biomass in one natural secondary broad-leaved forest and two C. lanceolata plantation sites to estimate the effects of forest conversion on soil microbial biomass at the Huitong Experimental Station of Forestry Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Concentrations of soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, NH4^+-N and microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen were much lower under C. lanceolata plantations as compared to natural secondary broad-leaved forest. Soil microbial biomass C in the first and second rotation of C. lanceolata plantations was only 53%, 46% of that in natural secondary broad-leaved forest, and microbial biomass N was 97% and 79%, respectively. The contribution of microbial biomass C to soil organic C was also lower in the plantation sites. However, the contribution of microbial N to total nitrogen and NH4^+-N was greater in the C. lanceolata plantation sites. Therefore, conversion of natural secondary broad-leaved forest to C. lanceolata plantation and continuous planting of C. lanceolata led to the decline in soil microbial biomass and the degradation of forest soil in subtropical China.展开更多
The upper montane evergreen broad-leaved forest in Yunnan occurs mainly in the zone of persistent cloud and has a discontinuous,island-like,distribution.It is diverse,rich in endemic species,and likely to be sensitive...The upper montane evergreen broad-leaved forest in Yunnan occurs mainly in the zone of persistent cloud and has a discontinuous,island-like,distribution.It is diverse,rich in endemic species,and likely to be sensitive to climate change.Six 1-ha sampling plots were established across the main distribution area of the upper montane evergreen broad-leaved forest in Yunnan.All trees with d.b.h.>1 cm in each plot were identified.Patterns of seed plant distributions were quantified at the specific,generic and family levels.The forests are dominated by the families Fagaceae,Lauraceae,Theaceae and Magnoliaceae,but are very diverse with only a few species shared between sites.Floristic similarities at the family and generic level were high,but they were low at the specific level,with species complementarity between plots.Diversity varied greatly among sites,with greater species richness and more rare species in western Yunnan than central Yunnan.The flora is dominated by tropical biogeographical elements,mainly the pantropic and the tropical Asian distributions at the family and genus levels.In contrast,at the species level,the flora is dominated by the southwest or the southeast China distributions,including Yunnan endemics.This suggests that the flora of the upper montane forest in Yunnan could have a tropical floristic origin,and has adapted to cooler temperatures with the uplift of the Himalayas.Due to great sensitivity to climate,high endemism and species complementarity,as well as the discontinuous,island-like,distribution patterns of the upper montane forest in Yunnan,the regional conservation of the forest is especially needed.展开更多
Using the closed chamber technique, the in situ measurements of N2O and CH4 fluxes was conducted in a broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest ecosystem in Changbai Mountain, China. from June 1994 to october 1995. The re...Using the closed chamber technique, the in situ measurements of N2O and CH4 fluxes was conducted in a broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest ecosystem in Changbai Mountain, China. from June 1994 to october 1995. The relationships between fluxes (N2O and CH4) and some major environmental factors (temperature, soil water content and soil availabIe nitrogen) were studied. A significant positive correlation between Nzo emission and air/soil temperature was observed, but no significant correIation was found between N2O emission and soil water content (SWC). This result showed that temperature was an important controlling factor of N2O flux. There was a significant correlation between CH4 uptake and SWC, but no significant correlation was found between CH4 uptake and temperature. This suggested SWC was an important factor controlling CH4 uptake. The very significant negative correlation between logarithmic N2O flux and soil nitrate concentration, significant negative correlation between CH4 flux and soil ammonium content were also found.展开更多
Soils were collected from.three neighboring forest sites: 36-year-old larch plantation, 11-year-old larch plantation, and natural secondary broad-leaved forest (as control). Soil pH, total C. totaI N, C/N ratio. and ...Soils were collected from.three neighboring forest sites: 36-year-old larch plantation, 11-year-old larch plantation, and natural secondary broad-leaved forest (as control). Soil pH, total C. totaI N, C/N ratio. and available N (NO3-N and NH4-N) were measured. Laboratory incubations of soil samples were conducted during a 50 days period for the measurement of nitrogen mineralization rate and nitrification potenial. The results proved a degeneration in soil nitrogen status with stand age of larch plantations, which implicated one important aspect of soil degradation when natural forest was replaced by coniferous plantations.展开更多
Background:Herbs are an important part of the forest ecosystem,and their diversity and biomass can reflect the restoration of vegetation after forest thinning disturbances.Based on the near-mature secondary coniferous...Background:Herbs are an important part of the forest ecosystem,and their diversity and biomass can reflect the restoration of vegetation after forest thinning disturbances.Based on the near-mature secondary coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest in Jilin Province Forestry Experimental Zone,this study analyzed seasonal changes of species diversity and biomass of the understory herb layer after different intensities of thinning.Results:The results showed that although the composition of herbaceous species and the ranking of importance values were affected by thinning intensity,they were mainly determined by seasonal changes.Across the entire growing season,the species with the highest importance values in thinning treatments included Carex pilosa,Aegopodium alpestre,Meehania urticifolia,and Filipendula palmata,which dominated the herb layer of the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest.The number of species,Margalef index,Shannon-Wiener index and Simpson index all had their highest values in May,and gradually decreased with months.Pielou index was roughly inverted“N”throughout the growing season.Thinning did not increase the species diversity.Thinning can promote the total biomass,above-and below-ground biomass.The number of plants per unit area and coverage were related to the total biomass,above-and below-ground biomass.The average height had a significantly positive correlation with herb biomass in May but not in July.However,it exerted a significantly negative correlation with herb biomass in September.The biomass in the same month increased with increasing thinning intensity.Total herb biomass,above-and below-ground biomass showed positive correlations with Shannon-Winner index,Simpson index and Pielou evenness index in May.Conclusions:Thinning mainly changed the light environment in the forest,which would improve the plant diversity and biomass of herb layer in a short time.And different thinning intensity had different effects on the diversity of understory herb layer.The findings provide theoretical basis and reference for reasonable thinning and tending in coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests.展开更多
In order to explore the effects of different forest types on active soil carbon pool, the amounts and density of soil organic carbon (SOC) were studied at different soil horizons under typical coniferous and broad-l...In order to explore the effects of different forest types on active soil carbon pool, the amounts and density of soil organic carbon (SOC) were studied at different soil horizons under typical coniferous and broad-leaved forests in the mountainous area of Beijing. The results showed that the amount of total SOC, readily oxidizable carbon and particulate organic carbon decreased with increasing depths of soil horizons and the amounts at depths of 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm in broad-leaved forest was clearly higher than that in coniferous forests. The trend of a decrease in SOC density with increasing depth of the soil horizon was similar to that of the amount of SOC. However, no regular trend was found for SOC density at different depths between coniferous forest and broad-leaved forests. The ratio of readily oxidizable carbon to total amount of SOC ranged from 0.36-0.45 and the ratio of particulate organic carbon to total amount of SOC from 0.28-0.73; the ratios decreased with increasing depths of soil horizons. Active SOC was significantly correlated with total SOC; the relationship between readily oxidizable carbon and particulate organic carbon was significant. A broad-leaved forest may produce more SOC than a coniferous forest.展开更多
The effects of urban remnant natural evergreen broad-leaved forest (EBLF) on the restoration of artificial pine forests surrounding it were studied with reference to species composition,biodiversity,dominant species a...The effects of urban remnant natural evergreen broad-leaved forest (EBLF) on the restoration of artificial pine forests surrounding it were studied with reference to species composition,biodiversity,dominant species and stand structure on Mt. Tieshanping in Chongqing metropolis,Southwest China. The seeds from the remnant EBLF naturally facilitate the restoration process of artificial Pinus massoniana forests near it. The similarity of species composition between the artificial Pinus massoniana forests and the remnant EBLF and biodiversity index of the artificial Pinus massoniana forests decrease as the distance from the remnant EBLF increases. Castanopsis carlesii var. spinusa is the dominant species in the ground vegetation,shrub layer and sub-tree layer of the Pinus massoniana forests near the remnant EBLF. However,the natural restoration processes of those farther away from the remnant EBLF are restricted for the absence of seed source of the inherent components of the remnant EBLF,and the anthropogenic measures should be taken to facilitate the restoration process.展开更多
Spatial distribution is fundamental for understanding species coexistence mechanisms in forest communities.Here we comprehensively explored fine-scale spatial patterns of tree species in a secondary warm-temperate dec...Spatial distribution is fundamental for understanding species coexistence mechanisms in forest communities.Here we comprehensively explored fine-scale spatial patterns of tree species in a secondary warm-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest community in north China.Aggregated distribution patterns were predominant.Species functional traits had no significant effects on their spatial patterns.The aggregation intensity decreased with increasing DBH and abundance.The multivariate linear stepwise regression showed that abundance and maximum DBH were correlated with the aggregation intensity.Our results partially confirm that species attributes(abundance,DBH)and habitat heterogeneity may primarily contribute to spatial patterns and species coexistence in this secondary forest.展开更多
Evergreen broad-leaved forest is an important forest type in China.This paper analyzes the allocation characteristics of vegetation and soil carbon pool of evergreen broad-leaved forest,to understand the current statu...Evergreen broad-leaved forest is an important forest type in China.This paper analyzes the allocation characteristics of vegetation and soil carbon pool of evergreen broad-leaved forest,to understand the current status of research on the carbon storage of evergreen broadleaved forest as well as shortcomings.In the context of global climate change,it is necessary to carry out the long-term research of evergreen broad-leaved forest,in order to grasp the formation mechanism of evergreen broad-leaved forest productivity,and the impact of climate change on the carbon sequestration function of evergreen broad-leaved forest ecosystem.展开更多
Based on a vast of field investigation on stamps in Tilia broad-leaved Korean pine forest on northem slope of Changbai Mountain, age structure of some major species were studied in this paper. The results showed that ...Based on a vast of field investigation on stamps in Tilia broad-leaved Korean pine forest on northem slope of Changbai Mountain, age structure of some major species were studied in this paper. The results showed that Korean pine population was composed of grouped patches with different ages. There were not strict intervals among the dominated generations,and the curve of age structure often had two or more peaks. The distribution of broad-leaved species in natural Korean pine forest was grouped or scattered, and age distribution was also uneven-aged. There existed close relation between quantity of broad-leaved species and Korean pine. So, it shaped multi-storied and uneven-aged mixed forest. The model of age structure and growth demonstrated their passive correlation, but growth became slow when woods had reached old age.展开更多
Yunnan's biodiversity is under considerable pressure and subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in this area have become increasingly fragmented through agriculture,logging,planting of economic plants,mining a...Yunnan's biodiversity is under considerable pressure and subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in this area have become increasingly fragmented through agriculture,logging,planting of economic plants,mining activities and changing environment.The aims of the study are to investigate climate changeinduced changes of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in Yunnan and identify areas of current species richness centers for conservation preparation.Stacked species distribution models were created to generate ensemble forecasting of species distributions,alpha diversity and beta diversity for Yunnan's subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in both current and future climate scenarios.Under stacked species distribution models in rapid climate changes scenarios,changes of water-energy dynamics may possibly reduce beta diversity and increase alpha diversity.This point provides insight for future conservation of evergreen broad-leaved forest in Yunnan,highlighting the need to fully consider the problem of vegetation homogenization caused by transformation of water-energy dynamics.展开更多
Seeds and seedlings of five broad-leaved species were separately exposed to simulated acid rain at pH values of 2.0, 3.5, 5.0, and 6.0, or to distilled water (the control). The results showed that seed germination was...Seeds and seedlings of five broad-leaved species were separately exposed to simulated acid rain at pH values of 2.0, 3.5, 5.0, and 6.0, or to distilled water (the control). The results showed that seed germination was remarkably inhibited by pH 2.0 treatment for three species. Significant foliar damage, decline in chlorophyll contents, and retardation of the seedlings growth of all the species, were observed at pH 2.0 treatment. The pH 2.0 treatment seemed to be a threshold level for inhibition of seed germination and seedling growth for all the treated species, while seedling was stimulated at pH value between 3.5 and 5.0.展开更多
Chemical analysis of ammonium, nitrate and total nitrogen in tree leaves and roots and anin-vivo bioassay for nitrate reductase activity (NRA) were used to monitor the seasonal variations in nitrogen assimilation amon...Chemical analysis of ammonium, nitrate and total nitrogen in tree leaves and roots and anin-vivo bioassay for nitrate reductase activity (NRA) were used to monitor the seasonal variations in nitrogen assimilation among four coexisting dominant tree species, includingPinus koraiensis, Tilia amurensis, Fraxinus mandshurica andAcer mono, in a virgin mixed broad-leaved/Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) forest. The soil study included individual horizons of L+F (0–5 cm), Ah (5–11 cm) and Aw (11–25 cm). All four species had nitrate and ammonium in their roots and leaves, and also NRA in leaves. This indicated that these coexisting species were adapted to ammonium + nitrate nutrition. A negative correlation existed between nitrate use and ammonium use. Ammonium concentration was higher than that of nitrate in tree leaves and roots, and also in soils, which indicated climax woody species had a relative preference for ammonium nutrition. There was a positive relationship between tree nitrogen nutrition use and soil nitrogen nutrient supply. Utilization of ammonium and nitrate as well as the seasonal patterns differed significantly between the species. Peaks of ammonium, nitrate, NRA and total nitrogen in one species were therefore not necessarily synchronous with peaks in other species, and which indicated a species-specific seasonal use of nitrogen. The species-specific temporal differentiation in nitrogen use might reduce the competition between co-existing species and may be an important mechanism promoting stability of virgin mixed broad-leaved//Korean pine forest.展开更多
基金supported by National Key R&D Program of China(No.2022YFF0800800)National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars(No.32225005)+3 种基金National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)(Nos.42072024,42320104005,42372033)the Young and Middle-aged Academic and Technical Leaders of Yunnan(No.202305AC160051)Basic Research Project of Yunnan Province(No.202401AT070222)the 14th Five-Year Plan of the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences(Nos.XTBG-1450101,E3ZKFF7B).
文摘Evergreen broad-leaved forests(EBLFs)are widely distributed in East Asia and play a vital role in ecosystem stability.The occurrence of these forests in East Asia has been a subject of debate across various disciplines.In this study,we explored the occurrence of East Asian EBLFs from a paleobotanical perspective.By collecting plant fossils from four regions in East Asia,we have established the evolutionary history of EBLFs.Through floral similarity analysis and paleoclimatic reconstruction,we have revealed a diverse spatio-temporal pattern for the occurrence of EBLFs in East Asia.The earliest occurrence of EBLFs in southern China can be traced back to the middle Eocene,followed by southwestern China during the late Eoceneeearly Oligocene.Subsequently,EBLFs emerged in Japan during the early Oligocene and eventually appeared in central-eastern China around the Miocene.Paleoclimate simulation results suggest that the precipitation of wettest quarter(PWetQ,mm)exceeding 600 mm is crucial for the occurrence of EBLFs.Furthermore,the heterogeneous occurrence of EBLFs in East Asia is closely associated with the evolution of the Asian Monsoon.This study provides new insights into the occurrence of EBLFs in East Asia.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(32260379&32371852)the Jiangxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation(20224ACB215005)
文摘Global climate change can affect tree growth and carbon sink function by influencing plant carbohydrate synthesis and utilization,while elevation can be used as an ideal setting under natural conditions to simulate climate change effects.The effect of elevation on tree growth may depend on organ type.However,the allocation patterns of nonstructural and structural carbohydrates(NSCs and SCs,respectively)in different tree organs and their response to elevation remain unclear.We selected four dominant tree species,Schima superba,Castanopsis eyrei,Castanopsis fargesii and Michelia maudiae,along an elevation gradient from 609 to 1,207 m in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests and analyzed leaf,trunk,and fine root NSCs,carbon(C),nitrogen(N)and phosphorus(P)concentrations and the relative abundance of SCs.Leaf NSCs increased initially and then decreased,and trunk NSCs increased with increasing elevation.However,root NSCs decreased with increasing elevation.The relative abundance of SCs in leaves and trunks decreased,while the relative abundance of root SCs increased with increasing elevation.No significant correlations between SCs and NSCs in leaves were detected,while there were negative correlations between SCs and NSCs in trunks,roots,and all organs.Hierarchical partitioning analysis indicated that plant C/N and C/P were the main predictors of changes in SCs and NSCs.Our results suggest that tree organs have divergent responses to elevation and that increasing elevation will inhibit the aboveground part growth and enhance the root growth of trees.A tradeoff between the C distribution used for growth and storage was confirmed along the elevation gradient,which is mainly manifested in the"sink"organs of NSCs.Our results provide insight into tree growth in the context of global climate change scenarios in subtropical forest ecosystems.
基金This research was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40171092).
文摘The forest ecosystem plays an important role in the global carbon cycling. A study was conducted to evaluate soil CO2 flux and its seasonal and diurnal variation with the air and soil temperatures by using static closed chamber technique in a typical broad-leaved/Korean pine mixed forest area on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province, China. The experiment was carried out through the day and night in the growing season (from June to September) in situ and sample gas was analyzed by a gas chromatograph. Results showed that the forest floor was a large net source of carbon, and soil CO2 fluxes had an obvi-ous law of seasonal and diel variation. The soil CO2 flux of broad-leaved/Korean pine mixed forest was in the range of 0.302.42 mmol穖-2穝-1 with the mean value of 0.98 mmol穖-2穝-1. An examination on the seasonal pattern of soil CO2 emission suggested that the variability in soil CO2 flux could be correlated with variations in soil temperature, and the maximum of mean CO2 flux occurred in July ((1.27±23%) mmol穖-2穝-1) and the minimum was in September ((0.50±28%) mmol穖-2穝-1). The fluctuations in diel soil CO2 flux were also correlated with changes in soil temperature; however, there existed a factor for a time lag. Soil CO2 flux from the forest floor was strongly related to soil temperature and had the highest correlation with temperature at 6-cm depth of soil. Q10 values based on air temperature and soil temperature of different soil depths were at the ranges of 2.09–3.40.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.30471386)Japanese Society for Promotion of Sciences (15P03118)
文摘Structure, species composition, and soil properties of a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Okinawa, Japan, were examined by establishment of plots at thirty sites. The forest was characterized by a relatively low canopy and a large number of small-diameter trees. Mean canopy height for this forest was 10 m and stands contained an average of 5400 stems-ha^-1 ( -〉 3.0 cm DBH); 64% of those stems were smaller than 10 cm DBH. The total basal area was 54.4 m^2-ha^-1, of which Castanopsis sieboldii contributed 48%. The forest showed high species diversity of trees. 80 tree species (≥ 3.0 cm DBH) from 31 families was identified in the thirty sampling plots. C. sieboldii and Schima wallichii were the dominant and subdominant species in terms of importance value. The mean tree species diversity indices for the plots were, 3.36 for Diversity index (H'), 0.71 for Equitability index (J') and 4.72 for Species richness index (S'), all of which strongly declined with the increase of importance value of the dominant, C. sieboldii. Measures of soil nutrients indicated low fertility, extreme heterogeneity and possible A1 toxicity. Regression analysis showed that stem density and the dominant tree height were significantly correlated with soil pH. There was a significant positive relationship between species diversity index and soil exchangeable K^+, Ca^2+, and Ca^2+/Al^3- ratio (all p values 〈0.001) and a negative relationship with N, C and P. The results suggest that soil property is a major factor influencing forest composition and structure within the subtropical forest in Okinawa.
基金This study was supported by the NKBRSF (G1999043407-1) Tackle Key Problem of Science and technology of China (2001BA510B-07) Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-406SCXZD0101)NKTRDP (2001BA510B
文摘A 112 m×8 m sample pot which includes 14 sub-plots was set up along the slope in Hongshi Forestry Farm of Baihe Forestry Bureau (127°55′E, 42°30′ N), Jilin Province in August 2002. Community structure, soil moisture contents at 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm in depth, water content of litter as well as the contents of C, N and P of litter, living leaves and branches in the broad-leaved/Korean pine (Pinus korraiensis) forest were measured in each sub-plot on different slope positions. The analytical results showed that there existed an obvious soil moisture gradient along the slope: upper slope <middle slope< lower slope. The difference in soil moisture contents on different positions of slope led to a change of the stand structure of the braod-leaved/Korean pine forest. The proportion ofQuercus mongolica gradually increased with the decrease of soil moisture content and that of other major tree species in the broad-leaved/Korean pine forest gradually decreased or disappeared. The dynamic of soil moisture contents in the litter layer was as same as that in mineral soils. The decomposition rates of the litter on different slope positions were different and the dry weights of existent litter varied significantly. The soil nutrients in the litter on the lower slope was richer than that on the upper slope due to the different stand structure on the different slope positions. The moisture content and nutrient contents of soil had effects on the composition, decomposition, and the nutrient release of litter, thus affecting stands growth and stand structure and finally leading to the change of ecosystem. Key words Soil moisture gradient - nutrient - Stand structure - Broad-leaved/Korean pine forest CLC number S718.5 Document code A Foundation item: This study was supported by the NKBRSF (G1999043407-1), Tackle Key Problem of Science and technology of China (2001BA510B-07), Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-406, SCXZD0101), NKTRDP (2001BA510B-07. 2002BA516A20).Biography: WANG Yan (1970-), female, Ph. D, associate professorResponsible editor: Song Funan
基金Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40171053)
文摘Earthworms are the important constituents in the decayed food web and the main ecological conditioners in the process of decomposition and nutrient mineralization. The transformation of organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N) in the broad-leaved litters ingested by earthworms was researched by means of a laboratory experiment. Experimental samples were collected from broad-leaved Korea Pine mixed forest in Liangshui National Natural Reserve (47°10′50″N, 128°53′20″E) in the northeastern Xiao Hinggan Mountains of Northeast China. The contents of organic C and total N in earthworms, leaf litters and earthworm faeces were analyzed. Results show that the organic C content was in the fol- lowing order: leaf litters>faeces>earthworms, while total N content was contrary to that of the organic C. The organic C contents in the different leaf litters were in the following order: Tilia amurensis>Betula costata>Acer mono, whereas the total N contents in the different leaf litters were: Betula costata>Tilia amurensis>Acer mono. The contents of organic C and total N in the faeces from the different leaf litters were almost consistent with the contents of the leaf litters. After the leaf litters were ingested by earthworms, the organic C, which was transformed to increase earthworms' weights, ac- counted for 3.90%-13.31% of the total ingestion by earthworms, while that in the earthworm faeces accounted for 6.14%-13.70%. The transformed organic C through the other metabolism (e.g., respiration) of earthworms accounted for 75.04%-89.92%. The ingested organic C by earthworms was mostly used for metabolic activities. The N ingested by earthworms was less than organic C. It is estimated that 37.08% of total N was transformed to increase the earthworm's weight, 19.97% into earthworm faeces and 47.86% for the consumption of the earthworm's activities. The earthworms not only increased the content of organic C and total N in the soil, but also decreased the values of C/N in the soil and leaf litters. Earthworms play a major role in the leaf litters' decomposition and transformation.
文摘Active soil organic matter (ASOM) has a main effect on biochemical cycles of soil nutrient elements such as N, P and S, and the quality and quantity of ASOM reflect soil primary productivity. The changes of ASOM fractions and soil nutrients in the first rotation site and the second rotation site of Chinese fir plantation and the native broad-leaved forest were investigated and analyzed by soil sampling at the Huitong Experimental Station of Forestry Ecology (at latitude 26°48′N and longitude 109°30′E under a subtropical climate conditions), Chinese Academy of Sciences in March, 2004. The results showed that values of ASOM fractions for the Chinese fir plantations were lower than those for the broad-leaved forest. The contents of easily oxidisable carbon (EOC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), water soluble carbohydrate (WSC) and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) for the first rotation of Chinese fir plantation were 35.9%, 13.7%, 87.8% and 50.9% higher than those for the second rotation of Chinese fir plantation, and were 15.8%, 47.3%, 38.1% and 30.2% separately lower than those for the broad-leaved forest. For the three investigated forest sites, the contents of MBC and WSOC had a larger decrease, followed by WSC, and the change of EOC was least. Moreover, soil physico-chemistry properties such as soil nutrients in Chinese fir plantation were lower than those in broad-leaved forest. It suggested that soil fertility declined after Chinese fir plantation replaced native broad-leaved forest through continuous artificial plantation.
基金Foundation project: This research was supported by Chinese Academy of Science Program (N0. ZCX3-SW-418) and the Natural Science Foundation of China (N0. 30470303)
文摘Conversion of natural secondary broad-leaved forest to Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation is a common management practice in subtropical China. In this study, we compared soil physico-chemical properties, microbial biomass in one natural secondary broad-leaved forest and two C. lanceolata plantation sites to estimate the effects of forest conversion on soil microbial biomass at the Huitong Experimental Station of Forestry Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Concentrations of soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, NH4^+-N and microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen were much lower under C. lanceolata plantations as compared to natural secondary broad-leaved forest. Soil microbial biomass C in the first and second rotation of C. lanceolata plantations was only 53%, 46% of that in natural secondary broad-leaved forest, and microbial biomass N was 97% and 79%, respectively. The contribution of microbial biomass C to soil organic C was also lower in the plantation sites. However, the contribution of microbial N to total nitrogen and NH4^+-N was greater in the C. lanceolata plantation sites. Therefore, conversion of natural secondary broad-leaved forest to C. lanceolata plantation and continuous planting of C. lanceolata led to the decline in soil microbial biomass and the degradation of forest soil in subtropical China.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.41471051,41071040,31170195
文摘The upper montane evergreen broad-leaved forest in Yunnan occurs mainly in the zone of persistent cloud and has a discontinuous,island-like,distribution.It is diverse,rich in endemic species,and likely to be sensitive to climate change.Six 1-ha sampling plots were established across the main distribution area of the upper montane evergreen broad-leaved forest in Yunnan.All trees with d.b.h.>1 cm in each plot were identified.Patterns of seed plant distributions were quantified at the specific,generic and family levels.The forests are dominated by the families Fagaceae,Lauraceae,Theaceae and Magnoliaceae,but are very diverse with only a few species shared between sites.Floristic similarities at the family and generic level were high,but they were low at the specific level,with species complementarity between plots.Diversity varied greatly among sites,with greater species richness and more rare species in western Yunnan than central Yunnan.The flora is dominated by tropical biogeographical elements,mainly the pantropic and the tropical Asian distributions at the family and genus levels.In contrast,at the species level,the flora is dominated by the southwest or the southeast China distributions,including Yunnan endemics.This suggests that the flora of the upper montane forest in Yunnan could have a tropical floristic origin,and has adapted to cooler temperatures with the uplift of the Himalayas.Due to great sensitivity to climate,high endemism and species complementarity,as well as the discontinuous,island-like,distribution patterns of the upper montane forest in Yunnan,the regional conservation of the forest is especially needed.
文摘Using the closed chamber technique, the in situ measurements of N2O and CH4 fluxes was conducted in a broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest ecosystem in Changbai Mountain, China. from June 1994 to october 1995. The relationships between fluxes (N2O and CH4) and some major environmental factors (temperature, soil water content and soil availabIe nitrogen) were studied. A significant positive correlation between Nzo emission and air/soil temperature was observed, but no significant correIation was found between N2O emission and soil water content (SWC). This result showed that temperature was an important controlling factor of N2O flux. There was a significant correlation between CH4 uptake and SWC, but no significant correlation was found between CH4 uptake and temperature. This suggested SWC was an important factor controlling CH4 uptake. The very significant negative correlation between logarithmic N2O flux and soil nitrate concentration, significant negative correlation between CH4 flux and soil ammonium content were also found.
文摘Soils were collected from.three neighboring forest sites: 36-year-old larch plantation, 11-year-old larch plantation, and natural secondary broad-leaved forest (as control). Soil pH, total C. totaI N, C/N ratio. and available N (NO3-N and NH4-N) were measured. Laboratory incubations of soil samples were conducted during a 50 days period for the measurement of nitrogen mineralization rate and nitrification potenial. The results proved a degeneration in soil nitrogen status with stand age of larch plantations, which implicated one important aspect of soil degradation when natural forest was replaced by coniferous plantations.
基金financially supported by a grant from the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFC0504102)the Science and Technology Program of Jilin Provincial Education Department(JJKH20180349KJ).
文摘Background:Herbs are an important part of the forest ecosystem,and their diversity and biomass can reflect the restoration of vegetation after forest thinning disturbances.Based on the near-mature secondary coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest in Jilin Province Forestry Experimental Zone,this study analyzed seasonal changes of species diversity and biomass of the understory herb layer after different intensities of thinning.Results:The results showed that although the composition of herbaceous species and the ranking of importance values were affected by thinning intensity,they were mainly determined by seasonal changes.Across the entire growing season,the species with the highest importance values in thinning treatments included Carex pilosa,Aegopodium alpestre,Meehania urticifolia,and Filipendula palmata,which dominated the herb layer of the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest.The number of species,Margalef index,Shannon-Wiener index and Simpson index all had their highest values in May,and gradually decreased with months.Pielou index was roughly inverted“N”throughout the growing season.Thinning did not increase the species diversity.Thinning can promote the total biomass,above-and below-ground biomass.The number of plants per unit area and coverage were related to the total biomass,above-and below-ground biomass.The average height had a significantly positive correlation with herb biomass in May but not in July.However,it exerted a significantly negative correlation with herb biomass in September.The biomass in the same month increased with increasing thinning intensity.Total herb biomass,above-and below-ground biomass showed positive correlations with Shannon-Winner index,Simpson index and Pielou evenness index in May.Conclusions:Thinning mainly changed the light environment in the forest,which would improve the plant diversity and biomass of herb layer in a short time.And different thinning intensity had different effects on the diversity of understory herb layer.The findings provide theoretical basis and reference for reasonable thinning and tending in coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests.
基金supported by the Forestry Non-profit Scientific Research Special Funding Project (Tech-nologies for the forest ecology system health mainte-nance and management in typical area) (200804022)the Project of Tree Water Consumption Based on Forest Ecosystem Research Station in Beijing Capital Circle Area
文摘In order to explore the effects of different forest types on active soil carbon pool, the amounts and density of soil organic carbon (SOC) were studied at different soil horizons under typical coniferous and broad-leaved forests in the mountainous area of Beijing. The results showed that the amount of total SOC, readily oxidizable carbon and particulate organic carbon decreased with increasing depths of soil horizons and the amounts at depths of 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm in broad-leaved forest was clearly higher than that in coniferous forests. The trend of a decrease in SOC density with increasing depth of the soil horizon was similar to that of the amount of SOC. However, no regular trend was found for SOC density at different depths between coniferous forest and broad-leaved forests. The ratio of readily oxidizable carbon to total amount of SOC ranged from 0.36-0.45 and the ratio of particulate organic carbon to total amount of SOC from 0.28-0.73; the ratios decreased with increasing depths of soil horizons. Active SOC was significantly correlated with total SOC; the relationship between readily oxidizable carbon and particulate organic carbon was significant. A broad-leaved forest may produce more SOC than a coniferous forest.
基金Project(30700094) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject (CSTC, 2008BB7187) supported by the Natural Science Foundation of CQ CSTC, China+2 种基金Project (20092x07104-003-02)supported by the National Science and Technology MinistrySubsidy from the Pro Natural Fund of Japan for 2007Research project for a sustainable development of economic and social structure dependent on the environment of the eastern coast of Asia from Tokyo University of Information
文摘The effects of urban remnant natural evergreen broad-leaved forest (EBLF) on the restoration of artificial pine forests surrounding it were studied with reference to species composition,biodiversity,dominant species and stand structure on Mt. Tieshanping in Chongqing metropolis,Southwest China. The seeds from the remnant EBLF naturally facilitate the restoration process of artificial Pinus massoniana forests near it. The similarity of species composition between the artificial Pinus massoniana forests and the remnant EBLF and biodiversity index of the artificial Pinus massoniana forests decrease as the distance from the remnant EBLF increases. Castanopsis carlesii var. spinusa is the dominant species in the ground vegetation,shrub layer and sub-tree layer of the Pinus massoniana forests near the remnant EBLF. However,the natural restoration processes of those farther away from the remnant EBLF are restricted for the absence of seed source of the inherent components of the remnant EBLF,and the anthropogenic measures should be taken to facilitate the restoration process.
基金This study was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2017YFC0505601)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31570630)State Key Laboratory of Forest and Soil Ecology(LFSE2015-13).
文摘Spatial distribution is fundamental for understanding species coexistence mechanisms in forest communities.Here we comprehensively explored fine-scale spatial patterns of tree species in a secondary warm-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest community in north China.Aggregated distribution patterns were predominant.Species functional traits had no significant effects on their spatial patterns.The aggregation intensity decreased with increasing DBH and abundance.The multivariate linear stepwise regression showed that abundance and maximum DBH were correlated with the aggregation intensity.Our results partially confirm that species attributes(abundance,DBH)and habitat heterogeneity may primarily contribute to spatial patterns and species coexistence in this secondary forest.
基金Supported by International Science&Technology Cooperation Program of China(2012DFB30030)Science and Technology Plan Project of Hunan Forestry(XLK201417)+1 种基金Youth Science and Technology Innovation Fund of Hunan Academy of Forestry(2013LQJ08,2013LQJ11)Science and Technology Plan Project of Hunan Provincial Department of Science and Technology(2012WK4010)
文摘Evergreen broad-leaved forest is an important forest type in China.This paper analyzes the allocation characteristics of vegetation and soil carbon pool of evergreen broad-leaved forest,to understand the current status of research on the carbon storage of evergreen broadleaved forest as well as shortcomings.In the context of global climate change,it is necessary to carry out the long-term research of evergreen broad-leaved forest,in order to grasp the formation mechanism of evergreen broad-leaved forest productivity,and the impact of climate change on the carbon sequestration function of evergreen broad-leaved forest ecosystem.
文摘Based on a vast of field investigation on stamps in Tilia broad-leaved Korean pine forest on northem slope of Changbai Mountain, age structure of some major species were studied in this paper. The results showed that Korean pine population was composed of grouped patches with different ages. There were not strict intervals among the dominated generations,and the curve of age structure often had two or more peaks. The distribution of broad-leaved species in natural Korean pine forest was grouped or scattered, and age distribution was also uneven-aged. There existed close relation between quantity of broad-leaved species and Korean pine. So, it shaped multi-storied and uneven-aged mixed forest. The model of age structure and growth demonstrated their passive correlation, but growth became slow when woods had reached old age.
基金Acknowledgments The authors thank Ming-Gang Zhang and Katharina Filz for suggestions about problem of multicollinearity and thank Damien Georges for suggestions about modeling.
文摘Yunnan's biodiversity is under considerable pressure and subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in this area have become increasingly fragmented through agriculture,logging,planting of economic plants,mining activities and changing environment.The aims of the study are to investigate climate changeinduced changes of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in Yunnan and identify areas of current species richness centers for conservation preparation.Stacked species distribution models were created to generate ensemble forecasting of species distributions,alpha diversity and beta diversity for Yunnan's subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in both current and future climate scenarios.Under stacked species distribution models in rapid climate changes scenarios,changes of water-energy dynamics may possibly reduce beta diversity and increase alpha diversity.This point provides insight for future conservation of evergreen broad-leaved forest in Yunnan,highlighting the need to fully consider the problem of vegetation homogenization caused by transformation of water-energy dynamics.
文摘Seeds and seedlings of five broad-leaved species were separately exposed to simulated acid rain at pH values of 2.0, 3.5, 5.0, and 6.0, or to distilled water (the control). The results showed that seed germination was remarkably inhibited by pH 2.0 treatment for three species. Significant foliar damage, decline in chlorophyll contents, and retardation of the seedlings growth of all the species, were observed at pH 2.0 treatment. The pH 2.0 treatment seemed to be a threshold level for inhibition of seed germination and seedling growth for all the treated species, while seedling was stimulated at pH value between 3.5 and 5.0.
文摘Chemical analysis of ammonium, nitrate and total nitrogen in tree leaves and roots and anin-vivo bioassay for nitrate reductase activity (NRA) were used to monitor the seasonal variations in nitrogen assimilation among four coexisting dominant tree species, includingPinus koraiensis, Tilia amurensis, Fraxinus mandshurica andAcer mono, in a virgin mixed broad-leaved/Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) forest. The soil study included individual horizons of L+F (0–5 cm), Ah (5–11 cm) and Aw (11–25 cm). All four species had nitrate and ammonium in their roots and leaves, and also NRA in leaves. This indicated that these coexisting species were adapted to ammonium + nitrate nutrition. A negative correlation existed between nitrate use and ammonium use. Ammonium concentration was higher than that of nitrate in tree leaves and roots, and also in soils, which indicated climax woody species had a relative preference for ammonium nutrition. There was a positive relationship between tree nitrogen nutrition use and soil nitrogen nutrient supply. Utilization of ammonium and nitrate as well as the seasonal patterns differed significantly between the species. Peaks of ammonium, nitrate, NRA and total nitrogen in one species were therefore not necessarily synchronous with peaks in other species, and which indicated a species-specific seasonal use of nitrogen. The species-specific temporal differentiation in nitrogen use might reduce the competition between co-existing species and may be an important mechanism promoting stability of virgin mixed broad-leaved//Korean pine forest.