Ordos is located in the western part of North China Platform and was subjected to erosion at the late stage of Caledonian movement when the platform was uplifted. Later, Variscian movement made this region subside and...Ordos is located in the western part of North China Platform and was subjected to erosion at the late stage of Caledonian movement when the platform was uplifted. Later, Variscian movement made this region subside and the paleo-North China Sea and Qilian Sea transgressed onto Ordos, from both the east and west sides during the展开更多
A key step towards the restoration of heavily disturbed fragile coastal wetland ecosystems is determin- ing the composition and characteristics of the plant communities involved. This study determined and char- acteri...A key step towards the restoration of heavily disturbed fragile coastal wetland ecosystems is determin- ing the composition and characteristics of the plant communities involved. This study determined and char- acterized the community of higher plants in the Chenier wetland of Bohai Bay using a combination of field surveys, quadrat approaches, and multivariate statistical analyses. This community was then compared to other adjacent wetlands (Tianjin, Qinhuangdao, Laizhouwan, Jiaozhou- wan, and Yellow River Delta wetland) located near the Huanghai and Bohai Seas using principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). Results showed a total of 56 higher plant species belonging to 52 genera from 20 families in Chenier wetland, the majority of which were dicotyledons. Single-species families were predominant, while larger families, including Gramineae, Compositae, Leguminosae, and Chenopodiaceae contained a higher number of species (cache〉6 species). Cosmopolitan species were also dominant with apparent intrazonality. Abundance (number of species) of temperate species was twice that of tropical taxa. Species number of perennial herbs, such as Gramineae and Compositae, was generally higher. Plant diversity in the Chenier wetland, based on the Shannon- Wiener index, was observed to be between the Qinhuang- dao and Laizhouwan indices, while no significant difference was found in other wetlands using the Simpson index. Despite these slight differences in diversity, PCoA based on species abundance and composition of the wetland flora suggest that the Bohai Chenier community was highly similar to the coastal wetlands in Tianjin and Laizhouwan, further suggesting that these two wetlands could be important breeding grounds and resources for the restoration of the plant ecosystem in the Chenier wetland.展开更多
讨论了早全新世晚期以来渤海湾西岸贝壳堤平原成堤、西北岸牡蛎礁平原(及毗邻浅海区)建礁过程的同时性特征和气候变化与这一特征之间的关系,以及堤、礁记录的相对海面变化。堤、礁大致同时发育,可分为6期,依次分别被寒冷事件5、4、3、2...讨论了早全新世晚期以来渤海湾西岸贝壳堤平原成堤、西北岸牡蛎礁平原(及毗邻浅海区)建礁过程的同时性特征和气候变化与这一特征之间的关系,以及堤、礁记录的相对海面变化。堤、礁大致同时发育,可分为6期,依次分别被寒冷事件5、4、3、2和1分隔。堤底板前、后缘高差大致对应3m的大潮差、礁顶板大致对应海平面。据二者分别重建了南部贝壳堤平原、北部牡蛎礁平原的相对海面变化:南部自7ka cal BP以来基本与现代海平面等高,小的波动在±1m之间,压实固结作用抵消了中全新世的相对高海面;北部中全新世的相对海平面位置因新构造和固结压实双重下沉作用的影响,已位于现代海平面2~3m以下。展开更多
地质学(古环境重建与AMS14C测年)和考古学研究,发现了位于渤海湾西岸距现代岸线仅5km的大港穿港路采土场贝壳质河口沙坝海滩层上的、具海水捕捞特征的西汉先民短暂居停遗址,及其上覆的、持续约700~800年的1.6m厚海相层。这是渤海湾西岸...地质学(古环境重建与AMS14C测年)和考古学研究,发现了位于渤海湾西岸距现代岸线仅5km的大港穿港路采土场贝壳质河口沙坝海滩层上的、具海水捕捞特征的西汉先民短暂居停遗址,及其上覆的、持续约700~800年的1.6m厚海相层。这是渤海湾西岸迄今所发现的距现代海岸线最近的、被海相层覆盖的西汉先民用海遗址。全新世中期海退以来,渤海湾西岸至少有5道主要的贝壳堤——岭地古海岸线,它们的初始年龄分别是6.6~6.2ka cal BP、5.5 ka cal BP、3.3 ka cal BP、2.4~2 ka cal BP和0.9ka cal BP(即4650~4250 BC、3550 BC、1350 BC、450~50 BC和1050 AD)。每一道堤——岭岸线在其形成发育期,均构成当时的海、陆界线:界线向海一侧是古海区、向陆一侧是高水头海水影响的低地。上古林——齐家阜堤——岭岸线形成于战国——西汉时期,岸线后的大面积洼地直至东晋——北魏时期曾频繁地被高水头海水淹浸,穿港路西汉遗址则直接被海相层覆盖,二者共同为"西汉海侵说"提供了地质学证据。展开更多
文摘Ordos is located in the western part of North China Platform and was subjected to erosion at the late stage of Caledonian movement when the platform was uplifted. Later, Variscian movement made this region subside and the paleo-North China Sea and Qilian Sea transgressed onto Ordos, from both the east and west sides during the
文摘A key step towards the restoration of heavily disturbed fragile coastal wetland ecosystems is determin- ing the composition and characteristics of the plant communities involved. This study determined and char- acterized the community of higher plants in the Chenier wetland of Bohai Bay using a combination of field surveys, quadrat approaches, and multivariate statistical analyses. This community was then compared to other adjacent wetlands (Tianjin, Qinhuangdao, Laizhouwan, Jiaozhou- wan, and Yellow River Delta wetland) located near the Huanghai and Bohai Seas using principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). Results showed a total of 56 higher plant species belonging to 52 genera from 20 families in Chenier wetland, the majority of which were dicotyledons. Single-species families were predominant, while larger families, including Gramineae, Compositae, Leguminosae, and Chenopodiaceae contained a higher number of species (cache〉6 species). Cosmopolitan species were also dominant with apparent intrazonality. Abundance (number of species) of temperate species was twice that of tropical taxa. Species number of perennial herbs, such as Gramineae and Compositae, was generally higher. Plant diversity in the Chenier wetland, based on the Shannon- Wiener index, was observed to be between the Qinhuang- dao and Laizhouwan indices, while no significant difference was found in other wetlands using the Simpson index. Despite these slight differences in diversity, PCoA based on species abundance and composition of the wetland flora suggest that the Bohai Chenier community was highly similar to the coastal wetlands in Tianjin and Laizhouwan, further suggesting that these two wetlands could be important breeding grounds and resources for the restoration of the plant ecosystem in the Chenier wetland.
基金国家重点基金课题:“环渤海滨海地球关键带地质结构和岩相古地理研究(42293261)”中国地质调查局项目:“津冀沿海资源环境承载力调查(DD20189506)”+2 种基金中国地质调查局项目:“黄渤海海岸带重点生态保护修复区综合地质调查(DD20211301)”自然科学基金项目:“渤海湾全新世海面标志点研究与变化历史重建(41372173)”“渤海湾西北岸4 ka BP前后古环境重建(41806109)”。
文摘讨论了早全新世晚期以来渤海湾西岸贝壳堤平原成堤、西北岸牡蛎礁平原(及毗邻浅海区)建礁过程的同时性特征和气候变化与这一特征之间的关系,以及堤、礁记录的相对海面变化。堤、礁大致同时发育,可分为6期,依次分别被寒冷事件5、4、3、2和1分隔。堤底板前、后缘高差大致对应3m的大潮差、礁顶板大致对应海平面。据二者分别重建了南部贝壳堤平原、北部牡蛎礁平原的相对海面变化:南部自7ka cal BP以来基本与现代海平面等高,小的波动在±1m之间,压实固结作用抵消了中全新世的相对高海面;北部中全新世的相对海平面位置因新构造和固结压实双重下沉作用的影响,已位于现代海平面2~3m以下。
文摘地质学(古环境重建与AMS14C测年)和考古学研究,发现了位于渤海湾西岸距现代岸线仅5km的大港穿港路采土场贝壳质河口沙坝海滩层上的、具海水捕捞特征的西汉先民短暂居停遗址,及其上覆的、持续约700~800年的1.6m厚海相层。这是渤海湾西岸迄今所发现的距现代海岸线最近的、被海相层覆盖的西汉先民用海遗址。全新世中期海退以来,渤海湾西岸至少有5道主要的贝壳堤——岭地古海岸线,它们的初始年龄分别是6.6~6.2ka cal BP、5.5 ka cal BP、3.3 ka cal BP、2.4~2 ka cal BP和0.9ka cal BP(即4650~4250 BC、3550 BC、1350 BC、450~50 BC和1050 AD)。每一道堤——岭岸线在其形成发育期,均构成当时的海、陆界线:界线向海一侧是古海区、向陆一侧是高水头海水影响的低地。上古林——齐家阜堤——岭岸线形成于战国——西汉时期,岸线后的大面积洼地直至东晋——北魏时期曾频繁地被高水头海水淹浸,穿港路西汉遗址则直接被海相层覆盖,二者共同为"西汉海侵说"提供了地质学证据。