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中国水仙(Narcissus tazetta L.var.Chinesis Roem)开花生理研究——Ⅰ.中国水仙的生物学特性及花芽分化的规律
作者 李文仪 孙景欣 傅家瑞 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1985年第1期134-136,共3页
中国水仙是多花水仙,具有较高的观赏价值,是我国传统出口珍贵花卉,在我国主要分布于漳州、崇明等地区.近年来,广东潮汕、广州郊区等地引种漳州水仙时均出现不同程度的退化现象,表现为鳞茎小、重量轻、花序数和总小花数均明显减少.针对... 中国水仙是多花水仙,具有较高的观赏价值,是我国传统出口珍贵花卉,在我国主要分布于漳州、崇明等地区.近年来,广东潮汕、广州郊区等地引种漳州水仙时均出现不同程度的退化现象,表现为鳞茎小、重量轻、花序数和总小花数均明显减少.针对这种情况,我们从1982年以来对中国水仙的生物学特性、生长发育。 展开更多
关键词 中国水仙 鳞茎 广州 小花 地下茎 广东 Narcissus tazetta L.var.chinesis Roem 花芽分化 生物学特性
Cloning and Expression Analysis of TcREMORIN Gene Related to Anthracnose Resistance in Taxus chinesis
作者 Chen Minghui Li Yanjiao +1 位作者 Zhang Zhilu Tong Weishuang 《Plant Diseases and Pests》 CAS 2020年第5期24-27,共4页
[Objective]The paper was to obtain a pathogen-inducible responsive gene TcREMORIN from Taxus chinesis.[Method]Total RNA was extracted by Trizol reagent,and cDNA was synthesized using TaKaRa reverse transcription kit a... [Objective]The paper was to obtain a pathogen-inducible responsive gene TcREMORIN from Taxus chinesis.[Method]Total RNA was extracted by Trizol reagent,and cDNA was synthesized using TaKaRa reverse transcription kit and Invitrogen M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase kit.The TcREMORIN gene was amplified by qRT-PCR.[Result]The full length of TcREMORIN was 778 bp with a 501 bp open reading frame(ORF)which encoded 166 amino acids.Bioinformatics analysis indicated that TcREMORIN possessed a conserved domain of remorin family genes and located probably in cell plasma membrane.The results of real-time quantitative PCR assay revealed that the target gene was induced by anthracnose of T.chinesis and its expression level was up-regulated by PEG,NaCl,H2O2 and 4℃stresses.[Conclusion]The TcREMORIN gene may play a critical role in plant-pathogen interaction. 展开更多
关键词 Taxus chinesis ANTHRACNOSE Remorin QRT-PCR
作者 张春霞 陈映僮 +2 位作者 姚富成 陈琪 章家恩 《淡水渔业》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期12-20,共9页
近年来,福寿螺(Pomacea canaliculata)同本地螺类竞争力的研究主要集中在温度、干旱和饥饿等因素。为探究酸碱胁迫下福寿螺与华南地区常见淡水螺中国圆田螺(Cipangopaludina chinesis)的响应特征,本研究以五种不同的水体pH作为梯度,对... 近年来,福寿螺(Pomacea canaliculata)同本地螺类竞争力的研究主要集中在温度、干旱和饥饿等因素。为探究酸碱胁迫下福寿螺与华南地区常见淡水螺中国圆田螺(Cipangopaludina chinesis)的响应特征,本研究以五种不同的水体pH作为梯度,对福寿螺和中国圆田螺进行处理,以研究其存活情况,并利用扫描电镜观察两种螺类肝脏和头部的表面结构变化。结果显示:两种螺在酸碱胁迫下都会出现一定程度的死亡,福寿螺在水体pH值4.5、6.5、8.5、10.5的存活率均高于中国圆田螺,对酸碱适应范围更广,但pH 2.5处理下中国圆田螺存活率更高。同时,扫描电镜结果显示,酸碱胁迫下两种螺头足部和肝脏存在明显的外表破损,但中国圆田螺肝脏和头足部损伤更为严重。结果表明,福寿螺比本地中国圆田螺具有更强的酸碱耐受性和适应性。 展开更多
关键词 福寿螺(Pomacea canaliculata) 中国圆田螺(Cipangopaludina chinesis) PH 肝脏 扫描电镜
作者 陈映僮 张春霞 +2 位作者 姚富成 肖泽恒 章家恩 《湖北农业科学》 2024年第6期86-93,共8页
为了比较福寿螺(Pomacea canaliculata)和部分本地螺种耐旱能力的差异,探究福寿螺成功入侵的机制,测定了不同干旱时长下成年以及幼年的福寿螺、中国圆田螺(Cipangopaludina chinesis)和梨形环棱螺(Sinotaia quadrata)的存活率,并分析了... 为了比较福寿螺(Pomacea canaliculata)和部分本地螺种耐旱能力的差异,探究福寿螺成功入侵的机制,测定了不同干旱时长下成年以及幼年的福寿螺、中国圆田螺(Cipangopaludina chinesis)和梨形环棱螺(Sinotaia quadrata)的存活率,并分析了干旱胁迫对3种螺体内自由水、结合水和抗氧化酶的影响。结果表明,福寿螺和中国圆田螺的存活率远高于梨形环棱螺;中国圆田螺的自由水含量最高,而福寿螺管理自身水分能力最强。福寿螺的CAT(过氧化氢酶)活性、SOD(超氧化物歧化酶)活性和T-AOC(总抗氧化能力)水平在干旱胁迫下都有不同程度的增加,并高于2种本地螺。3种螺耐旱性表现为福寿螺>中国圆田螺>梨形环棱螺。 展开更多
关键词 福寿螺(Pomacea canaliculata) 中国圆田螺(Cipangopaludina chinesis) 梨形环棱螺(Sinotaia quadrata) 干旱胁迫 存活率 生理响应
Dwarfing effects of plant growth regulators on narcissi 被引量:3
作者 任旭琴 梁宏伟 +1 位作者 陈伯清 季美云 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第4期339-341,共3页
The effects of four kinds of plant growth regulators with different concentrations on narcissi were studied in 2001. The results showed that the regulators could inhibit the growths of height and leaves of narcissi. O... The effects of four kinds of plant growth regulators with different concentrations on narcissi were studied in 2001. The results showed that the regulators could inhibit the growths of height and leaves of narcissi. Of the four regulators, the dwarfing effects of paclobatrazol (PP333) and uniconazole (S3307) on narcissi were better than those of chlorocholine (CCC) and dimethyl amino-sussinamic acid (B9). All of the regulators did not have significant effect on the root length. Moreover, the time of flowering was later for the narcissi treated with regulators than that of the control to a certain extent, and the range delayed was from 2 days to 19 days. The correlation analysis results showed that there was a significant correlation between the time of flowering and the concentrations of regulators. The ornament value of narcissi was obviously improved by using the regulators. 展开更多
关键词 Narcissus tuzetta var. chinesis Roem Plant growth regulators PP333 S3307 B9 CCC
硫酸钾镁肥对小白菜产量、品质及养分吸收的影响 被引量:8
作者 罗春梅 胡红青 +1 位作者 黄展林 叶磊 《湖北农业科学》 2015年第20期4969-4974,共6页
以黄棕壤为试材,通过盆栽试验研究不同肥料及用量对小白菜(Brassica chinesis)产量、品质及养分吸收的影响,为硫酸钾镁肥在蔬菜上的应用提供参考。结果表明:1CK+硫酸钾(K1)、CK+硫酸钾镁(K2)和CK+硫酸钾+硫酸镁(K1M)各处... 以黄棕壤为试材,通过盆栽试验研究不同肥料及用量对小白菜(Brassica chinesis)产量、品质及养分吸收的影响,为硫酸钾镁肥在蔬菜上的应用提供参考。结果表明:1CK+硫酸钾(K1)、CK+硫酸钾镁(K2)和CK+硫酸钾+硫酸镁(K1M)各处理水平下,小白菜鲜重比对照(CK)分别提高14.70%-80.97%、52.16%-69.54%、12.89%-54.21%,硫酸镁(M)处理下小白菜生长受到抑制。各用量下K2处理小白菜产量、单位养分产出及产投效益最高。2施钾可明显促进小白菜可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白和VC的积累。当施钾低于0.30 g/kg时,K1、K2处理下可溶性糖含量较高,且与K1M之间差别不大。施镁可提高小白菜可溶性蛋白和VC含量,可溶性蛋白质含量为K1M〉K2〉K1〉M,VC含量为K1、K2处理显著高于K1M处理。小白菜植株硝酸盐的积累受施肥量的影响较小,而随施肥种类变化差异较大,与CK相比,施钾显著降低硝酸盐含量,施镁却促进硝酸盐的积累,钾、镁共存时硝酸盐积累量较大。3施钾能促进小白菜植株对钾的吸收,抑制对钙的吸收。 展开更多
关键词 硫酸钾镁 小白菜(Brassica chinesis) 产量 品质 养分吸收
契理契机:佛教中国化的内在机理 被引量:1
作者 俞学明 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第2期24-29,共6页
“佛教中国化”是国际学界共同打造的关于文明互动、宗教传播、文化交流互鉴的一个研究范式,也是解读佛教与中国文化之间关系的一把钥匙。“契理契机”本来是中国佛教界在解释“修多罗”(契经)译名时,以众生根性为基础解释教化方式差异... “佛教中国化”是国际学界共同打造的关于文明互动、宗教传播、文化交流互鉴的一个研究范式,也是解读佛教与中国文化之间关系的一把钥匙。“契理契机”本来是中国佛教界在解释“修多罗”(契经)译名时,以众生根性为基础解释教化方式差异性的理由,后来成为理解佛教中国化的内在理路。作为不同文明相遇、宗教本土化的成功案例,“佛教中国化”首先是佛教界自身的任务,需实现“佛教认同”和“中国认同”,前者是“契佛教之理”,后者有两层涵义:一则通过契合“此时”“此地”“此人”“此境”的“契中国之机”,达成佛教在中国的四化——时代化、本土化、特色化、处境化;二则顺应中国的治理体系,实现佛教与中国治道的兼容。“佛教中国化”是求同存异,但不是简单的求与中华文化之“同”,也不是简单的凸显与中华文化之“异”,而是打通同异,在保留佛教特质(契理)的同时,形成与中华文化(契机)相容、互益的中国佛教形式,因而需要完成三个任务:其一,从历史上看,来自异域的佛教,与中华文明已有的核心元素和根本特征相容和生;其二,佛教融入中国文化,在中国文化体系中有自己独特的地位和功能,能进入并成为中华文明的整体构成;其三,佛教需与与时俱进的中国文化保持基本同步的发展节奏。“契理契机”是佛教中国化的内在机理,也是佛教实现时代转型的基本原则。 展开更多
关键词 佛教中国化 宗教中国化 契理契机 中国佛教
作者 王斌 赵金荣 +3 位作者 张腾霄 赵洪波 郭妍瑶 齐琦 《湖北农业科学》 2020年第22期139-141,共3页
分别以库拉索芦荟(Aloe barbadensis Mill.)和中华芦荟(Aloe vera L.var.Chinesis)老叶、中叶、嫩叶的整个叶片及叶片中间凝胶部分为样品,比较2种芦荟不同部位的抗氧化酶活性。结果表明,库拉索芦荟、中华芦荟不同部位抗氧化酶间活性差... 分别以库拉索芦荟(Aloe barbadensis Mill.)和中华芦荟(Aloe vera L.var.Chinesis)老叶、中叶、嫩叶的整个叶片及叶片中间凝胶部分为样品,比较2种芦荟不同部位的抗氧化酶活性。结果表明,库拉索芦荟、中华芦荟不同部位抗氧化酶间活性差异较大。库拉索芦荟超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性最高部位分别是老叶中间凝胶、中叶整个叶片、老叶整个叶片;中华芦荟SOD、CAT、POD活性最高部位分别是嫩叶中间凝胶、老叶整个叶片、老叶整个叶片。结合生物学产量,开发应用SOD方面,应以2种芦荟中叶中间凝胶为原料;开发应用CAT和POD方面,应以2种芦荟老叶整个叶片为原料。 展开更多
关键词 库拉索芦荟(Aloe barbadensis Mill.) 中华芦荟(Aloe vera L.var.chinesis) 超氧化物歧化酶 过氧化氢酶 过氧化物酶
Antioxidant effects of the orientin and vitexin in Trollius chinensis Bunge in D-galactose-aged mice 被引量:21
作者 Fang An Guodong Yang +1 位作者 Jiaming Tian Shuhua Wang 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第33期2565-2575,共11页
Total flavonoids are the main pharmaceutical components of Trollius chinensis Bunge, and orientin and vitexin are the monomer components of total flavonoids in Trollius chinensis Bunge. In this study, an aged mouse mo... Total flavonoids are the main pharmaceutical components of Trollius chinensis Bunge, and orientin and vitexin are the monomer components of total flavonoids in Trollius chinensis Bunge. In this study, an aged mouse model was established through intraperitoneal injection of D-galactose for 8 weeks, followed by treatment with 40, 20, or 10 mg/kg orientin, vitexin, or a positive control (vitamin E) via intragastric administration for an additional 8 weeks. Orientin, vitexin, and vitamin E improved the general medical status of the aging mice and significantly increased their brain weights. They also produced an obvious rise in total antioxidant capacity, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase levels in the serum, and the levels of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase, Na+-K+-ATP enzyme, and Ca2+-Mg2+-ATP enzyme in the liver, brain and kidneys. In addition, they significantly reduced malondialdehyde levels in the liver, brain and kidney and lipofuscin levels in the brain. They also significantly improved the neuronal ultrastructure. The 40 mg/kg dose of orientin and vitexin had the same antioxidant capacity as vitamin E. These experimental findings indicate that orientin and vitexin engender anti-aging effects through their antioxidant capacities. 展开更多
关键词 Trollius chinesis Bunge orientin vitexin total flavonoids in Trollius
A novel translabial platform utilizing bioexcipients from Litchi chinesis for the delivery of rosiglitazone maleate
作者 N.V.Satheesh Madhav Abhay Pratap Yadav 《Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B》 SCIE CAS 2013年第6期408-415,共8页
The aim of this study was to formulate drug-loaded bio-lipstrips using novel bioexcipients isolated from the fruit pulp of Litchi chinesis(biomaterial L)and to explore the potentiality of lip skin as a novel translabi... The aim of this study was to formulate drug-loaded bio-lipstrips using novel bioexcipients isolated from the fruit pulp of Litchi chinesis(biomaterial L)and to explore the potentiality of lip skin as a novel translabial drug delivery system.The biomaterial,prepared by a simplified economical process and purified by hot dialysis,was subjected to various physicochemical evaluations along with spectral analysis including UV,FT-IR,Mass and ^(1)H NMR.The lipstrip formulated with the novel bioexcipients was screened for its functional properties,including filmability using a film-casting method,and bio/mucoadhesitivity using a shear-stress method,the Park and Robinson method and a rotating cylinder method.Rosiglitazone-loaded bio-lipstrips were formulated by using biomaterial L as a strip former and dextrose as a flexicizer.The formulated strips were subjected to various evaluations,including thickness,folding endurance,in-vitro release and in-vivo release.The release of rosiglitazone maleate was maintained over 24 h,which was confirmed in in-vitro and in-vivo release experiments.Our results reveal that this biopolymer possesses promising stripability as well as bio-adhesitivity.The formulated bio-lipstrips are feasible for delivering rosiglitazone maleate by translabial administration. 展开更多
关键词 Translabial ROSIGLITAZONE Litchi chinesis STRIP Bio-polymer
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