为研究调谐质量阻尼器(tuned mass damper,简称TMD)在控制轨道箱梁结构振动中的应用,以高速动车组和CRTS-Ⅱ型板式无砟轨道-箱梁结构为原型,设计制作了几何相似比为10∶1的车-轨-桥耦合振动缩尺模型系统,分析了TMD在不同质量比、不同位...为研究调谐质量阻尼器(tuned mass damper,简称TMD)在控制轨道箱梁结构振动中的应用,以高速动车组和CRTS-Ⅱ型板式无砟轨道-箱梁结构为原型,设计制作了几何相似比为10∶1的车-轨-桥耦合振动缩尺模型系统,分析了TMD在不同质量比、不同位置以及不同安装数量等工况下对箱梁顶板和翼板的减振效果。结果表明:TMD质量比为0.02时减振效果优于质量比为0.01时的减振效果,在考虑结构安全及经济性的条件下,可优先选择质量比更大的TMD;不同TMD安装位置对箱梁各部件的减振效果不同,安装TMD的板件处振动响应得到了明显抑制;安装2个TMD对箱梁结构的减振效果优于安装1个TMD,其减振范围也有所提升。研究结论可为高架轨道箱梁结构的减振设计提供参考。展开更多
为研究多重调谐质量阻尼器(Multiple Tuned Mass Damper,MTMD)抑制桥梁单阶涡振的性能,建立桥梁结构-MTMD系统竖弯涡振广义单自由度动力方程,以某大跨度悬索桥为背景进行MTMD减振控制效果和参数优化分析。采用数值方法求解动力方程,获...为研究多重调谐质量阻尼器(Multiple Tuned Mass Damper,MTMD)抑制桥梁单阶涡振的性能,建立桥梁结构-MTMD系统竖弯涡振广义单自由度动力方程,以某大跨度悬索桥为背景进行MTMD减振控制效果和参数优化分析。采用数值方法求解动力方程,获得系统在简谐涡激力下达到稳态谐振时结构的动力放大系数和MTMD对结构的附加模态阻尼比,并与单一频率调谐质量阻尼器(Single Tuned Mass Damper,STMD)的减振控制效果进行对比,然后以附加模态阻尼比为目标对MTMD进行参数优化。结果表明:MTMD比最优参数STMD拥有更宽的控制频带和更好的减振效果,经优化后的MTMD减振性能优于最优参数STMD。实际应用MTMD时,应选择较大广义质量、5~7种频率规格,并根据二者找到无量纲频率范围和各TMD阻尼比的惟一最优取值。展开更多
大型化工管道受管内流体流动、边界约束、振源激励等复杂因素影响,服役期间往往会发生振动,其振动频率相较于土木结构较高,且可能存在多个主要频率成分.若采用单一频率的调谐质量阻尼器(Tuned Mass Damper,TMD),难以达到理想的控制效果...大型化工管道受管内流体流动、边界约束、振源激励等复杂因素影响,服役期间往往会发生振动,其振动频率相较于土木结构较高,且可能存在多个主要频率成分.若采用单一频率的调谐质量阻尼器(Tuned Mass Damper,TMD),难以达到理想的控制效果,而采用多重调谐质量阻尼器(Multiple Tuned Mass Damper,MTMD)时,受现场条件限制,又存在无法确定最优安装位置等问题.本文开展了基于MTMD的管道倍频响应减振研究.首先,开展了某化工企业丙烷脱氢装置的大型管道现场实测研究,发现管道振动频率存在明显的倍数关系,即倍频现象.其次,建立局部管道有限元模型,分析管道动力特性,提出了基于数值搜索法的MTMD参数设计方法.最后,考虑化工管道现场安装条件的限制,研究了MTMD安装位置对管道减振效果的影响.数值研究结果表明,安装MTMD可有效减小管道振动响应.展开更多
为研究桥梁抗风型调谐质量阻尼器(tuned mass damper, TMD)对车辆荷载引起结构振动的减振效果,并揭示车载作用下的TMD激振机理,提出了基于模态动能演化的多自由度结构TMD控制方法,确定了安装TMD的最优设计参数和布设位置;考虑桥梁有限...为研究桥梁抗风型调谐质量阻尼器(tuned mass damper, TMD)对车辆荷载引起结构振动的减振效果,并揭示车载作用下的TMD激振机理,提出了基于模态动能演化的多自由度结构TMD控制方法,确定了安装TMD的最优设计参数和布设位置;考虑桥梁有限元模型动力求解的通用性,基于桥梁三维动力分析系统BDANS软件建立了车-桥-TMD动力耦合分析系统;以经典单自由度移动弹簧质量过简支梁模型为研究对象,分析了车-桥-TMD系统振动特性,结合某深水区非通航桥梁抗风型TMD工程实例分析了TMD对车致振动的减振效果和机理。研究结果表明:TMD行程幅值与减振效果呈现正相关特点,即行程幅值越大对车-桥动力效应引起的振动减振效果越好;安装TMD可以显著提高结构的等效阻尼比,满足等效阻尼比>1%的工程需求,提高桥梁结构振动的稳定性;TMD在一定条件下可以减小车辆通过时引发桥梁竖向位移冲击效应,最大可减少3%左右;TMD对车-桥2个子系统的加速度瞬态峰值均起到了一定的抑制效果,尤其对桥梁结构竖向振动加速度作用效果明显,安装TMD后的桥梁跨中竖向振动加速度RMS值减少约20%;对大跨钢箱桥梁而言,相比较小的车辆荷载冲击效应,一阶竖弯呈邻跨反对称特性的桥梁结构在车辆通行过程中更容易激起TMD,使桥梁结构获得更佳的减振效果。展开更多
为了解决传统式调谐质量阻尼器(tuned mass damper, TMD)在控制低频桥梁结构中弹簧静伸长过长的问题,介绍了滑轮式TMD及其用于结构振动控制时的特点,指出滑轮式TMD可以有效减小弹簧静伸长量。以一座人行景观桥为例,研究了采用气动措施...为了解决传统式调谐质量阻尼器(tuned mass damper, TMD)在控制低频桥梁结构中弹簧静伸长过长的问题,介绍了滑轮式TMD及其用于结构振动控制时的特点,指出滑轮式TMD可以有效减小弹簧静伸长量。以一座人行景观桥为例,研究了采用气动措施和滑轮式TMD对该桥的涡振控制效果。风洞试验结果显示,在最优气动措施下,主梁的涡振振幅减少了一半以上,但仍未达到行人舒适性要求。基于Scanlan线性涡激力模型进行滑轮式TMD的优化设计,在气动措施的基础上进一步辅以滑轮式TMD进行涡振控制。分析结果表明,气动措施结合滑轮式TMD进行涡振控制能够满足行人舒适性要求,并确保滑轮式TMD质量块的工作行程不超过限值。通过同时采用气动措施和滑轮式TMD,可以满足主梁涡振限值、TMD弹簧静伸长量和工作行程等多重要求,从而有效控制主梁的涡振现象。本文提出的混合控制方案为类似工程中的涡振控制提供了有益参考,可为工程实践提供指导。展开更多
针对调谐质量阻尼器(tuned mass damper,TMD)系统应用于轻型结构时易失调从而导致减振效果下降的问题,提出了一种新型形状记忆合金半主动TMD系统。该系统利用钢索悬吊质量块并承担其全部重量,使用有效截面为矩形的大尺寸镍钛形状记忆合...针对调谐质量阻尼器(tuned mass damper,TMD)系统应用于轻型结构时易失调从而导致减振效果下降的问题,提出了一种新型形状记忆合金半主动TMD系统。该系统利用钢索悬吊质量块并承担其全部重量,使用有效截面为矩形的大尺寸镍钛形状记忆合金棒材,提供TMD系统水平面2个方向不同的抗弯刚度。为了研究该系统的半主动性能,进行了足尺形状记忆合金半主动TMD系统的自由振动试验,通过改变形状记忆合金的工作温度,研究了温度变化对TMD系统频率及阻尼比的影响。研究结果表明,控制形状记忆合金工作温度从-40~+80℃,TMD系统的频率随温度升高呈现升高趋势,而阻尼比随温度升高呈现下降趋势。将该新型形状记忆合金半主动TMD系统应用于受控结构中,一旦TMD失调,可以通过改变形状记忆合金的温度使其重新调谐。因此,设计的新型形状记忆合金TMD系统在轻型结构减振研究中具有一定的工程应用价值和前景。展开更多
针对调谐质量阻尼器(Tuned Mass Damper,TMD)通常需要较大的附加质量,安装空间受限以及质量块运动时需要较大的行程等问题,基于平动‐转动运动形式相互转化和能量守恒原理,本文提出了利用转动惯量虚拟平动惯性质量的TMD控制系统(Rotary ...针对调谐质量阻尼器(Tuned Mass Damper,TMD)通常需要较大的附加质量,安装空间受限以及质量块运动时需要较大的行程等问题,基于平动‐转动运动形式相互转化和能量守恒原理,本文提出了利用转动惯量虚拟平动惯性质量的TMD控制系统(Rotary inertia virtualizing translational mass based Tuned Mass Damper,简称RTMD),进行RTMD控制系统的设计概念,以单自由度结构对象为例建立了附加RTMD控制系统的运动方程,分析了RTMD控制系统参数对结构振动控制效果的影响规律。结果表明控制效果与系统的质量比、惯质比、阻尼比等参数密切相关,相关规律也可以推广到一般多自由度结构体系一阶振动的调谐吸振减振控制。进行了模型振动台试验研究,时域分析和频域分析结果均表明,试验结果与基于理论模型的数值分析结果一致性良好,验证了RTMD控制系统理论模型的正确性、设计参数的合理性以及控制系统应用于实际问题的可行性。展开更多
Vertical mass isolation(VMI)is one of the novel methods for the seismic control of structures.In this method,the entire structure is assumed to consist of two mass and stiffness subsystems,and an isolated layer is loc...Vertical mass isolation(VMI)is one of the novel methods for the seismic control of structures.In this method,the entire structure is assumed to consist of two mass and stiffness subsystems,and an isolated layer is located among them.In this study,the magnetorheological damper in three modes:passive-off,passive-on,and semi-active mode with variable voltage between zero and 9 volts was used as an isolated layer between two subsystems.Multi-degrees-of-freedom structures with 5,10,and 15 floors in two dimensions were examined under 11 pairs of near field earthquakes.On each level,the displacement of MR dampers was taken into account.The responses of maximum displacement,maximum inter-story drift,and maximum base shear in controlled and uncontrolled buildings were compared to assess the suggested approach for seismic control of the structures.According to the results,the semi-active control method can reduce the response by more than 12%compared to the uncontrolled mode in terms of maximum displacement of the mass subsystem of the structures.This method can reduce more than 16%and 20%of the responses compared to the uncontrolled mode in terms of maximum inter-story drift and base shear of the structure,respectively.展开更多
Low damping characteristics have always been a key sticking points in the development of gas bearings.The application of squeeze film dampers can significantly improve the damping performance of gas lubricated bearing...Low damping characteristics have always been a key sticking points in the development of gas bearings.The application of squeeze film dampers can significantly improve the damping performance of gas lubricated bearings.This paper proposed a novel hermetic diaphragm squeeze film damper(HDSFD)for oil-free turbomachinery supported by gas lubricated bearings.Several types of HDSFDs with symmetrical structure were proposed for good damping performance.By considering the compressibility of the damper fluid,based on hydraulic fluid mechanics theory,a dynamic model of HDSFDs under medium is proposed,which successfully reflects the frequency dependence of force coefficients.Based on the dynamic model,the effects of damper fluid viscosity,bulk modulus of damper fluid,thickness of damper fluid film and plunger thickness on the dynamic stiffness and damping of HDSFDs were analyzed.An experimental test rig was assembled and series of experimental studies on HDSFDs were conducted.The damper fluid transverse flow is added to the existing HDSFD concept,which aims to make the dynamic force coefficients independent of frequency.Although the force coefficient is still frequency dependent,the damping coefficient at high frequency excitation with damper fluid supply twice as that without damper fluid supply.The results serve as a benchmark for the calibration of analytical tools under development.展开更多
With the rapid development of large megawatt wind turbines,the operation environment of wind turbine towers(WTTs)has become increasingly complex.In particular,seismic excitation can create a resonance response and cau...With the rapid development of large megawatt wind turbines,the operation environment of wind turbine towers(WTTs)has become increasingly complex.In particular,seismic excitation can create a resonance response and cause excessive vibration of the WTT.To investigate the vibration attenuation performance of the WTT under seismic excitations,a novel passive vibration control device,called a prestressed tuned mass damper(PS-TMD),is presented in this study.First,a mathematical model is established based on structural dynamics under seismic excitation.Then,the mathematical analytical expression of the dynamic coefficient is deduced,and the parameter design method is obtained by system tuning optimization.Next,based on a theoretical analysis and parameter design,the numerical results showed that the PS-TMD was able to effectively mitigate the resonance under the harmonic basal acceleration.Finally,the time-history analysis method is used to verify the effectiveness of the traditional pendulum tuned mass damper(PTMD)and the novel PS-TMD device,and the results indicate that the vibration attenuation performance of the PS-TMD is better than the PTMD.In addition,the PS-TMD avoids the nonlinear effect due to the large oscillation angle,and has the potential to dissipate hysteretic energy under seismic excitation.展开更多
Eddy current dampers (ECDs) have emerged as highly desirable solutions for vibration control due to theirexceptional damping performance and durability. However, the existing constitutive models present challenges tot...Eddy current dampers (ECDs) have emerged as highly desirable solutions for vibration control due to theirexceptional damping performance and durability. However, the existing constitutive models present challenges tothe widespread implementation of ECD technology, and there is limited availability of finite element analysis (FEA)software capable of accurately modeling the behavior of ECDs. This study addresses these issues by developing anewconstitutivemodel that is both easily understandable and user-friendly for FEAsoftware. By utilizing numericalresults obtained from electromagnetic FEA, a novel power law constitutive model is proposed to capture thenonlinear behavior of ECDs. The effectiveness of the power law constitutive model is validated throughmechanicalproperty tests and numerical seismic analysis. Furthermore, a detailed description of the application process ofthe power law constitutive model in ANSYS FEA software is provided. To facilitate the preliminary design ofECDs, an analytical derivation of energy dissipation and parameter optimization for ECDs under harmonicmotionis performed. The results demonstrate that the power law constitutive model serves as a viable alternative forconducting dynamic analysis using FEA and optimizing parameters for ECDs.展开更多
In order to improve the seismic performance of adjacent buildings,two types of tuned inerter damper(TID)damping systems for adjacent buildings are proposed,which are composed of springs,inerter devices and dampers in ...In order to improve the seismic performance of adjacent buildings,two types of tuned inerter damper(TID)damping systems for adjacent buildings are proposed,which are composed of springs,inerter devices and dampers in serial or in parallel.The dynamic equations of TID adjacent building damping systems were derived,and the H2 norm criterion was used to optimize and adjust them,so that the system had the optimum damping performance under white noise random excitation.Taking TID frequency ratio and damping ratio as optimization parameters,the optimum analytical solutions of the displacement frequency response of the undamped structure under white noise excitation were obtained.The results showed that compared with the classic TMD,TID could obtain a better damping effect in the adjacent buildings.Comparing the TIDs composed of serial or parallel,it was found that the parallel TIDs had more significant advantages in controlling the peak displacement frequency response,while the H2 norm of the displacement frequency response of the damping system under the coupling of serial TID was smaller.Taking the adjacent building composed of two ten-story frame structures as an example,the displacement and energy collection time history analysis of the adjacent building coupled with the optimum design parameter TIDs were carried out.It was found that TID had a better damping effect in the full-time range compared with the classic TMD.This paper also studied the potential power of TID in adjacent buildings,which can be converted into available power resources during earthquakes.展开更多
文摘为研究调谐质量阻尼器(tuned mass damper,简称TMD)在控制轨道箱梁结构振动中的应用,以高速动车组和CRTS-Ⅱ型板式无砟轨道-箱梁结构为原型,设计制作了几何相似比为10∶1的车-轨-桥耦合振动缩尺模型系统,分析了TMD在不同质量比、不同位置以及不同安装数量等工况下对箱梁顶板和翼板的减振效果。结果表明:TMD质量比为0.02时减振效果优于质量比为0.01时的减振效果,在考虑结构安全及经济性的条件下,可优先选择质量比更大的TMD;不同TMD安装位置对箱梁各部件的减振效果不同,安装TMD的板件处振动响应得到了明显抑制;安装2个TMD对箱梁结构的减振效果优于安装1个TMD,其减振范围也有所提升。研究结论可为高架轨道箱梁结构的减振设计提供参考。
文摘为研究多重调谐质量阻尼器(Multiple Tuned Mass Damper,MTMD)抑制桥梁单阶涡振的性能,建立桥梁结构-MTMD系统竖弯涡振广义单自由度动力方程,以某大跨度悬索桥为背景进行MTMD减振控制效果和参数优化分析。采用数值方法求解动力方程,获得系统在简谐涡激力下达到稳态谐振时结构的动力放大系数和MTMD对结构的附加模态阻尼比,并与单一频率调谐质量阻尼器(Single Tuned Mass Damper,STMD)的减振控制效果进行对比,然后以附加模态阻尼比为目标对MTMD进行参数优化。结果表明:MTMD比最优参数STMD拥有更宽的控制频带和更好的减振效果,经优化后的MTMD减振性能优于最优参数STMD。实际应用MTMD时,应选择较大广义质量、5~7种频率规格,并根据二者找到无量纲频率范围和各TMD阻尼比的惟一最优取值。
文摘大型化工管道受管内流体流动、边界约束、振源激励等复杂因素影响,服役期间往往会发生振动,其振动频率相较于土木结构较高,且可能存在多个主要频率成分.若采用单一频率的调谐质量阻尼器(Tuned Mass Damper,TMD),难以达到理想的控制效果,而采用多重调谐质量阻尼器(Multiple Tuned Mass Damper,MTMD)时,受现场条件限制,又存在无法确定最优安装位置等问题.本文开展了基于MTMD的管道倍频响应减振研究.首先,开展了某化工企业丙烷脱氢装置的大型管道现场实测研究,发现管道振动频率存在明显的倍数关系,即倍频现象.其次,建立局部管道有限元模型,分析管道动力特性,提出了基于数值搜索法的MTMD参数设计方法.最后,考虑化工管道现场安装条件的限制,研究了MTMD安装位置对管道减振效果的影响.数值研究结果表明,安装MTMD可有效减小管道振动响应.
文摘为研究桥梁抗风型调谐质量阻尼器(tuned mass damper, TMD)对车辆荷载引起结构振动的减振效果,并揭示车载作用下的TMD激振机理,提出了基于模态动能演化的多自由度结构TMD控制方法,确定了安装TMD的最优设计参数和布设位置;考虑桥梁有限元模型动力求解的通用性,基于桥梁三维动力分析系统BDANS软件建立了车-桥-TMD动力耦合分析系统;以经典单自由度移动弹簧质量过简支梁模型为研究对象,分析了车-桥-TMD系统振动特性,结合某深水区非通航桥梁抗风型TMD工程实例分析了TMD对车致振动的减振效果和机理。研究结果表明:TMD行程幅值与减振效果呈现正相关特点,即行程幅值越大对车-桥动力效应引起的振动减振效果越好;安装TMD可以显著提高结构的等效阻尼比,满足等效阻尼比>1%的工程需求,提高桥梁结构振动的稳定性;TMD在一定条件下可以减小车辆通过时引发桥梁竖向位移冲击效应,最大可减少3%左右;TMD对车-桥2个子系统的加速度瞬态峰值均起到了一定的抑制效果,尤其对桥梁结构竖向振动加速度作用效果明显,安装TMD后的桥梁跨中竖向振动加速度RMS值减少约20%;对大跨钢箱桥梁而言,相比较小的车辆荷载冲击效应,一阶竖弯呈邻跨反对称特性的桥梁结构在车辆通行过程中更容易激起TMD,使桥梁结构获得更佳的减振效果。
文摘为了解决传统式调谐质量阻尼器(tuned mass damper, TMD)在控制低频桥梁结构中弹簧静伸长过长的问题,介绍了滑轮式TMD及其用于结构振动控制时的特点,指出滑轮式TMD可以有效减小弹簧静伸长量。以一座人行景观桥为例,研究了采用气动措施和滑轮式TMD对该桥的涡振控制效果。风洞试验结果显示,在最优气动措施下,主梁的涡振振幅减少了一半以上,但仍未达到行人舒适性要求。基于Scanlan线性涡激力模型进行滑轮式TMD的优化设计,在气动措施的基础上进一步辅以滑轮式TMD进行涡振控制。分析结果表明,气动措施结合滑轮式TMD进行涡振控制能够满足行人舒适性要求,并确保滑轮式TMD质量块的工作行程不超过限值。通过同时采用气动措施和滑轮式TMD,可以满足主梁涡振限值、TMD弹簧静伸长量和工作行程等多重要求,从而有效控制主梁的涡振现象。本文提出的混合控制方案为类似工程中的涡振控制提供了有益参考,可为工程实践提供指导。
文摘针对调谐质量阻尼器(tuned mass damper,TMD)系统应用于轻型结构时易失调从而导致减振效果下降的问题,提出了一种新型形状记忆合金半主动TMD系统。该系统利用钢索悬吊质量块并承担其全部重量,使用有效截面为矩形的大尺寸镍钛形状记忆合金棒材,提供TMD系统水平面2个方向不同的抗弯刚度。为了研究该系统的半主动性能,进行了足尺形状记忆合金半主动TMD系统的自由振动试验,通过改变形状记忆合金的工作温度,研究了温度变化对TMD系统频率及阻尼比的影响。研究结果表明,控制形状记忆合金工作温度从-40~+80℃,TMD系统的频率随温度升高呈现升高趋势,而阻尼比随温度升高呈现下降趋势。将该新型形状记忆合金半主动TMD系统应用于受控结构中,一旦TMD失调,可以通过改变形状记忆合金的温度使其重新调谐。因此,设计的新型形状记忆合金TMD系统在轻型结构减振研究中具有一定的工程应用价值和前景。
文摘针对调谐质量阻尼器(Tuned Mass Damper,TMD)通常需要较大的附加质量,安装空间受限以及质量块运动时需要较大的行程等问题,基于平动‐转动运动形式相互转化和能量守恒原理,本文提出了利用转动惯量虚拟平动惯性质量的TMD控制系统(Rotary inertia virtualizing translational mass based Tuned Mass Damper,简称RTMD),进行RTMD控制系统的设计概念,以单自由度结构对象为例建立了附加RTMD控制系统的运动方程,分析了RTMD控制系统参数对结构振动控制效果的影响规律。结果表明控制效果与系统的质量比、惯质比、阻尼比等参数密切相关,相关规律也可以推广到一般多自由度结构体系一阶振动的调谐吸振减振控制。进行了模型振动台试验研究,时域分析和频域分析结果均表明,试验结果与基于理论模型的数值分析结果一致性良好,验证了RTMD控制系统理论模型的正确性、设计参数的合理性以及控制系统应用于实际问题的可行性。
文摘Vertical mass isolation(VMI)is one of the novel methods for the seismic control of structures.In this method,the entire structure is assumed to consist of two mass and stiffness subsystems,and an isolated layer is located among them.In this study,the magnetorheological damper in three modes:passive-off,passive-on,and semi-active mode with variable voltage between zero and 9 volts was used as an isolated layer between two subsystems.Multi-degrees-of-freedom structures with 5,10,and 15 floors in two dimensions were examined under 11 pairs of near field earthquakes.On each level,the displacement of MR dampers was taken into account.The responses of maximum displacement,maximum inter-story drift,and maximum base shear in controlled and uncontrolled buildings were compared to assess the suggested approach for seismic control of the structures.According to the results,the semi-active control method can reduce the response by more than 12%compared to the uncontrolled mode in terms of maximum displacement of the mass subsystem of the structures.This method can reduce more than 16%and 20%of the responses compared to the uncontrolled mode in terms of maximum inter-story drift and base shear of the structure,respectively.
基金Supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No.2021YFF0600208)National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.52005170)Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Innovation Program of China (Grant No.2020RC4018)。
文摘Low damping characteristics have always been a key sticking points in the development of gas bearings.The application of squeeze film dampers can significantly improve the damping performance of gas lubricated bearings.This paper proposed a novel hermetic diaphragm squeeze film damper(HDSFD)for oil-free turbomachinery supported by gas lubricated bearings.Several types of HDSFDs with symmetrical structure were proposed for good damping performance.By considering the compressibility of the damper fluid,based on hydraulic fluid mechanics theory,a dynamic model of HDSFDs under medium is proposed,which successfully reflects the frequency dependence of force coefficients.Based on the dynamic model,the effects of damper fluid viscosity,bulk modulus of damper fluid,thickness of damper fluid film and plunger thickness on the dynamic stiffness and damping of HDSFDs were analyzed.An experimental test rig was assembled and series of experimental studies on HDSFDs were conducted.The damper fluid transverse flow is added to the existing HDSFD concept,which aims to make the dynamic force coefficients independent of frequency.Although the force coefficient is still frequency dependent,the damping coefficient at high frequency excitation with damper fluid supply twice as that without damper fluid supply.The results serve as a benchmark for the calibration of analytical tools under development.
基金Fundamental Research Funds for the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.52078084the Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing (cstc2021jcyj-msxmX0623)+2 种基金the 111 project of the Ministry of Educationthe Bureau of Foreign Experts of China under Grant No.B18062China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant No.2021M690838。
文摘With the rapid development of large megawatt wind turbines,the operation environment of wind turbine towers(WTTs)has become increasingly complex.In particular,seismic excitation can create a resonance response and cause excessive vibration of the WTT.To investigate the vibration attenuation performance of the WTT under seismic excitations,a novel passive vibration control device,called a prestressed tuned mass damper(PS-TMD),is presented in this study.First,a mathematical model is established based on structural dynamics under seismic excitation.Then,the mathematical analytical expression of the dynamic coefficient is deduced,and the parameter design method is obtained by system tuning optimization.Next,based on a theoretical analysis and parameter design,the numerical results showed that the PS-TMD was able to effectively mitigate the resonance under the harmonic basal acceleration.Finally,the time-history analysis method is used to verify the effectiveness of the traditional pendulum tuned mass damper(PTMD)and the novel PS-TMD device,and the results indicate that the vibration attenuation performance of the PS-TMD is better than the PTMD.In addition,the PS-TMD avoids the nonlinear effect due to the large oscillation angle,and has the potential to dissipate hysteretic energy under seismic excitation.
文摘Eddy current dampers (ECDs) have emerged as highly desirable solutions for vibration control due to theirexceptional damping performance and durability. However, the existing constitutive models present challenges tothe widespread implementation of ECD technology, and there is limited availability of finite element analysis (FEA)software capable of accurately modeling the behavior of ECDs. This study addresses these issues by developing anewconstitutivemodel that is both easily understandable and user-friendly for FEAsoftware. By utilizing numericalresults obtained from electromagnetic FEA, a novel power law constitutive model is proposed to capture thenonlinear behavior of ECDs. The effectiveness of the power law constitutive model is validated throughmechanicalproperty tests and numerical seismic analysis. Furthermore, a detailed description of the application process ofthe power law constitutive model in ANSYS FEA software is provided. To facilitate the preliminary design ofECDs, an analytical derivation of energy dissipation and parameter optimization for ECDs under harmonicmotionis performed. The results demonstrate that the power law constitutive model serves as a viable alternative forconducting dynamic analysis using FEA and optimizing parameters for ECDs.
基金This research was funded by the Natural Science Research Project of Higher Education Institutions in Anhui Province(Grant No.2022AH040045)the Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation(Grant No.2008085QE245)the Project of Science and Technology Plan of Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Anhui Province(Grant No.2021-YF22).
文摘In order to improve the seismic performance of adjacent buildings,two types of tuned inerter damper(TID)damping systems for adjacent buildings are proposed,which are composed of springs,inerter devices and dampers in serial or in parallel.The dynamic equations of TID adjacent building damping systems were derived,and the H2 norm criterion was used to optimize and adjust them,so that the system had the optimum damping performance under white noise random excitation.Taking TID frequency ratio and damping ratio as optimization parameters,the optimum analytical solutions of the displacement frequency response of the undamped structure under white noise excitation were obtained.The results showed that compared with the classic TMD,TID could obtain a better damping effect in the adjacent buildings.Comparing the TIDs composed of serial or parallel,it was found that the parallel TIDs had more significant advantages in controlling the peak displacement frequency response,while the H2 norm of the displacement frequency response of the damping system under the coupling of serial TID was smaller.Taking the adjacent building composed of two ten-story frame structures as an example,the displacement and energy collection time history analysis of the adjacent building coupled with the optimum design parameter TIDs were carried out.It was found that TID had a better damping effect in the full-time range compared with the classic TMD.This paper also studied the potential power of TID in adjacent buildings,which can be converted into available power resources during earthquakes.