Earthquake-induced soil liquefaction poses significant risks to the stability of geotechnical structures worldwide.An understanding of the liquefaction triggering,and the post-failure large deformation behaviour is es...Earthquake-induced soil liquefaction poses significant risks to the stability of geotechnical structures worldwide.An understanding of the liquefaction triggering,and the post-failure large deformation behaviour is essential for designing resilient infrastructure.The present study develops a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics(SPH)framework for earthquake-induced liquefaction hazard assessment of geotechnical structures.The coupled flowdeformation behaviour of soils subjected to cyclic loading is described using the PM4Sand model implemented in a three-phase,single-layer SPH framework.A staggered discretisation scheme based on the stress particle SPH approach is adopted to minimise numerical inaccuracies caused by zero-energy modes and tensile instability.Further,non-reflecting boundary conditions for seismic analysis of semi-infinite soil domains using the SPH method are proposed.The numerical framework is employed for the analysis of cyclic direct simple shear test,seismic analysis of a level ground site,and liquefaction-induced failure of the Lower San Fernando Dam.Satisfactory agreement for liquefaction triggering and post-failure behaviour demonstrates that the SPH framework can be utilised to assess the effect of seismic loading on field-scale geotechnical structures.The present study also serves as the basis for future advancements of the SPH method for applications related to earthquake geotechnical engineering.展开更多
Landing spacecraft experience significant impact forces during landing,resulting in large deformation and failure in the soil surface,which severely affects landing safety and stability.This paper establishes a smooth...Landing spacecraft experience significant impact forces during landing,resulting in large deformation and failure in the soil surface,which severely affects landing safety and stability.This paper establishes a smoothed particle hydrodynamics(SPH)model based on the theory of soil elastoplastic constitutive relations to describe the process of a lander’s footpad impacting lunar regolith vertically.The model can provide engineering indices such as impact load and penetration depth,and illustrate the large deformation and crater characteristics of the regolith.A detailed analysis of the response of the footpad and lunar regolith during landing reveals that the process can be broadly divided into two stages of rapid penetration and oscillatory attenuation.Furthermore,there are significant similarities in the landing process under different landing velocities and footpad masses.The research investigates the large deformation and crater characteristics of the lunar regolith bed.The results demonstrate two failure modes in the regolith.Under the impact of a footpad with a smaller mass,the final failure surface of the regolith exhibits a bowl-shaped profile with a uniformly open mouth.In contrast,under the impact of a footpad with a larger mass,the final failure surface of the regolith presents an urn-shaped profile with a large abdomen and a small opening.However,the impact craters in both scenarios show a bowl-like distribution.In cases of high-velocity impacts,the impact crater exhibits obvious blocky spalling on its sides.The SPH model developed in this study can be applied to predict the large deformation and failure response of lunar soil under the impact of rigid structures as well as the impact load and penetration depth.It effectively predicts the dynamic response of the landing process,which is expected to provide a reference for engineering design.展开更多
The turnover of phosphorus (P) in lake sediments, a major cause of eutrophication and subsequent deterioration of water quality, is in need of deep understanding. In this study, effects of resuspension on P release ...The turnover of phosphorus (P) in lake sediments, a major cause of eutrophication and subsequent deterioration of water quality, is in need of deep understanding. In this study, effects of resuspension on P release were studied in cylindrical microcosms with Yshape apparatus. The results indicated that there was a positive correlation between flux of suspended substance across sediment-water interface (Fss) and the wind speed, and an increasing Fss during each wind process followed by a steady state. The maximal Fss under fight, moderate, and strong wind conditions were 299.9±41.1,573.4±61.7, and 2093.8±215.7 g/m^2, respectively. However, flux of P across sediment-water interface (Fp) did not follow a similar pattern as Fss responding to wind intensity, which increased and reached the maximum in initial 120 rain for fight wind, then decreased gradually, with maximal flux of 9.4±1.9 mg/m^2. A rapid increase of Fp at the first 30 rain was observed under moderate wind, with maximal flux of 11.2±0.6 mg/m^2. Surprisingly, strong wind caused less Fp than under light and moderate wind conditions with maximal flux of 3.5±0.9 mg/m^2. Fss in water column declined obviously during the sedimentation process after winds, but Fp varied with wind regime. No obvious difference was detected on Fp after 8 h sedimentation process, compared with the initial value, which means little redundant P left in the water column after winds.展开更多
随着电子设备日益微型化和集成化,热仿真已成为其设计中的关键因素。电子封装模块的热仿真通常使用传统的有限元法FEM(finite element method),存在计算效率和精度之间的矛盾,在处理大变形问题和网格畸变方面也容易造成计算不收敛,从而...随着电子设备日益微型化和集成化,热仿真已成为其设计中的关键因素。电子封装模块的热仿真通常使用传统的有限元法FEM(finite element method),存在计算效率和精度之间的矛盾,在处理大变形问题和网格畸变方面也容易造成计算不收敛,从而导致结果错误。针对该问题,提出一种基于光滑粒子动力学SPH(smoothed particle hydrodynamics)算法的电子封装模块热仿真系统。该算法基于无网格拉格朗日数值方法,通过将热仿真对象离散为1组粒子的方式求解热传导方程,从而准确地预测电子封装模块的传热与散热,无需生成并处理大量的微小网格,不用担心网格失真等问题。SPH相对于FEM,仿真精度误差保持在1%~2%,仿真效率可提升近30倍,适合用于复杂和动态系统的模拟仿真。展开更多
泥石流是我国西南山区常见的地质灾害。架空输电杆塔在泥石流的冲击下往往发生基础破坏甚至会造成杆塔倒塌。首先采用光滑粒子流体动力学(smoothed particle hydrodynamics,简称SPH)方法和有限元方法(finite element method,简称FEM)相...泥石流是我国西南山区常见的地质灾害。架空输电杆塔在泥石流的冲击下往往发生基础破坏甚至会造成杆塔倒塌。首先采用光滑粒子流体动力学(smoothed particle hydrodynamics,简称SPH)方法和有限元方法(finite element method,简称FEM)相耦合的三维数值方法模拟了泥石流对杆塔基础的冲击作用;在与相关模型试验结果验证的基础上,开展了不同泥石流密度、黏度系数及初始速度条件下对输电塔基础的冲击力作用的参数分析;研究结果表明:随着泥石流初始速度的增加,冲击力峰值会随之增大;前排基础的冲击力峰值均大于后排基础;泥石流冲击过程特性受到泥石流密度和黏度系数影响。与稀性泥石流相比:黏性泥石流冲击基础后,基础下游真空区相对要小;此外,将数值模拟结果与Kwan冲击力公式及铁二院推荐的冲击压力设计公式预测值进行对比分析可以发现:Kwan冲击力公式能较好地预测出基础所受泥石流冲击力的平均趋势,最大预测误差低于30%,铁二院公式预测的稀性和黏性泥石流的冲击压力平均偏低分别约17%和28%。相关研究结果有望为泥石流频发区域输电塔基础的设计和风险评估提供一定的参考依据。展开更多
Viscoelastic flows play an important role in numerous engineering fields,and the multiscale algorithms for simulating viscoelastic flows have received significant attention in order to deepen our understanding of the ...Viscoelastic flows play an important role in numerous engineering fields,and the multiscale algorithms for simulating viscoelastic flows have received significant attention in order to deepen our understanding of the nonlinear dynamic behaviors of viscoelastic fluids.However,traditional grid-based multiscale methods are confined to simple viscoelastic flows with short relaxation time,and there is a lack of uniform multiscale scheme available for coupling different solvers in the simulations of viscoelastic fluids.In this paper,a universal multiscale method coupling an improved smoothed particle hydrodynamics(SPH)and multiscale universal interface(MUI)library is presented for viscoelastic flows.The proposed multiscale method builds on an improved SPH method and leverages the MUI library to facilitate the exchange of information among different solvers in the overlapping domain.We test the capability and flexibility of the presented multiscale method to deal with complex viscoelastic flows by solving different multiscale problems of viscoelastic flows.In the first example,the simulation of a viscoelastic Poiseuille flow is carried out by two coupled improved SPH methods with different spatial resolutions.The effects of exchanging different physical quantities on the numerical results in both the upper and lower domains are also investigated as well as the absolute errors in the overlapping domain.In the second example,the complex Wannier flow with different Weissenberg numbers is further simulated by two improved SPH methods and coupling the improved SPH method and the dissipative particle dynamics(DPD)method.The numerical results show that the physical quantities for viscoelastic flows obtained by the presented multiscale method are in consistence with those obtained by a single solver in the overlapping domain.Moreover,transferring different physical quantities has an important effect on the numerical results.展开更多
Multimoment hydrodynamics equations are applied to investigate the phenomena of appearance and development of instability in problem on a flow around a solid sphere at rest. The simplest solution to the multimoment hy...Multimoment hydrodynamics equations are applied to investigate the phenomena of appearance and development of instability in problem on a flow around a solid sphere at rest. The simplest solution to the multimoment hydrodynamics equations coincides with the Stokes solution to the classic hydrodynamics equations in the limit of small Reynolds number values, . Solution ?to the multimoment hydrodynamics equations reproduces recirculating zone in the wake behind the sphere having the form of an axisymmetric toroidal vortex ring. The ?solution remains stable while the entropy production in the system exceeds the entropy outflow through the surface confining the system. The passage of the first critical value ?is accompanied by the ?solution stability loss. The ?solution, when loses its stability, reproduces periodic pulsations of the periphery of the recirculating zone in the wake behind the sphere. The ?and ?solutions to the multimoment hydrodynamics equations interpret a vortex shedding. After the second critical value ?is reached, the ?solution at the periphery of the recirculating zone and in the far wake is replaced by the ?solution. In accordance with the ?solution, the periphery of the recirculating zone periodically detached from the core and moves downstream in the form of a vortex ring. After the attainment of the third critical value , the ?solution at the periphery of the recirculating zone and in the far wake is replaced by the ?solution. In accordance with the ?solution, vortex rings penetrate into each other and form the continuous vortex sheet in the wake behind the sphere. The replacement of one unstable flow regime by another unstable regime is governed the tendency of the system to discover the fastest path to depart from the state of statistical equilibrium. Having lost the stability, the system does not reach a new stable position. Such a scenario differs from the ideas of classic hydrodynamics, which interprets the development of instability in terms of bifurcations from one stable state to another stable state. Solutions to the multimoment hydrodynamics equations indicate the direction of instability development, which qualitatively reproduces the experimental data in a wide range of Re values. The problems encountered by classic hydrodynamics when interpreting the observed instability development process are solved on the way toward an increase in the number of principle hydrodynamic values.展开更多
基金The insights gained through these works,particularly from projects IITD/IRD/CW14168,CW14469,and CW14378,have significantly contributed to the development of the analysis presented in this study。
文摘Earthquake-induced soil liquefaction poses significant risks to the stability of geotechnical structures worldwide.An understanding of the liquefaction triggering,and the post-failure large deformation behaviour is essential for designing resilient infrastructure.The present study develops a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics(SPH)framework for earthquake-induced liquefaction hazard assessment of geotechnical structures.The coupled flowdeformation behaviour of soils subjected to cyclic loading is described using the PM4Sand model implemented in a three-phase,single-layer SPH framework.A staggered discretisation scheme based on the stress particle SPH approach is adopted to minimise numerical inaccuracies caused by zero-energy modes and tensile instability.Further,non-reflecting boundary conditions for seismic analysis of semi-infinite soil domains using the SPH method are proposed.The numerical framework is employed for the analysis of cyclic direct simple shear test,seismic analysis of a level ground site,and liquefaction-induced failure of the Lower San Fernando Dam.Satisfactory agreement for liquefaction triggering and post-failure behaviour demonstrates that the SPH framework can be utilised to assess the effect of seismic loading on field-scale geotechnical structures.The present study also serves as the basis for future advancements of the SPH method for applications related to earthquake geotechnical engineering.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.12172057 and 12032005).
文摘Landing spacecraft experience significant impact forces during landing,resulting in large deformation and failure in the soil surface,which severely affects landing safety and stability.This paper establishes a smoothed particle hydrodynamics(SPH)model based on the theory of soil elastoplastic constitutive relations to describe the process of a lander’s footpad impacting lunar regolith vertically.The model can provide engineering indices such as impact load and penetration depth,and illustrate the large deformation and crater characteristics of the regolith.A detailed analysis of the response of the footpad and lunar regolith during landing reveals that the process can be broadly divided into two stages of rapid penetration and oscillatory attenuation.Furthermore,there are significant similarities in the landing process under different landing velocities and footpad masses.The research investigates the large deformation and crater characteristics of the lunar regolith bed.The results demonstrate two failure modes in the regolith.Under the impact of a footpad with a smaller mass,the final failure surface of the regolith exhibits a bowl-shaped profile with a uniformly open mouth.In contrast,under the impact of a footpad with a larger mass,the final failure surface of the regolith presents an urn-shaped profile with a large abdomen and a small opening.However,the impact craters in both scenarios show a bowl-like distribution.In cases of high-velocity impacts,the impact crater exhibits obvious blocky spalling on its sides.The SPH model developed in this study can be applied to predict the large deformation and failure response of lunar soil under the impact of rigid structures as well as the impact load and penetration depth.It effectively predicts the dynamic response of the landing process,which is expected to provide a reference for engineering design.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 20577053) the Pilot Project of Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(No. KZCX3-SW-348)the Hi-Tech Research and Development Program(863)of China(No.200560101005).
文摘The turnover of phosphorus (P) in lake sediments, a major cause of eutrophication and subsequent deterioration of water quality, is in need of deep understanding. In this study, effects of resuspension on P release were studied in cylindrical microcosms with Yshape apparatus. The results indicated that there was a positive correlation between flux of suspended substance across sediment-water interface (Fss) and the wind speed, and an increasing Fss during each wind process followed by a steady state. The maximal Fss under fight, moderate, and strong wind conditions were 299.9±41.1,573.4±61.7, and 2093.8±215.7 g/m^2, respectively. However, flux of P across sediment-water interface (Fp) did not follow a similar pattern as Fss responding to wind intensity, which increased and reached the maximum in initial 120 rain for fight wind, then decreased gradually, with maximal flux of 9.4±1.9 mg/m^2. A rapid increase of Fp at the first 30 rain was observed under moderate wind, with maximal flux of 11.2±0.6 mg/m^2. Surprisingly, strong wind caused less Fp than under light and moderate wind conditions with maximal flux of 3.5±0.9 mg/m^2. Fss in water column declined obviously during the sedimentation process after winds, but Fp varied with wind regime. No obvious difference was detected on Fp after 8 h sedimentation process, compared with the initial value, which means little redundant P left in the water column after winds.
文摘随着电子设备日益微型化和集成化,热仿真已成为其设计中的关键因素。电子封装模块的热仿真通常使用传统的有限元法FEM(finite element method),存在计算效率和精度之间的矛盾,在处理大变形问题和网格畸变方面也容易造成计算不收敛,从而导致结果错误。针对该问题,提出一种基于光滑粒子动力学SPH(smoothed particle hydrodynamics)算法的电子封装模块热仿真系统。该算法基于无网格拉格朗日数值方法,通过将热仿真对象离散为1组粒子的方式求解热传导方程,从而准确地预测电子封装模块的传热与散热,无需生成并处理大量的微小网格,不用担心网格失真等问题。SPH相对于FEM,仿真精度误差保持在1%~2%,仿真效率可提升近30倍,适合用于复杂和动态系统的模拟仿真。
文摘泥石流是我国西南山区常见的地质灾害。架空输电杆塔在泥石流的冲击下往往发生基础破坏甚至会造成杆塔倒塌。首先采用光滑粒子流体动力学(smoothed particle hydrodynamics,简称SPH)方法和有限元方法(finite element method,简称FEM)相耦合的三维数值方法模拟了泥石流对杆塔基础的冲击作用;在与相关模型试验结果验证的基础上,开展了不同泥石流密度、黏度系数及初始速度条件下对输电塔基础的冲击力作用的参数分析;研究结果表明:随着泥石流初始速度的增加,冲击力峰值会随之增大;前排基础的冲击力峰值均大于后排基础;泥石流冲击过程特性受到泥石流密度和黏度系数影响。与稀性泥石流相比:黏性泥石流冲击基础后,基础下游真空区相对要小;此外,将数值模拟结果与Kwan冲击力公式及铁二院推荐的冲击压力设计公式预测值进行对比分析可以发现:Kwan冲击力公式能较好地预测出基础所受泥石流冲击力的平均趋势,最大预测误差低于30%,铁二院公式预测的稀性和黏性泥石流的冲击压力平均偏低分别约17%和28%。相关研究结果有望为泥石流频发区域输电塔基础的设计和风险评估提供一定的参考依据。
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.52109068)the Water Conservancy Technology Project of Jiangsu Province of China(No.2022060)。
文摘Viscoelastic flows play an important role in numerous engineering fields,and the multiscale algorithms for simulating viscoelastic flows have received significant attention in order to deepen our understanding of the nonlinear dynamic behaviors of viscoelastic fluids.However,traditional grid-based multiscale methods are confined to simple viscoelastic flows with short relaxation time,and there is a lack of uniform multiscale scheme available for coupling different solvers in the simulations of viscoelastic fluids.In this paper,a universal multiscale method coupling an improved smoothed particle hydrodynamics(SPH)and multiscale universal interface(MUI)library is presented for viscoelastic flows.The proposed multiscale method builds on an improved SPH method and leverages the MUI library to facilitate the exchange of information among different solvers in the overlapping domain.We test the capability and flexibility of the presented multiscale method to deal with complex viscoelastic flows by solving different multiscale problems of viscoelastic flows.In the first example,the simulation of a viscoelastic Poiseuille flow is carried out by two coupled improved SPH methods with different spatial resolutions.The effects of exchanging different physical quantities on the numerical results in both the upper and lower domains are also investigated as well as the absolute errors in the overlapping domain.In the second example,the complex Wannier flow with different Weissenberg numbers is further simulated by two improved SPH methods and coupling the improved SPH method and the dissipative particle dynamics(DPD)method.The numerical results show that the physical quantities for viscoelastic flows obtained by the presented multiscale method are in consistence with those obtained by a single solver in the overlapping domain.Moreover,transferring different physical quantities has an important effect on the numerical results.
文摘Multimoment hydrodynamics equations are applied to investigate the phenomena of appearance and development of instability in problem on a flow around a solid sphere at rest. The simplest solution to the multimoment hydrodynamics equations coincides with the Stokes solution to the classic hydrodynamics equations in the limit of small Reynolds number values, . Solution ?to the multimoment hydrodynamics equations reproduces recirculating zone in the wake behind the sphere having the form of an axisymmetric toroidal vortex ring. The ?solution remains stable while the entropy production in the system exceeds the entropy outflow through the surface confining the system. The passage of the first critical value ?is accompanied by the ?solution stability loss. The ?solution, when loses its stability, reproduces periodic pulsations of the periphery of the recirculating zone in the wake behind the sphere. The ?and ?solutions to the multimoment hydrodynamics equations interpret a vortex shedding. After the second critical value ?is reached, the ?solution at the periphery of the recirculating zone and in the far wake is replaced by the ?solution. In accordance with the ?solution, the periphery of the recirculating zone periodically detached from the core and moves downstream in the form of a vortex ring. After the attainment of the third critical value , the ?solution at the periphery of the recirculating zone and in the far wake is replaced by the ?solution. In accordance with the ?solution, vortex rings penetrate into each other and form the continuous vortex sheet in the wake behind the sphere. The replacement of one unstable flow regime by another unstable regime is governed the tendency of the system to discover the fastest path to depart from the state of statistical equilibrium. Having lost the stability, the system does not reach a new stable position. Such a scenario differs from the ideas of classic hydrodynamics, which interprets the development of instability in terms of bifurcations from one stable state to another stable state. Solutions to the multimoment hydrodynamics equations indicate the direction of instability development, which qualitatively reproduces the experimental data in a wide range of Re values. The problems encountered by classic hydrodynamics when interpreting the observed instability development process are solved on the way toward an increase in the number of principle hydrodynamic values.