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作者 单萍 姜慧红 秦岩 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2024年第8期141-144,共4页
在人工智能时代背景下,社会对高端翻译人才的需求发生了结构性变化。文章梳理了人工智能与机器翻译的发展历程,阐述了数字时代翻译硕士(MTI)人才培养的挑战及其对策,提出参照国外翻译院校培养经验,打破专业壁垒,从培养方案、师资队伍、... 在人工智能时代背景下,社会对高端翻译人才的需求发生了结构性变化。文章梳理了人工智能与机器翻译的发展历程,阐述了数字时代翻译硕士(MTI)人才培养的挑战及其对策,提出参照国外翻译院校培养经验,打破专业壁垒,从培养方案、师资队伍、课程设置、考评体系等方面融入技术要素,培养“语言+X”的高素质复合型人才,满足不断变化的市场需求。 展开更多
关键词 mti教育 人工智能 人才培养
作者 李会芳 南方 《外语教育研究》 2024年第1期54-60,共7页
在当下MTI翻译硕士学位论文中,翻译实践报告已成为最重要的形式之一。但从2007年该学位创立至今,对于翻译实践报告的理论性及其体现形态一直存在着诸多争论。作为硕士学位论文的一种形式,翻译实践报告的反思性和学术性决定了其理论性。... 在当下MTI翻译硕士学位论文中,翻译实践报告已成为最重要的形式之一。但从2007年该学位创立至今,对于翻译实践报告的理论性及其体现形态一直存在着诸多争论。作为硕士学位论文的一种形式,翻译实践报告的反思性和学术性决定了其理论性。为了实现翻译实践报告中理论元素的合理性和适度性,MTI研究生应注意在报告中强化选题阶段的问题意识描述;侧重理论应用模式的要实事求是,在理论与实践适配的前提下应用理论,并以恰当的翻译策略作为中间衔接;侧重实践先行模式的应充分展现实践过程中的理性思考,体现出理论辩护和理论探索的能力。 展开更多
关键词 mti翻译硕士 翻译实践报告 理论性 体现形态
作者 张敏 易倇叶 黄知韵 《佳木斯职业学院学报》 2024年第11期79-81,共3页
本研究在众包翻译研究综述的基础上提出众包模式与翻译教学领域深度结合模式。在实证研究基础上,从课堂观察、个案分析、译文质量、译者能力提升、问卷调查和邮件访谈等量化和质性方法入手,论证众包翻译教学模式的可行性,探讨基于众包... 本研究在众包翻译研究综述的基础上提出众包模式与翻译教学领域深度结合模式。在实证研究基础上,从课堂观察、个案分析、译文质量、译者能力提升、问卷调查和邮件访谈等量化和质性方法入手,论证众包翻译教学模式的可行性,探讨基于众包翻译模式的MTI翻译课程教学创新,对于培养高质量语言服务人才及构建语言服务人才培养新模式有一定借鉴价值。 展开更多
关键词 众包翻译 翻译教学 mti翻译课程 课程教学创新
作者 丁大琴 刘慧 《安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期58-62,共5页
人工智能时代,翻译技术蓬勃发展,应用广泛,极大地改变了翻译实践方式和产业发展格局,同时也引发了译者主体地位遭到破坏、自身翻译能力遭到矮化、价值遭到贬值、知识产权受到侵犯等系列伦理问题。文章从翻译技术伦理视域出发,在分析上... 人工智能时代,翻译技术蓬勃发展,应用广泛,极大地改变了翻译实践方式和产业发展格局,同时也引发了译者主体地位遭到破坏、自身翻译能力遭到矮化、价值遭到贬值、知识产权受到侵犯等系列伦理问题。文章从翻译技术伦理视域出发,在分析上述问题产生缘由的同时,提出增强学生翻译主体能动性、优化学生自身翻译能力、加强翻译技术伦理教育、增强学生的知识产权意识等对策,引导学生树立正确的翻译技术伦理观,为进一步完善MTI人才培养模式提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 翻译技术 翻译技术伦理 伦理教育 mti人才培养
作者 华裕涛 《牡丹江教育学院学报》 2024年第2期25-27,66,共4页
翻译测试是对被测试者所掌握的翻译知识、技巧及能力的测量,是翻译教学过程中的重要环节。它不仅是检验翻译教学执行情况、评估翻译课程教学质量的重要手段,更是促进翻译教学改革和提升学生翻译理论与实践能力的重要方式。翻译测试研究... 翻译测试是对被测试者所掌握的翻译知识、技巧及能力的测量,是翻译教学过程中的重要环节。它不仅是检验翻译教学执行情况、评估翻译课程教学质量的重要手段,更是促进翻译教学改革和提升学生翻译理论与实践能力的重要方式。翻译测试研究有助于推动MTI教育的专业化、规范化发展,提升翻译人才的培养质量,从而满足社会对翻译人才的需求。 展开更多
关键词 翻译能力 翻译硕士 测试 翻译教学
作者 孝红波 《英语广场(学术研究)》 2024年第1期103-106,共4页
在人工智能技术迅猛发展的背景下,科技赋能国家翻译能力建设是大势所趋。新时期高校MTI翻译人才培养应以“翻译+专业+技术”模式为目标导向,重视学生语言能力、翻译理论和实践技能的培养,为社会发展注入高质量的懂语言、懂专业、懂技术... 在人工智能技术迅猛发展的背景下,科技赋能国家翻译能力建设是大势所趋。新时期高校MTI翻译人才培养应以“翻译+专业+技术”模式为目标导向,重视学生语言能力、翻译理论和实践技能的培养,为社会发展注入高质量的懂语言、懂专业、懂技术的复合型人才,用融通中外的语言、优秀的翻译作品讲好中国故事,更好向世界介绍新时代的中国。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能 翻译+专业+技术 mti研究生培养
作者 杨春梅 《海外英语》 2024年第17期4-6,共3页
该研究通过比较翻译硕士专业学位研究生(以下简称MTI学生)英译语料库与职业译员英译语料库在平均词长、类符形符比、词汇密度和高频词等考查项上的异同,探讨MTI学生英语译文的词汇特征。研究发现,与职业译员英译相比,MTI学生英译在平均... 该研究通过比较翻译硕士专业学位研究生(以下简称MTI学生)英译语料库与职业译员英译语料库在平均词长、类符形符比、词汇密度和高频词等考查项上的异同,探讨MTI学生英语译文的词汇特征。研究发现,与职业译员英译相比,MTI学生英译在平均词长和高频词的使用上具有相似的特点;但类符形符比低,词汇密度高,部分高频虚词使用不足,未能充分重视语境的重要性,语言表达有待丰富。 展开更多
关键词 词汇特征 mti学生 语料库 英译
作者 白秀敏 《大众文摘》 2024年第14期0120-0122,共3页
民航翻译,译的是什么?这是民航翻译研究首要解答的重要问题之一。本文以CNKI收录的与民航相关的228 篇MTI翻译实践报告为研究对象,通过分析报告的标题、摘要和部分正文,提炼和总结出这些翻译实践所翻译的内容,并 尝试对这些内容及其文... 民航翻译,译的是什么?这是民航翻译研究首要解答的重要问题之一。本文以CNKI收录的与民航相关的228 篇MTI翻译实践报告为研究对象,通过分析报告的标题、摘要和部分正文,提炼和总结出这些翻译实践所翻译的内容,并 尝试对这些内容及其文本类型进行分类梳理和汇总,部分地回答民航翻译译了什么这一问题,并为解决民航翻译研究的基 础性问题提供可借鉴思路和方法。 展开更多
关键词 民航翻译 翻译内容 mti翻译实践报告 民航翻译研究
作者 刘雪芹 《语言与文化研究》 2024年第5期162-165,共4页
本文扼要介绍和评述姚斌教授的著作《案例教学法在MTI口译教学中的应用:理论、实践与反思》,指出其具有开拓性、实用性、学术性、职业性等主要特色,可谓系统阐述翻译专业案例教学的开山之作、口译教师的案例教学指南。同时,针对案例教... 本文扼要介绍和评述姚斌教授的著作《案例教学法在MTI口译教学中的应用:理论、实践与反思》,指出其具有开拓性、实用性、学术性、职业性等主要特色,可谓系统阐述翻译专业案例教学的开山之作、口译教师的案例教学指南。同时,针对案例教学法在翻译专业教学中的推广,本文也提出了一些建议,包括建立和完善激励机制、加强专题师资培训、出台案例教学指导性文件、建立共建共享机制、积极将新兴技术与翻译案例教学相融合等。 展开更多
关键词 案例教学法 教学案例库 口译教学 翻译专业硕士 翻译人才培养
作者 陈凯 赵永波 +2 位作者 刘仍莉 江凯 孙龙 《空天预警研究学报》 CSCD 2024年第2期96-98,103,共4页
针对机载对海动目标指示(MTI)雷达仅能够实现对海面运动目标检测、跟踪和定位,难以对目标进行属性判断的情况,为弥补目标属性判断的短板,基于MTI雷达探测功能,提出了一种适用于MTI雷达体制的相对雷达散射面积(RCS)测量方法,给出了相应... 针对机载对海动目标指示(MTI)雷达仅能够实现对海面运动目标检测、跟踪和定位,难以对目标进行属性判断的情况,为弥补目标属性判断的短板,基于MTI雷达探测功能,提出了一种适用于MTI雷达体制的相对雷达散射面积(RCS)测量方法,给出了相应的换算方法.经工程试飞试验验证,本文方法可较准确地对海面目标RCS进行测量,技术成果可推广到MTI雷达应用中. 展开更多
关键词 机载对海 mti雷达 目标RCS 系统设计
作者 李秋 《湖北开放职业学院学报》 2024年第11期14-15,18,共3页
在“一带一路”倡议的推动下,MTI翻译教学面临新的机遇与挑战。本文旨在探究创新型人才培养模式,以适应新时代对翻译人才的需求。通过分析MTI翻译教学模式的现状及问题,结合创新型人才培养理论和“一带一路”倡议的影响,构建了以课程体... 在“一带一路”倡议的推动下,MTI翻译教学面临新的机遇与挑战。本文旨在探究创新型人才培养模式,以适应新时代对翻译人才的需求。通过分析MTI翻译教学模式的现状及问题,结合创新型人才培养理论和“一带一路”倡议的影响,构建了以课程体系创新、实践教学改革、师资队伍建设、教学资源建设为核心的创新型人才培养模式,并提出了实施策略与评价方法。该模式旨在培养具备创新能力、跨文化交际能力和实践能力的翻译人才,为“一带一路”建设提供有力的人才支持。 展开更多
关键词 一带一路 mti翻译教学 创新型人才培养模式
Geostatistical seismic inversion and 3D modelling of metric flow units,porosity and permeability in Brazilian presalt reservoir 被引量:1
作者 Rodrigo Penna Wagner Moreira Lupinacci 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期1699-1718,共20页
Flow units(FU)rock typing is a common technique for characterizing reservoir flow behavior,producing reliable porosity and permeability estimation even in complex geological settings.However,the lateral extrapolation ... Flow units(FU)rock typing is a common technique for characterizing reservoir flow behavior,producing reliable porosity and permeability estimation even in complex geological settings.However,the lateral extrapolation of FU away from the well into the whole reservoir grid is commonly a difficult task and using the seismic data as constraints is rarely a subject of study.This paper proposes a workflow to generate numerous possible 3D volumes of flow units,porosity and permeability below the seismic resolution limit,respecting the available seismic data at larger scales.The methodology is used in the Mero Field,a Brazilian presalt carbonate reservoir located in the Santos Basin,who presents a complex and heterogenic geological setting with different sedimentological processes and diagenetic history.We generated metric flow units using the conventional core analysis and transposed to the well log data.Then,given a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm,the seismic data and the well log statistics,we simulated acoustic impedance,decametric flow units(DFU),metric flow units(MFU),porosity and permeability volumes in the metric scale.The aim is to estimate a minimum amount of MFU able to calculate realistic scenarios porosity and permeability scenarios,without losing the seismic lateral control.In other words,every porosity and permeability volume simulated produces a synthetic seismic that match the real seismic of the area,even in the metric scale.The achieved 3D results represent a high-resolution fluid flow reservoir modelling considering the lateral control of the seismic during the process and can be directly incorporated in the dynamic characterization workflow. 展开更多
关键词 Flowunits Geostatistical inversion Presalt reservoir 3D reservoir modelling Petrophysical modelling
作者 许丽娟 张志武 《英语广场(学术研究)》 2024年第5期48-51,共4页
翻译硕士专业学位论文是培养和检验翻译硕士毕业生理论知识与实践能力的重要环节和手段。本文聚焦翻译硕士专业学位论文中使用频率最高的翻译实践报告,综合分析了学界关于其写作模式与写作内容的共识和争议,提出了相应的对策和建议,旨... 翻译硕士专业学位论文是培养和检验翻译硕士毕业生理论知识与实践能力的重要环节和手段。本文聚焦翻译硕士专业学位论文中使用频率最高的翻译实践报告,综合分析了学界关于其写作模式与写作内容的共识和争议,提出了相应的对策和建议,旨在帮助读者厘清翻译实践报告的写作框架和写作要点,为撰写翻译实践报告提供指导和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 学位论文 mti 翻译硕士 翻译实践报告
作者 周正履 白雪 《西安文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期38-41,共4页
在各类翻译硕士专业学位论文中,翻译实践报告是许多翻译硕士撰写学位论文的首选。翻译实践报告既能反映学生的翻译能力,也可体现学生的学术写作水平。对翻译实践报告的内容和形式进行研究,讨论这类学位论文写作的现状与存在的一些主要问... 在各类翻译硕士专业学位论文中,翻译实践报告是许多翻译硕士撰写学位论文的首选。翻译实践报告既能反映学生的翻译能力,也可体现学生的学术写作水平。对翻译实践报告的内容和形式进行研究,讨论这类学位论文写作的现状与存在的一些主要问题,并提出相应的策略,以帮助学生更好地完成翻译实践报告,为翻译硕士和相关人员提供参考和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 翻译硕士专业学位(mti) 翻译实践报告 学位论文 选题 理论框架
Assessing the effects of model parameter assumptions on surface-wave inversion results
作者 Xuezhen Zhang Xiaodong Song 《Earthquake Science》 2024年第6期529-545,共17页
Surface-wave inversion is a powerful tool for revealing the Earth's internal structure.However,aside from shear-wave velocity(v_(S)),other parameters can influence the inversion outcomes,yet these have not been sy... Surface-wave inversion is a powerful tool for revealing the Earth's internal structure.However,aside from shear-wave velocity(v_(S)),other parameters can influence the inversion outcomes,yet these have not been systematically discussed.This study investigates the influence of various parameter assumptions on the results of surface-wave inversion,including the compressional and shear velocity ratio(v_(P)/v_(S)),shear-wave attenuation(Q_(S)),density(ρ),Moho interface,and sedimentary layer.We constructed synthetic models to generate dispersion data and compared the obtained results with different parameter assumptions with those of the true model.The results indicate that the v_(P)/v_(S) ratio,Q_(S),and density(ρ) have minimal effects on absolute velocity values and perturbation patterns in the inversion.Conversely,assumptions about the Moho interface and sedimentary layer significantly influenced absolute velocity values and perturbation patterns.Introducing an erroneous Mohointerface depth in the initial model of the inversion significantly affected the v_(S) model near that depth,while using a smooth initial model results in relatively minor deviations.The assumption on the sedimentary layer not only affects shallow structure results but also impacts the result at greater depths.Non-linear inversion methods outperform linear inversion methods,particularly for the assumptions of the Moho interface and sedimentary layer.Joint inversion with other data types,such as receiver functions or Rayleigh wave ellipticity,and using data from a broader period range or higher-mode surface waves,can mitigate these deviations.Furthermore,incorporating more accurate prior information can improve inversion results. 展开更多
关键词 shear-wave velocity model surface-wave inversion Moho interface sedimentary layer non-linear inversion
Layer-Valley Hall Effect under Inversion and Time-Reversal Symmetries
作者 赵交交 刘贵斌 +3 位作者 陈鹏 姚裕贵 张广宇 杜罗军 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期88-97,共10页
Hall effects have been the central paradigms in modern physics,materials science and practical applications,and have led to many exciting breakthroughs,including the discovery of topological Chern invariants and the r... Hall effects have been the central paradigms in modern physics,materials science and practical applications,and have led to many exciting breakthroughs,including the discovery of topological Chern invariants and the revolution of metrological resistance standard.To date,the Hall effects have mainly focused on a single degree of freedom(Do F),and most of them require the breaking of spatial-inversion and/or time-reversal symmetries.Here we demonstrate a new type of Hall effect,i.e.,layer-valley Hall effect,based on a combined layer-valley Do F characterized by the product of layer and valley indices.The layer-valley Hall effect has a quantum origin arising from the layer-valley contrasting Berry curvature,and can occur in nonmagnetic centrosymmetric crystals with both spatial-inversion and time-reversal symmetries,transcending the symmetry constraints of single Do F Hall effect based on the constituent layer or valley index.Moreover,the layer-valley Hall effect is highly tunable and shows a W-shaped pattern in response to the out-of-plane electric fields.Additionally,we discuss the potential detection approaches and material-specific design principles of layer-valley Hall effect.Our results demonstrate novel Hall physics and open up exotic paradigms for new research direction of layer-valleytronics that exploits the quantum nature of the coupled layer-valley DoF. 展开更多
关键词 quantum inversion CURVATURE
An illustrated guide to:Parsimonious multi-scale full-waveform inversion
作者 Andreas Fichtner Solvi Thrastarson +1 位作者 Dirk-Philip van Herwaarden Sebastian Noe 《Earthquake Science》 2024年第6期574-583,共10页
Having been a seemingly unreachable ideal for decades,3-D full-waveform inversion applied to massive seismic datasets has become reality in recent years.Often achieving unprecedented resolution,it has provided new ins... Having been a seemingly unreachable ideal for decades,3-D full-waveform inversion applied to massive seismic datasets has become reality in recent years.Often achieving unprecedented resolution,it has provided new insight into the structure of the Earth,from the upper few metres of soil to the entire globe.Motivated by these successes,the technology is now being translated to medical ultrasound and non-destructive testing.Despite remarkable progress,the computational cost of fullwaveform inversion continues to be a major concern.It limits the amount of data that can be exploited,and it largely inhibits quantitative and comprehensive uncertainty analyses.These notes complement a presentation on recent developments in full-waveform inversion that are intended to reduce computational cost and assimilate more data,thereby improving tomographic resolution.The suite of strategies includes flexible and user-friendly spectral-element simulations,the design of wavefieldadapted meshes that harness prior information on wavefield geometry,dynamic mini-batch optimisation that naturally takes advantage of data redundancies,and collaborative multi-scale updating to jointly constrain crustal and mantle structure. 展开更多
关键词 EARTH MODEL SEISMOLOGY full-waveform inversion
Linearized waveform inversion for vertical transversely isotropic elastic media:Methodology and multi-parameter crosstalk analysis
作者 Ke Chen Lu Liu +5 位作者 Li-Nan Xu Fei Hu Yuan Yang Jia-Hui Zuo Le-Le Zhang Yang Zhao 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期252-271,共20页
Seismic migration and inversion are closely related techniques to portray subsurface images and identify hydrocarbon reservoirs.Seismic migration aims at obtaining structural images of subsurface geologic discontinuit... Seismic migration and inversion are closely related techniques to portray subsurface images and identify hydrocarbon reservoirs.Seismic migration aims at obtaining structural images of subsurface geologic discontinuities.More specifically,seismic migration estimates the reflectivity function(stacked average reflectivity or pre-stack angle-dependent reflectivity)from seismic reflection data.On the other hand,seismic inversion quantitatively estimates the intrinsic rock properties of subsurface formulations.Such seismic inversion methods are applicable to detect hydrocarbon reservoirs that may exhibit lateral variations in the inverted parameters.Although there exist many differences,pre-stack seismic migration is similar with the first iteration of the general linearized seismic inversion.Usually,seismic migration and inversion techniques assume an acoustic or isotropic elastic medium.Unconventional reservoirs such as shale and tight sand formation have notable anisotropic property.We present a linearized waveform inversion(LWI)scheme for weakly anisotropic elastic media with vertical transversely isotropic(VTI)symmetry.It is based on two-way anisotropic elastic wave equation and simultaneously inverts for the localized perturbations(ΔVp_(0)/Vp_(0)/Vs_(0)/Vs_(0)/,Δ∈,Δδ)from the long-wavelength reference model.Our proposed VTI-elastic LWI is an iterative method that requires a forward and an adjoint operator acting on vectors in each iteration.We derive the forward Born approximation operator by perturbation theory and adjoint operator via adjoint-state method.The inversion has improved the quality of the images and reduces the multi-parameter crosstalk comparing with the adjoint-based images.We have observed that the multi-parameter crosstalk problem is more prominent in the inversion images for Thomsen anisotropy parameters.Especially,the Thomsen parameter is the most difficult to resolve.We also analyze the multi-parameter crosstalk using scattering radiation patterns.The linearized waveform inversion for VTI-elastic media presented in this article provides quantitative information of the rock properties that has the potential to help identify hydrocarbon reservoirs. 展开更多
关键词 ELASTIC ANISOTROPY Least-squares imaging Waveform inversion Computational geophysics
Characterization of a 4.1 Mb inversion harboring the stripe rust resistance gene YR86 on wheat chromosome 2AL
作者 Qiang Cao Zhanwang Zhu +13 位作者 Dengan Xu Jianhui Wu Xiaowan Xu Yan Dong Yingjie Bian Fugong Ding Dehui Zhao Yang Tu Ling Wu Dejun Han Caixia Lan Xianchun Xia Zhonghu He Yuanfeng Hao 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第4期1168-1175,共8页
Wheat cultivar Zhongmai 895 was earlier found to carry YR86 in an 11.6 Mb recombination-suppressed region on chromosome 2AL when crossed with Yangmai 16.To fine-map the YR86 locus,we developed two large F2 populations... Wheat cultivar Zhongmai 895 was earlier found to carry YR86 in an 11.6 Mb recombination-suppressed region on chromosome 2AL when crossed with Yangmai 16.To fine-map the YR86 locus,we developed two large F2 populations from crosses Emai 580/Zhongmai 895 and Avocet S/Zhongmai 895.Remarkably,both populations exhibited suppressed recombination in the same 2AL region.Collinearity analysis across Chinese Spring,Aikang 58,and 10+wheat genomes revealed a 4.1 Mb chromosomal inversion spanning 708.5-712.6 Mb in the Chinese Spring reference genome.Molecular markers were developed in the breakpoint and were used to assess a wheat cultivar panel,revealing that Chinese Spring,Zhongmai 895,and Jimai 22 shared a common sequence named InvCS,whereas Aikang 58,Yangmai 16,Emai 580,and Avocet S shared the sequence named InvAK58.The inverted configuration explained the suppressed recombination observed in all three bi-parental populations.Normal recombination was observed in a Jimai 22/Zhongmai 895 F2 population,facilitating mapping of YR86 to a genetic interval of 0.15 cM corresponding to 710.27-712.56 Mb falling within the inverted region.Thirty-three high-confidence genes were annotated in the interval using the Chinese Spring reference genome,with six identified as potential candidates for YR86 based on genome and transcriptome analyses.These results will accelerate map-based cloning of YR86 and its deployment in wheat breeding. 展开更多
关键词 Adult-plant resistance Chromosomal inversion Puccinia striiformis Triticum aestivum
Probabilistic seismic inversion based on physics-guided deep mixture density network
作者 Qian-Hao Sun Zhao-Yun Zong Xin Li 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期1611-1631,共21页
Deterministic inversion based on deep learning has been widely utilized in model parameters estimation.Constrained by logging data,seismic data,wavelet and modeling operator,deterministic inversion based on deep learn... Deterministic inversion based on deep learning has been widely utilized in model parameters estimation.Constrained by logging data,seismic data,wavelet and modeling operator,deterministic inversion based on deep learning can establish nonlinear relationships between seismic data and model parameters.However,seismic data lacks low-frequency and contains noise,which increases the non-uniqueness of the solutions.The conventional inversion method based on deep learning can only establish the deterministic relationship between seismic data and parameters,and cannot quantify the uncertainty of inversion.In order to quickly quantify the uncertainty,a physics-guided deep mixture density network(PG-DMDN)is established by combining the mixture density network(MDN)with the deep neural network(DNN).Compared with Bayesian neural network(BNN)and network dropout,PG-DMDN has lower computing cost and shorter training time.A low-frequency model is introduced in the training process of the network to help the network learn the nonlinear relationship between narrowband seismic data and low-frequency impedance.In addition,the block constraints are added to the PG-DMDN framework to improve the horizontal continuity of the inversion results.To illustrate the benefits of proposed method,the PG-DMDN is compared with existing semi-supervised inversion method.Four synthetic data examples of Marmousi II model are utilized to quantify the influence of forward modeling part,low-frequency model,noise and the pseudo-wells number on inversion results,and prove the feasibility and stability of the proposed method.In addition,the robustness and generality of the proposed method are verified by the field seismic data. 展开更多
关键词 Deep learning Probabilistic inversion Physics-guided Deep mixture density network
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