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作者 王红菊 《广州化工》 CAS 2024年第3期50-52,共3页
海藻酸钠(SA)是一种天然生物质材料,其来源广、价格低,聚乙烯亚胺是一种含有氨基(-NH_(2))的水溶性高分子聚合物,螯合重金属离子能力强,众多研究者将二者结合其制备成吸附剂去除水溶液中的金属离子。本研究以海藻酸钠为基体,加入碳酸钙... 海藻酸钠(SA)是一种天然生物质材料,其来源广、价格低,聚乙烯亚胺是一种含有氨基(-NH_(2))的水溶性高分子聚合物,螯合重金属离子能力强,众多研究者将二者结合其制备成吸附剂去除水溶液中的金属离子。本研究以海藻酸钠为基体,加入碳酸钙和聚乙烯亚胺,以戊二醛为交联剂,经冷冻干燥后形成吸附较好的海藻酸钠-聚乙烯亚胺吸附材料。采用吸附实验研究了材料对水中Cr(VI)的吸附性能,并研究初始浓度、溶液pH、吸附时间、吸附剂用量等对吸附效果的影响。实验结果表明:在Cr(VI)溶液初始浓度为15 mg/L、吸附剂用量0.4 g、吸附时间200 min,吸附温度为313 K时,Cr(VI)去除率达90%以上。 展开更多
关键词 海藻酸钠 CR(vi) 吸附 性能
作者 任静莉 《美术教育研究》 2024年第10期123-125,共3页
全面推进课程思政建设是落实立德树人根本任务的战略举措。为适应新时代对课程思政高质量发展的要求,该文基于高校“三全育人”工作需求,在应用型背景下,探索课程思政元素有机融入艺术设计类专业课程的路径。针对标志与VI设计课程,首先... 全面推进课程思政建设是落实立德树人根本任务的战略举措。为适应新时代对课程思政高质量发展的要求,该文基于高校“三全育人”工作需求,在应用型背景下,探索课程思政元素有机融入艺术设计类专业课程的路径。针对标志与VI设计课程,首先根据神经语言程序学者罗伯特·迪尔茨关于人的认知的六个层次理论,设计课程思政元素体系,进而通过详细解读和挖掘六种层次描述课程思政元素体系的设计思路,最后提出从五个讲授部分和三个实践部分,在课程实施过程中融入课程思政元素的具体策略和路径,以期促进艺术设计类专业教学与课程思政有机融合,充分发挥课程思政在高校艺术设计类专业课程中的育人作用,为标志与VI设计课程的思政教学设计与教学改革提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 标志与vi设计 课程思政
作者 潘奕良 王湘君 +2 位作者 廖力夫 肖锡林 薛金花 《理化检验(化学分册)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期898-904,共7页
以绿色生物质阿拉伯树脂(AG)为碳源,三羟甲基氨基甲烷(Tris)为氮源,二者按质量比1∶4混合,通过水热法制备了一种新型氮掺杂碳点(NACDs),并基于NACDs构建了一种荧光传感器,用于工业废水中Cr(VI)的检测。取200μL样品溶液、NACDs溶液100μ... 以绿色生物质阿拉伯树脂(AG)为碳源,三羟甲基氨基甲烷(Tris)为氮源,二者按质量比1∶4混合,通过水热法制备了一种新型氮掺杂碳点(NACDs),并基于NACDs构建了一种荧光传感器,用于工业废水中Cr(VI)的检测。取200μL样品溶液、NACDs溶液100μL、0.2 mmol·L^(-1)磷酸氢二钠-磷酸二氢钠缓冲液(pH 8.0) 200μL加至2 mLEP管中,用水定容至1 mL。室温反应10 min后,在激发波长365 nm处扫描,并在430 nm处测量体系荧光强度。结果表明,在365 nm的激发波长下,NACDs于430 nm表现出强荧光信号,并可被Cr(VI)选择性猝灭。Cr(VI)的质量浓度在0.25~3.00 mg·L^(-1)内与NACDs的荧光猝灭值呈线性关系,检出限(3s/k)为0.13 mg·L^(-1)。按照标准加入法对模拟工业废水样品进行回收试验,回收率为103%~105%,测定值的相对标准偏差(n=6)均小于3.0%,加标样品所得测定结果与国家标准方法GB/T 15555.4—1995的无显著性差异。 展开更多
关键词 碳点 阿拉伯树脂 荧光传感器 荧光猝灭 铬(vi)
Variational Iteration Method for Solving Time Fractional Burgers Equation Using Maple 被引量:1
作者 Fayza Alwehebi Aatef Hobiny Dalal Maturi 《Applied Mathematics》 2023年第5期336-348,共13页
The Time Fractional Burger equation was solved in this study using the Mabel software and the Variational Iteration approach. where a number of instances of the Time Fractional Burger Equation were handled using this ... The Time Fractional Burger equation was solved in this study using the Mabel software and the Variational Iteration approach. where a number of instances of the Time Fractional Burger Equation were handled using this technique. Tables and images were used to present the collected numerical results. The difference between the exact and numerical solutions demonstrates the effectiveness of the Mabel program’s solution, as well as the accuracy and closeness of the results this method produced. It also demonstrates the Mabel program’s ability to quickly and effectively produce the numerical solution. 展开更多
关键词 Variational iteration Method Time Fractional Burgers Equation Maple18
作者 莫秋燕 欧满琳 +2 位作者 张颂 荆涛 吴家隐 《人工晶体学报》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第9期1620-1628,共9页
采用密度泛函理论的第一性原理计算方法,研究了VI族元素(O、S、Se、Te)修饰对二维AlN电子性质的影响。计算结果表明,O修饰后,二维AlN体系的能带发生劈裂,从而转变为磁性材料;S、Se和Te修饰后,二维AlN电子态密度曲线自旋向上和自旋向下... 采用密度泛函理论的第一性原理计算方法,研究了VI族元素(O、S、Se、Te)修饰对二维AlN电子性质的影响。计算结果表明,O修饰后,二维AlN体系的能带发生劈裂,从而转变为磁性材料;S、Se和Te修饰后,二维AlN电子态密度曲线自旋向上和自旋向下完全对称,形成了非磁性结构。从态密度图可以看出,费米能级附近的态密度主要由修饰原子的p态电子和N原子的p态电子贡献,导带底部逐渐向低能区移动,导致二维AlN的吸收波长阈值从紫外线区域向可见光移动。因此,修饰的二维AlN光催化效率提高,并有应用于可见光响应的光电子和自旋电子器件的可能。 展开更多
关键词 二维AlN vi族元素 修饰 第一性原理 电子结构 磁性
作者 张立 周晓玲 涂新满 《南昌航空大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第1期23-31,共9页
本工作提出一种将溶胶凝胶与静电纺丝结合的分步快速烧结技术,成功制备了单晶BiFeO_(3)纳米纤维。通过热重差热分析(TG-DTG)、XRD、SEM、TEM、EDS、紫外可见漫反射光谱和氮气吸附脱附曲线等测试对所制备材料的结构和形貌进行表征。同时... 本工作提出一种将溶胶凝胶与静电纺丝结合的分步快速烧结技术,成功制备了单晶BiFeO_(3)纳米纤维。通过热重差热分析(TG-DTG)、XRD、SEM、TEM、EDS、紫外可见漫反射光谱和氮气吸附脱附曲线等测试对所制备材料的结构和形貌进行表征。同时,考察了BiFeO_(3)纳米纤维在可见光下对水中Cr(VI)的光催化还原性能。结果显示,相比于传统方式制备的纳米颗粒,该材料因更大的比表面积而具有更高的光催化活性。空穴消耗剂酒石酸的加入能够促进该材料对Cr(VI)的光催化还原反应,使还原效率提高87%。总之,本文制备的BiFeO_(3)材料能在可见光下响应,并在常温下具有弱磁性,能通过磁场力回收,在环境净化领域具有广阔的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 电纺丝 单晶BiFeO_(3) 可见光光催化 CR(vi)还原
作者 董智涛 王国华 +4 位作者 谢水波 张澜涛 王晨旭 刘迎九 李绪忠 《南华大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第4期81-89,共9页
制备了粪产碱杆菌改性猪粪生物炭(PMBC-A1、PMBC-A2、PMBC-A3)用于去除水中的铀。扫描电镜和能谱仪表征表明粪产碱杆菌被分泌的生物膜包埋固定在生物炭表面,并形成了高磷界面。批次试验表明PMBC-A2对铀的吸附性能更优异,且不易发生磷污... 制备了粪产碱杆菌改性猪粪生物炭(PMBC-A1、PMBC-A2、PMBC-A3)用于去除水中的铀。扫描电镜和能谱仪表征表明粪产碱杆菌被分泌的生物膜包埋固定在生物炭表面,并形成了高磷界面。批次试验表明PMBC-A2对铀的吸附性能更优异,且不易发生磷污染。当U(VI)初始质量浓度为5 mg/L时,PMBC-A2最佳的吸附条件是投加量为0.1 g/L,温度为30℃,反应时间为24 h,此时对铀的去除率最高达92.65%。PMBC-A2除铀过程符合拟二级动力学模型和Langmuir等温线模型,拟合最大吸附容量为338.52 mg/g。在干扰离子存在时PMBC-A2对铀的吸附具有良好的选择性。吸附—解吸试验表明PMBC-A2具有循环利用的潜力。傅里叶红外光谱、光电子能谱和X射线衍射等表征证明PMBC-A2对水中铀的去除机理主要是磷酸基团和羧基的表面络合吸附、生物磷酸盐矿化和生物还原。 展开更多
关键词 U(vi) 猪粪生物炭 粪产碱杆菌
作者 刘普一 丁庆伟 +1 位作者 解崇巍 高雨欣 《太原科技大学学报》 2024年第5期537-542,共6页
通过机械活化的方法对天然黄铁矿进行处理,利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、高分辨率透射电子显微镜(TEM)对其进行表征,采用批实验的方法探究不同投加量、不同温度和不同pH的条件下,黄铁矿微粒对水中Cr(VI)的还原固定效果。结果表明,经过机械活... 通过机械活化的方法对天然黄铁矿进行处理,利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、高分辨率透射电子显微镜(TEM)对其进行表征,采用批实验的方法探究不同投加量、不同温度和不同pH的条件下,黄铁矿微粒对水中Cr(VI)的还原固定效果。结果表明,经过机械活化之后天然黄铁矿粒径在100 nm左右,达到微纳米级别;黄铁矿微粒对水中Cr(VI)的去除率随着投加量的增加不断增大,1.0 g的黄铁矿微粒可以完全去除浓度为10 mg·L^(-1)的Cr(VI)溶液;随着温度的升高,黄铁矿微粒对水中Cr(VI)的去除率升高,温度为45℃、反应时间为2 h,去除率可以达到97.8%;溶液初始pH值在2~7内,黄铁矿微粒对Cr(VI)的去除率随着pH值的升高逐渐降低,pH为2时去除率最高,为95%;通过尝试动力学拟合,黄铁矿微粒去除水中Cr(VI)的过程符合准二级动力学。 展开更多
关键词 微纳米级黄铁矿 铬Cr(vi) 批实验 动力学 还原固定
作者 任冠楠 《中国饲料》 北大核心 2024年第12期97-100,共4页
VI视觉识别系统是具有统一性、系统性的视觉符号系统,在饲料品牌策划中能起到树立品牌形象,扩大品牌知名度和影响力,增强品牌信任感等显著效果,所以能为饲料品牌发展提供有力支撑。而在应用VI视觉识别系统的过程中,要注意把握好饲料品... VI视觉识别系统是具有统一性、系统性的视觉符号系统,在饲料品牌策划中能起到树立品牌形象,扩大品牌知名度和影响力,增强品牌信任感等显著效果,所以能为饲料品牌发展提供有力支撑。而在应用VI视觉识别系统的过程中,要注意把握好饲料品牌策划的原则,力求通过标志设计、标准色设计、包装设计以及信息推广等途径不断优化饲料品牌策划方案,确保饲料品牌能在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,以良好的品牌为饲料企业带来溢价效应和增值效应。 展开更多
关键词 vi视觉识别系统 饲料产品 饲料品牌 品牌策划
作者 韦克钢 《铜业工程》 CAS 2024年第4期105-112,共8页
本研究探讨了胺基功能化介孔硅材料(AFPS)对水体中铀(VI)的吸附性能及其吸附机理。通过合成8种具有不同孔径和胺基功能团(APTES和AEPTES)的AFPS,评估了这些材料在不同pH条件下对铀(VI)的吸附效果。实验结果显示,在pH值约为5.5的条件下,A... 本研究探讨了胺基功能化介孔硅材料(AFPS)对水体中铀(VI)的吸附性能及其吸附机理。通过合成8种具有不同孔径和胺基功能团(APTES和AEPTES)的AFPS,评估了这些材料在不同pH条件下对铀(VI)的吸附效果。实验结果显示,在pH值约为5.5的条件下,AFPS对铀(VI)的吸附效率最高。孔径分析表明,AEPTES功能团的最佳孔径为4.1 nm,而APTES功能团的最佳孔径为2.7 nm。吸附机理研究表明,胺基通过与水合铀酰分子团表面的羟基(OH-)结合,实现了对铀(VI)的有效吸附。本研究不仅为理解AFPS吸附铀(VI)的机制提供了科学依据,也为开发新型高效吸附材料提供了理论支持和研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 铀(vi) 胺基功能化 介孔硅 吸附机理 环境工程
作者 王君 《中国皮革》 CAS 2024年第2期136-139,143,共5页
随着社会经济的发展,VI的创意设计对于品牌影响力的作用越来越受到品牌方和消费者的重视。如何通过VI创意设计来提升奢侈品皮具品牌的影响力也是一个值得探讨的过程。本文从VI的概念、VI创意设计在奢侈品皮具中的表现形式和如何提升奢... 随着社会经济的发展,VI的创意设计对于品牌影响力的作用越来越受到品牌方和消费者的重视。如何通过VI创意设计来提升奢侈品皮具品牌的影响力也是一个值得探讨的过程。本文从VI的概念、VI创意设计在奢侈品皮具中的表现形式和如何提升奢侈品皮具品牌的影响力等方面进行分析,以达到抛砖引玉的作用。 展开更多
关键词 vi创意设计 奢侈品皮具 品牌影响力
Effective Elimination of Hazardous Chromium (VI) Using Periodic Elements and Contemporary Adsorption Methods by Using Magnesium Ferrite Nanoparticle: A Review
作者 Nazmun Nahar Mahabub Hossain Swaron +1 位作者 Md. Aliuzzaman Sheik Md. Jamal Uddin 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2024年第5期596-619,共24页
A well-known hazardous metal and top contaminant in wastewater is hexavalent chromium. The two forms of most commonly found chromium are chromate ( CrO 4 2− ) and dichromate ( Cr 2 O 7 2− ). Leather tanning, cooling t... A well-known hazardous metal and top contaminant in wastewater is hexavalent chromium. The two forms of most commonly found chromium are chromate ( CrO 4 2− ) and dichromate ( Cr 2 O 7 2− ). Leather tanning, cooling tower blow-down, plating, electroplating, rinse water sources, anodizing baths etc. are the main sources of Cr (VI) contamination. The Cr (VI) is not only non-biodegradable in the environment but also carcinogenic to living population. It is still difficult to treat Cr contaminated waste water effectively, safely, eco-friendly, and economically. As a result, many techniques have been used to treat Cr (VI)-polluted wastewater, including adsorption, chemical precipitation, coagulation, ion-exchange, and filtration. Among these practices, the most practical method is adsorption for the removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous solutions, which has gained widespread acceptance due to the ease of use and affordability of the equipment and adsorbent. It has been revealed that Fe-based adsorbents’ oxides and hydroxides have high adsorptive potential to lower Cr (VI) content below the advised threshold. Fe-based adsorbents were also discovered to be relatively cheap and toxic-free in Cr (VI) treatment. Fe-based adsorbents are commonly utilized in industry. It has been discovered that nanoparticles of Fe-, Ti-, and Cu-based adsorbents have a better capacity to remove Cr (VI). Cr (VI) was effectively removed from contaminated water using mixed element-based adsorbents (Fe-Mn, Fe-Ti, Fe-Cu, Fe-Zr, Fe-Cu-Y, Fe-Mg, etc.). Initial findings suggest that Cr (VI) removal from wastewater may be accomplished by using magnesium ferrite nanomaterials as an efficient adsorbent. 展开更多
关键词 Chromium (vi) Periodic Elements Adsorption ELIMINATION Magnesium Ferrite
Efficient and rapid capture of uranium(Ⅵ) in wastewater via multiamine modified β-cyclodextrin porous polymer
作者 Xing Zhong Yubin Tan +6 位作者 Siyuan Wu Caixia Hu Kai Guo Yongchuan Wu Neng Yu Mingyang Ma Ying Dai 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期144-155,共12页
It is quite important to ensure the safety and sustainable development of nuclear energy for the treatment of radioactive wastewater. To treat radioactive wastewater efficiently and rapidly, two multi-amine β-cyclode... It is quite important to ensure the safety and sustainable development of nuclear energy for the treatment of radioactive wastewater. To treat radioactive wastewater efficiently and rapidly, two multi-amine β-cyclodextrin polymers(diethylenetriamine β-cyclodextrin polymer(DETA-TFCDP) and triethylenetetramine β-cyclodextrin polymer(TETA-TFCDP)) were prepared and applied to capture uranium. Results exhibited that DETA-TFCDP and TETA-TFCDP displayed the advantages of high adsorption amounts(612.2and 628.2 mg·g-1, respectively) and rapid adsorption rates, which can reach(88 ± 1)% of their equilibrium adsorption amounts in 10 min. Moreover, the adsorbent processes of DETA-TFCDP and TETATFCDP on uranium(Ⅵ) followed the Langmuir model and pseudo-second-order model, stating they were mainly chemisorption and self-endothermic. Besides, TETA-TFCDP also showed excellent selectivity in the presence of seven competing cations and could be effectively reused five times via Na2CO3as the desorption reagent. Meanwhile, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy illustrated that the enriched multi-amine groups and oxygen-containing functional groups on the surface of TETA-TFCDP were the main active sites for capturing uranium(Ⅵ). Hence, multi-amine β-cyclodextrin polymers are a highly efficient, rapid, and promising adsorbent for capturing uranium(Ⅵ)from radioactive wastewater. 展开更多
关键词 Adsorption Waste water Pollution Uranium(vi) b-Cyclodextrin
Fast and Accurate Predictor-Corrector Methods Using Feedback-Accelerated Picard Iteration for Strongly Nonlinear Problems
作者 Xuechuan Wang Wei He +1 位作者 Haoyang Feng Satya N.Atluri 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第5期1263-1294,共32页
Although predictor-corrector methods have been extensively applied,they might not meet the requirements of practical applications and engineering tasks,particularly when high accuracy and efficiency are necessary.A no... Although predictor-corrector methods have been extensively applied,they might not meet the requirements of practical applications and engineering tasks,particularly when high accuracy and efficiency are necessary.A novel class of correctors based on feedback-accelerated Picard iteration(FAPI)is proposed to further enhance computational performance.With optimal feedback terms that do not require inversion of matrices,significantly faster convergence speed and higher numerical accuracy are achieved by these correctors compared with their counterparts;however,the computational complexities are comparably low.These advantages enable nonlinear engineering problems to be solved quickly and accurately,even with rough initial guesses from elementary predictors.The proposed method offers flexibility,enabling the use of the generated correctors for either bulk processing of collocation nodes in a domain or successive corrections of a single node in a finite difference approach.In our method,the functional formulas of FAPI are discretized into numerical forms using the collocation approach.These collocated iteration formulas can directly solve nonlinear problems,but they may require significant computational resources because of the manipulation of high-dimensionalmatrices.To address this,the collocated iteration formulas are further converted into finite difference forms,enabling the design of lightweight predictor-corrector algorithms for real-time computation.The generality of the proposed method is illustrated by deriving new correctors for three commonly employed finite-difference approaches:the modified Euler approach,the Adams-Bashforth-Moulton approach,and the implicit Runge-Kutta approach.Subsequently,the updated approaches are tested in solving strongly nonlinear problems,including the Matthieu equation,the Duffing equation,and the low-earth-orbit tracking problem.The numerical findings confirm the computational accuracy and efficiency of the derived predictor-corrector algorithms. 展开更多
关键词 Predictor-corrector method feedback-accelerated Picard iteration nonlinear dynamical system real-time computation
Calculation of Mass Concrete Temperature Containing Cooling Water Pipe Based on Substructure and Iteration Algorithm
作者 Heng Zhang Chao Su +2 位作者 Zhizhong Song Zhenzhong Shen Huiguang Lei 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第1期813-826,共14页
Mathematical physics equations are often utilized to describe physical phenomena in various fields of science and engineering.One such equation is the Fourier equation,which is a commonly used and effective method for... Mathematical physics equations are often utilized to describe physical phenomena in various fields of science and engineering.One such equation is the Fourier equation,which is a commonly used and effective method for evaluating the effectiveness of temperature control measures for mass concrete.One important measure for temperature control in mass concrete is the use of cooling water pipes.However,the mismatch of grids between large-scale concrete models and small-scale cooling pipe models can result in a significant waste of calculation time when using the finite element method.Moreover,the temperature of the water in the cooling pipe needs to be iteratively calculated during the thermal transfer process.The substructure method can effectively solve this problem,and it has been validated by scholars.The Abaqus/Python secondary development technology provides engineers with enough flexibility to combine the substructure method with an iteration algorithm,which enables the creation of a parametric modeling calculation for cooling water pipes.This paper proposes such a method,which involves iterating the water pipe boundary and establishing the water pipe unit substructure to numerically simulate the concrete temperature field that contains a cooling water pipe.To verify the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed method,two classic numerical examples were analyzed.The results showed that this method has good applicability in cooling pipe calculations.When the value of the iteration parameterαis 0.4,the boundary temperature of the cooling water pipes can meet the accuracy requirements after 4∼5 iterations,effectively improving the computational efficiency.Overall,this approach provides a useful tool for engineers to analyze the temperature control measures accurately and efficiently for mass concrete,such as cooling water pipes,using Abaqus/Python secondary development. 展开更多
关键词 Fourier equation cooling water pipe mass concrete iteration algorithm
Value Iteration-Based Cooperative Adaptive Optimal Control for Multi-Player Differential Games With Incomplete Information
作者 Yun Zhang Lulu Zhang Yunze Cai 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第3期690-697,共8页
This paper presents a novel cooperative value iteration(VI)-based adaptive dynamic programming method for multi-player differential game models with a convergence proof.The players are divided into two groups in the l... This paper presents a novel cooperative value iteration(VI)-based adaptive dynamic programming method for multi-player differential game models with a convergence proof.The players are divided into two groups in the learning process and adapt their policies sequentially.Our method removes the dependence of admissible initial policies,which is one of the main drawbacks of the PI-based frameworks.Furthermore,this algorithm enables the players to adapt their control policies without full knowledge of others’ system parameters or control laws.The efficacy of our method is illustrated by three examples. 展开更多
关键词 Adaptive dynamic programming incomplete information multi-player differential game value iteration
A Modified Iterative Learning Control Approach for the Active Suppression of Rotor Vibration Induced by Coupled Unbalance and Misalignment
作者 Yifan Bao Jianfei Yao +1 位作者 Fabrizio Scarpa Yan Li 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期242-253,共12页
This paper proposes a modified iterative learning control(MILC)periodical feedback-feedforward algorithm to reduce the vibration of a rotor caused by coupled unbalance and parallel misalignment.The control of the vibr... This paper proposes a modified iterative learning control(MILC)periodical feedback-feedforward algorithm to reduce the vibration of a rotor caused by coupled unbalance and parallel misalignment.The control of the vibration of the rotor is provided by an active magnetic actuator(AMA).The iterative gain of the MILC algorithm here presented has a self-adjustment based on the magnitude of the vibration.Notch filters are adopted to extract the synchronous(1×Ω)and twice rotational frequency(2×Ω)components of the rotor vibration.Both the notch frequency of the filter and the size of feedforward storage used during the experiment have a real-time adaptation to the rotational speed.The method proposed in this work can provide effective suppression of the vibration of the rotor in case of sudden changes or fluctuations of the rotor speed.Simulations and experiments using the MILC algorithm proposed here are carried out and give evidence to the feasibility and robustness of the technique proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Rotor vibration suppression Modified iterative learning control UNBALANCE Parallel misalignment Active magnetic actuator
Another SSOR Iteration Method
作者 Thomas Smotzer John Buoni 《American Journal of Computational Mathematics》 2024年第2期248-256,共9页
Kellogg gave a version of the Peaceman-Radford method. In this paper, we introduce a SSOR iteration method which uses Kellogg’s method. The new algorithm has some advantages over the traditional SSOR algorithm. A Cyc... Kellogg gave a version of the Peaceman-Radford method. In this paper, we introduce a SSOR iteration method which uses Kellogg’s method. The new algorithm has some advantages over the traditional SSOR algorithm. A Cyclic Reduction algorithm is introduced via a decoupling in Kellogg’s method. 展开更多
关键词 Matrix Splitting SSOR iteration KSSOR iteration Method Kellogg-Type SSOR iteration Cyclic Reduction
Iteration and evaluation of shale oil development technology for continental rift lake basins
作者 SUN Huanquan WANG Haitao +8 位作者 YANG Yong LYU Qi ZHANG Feng LIU Zupeng LYU Jing CHEN Tiancheng JIANG Tingxue ZHAO Peirong WU Shicheng 《Petroleum Exploration and Development》 SCIE 2024年第4期993-1008,共16页
By benchmarking with the iteration of drilling technology,fracturing technology and well placement mode for shale oil and gas development in the United States and considering the geological characteristics and develop... By benchmarking with the iteration of drilling technology,fracturing technology and well placement mode for shale oil and gas development in the United States and considering the geological characteristics and development difficulties of shale oil in the Jiyang continental rift lake basin,East China,the development technology system suitable for the geological characteristics of shale oil in continental rift lake basins has been primarily formed through innovation and iteration of the development,drilling and fracturing technologies.The technology system supports the rapid growth of shale oil production and reduces the development investment cost.By comparing it with the shale oil development technology in the United States,the prospect of the shale oil development technology iteration in continental rift lake basins is proposed.It is suggested to continuously strengthen the overall three-dimensional development,improve the precision level of engineering technology,upgrade the engineering technical indicator system,accelerate the intelligent optimization of engineering equipment,explore the application of complex structure wells,form a whole-process integrated quality management system from design to implementation,and constantly innovate the concept and technology of shale oil development,so as to promote the realization of extensive,beneficial and high-quality development of shale oil in continental rift lake basins. 展开更多
关键词 shale oil continental rift lake basin Jiyang Depression DRILLING FRACTURING DEVELOPMENT technology iteration PROSPECT
An Improved Iterated Greedy Algorithm for Solving Rescue Robot Path Planning Problem with Limited Survival Time
作者 Xiaoqing Wang Peng Duan +1 位作者 Leilei Meng Kaidong Yang 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第7期931-947,共17页
Effective path planning is crucial for mobile robots to quickly reach rescue destination and complete rescue tasks in a post-disaster scenario.In this study,we investigated the post-disaster rescue path planning probl... Effective path planning is crucial for mobile robots to quickly reach rescue destination and complete rescue tasks in a post-disaster scenario.In this study,we investigated the post-disaster rescue path planning problem and modeled this problem as a variant of the travel salesman problem(TSP)with life-strength constraints.To address this problem,we proposed an improved iterated greedy(IIG)algorithm.First,a push-forward insertion heuristic(PFIH)strategy was employed to generate a high-quality initial solution.Second,a greedy-based insertion strategy was designed and used in the destruction-construction stage to increase the algorithm’s exploration ability.Furthermore,three problem-specific swap operators were developed to improve the algorithm’s exploitation ability.Additionally,an improved simulated annealing(SA)strategy was used as an acceptance criterion to effectively prevent the algorithm from falling into local optima.To verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm,the Solomon dataset was extended to generate 27 instances for simulation.Finally,the proposed IIG was compared with five state-of-the-art algorithms.The parameter analysiswas conducted using the design of experiments(DOE)Taguchi method,and the effectiveness analysis of each component has been verified one by one.Simulation results indicate that IIGoutperforms the compared algorithms in terms of the number of rescue survivors and convergence speed,proving the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Rescue robot path planning life strength improved iterative greedy algorithm problem-specific swap operators
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