The contribution rate of ecosystem service value variation was used to analyze the effects of land use changes on the changes of ecosystem service value in Xingguo County during 1996-2005.Grey integrated correlation w...The contribution rate of ecosystem service value variation was used to analyze the effects of land use changes on the changes of ecosystem service value in Xingguo County during 1996-2005.Grey integrated correlation was employed to explore the contribution level of the indicators such as total population,urbanization level,proportion of primary industry and investment of social fixed assets on ecosystem service value,and the correlation analysis was also carried out.The results showed that the ecosystem service value in Xingguo County during 1996-2005 mainly was woodland,and the decrease of woodland area was the major reason for the sustained reduction of ecosystem service value.With the further increase of market demand and the incentives of local government,the garden area rapidly increased during 2001-2005,and the influence degree of garden towards the changes of ecosystem service value was only second to woodland,ranking No.2.Four socio-economic indicators had different correlation degree with ecosystem service value during the different research periods.Total population,urbanization level and proportion of primary industry had high correlation degree with ecosystem service value,whereas the influence degree of various socio-economic indicators on ecosystem service value was equal with each other day by day.Urbanization level,investment of social fixed assets and total population had significant negative correlation with ecosystem service value,while the proportion of primary industry had positive correlation with ecosystem service value.展开更多
Taking Ansai County located in loess hilly and gully area as a case, this study analyzes the land use changes driven by the SLCP (Slope Land Conversion Program) and the farmers' responses by household survey and pa...Taking Ansai County located in loess hilly and gully area as a case, this study analyzes the land use changes driven by the SLCP (Slope Land Conversion Program) and the farmers' responses by household survey and participatory rapid appraisal (PRA). It is found that the SLCP aroused various changes in land use, agricultural production, rural incomes, etc. In the period of 1999-2005, the farmland and grasslands were reduced by 26,809 ha and 17,571 ha respectively, while forestland increased by 38,203 ha; greenhouse vegetable and orchard got a quick development, with the area enlarged by about 7 times and nearly doubled respectively. The SLCP reduced the area of crops particularly those that normally grown on slope lands, e.g. the sowing area of winter wheat ped from 19.39% of the total cropping area in 1999 to 0.98% in 2005. Draught animals, pigs and sheep have a decline in the number because the remained land and the ban on grazing on natural grasslands can not provide sufficient feed forage. Thanks to the financial subsidy, farmers increased land inputs and thus outputs. To achieve long-term sustainable development and improve rural income, the government should continuously support farmers to improve the land management, to adopt alternative land use systems, and to increase inputs on soil conservation. Vegetable and fruit production are two promise land use systems, and should be further developed.展开更多
Using Landsat TM data of 1988, 1998 and 2001, the dynamic process of the spatial-temporal characteristics of land use changes during 13 years from 1988 to 2001 in the special economic zone of Xiamen, China was analyze...Using Landsat TM data of 1988, 1998 and 2001, the dynamic process of the spatial-temporal characteristics of land use changes during 13 years from 1988 to 2001 in the special economic zone of Xiamen, China was analyzed to improve understanding and to find the driving forces of land use change so that sustainable land utilization could be practiced. During the 13 years cropland decreased remarkably by nearly 11304.95 ha. The areas of rural-urban construction and water body increased by 10 152.24 ha and 848.94 ha, respectively. From 1988 to 2001, 52.5% of the lost cropland was converted into rural-urban industrial land. Rapid urbanization contributed to a great change in the rate of cropland land use during these years. Land-reclamation also contributed to a decrease in water body area as well as marine ecological and environmental destruction. In the study area 1) urbanization and industrialization, 2) infrastructure and agricultural intensification, 3) increased affluence of the farming community, and 4) policy factors have driven the land use changes. Possible sustainable land use measures included construction of a land management system, land planning, development of potential land resources, new technology applications, and marine ecological and environmental protection.展开更多
Land use changes such as urbanization, agriculture, pasturing, deforestation, desertification and irrigation can change the land surface heat flux directly, and also change the atmospheric circulation indirectly, and ...Land use changes such as urbanization, agriculture, pasturing, deforestation, desertification and irrigation can change the land surface heat flux directly, and also change the atmospheric circulation indirectly, and therefore affect the local temperature. But it is difficult to separate their effects from climate trends such as greenhouse-gas effects. Comparing the decadal trends of the observation station data with those of the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis (NNR) data provides a good method to separate the effects because the NNR is insensitive to land surface changes. The effects of urbanization and other land use changes over China are estimated by using the difference between the station and the NNR surface temperature trends. Our results show that urbanization and other land use changes may contribute to the observed 0.12℃ (10yr)-1 increase for daily mean surface temperature, and the0.20℃ (10yr)-1 and 0.03℃ (10 yr)-1 increases for the daily minimum and maximum surface temperatures, respectively. The urban heat island effect and the effects of other land-use changes may also play an important role in the diurnal temperature range change. The spatial pattern of the differences in trends shows a marked heterogeneity. The land surface degradation such as deforestation and desertification due to human activities over northern China, and rapidly-developed urbanization over southern China, may have mostly contributed to the increases at stations north of about 38°N and in Southeast China, respectively. Furthermore, the vegetation cover increase due to irrigation and fertilization may have contributed to the decreasing trend of surface temperature over the lower Yellow River Basin. The study illustrates the possible impacts of land use changes on surface temperature over China.展开更多
Human-induced land use/cover change (LUCC) forms an important component of global environmental change. Therefore, it is important to study land use/cover and its change at local, regional and global scales. In this p...Human-induced land use/cover change (LUCC) forms an important component of global environmental change. Therefore, it is important to study land use/cover and its change at local, regional and global scales. In this paper we conducted the study of land use change in Northeast China, one of the most important agricultural zones of the nation. From 1986 to 2000, according to the study results obtained from Landsat images, widespread changes in land use/cover took place in the study area. Grassland, marsh, water body and woodland decreased by 9864, 3973, 1367 and 10,052km2, respectively. By comparison, paddy field, dry farmland, and built-up land expanded by 7339, 17193 and 700km2, respectively. Those changes bore an interactive relationship with the environment, especially climate change. On the one hand, climate warming created a potential environment for grassland and marsh to be changed to farmland as more crops could thrive in the warmer climate, and for dry farmland to paddy field. On the other hand, the changed surface cover modified the local climate. Those changes, in turn, have adversely influenced the local environment by accelerating land degradation. In terms of socio-economic driving forces, population augment, regional economic development, and national and provincial policies were confirmed as main driving factors for land use change.展开更多
Fuqing County of southeast China has witnessed significant land use changes during the last decade. Re mote sensing technology using multitemporal Landsat TM images was used to characterize land use types and to monit...Fuqing County of southeast China has witnessed significant land use changes during the last decade. Re mote sensing technology using multitemporal Landsat TM images was used to characterize land use types and to monitor land use changes in the county. Two TM scenes from 1991 and 1996 were used to cover the county and a five-year time period. Digital image processing was carried out for the remotely sensed data to produce classified images. The images were further processed using GIS software to generate GIS databases so that the data could be further spatially analyzed taking the advantages of the software. Land use change areas were determined by using the change detection technique. The comparison of the two classified TM images using the above technologies reveals that during the five study years, a large area of arable lands in the county has been lost and deforestation has taken place largely because of the dramatic in crease in built-up land and orchard. The conclusive statistical information is useful to understand the processes, causes and impacts of the land use changes in the county. The major driving force to the land use changes in the county ap peared to be the rapid economic development. The decision makers of the county have to pay more attention to the land use changes for the county’s sustainable development.展开更多
Land use and land cover changes have a great impact on the regional hydrological process. Based on three periods of remote sensing data from the 1960s and the long-term observed data of groundwater from the 1980s, the...Land use and land cover changes have a great impact on the regional hydrological process. Based on three periods of remote sensing data from the 1960s and the long-term observed data of groundwater from the 1980s, the impacts of land use changes on the groundwater system in the middle reach of Heihe River Basin in recent three decades are analyzed by the perspective of groundwater recharge and discharge system. The results indicate that with the different intensities of land use changes, the impacts on the groundwater recharge were 2.602 × 10^8 m^3/a in the former 15 years (1969-1985) and 0.218 × 10^8 m^3/a in the latter 15 years (1986-2000), and the impacts on the groundwater discharge were 2.035 × 10^8 m^3/a and 4.91 × 10^8 m^3/a respectively. When the groundwater exploitation was in a reasonable range less than 3.0 × 10^8 m^3/a, the land use changes could control the changes of regional groundwater resources. Influenced by the land use changes and the large-scale exploitation in the recent decade, the groundwater resources present apparently regional differences in Zhangye region. Realizing the impact of land use changes on groundwater system and the characteristics of spatial-temporal variations of regional groundwater resources would be very important for reasonably utilizing and managing water and soil resources.展开更多
Carbon storage of terrestrial ecosystems plays a vital role in advancing carbon neutrality. Better understanding of how land use changes affect carbon storage in urban agglomeration will provide valuable guidance for ...Carbon storage of terrestrial ecosystems plays a vital role in advancing carbon neutrality. Better understanding of how land use changes affect carbon storage in urban agglomeration will provide valuable guidance for policymakers in developing effective regional conservation policies. Taking the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration(PRDUA) in China as an example, we examined the heterogeneous response of carbon storage to land use changes in 1990–2018 from a combined view of administrative units and physical entities. The results indicate that the primary change in land use was due to the expansion of construction land(5897.16 km2). The carbon storage in PRDUA decreased from 767.34 Tg C in 1990 to 725.42 Tg C in 2018 with a spatial pattern of high wings and the low middle. The carbon storage loss was largely attributed to construction land expansion(55.74%), followed by forest degradation(54.81%). Changes in carbon storage showed significant divergences in different sized cities and hierarchical boundaries. The coefficients of geographically weighted regression(GWR) reveal that the alteration in carbon storage in Guangzhou City was more responsive to changes in construction land(-0.11) compared to other cities, while that in Shenzhen was mainly affected by the dynamics of forest land(8.32). The change in carbon storage was primarily influenced by the conversion of farmland within urban extent(5.05) and the degradation of forest land in rural areas(5.82). Carbon storage changes were less sensitive to the expansion of construction land in the urban center, urban built-up area, and ex-urban built-up area, with the corresponding GWR coefficients of 0.19, 0.04, and 0.02. This study necessitates the differentiated protection strategies of carbon storage in urban agglomerations.展开更多
Analyzing spatiotemporal dynamics of land use and land cover over time is widely recognized as important to better understand and provide solutions for social, economic, and environmental problems, especially in ecolo...Analyzing spatiotemporal dynamics of land use and land cover over time is widely recognized as important to better understand and provide solutions for social, economic, and environmental problems, especially in ecologically fragile region. In this paper, a case study was taken in Zhenlai County, which is a part of farming-pastoral ecotone of Northeast China. This study seeks to use multi-temporal satellite images and other data from various sources to analyze spatiotemporal changes from 1932 to 2005, and applied a quantitative methodology named intensity analysis in the time scale of decades at three levels: time interval, category, and transition. The findings of the case study are as follows: 1) the interval level of intensity analysis revealed that the annual rate of overall change was relatively fast in 1932–1954 and 1954–1976 time intervals. 2) The category level showed that arable land experienced less intensively gains and losses if the overall change was to have been distributed uniformly across the landscape while the gains and losses of forest land, grassland, water, settlement, wetland and other unused land were not consistent and stationary across the four time intervals. 3) The transition level illustrated that arable land expanded at the expense of grassland before 2000 while it gained intensively from wetland from 2000 to 2005. Settlement targets arable land and avoids grassland, water, wetland and other unused land. Besides, the loss of grassland was intensively targeted by arable land, forest land and wetland in the study period while the loss of wetland was targeted by water except for the time interval of 1976–2000. 4) During the early reclamation period, land use change of the study area was mainly affected by the policy, institutional and political factors, followed by the natural disasters.展开更多
The Changzhutan region in the north-central part of Hunan Province in China has experienced a rapid urbanization in the past few decades that has led to substantial changes in its environment. In 2007, the National De...The Changzhutan region in the north-central part of Hunan Province in China has experienced a rapid urbanization in the past few decades that has led to substantial changes in its environment. In 2007, the National Development and Reform Commission of China designated the metropolitan district of Changsha City, Zhuzhou City, and Xiangtan City of this region as the fourth National Demonstration Area where economic development should be implemented in harmony with resource-saving and environment-friendly land use practices. The research, focus of this article will be on quantifying the spatial pattern of urban land use change which not only can provide an assessments and predictions of future environmental effects, but also will serve as a scientific basis for the development of urban sustainability. This paper integrates historical Landsat TM imagery, geographical information system (GIS) and socioeconomic data to determine the spatiotemporal urban land use dynamics and conversion of land use in response to the rapid urbanization of a select group of cities in China from 1990 to 2007. The approach is based on Principle Component Analysis to determine and model the relationship between the socioeconomic factors and land use/cover change (LUCC) for identifying the driving forces. The results indicate that land cover of the Changzhutan region mainly consists of forestland and cropland which accounted for about 93% of the total land area. During the 1990-2007 study period, the urban areas and water bodies increased by 46,297 ha and 775 ha, respectively, while forestland, cropland, and grassland decreased appreciably by 22,580 ha, 21,808 ha, and 5618 ha, respectively. Moreover, the urban land area during the 2000-2007 period increased by five times as much as that during the 1990-2000 period. The land use dynamic degree of Changsha City is the largest one followed by that for Xiangtan and Zhuzhou Cities. During this study period, the land use comprehensive intensity index increased and followed the sequence Xiangtan > Changsha > Zhuzhou. The changes were attributed to economic development, population growth, infrastructure improvements and construction, and land use policies. To address the negative or eco-environmental deleterious effects of these changes, landscape ecology plan, population growth control, and the development of an ecological friendly agriculture were suggested.展开更多
Recognizing land use changes(LUC)and evaluating their relationship with producing dust sources are considered effective to manage the environment.Taking Kermanshah Province,Iran as study area,dusty days from 2008 to 2...Recognizing land use changes(LUC)and evaluating their relationship with producing dust sources are considered effective to manage the environment.Taking Kermanshah Province,Iran as study area,dusty days from 2008 to 2015 were selected and dust sources were identified applying thermal-infrared dust index(TDI),hybrid single-particle lagrangian integrated trajectory(HYSPLIT),false color composite(FCC)and true color composite(TCC)of MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS)images.Afterwards,the land use change map was produced using Landsat images in 2000 and 2015.Then,the distribution and frequency of the sources in each land-use change class and important dust production areas were specified.Eventually,two non-parametric tests including Chisquare and Kruskal-Wallis were applied to examine the relationship between LUC and dust sources.Results indicated that the distribution of dust sources was not identical in the study area,and the sources were mainly generated in the areas where land-use change had occurred.In fact,different classes of LUC have different contributions to dust production,and the highest contribution refers to the deflation in gentle slope areas and lowlands where the rangeland has been converted into agriculture land.The findings from this study are useful to manage and control dust in the identified sources.展开更多
Taking the Yellow River Delta for example, this paper applied remote sensing and GIS to explore land use changes in the local area from 1980 to 2010. The results showed that arable land, and urban and rural constructi...Taking the Yellow River Delta for example, this paper applied remote sensing and GIS to explore land use changes in the local area from 1980 to 2010. The results showed that arable land, and urban and rural construction land were major land use types in the Yellow River Delta, unused land also took a large ratio; land use changes occurred mainly in coastal regions, in terms of change matrix, 25.46% of the grassland was reclaimed as arable land, unused land also witnessed great changes, specifi cally, 11.14% turned to arable land, 23.25% to construction land. This study provided references for the land use planning and development of the local area.展开更多
Change of land use is related to regional food security and ecological security.This study analyzed structural changes,quantity changes and spatial changes of land resource utilization in the watershed of the Nansi La...Change of land use is related to regional food security and ecological security.This study analyzed structural changes,quantity changes and spatial changes of land resource utilization in the watershed of the Nansi Lake,Shandong Province from 2000 to 2012 on the basis of land use investigation data and relevant socio-economic data in the study period.It is to disclose the problems in the utilization of local land resources,and provide scientific support for the scientific management of land resources and sustainable development of social economy.展开更多
This study investigates the upshot of sprawl incidence on pattern of land use changes and building physiognomies in Akure and its environs.Using social survey research method(SSRM)to investigate the upshot,data were g...This study investigates the upshot of sprawl incidence on pattern of land use changes and building physiognomies in Akure and its environs.Using social survey research method(SSRM)to investigate the upshot,data were gathered via structured questionnaires on selected households in the region,involving Akure municipal and eight contiguous communities.Basically,the survey method involves interview,personal observation and photo-snaps to elucidate existing situation in the region.Average households’population in Akure municipal was estimated at 95,232 while 14,794 was estimated in the selected eight contiguous communities.From this,a sample of 1%was systematically selected,which amounted to 1100 sampled households.Findings show regular massive inflow of people into the city due to unguided expansions that have serious sway on land use determinant in the city and its contiguous communities.It also has significant influence on variation in building arrangements and facility distribution across the region.To mitigate this,the study advocates proactive efforts of stakeholders in urban management to employing inventive measures over private and public lands in logical manners.It also suggests the espousal of regional development programs to checkmate the rate of peoples’incursion into Akure,being the state capital.Local government headquarters and other major towns in the region should be reinforced with functional basic facilities to curtail the excessive influx into the city.展开更多
Historical forest and grassland cover changes not only are critical indicators for quantifying ecological and environmental change processes but also serve as fundamental data for long-term climate change simulations ...Historical forest and grassland cover changes not only are critical indicators for quantifying ecological and environmental change processes but also serve as fundamental data for long-term climate change simulations and terrestrial ecosystem carbon emission assessments.However,because of limitations in historical data,quantitative estimations and spatially gridded reconstructions of these changes remain challenging,necessitating further methodological exploration.This study focused on China's present-day land area over the past millennium,objectively capturing the characteristics and drivers of forest and grassland cover changes.On this basis,using the forest transition theory and the space-for-time substitution method,we depicted the historical deforestation process as an inverted“S”curve and developed a model to reconstruct historical forest area changes based on the functional relationship between the forest area and population size dynamics.Subsequently,a gridded forest allocation model was established on the basis of deforestation tendencies.For the grassland cover,we implemented regionspecific methods,such as the cropland area deduction method and the habitat constraint method,to quantitatively reconstruct historical changes.Consequently,we obtained provincial forest and grassland area changes over the past millennium and mapped 10-km-resolution gridded data of forest and grassland cover.The results indicated the following.(1)The methods developed using population data as a proxy objectively reproduced the spatiotemporal evolution of forest and grassland cover in China over the past millennium.These feasible methods offer a novel pathway for the quantitative reconstruction of historical forest and grassland cover changes.(2)The data indicated that China's forest area generally decreased over the past millennium,characterized by a“decrease-then-increase”pattern.The forest area experienced three distinct phases:a slow decline(AD 1000–1650),a rapid decline(AD 1650–1960),and a gradual recovery(AD 1960–2000).The area decreased from 298 million hectares(Mha)in AD 1000 to 89 Mha in AD 1960 before increasing to 153 Mha in AD 2000.Spatially,deforestation began in the middlelower reaches of the Yellow River and gradually expanded to the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River,the southern coastal areas of China,southwest China,and northeast China,with the forest cover declining by 27%,40%,58%,55%,and 35%in these regions,respectively.(3)China's grassland area has shown a continuous decline over the past millennium with three phases:stable fluctuation(AD 1000–1600),slow decline(AD 1600–1900),and rapid decline(AD 1900–2000).The grassland area decreased from 305 Mha in AD 1000 to 277 Mha in AD 2000.Notably,zonal grassland areas in Northeast China,Inner Mongolia,Gan-Ning,Qinghai,Xinjiang,and Xizang decreased by 28 Mha over the millennium,whereas nonzonal secondary grassland areas in the hilly and mountainous areas of eastern and southern China increased by 0.3 Mha.展开更多
Terrestrial carbon storage(CS)plays a crucial role in achieving carbon balance and mitigating global climate change.This study employs the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways and Representative Concentration Pathways(SSPs-R...Terrestrial carbon storage(CS)plays a crucial role in achieving carbon balance and mitigating global climate change.This study employs the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways and Representative Concentration Pathways(SSPs-RCPs)published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)and incorporates the Policy Control Scenario(PCS)regulated by China’s land management policies.The Future Land Use Simulation(FLUS)model is employed to generate a 1 km resolution land use/cover change(LUCC)dataset for China in 2030 and 2060.Based on the carbon density dataset of China’s terrestrial ecosystems,the study analyses CS changes and their relationship with land use changes spanning from 1990 to 2060.The findings indicate that the quantitative changes in land use in China from 1990 to 2020 are characterised by a reduction in the area proportion of cropland and grassland,along with an increase in the impervious surface and forest area.This changing trend is projected to continue under the PCS from 2020 to 2060.Under the SSPs-RCPs scenario,the proportion of cropland and impervious surface predominantly increases,while the proportions of forest and grassland continuously decrease.Carbon loss in China’s carbon storage from 1990 to 2020 amounted to 0.53×10^(12)kg,primarily due to the reduced area of cropland and grassland.In the SSPs-RCPs scenario,more significant carbon loss occurs,reaching a peak of8.07×10^(12)kg in the SSP4-RCP3.4 scenario.Carbon loss is mainly concentrated in the southeastern coastal area and the Beijing-TianjinHebei(BTH)region of China,with urbanisation and deforestation identified as the primary drivers.In the future,it is advisable to enhance the protection of forests and grassland while stabilising cropland areas and improving the intensity of urban land.These research findings offer valuable data support for China’s land management policy,land space optimisation,and the achievement of dual-carbon targets.展开更多
Understanding the trajectories and driving mechanisms behind land use/land cover(LULC)changes is essential for effective watershed planning and management.This study quantified the net change,exchange,total change,and...Understanding the trajectories and driving mechanisms behind land use/land cover(LULC)changes is essential for effective watershed planning and management.This study quantified the net change,exchange,total change,and transfer rate of LULC in the Jinghe River Basin(JRB),China using LULC data from 2000 to 2020.Through trajectory analysis,knowledge maps,chord diagrams,and standard deviation ellipse method,we examined the spatiotemporal characteristics of LULC changes.We further established an index system encompassing natural factors(digital elevation model(DEM),slope,aspect,and curvature),socio-economic factors(gross domestic product(GDP)and population),and accessibility factors(distance from railways,distance from highways,distance from water,and distance from residents)to investigate the driving mechanisms of LULC changes using factor detector and interaction detector in the geographical detector(Geodetector).The key findings indicate that from 2000 to 2020,the JRB experienced significant LULC changes,particularly for farmland,forest,and grassland.During the study period,LULC change trajectories were categorized into stable,early-stage,late-stage,repeated,and continuous change types.Besides the stable change type,the late-stage change type predominated the LULC change trajectories,comprising 83.31% of the total change area.The period 2010-2020 witnessed more active LULC changes compared to the period 2000-2010.The LULC changes exhibited a discrete spatial expansion trend during 2000-2020,predominantly extending from southeast to northwest of the JRB.Influential driving factors on LULC changes included slope,GDP,and distance from highways.The interaction detection results imply either bilinear or nonlinear enhancement for any two driving factors impacting the LULC changes from 2000 to 2020.This comprehensive understanding of the spatiotemporal characteristics and driving mechanisms of LULC changes offers valuable insights for the planning and sustainable management of LULC in the JRB.展开更多
Land use changes in mountainous regions were greatly enhanced as the rapid development of economy due to the expanded population in developing countries. Acting geographically as the basic unit of mountainous regions,...Land use changes in mountainous regions were greatly enhanced as the rapid development of economy due to the expanded population in developing countries. Acting geographically as the basic unit of mountainous regions, valleys are the primary sites of economic activities. Therefore optimization of land use policy in valleys is of critical important to the sustainable development in mountainous regions. On the basis of land use data in 1995 and 2012, this study explored the changes of land use according to the assessment of varied topographic factors (i.e., altitude and slope) in typical valleys of the Beijing mountainous regions, China. Our results showed that the valley is an efficiently geographical unit to evaluate land use changes in mountainous regions. We also found that major land use changes in mountainous regions of Beijing from 1995 to 2012 were the dramatic losses of grassland to the cultivated and construction lands, while most of these changes took place at the altitude of 0-400m and the slope of 6-15~. Considering the ever increasing economic development in Beijing mountainous regions, the increases of the construction and cultivated lands are inevitable, however, the great changes at a steeper slope imply the need to tailor land use structure coming into line with topographic factors, and suggesting ecological barriers and water conservation must be exercised in the developments of these areas.展开更多
This study analyzed four periods of land use raster data in 1992,2002,2012,and 2022,utilizing software tools such as ArcGIS 10.7,Fragstats 4.2,and the PLUS model.The objective was to identify the characteristics of la...This study analyzed four periods of land use raster data in 1992,2002,2012,and 2022,utilizing software tools such as ArcGIS 10.7,Fragstats 4.2,and the PLUS model.The objective was to identify the characteristics of land use changes in the major urban areas of Jingzhou City,specifically in Jingzhou District and Shashi District,over the past 30 years.Additionally,the analysis incorporated 14 influencing factors to determine the primary influencing factors of various land use changes.The findings indicated that:(i)the area designated for construction within the study region had consistently expanded in a distinct north-easterly direction from 1992 to 2022.The primary increase in construction land was attributable to the decrease in cultivated land.Despite a decrease in its proportion,cultivated land remained the predominant landscape throughout this period.(ii)The expansion of construction land led to a reduction in the spatial aggregation of various land types,an increase in fragmentation,a decrease in heterogeneity,and a rise in the complexity of land shapes.(iii)Socio-economic factors,including distances to primary and secondary roads,highways,and natural elements such as precipitation,DEM,and distance to water systems,were the primary driving factors influencing various land use changes.Overall,socio-economic factors serve as the principal driving force of changes in land use landscape patterns in the study area.展开更多
Based on analyzing the changes of land use in Wuzhong District, Suzhou City from 2005 to 2008, temporal and spatial changes of land use from 2008 to 2020 were analyzed by using the model CLUE-S and, from the perspecti...Based on analyzing the changes of land use in Wuzhong District, Suzhou City from 2005 to 2008, temporal and spatial changes of land use from 2008 to 2020 were analyzed by using the model CLUE-S and, from the perspective of landscape ecology, future landscape pattern changes of land use in Wuzhong District were also quantitatively discussed by utilizing landscape indices. The results indicated that there was a large variation range of land use in Wuzhong District from 2005 to 2008 and massive farmland and woodland were transformed into construction land and gardens. Guided by the policy of saving intensive land and protecting farmland, future variation range of land use will get smaller obviously. The fragmentation degree for farmland, woodland and water area will get decreased but will get increased relatively for construction land. In general, all landscapes tend to a balanced development.展开更多
基金Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province"Research on Optimization Model of Land Use in Southern Hilly Region with Red Soil in Jiangxi Province based on Ecological Security Evaluation"(2008GQH0057)Educational Commission of Jiangxi Province"Research on Scenario Simulation of Land Use Security Pattern in Southern Hilly Region with Red Soil in Jiangxi Province" (GJJ09557)Innovative Experimental Projects of National University Students"Research on Land Use Ecological Security Assessment in Hilly Region with Red Soil based on GIS-Xingguo County in Jiangxi Province as an Example"(101042124)~~
文摘The contribution rate of ecosystem service value variation was used to analyze the effects of land use changes on the changes of ecosystem service value in Xingguo County during 1996-2005.Grey integrated correlation was employed to explore the contribution level of the indicators such as total population,urbanization level,proportion of primary industry and investment of social fixed assets on ecosystem service value,and the correlation analysis was also carried out.The results showed that the ecosystem service value in Xingguo County during 1996-2005 mainly was woodland,and the decrease of woodland area was the major reason for the sustained reduction of ecosystem service value.With the further increase of market demand and the incentives of local government,the garden area rapidly increased during 2001-2005,and the influence degree of garden towards the changes of ecosystem service value was only second to woodland,ranking No.2.Four socio-economic indicators had different correlation degree with ecosystem service value during the different research periods.Total population,urbanization level and proportion of primary industry had high correlation degree with ecosystem service value,whereas the influence degree of various socio-economic indicators on ecosystem service value was equal with each other day by day.Urbanization level,investment of social fixed assets and total population had significant negative correlation with ecosystem service value,while the proportion of primary industry had positive correlation with ecosystem service value.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.40671007)the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.KZCX2-YW-421)the National S&T Support Program(Grant No.2007BAC03A11-01)
文摘Taking Ansai County located in loess hilly and gully area as a case, this study analyzes the land use changes driven by the SLCP (Slope Land Conversion Program) and the farmers' responses by household survey and participatory rapid appraisal (PRA). It is found that the SLCP aroused various changes in land use, agricultural production, rural incomes, etc. In the period of 1999-2005, the farmland and grasslands were reduced by 26,809 ha and 17,571 ha respectively, while forestland increased by 38,203 ha; greenhouse vegetable and orchard got a quick development, with the area enlarged by about 7 times and nearly doubled respectively. The SLCP reduced the area of crops particularly those that normally grown on slope lands, e.g. the sowing area of winter wheat ped from 19.39% of the total cropping area in 1999 to 0.98% in 2005. Draught animals, pigs and sheep have a decline in the number because the remained land and the ban on grazing on natural grasslands can not provide sufficient feed forage. Thanks to the financial subsidy, farmers increased land inputs and thus outputs. To achieve long-term sustainable development and improve rural income, the government should continuously support farmers to improve the land management, to adopt alternative land use systems, and to increase inputs on soil conservation. Vegetable and fruit production are two promise land use systems, and should be further developed.
基金Project supported by the Fujian Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No. D0210010).
文摘Using Landsat TM data of 1988, 1998 and 2001, the dynamic process of the spatial-temporal characteristics of land use changes during 13 years from 1988 to 2001 in the special economic zone of Xiamen, China was analyzed to improve understanding and to find the driving forces of land use change so that sustainable land utilization could be practiced. During the 13 years cropland decreased remarkably by nearly 11304.95 ha. The areas of rural-urban construction and water body increased by 10 152.24 ha and 848.94 ha, respectively. From 1988 to 2001, 52.5% of the lost cropland was converted into rural-urban industrial land. Rapid urbanization contributed to a great change in the rate of cropland land use during these years. Land-reclamation also contributed to a decrease in water body area as well as marine ecological and environmental destruction. In the study area 1) urbanization and industrialization, 2) infrastructure and agricultural intensification, 3) increased affluence of the farming community, and 4) policy factors have driven the land use changes. Possible sustainable land use measures included construction of a land management system, land planning, development of potential land resources, new technology applications, and marine ecological and environmental protection.
基金This work was supported jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.40231006)the Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.KZCX3-SW-218)the project“Development of Prediction Technology of the Global Warming and the Climate Challge in the Korean Peninsula,of the Meteorological and Earthquake R&D Programs”funded by the Korea Meteorological Ad ministration.
文摘Land use changes such as urbanization, agriculture, pasturing, deforestation, desertification and irrigation can change the land surface heat flux directly, and also change the atmospheric circulation indirectly, and therefore affect the local temperature. But it is difficult to separate their effects from climate trends such as greenhouse-gas effects. Comparing the decadal trends of the observation station data with those of the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis (NNR) data provides a good method to separate the effects because the NNR is insensitive to land surface changes. The effects of urbanization and other land use changes over China are estimated by using the difference between the station and the NNR surface temperature trends. Our results show that urbanization and other land use changes may contribute to the observed 0.12℃ (10yr)-1 increase for daily mean surface temperature, and the0.20℃ (10yr)-1 and 0.03℃ (10 yr)-1 increases for the daily minimum and maximum surface temperatures, respectively. The urban heat island effect and the effects of other land-use changes may also play an important role in the diurnal temperature range change. The spatial pattern of the differences in trends shows a marked heterogeneity. The land surface degradation such as deforestation and desertification due to human activities over northern China, and rapidly-developed urbanization over southern China, may have mostly contributed to the increases at stations north of about 38°N and in Southeast China, respectively. Furthermore, the vegetation cover increase due to irrigation and fertilization may have contributed to the decreasing trend of surface temperature over the lower Yellow River Basin. The study illustrates the possible impacts of land use changes on surface temperature over China.
基金Under the auspices of the Knowledge Innovation Programs of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-YW-341)National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40871187, 40801208)
文摘Human-induced land use/cover change (LUCC) forms an important component of global environmental change. Therefore, it is important to study land use/cover and its change at local, regional and global scales. In this paper we conducted the study of land use change in Northeast China, one of the most important agricultural zones of the nation. From 1986 to 2000, according to the study results obtained from Landsat images, widespread changes in land use/cover took place in the study area. Grassland, marsh, water body and woodland decreased by 9864, 3973, 1367 and 10,052km2, respectively. By comparison, paddy field, dry farmland, and built-up land expanded by 7339, 17193 and 700km2, respectively. Those changes bore an interactive relationship with the environment, especially climate change. On the one hand, climate warming created a potential environment for grassland and marsh to be changed to farmland as more crops could thrive in the warmer climate, and for dry farmland to paddy field. On the other hand, the changed surface cover modified the local climate. Those changes, in turn, have adversely influenced the local environment by accelerating land degradation. In terms of socio-economic driving forces, population augment, regional economic development, and national and provincial policies were confirmed as main driving factors for land use change.
文摘Fuqing County of southeast China has witnessed significant land use changes during the last decade. Re mote sensing technology using multitemporal Landsat TM images was used to characterize land use types and to monitor land use changes in the county. Two TM scenes from 1991 and 1996 were used to cover the county and a five-year time period. Digital image processing was carried out for the remotely sensed data to produce classified images. The images were further processed using GIS software to generate GIS databases so that the data could be further spatially analyzed taking the advantages of the software. Land use change areas were determined by using the change detection technique. The comparison of the two classified TM images using the above technologies reveals that during the five study years, a large area of arable lands in the county has been lost and deforestation has taken place largely because of the dramatic in crease in built-up land and orchard. The conclusive statistical information is useful to understand the processes, causes and impacts of the land use changes in the county. The major driving force to the land use changes in the county ap peared to be the rapid economic development. The decision makers of the county have to pay more attention to the land use changes for the county’s sustainable development.
基金NationalNaturalScience Foundation of China,No.40171002China-Japan Cooperation Project "Estim ation ofoasisadaptability to waterresourceunderchanging environment"
文摘Land use and land cover changes have a great impact on the regional hydrological process. Based on three periods of remote sensing data from the 1960s and the long-term observed data of groundwater from the 1980s, the impacts of land use changes on the groundwater system in the middle reach of Heihe River Basin in recent three decades are analyzed by the perspective of groundwater recharge and discharge system. The results indicate that with the different intensities of land use changes, the impacts on the groundwater recharge were 2.602 × 10^8 m^3/a in the former 15 years (1969-1985) and 0.218 × 10^8 m^3/a in the latter 15 years (1986-2000), and the impacts on the groundwater discharge were 2.035 × 10^8 m^3/a and 4.91 × 10^8 m^3/a respectively. When the groundwater exploitation was in a reasonable range less than 3.0 × 10^8 m^3/a, the land use changes could control the changes of regional groundwater resources. Influenced by the land use changes and the large-scale exploitation in the recent decade, the groundwater resources present apparently regional differences in Zhangye region. Realizing the impact of land use changes on groundwater system and the characteristics of spatial-temporal variations of regional groundwater resources would be very important for reasonably utilizing and managing water and soil resources.
基金Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.42171414,41771429)the Open Fund of Guangdong Enterprise Key Laboratory for Urban SensingMonitoring and Early Warning (No.2020B121202019)。
文摘Carbon storage of terrestrial ecosystems plays a vital role in advancing carbon neutrality. Better understanding of how land use changes affect carbon storage in urban agglomeration will provide valuable guidance for policymakers in developing effective regional conservation policies. Taking the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration(PRDUA) in China as an example, we examined the heterogeneous response of carbon storage to land use changes in 1990–2018 from a combined view of administrative units and physical entities. The results indicate that the primary change in land use was due to the expansion of construction land(5897.16 km2). The carbon storage in PRDUA decreased from 767.34 Tg C in 1990 to 725.42 Tg C in 2018 with a spatial pattern of high wings and the low middle. The carbon storage loss was largely attributed to construction land expansion(55.74%), followed by forest degradation(54.81%). Changes in carbon storage showed significant divergences in different sized cities and hierarchical boundaries. The coefficients of geographically weighted regression(GWR) reveal that the alteration in carbon storage in Guangzhou City was more responsive to changes in construction land(-0.11) compared to other cities, while that in Shenzhen was mainly affected by the dynamics of forest land(8.32). The change in carbon storage was primarily influenced by the conversion of farmland within urban extent(5.05) and the degradation of forest land in rural areas(5.82). Carbon storage changes were less sensitive to the expansion of construction land in the urban center, urban built-up area, and ex-urban built-up area, with the corresponding GWR coefficients of 0.19, 0.04, and 0.02. This study necessitates the differentiated protection strategies of carbon storage in urban agglomerations.
基金Under the auspices of National Youth Science Foundation of China(No.41601173)China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No.2016M600954)
文摘Analyzing spatiotemporal dynamics of land use and land cover over time is widely recognized as important to better understand and provide solutions for social, economic, and environmental problems, especially in ecologically fragile region. In this paper, a case study was taken in Zhenlai County, which is a part of farming-pastoral ecotone of Northeast China. This study seeks to use multi-temporal satellite images and other data from various sources to analyze spatiotemporal changes from 1932 to 2005, and applied a quantitative methodology named intensity analysis in the time scale of decades at three levels: time interval, category, and transition. The findings of the case study are as follows: 1) the interval level of intensity analysis revealed that the annual rate of overall change was relatively fast in 1932–1954 and 1954–1976 time intervals. 2) The category level showed that arable land experienced less intensively gains and losses if the overall change was to have been distributed uniformly across the landscape while the gains and losses of forest land, grassland, water, settlement, wetland and other unused land were not consistent and stationary across the four time intervals. 3) The transition level illustrated that arable land expanded at the expense of grassland before 2000 while it gained intensively from wetland from 2000 to 2005. Settlement targets arable land and avoids grassland, water, wetland and other unused land. Besides, the loss of grassland was intensively targeted by arable land, forest land and wetland in the study period while the loss of wetland was targeted by water except for the time interval of 1976–2000. 4) During the early reclamation period, land use change of the study area was mainly affected by the policy, institutional and political factors, followed by the natural disasters.
基金supported by program of the United States Department of Agriculture(Agreement Number:58-6408-3-001FN)the State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau,In-stitute of Water and Soil Conservation,Chinese Acad-emy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources(No.10,501-298).
文摘The Changzhutan region in the north-central part of Hunan Province in China has experienced a rapid urbanization in the past few decades that has led to substantial changes in its environment. In 2007, the National Development and Reform Commission of China designated the metropolitan district of Changsha City, Zhuzhou City, and Xiangtan City of this region as the fourth National Demonstration Area where economic development should be implemented in harmony with resource-saving and environment-friendly land use practices. The research, focus of this article will be on quantifying the spatial pattern of urban land use change which not only can provide an assessments and predictions of future environmental effects, but also will serve as a scientific basis for the development of urban sustainability. This paper integrates historical Landsat TM imagery, geographical information system (GIS) and socioeconomic data to determine the spatiotemporal urban land use dynamics and conversion of land use in response to the rapid urbanization of a select group of cities in China from 1990 to 2007. The approach is based on Principle Component Analysis to determine and model the relationship between the socioeconomic factors and land use/cover change (LUCC) for identifying the driving forces. The results indicate that land cover of the Changzhutan region mainly consists of forestland and cropland which accounted for about 93% of the total land area. During the 1990-2007 study period, the urban areas and water bodies increased by 46,297 ha and 775 ha, respectively, while forestland, cropland, and grassland decreased appreciably by 22,580 ha, 21,808 ha, and 5618 ha, respectively. Moreover, the urban land area during the 2000-2007 period increased by five times as much as that during the 1990-2000 period. The land use dynamic degree of Changsha City is the largest one followed by that for Xiangtan and Zhuzhou Cities. During this study period, the land use comprehensive intensity index increased and followed the sequence Xiangtan > Changsha > Zhuzhou. The changes were attributed to economic development, population growth, infrastructure improvements and construction, and land use policies. To address the negative or eco-environmental deleterious effects of these changes, landscape ecology plan, population growth control, and the development of an ecological friendly agriculture were suggested.
基金Under the auspices of Project of Research Center of Razi University,Kermanshah,Iran(No.927425001)。
文摘Recognizing land use changes(LUC)and evaluating their relationship with producing dust sources are considered effective to manage the environment.Taking Kermanshah Province,Iran as study area,dusty days from 2008 to 2015 were selected and dust sources were identified applying thermal-infrared dust index(TDI),hybrid single-particle lagrangian integrated trajectory(HYSPLIT),false color composite(FCC)and true color composite(TCC)of MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS)images.Afterwards,the land use change map was produced using Landsat images in 2000 and 2015.Then,the distribution and frequency of the sources in each land-use change class and important dust production areas were specified.Eventually,two non-parametric tests including Chisquare and Kruskal-Wallis were applied to examine the relationship between LUC and dust sources.Results indicated that the distribution of dust sources was not identical in the study area,and the sources were mainly generated in the areas where land-use change had occurred.In fact,different classes of LUC have different contributions to dust production,and the highest contribution refers to the deflation in gentle slope areas and lowlands where the rangeland has been converted into agriculture land.The findings from this study are useful to manage and control dust in the identified sources.
基金Sponsored by Shandong Provincial Natural Science Fund(ZR2011DQ018)Scientific Research Fund of "Young Talents Innovation Project" of Binzhou University(BZXYQNLG200717)
文摘Taking the Yellow River Delta for example, this paper applied remote sensing and GIS to explore land use changes in the local area from 1980 to 2010. The results showed that arable land, and urban and rural construction land were major land use types in the Yellow River Delta, unused land also took a large ratio; land use changes occurred mainly in coastal regions, in terms of change matrix, 25.46% of the grassland was reclaimed as arable land, unused land also witnessed great changes, specifi cally, 11.14% turned to arable land, 23.25% to construction land. This study provided references for the land use planning and development of the local area.
文摘Change of land use is related to regional food security and ecological security.This study analyzed structural changes,quantity changes and spatial changes of land resource utilization in the watershed of the Nansi Lake,Shandong Province from 2000 to 2012 on the basis of land use investigation data and relevant socio-economic data in the study period.It is to disclose the problems in the utilization of local land resources,and provide scientific support for the scientific management of land resources and sustainable development of social economy.
文摘This study investigates the upshot of sprawl incidence on pattern of land use changes and building physiognomies in Akure and its environs.Using social survey research method(SSRM)to investigate the upshot,data were gathered via structured questionnaires on selected households in the region,involving Akure municipal and eight contiguous communities.Basically,the survey method involves interview,personal observation and photo-snaps to elucidate existing situation in the region.Average households’population in Akure municipal was estimated at 95,232 while 14,794 was estimated in the selected eight contiguous communities.From this,a sample of 1%was systematically selected,which amounted to 1100 sampled households.Findings show regular massive inflow of people into the city due to unguided expansions that have serious sway on land use determinant in the city and its contiguous communities.It also has significant influence on variation in building arrangements and facility distribution across the region.To mitigate this,the study advocates proactive efforts of stakeholders in urban management to employing inventive measures over private and public lands in logical manners.It also suggests the espousal of regional development programs to checkmate the rate of peoples’incursion into Akure,being the state capital.Local government headquarters and other major towns in the region should be reinforced with functional basic facilities to curtail the excessive influx into the city.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(Grant No.2017YFA0603304)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.42201263)。
文摘Historical forest and grassland cover changes not only are critical indicators for quantifying ecological and environmental change processes but also serve as fundamental data for long-term climate change simulations and terrestrial ecosystem carbon emission assessments.However,because of limitations in historical data,quantitative estimations and spatially gridded reconstructions of these changes remain challenging,necessitating further methodological exploration.This study focused on China's present-day land area over the past millennium,objectively capturing the characteristics and drivers of forest and grassland cover changes.On this basis,using the forest transition theory and the space-for-time substitution method,we depicted the historical deforestation process as an inverted“S”curve and developed a model to reconstruct historical forest area changes based on the functional relationship between the forest area and population size dynamics.Subsequently,a gridded forest allocation model was established on the basis of deforestation tendencies.For the grassland cover,we implemented regionspecific methods,such as the cropland area deduction method and the habitat constraint method,to quantitatively reconstruct historical changes.Consequently,we obtained provincial forest and grassland area changes over the past millennium and mapped 10-km-resolution gridded data of forest and grassland cover.The results indicated the following.(1)The methods developed using population data as a proxy objectively reproduced the spatiotemporal evolution of forest and grassland cover in China over the past millennium.These feasible methods offer a novel pathway for the quantitative reconstruction of historical forest and grassland cover changes.(2)The data indicated that China's forest area generally decreased over the past millennium,characterized by a“decrease-then-increase”pattern.The forest area experienced three distinct phases:a slow decline(AD 1000–1650),a rapid decline(AD 1650–1960),and a gradual recovery(AD 1960–2000).The area decreased from 298 million hectares(Mha)in AD 1000 to 89 Mha in AD 1960 before increasing to 153 Mha in AD 2000.Spatially,deforestation began in the middlelower reaches of the Yellow River and gradually expanded to the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River,the southern coastal areas of China,southwest China,and northeast China,with the forest cover declining by 27%,40%,58%,55%,and 35%in these regions,respectively.(3)China's grassland area has shown a continuous decline over the past millennium with three phases:stable fluctuation(AD 1000–1600),slow decline(AD 1600–1900),and rapid decline(AD 1900–2000).The grassland area decreased from 305 Mha in AD 1000 to 277 Mha in AD 2000.Notably,zonal grassland areas in Northeast China,Inner Mongolia,Gan-Ning,Qinghai,Xinjiang,and Xizang decreased by 28 Mha over the millennium,whereas nonzonal secondary grassland areas in the hilly and mountainous areas of eastern and southern China increased by 0.3 Mha.
基金Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41971219,41571168)Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province(No.2020JJ4372)Philosophy and Social Science Fund Project of Hunan Province(No.18ZDB015)。
文摘Terrestrial carbon storage(CS)plays a crucial role in achieving carbon balance and mitigating global climate change.This study employs the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways and Representative Concentration Pathways(SSPs-RCPs)published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)and incorporates the Policy Control Scenario(PCS)regulated by China’s land management policies.The Future Land Use Simulation(FLUS)model is employed to generate a 1 km resolution land use/cover change(LUCC)dataset for China in 2030 and 2060.Based on the carbon density dataset of China’s terrestrial ecosystems,the study analyses CS changes and their relationship with land use changes spanning from 1990 to 2060.The findings indicate that the quantitative changes in land use in China from 1990 to 2020 are characterised by a reduction in the area proportion of cropland and grassland,along with an increase in the impervious surface and forest area.This changing trend is projected to continue under the PCS from 2020 to 2060.Under the SSPs-RCPs scenario,the proportion of cropland and impervious surface predominantly increases,while the proportions of forest and grassland continuously decrease.Carbon loss in China’s carbon storage from 1990 to 2020 amounted to 0.53×10^(12)kg,primarily due to the reduced area of cropland and grassland.In the SSPs-RCPs scenario,more significant carbon loss occurs,reaching a peak of8.07×10^(12)kg in the SSP4-RCP3.4 scenario.Carbon loss is mainly concentrated in the southeastern coastal area and the Beijing-TianjinHebei(BTH)region of China,with urbanisation and deforestation identified as the primary drivers.In the future,it is advisable to enhance the protection of forests and grassland while stabilising cropland areas and improving the intensity of urban land.These research findings offer valuable data support for China’s land management policy,land space optimisation,and the achievement of dual-carbon targets.
基金partly funded by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(NK2023190801)the National Foreign Experts Program of China(G2023041024L)the Key Scientific Research Program of Shaanxi Provincial Education Department,China(21JT028)。
文摘Understanding the trajectories and driving mechanisms behind land use/land cover(LULC)changes is essential for effective watershed planning and management.This study quantified the net change,exchange,total change,and transfer rate of LULC in the Jinghe River Basin(JRB),China using LULC data from 2000 to 2020.Through trajectory analysis,knowledge maps,chord diagrams,and standard deviation ellipse method,we examined the spatiotemporal characteristics of LULC changes.We further established an index system encompassing natural factors(digital elevation model(DEM),slope,aspect,and curvature),socio-economic factors(gross domestic product(GDP)and population),and accessibility factors(distance from railways,distance from highways,distance from water,and distance from residents)to investigate the driving mechanisms of LULC changes using factor detector and interaction detector in the geographical detector(Geodetector).The key findings indicate that from 2000 to 2020,the JRB experienced significant LULC changes,particularly for farmland,forest,and grassland.During the study period,LULC change trajectories were categorized into stable,early-stage,late-stage,repeated,and continuous change types.Besides the stable change type,the late-stage change type predominated the LULC change trajectories,comprising 83.31% of the total change area.The period 2010-2020 witnessed more active LULC changes compared to the period 2000-2010.The LULC changes exhibited a discrete spatial expansion trend during 2000-2020,predominantly extending from southeast to northwest of the JRB.Influential driving factors on LULC changes included slope,GDP,and distance from highways.The interaction detection results imply either bilinear or nonlinear enhancement for any two driving factors impacting the LULC changes from 2000 to 2020.This comprehensive understanding of the spatiotemporal characteristics and driving mechanisms of LULC changes offers valuable insights for the planning and sustainable management of LULC in the JRB.
基金supported by the Beijing Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project(Grant No.15JGC193)Beijing Postdoctoral Research Foundation(Grant No.2015ZZ-128)Beijing academy of social sciences youth project
文摘Land use changes in mountainous regions were greatly enhanced as the rapid development of economy due to the expanded population in developing countries. Acting geographically as the basic unit of mountainous regions, valleys are the primary sites of economic activities. Therefore optimization of land use policy in valleys is of critical important to the sustainable development in mountainous regions. On the basis of land use data in 1995 and 2012, this study explored the changes of land use according to the assessment of varied topographic factors (i.e., altitude and slope) in typical valleys of the Beijing mountainous regions, China. Our results showed that the valley is an efficiently geographical unit to evaluate land use changes in mountainous regions. We also found that major land use changes in mountainous regions of Beijing from 1995 to 2012 were the dramatic losses of grassland to the cultivated and construction lands, while most of these changes took place at the altitude of 0-400m and the slope of 6-15~. Considering the ever increasing economic development in Beijing mountainous regions, the increases of the construction and cultivated lands are inevitable, however, the great changes at a steeper slope imply the need to tailor land use structure coming into line with topographic factors, and suggesting ecological barriers and water conservation must be exercised in the developments of these areas.
文摘This study analyzed four periods of land use raster data in 1992,2002,2012,and 2022,utilizing software tools such as ArcGIS 10.7,Fragstats 4.2,and the PLUS model.The objective was to identify the characteristics of land use changes in the major urban areas of Jingzhou City,specifically in Jingzhou District and Shashi District,over the past 30 years.Additionally,the analysis incorporated 14 influencing factors to determine the primary influencing factors of various land use changes.The findings indicated that:(i)the area designated for construction within the study region had consistently expanded in a distinct north-easterly direction from 1992 to 2022.The primary increase in construction land was attributable to the decrease in cultivated land.Despite a decrease in its proportion,cultivated land remained the predominant landscape throughout this period.(ii)The expansion of construction land led to a reduction in the spatial aggregation of various land types,an increase in fragmentation,a decrease in heterogeneity,and a rise in the complexity of land shapes.(iii)Socio-economic factors,including distances to primary and secondary roads,highways,and natural elements such as precipitation,DEM,and distance to water systems,were the primary driving factors influencing various land use changes.Overall,socio-economic factors serve as the principal driving force of changes in land use landscape patterns in the study area.
文摘Based on analyzing the changes of land use in Wuzhong District, Suzhou City from 2005 to 2008, temporal and spatial changes of land use from 2008 to 2020 were analyzed by using the model CLUE-S and, from the perspective of landscape ecology, future landscape pattern changes of land use in Wuzhong District were also quantitatively discussed by utilizing landscape indices. The results indicated that there was a large variation range of land use in Wuzhong District from 2005 to 2008 and massive farmland and woodland were transformed into construction land and gardens. Guided by the policy of saving intensive land and protecting farmland, future variation range of land use will get smaller obviously. The fragmentation degree for farmland, woodland and water area will get decreased but will get increased relatively for construction land. In general, all landscapes tend to a balanced development.