Background:While nest attentiveness plays a critical role in the reproductive success of avian species,nest attentiveness data with high temporal resolution is not available for many species.However,improvements in bo...Background:While nest attentiveness plays a critical role in the reproductive success of avian species,nest attentiveness data with high temporal resolution is not available for many species.However,improvements in both video monitoring and temperature logging devices present an opportunity to increase our understanding of this aspect of avian behavior.Methods:To investigate nest attentiveness behaviors and evaluate these technologies,we monitored 13 nests across two Common Tern(Sterna hirundo)breeding colonies with a paired video camera-temperature logger approach,while monitoring 63 additional nests with temperature loggers alone.Observations occurred from May to August of 2017 on Poplar(Chesapeake Bay,Maryland,USA)and Skimmer Islands(Isle of Wight Bay,Maryland,USA).We examined data respective to four times of day:Morning(civil dawn‒11:59),Peak(12:00‒16:00),Cooling(16:01‒civil dusk),and Night(civil dusk‒civil dawn).Results:While successful nests had mostly short duration off-bouts and maintained consistent nest attentiveness throughout the day,failed nests had dramatic reductions in nest attentiveness during the Cooling and Night periods(p<0.05)with one colony experiencing repeated nocturnal abandonment due to predation pressure from a Great Horned Owl(Bubo virginianus).Incubation appeared to ameliorate ambient temperatures during Night,as nests were significantly warmer during Night when birds were on versus off the nest(p<0.05).Meanwhile,off-bouts during the Peak period occurred during higher ambient temperatures,perhaps due to adults leaving the nest during the hottest periods to perform belly soaking.Unfortunately,temperature logger data alone had limited ability to predict nest attentiveness status during shorter bouts,with results highly dependent on time of day and bout duration.While our methods did not affect hatching success(p>0.05),video-monitored nests did have significantly lower clutch sizes(p<0.05).Conclusions:The paired use of iButtons and video cameras enabled a detailed description of the incubation behavior of COTE.However,while promising for future research,the logistical and potential biological complications involved in the use of these methods suggest that careful planning is needed before these devices are utilized to ensure data is collected in a safe and successful manner.展开更多
The vertical distribution of vegetation types along an elevational gradient in mountain areas largely depends on the elevational changes in air temperature and humidity. In this study, we presented the seasonal and di...The vertical distribution of vegetation types along an elevational gradient in mountain areas largely depends on the elevational changes in air temperature and humidity. In this study, we presented the seasonal and diurnal variations in the elevational gradients of air temperature and humidity on the southern and northern slopes in the middle Tianshan Mountain Range using data collected throughout the year via HOBO data loggers. The measurements were conducted at 12 different elevations from 1548 to 3277 m from September 2004 to August 2005. The results showed that the annual mean air temperature decreased along the elevational gradients with temperature lapse rates of(0.71±0.20)°C/100 m and(0.59±0.05)°C/100 m on the northern and southern slopes, respectively. The annual mean absolute humidity significantly decreased with increasing elevation on the northern slope but showed no significant trend on the southern slope. The annual mean relative humidity did not show a significant trend on the northern slope but increased with increasing elevation on the southern slope. The mean air temperature lapse rate exhibited significant seasonal variation, which is steeper insummer and shallower in winter, and this value varied between 0.37°C/100 m and 0.75°C/100 m on the southern slope and between 0.30°C/100 m and 1.02°C/100 m on the northern slope. The mean absolute and relative humidity also exhibited significant seasonal variations on both slopes, with the maximum occurring in summer and the minimum occurring in winter or spring. The monthly diurnal range of air temperature on both slopes was higher in spring than in winter. The annual range of air temperature on the southern slope was higher than that on the northern slope. Our results suggest that significant spatiotemporal variations in humidity and temperature lapse rate are useful when analyzing the relationships between species range sizes and climate in mountain areas.展开更多
Background:The Eurasian Spoonbill(Platalea leucorodia)occurs throughout Eurasia and North and sub-Saharan Africa,with three recognized subspecies and six geographically distributed populations.However,in China,we knew...Background:The Eurasian Spoonbill(Platalea leucorodia)occurs throughout Eurasia and North and sub-Saharan Africa,with three recognized subspecies and six geographically distributed populations.However,in China,we knew almost nothing about migration routes,habitat use and effectiveness of current site protection measures for this species.Methods:We deployed Global Positioning System/Global System for Mobile Communications(GPS/GSM)satellite trackers on 29 Eurasian Spoonbills captured in summer in Mongolia and northeastern China,to obtain complete migration routes data from 10 individuals from 19 complete migration episodes.Results:Tracking data showed no geographical overlap during the annual cycle in Eurasian Spoonbills marked in the two main summering areas.Birds marked in the Naoli River Basin in Heilongjiang Province,China,wintered along the Jiangsu coastline in China,while Eurasian Spoonbills from two discrete summering areas(in Inner and western Mon-golia)overwintered inland in the Yangtze River floodplain of China.Excluding the single Inner Mongolian bird,spring migration was significantly faster than autumn migration in the other two groups of birds.Eurasian Spoonbills mainly used water,wetland and grassland habitats in summer,but almost exclusively water in winter.Lack of protection of staging sites used by all the birds in spring and poor levels of protection throughout the annual cycle for western Mongolian birds(5-22%)gives considerable cause for concern,although sites used in other time by East Mongolian and Naoli River birds in the rest of their annual life cycle enjoyed good levels of protection(49-95%).Conclusions:These results revealed previously unknown relationships between summering and wintering areas,migration routes and stopover sites for Eurasian Spoonbills wintering in China,suggesting the existence of discrete biogeographical population units.They also identified winter habitat use of Eurasian Spoonbills in China,confirming open water habitats as being critical throughout the annual cycle,although based on small sample size,gaps in cur-rent site safeguard networks for these populations.展开更多
Transporting hatching eggs from Hungary and incubating them abroad revealed lower hatchability compared to when the eggs were incubated in Hungary. Following transport, there were higher embryo losses and, notably, mo...Transporting hatching eggs from Hungary and incubating them abroad revealed lower hatchability compared to when the eggs were incubated in Hungary. Following transport, there were higher embryo losses and, notably, more malformed embryos. The aim of these initial trials was to determine if a testing device (crazy fit massage machine (CFM machine)) was able to replicate and model the mechanical impacts experienced during transport and reproduce the reduction in hatchability and increase the level of malformed embryos as observed in commercial practice. Tinytag~ high sensitivity shock and vibration loggers were used to monitor the impacts under field and trial conditions. Applying single 10 min treatments on the CFM machine, which used the same frequency (10-30 Hz) as the eggs experience under field conditions, induced the negative effect of transport, and lower hatching results were experienced. Three trials were conducted. Treated eggs in Trials 1 and 2 received automatically and periodical changing vibration in a range between 10-30 Hz for 10 min while in Trial 3 two different levels of impact were applied at 20 Hz and 30 Hz, respectively. Hatchability decreased due to the treatment significatly only in Trial 3. Significant differences were also detected in early dead levels in Trials 2 and 3 and the occurrences of malformation in Trials 1 and 3. All these results are in accordance with the field experience. Thus, the trials which examined the equipment were able to produce mechanical impacts that were repeatable in order to set up statistically reliable trials on hatching eggs.展开更多
Rural communities in third world countries are concerned over land use changes resulting from resource exploitation. This is the case for the Bumbuna watershed in Sierra Leone following impoundment of the Bumbuna rese...Rural communities in third world countries are concerned over land use changes resulting from resource exploitation. This is the case for the Bumbuna watershed in Sierra Leone following impoundment of the Bumbuna reservoir in 2009. Farmers have increased activities along the riparian zones in protest against inundation of their farmlands. The dam operators warn this practice would threaten sustainable power supply;the farmers contend the reservoir is increasing and taking over their farms. However, it is difficult to resolve this issue without a means of quantifying the change and developing early warning systems for land cover in the watershed. This research presents a case for the use of remotely sensed Landsat data for quantification of land cover change and the development of predictive models to inform preparedness for imminent problems that may arise from land use practices. In situ water loggers, in combination with manual readings, recorded water levels in 30-minute intervals since 2009. These datasets combined with spectral values of Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 for the development of regression algorithms for predictive purposes. Digital photographs and satellite imagery illustrated the changes in land cover over time (a 33% water rise and 44% NDVI change from 2009 to 2015). These visual and spectral pictures confirm the usefulness of remotely sensed data for early warning systems in the watershed. Results of the regression analysis show Band 1 (Blue) and Band 4 (NIR) as statistically significant predictors for water level in the reservoir. The tests accounted for 84% (R2) of the data with p-values less than α at the 0.05 confidence level. However, future trials of the model will consider reducing the 4.6 error margin to minimize deviations from the observed data.展开更多
Briliance big bore CT是飞利浦公司推出的一款可以连续旋转的大孔径螺旋CT模拟机。我院于2009年引进其16层CT,主要用于先进放疗技术的模拟定位,使用至今,运行效果良好。现将使用中曾出现的故障检修情况介绍如下。1故障一1.1故障现象:...Briliance big bore CT是飞利浦公司推出的一款可以连续旋转的大孔径螺旋CT模拟机。我院于2009年引进其16层CT,主要用于先进放疗技术的模拟定位,使用至今,运行效果良好。现将使用中曾出现的故障检修情况介绍如下。1故障一1.1故障现象:在扫描的过程中偶尔会中断,特别是用螺旋模式扫描的时候。在应用软件界面提示"Gantry acquisition system cannot comply.Please retry"。展开更多
This paper describes the implementation of a data logger for the real-time in-situ monitoring of hydrothermal systems. A compact mechanical structure ensures the security and reliability of data logger when used under...This paper describes the implementation of a data logger for the real-time in-situ monitoring of hydrothermal systems. A compact mechanical structure ensures the security and reliability of data logger when used under deep sea. The data logger is a battery powered instrument, which can connect chemical sensors (pH electrode, H2S electrode, H2 electrode) and temperature sensors. In order to achieve major energy savings, dynamic power management is implemented in hardware design and software design. The working current of the data logger in idle mode and active mode is 15 μA and 1.44 mA respectively, which greatly extends the working time of battery. The data logger has been successftdly tested in the first Sino-American Cooperative Deep Submergence Project from August 13 to September 3, 2005.展开更多
Optimizing the output power of a photovoltaic panel improves the efficiency of a solar driven energy system. The maximum output power of a photovoltaic panel depends on atmospheric conditions, such as (direct solar ra...Optimizing the output power of a photovoltaic panel improves the efficiency of a solar driven energy system. The maximum output power of a photovoltaic panel depends on atmospheric conditions, such as (direct solar radiation, air pollution and cloud movements), load profile and the tilt and orientation angles. This paper describes an experimental analysis of maximizing output power of a photovoltaic panel, based on the use of existing equations of tilt angles derived from mathematical models and simulation packages. Power regulation is achieved by the use of a DC-DC converter, a fixed load resistance and a single photovoltaic panel. A data logger is used to make repeated measurements which ensure reliability of the results. The results of the paper were taken over a four month period from April through July. The photovoltaic panel was set to an orientation angle of 0? with tilt angles of 16?, 26? and 36?. Preliminary results indicate that tilt angles between 26? and 36? provide optimum photovoltaic output power for winter months in South Africa.展开更多
In Inderasabah(southeast Sabah),tri-spine horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus was observed for their locomotion activity using data loggers from September to November in 2015.A female with acceleration and depth-tem...In Inderasabah(southeast Sabah),tri-spine horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus was observed for their locomotion activity using data loggers from September to November in 2015.A female with acceleration and depth-temperature loggers and five males with acceleration loggers were recaptured between 10 and 49 days after their release.From the record of 194 activity days that involve all six T.tridentatus,four horseshoe crabs,including the female,were active throughout the 24.0 h cycle,whereas the activity of the remaining two males was consistent with the 12.4 h cycle.Using the 40-day recording,three horseshoe crabs,including the female,were primarily active around the new moon and full moon,but they were dormant around the first and third quarter moon days.The female spent much time in shallow shores(depth<0.3 m)during the new moon and full moon.This result indicated that the female attempted to spawn in a minimum of three spring tide periods while lingering in the vicinity.Meanwhile,after spawning,the female spent time foraging in shallow water(depth 0.3–18 m).As for the two male individuals,their activity was consistent with semi-lunar periodicity.Therefore,both of them were in amplexus.In addition,a solitary male individual was active only during the first and third quarter moon days.Through activity recording,all the T.tridentatus in Inderasabah was active during daytime and nighttime.This result was contrary to T.tridentatus activity cycles in western Japan,where the species was found to be primarily nocturnal.Perhaps,the regional differences in activity cycles for T.tridentatus were related to their population adaptation toward water temperature,depth,and prey-searching periods.展开更多
Two heat transfer parameters in the fixed bed,radial effective conductiviw k<sub>er</sub>,and wall heat transfer coefficient h<sub>w</sub>are estimated by using the method of orthogonal colloca...Two heat transfer parameters in the fixed bed,radial effective conductiviw k<sub>er</sub>,and wall heat transfer coefficient h<sub>w</sub>are estimated by using the method of orthogonal collocation and non-linear least square.The temperatures at forty collo-cation points distributed along the radial direction are measured simultaneously by means of multiehannel data logger.Theeffects of bed height,Re<sub>p</sub>,d<sub>t</sub>/d<sub>p</sub>,gas inlet temperature and wall temperature on k<sub>er</sub>and h<sub>w</sub> are studied.The results indicatethat the effect of gas inlet temperature and wall temperature is negligible.Bed height will only influence the parameter es-timations in shallow bed and at low Re<sub>p</sub>.Both k<sub>er</sub>and h<sub>w</sub> tend to reach a limit with increasing bed height.The asymptoticbed height which is independent of d<sub>p</sub> is about 0.5 m,while the asymptotic values of k<sub>er</sub>and h<sub>w</sub> increase with d<sub>p</sub>.The pa-rameters obtained with the wall being heated are about 10% lower than those with the wall being cooled.k<sub>er</sub>,h<sub>w</sub> and stag-nant contribution terms k<sub>er</sub>and h<sub>w</sub> are all related to dp·k<sub>er</sub>and h<sub>w</sub> estimated at the asymptotic bed height are correlated bythe following equations:k<sub>er</sub>=0.199+0.015 d<sub>t</sub>/d<sub>p</sub>+0.0020/(1+14.15(d<sub>p</sub>/d<sub>t</sub>)<sup>2</sup>)Re<sub>p</sub>h<sub>w</sub>=33.4+4.23d<sub>t</sub>/d<sub>p</sub>+0.333/(1+8.54(d<sub>p</sub>/d<sub>t</sub>)<sup>2</sup>)Re<sub>p</sub>(5.5【d<sub>t</sub>/d<sub>p</sub>【13)(100【Re<sub>p</sub>【500)展开更多
This paper presents a real-time microcomputer-based logger for measuring basal body temperature (BBT). BBT is the normal resting body temperature of a healthy person immediately upon waking in the morning. The tempera...This paper presents a real-time microcomputer-based logger for measuring basal body temperature (BBT). BBT is the normal resting body temperature of a healthy person immediately upon waking in the morning. The temperature for women normally rises after ovulation due to hormonal changes. The temperature is logged real-time into the computer over a period and the BBT chart produced is used to predict ovulation. There is high correlation between the approach developed by this study and other standard measuring equipments—correlation of 0.9945with standard thermistor, and correlation of 0.9977 with standard thermocouple. This development enables privacy of use, allowing women to predict their ovulation status at a personal level.展开更多
This paper presents a procedure from which information contained in 3-Dimensional single energy X-ray computed tomography (XR-CT) images of sedimentary rocks is converted into sub-mm scale resolution core scalar and c...This paper presents a procedure from which information contained in 3-Dimensional single energy X-ray computed tomography (XR-CT) images of sedimentary rocks is converted into sub-mm scale resolution core scalar and core image logs. This new data provide a quantitative and compact (data volume reduction of ~90%) description of the XR-CT images. Density-related outputs are calibrated through automatic integration with continuous digital visual core description (VCD) and discrete moisture and density (MAD) property index measurements of selected samples. After lithology-based calibration of the X-ray attenuation coefficients into density values, quantitative displays include: 1) histogram of the distribution of density values and its related statistical parameters, 2) radial and angular distributions of core density values, 3) volume, average density and mass contributions of three core fractions defined by density thresholds corresponding to voids or vugs (VV, density ≤ ~1 g<span style="white-space:nowrap;">•</span>cm<sup><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">−</span></span>3</sup>), and a break in the histogram of distribution of the density values showing the limit between the damaged (DM) and non-damaged (ND) fractions of the core material, and so, 4) providing a sub-mm scale bulk density core log free of any drilling disturbance. The procedure is illustrated on data from the 365 m deep Hole C9001C drilled off-shore Shimokita (northeast coast of Honshu, Japan). Usage of the outputs include: 1) derivation of sub-mm scale porosity core log, 2) correction of volume sensitive measurements in case of poor core quality and partially filled core liner, and 3) seismic modeling and well ties.展开更多
Generating carbon credits in rural and wetland lagoon environments is important for the economic and social survival of the same.There are many methodologies to study and certificate the Carbon Sink such as the ISO 14...Generating carbon credits in rural and wetland lagoon environments is important for the economic and social survival of the same.There are many methodologies to study and certificate the Carbon Sink such as the ISO 14064,VCS VERRA,UNI-BNEUTRAL,GOLD STANDARD and others.Many methods done before 2018 are obsolete since research has developed greatly in recent years.The methods are all different,but they share a continuous and real monitoring of the environment to ensure a true CCS(Carbon Capture and Storage)action.In the case of absence of monitoring,the method uses a system of provision of carbon credits called“buffer”.This system allows maintaining a credit-generating activity even in the presence of important anomalies due to adverse weather events.This research shows the complex analytic web of the different sensors in a continuous environmental monitoring system via GSM(Global System for Mobile)Communication and IoT(Internet of Things).By 2011,a monitoring network was installed in the wetland environments of Northern Italy Venetian Lagoon(UNESCO heritage)and used to understand and validate,the CCS action.Thingspeak cloud platform is used to collect data and is used to send alert to the user if the biological sink is reversed to emission.The obtained large dataset was used to prepare a AI(Artificial Intelligence)model“CCS wetland forecast”by Google COLAB.This model can fit the trend to avoid the direct and spot chemical field analysis and demonstrate the real efficacy of the model chosen.This network is now implemented by the Italian national method UNI PdR 99:2021 BNeutral generation of carbon credits.展开更多
In the evolving situation of highly infectious coronavirus,the number of confirmed cases in India has largely increased,which has resulted in a shortage of health care resources.Thus,the Ministry of Health and Family ...In the evolving situation of highly infectious coronavirus,the number of confirmed cases in India has largely increased,which has resulted in a shortage of health care resources.Thus,the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare-Government of India issued guidelines for the‘Home isolation of COVID-19 positive patients’methodology for asymptomatic patients or with mild symptoms.During home isolation,the patients are required to monitor and record the pulse rate,body temperature,and oxygen saturation three times a day.This paper proposes a system that can request data from the required sensor to measure the pulse rate,body temperature,or oxygen saturation.The requested data is sensed by the respective sensor placed near the patients’body and sent to the CAN data logger over the CAN bus.The CAN data logger live streams the sensor values and stores the same to an excel sheet along with details like the patient’s name,patient’s age,and date.The physicians can then access this information.展开更多
基金This work was supported by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers(Baltimore District),U.S.Geological Survey(Patuxent Wildlife Research Center)the University of Maryland,the Maryland Department of Natural Resources(Wildlife and Heritage Program)the Maryland Environmental Service,and the Maryland Coastal Bays Program.
文摘Background:While nest attentiveness plays a critical role in the reproductive success of avian species,nest attentiveness data with high temporal resolution is not available for many species.However,improvements in both video monitoring and temperature logging devices present an opportunity to increase our understanding of this aspect of avian behavior.Methods:To investigate nest attentiveness behaviors and evaluate these technologies,we monitored 13 nests across two Common Tern(Sterna hirundo)breeding colonies with a paired video camera-temperature logger approach,while monitoring 63 additional nests with temperature loggers alone.Observations occurred from May to August of 2017 on Poplar(Chesapeake Bay,Maryland,USA)and Skimmer Islands(Isle of Wight Bay,Maryland,USA).We examined data respective to four times of day:Morning(civil dawn‒11:59),Peak(12:00‒16:00),Cooling(16:01‒civil dusk),and Night(civil dusk‒civil dawn).Results:While successful nests had mostly short duration off-bouts and maintained consistent nest attentiveness throughout the day,failed nests had dramatic reductions in nest attentiveness during the Cooling and Night periods(p<0.05)with one colony experiencing repeated nocturnal abandonment due to predation pressure from a Great Horned Owl(Bubo virginianus).Incubation appeared to ameliorate ambient temperatures during Night,as nests were significantly warmer during Night when birds were on versus off the nest(p<0.05).Meanwhile,off-bouts during the Peak period occurred during higher ambient temperatures,perhaps due to adults leaving the nest during the hottest periods to perform belly soaking.Unfortunately,temperature logger data alone had limited ability to predict nest attentiveness status during shorter bouts,with results highly dependent on time of day and bout duration.While our methods did not affect hatching success(p>0.05),video-monitored nests did have significantly lower clutch sizes(p<0.05).Conclusions:The paired use of iButtons and video cameras enabled a detailed description of the incubation behavior of COTE.However,while promising for future research,the logistical and potential biological complications involved in the use of these methods suggest that careful planning is needed before these devices are utilized to ensure data is collected in a safe and successful manner.
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2017YFA0605101)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31770489,41273098 and 31621091)
文摘The vertical distribution of vegetation types along an elevational gradient in mountain areas largely depends on the elevational changes in air temperature and humidity. In this study, we presented the seasonal and diurnal variations in the elevational gradients of air temperature and humidity on the southern and northern slopes in the middle Tianshan Mountain Range using data collected throughout the year via HOBO data loggers. The measurements were conducted at 12 different elevations from 1548 to 3277 m from September 2004 to August 2005. The results showed that the annual mean air temperature decreased along the elevational gradients with temperature lapse rates of(0.71±0.20)°C/100 m and(0.59±0.05)°C/100 m on the northern and southern slopes, respectively. The annual mean absolute humidity significantly decreased with increasing elevation on the northern slope but showed no significant trend on the southern slope. The annual mean relative humidity did not show a significant trend on the northern slope but increased with increasing elevation on the southern slope. The mean air temperature lapse rate exhibited significant seasonal variation, which is steeper insummer and shallower in winter, and this value varied between 0.37°C/100 m and 0.75°C/100 m on the southern slope and between 0.30°C/100 m and 1.02°C/100 m on the northern slope. The mean absolute and relative humidity also exhibited significant seasonal variations on both slopes, with the maximum occurring in summer and the minimum occurring in winter or spring. The monthly diurnal range of air temperature on both slopes was higher in spring than in winter. The annual range of air temperature on the southern slope was higher than that on the northern slope. Our results suggest that significant spatiotemporal variations in humidity and temperature lapse rate are useful when analyzing the relationships between species range sizes and climate in mountain areas.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.31970433)Youth Innovation Promotion Association+1 种基金Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.2020046)China Biodiversity Observation Networks(Sino BON)。
文摘Background:The Eurasian Spoonbill(Platalea leucorodia)occurs throughout Eurasia and North and sub-Saharan Africa,with three recognized subspecies and six geographically distributed populations.However,in China,we knew almost nothing about migration routes,habitat use and effectiveness of current site protection measures for this species.Methods:We deployed Global Positioning System/Global System for Mobile Communications(GPS/GSM)satellite trackers on 29 Eurasian Spoonbills captured in summer in Mongolia and northeastern China,to obtain complete migration routes data from 10 individuals from 19 complete migration episodes.Results:Tracking data showed no geographical overlap during the annual cycle in Eurasian Spoonbills marked in the two main summering areas.Birds marked in the Naoli River Basin in Heilongjiang Province,China,wintered along the Jiangsu coastline in China,while Eurasian Spoonbills from two discrete summering areas(in Inner and western Mon-golia)overwintered inland in the Yangtze River floodplain of China.Excluding the single Inner Mongolian bird,spring migration was significantly faster than autumn migration in the other two groups of birds.Eurasian Spoonbills mainly used water,wetland and grassland habitats in summer,but almost exclusively water in winter.Lack of protection of staging sites used by all the birds in spring and poor levels of protection throughout the annual cycle for western Mongolian birds(5-22%)gives considerable cause for concern,although sites used in other time by East Mongolian and Naoli River birds in the rest of their annual life cycle enjoyed good levels of protection(49-95%).Conclusions:These results revealed previously unknown relationships between summering and wintering areas,migration routes and stopover sites for Eurasian Spoonbills wintering in China,suggesting the existence of discrete biogeographical population units.They also identified winter habitat use of Eurasian Spoonbills in China,confirming open water habitats as being critical throughout the annual cycle,although based on small sample size,gaps in cur-rent site safeguard networks for these populations.
文摘Transporting hatching eggs from Hungary and incubating them abroad revealed lower hatchability compared to when the eggs were incubated in Hungary. Following transport, there were higher embryo losses and, notably, more malformed embryos. The aim of these initial trials was to determine if a testing device (crazy fit massage machine (CFM machine)) was able to replicate and model the mechanical impacts experienced during transport and reproduce the reduction in hatchability and increase the level of malformed embryos as observed in commercial practice. Tinytag~ high sensitivity shock and vibration loggers were used to monitor the impacts under field and trial conditions. Applying single 10 min treatments on the CFM machine, which used the same frequency (10-30 Hz) as the eggs experience under field conditions, induced the negative effect of transport, and lower hatching results were experienced. Three trials were conducted. Treated eggs in Trials 1 and 2 received automatically and periodical changing vibration in a range between 10-30 Hz for 10 min while in Trial 3 two different levels of impact were applied at 20 Hz and 30 Hz, respectively. Hatchability decreased due to the treatment significatly only in Trial 3. Significant differences were also detected in early dead levels in Trials 2 and 3 and the occurrences of malformation in Trials 1 and 3. All these results are in accordance with the field experience. Thus, the trials which examined the equipment were able to produce mechanical impacts that were repeatable in order to set up statistically reliable trials on hatching eggs.
文摘Rural communities in third world countries are concerned over land use changes resulting from resource exploitation. This is the case for the Bumbuna watershed in Sierra Leone following impoundment of the Bumbuna reservoir in 2009. Farmers have increased activities along the riparian zones in protest against inundation of their farmlands. The dam operators warn this practice would threaten sustainable power supply;the farmers contend the reservoir is increasing and taking over their farms. However, it is difficult to resolve this issue without a means of quantifying the change and developing early warning systems for land cover in the watershed. This research presents a case for the use of remotely sensed Landsat data for quantification of land cover change and the development of predictive models to inform preparedness for imminent problems that may arise from land use practices. In situ water loggers, in combination with manual readings, recorded water levels in 30-minute intervals since 2009. These datasets combined with spectral values of Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 for the development of regression algorithms for predictive purposes. Digital photographs and satellite imagery illustrated the changes in land cover over time (a 33% water rise and 44% NDVI change from 2009 to 2015). These visual and spectral pictures confirm the usefulness of remotely sensed data for early warning systems in the watershed. Results of the regression analysis show Band 1 (Blue) and Band 4 (NIR) as statistically significant predictors for water level in the reservoir. The tests accounted for 84% (R2) of the data with p-values less than α at the 0.05 confidence level. However, future trials of the model will consider reducing the 4.6 error margin to minimize deviations from the observed data.
文摘Briliance big bore CT是飞利浦公司推出的一款可以连续旋转的大孔径螺旋CT模拟机。我院于2009年引进其16层CT,主要用于先进放疗技术的模拟定位,使用至今,运行效果良好。现将使用中曾出现的故障检修情况介绍如下。1故障一1.1故障现象:在扫描的过程中偶尔会中断,特别是用螺旋模式扫描的时候。在应用软件界面提示"Gantry acquisition system cannot comply.Please retry"。
基金supported by the International Cooperative Key Project(Grant No.2004DFA04900)Ministry of Sciences and Technology of PRC,and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.40637037 and 50675198)
文摘This paper describes the implementation of a data logger for the real-time in-situ monitoring of hydrothermal systems. A compact mechanical structure ensures the security and reliability of data logger when used under deep sea. The data logger is a battery powered instrument, which can connect chemical sensors (pH electrode, H2S electrode, H2 electrode) and temperature sensors. In order to achieve major energy savings, dynamic power management is implemented in hardware design and software design. The working current of the data logger in idle mode and active mode is 15 μA and 1.44 mA respectively, which greatly extends the working time of battery. The data logger has been successftdly tested in the first Sino-American Cooperative Deep Submergence Project from August 13 to September 3, 2005.
文摘Optimizing the output power of a photovoltaic panel improves the efficiency of a solar driven energy system. The maximum output power of a photovoltaic panel depends on atmospheric conditions, such as (direct solar radiation, air pollution and cloud movements), load profile and the tilt and orientation angles. This paper describes an experimental analysis of maximizing output power of a photovoltaic panel, based on the use of existing equations of tilt angles derived from mathematical models and simulation packages. Power regulation is achieved by the use of a DC-DC converter, a fixed load resistance and a single photovoltaic panel. A data logger is used to make repeated measurements which ensure reliability of the results. The results of the paper were taken over a four month period from April through July. The photovoltaic panel was set to an orientation angle of 0? with tilt angles of 16?, 26? and 36?. Preliminary results indicate that tilt angles between 26? and 36? provide optimum photovoltaic output power for winter months in South Africa.
基金the Sabah Biodiversity Center,SaBC(No.TJ 66917)。
文摘In Inderasabah(southeast Sabah),tri-spine horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus was observed for their locomotion activity using data loggers from September to November in 2015.A female with acceleration and depth-temperature loggers and five males with acceleration loggers were recaptured between 10 and 49 days after their release.From the record of 194 activity days that involve all six T.tridentatus,four horseshoe crabs,including the female,were active throughout the 24.0 h cycle,whereas the activity of the remaining two males was consistent with the 12.4 h cycle.Using the 40-day recording,three horseshoe crabs,including the female,were primarily active around the new moon and full moon,but they were dormant around the first and third quarter moon days.The female spent much time in shallow shores(depth<0.3 m)during the new moon and full moon.This result indicated that the female attempted to spawn in a minimum of three spring tide periods while lingering in the vicinity.Meanwhile,after spawning,the female spent time foraging in shallow water(depth 0.3–18 m).As for the two male individuals,their activity was consistent with semi-lunar periodicity.Therefore,both of them were in amplexus.In addition,a solitary male individual was active only during the first and third quarter moon days.Through activity recording,all the T.tridentatus in Inderasabah was active during daytime and nighttime.This result was contrary to T.tridentatus activity cycles in western Japan,where the species was found to be primarily nocturnal.Perhaps,the regional differences in activity cycles for T.tridentatus were related to their population adaptation toward water temperature,depth,and prey-searching periods.
文摘Two heat transfer parameters in the fixed bed,radial effective conductiviw k<sub>er</sub>,and wall heat transfer coefficient h<sub>w</sub>are estimated by using the method of orthogonal collocation and non-linear least square.The temperatures at forty collo-cation points distributed along the radial direction are measured simultaneously by means of multiehannel data logger.Theeffects of bed height,Re<sub>p</sub>,d<sub>t</sub>/d<sub>p</sub>,gas inlet temperature and wall temperature on k<sub>er</sub>and h<sub>w</sub> are studied.The results indicatethat the effect of gas inlet temperature and wall temperature is negligible.Bed height will only influence the parameter es-timations in shallow bed and at low Re<sub>p</sub>.Both k<sub>er</sub>and h<sub>w</sub> tend to reach a limit with increasing bed height.The asymptoticbed height which is independent of d<sub>p</sub> is about 0.5 m,while the asymptotic values of k<sub>er</sub>and h<sub>w</sub> increase with d<sub>p</sub>.The pa-rameters obtained with the wall being heated are about 10% lower than those with the wall being cooled.k<sub>er</sub>,h<sub>w</sub> and stag-nant contribution terms k<sub>er</sub>and h<sub>w</sub> are all related to dp·k<sub>er</sub>and h<sub>w</sub> estimated at the asymptotic bed height are correlated bythe following equations:k<sub>er</sub>=0.199+0.015 d<sub>t</sub>/d<sub>p</sub>+0.0020/(1+14.15(d<sub>p</sub>/d<sub>t</sub>)<sup>2</sup>)Re<sub>p</sub>h<sub>w</sub>=33.4+4.23d<sub>t</sub>/d<sub>p</sub>+0.333/(1+8.54(d<sub>p</sub>/d<sub>t</sub>)<sup>2</sup>)Re<sub>p</sub>(5.5【d<sub>t</sub>/d<sub>p</sub>【13)(100【Re<sub>p</sub>【500)
文摘This paper presents a real-time microcomputer-based logger for measuring basal body temperature (BBT). BBT is the normal resting body temperature of a healthy person immediately upon waking in the morning. The temperature for women normally rises after ovulation due to hormonal changes. The temperature is logged real-time into the computer over a period and the BBT chart produced is used to predict ovulation. There is high correlation between the approach developed by this study and other standard measuring equipments—correlation of 0.9945with standard thermistor, and correlation of 0.9977 with standard thermocouple. This development enables privacy of use, allowing women to predict their ovulation status at a personal level.
文摘This paper presents a procedure from which information contained in 3-Dimensional single energy X-ray computed tomography (XR-CT) images of sedimentary rocks is converted into sub-mm scale resolution core scalar and core image logs. This new data provide a quantitative and compact (data volume reduction of ~90%) description of the XR-CT images. Density-related outputs are calibrated through automatic integration with continuous digital visual core description (VCD) and discrete moisture and density (MAD) property index measurements of selected samples. After lithology-based calibration of the X-ray attenuation coefficients into density values, quantitative displays include: 1) histogram of the distribution of density values and its related statistical parameters, 2) radial and angular distributions of core density values, 3) volume, average density and mass contributions of three core fractions defined by density thresholds corresponding to voids or vugs (VV, density ≤ ~1 g<span style="white-space:nowrap;">•</span>cm<sup><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">−</span></span>3</sup>), and a break in the histogram of distribution of the density values showing the limit between the damaged (DM) and non-damaged (ND) fractions of the core material, and so, 4) providing a sub-mm scale bulk density core log free of any drilling disturbance. The procedure is illustrated on data from the 365 m deep Hole C9001C drilled off-shore Shimokita (northeast coast of Honshu, Japan). Usage of the outputs include: 1) derivation of sub-mm scale porosity core log, 2) correction of volume sensitive measurements in case of poor core quality and partially filled core liner, and 3) seismic modeling and well ties.
文摘Generating carbon credits in rural and wetland lagoon environments is important for the economic and social survival of the same.There are many methodologies to study and certificate the Carbon Sink such as the ISO 14064,VCS VERRA,UNI-BNEUTRAL,GOLD STANDARD and others.Many methods done before 2018 are obsolete since research has developed greatly in recent years.The methods are all different,but they share a continuous and real monitoring of the environment to ensure a true CCS(Carbon Capture and Storage)action.In the case of absence of monitoring,the method uses a system of provision of carbon credits called“buffer”.This system allows maintaining a credit-generating activity even in the presence of important anomalies due to adverse weather events.This research shows the complex analytic web of the different sensors in a continuous environmental monitoring system via GSM(Global System for Mobile)Communication and IoT(Internet of Things).By 2011,a monitoring network was installed in the wetland environments of Northern Italy Venetian Lagoon(UNESCO heritage)and used to understand and validate,the CCS action.Thingspeak cloud platform is used to collect data and is used to send alert to the user if the biological sink is reversed to emission.The obtained large dataset was used to prepare a AI(Artificial Intelligence)model“CCS wetland forecast”by Google COLAB.This model can fit the trend to avoid the direct and spot chemical field analysis and demonstrate the real efficacy of the model chosen.This network is now implemented by the Italian national method UNI PdR 99:2021 BNeutral generation of carbon credits.
文摘In the evolving situation of highly infectious coronavirus,the number of confirmed cases in India has largely increased,which has resulted in a shortage of health care resources.Thus,the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare-Government of India issued guidelines for the‘Home isolation of COVID-19 positive patients’methodology for asymptomatic patients or with mild symptoms.During home isolation,the patients are required to monitor and record the pulse rate,body temperature,and oxygen saturation three times a day.This paper proposes a system that can request data from the required sensor to measure the pulse rate,body temperature,or oxygen saturation.The requested data is sensed by the respective sensor placed near the patients’body and sent to the CAN data logger over the CAN bus.The CAN data logger live streams the sensor values and stores the same to an excel sheet along with details like the patient’s name,patient’s age,and date.The physicians can then access this information.