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Power Pivot技术在工程建设信息化中的应用
作者 于志勇 《邢台职业技术学院学报》 2024年第1期71-73,90,共4页
为了工程项目和合同明细的管理,跟踪合同的执行情况,及时分析合同工期和费用的偏差,采用Power Pivot技术应用于工程建设信息化。通过建立数据表、关联关系,运用Power Pivot内置的度量值,分别建立查询相关度量值;最后通过Power Pivot内... 为了工程项目和合同明细的管理,跟踪合同的执行情况,及时分析合同工期和费用的偏差,采用Power Pivot技术应用于工程建设信息化。通过建立数据表、关联关系,运用Power Pivot内置的度量值,分别建立查询相关度量值;最后通过Power Pivot内置的度量值,分别建立统计分析相关度量值。该方法实现了单人工程信息的合同管理,为工程建设信息化提供了可靠的技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 Power pivot 工程建设信息化 度量值 合同管理
作者 何一凡 黄志球 孙艺 《计算机科学与探索》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期926-934,共9页
Web服务组合中的事务具有执行周期长的特性,一个全局事务会被划分为多个分布的子事务。各个子事务对全局事务而言具有不同的重要程度,关键子事务执行的成功与否,直接影响到全局事务执行的成败。另一方面,对某些出现故障的事务需要进行补... Web服务组合中的事务具有执行周期长的特性,一个全局事务会被划分为多个分布的子事务。各个子事务对全局事务而言具有不同的重要程度,关键子事务执行的成功与否,直接影响到全局事务执行的成败。另一方面,对某些出现故障的事务需要进行补偿,而执行过多的补偿事务会带来巨大的补偿开销。针对这些问题,提出了一个基于pivot事务的嵌套事务模型,模型中的事务分为pivot事务和非pivot事务,且含有至少一个pivot事务。同时基于该模型,给出了一个pivot事务优先调度(pivot transaction priority scheduling,PTPS)算法,通过优先执行pivot事务,来减少在pivot事务失败时执行的补偿事务数目,降低补偿开销。 展开更多
关键词 事务模型 pivot事务 调度算法 事务补偿 WEB服务组合
一种改进Ball Pivoting的散乱点云数据重建算法 被引量:6
作者 胡丝兰 周明全 +1 位作者 税午阳 武仲科 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期2446-2452,共7页
Ball Pivoting算法主要是用来对点云数据进行表面重建,算法是从一个种子三角形开始的,球沿着这个种子三角形的一个边进行旋转,直到这个球接触到下一个点,该边与该点组成一个三角形。该算法主要的缺点是当点云数据不均匀的时候球在滚动... Ball Pivoting算法主要是用来对点云数据进行表面重建,算法是从一个种子三角形开始的,球沿着这个种子三角形的一个边进行旋转,直到这个球接触到下一个点,该边与该点组成一个三角形。该算法主要的缺点是当点云数据不均匀的时候球在滚动的过程当中不会接触到点,因此会产生洞。提出了一种对散乱点云数据进行重建的改进的Ball Pivoting算法;对初始点云数据构建k-d树,使得搜索区域算法时间效率提高;使用可变半径搜索改进算法,使得算法能够处理不均匀的点云数据而不会产生洞;优化了网格的拓扑结构。实验结果证明该算法相对于Ball Pivoting算法效率高,且不会生成洞,三角网格的拓扑结构好。 展开更多
关键词 BALL pivoting三角化 三角网格 散乱点云数据 K-D树
PIVOT TABLE在监测数据统计中的应用
作者 白爱民 《环境科学导刊》 2014年第5期101-104,共4页
汇总环境数据,进行数据分析,编制环境监测报表是环境监测部门的例行工作之一。PIVOT TABLE可以快速编制各类统计报表。以云南省环境空气质量报表为例,叙述了PIVOT TABLE的使用方法和优点。
关键词 pivot TABLE 数据 处理 分析 环境统计 报表 编制
New Optimal Pivot Rule for the Simplex Algorithm
作者 Jean Bosco Etoa Etoa 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2016年第10期647-658,共12页
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new pivot rule of the simplex algorithm. The simplex algorithm first presented by George B. Dantzig, is a widely used method for solving a linear programming problem (LP). O... The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new pivot rule of the simplex algorithm. The simplex algorithm first presented by George B. Dantzig, is a widely used method for solving a linear programming problem (LP). One of the important steps of the simplex algorithm is applying an appropriate pivot rule to select the basis-entering variable corresponding to the maximum reduced cost. Unfortunately, this pivot rule not only can lead to a critical cycling (solved by Bland’s rules), but does not improve efficiently the objective function. Our new pivot rule 1) solves the cycling problem in the original Dantzig’s simplex pivot rule, and 2) leads to an optimal improvement of the objective function at each iteration. The new pivot rule can lead to the optimal solution of LP with a lower number of iterations. In a maximization problem, Dantzig’s pivot rule selects a basis-entering variable corresponding to the most positive reduced cost;in some problems, it is well-known that Dantzig’s pivot rule, before reaching the optimal solution, may visit a large number of extreme points. Our goal is to improve the simplex algorithm so that the number of extreme points to visit is reduced;we propose an optimal improvement in the objective value per unit step of the basis-entering variable. In this paper, we propose a pivot rule that can reduce the number of such iterations over the Dantzig’s pivot rule and prevent cycling in the simplex algorithm. The idea is to have the maximum improvement in the objective value function: from the set of basis-entering variables with positive reduced cost, the efficient basis-entering variable corresponds to an optimal improvement of the objective function. Using computational complexity arguments and some examples, we prove that our optimal pivot rule is very effective and solves the cycling problem in LP. We test and compare the efficiency of this new pivot rule with Dantzig’s original pivot rule and the simplex algorithm in MATLAB environment. 展开更多
关键词 Linear Programming Simplex Algorithm pivot Rules Optimal pivot Rule
基于Pivot模型的无比钢结构体系地震反应简化分析 被引量:1
作者 王祥 肖亚明 《结构工程师》 北大核心 2017年第2期96-102,共7页
无比钢结构体系是一种新型的钢结构体系,该结构体系主要由小型桁架等基本单元组成,构造复杂。其墙体由于构件繁多,在有限元分析时十分不便。在借鉴等代拉杆简化模型的基础上,用SAP2000中的Pivot连接单元代替拉杆,进行墙体的简化分析,用... 无比钢结构体系是一种新型的钢结构体系,该结构体系主要由小型桁架等基本单元组成,构造复杂。其墙体由于构件繁多,在有限元分析时十分不便。在借鉴等代拉杆简化模型的基础上,用SAP2000中的Pivot连接单元代替拉杆,进行墙体的简化分析,用一个无比钢结构实例进行对比,表明该简化方法在无比刚结构体系的弹性和弹塑性地震反应分析中的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 无比刚 pivot模型 恢复力曲线 地震分析 简化分析
MEDTRONIC Open Pivot主动脉瓣机械瓣置换术后早中期临床结果 被引量:1
作者 龚嘉淼 侯剑峰 林宏远 《中国循环杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期700-704,共5页
目的:回顾性分析MEDTRONIC Open Pivot主动脉瓣机械瓣置换术后早中期临床结果。方法:连续收集2016年1月至2019年12月在中国医学科学院阜外医院使用MEDTRONIC Open Pivot主动脉瓣机械瓣行瓣膜置换术的患者348例,回顾性分析患者的基线临... 目的:回顾性分析MEDTRONIC Open Pivot主动脉瓣机械瓣置换术后早中期临床结果。方法:连续收集2016年1月至2019年12月在中国医学科学院阜外医院使用MEDTRONIC Open Pivot主动脉瓣机械瓣行瓣膜置换术的患者348例,回顾性分析患者的基线临床资料、手术结果、早中期生存率和并发症发生情况。结果:348例患者中,男性283例(81.3%),平均年龄(49.4±11.2)岁。围术期无患者死亡和二次手术。共333例(95.7%)患者完成随访,平均随访(1.9±0.8)年(最长3.36年,共计627人年)。随访期间,11例(3.3%)患者死亡,术后第1、2、3、4年分别死亡3例、2例、5例、1例;5例死于心力衰竭,1例死因为人工瓣膜功能障碍,1例因脑出血死亡,4例为其他非心脑血管原因死亡。术后1年、2年、3年累积生存率分别为99.0%、98.1%、93.5%。随访期间,14例(4.2%)患者出现人工瓣膜功能障碍,发生率为2.23%/人年;6例(1.8%)患者出现瓣周漏,发生率为0.96%/人年;2例(0.6%)患者因严重瓣周漏需二次接受手术。17例(5.1%)患者发生主要不良事件,其中心肌梗死1例(0.3%),脑出血2例(0.6%),脑栓塞1例(0.3%),其他严重出血事件13例(3.9%)。结论:MEDTRONIC Open Pivot主动脉瓣机械瓣有效、耐用,置换术后死亡率及并发症发生率低,是主动脉瓣膜置换的可靠选择之一。 展开更多
关键词 MEDTRONIC Open pivot主动脉瓣机械瓣 主动脉瓣置换 早中期 临床结果
基于Pivots选择的有效图像块描述子 被引量:3
作者 谢博鋆 朱杰 于剑 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期2930-2938,共9页
设计图像块特征表示是计算机视觉领域内的基本研究内容,优秀的图像块特征表示能够有效地提高图像分类、对象识别等相关算法的性能.SIFT(scale-invariant feature transform)和HOG(histogram of oriented gradient)是人为设计图像块特征... 设计图像块特征表示是计算机视觉领域内的基本研究内容,优秀的图像块特征表示能够有效地提高图像分类、对象识别等相关算法的性能.SIFT(scale-invariant feature transform)和HOG(histogram of oriented gradient)是人为设计图像块特征表示的优秀代表,然而,人为设计图像块特征间的差异往往不能足够理想地反映图像块间的相似性.核描述子(kernel descriptor,简称KD)方法提供了一种新的方式生成图像块特征,在图像块间匹配核函数基础上,应用核主成分分析(kernel principal component analysis,简称KPCA)方法进行特征表示,且在图像分类应用上获得不错的性能.但是,该方法需要利用所有联合基向量去生成核描述子特征,导致算法时间复杂度较高.为了解决这个问题,提出了一种算法生成图像块特征表示,称为有效图像块描述子(efficient patch-level descriptor,简称EPLd).算法建立在不完整Cholesky分解基础上,自动选择少量的标志性图像块以提高算法效率,且利用MMD(maximum mean discrepancy)距离计算图像间的相似性.实验结果表明,该算法在图像/场景分类应用中获得了优秀的性能. 展开更多
关键词 标志性图像块 不完整Cholesky分解 核描述子 有效图像块描述子 MMD距离
Novel Annulus-shaped Flexure Pivot in Rotation Application and Dimensionless Design 被引量:7
作者 BI Shusheng ZHAO Shanshan SUN Minglei YU Jingjun ZONG Guanghua 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第6期800-809,共10页
Large-deflection flexure pivot is widely used in high precision rotation application, but there are less flexure configurations and simple and convenient design methods, This paper presents a novel large-deflection cu... Large-deflection flexure pivot is widely used in high precision rotation application, but there are less flexure configurations and simple and convenient design methods, This paper presents a novel large-deflection curved-compliant annulus-shaped flexure pivot composed of six curved beam flexure elements. It can offer more than lO^angular stroke theoretically. Firstly, main-motion pseudo-rigid-body method is introduced to establish the flexure pivot model. Although pseudo-rigid-body method can be used to analyze the large-deformation flexure pivot performance, the method is definitely a laborious and difficult task for designing this novel flexure pivot. In order to simply the designing process, dimension-design graphs based on the parametric models and finite element analysis is presented. Using the dimension-design method as a tool, the designers can determine the optimal geometry rapidly, based on the stiffness and rotation demands of an annulus-shaped flexure pivot. Finally, dimension-design graph examples are given whose primary design aims to achieve a rotation stroke of annulus-shaped flexure pivot. The finite element analysis results show that the relative designing error between anticipative rotation stroke and graph design result is less than 4%. The dimensionless method used in designing annulus-shaped flexure pivot can reduce design process in both time and complexity. The novel annulus-shaped flexure pivot and dimension-design method are helpful supplement to configuration and design method of large-deflection flexure pivot. 展开更多
关键词 annulus-shaped flexure pivot dimensionless design pseudo-rigid-body model
Direct linear discriminant analysis based on column pivoting QR decomposition and economic SVD
作者 胡长晖 路小波 +1 位作者 杜一君 陈伍军 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第4期395-399,共5页
A direct linear discriminant analysis algorithm based on economic singular value decomposition (DLDA/ESVD) is proposed to address the computationally complex problem of the conventional DLDA algorithm, which directl... A direct linear discriminant analysis algorithm based on economic singular value decomposition (DLDA/ESVD) is proposed to address the computationally complex problem of the conventional DLDA algorithm, which directly uses ESVD to reduce dimension and extract eigenvectors corresponding to nonzero eigenvalues. Then a DLDA algorithm based on column pivoting orthogonal triangular (QR) decomposition and ESVD (DLDA/QR-ESVD) is proposed to improve the performance of the DLDA/ESVD algorithm by processing a high-dimensional low rank matrix, which uses column pivoting QR decomposition to reduce dimension and ESVD to extract eigenvectors corresponding to nonzero eigenvalues. The experimental results on ORL, FERET and YALE face databases show that the proposed two algorithms can achieve almost the same performance and outperform the conventional DLDA algorithm in terms of computational complexity and training time. In addition, the experimental results on random data matrices show that the DLDA/QR-ESVD algorithm achieves better performance than the DLDA/ESVD algorithm by processing high-dimensional low rank matrices. 展开更多
关键词 direct linear discriminant analysis column pivoting orthogonal triangular decomposition economic singular value decomposition dimension reduction feature extraction
Modeling of Cross-Spring Pivots Subjected to Generalized Planar Loads 被引量:4
作者 BI Shusheng YAO Yanbin +1 位作者 ZHAO Shanshan YU Jingjun 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第6期1075-1085,共11页
Cross-spring pivots, formed by crossing two identical flexural beams at their midpoint, have been broadly used in precision engineering and aerospace fields. Many researches have been conducted on modeling and analysi... Cross-spring pivots, formed by crossing two identical flexural beams at their midpoint, have been broadly used in precision engineering and aerospace fields. Many researches have been conducted on modeling and analysis of cross-spring pivots. However the influence of application position and magnitude of the external loads on the load-rotation and parasitic motion characteristics has not yet been discussed. In order to reveal the effect of the external loads, this paper develops the accurate load-rotation and center shift models of cross-spring pivots, with generalized planar loads applied including bending moment, horizontal and vertical forces. Firstly, by using the energy method, the load-displacement models of the pivot are derived with the assumption of small rotational angles. Based on the models, the influence of generalized planar loads on the load-rotation relationship is discussed, which shows that both application position and magnitude of the vertical and horizontal forces influence the load-rotation behaviors. Then the accurate center shift expressions of the pivot with generalized planar loads are developed, which shows that the rotational angle is the dominant term for both components of the center shift while the vertical and horizontal forces are small. Finally, the accuracy of the proposed model is validated by finite element analysis(FEA). Comparing the model data with the results obtained from FEA, the relative error of the load-rotation is less than 6% even if the rotational angle reaches 20°; the relative errors of the two components of center shift are less than 5% and 10% respectively when the rotational angle reaches 10°. The proposed model and analytical conclusions can be used to analyze and preliminarily design the compliant mechanisms containing cross-spring pivots. 展开更多
关键词 cross-spring pivot load-rotation behaviors center shift generalized planar loads
Effects of water application uniformity using a center pivot on winter wheat yield, water and nitrogen use efficiency in the North China Plain 被引量:6
作者 CAI Dong-yu YAN Hai-jun LI Lian-hao 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第9期2326-2339,共14页
In recent years, the use of fertigation technology with center pivot irrigation systems has increased rapidly in the North China Plain (NCP). The combined effects of water and nitrogen application uniformity on the gr... In recent years, the use of fertigation technology with center pivot irrigation systems has increased rapidly in the North China Plain (NCP). The combined effects of water and nitrogen application uniformity on the grain yield, water use efficiency (WUE) and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) have become a research hotspot. In this study, a two-year field experiment was conducted during the winter wheat growing season in 2016–2018 to evaluate the water application uniformity of a center pivot with two low pressure sprinklers (the R3000 sprinklers were installed in the first span, the corresponding treatment was RS;the D3000 sprinklers were installed in the second span, the corresponding treatment was DS) and a P85A impact sprinkler as the end gun (the corresponding treatment was EG), and to analyze its effects on grain yield, WUE and NUE. The results showed that the water application uniformity coefficients of R3000, D3000 and P85A along the radial direction of the pivot (CUH) were 87.5, 79.5 and 65%, respectively. While the uniformity coefficients along the traveling direction of the pivot (CUC) were all higher than 85%. The effects of water application uniformity of the R3000 and D3000 sprinklers on grain yield were not significant (P>0.05);however, the average grain yield of EG was significantly lower (P<0.05) than those of RS and DS, by 9.4 and 11.1% during two growing seasons, respectively. The coefficients of variation (CV) of the grain yield had a negative correlation with the uniformity coefficient. The CV of WUE was more strongly affected by the water application uniformity, compared with the WUE value, among the three treatments. The NUE of RS was higher than those of DS and EG by about 6.1 and 4.8%, respectively, but there were no significant differences in NUE among the three treatments during the two growing seasons. Although the CUH of the D3000 sprinklers was lower than that of the R3000, it had only limited effects on the grain yield, WUE and NUE. However, the cost of D3000 sprinklers is lower than that of R3000 sprinklers. Therefore, the D3000 sprinklers are recommended for winter wheat irrigation and fertigation in the NCP. 展开更多
关键词 center pivot low pressure sprinkler water application uniformity winter wheat water and nitrogen use efficiency
Frequency domain wave equation forward modeling using gaussian elimination with static pivoting 被引量:2
作者 Song Jian-Yong Zheng Xiao-Dong Zhang Yan Xu Ji-Xiang Qin Zhen Song Xue-Juan 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第1期60-68,95,共10页
Frequency domain wave equation forward modeling is a problem of solving large scale linear sparse systems which is often subject to the limits of computational efficiency and memory storage. Conventional Gaussian elim... Frequency domain wave equation forward modeling is a problem of solving large scale linear sparse systems which is often subject to the limits of computational efficiency and memory storage. Conventional Gaussian elimination cannot resolve the parallel computation of huge data. Therefore, we use the Gaussian elimination with static pivoting (GESP) method for sparse matrix decomposition and multi-source finite-difference modeling. The GESP method does not only improve the computational efficiency but also benefit the distributed parallel computation of matrix decomposition within a single frequency point. We test the proposed method using the classic Marmousi model. Both the single-frequency wave field and time domain seismic section show that the proposed method improves the simulation accuracy and computational efficiency and saves and makes full use of memory. This method can lay the basis for waveform inversion. 展开更多
关键词 Gaussian elimination with static pivoting frequency-domain wave equation forward modeling single-frequency distributed parallel
Comparison of the local pivotal method and systematic sampling for national forest inventories 被引量:1
作者 Minna Räty Mikko Kuronen +3 位作者 Mari Myllymäki Annika Kangas Kai Mäkisara Juha Heikkinen 《Forest Ecosystems》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第4期716-732,共17页
Background:The local pivotal method(LPM)utilizing auxiliary data in sample selection has recently been proposed as a sampling method for national forest inventories(NFIs).Its performance compared to simple random samp... Background:The local pivotal method(LPM)utilizing auxiliary data in sample selection has recently been proposed as a sampling method for national forest inventories(NFIs).Its performance compared to simple random sampling(SRS)and LPM with geographical coordinates has produced promising results in simulation studies.In this simulation study we compared all these sampling methods to systematic sampling.The LPM samples were selected solely using the coordinates(LPMxy)or,in addition to that,auxiliary remote sensing-based forest variables(RS variables).We utilized field measurement data(NFI-field)and Multi-Source NFI(MS-NFI)maps as target data,and independent MS-NFI maps as auxiliary data.The designs were compared using relative efficiency(RE);a ratio of mean squared errors of the reference sampling design against the studied design.Applying a method in NFI also requires a proven estimator for the variance.Therefore,three different variance estimators were evaluated against the empirical variance of replications:1)an estimator corresponding to SRS;2)a Grafström-Schelin estimator repurposed for LPM;and 3)a Matérn estimator applied in the Finnish NFI for systematic sampling design.Results:The LPMxy was nearly comparable with the systematic design for the most target variables.The REs of the LPM designs utilizing auxiliary data compared to the systematic design varied between 0.74–1.18,according to the studied target variable.The SRS estimator for variance was expectedly the most biased and conservative estimator.Similarly,the Grafström-Schelin estimator gave overestimates in the case of LPMxy.When the RS variables were utilized as auxiliary data,the Grafström-Schelin estimates tended to underestimate the empirical variance.In systematic sampling the Matérn and Grafström-Schelin estimators performed for practical purposes equally.Conclusions:LPM optimized for a specific variable tended to be more efficient than systematic sampling,but all of the considered LPM designs were less efficient than the systematic sampling design for some target variables.The Grafström-Schelin estimator could be used as such with LPMxy or instead of the Matérn estimator in systematic sampling.Further studies of the variance estimators are needed if other auxiliary variables are to be used in LPM. 展开更多
关键词 Auxiliary data Bias Local pivotal method Matérn estimator National forest inventory Sampling efficiency Simple random sampling Spatially balanced sampling Systematic sampling Variance
Vibration characteristics of rotor system with tilting-pad journal bearing of elastic and damped pivots 被引量:3
作者 刘思涌 肖忠会 +1 位作者 闫志勇 陈朱杰 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期134-140,共7页
In view of an entire dynamic model of tilting-pad journal bearing(TPJB) in which the pads swing and vibrate along geometric direction of preload, a TPJB of elastic and damped pivots was designed and manufactured. Vibr... In view of an entire dynamic model of tilting-pad journal bearing(TPJB) in which the pads swing and vibrate along geometric direction of preload, a TPJB of elastic and damped pivots was designed and manufactured. Vibration experiments were carried out under the conditions of different rotor bending stiffness and oil supply pressure to find out the relationship between the new bearing's vibration depression effect and other dynamic parameters of the rotor. The result shows that critical amplitudes can be efficaciously reduced while system's stability can be remarkably improved by this bearing. Besides, the bearing's effect of vibration depression weakens as the rotor bending stiffness increases, but heightens it as the oil supply pressure increases. 展开更多
关键词 tilting-pad journal bearing of elastic and damped pivots elastic shims damping stiffness oil supply pressure
Analysis on pivot turning of quadruped robot with bionic flexible body driven by the PAMs 被引量:1
作者 雷静桃 Yu Huangying Wu Zhizheng 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2014年第3期288-294,共7页
The pivot turning function of quadruped bionic robots can improve their mobility in unstructured environment.A kind of bionic flexible body mechanism for quadruped robot was proposed in this paper,which is composed of... The pivot turning function of quadruped bionic robots can improve their mobility in unstructured environment.A kind of bionic flexible body mechanism for quadruped robot was proposed in this paper,which is composed of one bionic spine and four pneumatic artificial muscles(PAMs).The coordinated movement of the bionic flexible body and the leg mechanism can achieve pivot turning gait.First,the pivot turning gait planning of quadruped robot was analyzed,and the coordinated movement sequence chart of pivot turning was presented.Then the kinematics modeling of leg side swing and body bending for pivot turning was derived,which should meet the condition of the coordinated movement between bionic flexible body and leg mechanism.The PAM experiment was conducted to analyze its contraction characteristic.The study on pivot turning of the quadruped robot will lay a theoretical foundation for the further research on dynamic walking stability of the quadruped robot in unstructured environment. 展开更多
关键词 quadruped robot bionic flexible body pivot turning pneumatic artificial muscle (PAM)
Application of"balancing digestive functions by regulating pivot"in chronic atrophic gastritis and professor Wei Wei's clinical experience 被引量:1
作者 Yu Cong Ya-Jie Wang +5 位作者 Xiao-Lan Su Xin-Yong Mao Song Guo Si-Jing Du Yang Yang Wei Wei 《Journal of Hainan Medical University》 2021年第1期54-58,共5页
Chronic atrophic gastritis(CAG)has attracted wide attention in clinic due to its high incidence rate and high canceration rate.At present,modern medicine lacks an effective treatment scheme for CAG.Traditional Chinese... Chronic atrophic gastritis(CAG)has attracted wide attention in clinic due to its high incidence rate and high canceration rate.At present,modern medicine lacks an effective treatment scheme for CAG.Traditional Chinese medicine can improve clinical symptoms,laboratory indexes,pathological examination results and patients'quality of life for patients of CAG.Professor Wei used the method of"Balancing Digestive Functions by Regulating Pivot"to treat CAG in clinical practice.With flexible addition and subtraction on the basic prescription Banxia Xiexin decoction and coordination with various external treatment methods and psychological construction,professor Wei has achieved satisfactory clinical effects with the pungent-opening and bitter-descending method and dispersing liver and promoting blood circulation method. 展开更多
关键词 Balancing digestive functions by regulating pivot Chronic atrophic gastritis Banxia Xiexin decoction Pungent-opening and bitter-descending method Clinical experience
Analysis of the Multi-Pivot Quicksort Process 被引量:1
作者 Mahmoud Ragab Beih El-Sayed El-Desouky Nora Nader 《Open Journal of Modelling and Simulation》 2017年第1期47-58,共12页
In this paper, we study a new version from Dual-pivot Quicksort algorithm when we have some other number of pivots. Hence, we discuss the idea of picking pivots ?by random way and splitting the list simultaneously acc... In this paper, we study a new version from Dual-pivot Quicksort algorithm when we have some other number of pivots. Hence, we discuss the idea of picking pivots ?by random way and splitting the list simultaneously according to these. The modified version generalizes these results for multi process. We show that the average number of swaps done by Multi-pivot Quicksort process and we present a special case. Moreover, we obtain a relationship between the average number of swaps of Multi-pivot Quicksort and Stirling numbers of the first kind. 展开更多
关键词 QUICKSORT Convergence Multi-pivot QUICKSORT PROCESS STIRLING Number of the First KIND
基于ASPxPivotGrid的智能报表生成功能设计与实现 被引量:2
作者 秦哲 李莉莉 《电脑编程技巧与维护》 2015年第21期44-45,共2页
介绍一种基于ASPx Pivot Grid的智能Web报表解决方案,报表用户可以用拖拽的方式在Web页面中设计报表样式,对数据进行筛选、分组、排序、汇总等,挖掘、分析,实时生成报表并打印出来。
关键词 ASPx pivot Grid工具包 智能报表
作者 陈万吉 陈国庆 冯恩民 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1995年第1期51-58,共8页
Based on elementary group theory, the block pivot methods for solving two-dimensional elastic frictional contact problems are presented in this paper. It is proved that the algorithms converge within a finite number o... Based on elementary group theory, the block pivot methods for solving two-dimensional elastic frictional contact problems are presented in this paper. It is proved that the algorithms converge within a finite number of steps when the friction coefficient is ''relative small''. Unlike most mathematical programming methods for contact problems, the block pivot methods permit multiple exchanges of basic and nonbasic variables. 展开更多
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