Pelletization of hematite ore requires high fineness and very high induration temperature(~1325 ℃) owing to its poor diffusion bonding unlike magnetite ore. Further, high-alumina hematite pellets show very high red...Pelletization of hematite ore requires high fineness and very high induration temperature(~1325 ℃) owing to its poor diffusion bonding unlike magnetite ore. Further, high-alumina hematite pellets show very high reduction degradation index(RDI) during low temperature(500-650 ℃) reduction due to their volume expansion and lattice distortion. Noamundi(India) hematite ore contains very high Al2O3(2.3%) with adverse ratio of alumina to silica(~2) for which, it shows very high RDI. In this work, the acid pellets prepared from Noamundi ore fines of optimum Blaine fineness show good cold crushing strength(CCS). However, it shows very high RDI(77%). In order to reduce RDI, Mg O in form of two different gangue-containing fluxes, such as pyroxenite and olivine in varying quantities has been added. The optimum requirement and performance of these fluxes has been examined and compared. Both pyroxenite and olivine fluxed pellets show significant lowering of RDI(26% and 23%, respectively) and improvement of other properties, viz CCS, swelling indices etc with good reducibility(70%-77%). Finally, a good quality acidic hematite pellet was developed from high-alumina ore without using any lime which is very important charge material in combination of basic sinter in blast furnace.展开更多
Melting experiments on ultramafic rocks rich in the hydrous minerals phlogopite or phlogopite+K-rich terite,some including 5%of accessory phases,have been conducted at 15 and 50 kbar.The assemblages represent probable...Melting experiments on ultramafic rocks rich in the hydrous minerals phlogopite or phlogopite+K-rich terite,some including 5%of accessory phases,have been conducted at 15 and 50 kbar.The assemblages represent probable source components that contribute to melts in cratonic regions,but whose melt compositions are poorly known.A main series of starting compositions based on MARID xenoliths consisted of a third each of clinopyroxene(CPX),phlogopite(PHL)and K-richterite(KR)with or without 5%ilmenite,rutile or apatite.Additional experiments were run without KR and with higher proportions of accessory phases.Melt traps were used at near-solidus temperatures to facilitate accurate analysis of wellquenched melts,for which reversal experiments demonstrate equilibrium.Results show that KR melts rapidly and completely within 50°C of the solidus,so that melts reflect the composition of the amphibole and its melting reaction.Melts have high SiO_(2) and especially K_(2)O but low CaO and Al_(2)O_(3) relative to basaltic melts produced from peridotites at similar pressures.They have no counterparts amongst natural rocks,but most closely resemble leucite lamproites at 15 kbar.KR and PHL melt incongruently to form olivine(OL)and CPX at 15 kbar,promoting SiO2 contents of the melt,whereas orthopyroxene OPX is increasingly stable at lower lithosphere pressures,leading to an increase in Mg O and decrease in SiO_(2) in melts,which resemble olivine lamproites.Melts of mica pyroxenites without KR are richer in CaO and Al_(2)O_(3) and do not resemble lamproites.These experiments show that low CaO and Al_(2)O_(3) in igneous rocks is not necessarily a sign of a depleted peridotite source.Accessory phases produce melts exceptionally rich in P_(2)O_(5) or TiO_(2) depending on the phases present and are unlike any melts seen at the Earth’s surface,but may be important agents of metasomatism seen in xenoliths.The addition of the 5%accessory phases ilmenite,rutile or apatite result in melting temperatures a few ten of degrees lower;at least two of these appear essential to explain the compositions of many alkaline igneous rocks on cratons.Melting temperatures for CPX+PHL+KR mixtures are close to cratonic geotherms at depths>130 km:minor perturbations of the stable geotherm at>150 km will rapidly lead to 20%melting.Melts of hydrous pyroxenites with a variety of accessory phases will be common initial melts at depth,but will change if reaction with wall-rocks occurs,leading to volcanism that contains chemical components of peridotite even though the temperature in the source region remains well below the melting point of peridotite.At higher temperatures,extensive melting of peridotite will dilute the initial alkaline melts:this is recognizable as alkaline components in basalts and,in extreme cases,alkali picrites.Hydrous pyroxenites are,therefore,components of most mantle-derived igneous rocks:basaltic rocks should not be oversimplified as being purely melts of peridotite or of mixtures of peridotite and dry pyroxenite without hydrous phases.展开更多
Understanding the nature of parental melts for pyroxenite veins in supra-subduction zone(SSZ)ophiolites provides vibrant constraints on melt infiltration processes operating in subduction zones.The Zedang ophiolitic m...Understanding the nature of parental melts for pyroxenite veins in supra-subduction zone(SSZ)ophiolites provides vibrant constraints on melt infiltration processes operating in subduction zones.The Zedang ophiolitic massif in the eastern Yarlung–Zangbo suture zone in Tibet consists of mantle peridotites and a crustal section of gabbro,diabase,and basalt.Veins of two pyroxenite varieties cut the southern part of the Zedang massif.These pyroxenite rocks have different geochemical characteristics,where the first variety(type-I)has relatively higher contents of SiO_(2)(51.82–53.08 wt%),MgO(20.08–23.23 wt%),andΣPGE(3.42–13.97 ppb),and lower Al_(2)O_(3)(1.59–2.28 wt%)andΣREE(1.63–2.94 ppm).The second pyroxenite variety(type-II)is characterized by SiO_(2)(45.44–49.61 wt%),Mg O(16.68–19.78 wt%),Al_(2)O_(3)(4.24–8.77 wt%),ΣPGE(14.46–322.06 ppb),andΣREE(5.82–7.44 ppm).Pyroxenite type-I shows N-MORB-like chondritenormalized REE patterns.Zircon U-Pb ages of pyroxenite type-I(194±10 Ma),associated ophiolitic gabbro(135.3±2.0 Ma),and plagiogranite(124.2±2.3 Ma)evidently imply episodic evolution of the Zedang ophiolites.The mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the investigated pyroxenites can be explained by subduction-initiated hydrous melting of metasomatized sub-arc mantle,later overprinted by sub-slab mantle melting triggered by upwelling asthenosphere during the Jurassic–Early Cretaceous times.The geochemical variations in pyroxenite vein composition,coupled with age differences amongst the other ophiolite units,may correspond to intermittent emplacement of pyroxenite dikes and isotropic gabbroic intrusions where the geodynamic setting progressed from arc maturation and slab rollback to slab tearing and delamination.展开更多
Swarms of orthopyroxenite and websterite veins are found within Egiingol residual SSZ peridotite massif of Dzhida terrain(Central Asian Orogenic Belt,Northern Mongolia).The process of Egiingol pyroxenite veins formati...Swarms of orthopyroxenite and websterite veins are found within Egiingol residual SSZ peridotite massif of Dzhida terrain(Central Asian Orogenic Belt,Northern Mongolia).The process of Egiingol pyroxenite veins formation is investigated using new major and trace element analyses of pyroxenite minerals,calculations of closure temperatures and composition of equilibrium melt.The pyroxenites show abundant petrographic and geochemical evidence for replacement of the residual peridotite minerals by ortho-and clinopyroxene due to melt-rock interaction.Relics of peridotite olivines are found in pyroxenites,Cr#of spinel increases from peridotites to pyroxenites,and compositions of ortho-and clinopyroxene change from peridotite to pyroxenite.The authors show that calculated equilibrium melts for investigated pyroxenites are very similar to compositions of boninite lavas from the Dzhida terrain.Therefore,formation of pyroxenite veins most likely resulted from percolation of boninite melts through the Egiingol peridotites.Orthopyroxenite veins formed at first,followed by websterite veins.Thus,the authors assume that pyroxenite veins represent the channels for boninitic melts migration in supra-subduction environment.展开更多
The trace element compositions of melts and minerals from high-pressure experiments on hydrous pyroxenites containing K-richterite are presented. The experiments used mixtures of a third each of the natural minerals c...The trace element compositions of melts and minerals from high-pressure experiments on hydrous pyroxenites containing K-richterite are presented. The experiments used mixtures of a third each of the natural minerals clinopyroxene, phlogopite and K-richterite, some with the addition of 5% of an accessory phase ilmenite, rutile or apatite. Although the major element compositions of melts resemble natural lamproites, the trace element contents of most trace elements from the three-mineral mixture are much lower than in lamproites. Apatite is required in the source to provide high abundances of the rare earth elements, and either rutile and/or ilmenite is required to provide the high field strength elements Ti, Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf. Phlogopite controls the high levels of Rb, Cs and Ba.Since abundances of trace elements in the various starting mixtures vary strongly because of the use of natural minerals, we calculated mineral/melt partition coefficients (DMin/melt) using mineral modes and melting reactions and present trace element patterns for different degrees of partial melting of hydrous pyroxenites. Rb, Cs and Ba are compatible in phlogopite and the partition coefficient ratio phlogopite/K-richterite is high for Ba (136) and Rb (12). All melts have low contents of most of the first row transition elements, particularly Ni and Cu ((0.1-0.01)×primitive mantle). Nickel has high DMin/melt for all the major minerals (12 for K-richterite, 9.2 for phlogopite and 5.6 for Cpx) and so behaves at least as compatibly as in melting of peridotites. Fluorine/chlorine ratios in melts are high and DMin/melt for fluorine decreases in the order apatite (2.2) > phlogopite (1.5) > K-richterite (0.87). The requirement for apatite and at least one Ti-oxide in the source of natural lamproites holds for mica pyroxenites that lack K-richterite. The results are used to model isotopic ageing in hydrous pyroxenite source rocks: phlogopite controls Sr isotopes, so that lamproites with relatively low 87Sr/86Sr must come from phlogopite-poor source rocks, probably dominated by Cpx and K-richterite. At high pressures (>4 GPa), peritectic Cpx holds back Na, explaining the high K2O/Na2O of lamproites.展开更多
In-situ excimer laser ICP-MS analysis of minerals of eclogites and garnet pyrox- enites from type localities (Shuanghe, Maowu, Bixiling, and Yangkou) in the Dabie-Sulu ultra- high-pressure metamorphic belt reveals hig...In-situ excimer laser ICP-MS analysis of minerals of eclogites and garnet pyrox- enites from type localities (Shuanghe, Maowu, Bixiling, and Yangkou) in the Dabie-Sulu ultra- high-pressure metamorphic belt reveals highly variable Ce anomalies from negative to positive in garnet. Similar Ce anomalies are also present in omphacite or clinopyroxene but to a much lesser extent. Such mixed negative and positive Ce anomalies mimic those found in severe weathering profiles developed under oxidizing conditions. They suggest the presence of sub- ducted sediment components in the eclogites and garnet pyroxenites, which in turn points to the potential importance of the recycled sediments in modification of the mantle composition during the deep subduction of the continental crust.展开更多
We present the results of a detailed micro-scale investigation of zircons from pyroxenites, Daoshicong Northern Dabie using a combination of SIMS and ICPMS. The SIMS measurements gave ages of 134-159 Ma. Its average o...We present the results of a detailed micro-scale investigation of zircons from pyroxenites, Daoshicong Northern Dabie using a combination of SIMS and ICPMS. The SIMS measurements gave ages of 134-159 Ma. Its average of (144.516.2) Ma is interpreted as the best estimate of the pyroxenite intrusion. The crystallization of zircons continued for quite a long time and underwent slow cooling. The pyroxenites are products of post-collision magmatism. The REE pattern is HREE-enriched, and its HREE concentrations fall between the magmatic and metamorphic range of gneissic zircons from the Dabie area, which indicate the involvement of crust material in its mantle source.展开更多
Recently, garnet pyroxenite enclaves within peridotites occurring near Raobazhai, Huoshan County, have been discovered. The garnet pyroxenite is small pods, decimeters in size, enclosed within intensively serpentinize...Recently, garnet pyroxenite enclaves within peridotites occurring near Raobazhai, Huoshan County, have been discovered. The garnet pyroxenite is small pods, decimeters in size, enclosed within intensively serpentinized peridotites. Major mineral components comprise: garnet (Prpas-as), sodium augite (Jd 10-25) with a small amount of ilmenite. There are two stages of retro-metamorphism: the retrogressive granulite facies mineral assemblage is superimposed by that of amphibolite facies. The host rocks of the garnet pyroxenite are spinel peridotites, including spinel harzburgite and Iherzolite. Due to intensive serpentinitization, only 5%-40% of the relic olivine (Fo92-93) are preserved. The orthopyroxenes are Mg-rich (En87-93) with bending of cleavages and granulation at their margins showing intracrystalline plasticity. On the basis of garnet-clinopyroxene Fe-Mg exchange equilibrium geothermometry proposed by Ellis & Green (1979) and Krogh (1988) KD= 4.06 - 5.28; T= 793-919℃, P= 1.5 GPa are estimated for the garnet pyroxenite. It is inferred that the peridotites are mantle rocks about 60 km in depth. During the exhumation of the orogenic belt, it was tectonically emplaced into the lower crust in the solid state and then uplifted to the shallow depth. Obviously, this kind of garnet pyroxenite must be petrogenetically related to its host rock. The REE distribution pattern and the Ni-Co-Sc diagram reveal that they are chemically equivalent to the basaltic melt and ultramafic residua respectively derived from partial melting of mantle rocks.展开更多
The lower crust beneath the North China Craton(NCC)was transformed during the craton destruction in the Mesozoic,however,the transformation processes are yet to be fully understood.Compositional and geochronological v...The lower crust beneath the North China Craton(NCC)was transformed during the craton destruction in the Mesozoic,however,the transformation processes are yet to be fully understood.Compositional and geochronological variations of granulite and pyroxenite xenoliths provided insights into the nature of the lower crust before and after the craton destruction.In this study,we summarized the latest results of geochemistry and zircon geochronology coupled with Hf-O isotopes from granulite and pyroxenite xenoliths hosted by Phanerozoic igneous rocks in NCC.Comparing previous studies on the granulite terranes and adakitic rocks of NCC,we aim to discuss the destruction processes of lower crust beneath the NCC.The granulite and pyroxenite xenoliths of NCC were divided into two and three groups,respectively,based on the differences of geochemical features.Group I granulite xenoliths from the NCC have silicic-basic compositions,with metamorphic ferrosilite.The Group I granulite xenoliths show relatively lower Mg#values of pyroxenes and whole-rock than that of the Group II granulite xenoliths,and enrichments of light rare earth elements and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions.Their zircons display Archean-Phanerozoic ages with three peaks of Neoarchean,Paleoproterozoic,and Mesozoic.Generally,Group I granulite xenoliths show close affinities to the granulite terranes of the NCC in terms of the major and trace elements and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions,with a consistent Archean-Proterozoic evolutionary history.However,Group I granulite xenoliths have abundant Phanerozoic zircons with variable Hf isotopic compositions from depleted to enriched,which could be formed by modifications of magma underplating.Therefore,Group I granulite xenoliths represent the modified ancient lower crust beneath the NCC.The Group II granulite and Group III pyroxenite xenoliths from the NCC have similar geochemical features and are basic in compositions,with metamorphic to magmatic orthopyroxenes.The Group II granulite and Group III pyroxenite xenoliths usually show higher MgO and lower incompatible elements compositions in minerals and bulk rocks than that in the granulite terranes and Group I granulite xenoliths,but their Sr-Nd isotopic compositions fall into the fields of granulite terranes and group I granulite xenoliths.Zircons from the Group II granulite and Group III pyroxenite xenoliths are predominantly Phanerozoic with subordinate ArcheanProterozoic ages,and the Hf-O isotopic compositions of zircons are similar to those in the Group I granulite xenoliths.Additionally,the trace element compositions of Group II granulite and Group III pyroxenite xenoliths are complementary to those of the adakitic rocks from the NCC.Furthermore,the similar Sr-Nd and zircon Hf isotopic compositions among Group II granulite and Group III pyroxenite xenoliths and adakitic rocks indicate that they are cognate.Therefore,we suggest that the Group II granulite and Group III pyroxenite xenoliths could be restites left after partial melting of the ancient basic lower crust that produced voluminous adakitic rocks.In contrast,Group I and II pyroxenite xenoliths from the NCC have cumulate and reaction origins,respectively.The Group I and II pyroxenite xenoliths commonly have magmatic enstatite and show higher Mg#values and depleted Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of minerals and bulk rocks relative to that in the granulite and Group III pyroxenite xenoliths.Formation of voluminous Group I pyroxenite cumulates in the crust-mantle transition zones implies extensive magma underplating beneath the NCC during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic,which also provided exotic materials and heat for the reworking of the ancient lower crust.Therefore,the destruction of the lower crust beneath the NCC could result from continuous modifications and remelting of the ancient lower crust triggered by magma underplating.These processes led to not only the transformations of some ancient basic lower crust into granulite and pyroxenite restites but also the compositional modifications of the ancient lower crust.Consequently,the lower crust beneath the NCC showed downward rejuvenation,similar to the lithospheric mantle.展开更多
The pyroxenite xenoliths in the volcanic rocks of Hoh Xil consist of clinopyroxenes and orthopyroxenes. The mineral composition of these pyroxenes is similar to that of mantle xenoliths including peridotite and pyroxe...The pyroxenite xenoliths in the volcanic rocks of Hoh Xil consist of clinopyroxenes and orthopyroxenes. The mineral composition of these pyroxenes is similar to that of mantle xenoliths including peridotite and pyroxenite from China and abroad, and different from that of granulites. The pyroxenes formed at 1101-1400 ℃ (averaging 1250 ℃) and under 30-60 kb (averaging 46 kb). We deduced that the magma was derived from the mantle at a depth of more than 150 km, which fits in with the geophysical conclusion that the low-velocity layer existed in the mantle under 150km.展开更多
The Badu Complex is the oldest metamorphic rock in Cathaysia Block which experienced several episodes of metamorphism Especially indosinian metamorphic reworking in the southwestern Zhejiang Province, South China. The...The Badu Complex is the oldest metamorphic rock in Cathaysia Block which experienced several episodes of metamorphism Especially indosinian metamorphic reworking in the southwestern Zhejiang Province, South China. The degree of indosinian metamorphism reaches granulite facies. However, there is still insufficient understanding of the characteristics of the Indosinian granulite metamorphism in the Cathaysia and many interpretations of its tectonic significance. Therefore, we present detailed petrology, mineral chemistry and LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age in this paper from pelitic granulites of the Badu Complex, which is composed of "sillimanite + garnet + cordierite + spinel + biotite + k-feldspar" assemblage and garnet pyroxenite with garnet amphibolite which is consists of "garnet + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + amphibole + plagioclase". By comprehensive study we get following new findings: Pelitic granulites record four stages of metamorphic mineral assemblages, including prograde(M1), pressure peak(M2), Peak(M3) and post-peak decompressional and then cooling(M4) stages. The prograde M1 assemblage consists of garnet1(core) + staurolite + kyanite + biotite + quartz ± rutile ± chlorite;The pressure peak M2 assemblage consists of garnet1(mantle) + sudoite + rutile + kyanite + corundum + biotite + quartz;The peak M3 have garnet2(rim-mantle) + biotite + sillimanite + quartz ± K-feldspar ± plagioclase ± ilmenite assemblag;the M4 stage is consist of garnet + cordierite + biotite + sillimanite + quartz + ilmenite ± spine ± K-feldspar. The garnet pyroxenite and garnet amphibolites have experienced three stages of metamorphic evolution. Peak high-pressure granulite facies stage M2 consists of garnet + sahlite ± ilmenite ± quartz;Post-peak near isothermal decompression medium granulite facies stage M3 is characterized by typical decompression reaction textures and assemblage of orthopyroxene + plagioclase(An=90–92);amphibolites facies retrograde metamorphic stage M4 is characterized by amphibole + plagioclase(An=33–35) + ilmenite ± sahlite ± quartz mineral assemblage. By means of phase equilibrium simulation and traditional thermobarometer, P-T conditions of 785–820 ℃ and 8.9–9.9 kbar for M3 stage, 780–860 ℃ and 5.7–6.2 kbar for decompressional M4 stage, 705–720 ℃ and 4.5–4.7 kbar for cooling M4 stage in pelitic granulites were obtained. And also 11.6–12.5 kbar and 780–840 ℃ for M2 stage, 7.4–8.2 kbar and 800–880 ℃ for M3 stage, 6.6–7.5 kbar and 500–560 ℃ for M4 stage were obtained in garnet pyroxenite and garnet amphibolite. A clockwise P-T path is confirmed in the two type rocks of the Badu Complex which reflected a near-isothermal decompressional metamorphic process. The peak metamorphism can reach highpressure granulite facies. In addition, the mineral assemblage of garnet + rutile + kyanite + corundum in the peak metamorphic stage of pelitic granulite indicates that it may underwent ultra-high-pressure metamorphism, and the acidic plagioclase exsolution of clinopyroxene in garnet pyroxenite also suggests that it may be retrograded eclogites, which indicates that the deeper Cathaysian block may have eclogite metamorphism. Analyses of LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating indicate that the metamorphic age of pelitic granulite is 233.5 Ma–subduction/collision followed by rapid exhumation and cooling events. The events may relate with the amalgamation of the Indochina BlockSouth China Block North China Block in the paleo-Tethyan domain.展开更多
The compositional variability of the lithospheric mantle at extensional settings is largely caused by the reactive percolation of uprising melts in the thermal boundary layer and in lithospheric environments.The Alpin...The compositional variability of the lithospheric mantle at extensional settings is largely caused by the reactive percolation of uprising melts in the thermal boundary layer and in lithospheric environments.The Alpine-Apennine(A-A)ophiolites are predominantly constituted by mantle peridotites and are widely thought to represent analogs of the oceanic lithosphere formed at ocean/continent transition and slow-to ultraslow-spreading settings.Structural and geochemical studies on the A-A mantle peridotites have revealed that they preserve significant compositional and isotopic heterogeneity at variable scale,reflecting a long-lived multi-stage melt migration,intrusion and melt-rock interaction history,occurred at different lithospheric depths during progressive uplift.The A-A mantle peridotites thus constitute a unique window on mantle dynamics and lithosphere-asthenosphere interactions in very slow spreading environments.In this work,we review field,microstructural and chemical-isotopic evidence on the major stages of melt percolation and melt-rock interaction recorded by the A-A peridotites and discuss their consequences in creating chemical-isotopic heterogeneities at variable scales and enhancing weakening and deformation of the extending mantle.Focus will be on three most important stages:(i)old(pre-Jurassic)pyroxenite emplacement,and the significant isotopic modification induced in the host mantle by pyroxenite-derived melts,(ii)melt-peridotite interactions during Jurassic mantle exhumation,i.e.the open-system reactive porous flow at spinel facies depths causing bulk depletion(origin of reactive harzburgites and dunites),and the shallower melt impregnation which originated plagioclase-rich peridotites and an overall mantle refertilization.We infer that migrating melts largely originated as shallow,variably depleted,melt fractions,and acquired Si-rich composition by reactive dissolution of mantle pyroxenes during upward migration.Such melt-rock reaction processes share significant similarities with those documented in modern oceanic peridotites from slow-to ultraslow-spreading environments and track the progressive exhumation of large mantle sectors at shallow depths in oceanic settings where a thicker thermal boundary layer exists,as a consequence of slow-spreading rate.展开更多
The Tongbai Dabieshan high pressure (HP) and ultrahigh pressure (UHP) belt is sandwiched between the Yangtze and the Sinokorean cratons. It connects the Qinling orogenic belt in the west and links toward the east...The Tongbai Dabieshan high pressure (HP) and ultrahigh pressure (UHP) belt is sandwiched between the Yangtze and the Sinokorean cratons. It connects the Qinling orogenic belt in the west and links toward the east to the Sulu ultrahigh pressure (UHP) belt. At present there is a consensus that the UHP metamorphic rocks are the products of the oblique collision between the Yangtze and Sinokorean cratons during the Triassic. However, there is still a lot of controversies about the formation and exhumation of the HP and UHP metamorphic belts. The present research work on the composition and the structural geometry and kinetics of the HP and UHP metamorphic belt has shown the following new results: (1) The overall structural geometry pattern of Dabieshan is similar to the metamorphic core complex developed in the western North America; (2) The discoveries of HP and UHP metamorphic rocks in the north of Dabieshan indicate that the significance of Shuihou Wuhe fault should be re evaluated; (3) A series of micro structural evidence, including the newly found retrograde granulite facies assemblages in the garnet pyroxenites, substantiate the extensional processes following the collision event; (4) The discovery of partial melting phenomena in the UHP metamorphic belts illuminates the relationship between the HP and UHP metamorphic rocks and their associated granite gneiss. All of these new findings will greatly improve our understanding of the formation and exhumation of the high pressure and ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belts.展开更多
The total magmatic output in modern arcs,where continental crust is now being formed, is believed to derive from melting of the mantle wedge and is largely basaltic. Globally averaged continental crust, however, has a...The total magmatic output in modern arcs,where continental crust is now being formed, is believed to derive from melting of the mantle wedge and is largely basaltic. Globally averaged continental crust, however, has an andesitic bulk composition and is hence too silicic to have been derived directly from the mantle. It is well known that one way this imbalance can be reconciled is if the parental basalt differentiates into a mafic garnet pyroxenitic residue/cumulate(‘‘arclogite'') and a complementary silicic melt, the former foundering or delaminating into the mantle due to its high densities and the latter remaining as the crust.Using the Sierra Nevada batholith in California as a case study, the composition of mature continental arc crust is shown in part to be the product of a cyclic process beginning with the growth of an arclogite layer followed by delamination of this layer and post-delamination basaltic underplating/recharge into what remains of the continental crust.A model is presented, wherein continuous arc magmatism and production of arclogites in continental arcs are periodically punctuated by a delamination event and an associated magmatic pulse every *10–30 My. The recycling flux of arclogites is estimated to be *5 %–20 % that of oceanic crust recycling by subduction. Delaminated arclogites have the necessary trace-element compositions to yield time-integrated isotopic compositions similar to those inferred toexist as reservoirs in the mantle. Because of their low melting temperatures, such pyroxenites may be preferentially melted, possibly forming a component of some hotspot magmas.展开更多
Application of reliable thermobarometer on garnet-bearing mantle xenoliths and granulite xenoliths entrained by Cenozoic basalts in eastern China reveals two main types of geotherm. The first type, as exampled by Hann...Application of reliable thermobarometer on garnet-bearing mantle xenoliths and granulite xenoliths entrained by Cenozoic basalts in eastern China reveals two main types of geotherm. The first type, as exampled by Hannuoba (汉若坝), Mingxi (明溪) and probably Northeast China, is characterized by constant slope of data in the P-T space. The second type, as exampled by the high geotherms of Niishan (女山) and probably Xinchang (新昌), is characterized by variable slopes, with the samples with pressure 〈2 MPa defining a slow slope, whereas the samples with pressure 〉2 MPa define a virtually vertical slope. The different slopes in the second type of geotherm may correspond to different heat transfer mechanisms, with conductive transfer for the shallow upper mantle and advective transfer for the deep mantle. This observed transition in thermal transfer mechanism is consistent with theoretical modeling. The two types of geotherm are not mutually exclusive, because the second type may characterize the thermal state of whole lithospheric section including both mechanical boundary layer (MBL) and thermal boundary layer (TBL), while the first type may only depict the MBL. The variable geotherms for different regions are indicative of a heterogeneous lithospheric structure in eastern China. (a) Eastern North China craton (NCC) is characterized by a second-type geotherm, corresponding to a thin lithosphere (-70 km). Comparison of the equilibrium temperatures of spinel peridotites with this geotherm constrains the depth to Moho in eastern North China craton to be 30 kin. In contrast, western NCC (Hannuoba: the first-type geotherm) possesses a relatively low thermal gradient, indicative of a thick lithosphere (〉90-100 km) and a thick crust-mantle transition zone. The dramatic change in crustal and mantle structure across the DTGL (Daxing'anling (大兴安岭)- Talhangshan (太行山) gravity lineament) is consistent with recent seismic studies. (b) There is a decrease in thermal gradient and in lithospheric thickness from the coast (Xinchang: the second-type geotherm) to the inland (Mingxi: the first-type geotherm) in South China (from -80 km to 〉90 kin), which is collaborated with westward variation in basalt geochemistry. (c) The weak convex-upward pattern of the geo- therm in Qilin (麒麟) and Leizhou (雷州) Peninsula is peculiar, probably reflecting a transitional feature between conductive and advective heat transfer. It may result from impregnation of mantle plume on the base of the lithosphere. These new results not only provide a basic framework for the ongoing 4-D lithosphere mapping project in eastern China, but also yield important implications for deep processes that operated over the past.展开更多
文摘Pelletization of hematite ore requires high fineness and very high induration temperature(~1325 ℃) owing to its poor diffusion bonding unlike magnetite ore. Further, high-alumina hematite pellets show very high reduction degradation index(RDI) during low temperature(500-650 ℃) reduction due to their volume expansion and lattice distortion. Noamundi(India) hematite ore contains very high Al2O3(2.3%) with adverse ratio of alumina to silica(~2) for which, it shows very high RDI. In this work, the acid pellets prepared from Noamundi ore fines of optimum Blaine fineness show good cold crushing strength(CCS). However, it shows very high RDI(77%). In order to reduce RDI, Mg O in form of two different gangue-containing fluxes, such as pyroxenite and olivine in varying quantities has been added. The optimum requirement and performance of these fluxes has been examined and compared. Both pyroxenite and olivine fluxed pellets show significant lowering of RDI(26% and 23%, respectively) and improvement of other properties, viz CCS, swelling indices etc with good reducibility(70%-77%). Finally, a good quality acidic hematite pellet was developed from high-alumina ore without using any lime which is very important charge material in combination of basic sinter in blast furnace.
基金funded by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft(Fo 181/3)the Australian Research Council(FL180100134)。
文摘Melting experiments on ultramafic rocks rich in the hydrous minerals phlogopite or phlogopite+K-rich terite,some including 5%of accessory phases,have been conducted at 15 and 50 kbar.The assemblages represent probable source components that contribute to melts in cratonic regions,but whose melt compositions are poorly known.A main series of starting compositions based on MARID xenoliths consisted of a third each of clinopyroxene(CPX),phlogopite(PHL)and K-richterite(KR)with or without 5%ilmenite,rutile or apatite.Additional experiments were run without KR and with higher proportions of accessory phases.Melt traps were used at near-solidus temperatures to facilitate accurate analysis of wellquenched melts,for which reversal experiments demonstrate equilibrium.Results show that KR melts rapidly and completely within 50°C of the solidus,so that melts reflect the composition of the amphibole and its melting reaction.Melts have high SiO_(2) and especially K_(2)O but low CaO and Al_(2)O_(3) relative to basaltic melts produced from peridotites at similar pressures.They have no counterparts amongst natural rocks,but most closely resemble leucite lamproites at 15 kbar.KR and PHL melt incongruently to form olivine(OL)and CPX at 15 kbar,promoting SiO2 contents of the melt,whereas orthopyroxene OPX is increasingly stable at lower lithosphere pressures,leading to an increase in Mg O and decrease in SiO_(2) in melts,which resemble olivine lamproites.Melts of mica pyroxenites without KR are richer in CaO and Al_(2)O_(3) and do not resemble lamproites.These experiments show that low CaO and Al_(2)O_(3) in igneous rocks is not necessarily a sign of a depleted peridotite source.Accessory phases produce melts exceptionally rich in P_(2)O_(5) or TiO_(2) depending on the phases present and are unlike any melts seen at the Earth’s surface,but may be important agents of metasomatism seen in xenoliths.The addition of the 5%accessory phases ilmenite,rutile or apatite result in melting temperatures a few ten of degrees lower;at least two of these appear essential to explain the compositions of many alkaline igneous rocks on cratons.Melting temperatures for CPX+PHL+KR mixtures are close to cratonic geotherms at depths>130 km:minor perturbations of the stable geotherm at>150 km will rapidly lead to 20%melting.Melts of hydrous pyroxenites with a variety of accessory phases will be common initial melts at depth,but will change if reaction with wall-rocks occurs,leading to volcanism that contains chemical components of peridotite even though the temperature in the source region remains well below the melting point of peridotite.At higher temperatures,extensive melting of peridotite will dilute the initial alkaline melts:this is recognizable as alkaline components in basalts and,in extreme cases,alkali picrites.Hydrous pyroxenites are,therefore,components of most mantle-derived igneous rocks:basaltic rocks should not be oversimplified as being purely melts of peridotite or of mixtures of peridotite and dry pyroxenite without hydrous phases.
基金co-supported by Key Special Project for Introduced Talents Team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory(Guangzhou)(No.GML2019ZD0201)the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research Program(No.2019QZKK0801)+3 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NNSFCProject Nos.42272048,41720104009,42172069,92062215)the Key Laboratory of Deep-Earth Dynamics of Ministry of Natural Resources Fund(No.J1901-28)the China Geological Survey(CGS,Project Nos.DD20230340,DD20221630)。
文摘Understanding the nature of parental melts for pyroxenite veins in supra-subduction zone(SSZ)ophiolites provides vibrant constraints on melt infiltration processes operating in subduction zones.The Zedang ophiolitic massif in the eastern Yarlung–Zangbo suture zone in Tibet consists of mantle peridotites and a crustal section of gabbro,diabase,and basalt.Veins of two pyroxenite varieties cut the southern part of the Zedang massif.These pyroxenite rocks have different geochemical characteristics,where the first variety(type-I)has relatively higher contents of SiO_(2)(51.82–53.08 wt%),MgO(20.08–23.23 wt%),andΣPGE(3.42–13.97 ppb),and lower Al_(2)O_(3)(1.59–2.28 wt%)andΣREE(1.63–2.94 ppm).The second pyroxenite variety(type-II)is characterized by SiO_(2)(45.44–49.61 wt%),Mg O(16.68–19.78 wt%),Al_(2)O_(3)(4.24–8.77 wt%),ΣPGE(14.46–322.06 ppb),andΣREE(5.82–7.44 ppm).Pyroxenite type-I shows N-MORB-like chondritenormalized REE patterns.Zircon U-Pb ages of pyroxenite type-I(194±10 Ma),associated ophiolitic gabbro(135.3±2.0 Ma),and plagiogranite(124.2±2.3 Ma)evidently imply episodic evolution of the Zedang ophiolites.The mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the investigated pyroxenites can be explained by subduction-initiated hydrous melting of metasomatized sub-arc mantle,later overprinted by sub-slab mantle melting triggered by upwelling asthenosphere during the Jurassic–Early Cretaceous times.The geochemical variations in pyroxenite vein composition,coupled with age differences amongst the other ophiolite units,may correspond to intermittent emplacement of pyroxenite dikes and isotropic gabbroic intrusions where the geodynamic setting progressed from arc maturation and slab rollback to slab tearing and delamination.
基金The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project(18-35-00535)IGC State Assignment Project(0350-2019-0008).
文摘Swarms of orthopyroxenite and websterite veins are found within Egiingol residual SSZ peridotite massif of Dzhida terrain(Central Asian Orogenic Belt,Northern Mongolia).The process of Egiingol pyroxenite veins formation is investigated using new major and trace element analyses of pyroxenite minerals,calculations of closure temperatures and composition of equilibrium melt.The pyroxenites show abundant petrographic and geochemical evidence for replacement of the residual peridotite minerals by ortho-and clinopyroxene due to melt-rock interaction.Relics of peridotite olivines are found in pyroxenites,Cr#of spinel increases from peridotites to pyroxenites,and compositions of ortho-and clinopyroxene change from peridotite to pyroxenite.The authors show that calculated equilibrium melts for investigated pyroxenites are very similar to compositions of boninite lavas from the Dzhida terrain.Therefore,formation of pyroxenite veins most likely resulted from percolation of boninite melts through the Egiingol peridotites.Orthopyroxenite veins formed at first,followed by websterite veins.Thus,the authors assume that pyroxenite veins represent the channels for boninitic melts migration in supra-subduction environment.
基金funded by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft,Germany (Fo 181/3)and the Australian Research Council,Australia (FL180100134).
文摘The trace element compositions of melts and minerals from high-pressure experiments on hydrous pyroxenites containing K-richterite are presented. The experiments used mixtures of a third each of the natural minerals clinopyroxene, phlogopite and K-richterite, some with the addition of 5% of an accessory phase ilmenite, rutile or apatite. Although the major element compositions of melts resemble natural lamproites, the trace element contents of most trace elements from the three-mineral mixture are much lower than in lamproites. Apatite is required in the source to provide high abundances of the rare earth elements, and either rutile and/or ilmenite is required to provide the high field strength elements Ti, Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf. Phlogopite controls the high levels of Rb, Cs and Ba.Since abundances of trace elements in the various starting mixtures vary strongly because of the use of natural minerals, we calculated mineral/melt partition coefficients (DMin/melt) using mineral modes and melting reactions and present trace element patterns for different degrees of partial melting of hydrous pyroxenites. Rb, Cs and Ba are compatible in phlogopite and the partition coefficient ratio phlogopite/K-richterite is high for Ba (136) and Rb (12). All melts have low contents of most of the first row transition elements, particularly Ni and Cu ((0.1-0.01)×primitive mantle). Nickel has high DMin/melt for all the major minerals (12 for K-richterite, 9.2 for phlogopite and 5.6 for Cpx) and so behaves at least as compatibly as in melting of peridotites. Fluorine/chlorine ratios in melts are high and DMin/melt for fluorine decreases in the order apatite (2.2) > phlogopite (1.5) > K-richterite (0.87). The requirement for apatite and at least one Ti-oxide in the source of natural lamproites holds for mica pyroxenites that lack K-richterite. The results are used to model isotopic ageing in hydrous pyroxenite source rocks: phlogopite controls Sr isotopes, so that lamproites with relatively low 87Sr/86Sr must come from phlogopite-poor source rocks, probably dominated by Cpx and K-richterite. At high pressures (>4 GPa), peritectic Cpx holds back Na, explaining the high K2O/Na2O of lamproites.
基金co-supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.40133020)the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology(Grant No.G1999043202).
文摘In-situ excimer laser ICP-MS analysis of minerals of eclogites and garnet pyrox- enites from type localities (Shuanghe, Maowu, Bixiling, and Yangkou) in the Dabie-Sulu ultra- high-pressure metamorphic belt reveals highly variable Ce anomalies from negative to positive in garnet. Similar Ce anomalies are also present in omphacite or clinopyroxene but to a much lesser extent. Such mixed negative and positive Ce anomalies mimic those found in severe weathering profiles developed under oxidizing conditions. They suggest the presence of sub- ducted sediment components in the eclogites and garnet pyroxenites, which in turn points to the potential importance of the recycled sediments in modification of the mantle composition during the deep subduction of the continental crust.
基金This work was supported by the Major State Basic Research Development Project (Grant No. 1999075503) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49973019 and 49794042).
文摘We present the results of a detailed micro-scale investigation of zircons from pyroxenites, Daoshicong Northern Dabie using a combination of SIMS and ICPMS. The SIMS measurements gave ages of 134-159 Ma. Its average of (144.516.2) Ma is interpreted as the best estimate of the pyroxenite intrusion. The crystallization of zircons continued for quite a long time and underwent slow cooling. The pyroxenites are products of post-collision magmatism. The REE pattern is HREE-enriched, and its HREE concentrations fall between the magmatic and metamorphic range of gneissic zircons from the Dabie area, which indicate the involvement of crust material in its mantle source.
文摘Recently, garnet pyroxenite enclaves within peridotites occurring near Raobazhai, Huoshan County, have been discovered. The garnet pyroxenite is small pods, decimeters in size, enclosed within intensively serpentinized peridotites. Major mineral components comprise: garnet (Prpas-as), sodium augite (Jd 10-25) with a small amount of ilmenite. There are two stages of retro-metamorphism: the retrogressive granulite facies mineral assemblage is superimposed by that of amphibolite facies. The host rocks of the garnet pyroxenite are spinel peridotites, including spinel harzburgite and Iherzolite. Due to intensive serpentinitization, only 5%-40% of the relic olivine (Fo92-93) are preserved. The orthopyroxenes are Mg-rich (En87-93) with bending of cleavages and granulation at their margins showing intracrystalline plasticity. On the basis of garnet-clinopyroxene Fe-Mg exchange equilibrium geothermometry proposed by Ellis & Green (1979) and Krogh (1988) KD= 4.06 - 5.28; T= 793-919℃, P= 1.5 GPa are estimated for the garnet pyroxenite. It is inferred that the peridotites are mantle rocks about 60 km in depth. During the exhumation of the orogenic belt, it was tectonically emplaced into the lower crust in the solid state and then uplifted to the shallow depth. Obviously, this kind of garnet pyroxenite must be petrogenetically related to its host rock. The REE distribution pattern and the Ni-Co-Sc diagram reveal that they are chemically equivalent to the basaltic melt and ultramafic residua respectively derived from partial melting of mantle rocks.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41688103&42003026)。
文摘The lower crust beneath the North China Craton(NCC)was transformed during the craton destruction in the Mesozoic,however,the transformation processes are yet to be fully understood.Compositional and geochronological variations of granulite and pyroxenite xenoliths provided insights into the nature of the lower crust before and after the craton destruction.In this study,we summarized the latest results of geochemistry and zircon geochronology coupled with Hf-O isotopes from granulite and pyroxenite xenoliths hosted by Phanerozoic igneous rocks in NCC.Comparing previous studies on the granulite terranes and adakitic rocks of NCC,we aim to discuss the destruction processes of lower crust beneath the NCC.The granulite and pyroxenite xenoliths of NCC were divided into two and three groups,respectively,based on the differences of geochemical features.Group I granulite xenoliths from the NCC have silicic-basic compositions,with metamorphic ferrosilite.The Group I granulite xenoliths show relatively lower Mg#values of pyroxenes and whole-rock than that of the Group II granulite xenoliths,and enrichments of light rare earth elements and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions.Their zircons display Archean-Phanerozoic ages with three peaks of Neoarchean,Paleoproterozoic,and Mesozoic.Generally,Group I granulite xenoliths show close affinities to the granulite terranes of the NCC in terms of the major and trace elements and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions,with a consistent Archean-Proterozoic evolutionary history.However,Group I granulite xenoliths have abundant Phanerozoic zircons with variable Hf isotopic compositions from depleted to enriched,which could be formed by modifications of magma underplating.Therefore,Group I granulite xenoliths represent the modified ancient lower crust beneath the NCC.The Group II granulite and Group III pyroxenite xenoliths from the NCC have similar geochemical features and are basic in compositions,with metamorphic to magmatic orthopyroxenes.The Group II granulite and Group III pyroxenite xenoliths usually show higher MgO and lower incompatible elements compositions in minerals and bulk rocks than that in the granulite terranes and Group I granulite xenoliths,but their Sr-Nd isotopic compositions fall into the fields of granulite terranes and group I granulite xenoliths.Zircons from the Group II granulite and Group III pyroxenite xenoliths are predominantly Phanerozoic with subordinate ArcheanProterozoic ages,and the Hf-O isotopic compositions of zircons are similar to those in the Group I granulite xenoliths.Additionally,the trace element compositions of Group II granulite and Group III pyroxenite xenoliths are complementary to those of the adakitic rocks from the NCC.Furthermore,the similar Sr-Nd and zircon Hf isotopic compositions among Group II granulite and Group III pyroxenite xenoliths and adakitic rocks indicate that they are cognate.Therefore,we suggest that the Group II granulite and Group III pyroxenite xenoliths could be restites left after partial melting of the ancient basic lower crust that produced voluminous adakitic rocks.In contrast,Group I and II pyroxenite xenoliths from the NCC have cumulate and reaction origins,respectively.The Group I and II pyroxenite xenoliths commonly have magmatic enstatite and show higher Mg#values and depleted Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of minerals and bulk rocks relative to that in the granulite and Group III pyroxenite xenoliths.Formation of voluminous Group I pyroxenite cumulates in the crust-mantle transition zones implies extensive magma underplating beneath the NCC during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic,which also provided exotic materials and heat for the reworking of the ancient lower crust.Therefore,the destruction of the lower crust beneath the NCC could result from continuous modifications and remelting of the ancient lower crust triggered by magma underplating.These processes led to not only the transformations of some ancient basic lower crust into granulite and pyroxenite restites but also the compositional modifications of the ancient lower crust.Consequently,the lower crust beneath the NCC showed downward rejuvenation,similar to the lithospheric mantle.
文摘The pyroxenite xenoliths in the volcanic rocks of Hoh Xil consist of clinopyroxenes and orthopyroxenes. The mineral composition of these pyroxenes is similar to that of mantle xenoliths including peridotite and pyroxenite from China and abroad, and different from that of granulites. The pyroxenes formed at 1101-1400 ℃ (averaging 1250 ℃) and under 30-60 kb (averaging 46 kb). We deduced that the magma was derived from the mantle at a depth of more than 150 km, which fits in with the geophysical conclusion that the low-velocity layer existed in the mantle under 150km.
基金financially supported by Geological Survey Project(No.D1434-3)of China Geological Surveythe National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41472164,41872192)
文摘The Badu Complex is the oldest metamorphic rock in Cathaysia Block which experienced several episodes of metamorphism Especially indosinian metamorphic reworking in the southwestern Zhejiang Province, South China. The degree of indosinian metamorphism reaches granulite facies. However, there is still insufficient understanding of the characteristics of the Indosinian granulite metamorphism in the Cathaysia and many interpretations of its tectonic significance. Therefore, we present detailed petrology, mineral chemistry and LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age in this paper from pelitic granulites of the Badu Complex, which is composed of "sillimanite + garnet + cordierite + spinel + biotite + k-feldspar" assemblage and garnet pyroxenite with garnet amphibolite which is consists of "garnet + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + amphibole + plagioclase". By comprehensive study we get following new findings: Pelitic granulites record four stages of metamorphic mineral assemblages, including prograde(M1), pressure peak(M2), Peak(M3) and post-peak decompressional and then cooling(M4) stages. The prograde M1 assemblage consists of garnet1(core) + staurolite + kyanite + biotite + quartz ± rutile ± chlorite;The pressure peak M2 assemblage consists of garnet1(mantle) + sudoite + rutile + kyanite + corundum + biotite + quartz;The peak M3 have garnet2(rim-mantle) + biotite + sillimanite + quartz ± K-feldspar ± plagioclase ± ilmenite assemblag;the M4 stage is consist of garnet + cordierite + biotite + sillimanite + quartz + ilmenite ± spine ± K-feldspar. The garnet pyroxenite and garnet amphibolites have experienced three stages of metamorphic evolution. Peak high-pressure granulite facies stage M2 consists of garnet + sahlite ± ilmenite ± quartz;Post-peak near isothermal decompression medium granulite facies stage M3 is characterized by typical decompression reaction textures and assemblage of orthopyroxene + plagioclase(An=90–92);amphibolites facies retrograde metamorphic stage M4 is characterized by amphibole + plagioclase(An=33–35) + ilmenite ± sahlite ± quartz mineral assemblage. By means of phase equilibrium simulation and traditional thermobarometer, P-T conditions of 785–820 ℃ and 8.9–9.9 kbar for M3 stage, 780–860 ℃ and 5.7–6.2 kbar for decompressional M4 stage, 705–720 ℃ and 4.5–4.7 kbar for cooling M4 stage in pelitic granulites were obtained. And also 11.6–12.5 kbar and 780–840 ℃ for M2 stage, 7.4–8.2 kbar and 800–880 ℃ for M3 stage, 6.6–7.5 kbar and 500–560 ℃ for M4 stage were obtained in garnet pyroxenite and garnet amphibolite. A clockwise P-T path is confirmed in the two type rocks of the Badu Complex which reflected a near-isothermal decompressional metamorphic process. The peak metamorphism can reach highpressure granulite facies. In addition, the mineral assemblage of garnet + rutile + kyanite + corundum in the peak metamorphic stage of pelitic granulite indicates that it may underwent ultra-high-pressure metamorphism, and the acidic plagioclase exsolution of clinopyroxene in garnet pyroxenite also suggests that it may be retrograded eclogites, which indicates that the deeper Cathaysian block may have eclogite metamorphism. Analyses of LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating indicate that the metamorphic age of pelitic granulite is 233.5 Ma–subduction/collision followed by rapid exhumation and cooling events. The events may relate with the amalgamation of the Indochina BlockSouth China Block North China Block in the paleo-Tethyan domain.
基金supported by the Italian Ministry of Education,University and Research (MIUR),project "Programma di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale"-[PRIN 2015C5LN35] "Melt-rock reaction and melt migration in the MORB mantle through combined natural and experimental studies"
文摘The compositional variability of the lithospheric mantle at extensional settings is largely caused by the reactive percolation of uprising melts in the thermal boundary layer and in lithospheric environments.The Alpine-Apennine(A-A)ophiolites are predominantly constituted by mantle peridotites and are widely thought to represent analogs of the oceanic lithosphere formed at ocean/continent transition and slow-to ultraslow-spreading settings.Structural and geochemical studies on the A-A mantle peridotites have revealed that they preserve significant compositional and isotopic heterogeneity at variable scale,reflecting a long-lived multi-stage melt migration,intrusion and melt-rock interaction history,occurred at different lithospheric depths during progressive uplift.The A-A mantle peridotites thus constitute a unique window on mantle dynamics and lithosphere-asthenosphere interactions in very slow spreading environments.In this work,we review field,microstructural and chemical-isotopic evidence on the major stages of melt percolation and melt-rock interaction recorded by the A-A peridotites and discuss their consequences in creating chemical-isotopic heterogeneities at variable scales and enhancing weakening and deformation of the extending mantle.Focus will be on three most important stages:(i)old(pre-Jurassic)pyroxenite emplacement,and the significant isotopic modification induced in the host mantle by pyroxenite-derived melts,(ii)melt-peridotite interactions during Jurassic mantle exhumation,i.e.the open-system reactive porous flow at spinel facies depths causing bulk depletion(origin of reactive harzburgites and dunites),and the shallower melt impregnation which originated plagioclase-rich peridotites and an overall mantle refertilization.We infer that migrating melts largely originated as shallow,variably depleted,melt fractions,and acquired Si-rich composition by reactive dissolution of mantle pyroxenes during upward migration.Such melt-rock reaction processes share significant similarities with those documented in modern oceanic peridotites from slow-to ultraslow-spreading environments and track the progressive exhumation of large mantle sectors at shallow depths in oceanic settings where a thicker thermal boundary layer exists,as a consequence of slow-spreading rate.
基金The study is supportd by the National Natural Science Foundation of China( Nos.497940 41and49772 14 6) and MGMR( No.95 0 110 2)
文摘The Tongbai Dabieshan high pressure (HP) and ultrahigh pressure (UHP) belt is sandwiched between the Yangtze and the Sinokorean cratons. It connects the Qinling orogenic belt in the west and links toward the east to the Sulu ultrahigh pressure (UHP) belt. At present there is a consensus that the UHP metamorphic rocks are the products of the oblique collision between the Yangtze and Sinokorean cratons during the Triassic. However, there is still a lot of controversies about the formation and exhumation of the HP and UHP metamorphic belts. The present research work on the composition and the structural geometry and kinetics of the HP and UHP metamorphic belt has shown the following new results: (1) The overall structural geometry pattern of Dabieshan is similar to the metamorphic core complex developed in the western North America; (2) The discoveries of HP and UHP metamorphic rocks in the north of Dabieshan indicate that the significance of Shuihou Wuhe fault should be re evaluated; (3) A series of micro structural evidence, including the newly found retrograde granulite facies assemblages in the garnet pyroxenites, substantiate the extensional processes following the collision event; (4) The discovery of partial melting phenomena in the UHP metamorphic belts illuminates the relationship between the HP and UHP metamorphic rocks and their associated granite gneiss. All of these new findings will greatly improve our understanding of the formation and exhumation of the high pressure and ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belts.
文摘The total magmatic output in modern arcs,where continental crust is now being formed, is believed to derive from melting of the mantle wedge and is largely basaltic. Globally averaged continental crust, however, has an andesitic bulk composition and is hence too silicic to have been derived directly from the mantle. It is well known that one way this imbalance can be reconciled is if the parental basalt differentiates into a mafic garnet pyroxenitic residue/cumulate(‘‘arclogite'') and a complementary silicic melt, the former foundering or delaminating into the mantle due to its high densities and the latter remaining as the crust.Using the Sierra Nevada batholith in California as a case study, the composition of mature continental arc crust is shown in part to be the product of a cyclic process beginning with the growth of an arclogite layer followed by delamination of this layer and post-delamination basaltic underplating/recharge into what remains of the continental crust.A model is presented, wherein continuous arc magmatism and production of arclogites in continental arcs are periodically punctuated by a delamination event and an associated magmatic pulse every *10–30 My. The recycling flux of arclogites is estimated to be *5 %–20 % that of oceanic crust recycling by subduction. Delaminated arclogites have the necessary trace-element compositions to yield time-integrated isotopic compositions similar to those inferred toexist as reservoirs in the mantle. Because of their low melting temperatures, such pyroxenites may be preferentially melted, possibly forming a component of some hotspot magmas.
基金supported by the Knowledge Inno-vation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-YW-Q08-3-6)the National Natural Science Founda-tion of China (Nos. 90714001, 40773015)the CAS/SAFEA International Partnership Program for Creative Research Teams (No. KZCX2-YW-Q04-06)
文摘Application of reliable thermobarometer on garnet-bearing mantle xenoliths and granulite xenoliths entrained by Cenozoic basalts in eastern China reveals two main types of geotherm. The first type, as exampled by Hannuoba (汉若坝), Mingxi (明溪) and probably Northeast China, is characterized by constant slope of data in the P-T space. The second type, as exampled by the high geotherms of Niishan (女山) and probably Xinchang (新昌), is characterized by variable slopes, with the samples with pressure 〈2 MPa defining a slow slope, whereas the samples with pressure 〉2 MPa define a virtually vertical slope. The different slopes in the second type of geotherm may correspond to different heat transfer mechanisms, with conductive transfer for the shallow upper mantle and advective transfer for the deep mantle. This observed transition in thermal transfer mechanism is consistent with theoretical modeling. The two types of geotherm are not mutually exclusive, because the second type may characterize the thermal state of whole lithospheric section including both mechanical boundary layer (MBL) and thermal boundary layer (TBL), while the first type may only depict the MBL. The variable geotherms for different regions are indicative of a heterogeneous lithospheric structure in eastern China. (a) Eastern North China craton (NCC) is characterized by a second-type geotherm, corresponding to a thin lithosphere (-70 km). Comparison of the equilibrium temperatures of spinel peridotites with this geotherm constrains the depth to Moho in eastern North China craton to be 30 kin. In contrast, western NCC (Hannuoba: the first-type geotherm) possesses a relatively low thermal gradient, indicative of a thick lithosphere (〉90-100 km) and a thick crust-mantle transition zone. The dramatic change in crustal and mantle structure across the DTGL (Daxing'anling (大兴安岭)- Talhangshan (太行山) gravity lineament) is consistent with recent seismic studies. (b) There is a decrease in thermal gradient and in lithospheric thickness from the coast (Xinchang: the second-type geotherm) to the inland (Mingxi: the first-type geotherm) in South China (from -80 km to 〉90 kin), which is collaborated with westward variation in basalt geochemistry. (c) The weak convex-upward pattern of the geo- therm in Qilin (麒麟) and Leizhou (雷州) Peninsula is peculiar, probably reflecting a transitional feature between conductive and advective heat transfer. It may result from impregnation of mantle plume on the base of the lithosphere. These new results not only provide a basic framework for the ongoing 4-D lithosphere mapping project in eastern China, but also yield important implications for deep processes that operated over the past.