A large quantity of drilling core, paleontology, geochemistry and geophysics data revealed several features of the Jiyang subbasin during the deposition of the Ekl-ES4x members: (1) the paleotopography of the gentl...A large quantity of drilling core, paleontology, geochemistry and geophysics data revealed several features of the Jiyang subbasin during the deposition of the Ekl-ES4x members: (1) the paleotopography of the gentle slope belt had an extremely low gradient; (2) the paleoclimate frequently alternated between dry and wet periods in a generally arid setting; (3) there was strong weathering around the periphery of the basin; (4) the lake was very shallow; (5) the lake level frequently rose and fell; and (6) the sedimentary environment of the gentle slope belt was an over- flooding lake. All of these factors provided favorable geological conditions for the development of an over-flooding lake delta. The lithologies of the continental over-flooding lake delta deposits are complex and diverse. The compositional maturity is moderate to low, and the grain size distribution curves and sedimentary structures indicate the presence of both gravity and traction currents. The sedimentary microfacies associations consist of a combination of ordered superposition of flood channels, distributary channels and sheet sands. The delta exhibits a weak foreset seismic reflection. The over-flooding lake delta deposits are laterally extensive. The sandstone content is high, and the individual sandstone beds are thin. The flood channel and distributary channel deposits exhibit evidence of bifurcation and lateral migration. The distribution of the sandbodies and the oxidation color of the mudstones provide evidence of cyclic deposition. The paleoclimate was the dominant factor controlling the development of the over-flooding lake delta. Due to the frequently alternating wet and dry paleoclimates, the over-flooding lake delta is characterized by the development of a broad upper plain and a lower delta plain. The upper delta plain is characterized by flood channel deposits, whereas the lower delta plain is represented by distributary channel deposits. The transition zone is characterized by the interaction of flood channels and distributary channels. Due to fault activity, the sandbodies of the over-flooding lake delta were juxtaposed against hydrocarbon source rocks, which was favorable for the development of lithologic reservoirs or structural-lithologic reservoirs. The lower delta plain deposits comprise the most favorable reservoirs.展开更多
The largest Mesozoic northward transgression in Qangtang Basin of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau occurred during the Buqu Stage, Middle Jurassic. Mainly filled with carbonate rocks, the whole basin is composed of tran...The largest Mesozoic northward transgression in Qangtang Basin of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau occurred during the Buqu Stage, Middle Jurassic. Mainly filled with carbonate rocks, the whole basin is composed of transgression-regression sedimentary cycle. Field outcrops and indoor analysis revealed 8 types of sedimentary facies markers in this region. 4 types of sedimentary facies have been recognized: platform facies, platform marginal facies, foreslope facies and basin facies. Influenced by the northern Lazhuglung-Jinshajiang suture zone, central uplift region and southern Bangongco-Nujiang suture zone, these facies belts extended east-west. The sedimentary model was established based on observed depositional features. From their biological features and sedimentary characteristics, it is suggested that the paleoclimate was warm and humid at that time. The Buqu Formation is a promising target for oil and gas exploration in Shuanghu-Duoyong area in future.展开更多
The Upper Shuaiba Member (USH) is the main force pay bed in the Daleel field in northern Oman; 5 layers including A, B, C, D, and E were divided in profile, and layer D and layer E are the main beds. With the develo...The Upper Shuaiba Member (USH) is the main force pay bed in the Daleel field in northern Oman; 5 layers including A, B, C, D, and E were divided in profile, and layer D and layer E are the main beds. With the development of exploration in the Daleel oil field, studying the sedimentary systems about their inner composition and the collocation in dimension, and setting up the sedimentary models in the USH are becoming more and more necessary and important to meet the further exploration requirement. Based on the data of geology, seism, and paleo-biology, according to the analysis method on carbonatite depositional system, the litho-facies assemblage and sedimentary environment in the USH were studied. Intershoal low-lying sub-facies (where the water depth is 10-50 m) and shallow shoal sub-facies (where the water depth is not more than 10 m) were extinguished in the layer D, and storm deposit was found in layer El, in which intershoal low-lying sub-facies also developed. The feature of the sedimentary sub-facies and the sedimentary condition were analyzed, and the sedimentary model was set up in the article: the carbonatite intershoal low-lying developed under the background of open land in shallow sea, where storm events usually occurred in the Lower Cretaceous in the area.展开更多
1 Sedimentary Characteristics of Paleo-salt Lake In early sedimentary stages of Shashi formation,because of drought climate and the concentration of lake,a set of salt strata of hundreds of meters is developed in the ...1 Sedimentary Characteristics of Paleo-salt Lake In early sedimentary stages of Shashi formation,because of drought climate and the concentration of lake,a set of salt strata of hundreds of meters is developed in the tension展开更多
Very thick, fine-grained quartzose sandstone of the Lower Carboniferous (called the Donghe sandstone) was discovered in Donghe-1 well in the Tarim basin. Highly-productive commercial oil and gas flows were obtained wh...Very thick, fine-grained quartzose sandstone of the Lower Carboniferous (called the Donghe sandstone) was discovered in Donghe-1 well in the Tarim basin. Highly-productive commercial oil and gas flows were obtained when a well completion test was conducted. This important discovery proved that the quartzose sandstone is a prospecting target with good prospects. After that, other two paying oil and gas flows were found in the Lower Carboniferous in the Tazhong-4 and Tazhong-10 structures (Tazhong means central Tarim), equivalent to the Donghe sandstone. The Tazhong-4 structural oil field is the biggest oil field ever discovered. Therefore it is of guiding importance in oil and gas exploration to deepen the study of sedimentary and reservoir features and the sedimentary environment of the Donghe sandstone and to build a sedimentary model in order to understand the reservoir distribution pattern.展开更多
The Oligocene-Miocene Qom Formation has different depositional models in the Central han, Sanandaj-Sirjan and Urunlieh-Dokhtar inagmatic arc provinces in han. The Kahak section of the Qom Formation in the Uiumieh-Dokh...The Oligocene-Miocene Qom Formation has different depositional models in the Central han, Sanandaj-Sirjan and Urunlieh-Dokhtar inagmatic arc provinces in han. The Kahak section of the Qom Formation in the Uiumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc has been studied, in order to determinate its microfacies, depositional model and sequence stratigraphy. The textural analysis and faunal assemblages reveal ten microfacies. These microfacies are indicative of five depositional settings of open marine, patch reef, lagoon, tidal flat and beach of the inner and middle ramp. On the basis of the vertical succession architecture of depositional system tracts, four third-order sequences have been recognized in the Oligocene-Miocene Kahak succession of Qom Formation. Based on the correlation charts, the transgression of the Qom Sea started fiom the southeast and continued gradually towards the north. This resulted in widespread northward development of the lagoon paleoenvironment in the Aquitanian-Burdigalian stages. Also, the sequence stratigraphic model of the Oligocene Miocene Qom Formation has an architecture similar to those that have developed from Oligocene Miocene global sea level changes.展开更多
Taking the Cambrian Yuertus Formation outcrop profiles in the Aksu-Keping-Wushi areas of northwestern Tarim Basin as examples, the depositional environments of organic rich fine sediment were analyzed by examining the...Taking the Cambrian Yuertus Formation outcrop profiles in the Aksu-Keping-Wushi areas of northwestern Tarim Basin as examples, the depositional environments of organic rich fine sediment were analyzed by examining the outcrop profiles macroscopically and microscopically. The study reveals that:(1) The lower part of the Yuertus Formation consists of organic-rich fine sediment or thin rhythmic interbeds of organic-rich fine sediment and siliceous sediment, the formation transforms to terrigenous diamictic grain shoal and inverse grading carbonate rocks upward.(2) The thin limestone interbedded with dark shale rhythmically has inverse grading.(3) The thin-bedded siliceous rock has metasomatic residual granular texture, stromatolithic structure and cementation fabric in vugs.(4) There are iron crust layers at the top of the shallowing diamictic grain shoal, beneath which exposed karst signs, such as karrens, dissolved fissures, sack-like vugs, near surface karst(plastic) breccia, breccia inside the karst system and terrigenous clastic fillings, can be seen.(5) Both the outcrops and seismic profiles show that organic-rich fine sediments above the unconformities or exposed surfaces are characterized by overlapping. The organic-rich fine sediment of the Cambrian Yuertus Formation was deposited in the anoxic-suboxidized restricted gulf lagoon environment, and its formation was controlled by high paleoproductivity and poor oxygen exchange jointly, then a shallow-water overlapping sedimentary model has been established. The results will help enrich and improve the sedimentary theory of organic-rich fine sediments.展开更多
Based on the comprehensive analysis of core, thin section, logging and seismic data, this study carried out the identification and comparison of Permian Changxing Formation sequences, clarified the typical sedimentary...Based on the comprehensive analysis of core, thin section, logging and seismic data, this study carried out the identification and comparison of Permian Changxing Formation sequences, clarified the typical sedimentary architectures of intra-platform shoal, investigated the vertical and horizontal development and distribution of intra-platform shoal in each sequence, and thus established the sedimentary evolution model of shoal body. The study results are reflected in four aspects.First, there are two complete third-order sequences(SQ1 and SQ2) in Changxing Formation in central Sichuan Basin. SQ1 is generally thick in the north and thin in the south, and SQ2 shows a thickness differentiation trend of “two thicknesses and three thinnesses”. Second, the Changxing Formation in central Sichuan Basin mainly develops intra-platform shoal, inter-shoal sea and intra-platform depression subfacies. In the vertical direction, the intra-platform shoal mainly presents two typical sedimentary sequences: stable superposed and high-frequency interbedded. Third, the stable superimposed sedimentary sequence is developed in the shoal belt at the edge of intra-platform depression, which is composed of two shoal-forming periods and located in the highstand systems tracts(HSTs) of SQ1 and SQ2. The high-frequency interbedded sedimentary sequence is developed in the southern shoal belt of intra-platform depression, which is composed of four shoal-forming periods and mainly located in the HST of SQ2. Fourth, during the SQ1 deposition, the intra-platform shoal was mainly developed at the edge of the intra-platform depression on the north side of the study area, and the inter-shoal sea subfacies was mainly developed on the south side. During the SQ2 deposition, the intra-platform shoal was widely developed in the area, forming two nearly parallel intra-platform shoal belts. The study results provide direction and ideas for exploration of Changxing Formation intra-platform shoal reservoirs in central Sichuan Basin.展开更多
The architectural patterns of sedimentary succession are diverse in different depositionalbasins. The sedimentary architecture and geological condition of such basins asepicontinental sea, intraplate limnic basins, et...The architectural patterns of sedimentary succession are diverse in different depositionalbasins. The sedimentary architecture and geological condition of such basins asepicontinental sea, intraplate limnic basins, etc., differ cIearly from those of continentalmargin basin. Extension, complement and perfection of sequence stratigraphic models are needed in the studies of various depositional basins based on the classical sequence model. This paper, for this reason,expounds the thought, principles of sequence division, methodology and technology of the study of sequence stratigraphy in epicontinental and limnic basins.展开更多
Lake-level changes can significantly affect paleoenvironmental evolution,resource occurrence,terrestrial carbon budget,and biodiversity in continental basins.Climate is one of the most critical factors controlling lak...Lake-level changes can significantly affect paleoenvironmental evolution,resource occurrence,terrestrial carbon budget,and biodiversity in continental basins.Climate is one of the most critical factors controlling lake-level changes.Paleoclimate of the Early Jurassic has been evidenced by oscillating icehouses to(super)greenhouses with interrupted intermittent extreme climatic events(hyperthermal and cooling),e.g.,the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event(~183 Ma)and the late Pliensbachian cooling event(~185 Ma).Lake-level evolution and hydrologic cycling on Earth’s surface during the Early Jurassic icehouses-to-(super)greenhouses are thus far poorly understood due to a lack of continuous high-resolution nonmarine evidence.Here we present a super-long nonmarine lake level record for this pivotal interval from the early Pliensbachian to Toarcian by sedimentary noise modeling,and construct a 16.7-Myr-long astronomical time scale(174.2 Ma to 190.9 Ma)based on cyclostratigraphy analysis of rock color datasets(CIE b*)of the Qaidam Basin.Our results document lake-level oscillations on a 5-to 10-million-year(Myr)scale which shows a pronounced correlation with long-term climate variation and extreme climatic events,and 1-to 2.5-Myr-scale lake-level changes that are prominently paced by the 2.4-Myr long-eccentricity forcing and the 1.2-Myr obliquity forcing.At the Pliensbachian Stage,the 1.2-Myr-scale lake-level changes are in phase with the coeval sealevel variations.Orbitally forced growth and decay of the ephemeral or permanent ice sheets in polar regions are interpreted to control the synchronous ups-and-downs of continental lake level and global sea level.However,during the Toarcian ice-free greenhouses to(super)greenhouses,the 1.2-Myr-scale lake-level variations show an anti-phase relationship with global sea level,indicating a‘seesaw’interaction between continental reservoirs(lakes and groundwater)and global oceans.The 2.4-Myr longeccentricity cycles mainly regulate variations of lake level and sea level by controlling the growth and decay of small-scale continental ice sheets,which is especially notable during the Pliensbachian Stage.These findings indicate a remarkable transition of hydrological cycling pattern during the Pliensbachian-Toarcian icehouses to(super)greenhouses,which provides new perspectives and evidence for investigating the hypothesis of global sea-level changes(e.g.,glacio-eustasy and aquifer-eustasy)and long-period astronomical forcing in nonmarine stratigraphy.展开更多
The gravity flow deposit were mainly developed in the lowstand systems tract(LST) of the first member of Upper Miocene Huangliu Formation(Ehl1) in Dongfang area, Yinggehai Basin, has become a valuable target for g...The gravity flow deposit were mainly developed in the lowstand systems tract(LST) of the first member of Upper Miocene Huangliu Formation(Ehl1) in Dongfang area, Yinggehai Basin, has become a valuable target for gas exploration and production. The gravity flow sedimentary characteristics of lithofacies associations, sedimentary texture, seismic facies and logging facies were described in detail on the basis of integrated analysis of cores, logging and seismic data. The sedimentary microfacies types composed of neritic sandbar, continental shelf mud, main channel, bifurcated or cross-cutting distributary channel, overspill, and natural levee are revealed under the constraint of high resolution sequence stratigraphic framework in the Ehl1. The gravity flow deposit system in the LST is divided into three evolution stages corresponding to periods of three parasequence sets. The gravity flow deposit was induced in the early LST, expanded rapidly in the middle LST and decreased slightly in the late LST. But its developing scale decreased sharply in the transgression systems tract(TST) and finally vanished in the highstand systems tract(HST). This spatial evolution rule is constrained by the integrated function of sediments supply of the Vietnam Blue River in the LST, the development of local gradient change in sea floor(micro-topography, i.e., flexure slope break), and the fall in relative sea level. On the basics of the deep study of the coupling relationship among the three main control factors, the sedimentary model is established as an optimal component of "source-channel-sink" for shallow marine turbidite submarine fan.展开更多
Overlapping gravity accumulation bodies were formed on the northwestern steep slope of the Shuangyang Formation in the Moliqing fault depression of northeast China.This study analyzed in detail the spatial distributio...Overlapping gravity accumulation bodies were formed on the northwestern steep slope of the Shuangyang Formation in the Moliqing fault depression of northeast China.This study analyzed in detail the spatial distribution of the lithofacies and lithofacies associations of these accumulation bodies based on more than 600 m of core sections,and summarized 12 major types of lithofacies and three types of lithofacies associations:(1) the proximal zone consists of gravelly debris flows dominated by alluvial channel conglomerates;(2) the middle zone is dominated by various gravity flow deposits and traction flow deposits;and(3) the distal zone is dominated by mudstones with intercalations of sandy debris and turbidites.Combining with the grain size cumulative probability curves analysis,we determined the transformation of debris flows to sandy debris flows and to turbidity currents in the slope zone of the basin margin,and further proposed a lacustrine slope apron model that is characterized by(1) an inconstant multiple source(line source),(2) an alternation of gravity flow deposits and traction flow deposits dominated by periodical changes in a source flood flow system,and(3) the transformation of sandy debris flow deposits into distal turbidity current deposits.This sedimentary model may be applicable to other fault depressions for predicting reservoir distribution.展开更多
The Dongfang1-1 gas field(DF1-1)in the Yinggehai Basin is currently the largest offshore self-developed gas field in China and is rich in oil and gas resources.The second member of the Pliocene Yinggehai Formation(YGH...The Dongfang1-1 gas field(DF1-1)in the Yinggehai Basin is currently the largest offshore self-developed gas field in China and is rich in oil and gas resources.The second member of the Pliocene Yinggehai Formation(YGHF)is the main gas-producing formation and is composed of various sedimentary types;however,a clear understanding of the sedimentary types and development patterns is lacking.Here,typical lithofacies,logging facies and seismic facies types and characteristics of the YGHF are identified based on high-precision 3D seismic data combined with drilling,logging,analysis and testing data.Based on 3D seismic interpretation and attribute analysis,the origin of high-amplitude reflections is clarified,and the main types and evolution characteristics of sedimentary facies are identified.Taking gas formation upper II(IIU)as an example,the plane distribution of the delta front and bottom current channel is determined;finally,a comprehensive sedimentary model of the YGHF second member is established.This second member is a shallowly buried“bright spot”gas reservoir with weak compaction.The velocity of sandstone is slightly lower than that of mudstone,and the reflection has medium amplitude when there is no gas.The velocity of sandstone decreases considerably after gas accumulation,resulting in an increase in the wave impedance difference and high-amplitude(bright spot)reflection between sandstone and mudstone;the range of high amplitudes is consistent with that of gas-bearing traps.The distribution of gas reservoirs is obviously controlled by dome-shaped diapir structural traps,and diapir faults are channels through which natural gas from underlying Miocene source rocks can enter traps.The study area is a delta front deposit developed on a shallow sea shelf.The lithologies of the reservoir are mainly composed of very fine sand and coarse silt,and a variety of sedimentary structural types reflect a shallow sea delta environment;upward thickening funnel type,strong toothed bell type and toothed funnel type logging facies are developed.In total,4 stages of delta front sand bodies(corresponding to progradational reflection seismic facies)derived from the Red River and Blue River in Vietnam have developed in the second member of the YGHF;these sand bodies are dated to 1.5 Ma and correspond to four gas formations.During sedimentation,many bottom current channels(corresponding to channel fill seismic facies)formed,which interacted with the superposed progradational reflections.When the provenance supply was strong in the northwest,the area was dominated by a large set of delta front deposits.In the period of relative sea level rise,surface bottom currents parallel to the coastline were dominant,and undercutting erosion was obvious,forming multistage superimposed erosion troughs.Three large bottom current channels that developed in the late sedimentary period of gas formation IIU are the most typical.展开更多
For black shales,laminae and bedding are hard to identify,grain size is difficult to measure,and trace fossils do not exist.Taking the Ordovician Wufeng–Silurian Longmaxi shale in southern Sichuan Basin,China,as an e...For black shales,laminae and bedding are hard to identify,grain size is difficult to measure,and trace fossils do not exist.Taking the Ordovician Wufeng–Silurian Longmaxi shale in southern Sichuan Basin,China,as an example,the types,characteristics and models of microfacies in epicontinental shale are analyzed by means of full-scale observation of large thin sections,argon-ion polishing field emission-scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM),and kerogen microscopy.The epicontinental sea develops delta,tidal flat and shelf facies,with black shale found in microfacies such as the underwater distributary channel and interdistributary bay under delta front facies,the calcareous and clayey flats under intertidal flat facies,the calcareous and clayey shelfs under shallow shelf facies,the deep slope,deep plain and deep depression under deep shelf facies,and the overflow under gravity flow facies.Basinward,silty lamina decreases and clayey lamina increases,the grain size changes from coarse silt to fine mud,the silica content increases from about 20%to above 55%,the carbonate and clay minerals content decreases from above 40%to around 10%,and the kerogen type changes from type II2 to type II1 and type I.Provenance and topography dominate the types and distribution of shale microfacies.The underwater distributary channel,interdistributary bay,clayey flat,clayey shelf,and overflow microfacies are developed in areas with sufficient sediment supply.The calcareous flat and calcareous shelf are developed in areas with insufficient sediment supply.The deep shelf shale area is divided into deep slope,deep plain,and deep depression microfacies as a result of three breaks.The formation of epicontinental shale with different microfacies is closely related to the tectonic setting,paleoclimate,and sea level rise.The relatively active tectonic setting increases the supply of terrigenous clasts,forming muddy water fine-grained sediment.The warm and humid paleoclimate is conducive to the enrichment of organic matter.The rapid sea level rise is helpful to the widespread black shale.展开更多
Uncertainties are common in the dating of paleoearthquakes.To improve the credibility of the dating of paleoearthquakes,analysis was done on fault activity,sedimentary environment and seismo-geomorphology to investiga...Uncertainties are common in the dating of paleoearthquakes.To improve the credibility of the dating of paleoearthquakes,analysis was done on fault activity,sedimentary environment and seismo-geomorphology to investigate paleoearthquakes along the Zemuhe active fault zone.Grouped trenches were excavated near Daqingliangzi,which revealed three palaeoearthquake events aged 160a,3100a and 5500a~8900a,respectively,including recurrence intervals of about 3000a.Sedimentary processes related to strike-slip fault type earthquakes were discussed,and a sedimentary model was put forward for strike-slip faults at hillsides where drumlin and reverse scarp developed.展开更多
The Upper Triassic Xujiahe (须家河) Formation in the Sichuan (四川) Basin, Southwest China is distinctive for the basin-scale sand deposition. This relatively rare sedimentary phenomenon has not been well interpre...The Upper Triassic Xujiahe (须家河) Formation in the Sichuan (四川) Basin, Southwest China is distinctive for the basin-scale sand deposition. This relatively rare sedimentary phenomenon has not been well interpreted. Here we addressed this issue by discussing sedimentary framework and conceptual model. Analysis of sedimentary setting implied that the basin received transgression during the deposition. It had multiple provenance supplies and river networks, as being surrounded by old- lands in multiple directions including the north, east and south. Thus, the basin was generally charac-terized by coastal and widely open and shallow lacustrine deposition during the Late Triassic Xujiahe period. This is similar to the modern well-known Poyang (鄱阳) Lake. Therefore, we investigated the framework and conceptual model of the Sichuan Basin during the Xujiahe period with an analogue to the Poyang Lake. Results show that the conceptual model of the deposition can be divided into transgressive and regressive stages. The first, third and fifth mem- bers of the formation are in transgressive stage and the deposits are dominated by shore and shallow lacustrine mud. In contrast, the deposition is mainly of braided river channel sand deposits during the regressive stage, mainly including the second, fourth and sixth members of the formation. The sand deposited in almost the entire basin because of the lateral migration and forward moving of the cross networks of the braided rivers. The multiple alternations of short and rapid transgression and relatively long regression are beneficial to the basin-scale sand deposition. Thus, the main channel of the braided river and its extensional areas are favorable for the development of hydrocarbon reservoir. This provides practical significance to the reservoir evaluation and exploration. In addition, the results also justify the relatively distinctive sedimentary phenomenon in the study area and may also have im- plications for understanding the large-scale sand deposition elsewhere.展开更多
As one of the most important source rocks and reservoirs of unconventional natural gas, the sedimentary environment and mode of peat swamp(the predecessor of coal seam) is important to the coal seam's spatial distr...As one of the most important source rocks and reservoirs of unconventional natural gas, the sedimentary environment and mode of peat swamp(the predecessor of coal seam) is important to the coal seam's spatial distribution, material composition, hydrocarbon generation potential, reservoir physical properties, etc. To reveal the depositional characteristics and history of environmental change in a terrestrial basin during a period of peat accumulation, the Middle Jurassic aged #7 coal from Gaoquan in the Qaidam Basin(NW China) was investigated using sedimentology, maceral composition, geochemistry and sequence stratigraphy. Based on identification of the sedimentary shoreline break belt, wave energy depletion point and position of wave base, the peat swamp system can be subdivided into(1) lakeside plain,(2) low energy lakeshore,(3) high energy lakeshore, and(4) shallow lake subfacies. A new method for determining coal facies is proposed based on the combination of environmental parameters including oxidation-reduction levels, energy conditions and the influence of terrigneous sediments. The evolution of the coal seam shows that peat was deposited mainly in the low energy lakeshore and lakeside plain subfacies. Five types of sequence stratigrpahic surface and two types of parasequence were identified. Forced lake regressions and normal lake regressions are attributed as the causes of sequence boundaries. The sequence stratigraphic framework comprises six sequences and corresponding system tracts, and the curve of base-level for each demonstrates a characteristic initial period of slow rising followed by fast rising and then returning to slow rising. A model indicating the relationship among base-level changes, coal facies evolution, and the environmental features in the swamp is proposed that shows the environmental features of the swamp were controlled by both base-level changes and coal facies. Accompanying depositional environment changes from a lakeside plain to lakeshore and shallow lake caused by increasing rate of base-level rise, water paleosalinity, acidity and the percentage of woody plants decrease, and the bog type alters from the low marsh to raised bog.展开更多
Organic reefs are favourabte accumulation spaces for hydrocarbons and various mineral resources. A complete Permian organic reef profile about 44 m thick with distribution area no more than 1 km2 is exposed near Lengw...Organic reefs are favourabte accumulation spaces for hydrocarbons and various mineral resources. A complete Permian organic reef profile about 44 m thick with distribution area no more than 1 km2 is exposed near Lengwu, Tongtu, Zhejiang Province. Examination of outcrops and thin sections revealed that the main reef-building organisms are catcisponges, with inozoans as dominant type. Five types of rocks have been recognized in the reef, and they are catcisponge framestone, catcisponge bafflestone, bindstone, rudstone and bioctastic wackestone. The profile was constructed in three reef-building stages. The thickness of the second stage is largest, followed by the first stage and the third stage is smallest. Each stage started with a frame-stone or bafflestone, ended as the reef grew near the sea-level, and died because of influx of terrigenous sediments. The development of the Lengwu reef is controlled by biological factors and sea-level changes. Based on the study a reef sedimentary model is established.展开更多
Understanding controls on river planform changes can help to build predictive models for distributive fluvial systems,and then guide the oil and gas exploration.To do this we have undertaken a detailed investigation o...Understanding controls on river planform changes can help to build predictive models for distributive fluvial systems,and then guide the oil and gas exploration.To do this we have undertaken a detailed investigation of the modern Great Halten River distributive fluvial system from the Sugan Lake Basin,Qinghai,China.Unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) photography,satellite remote sensing data and elemental analysis were used to determine differences in the sedimentary characteristics of the distributive fluvial system.From the apex to the toe,the changes in the slope,river morphology,sedimentary characteristics and element content in different regions were determined and three facies belts:“proximal”,“medial” and “distal” were identified.We found that the sedimentary structure and elemental content characteristics of each facies differ greatly.We compare the large-scale evolution of rivers from braided to meandering rivers,and the fine description of sedimentary characteristics in combination with each observation,we strengthen our overall understanding of the modern DFS from macro to micro scale.At the same time,we summarize the sedimentation model of the Great Halten River DFS,and our study provides a reference for establishing the sedimentary model in continental petroliferous basins.展开更多
Combined with the regional strata filling characteristics of Middle-Upper Cambrian,the present paper conducts a systematic research on sedimentary facies in the basin and its peripheral area by utilizing 164 field out...Combined with the regional strata filling characteristics of Middle-Upper Cambrian,the present paper conducts a systematic research on sedimentary facies in the basin and its peripheral area by utilizing 164 field outcrops and drilling and coring data.Further,the method of“multi-factor comprehensive synthesis based on single-factor analysis”was employed to investigate the sedimentary facies and palaeogeography of the study area and establish the sedimentary facies model.Stratigraphic reveals that the study area represents the pattern of thin-northwest and thicksoutheast by stretching northeast-southwest.Within the present basin,the pattern of“one thin and two thick”predominates,while outside the basin“four thin and three thick”filling feature was found.Sedimentary facies shows that the study area was featured by rimmed carbonate platform.Specifically,carbonate platform,slope and northeastern corner Qinling paleooceanic Basin and southeastern corner Jiangnan Bain was identified from the west to the east.The carbonate platform contains restricted platform,evaporation-restricted platform,semi-restricted platform and the platform margin.Single factor analysis and lithofacies palaeogeographic characteristics manifests that during Middle-Late Cambrian,the western Old land evolved into peneplain stage,and that the eastern and southwestern sub-sags remained connected to the open-sea to some extent.At the time,the shllow seawater circulation was relatively restricted,while the ancient seabed tended to be flat and evaporation characteristics significantly diminished.Secondary sea-level fluctuation intensively influenced the development of scaled grain beach.It is suggested that tide marginal beach,intraplatform shoal subfacies zone,along with Shiqian-SangZhi in southeast and Zhenba-Xinshan in northeast platform-margin beach subfacies zone to be preferable targets for the favorable reservoir facies zone and potential oil and gas reservoir area.展开更多
基金jointly supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China(No.41402095)the Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No.2014M550380)+1 种基金National Nature Science Foundation of China(No.U1262203)the Special Foundation of Postdoctoral Innovation Project of Shandong Province
文摘A large quantity of drilling core, paleontology, geochemistry and geophysics data revealed several features of the Jiyang subbasin during the deposition of the Ekl-ES4x members: (1) the paleotopography of the gentle slope belt had an extremely low gradient; (2) the paleoclimate frequently alternated between dry and wet periods in a generally arid setting; (3) there was strong weathering around the periphery of the basin; (4) the lake was very shallow; (5) the lake level frequently rose and fell; and (6) the sedimentary environment of the gentle slope belt was an over- flooding lake. All of these factors provided favorable geological conditions for the development of an over-flooding lake delta. The lithologies of the continental over-flooding lake delta deposits are complex and diverse. The compositional maturity is moderate to low, and the grain size distribution curves and sedimentary structures indicate the presence of both gravity and traction currents. The sedimentary microfacies associations consist of a combination of ordered superposition of flood channels, distributary channels and sheet sands. The delta exhibits a weak foreset seismic reflection. The over-flooding lake delta deposits are laterally extensive. The sandstone content is high, and the individual sandstone beds are thin. The flood channel and distributary channel deposits exhibit evidence of bifurcation and lateral migration. The distribution of the sandbodies and the oxidation color of the mudstones provide evidence of cyclic deposition. The paleoclimate was the dominant factor controlling the development of the over-flooding lake delta. Due to the frequently alternating wet and dry paleoclimates, the over-flooding lake delta is characterized by the development of a broad upper plain and a lower delta plain. The upper delta plain is characterized by flood channel deposits, whereas the lower delta plain is represented by distributary channel deposits. The transition zone is characterized by the interaction of flood channels and distributary channels. Due to fault activity, the sandbodies of the over-flooding lake delta were juxtaposed against hydrocarbon source rocks, which was favorable for the development of lithologic reservoirs or structural-lithologic reservoirs. The lower delta plain deposits comprise the most favorable reservoirs.
基金Sponsored by National Ninth Five Year Plan Science and Technology Project (970204-01-01).
文摘The largest Mesozoic northward transgression in Qangtang Basin of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau occurred during the Buqu Stage, Middle Jurassic. Mainly filled with carbonate rocks, the whole basin is composed of transgression-regression sedimentary cycle. Field outcrops and indoor analysis revealed 8 types of sedimentary facies markers in this region. 4 types of sedimentary facies have been recognized: platform facies, platform marginal facies, foreslope facies and basin facies. Influenced by the northern Lazhuglung-Jinshajiang suture zone, central uplift region and southern Bangongco-Nujiang suture zone, these facies belts extended east-west. The sedimentary model was established based on observed depositional features. From their biological features and sedimentary characteristics, it is suggested that the paleoclimate was warm and humid at that time. The Buqu Formation is a promising target for oil and gas exploration in Shuanghu-Duoyong area in future.
基金This paper is supported by the State Key Laboratory of Geo-logical Processes and Mineral Resources, Geo-detection Labo-ratory, Ministry of Education of China and by the program "Study on Depositional Facies in Daleel Field" (No. 40672078) between CNPC International Research Center, and China Uni-versity of Geosciences.
文摘The Upper Shuaiba Member (USH) is the main force pay bed in the Daleel field in northern Oman; 5 layers including A, B, C, D, and E were divided in profile, and layer D and layer E are the main beds. With the development of exploration in the Daleel oil field, studying the sedimentary systems about their inner composition and the collocation in dimension, and setting up the sedimentary models in the USH are becoming more and more necessary and important to meet the further exploration requirement. Based on the data of geology, seism, and paleo-biology, according to the analysis method on carbonatite depositional system, the litho-facies assemblage and sedimentary environment in the USH were studied. Intershoal low-lying sub-facies (where the water depth is 10-50 m) and shallow shoal sub-facies (where the water depth is not more than 10 m) were extinguished in the layer D, and storm deposit was found in layer El, in which intershoal low-lying sub-facies also developed. The feature of the sedimentary sub-facies and the sedimentary condition were analyzed, and the sedimentary model was set up in the article: the carbonatite intershoal low-lying developed under the background of open land in shallow sea, where storm events usually occurred in the Lower Cretaceous in the area.
文摘1 Sedimentary Characteristics of Paleo-salt Lake In early sedimentary stages of Shashi formation,because of drought climate and the concentration of lake,a set of salt strata of hundreds of meters is developed in the tension
文摘Very thick, fine-grained quartzose sandstone of the Lower Carboniferous (called the Donghe sandstone) was discovered in Donghe-1 well in the Tarim basin. Highly-productive commercial oil and gas flows were obtained when a well completion test was conducted. This important discovery proved that the quartzose sandstone is a prospecting target with good prospects. After that, other two paying oil and gas flows were found in the Lower Carboniferous in the Tazhong-4 and Tazhong-10 structures (Tazhong means central Tarim), equivalent to the Donghe sandstone. The Tazhong-4 structural oil field is the biggest oil field ever discovered. Therefore it is of guiding importance in oil and gas exploration to deepen the study of sedimentary and reservoir features and the sedimentary environment of the Donghe sandstone and to build a sedimentary model in order to understand the reservoir distribution pattern.
基金the Vazvan-Esfahan Payame Noor University for the laboratory and the financial facilities provided
文摘The Oligocene-Miocene Qom Formation has different depositional models in the Central han, Sanandaj-Sirjan and Urunlieh-Dokhtar inagmatic arc provinces in han. The Kahak section of the Qom Formation in the Uiumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc has been studied, in order to determinate its microfacies, depositional model and sequence stratigraphy. The textural analysis and faunal assemblages reveal ten microfacies. These microfacies are indicative of five depositional settings of open marine, patch reef, lagoon, tidal flat and beach of the inner and middle ramp. On the basis of the vertical succession architecture of depositional system tracts, four third-order sequences have been recognized in the Oligocene-Miocene Kahak succession of Qom Formation. Based on the correlation charts, the transgression of the Qom Sea started fiom the southeast and continued gradually towards the north. This resulted in widespread northward development of the lagoon paleoenvironment in the Aquitanian-Burdigalian stages. Also, the sequence stratigraphic model of the Oligocene Miocene Qom Formation has an architecture similar to those that have developed from Oligocene Miocene global sea level changes.
基金Supported by the China National Science and Technology Major Project(2016ZX05004002-001)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41602147)
文摘Taking the Cambrian Yuertus Formation outcrop profiles in the Aksu-Keping-Wushi areas of northwestern Tarim Basin as examples, the depositional environments of organic rich fine sediment were analyzed by examining the outcrop profiles macroscopically and microscopically. The study reveals that:(1) The lower part of the Yuertus Formation consists of organic-rich fine sediment or thin rhythmic interbeds of organic-rich fine sediment and siliceous sediment, the formation transforms to terrigenous diamictic grain shoal and inverse grading carbonate rocks upward.(2) The thin limestone interbedded with dark shale rhythmically has inverse grading.(3) The thin-bedded siliceous rock has metasomatic residual granular texture, stromatolithic structure and cementation fabric in vugs.(4) There are iron crust layers at the top of the shallowing diamictic grain shoal, beneath which exposed karst signs, such as karrens, dissolved fissures, sack-like vugs, near surface karst(plastic) breccia, breccia inside the karst system and terrigenous clastic fillings, can be seen.(5) Both the outcrops and seismic profiles show that organic-rich fine sediments above the unconformities or exposed surfaces are characterized by overlapping. The organic-rich fine sediment of the Cambrian Yuertus Formation was deposited in the anoxic-suboxidized restricted gulf lagoon environment, and its formation was controlled by high paleoproductivity and poor oxygen exchange jointly, then a shallow-water overlapping sedimentary model has been established. The results will help enrich and improve the sedimentary theory of organic-rich fine sediments.
基金Supported by the PetroChina-Southwest Petroleum University Innovation Consortium Technology Cooperation Project (2020CX010000)。
文摘Based on the comprehensive analysis of core, thin section, logging and seismic data, this study carried out the identification and comparison of Permian Changxing Formation sequences, clarified the typical sedimentary architectures of intra-platform shoal, investigated the vertical and horizontal development and distribution of intra-platform shoal in each sequence, and thus established the sedimentary evolution model of shoal body. The study results are reflected in four aspects.First, there are two complete third-order sequences(SQ1 and SQ2) in Changxing Formation in central Sichuan Basin. SQ1 is generally thick in the north and thin in the south, and SQ2 shows a thickness differentiation trend of “two thicknesses and three thinnesses”. Second, the Changxing Formation in central Sichuan Basin mainly develops intra-platform shoal, inter-shoal sea and intra-platform depression subfacies. In the vertical direction, the intra-platform shoal mainly presents two typical sedimentary sequences: stable superposed and high-frequency interbedded. Third, the stable superimposed sedimentary sequence is developed in the shoal belt at the edge of intra-platform depression, which is composed of two shoal-forming periods and located in the highstand systems tracts(HSTs) of SQ1 and SQ2. The high-frequency interbedded sedimentary sequence is developed in the southern shoal belt of intra-platform depression, which is composed of four shoal-forming periods and mainly located in the HST of SQ2. Fourth, during the SQ1 deposition, the intra-platform shoal was mainly developed at the edge of the intra-platform depression on the north side of the study area, and the inter-shoal sea subfacies was mainly developed on the south side. During the SQ2 deposition, the intra-platform shoal was widely developed in the area, forming two nearly parallel intra-platform shoal belts. The study results provide direction and ideas for exploration of Changxing Formation intra-platform shoal reservoirs in central Sichuan Basin.
文摘The architectural patterns of sedimentary succession are diverse in different depositionalbasins. The sedimentary architecture and geological condition of such basins asepicontinental sea, intraplate limnic basins, etc., differ cIearly from those of continentalmargin basin. Extension, complement and perfection of sequence stratigraphic models are needed in the studies of various depositional basins based on the classical sequence model. This paper, for this reason,expounds the thought, principles of sequence division, methodology and technology of the study of sequence stratigraphy in epicontinental and limnic basins.
基金This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41502108,42372206&41602123)the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Grant No.2016T90667)+1 种基金the China Scholarship Council Project(Grant No.201907770004)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Universities of Henan Province(Grant No.NSFRF220401).
文摘Lake-level changes can significantly affect paleoenvironmental evolution,resource occurrence,terrestrial carbon budget,and biodiversity in continental basins.Climate is one of the most critical factors controlling lake-level changes.Paleoclimate of the Early Jurassic has been evidenced by oscillating icehouses to(super)greenhouses with interrupted intermittent extreme climatic events(hyperthermal and cooling),e.g.,the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event(~183 Ma)and the late Pliensbachian cooling event(~185 Ma).Lake-level evolution and hydrologic cycling on Earth’s surface during the Early Jurassic icehouses-to-(super)greenhouses are thus far poorly understood due to a lack of continuous high-resolution nonmarine evidence.Here we present a super-long nonmarine lake level record for this pivotal interval from the early Pliensbachian to Toarcian by sedimentary noise modeling,and construct a 16.7-Myr-long astronomical time scale(174.2 Ma to 190.9 Ma)based on cyclostratigraphy analysis of rock color datasets(CIE b*)of the Qaidam Basin.Our results document lake-level oscillations on a 5-to 10-million-year(Myr)scale which shows a pronounced correlation with long-term climate variation and extreme climatic events,and 1-to 2.5-Myr-scale lake-level changes that are prominently paced by the 2.4-Myr long-eccentricity forcing and the 1.2-Myr obliquity forcing.At the Pliensbachian Stage,the 1.2-Myr-scale lake-level changes are in phase with the coeval sealevel variations.Orbitally forced growth and decay of the ephemeral or permanent ice sheets in polar regions are interpreted to control the synchronous ups-and-downs of continental lake level and global sea level.However,during the Toarcian ice-free greenhouses to(super)greenhouses,the 1.2-Myr-scale lake-level variations show an anti-phase relationship with global sea level,indicating a‘seesaw’interaction between continental reservoirs(lakes and groundwater)and global oceans.The 2.4-Myr longeccentricity cycles mainly regulate variations of lake level and sea level by controlling the growth and decay of small-scale continental ice sheets,which is especially notable during the Pliensbachian Stage.These findings indicate a remarkable transition of hydrological cycling pattern during the Pliensbachian-Toarcian icehouses to(super)greenhouses,which provides new perspectives and evidence for investigating the hypothesis of global sea-level changes(e.g.,glacio-eustasy and aquifer-eustasy)and long-period astronomical forcing in nonmarine stratigraphy.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (Nos. 41272122, 41202074, 41172123 and 40702023)the National Twelfth Five-Year Major Projects of Oil and Gas (No. 2011ZX05025-002-02-02)+1 种基金the Key Laboratory of Tectonics and Petroleum Resources (CUG)of Ministry of Education open issue (No. TPR-2013-08)the China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Teaching Labor atory open funded projects
文摘The gravity flow deposit were mainly developed in the lowstand systems tract(LST) of the first member of Upper Miocene Huangliu Formation(Ehl1) in Dongfang area, Yinggehai Basin, has become a valuable target for gas exploration and production. The gravity flow sedimentary characteristics of lithofacies associations, sedimentary texture, seismic facies and logging facies were described in detail on the basis of integrated analysis of cores, logging and seismic data. The sedimentary microfacies types composed of neritic sandbar, continental shelf mud, main channel, bifurcated or cross-cutting distributary channel, overspill, and natural levee are revealed under the constraint of high resolution sequence stratigraphic framework in the Ehl1. The gravity flow deposit system in the LST is divided into three evolution stages corresponding to periods of three parasequence sets. The gravity flow deposit was induced in the early LST, expanded rapidly in the middle LST and decreased slightly in the late LST. But its developing scale decreased sharply in the transgression systems tract(TST) and finally vanished in the highstand systems tract(HST). This spatial evolution rule is constrained by the integrated function of sediments supply of the Vietnam Blue River in the LST, the development of local gradient change in sea floor(micro-topography, i.e., flexure slope break), and the fall in relative sea level. On the basics of the deep study of the coupling relationship among the three main control factors, the sedimentary model is established as an optimal component of "source-channel-sink" for shallow marine turbidite submarine fan.
基金supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China(grant No.41502100)the Shandong Province Postdoctoral Innovation Project Special Fund(grant No.201306069)
文摘Overlapping gravity accumulation bodies were formed on the northwestern steep slope of the Shuangyang Formation in the Moliqing fault depression of northeast China.This study analyzed in detail the spatial distribution of the lithofacies and lithofacies associations of these accumulation bodies based on more than 600 m of core sections,and summarized 12 major types of lithofacies and three types of lithofacies associations:(1) the proximal zone consists of gravelly debris flows dominated by alluvial channel conglomerates;(2) the middle zone is dominated by various gravity flow deposits and traction flow deposits;and(3) the distal zone is dominated by mudstones with intercalations of sandy debris and turbidites.Combining with the grain size cumulative probability curves analysis,we determined the transformation of debris flows to sandy debris flows and to turbidity currents in the slope zone of the basin margin,and further proposed a lacustrine slope apron model that is characterized by(1) an inconstant multiple source(line source),(2) an alternation of gravity flow deposits and traction flow deposits dominated by periodical changes in a source flood flow system,and(3) the transformation of sandy debris flow deposits into distal turbidity current deposits.This sedimentary model may be applicable to other fault depressions for predicting reservoir distribution.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China’s Major Project“Research on Geophysical Theories and Methods of Unconventional Oil and Gas Exploration and Development”,Task I:“China’s Tight Oil and Gas Reservoir Geological Characteristics,Classification and Typical Geological Model Establishment”under contract No.41390451。
文摘The Dongfang1-1 gas field(DF1-1)in the Yinggehai Basin is currently the largest offshore self-developed gas field in China and is rich in oil and gas resources.The second member of the Pliocene Yinggehai Formation(YGHF)is the main gas-producing formation and is composed of various sedimentary types;however,a clear understanding of the sedimentary types and development patterns is lacking.Here,typical lithofacies,logging facies and seismic facies types and characteristics of the YGHF are identified based on high-precision 3D seismic data combined with drilling,logging,analysis and testing data.Based on 3D seismic interpretation and attribute analysis,the origin of high-amplitude reflections is clarified,and the main types and evolution characteristics of sedimentary facies are identified.Taking gas formation upper II(IIU)as an example,the plane distribution of the delta front and bottom current channel is determined;finally,a comprehensive sedimentary model of the YGHF second member is established.This second member is a shallowly buried“bright spot”gas reservoir with weak compaction.The velocity of sandstone is slightly lower than that of mudstone,and the reflection has medium amplitude when there is no gas.The velocity of sandstone decreases considerably after gas accumulation,resulting in an increase in the wave impedance difference and high-amplitude(bright spot)reflection between sandstone and mudstone;the range of high amplitudes is consistent with that of gas-bearing traps.The distribution of gas reservoirs is obviously controlled by dome-shaped diapir structural traps,and diapir faults are channels through which natural gas from underlying Miocene source rocks can enter traps.The study area is a delta front deposit developed on a shallow sea shelf.The lithologies of the reservoir are mainly composed of very fine sand and coarse silt,and a variety of sedimentary structural types reflect a shallow sea delta environment;upward thickening funnel type,strong toothed bell type and toothed funnel type logging facies are developed.In total,4 stages of delta front sand bodies(corresponding to progradational reflection seismic facies)derived from the Red River and Blue River in Vietnam have developed in the second member of the YGHF;these sand bodies are dated to 1.5 Ma and correspond to four gas formations.During sedimentation,many bottom current channels(corresponding to channel fill seismic facies)formed,which interacted with the superposed progradational reflections.When the provenance supply was strong in the northwest,the area was dominated by a large set of delta front deposits.In the period of relative sea level rise,surface bottom currents parallel to the coastline were dominant,and undercutting erosion was obvious,forming multistage superimposed erosion troughs.Three large bottom current channels that developed in the late sedimentary period of gas formation IIU are the most typical.
基金Supported by the"14th Five-Year Plan"Major Special Project of the Science and Technology Management Department of RIPED(2021DJ1901).
文摘For black shales,laminae and bedding are hard to identify,grain size is difficult to measure,and trace fossils do not exist.Taking the Ordovician Wufeng–Silurian Longmaxi shale in southern Sichuan Basin,China,as an example,the types,characteristics and models of microfacies in epicontinental shale are analyzed by means of full-scale observation of large thin sections,argon-ion polishing field emission-scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM),and kerogen microscopy.The epicontinental sea develops delta,tidal flat and shelf facies,with black shale found in microfacies such as the underwater distributary channel and interdistributary bay under delta front facies,the calcareous and clayey flats under intertidal flat facies,the calcareous and clayey shelfs under shallow shelf facies,the deep slope,deep plain and deep depression under deep shelf facies,and the overflow under gravity flow facies.Basinward,silty lamina decreases and clayey lamina increases,the grain size changes from coarse silt to fine mud,the silica content increases from about 20%to above 55%,the carbonate and clay minerals content decreases from above 40%to around 10%,and the kerogen type changes from type II2 to type II1 and type I.Provenance and topography dominate the types and distribution of shale microfacies.The underwater distributary channel,interdistributary bay,clayey flat,clayey shelf,and overflow microfacies are developed in areas with sufficient sediment supply.The calcareous flat and calcareous shelf are developed in areas with insufficient sediment supply.The deep shelf shale area is divided into deep slope,deep plain,and deep depression microfacies as a result of three breaks.The formation of epicontinental shale with different microfacies is closely related to the tectonic setting,paleoclimate,and sea level rise.The relatively active tectonic setting increases the supply of terrigenous clasts,forming muddy water fine-grained sediment.The warm and humid paleoclimate is conducive to the enrichment of organic matter.The rapid sea level rise is helpful to the widespread black shale.
基金funded by the National Key Technology R&D Program(2004CB418401)
文摘Uncertainties are common in the dating of paleoearthquakes.To improve the credibility of the dating of paleoearthquakes,analysis was done on fault activity,sedimentary environment and seismo-geomorphology to investigate paleoearthquakes along the Zemuhe active fault zone.Grouped trenches were excavated near Daqingliangzi,which revealed three palaeoearthquake events aged 160a,3100a and 5500a~8900a,respectively,including recurrence intervals of about 3000a.Sedimentary processes related to strike-slip fault type earthquakes were discussed,and a sedimentary model was put forward for strike-slip faults at hillsides where drumlin and reverse scarp developed.
基金supported by the Major State Basic Research Development Program(No.2012CB 214803)the China's National Science & Technology Special Project (No.2011ZX05004-005-03)+1 种基金the PetroChina Youth Innovation Foundation(No.2011D-5006-0105)the Key Subject Construction Project of Sichuan Province,China(No.SZD0414)
文摘The Upper Triassic Xujiahe (须家河) Formation in the Sichuan (四川) Basin, Southwest China is distinctive for the basin-scale sand deposition. This relatively rare sedimentary phenomenon has not been well interpreted. Here we addressed this issue by discussing sedimentary framework and conceptual model. Analysis of sedimentary setting implied that the basin received transgression during the deposition. It had multiple provenance supplies and river networks, as being surrounded by old- lands in multiple directions including the north, east and south. Thus, the basin was generally charac-terized by coastal and widely open and shallow lacustrine deposition during the Late Triassic Xujiahe period. This is similar to the modern well-known Poyang (鄱阳) Lake. Therefore, we investigated the framework and conceptual model of the Sichuan Basin during the Xujiahe period with an analogue to the Poyang Lake. Results show that the conceptual model of the deposition can be divided into transgressive and regressive stages. The first, third and fifth mem- bers of the formation are in transgressive stage and the deposits are dominated by shore and shallow lacustrine mud. In contrast, the deposition is mainly of braided river channel sand deposits during the regressive stage, mainly including the second, fourth and sixth members of the formation. The sand deposited in almost the entire basin because of the lateral migration and forward moving of the cross networks of the braided rivers. The multiple alternations of short and rapid transgression and relatively long regression are beneficial to the basin-scale sand deposition. Thus, the main channel of the braided river and its extensional areas are favorable for the development of hydrocarbon reservoir. This provides practical significance to the reservoir evaluation and exploration. In addition, the results also justify the relatively distinctive sedimentary phenomenon in the study area and may also have im- plications for understanding the large-scale sand deposition elsewhere.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41472131, 41772161)New Century Excellent Talents Fund of Chinese Ministry of Education (No. 2013102050020)
文摘As one of the most important source rocks and reservoirs of unconventional natural gas, the sedimentary environment and mode of peat swamp(the predecessor of coal seam) is important to the coal seam's spatial distribution, material composition, hydrocarbon generation potential, reservoir physical properties, etc. To reveal the depositional characteristics and history of environmental change in a terrestrial basin during a period of peat accumulation, the Middle Jurassic aged #7 coal from Gaoquan in the Qaidam Basin(NW China) was investigated using sedimentology, maceral composition, geochemistry and sequence stratigraphy. Based on identification of the sedimentary shoreline break belt, wave energy depletion point and position of wave base, the peat swamp system can be subdivided into(1) lakeside plain,(2) low energy lakeshore,(3) high energy lakeshore, and(4) shallow lake subfacies. A new method for determining coal facies is proposed based on the combination of environmental parameters including oxidation-reduction levels, energy conditions and the influence of terrigneous sediments. The evolution of the coal seam shows that peat was deposited mainly in the low energy lakeshore and lakeside plain subfacies. Five types of sequence stratigrpahic surface and two types of parasequence were identified. Forced lake regressions and normal lake regressions are attributed as the causes of sequence boundaries. The sequence stratigraphic framework comprises six sequences and corresponding system tracts, and the curve of base-level for each demonstrates a characteristic initial period of slow rising followed by fast rising and then returning to slow rising. A model indicating the relationship among base-level changes, coal facies evolution, and the environmental features in the swamp is proposed that shows the environmental features of the swamp were controlled by both base-level changes and coal facies. Accompanying depositional environment changes from a lakeside plain to lakeshore and shallow lake caused by increasing rate of base-level rise, water paleosalinity, acidity and the percentage of woody plants decrease, and the bog type alters from the low marsh to raised bog.
文摘Organic reefs are favourabte accumulation spaces for hydrocarbons and various mineral resources. A complete Permian organic reef profile about 44 m thick with distribution area no more than 1 km2 is exposed near Lengwu, Tongtu, Zhejiang Province. Examination of outcrops and thin sections revealed that the main reef-building organisms are catcisponges, with inozoans as dominant type. Five types of rocks have been recognized in the reef, and they are catcisponge framestone, catcisponge bafflestone, bindstone, rudstone and bioctastic wackestone. The profile was constructed in three reef-building stages. The thickness of the second stage is largest, followed by the first stage and the third stage is smallest. Each stage started with a frame-stone or bafflestone, ended as the reef grew near the sea-level, and died because of influx of terrigenous sediments. The development of the Lengwu reef is controlled by biological factors and sea-level changes. Based on the study a reef sedimentary model is established.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.41772094 and 42130813)。
文摘Understanding controls on river planform changes can help to build predictive models for distributive fluvial systems,and then guide the oil and gas exploration.To do this we have undertaken a detailed investigation of the modern Great Halten River distributive fluvial system from the Sugan Lake Basin,Qinghai,China.Unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) photography,satellite remote sensing data and elemental analysis were used to determine differences in the sedimentary characteristics of the distributive fluvial system.From the apex to the toe,the changes in the slope,river morphology,sedimentary characteristics and element content in different regions were determined and three facies belts:“proximal”,“medial” and “distal” were identified.We found that the sedimentary structure and elemental content characteristics of each facies differ greatly.We compare the large-scale evolution of rivers from braided to meandering rivers,and the fine description of sedimentary characteristics in combination with each observation,we strengthen our overall understanding of the modern DFS from macro to micro scale.At the same time,we summarize the sedimentation model of the Great Halten River DFS,and our study provides a reference for establishing the sedimentary model in continental petroliferous basins.
基金This research is from the projects for National Natural Science Foundation of China(41402126)major special projects for national science-technology of“twelfth five-year plan”(2011ZX05004-005-03)+1 种基金projects of CNPC science and innovation fund(2011D-5006-0105)joint funding results for scientific research innovation team construction plan of Sichuan provincial universities and colleges“natural gas geology”.
文摘Combined with the regional strata filling characteristics of Middle-Upper Cambrian,the present paper conducts a systematic research on sedimentary facies in the basin and its peripheral area by utilizing 164 field outcrops and drilling and coring data.Further,the method of“multi-factor comprehensive synthesis based on single-factor analysis”was employed to investigate the sedimentary facies and palaeogeography of the study area and establish the sedimentary facies model.Stratigraphic reveals that the study area represents the pattern of thin-northwest and thicksoutheast by stretching northeast-southwest.Within the present basin,the pattern of“one thin and two thick”predominates,while outside the basin“four thin and three thick”filling feature was found.Sedimentary facies shows that the study area was featured by rimmed carbonate platform.Specifically,carbonate platform,slope and northeastern corner Qinling paleooceanic Basin and southeastern corner Jiangnan Bain was identified from the west to the east.The carbonate platform contains restricted platform,evaporation-restricted platform,semi-restricted platform and the platform margin.Single factor analysis and lithofacies palaeogeographic characteristics manifests that during Middle-Late Cambrian,the western Old land evolved into peneplain stage,and that the eastern and southwestern sub-sags remained connected to the open-sea to some extent.At the time,the shllow seawater circulation was relatively restricted,while the ancient seabed tended to be flat and evaporation characteristics significantly diminished.Secondary sea-level fluctuation intensively influenced the development of scaled grain beach.It is suggested that tide marginal beach,intraplatform shoal subfacies zone,along with Shiqian-SangZhi in southeast and Zhenba-Xinshan in northeast platform-margin beach subfacies zone to be preferable targets for the favorable reservoir facies zone and potential oil and gas reservoir area.